Kim 2014
Kim 2014
Kim 2014
Jooha Kim1 , Haecheon Choi1,2, †, Hyungmin Park1 and Jung Yul Yoo1
1 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University,
Seoul 151-744, Korea
2 Institute of Advanced Machines and Design, Seoul National University, Korea
1. Introduction
The Magnus effect is a well-known phenomenon by which a spinning ball moving
through the air deflects in the direction of rotation (Magnus 1853). One can easily find
the Magnus effect in many sports, such the baseball, golf, tennis, cricket and soccer
(Mehta 1985). For example, in soccer, a ball spinning in the clockwise direction
curves away from its principal flight path to the right. Applications of this effect are
not limited to sports but include external ballistics (Swanson 1961), flying machines
(Seifert 2012), ship stabilization (Morisseau 1985) and the saltation of particles
(White & Schulz 1977). Moreover, the Magnus effect is exploited in a number of
natural designs (Wauthy et al. 1998; Dickinson, Lehmann & Sane 1999; Vogel 2013).
2. Experimental set-up
Figure 1(a) shows the schematic diagram of the present experimental set-up for
the force measurement. The experiment was conducted in a closed-type wind tunnel
(Göttingen type), whose test section is 0.9 m wide, 0.9 m high and 4 m long. The
maximum wind speed in the test section is 60 m s−1 and the uniformities of the
mean streamwise velocity and the turbulence intensity are both within 0.3 % at a
free-stream velocity of 18 m s−1 . The free-stream turbulence within 0.5 % is low and
has little effect on the flow over a sphere in the Reynolds number range investigated
in the present study (Son et al. 2010). The sphere with the diameter of 150 mm was
made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) resin. A small DC motor was installed
754 R2-2
Inverse Magnus effect on a rotating sphere: when and why
CCD camera y
Flow Flow
d x
DC motor
Power supply
F IGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up for (a) the force measurement
and (b) the DPIV measurement.
inside the sphere and rotated it about the vertical axis in the clockwise direction.
The vibration of the sphere due to the rotation was minimized (less than 2 % of the
sphere diameter) by preventing resonance in the system. The rotational speed of the
sphere was varied by adjusting the voltage applied to the motor and was measured
using a tachometer. The sphere with the motor was fixed to a supporter whose cross-
section was designed as an Eppler strut aerofoil to minimize interference caused by
the support. The drag and lift coefficients on a non-rotating sphere that are measured
with the present experimental set-up are in good agreement with previous results (not
shown here), ensuring negligible support interference on the forces measured.
The ranges of the Reynolds number and the spin ratio for the experiment were
Re = 0.6 × 105 –1.8 × 105 and α = 0 (no spin)–1.7, respectively. The three-dimensional
forces on the sphere were measured simultaneously by three force sensors (one CAS
BCL-3L and two AND LCB-03s) attached to the supporter. The calibration curve was
linear and the uncertainty of the force measurement was ±2.5 %. The output from
the force sensor was amplified and sampled for 60 s at a rate of 32 kHz to obtain
the fully converged mean force. The data from the measurement were transferred to
a computer through an A/D converter (NI PCI-6251), after which they were post-
processed. The measured forces were corrected by subtracting those of the isolated
supporter which were measured separately.
The velocity measurement was carried out in the same wind tunnel as was used
for the force measurement. This facility was equipped with a glass wall and a
transparent acrylic ceiling to provide the necessary optical access. As shown in
figure 1(b), the DPIV system consisted of a fog generator (SAFEX), an Nd:YAG
laser (New Wave) operating at 120 mJ, a CCD camera (Vieworks VH-4M) with a
2048 pixel × 2048 pixel resolution, and a timing hub (Integrated Design Tools). The
fog generator produced liquid droplets of approximately 1 µm in diameter, which
were introduced into the wind tunnel. A streamwise (x–y) centre plane parallel to the
mean flow and normal to the axis of rotation was illuminated from one side of the
test section with a thin laser light of 3 mm thickness using laser optics. The flow
field in the shaded area behind the sphere was obtained by measuring the velocity
fields while rotating the sphere in the counterclockwise direction. The camera used
had a 60 mm lens to provide a 160 mm × 160 mm field-of-view (FOV). The camera
754 R2-3
J. Kim, H. Choi, H. Park and J. Y. Yoo
was mounted on a three-dimensional traversing unit which allowed it to be moved
along the x and y directions. Eight FOVs were used to cover the velocity field of
−0.6 < x/d < 2.5 and −1 < y/d < 1. An iterative cross-correlation analysis was
conducted with an initial window size of 64 pixel × 64 pixel and with 32 × 32 final
interrogation windows. The interrogation window was overlapped by 50 %, leading
to a spatial resolution of 0.0086d. Spurious vectors were removed using a local
median filter that rejected vectors greater than three times the standard deviation of
a 3 × 3 window. Removed vectors were replaced by vectors resulting from a linear
interpolation in each direction from the surrounding 3 × 3 set of vectors.
