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MBM Competency Frameworks Soft Skills DAS 14-06-16

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Competency Framework

Category Management

Category Management is having the ability to increase sales & profit by identifying & landing category opportunities that
ideally are beneficial for the ‘3 legged stool’; Shopper, Supermarket, and Supplier. The 7 essential qualities of Category
Level General Meaning Management are: (A) Understand the Category Shopper, (B) Identifying category opportunities, (C) Maximising availability
whilst minimising waste, (D) Easy to shop range & right products in the right stores, (E) Promotional Plan with an ROI, (F)
Innovation that works, and (G) Landing opportunities.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Category Management are happening regularly.
4 Fully delivering
For example, the Learner (F) has examples of innovation that have added value to the category, and (G) exceeds the
average industry landing rate of 27% of recommendations landed.

5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Category Management are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) is able to identify the gaps between how the shopper segments versus the fixture, and (E) is
able to show the return on investment from an annual promotional plan.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Category Management are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) can analyse data & then present insights & recommendations, and (C) understands substitution
from a shopper perspective so that availability & waste are managed accordingly.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Category Management are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) understands the shopper, who they are, why they shop & how to increase sales.

Category opportunities identified and landed badly

No essential qualities of Category Management are being demonstrated: (A) Understand the Category Shopper, (B)
0 Not delivering
Identifying category opportunities, (C) Maximising availability whilst minimising waste, (D) Easy to shop range & right
products in the right stores, (E) Promotional Plan with an ROI, (F) Innovation that works, and (G) Landing opportunities.

Identify more category insights & land them: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/category-management-training-course-outline/

Competency Framework
Communication Skills

Communication Skills is having the ability to convey information to others so that messages are understood and
outcomes delivered. The 7 essential qualities of Communication Skills are: (A) Understanding the needs of others, (B)
Level General Meaning
Clearly communicating messages, (C) Adapting communication style, (D) Using a range of communication methods,(E)
Building an influential network, (F) Awareness of personal impact, and (G) Assertively dealing with conflict.

7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Communication Skills are happening regularly.
4 Fully delivering
For example, the Learner (F) is Self aware, manages emotions & respects others, and (G) Confidently facilitates
challenging situations where participants hold different views and want different outcomes.

5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Communication Skills are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) Determines whether face to face or electronic communication will deliver the desired
outcome, and (E) Seeks to grow their network and extend their influence.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Communication Skills are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) can Articulate their perspective so it is easy to understand, and (C) Adapts their communication
style according to the people involved and the situation.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Communication Skills are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) is Asking open questions and listening to gather insight into other perspectives.

Communicates the way they have always communicated

No essential qualities of Communication skills are being demonstrated: (A) Understanding the needs of others, (B)
0 Not delivering
Clearly communicating messages, (C) Adapting communication style, (D) Using a range of communication methods, (E)
Building an influential network, (F) Awareness of personal impact, (G) Assertively dealing with conflict.

Communicate so that people listen and understand: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/communication-skills-training/

Competency Framework
Conflict Management

Conflict Management is having the ability to limit the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of
conflict to improve performance. The 7 essential qualities of Conflict Management are: (A) Demonstrating positive
Level General Meaning personal impact & confidence, (B) Understanding different conflict handling modes, (C) Using a range of conflict handling
styles, (D) Understanding organisational politics, (E) Understanding a range of perspectives, (F) Achieving a desired
outcome for the majority, and (G) Encouraging positive conflict and debate.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Conflict Management are happening regularly.
4 Fully delivering
For example, the Learner (F) employs strategies which seek consensus & engagement, and (G) encourages the sharing of
different ideas and approaches to positively challenge the status quo.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Conflict Management are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) behaves with openess and integrity when challenged by organisational politics, and (E) actively
listens to gather insight into all impacted perspectives.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Conflict Management are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) can identify and evaluate 5 conflict handling modes, and (C) adapts communication style
depending upon the people involved and the situation.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Conflict Management are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) is managing emotions and communicating assertively.
Avoids conflict most times
No essential qualities of Conflict Management are being demonstrated: (A) Demonstrating positive personal impact &
0 Not delivering confidence, (B) Understanding different conflict handling modes, (C) Using a range of conflict handling styles, (D)
Understanding organisational politics, (E) Understanding a range of perspectives, (F) Achieving a desired outcome for the
majority, and (G) Encouraging positive conflict and debate.
Manage your conflict much better: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/conflict-management-training/
Competency Framework
Delegation is having the ability to take a conscious choice to give somebody the responsibility and the authority to carry
out a piece of your work, while you retain the overall accountability. The 7 essential qualities of delegation are: (A)
Level General Meaning Knowing the difference between delegation & abdication, (B) Understanding the benefits of delegation, (C) Recognising
that giving responsibility means giving trust, (D) Identifying the authority a person needs, (E), Agreeing the what, the when
& the why of delegating, (F) Allowing freedom to develop the how, and (G) Reviewing progress & providing feedback.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Delegation are happening regularly. For example,
4 Fully delivering
the Learner is (F) allowing those being delegated to the freedom to choose how they will go about the activity, and (G)
reviews progress at agreed points along the way, giving balanced feedback about performance.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Delegation are happening regularly. For example,
delivery the Learner (D) is able to give the individual the level of authority they need to perform a task, and (E) articulates what
needs to be achieved, when it needs to be completed by and why the work needs to be carried out.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Delegation are happening regularly. For example,
2 Some delivery
the Learner (B) understands the benefits of a piece of delegation to all parties, and (C) recognises that to give the
responsibility to receive the benefits, trust is required.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Delegation are happening, but irregularly. For
example, the Learner (A) knows that delegation doesn’t look the same as abdication when it is being carried out.

Rarely delegates effectively, if at all

No essential qualities of Delegation are being demonstrated: (A) Knowing the difference between delegation &
0 Not delivering abdication, (B) