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CC442 NAQAA Form 12

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Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

College of Engineering & Technology

Computer Engineering Department

University/Academy: Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

Faculty/Institute: College of Engineering & Technology
Program: Computer Engineering

Form no. (12): Course Specification

1- Course Data
Course Code: Course Title: Academic Year/Level:
CC442 Digital Design and Introduction to Microprocessor 4th year / 7th semester
Specialization: No. of Instructional Units Lecture Practical
Computer 3 2 2
2- Course Aim
• To develop engineering skills in the design and analysis of digital logic circuits.
• Build on student background knowledge in issues related to digital computer and

3- Intended Learning Outcomes

a- Knowledge and Through knowledge and understanding, students will acquire:
Understanding a1. Concepts and theories of mathematics and sciences, appropriate to the
computer engineering.
a3. Methodologies of solving engineering problems, data collecon and
a5. Engineering principles in the fields of logic design, circuit analysis, machine
and assembly languages, computer organization and architectures, memory
hierarchy, advanced computer architectures, embedded systems, signal
processing, operating systems, real-time systems and reliability analysis.
• Define digital and analog concepts.
• Describe Logic levels and digital waveforms.
• List four types of numbering systems and explain their importance
• Describe the arithmetic operations with signed numbers
• Define Logic gates
• Describe AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gates
• Explain logic functions and their implementation.
• Explain The Boolean Algebra and logic rules
• Describe Combinational logic circuits
• Define the combinational logic as Boolean equations
• Explain the difference between half adder and full adder circuits.
• Defining three types of comparators
• Define the encoder and decoder circuits
• Define multiplexer and demultiplexer
• Differentiate between combinational logic and sequential logic
• Define memory elements
• Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous counters
• Describe shift registers and their operation in detail
• Define Microprocessors, peripherals, and their interfaces
b- Intellectual Through intellectual skills, students will be able to:
Skills b1. Select/Apply appropriate mathemacal and computer-based methods for
modeling and analyzing problems and select appropriate solutions for
engineering problems based on analytical thinking.
b2. Think in a creave and innovave way in problem solving and design using
the latest technologies and solve engineering problems, often on the basis of
limited and possibly contradicting information while identifying symptoms in
problematic situations.
b4. Assess and evaluate the characteriscs and performance of components,
systems and processes and investigate their failure.
b7. Integrate computer objects running on different system configurations.
• convert between different number systems
• Analyze the logic gates
• Analyze Boolean algebra problems
• Design Karnaugh maps.
• Analyze combinational circuits
• Analyze sequential circuits
• Analyze memories
c- Professional Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to:
Skills c2. Create and/or re-design a process, component or system, and carry out
specialized engineering designs with neatness and aesthetics in design and
c3. Use computaonal facilies and techniques, measuring instruments,
workshops and laboratory equipment, wide range of analytical tools,
techniques, and software packages pertaining to the computer engineering to
design experiments, collect, analyze and interpret results and develop required
computer programs.
c6. Exchange knowledge and skills with engineering community and industry.
• Perform arithmetic operations on signed numbers
• Differentiate between digital and analog circuits.
• Derive canonical SOP and POS Boolean expressions from a Truth Table.
• Writing Boolean expression for any combinational circuit
• Design of simple combinational circuits
• Design a logic circuit from a given Boolean expression
• Taking a hands-on approach to build digital circuits.
• Implementing sequential logic circuits
• Design a sequential circuit from a given state diagram
• Explain the basic operation of an Intel CPU and explain the basic architecture of
the Intel microprocessor.
d- General Skills Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to:
d1. Collaborate effecvely within muldisciplinary teams.
d2. Work in stressful environment and within constraints, communicate
effectively, lead and motivate individuals and effectively manage tasks, time,
and resources.
• Verify theory with practice
• Formulate logic expressions for real-life situations
• Verify theory with practice Exercise.
• Search for information and engage in life-long self-learning discipline
• Discuss and work in a group in order to study and present a case study of
computer system
4- Course Content
Week No.1 Introduction to Digital Concepts a5
Week No.2 Number Systems, Conversions, and Coding a1,a3,b1
Week No.3 Switching Functions and Logic Gates a3,b4,c3
Week No.4 Implementation of Logic Gates using Universal Gates a3,a5,b4,c3
Week No.5 Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification a3,b1,b2,b4,c3
Week No.6 Combinational Logic Analysis a3,a5,b1,b2,c3,d1

National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)

Week No.7 7th week Exam
Week No.8 Functions of Combinational Logic: Adders and Comparators a3,a5,b2,c2,d1
Week No.9 Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, and Demultiplexers a3,a5,c2,c3,c6
Week No.10 Introduction to sequential Circuits a3,a5,b1,b2,c3,c6
Week No.11 Latches, Flip Flops, and Timers a5,b4,b7
Week No.12 12th week Exam
Week No.13 Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters a3,a5,c3,c6,d1
Week No.14 Shift Registers a3,a5,c3,c6,d1,d2
Week No.15 Introduction to Microprocessors a5,b4,b7,c6,d1,d2
Week No.16 Presentation of projects and Final Exam.

5- Teaching and Learning Methods

Course Intended Teaching and Learning Method

learning outcomes
Presentation and



Problem solving

Brain storming


Site visits

Self learning



Computer Simulation

Practical Experiments

Knowledge & a1 X X X X
understanding a3 X X X X
a5 X X X X
Intellectual b1 X X X X
Skills b2 X X X X
b4 X X X X X
b7 X X X X X
Professional c2 X X X X X X
Skills c3 X X X X X
c6 X X X X X
General d1 X X X
Skills d2 X X X
• Lectures
• Tutorials
• Reports & sheets
• Laboratories
• Seminars

National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)

6-Teaching and Learning Methods for Students with Special Needs
• Lectures
• Tutorials
• Reports & sheets
• Laboratories
• Seminars
The academic advisors of each student, as well as dedicated department TAs monitor the students’ progress and
solve any problem he/she may encounter.

7- Student Assessment

7- Student Assessment

Course Intended Assessment Methods

learning outcomes
Written Exam

Oral Exam

Tutorial Assessment

Project Assessment

Simulation Assessment

Report Assessment

Quiz assessment

Presentation Assessment


Laboratory Test

Home Exam


Knowledge & a1 X
understanding a3 X X X
a5 X X X
Intellectual b1 X X X
Skills b2 X X X
b4 X X X X X
b7 X X X X X
Professional c2 X X X X X
Skills c3 X X X
c6 X X X
General d1 X X
Skills d2 X X
b- Schedule: Assessment 1 7 Week Written Exam
Assessment 2 12th Week Written Exam
Assessment 3 Continuous
Assessment 4 16 Week Final Written Exam
c- Weighing of 7 Week Examination 30 %
Assessment 12 Week Examination 20 %
Final-term Examination 40 %
Oral Examination 00 %
Practical Examination 00 %
Semester Work 10 %
Total 100%

National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)

8- List of References:
a- Course Notes
b- Required Books • Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall, latest edition.
c- Recommended • Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall, latest edition.
Books • M. Mano, “Digital Design”, Prentice Hall, latest edition.
• John F. Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall, latest edition.

d- Periodicals,
Web Sites, etc.

National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)

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