F IGURE 2. Variations of the lift and drag coefficients with the spin ratio at Re = 0.6 ×
105 –1.8 × 105 . The lift coefficient is defined to be positive when the lift force is exerted
from the advancing to the retreating side (i.e. the Magnus effect occurs) and vice versa. It
should be noted that the eight circles on the left of the figure denote the cases investigated
in figure 4(a–d).
direction normal to the streamline and V is the local flow speed. Then, the pressure
is smaller on the advancing side than on the retreating side, resulting in negative
lift (figure 3a). With a further increase in the spin ratio, the separation angle on the
retreating side continuously increases, whereas that on the advancing side decreases,
resulting in an increase in CL (figure 3a). To understand these separation-point
movements according to the Reynolds number and the spin ratio, the instantaneous
velocity vector fields near the separation point are measured and shown together
with the normalized r.m.s. (root-mean-square) azimuthal velocity fluctuations in
figure 3(e–j). On the retreating side (figure 3e–g), the sphere surface rotates in the
same direction as the free stream and thus the momentum near the surface increases
with the spin ratio. With the increased near-wall momentum, the separation point on
the retreating side gradually moves downstream with the spin ratio (figure 3a). On
the other hand, on the advancing side, at α = 0.21 (figure 3h), the sphere surface
rotates against the free stream and thus the flow loses its momentum near the surface,
separating earlier than that on the retreating side. Therefore, the conventional Magnus
effect with positive lift coefficient occurs at this spin ratio (figure 3a). However, at
α = 0.28 (figure 3i), the flow on the advancing side initially separates but reattaches
due to the turbulence generation by the shear-layer instability. The reattached flow
with high momentum near the wall overcomes the strong adverse pressure gradient
formed on the rear sphere surface, resulting in a delay of the main separation.
This flow phenomenon is critical in the sense that the drag and lift forces rapidly
decrease. The formation of a secondary separation bubble, i.e. a closed-loop streamline
consisting of separation and reattachment, is a typical phenomenon for the critical
flow regime (Achenbach 1972; Choi et al. 2006, 2008; Son et al. 2011). With a
further increase in the spin ratio, i.e. at α = 0.60 (figure 3j), no secondary separation
bubble is observed on the advancing side because a turbulent boundary-layer flow is
formed without the formation of a separation bubble.
754 R2-5
J. Kim, H. Choi, H. Park and J. Y. Yoo
(a) (b) (c) (d)
CL 0.1
0 (e) (f) (g)
–0.2 (c)
130 (h) (i) ( j)
Inverse Lift Separation Normalized vorticity
90 Flow 40 20 0 –20 –40
–0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized azimuthal r.m.s. velocity
Separation 0 0.18 0.36
Turbulence generation by
the shear-layer instability
F IGURE 3. (a) Variations of the lift coefficient and separation angles on the retreating
(θret ) and advancing (θadv ) sides with the spin ratio at Re = 1.4 × 105 . Here, the separation
angle is defined as the angle between the stagnation point and the separation point.
(b–d) Time-averaged vorticity contours and streamlines at (b) α = 0.21, (c) 0.28 and
(d) 0.60. (e–j) Instantaneous velocity vectors and contours of the r.m.s. azimuthal velocity
fluctuations on the retreating (e–g) and advancing (h–j) sides for (e,h) α = 0.21, (f,i) 0.28
and (g,j) 0.60.
As mentioned previously, the drag coefficient starts to decrease at the same spin
ratio as that at which the lift coefficient falls off, but starts to increase at a higher
α than the lift coefficient (figure 2). To investigate why this occurs, we show the
variation of the time-averaged streamlines with the spin ratio at Re = 1.0 × 105 in
figure 4(a–d). As the spin ratio increases from 0 (no spin) to 0.34, the separation
delay occurs on the retreating side only, and the upper recirculation bubble inclines to
the lower sphere surface with its centre closer to the surface (figure 4b), decreasing
the pressure behind the sphere. Therefore, the drag coefficient increases at α = 0.34
with a positive lift force (figure 2). At α = 0.53, the separation on the advancing
side is delayed more in the downstream than on the retreating side, and the
754 R2-6
Inverse Magnus effect on a rotating sphere: when and why
0.5 0.5
0 0
–0.5 –0.5
–1.0 –1.0
–0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.5 0.5
0 0
–0.5 –0.5
–1.0 –1.0
–0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
F IGURE 4. Time-averaged streamlines with the spin ratio at Re = 1.0 × 105 : (a) α = 0
(no spin); (b) 0.34; (c) 0.53; (d) 0.80.
lower recirculation bubble moves closer to the surface (figure 4c). The shrinkage
of recirculation bubbles is noticeable owing to the separation delay on both the
retreating and the advancing sides, and thus the drag coefficient rapidly decreases
with a negative lift force (figure 2). With a further increase in the spin ratio to
α = 0.80, the flow on the retreating side fully attaches to the surface, whereas the
separation point on the advancing side moves upstream (figure 4d). Therefore, the lift
coefficient becomes positive again and the drag coefficient decreases more (figure 2)
in the absence of the recirculation bubble. At α > 0.80, the separation point on the
advancing side would move further upstream and thus both the drag and the lift
coefficients would increase. It should be noted that the wake is deflected upwards
with a negative lift force (figure 4c), whereas it is deflected downwards with a
positive lift force (figure 4b,d).
