NCP: Patient With Peptic Ulcer Disease
NCP: Patient With Peptic Ulcer Disease
NCP: Patient With Peptic Ulcer Disease
Ineffective self- health management related to lack of knowledge of long term management of peptic ulcer disease and
Nursing diagnosis consequences of not following treatmen plan ; unwillingness to modify lifestyle as evidence of exacerbation of symptoms
Patient goal 1. Verbalizes understanding of the therapeutik regimen, including knowledge of disease , rationale for treatment plan, and
benefits for disease management
2. Verbalize as commitment to self-care and management of the disease
Intervention (NIC) Outcome (NOC)
Teaching : Disease Process Outcomes (NOC)
Review the patient’s knowledge about condition to Knowledge : Treatment regimen
determine if ineffective management is a knowledge problem Spesific disease process.......
Explain the pathophysiology of the disease and how it relates Rationale for treatment........
to anatomy and physiologi to foster understanding Self-care responsibilities for ongoing treatment.......
Dicuss therapy/treatment options Prescribed medication regimen......
Describe rationale behind management/therapy/treatment Measurement Scale
recommendations to faster understanding of the therapy 1= no knowledge
Discuss lifestyle changes that may be required to prevent 2= limited knowledge
future complications and /or control the disease process 3= moderate knowledge
Explore with patient what she or he has already done to 4= substansial knowledge
manage the symptoms to confirm the patient has the ability 5= Extensive knowledge
to manage the disease
Instruct patient on which signs and symptoms to report to Compliace Behavior
health care provider to ensure early the initiation of Performs treatment regimen as prescribed.....
treatment Modifies treatment regimen as directed by health professional......
Measurement Scale
Decision Making Support 1= never demonstrated
Determine whether there are differences between the 2= rarely demonstrated
patient’s view of own condition and the view of health care 3= sometimes demonstrated
providers to be able to establish common ground for disease 4= often demonstrated
management 5= consistently demonstrated
Help patient identify the advantages and disadvantages of
each alternative to promote decision making
Nausea related to acute exacerbaton of disease process as evidenced by episodes of nausea and/or vomiting (see NCP Nausea and
Nursing diagnosis vomiting )
Collaborative Problems
Potential Complications : hemorrhage secondary to eroded mucosal tissue
Nursing diagnosis