0.1 1.0 3
1.2 1.8
1.4 2 1.6
–0.1 1.6 1.4
–0.2 1.8
–0.3 0 1.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 105 106 107
0 –0.3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 –0.8 –0.4 0 0.4 0.8
F IGURE 5. (a) Separation angle on the retreating side (θret ) with the spin ratio, θret =
1.14α + 1.62 (solid line from best linear fit). (b) Separation angle on the advancing
side (θadv ) with the spin ratio. (c) Separation angle with the Reynolds number for a
non-rotating sphere (Achenbach 1972). Here, Reci and Recf denote the initial and final
Reynolds numbers for the critical flow regime, respectively. (d) Lift coefficient with the
spin ratio. Here, the triangles and rectangles denote the initial and final spin ratios for the
critical region on the advancing side. (e) Normalized effective Reynolds number (Re∗ =
Re∗adv /Re) with the spin ratio, Re∗ = exp(2.45α) (solid line from best exponential fit).
( f ) Separation angle on the advancing side (θadv ) with the effective Reynolds number,
θadv = −0.016/log(Re∗adv /Reci ) + 0.34 sin(2π log(Re∗adv )/1.89 + 2.66) + 2.25 (solid line from
best fit). (g) Region of the inverse Magnus effect (green) on the Re–α plane derived from
the condition θadv > θret . Here, symbols denote the Re–α values where the measured lift
coefficients were negative in the previous and present studies. (h) Lift coefficient as a
function of the difference between the separation angles θret and θadv , CL = 0.42(θret − θadv )
(solid line from best linear fit).
754 R2-8
Inverse Magnus effect on a rotating sphere: when and why
This implies that the spin ratio is the most important parameter to determine the
boundary-layer characteristics on the retreating side, irrespective of the Reynolds
number. On the other hand, the separation angle on the advancing side is a function
of both Re and α. The critical region for a non-rotating sphere is bounded by the
initial and final critical Reynolds numbers, Reci and Recf , respectively, as shown in
figure 5(c). The triangles in figure 5(d) denote the spin ratios at which sudden delay
of separation occurs; that is, the effective Reynolds numbers at these α values equal
Reci . The rectangles denote the spin ratios at which the separation bubble on the
advancing side disappears; that is, the effective Reynolds numbers at these α 0 s equal
Recf . Thus, we newly model the effective Reynolds number on the advancing side as
Re∗adv = Re f (α). (3.2)
To find f (α), we plot the normalized effective Reynolds number Re∗ = Re∗adv /Re
with the spin ratio (figure 5e). This normalized effective Reynolds number can be
fitted using the exponential function, Re∗ = Re∗adv /Re = exp(2.45α). Consequently, the
effective Reynolds number on the advancing side is expressed as a function of Re
and α, as follows:
Re∗adv = Re exp(2.45α). (3.3)
Using the results obtained, we plot θadv versus Re∗adv in figure 5(f ). The separation
angles from different Reynolds numbers collapse well into one curve (for Re∗adv > Reci ),
0.016 2π log(Re∗adv )
θadv = − + 0.34 sin + 2.66 + 2.25 (rad), (3.4)
log(Re∗adv /Reci ) 1.89
and θadv rapidly increases when the effective Reynolds number is within the critical
flow regime. The inverse Magnus effect occurs when the separation is delayed further
more on the advancing side than on the retreating side. Therefore, we plot the region
of the inverse Magnus effect on the Re–α plane from the modelled separation angles
on the retreating and advancing sides using the following condition:
Figure 5(g) shows the region of the inverse Magnus effect (green) on the Re–α
plane, derived from (3.1), (3.4) and (3.5), together with the previous and present
experimental results. As shown, the present model predicts the inverse Magnus
effect very well. It should be noted that the modelled region is valid when the
boundary-layer separation remains laminar on the retreating side (i.e. Re < Reci ).
Figure 5(h) shows the variation of the lift coefficient with the difference between
the separation angles on the retreating and advancing sides. The lift coefficients at
different Reynolds numbers and spin ratios collapse well into one line and increase
linearly with θret − θadv ,
CL = 0.42(θret − θadv ). (3.6)
This work was supported by the research programs 2011-0028032,
2014M3C1B1033980 of NRF, MSIP, Korea.
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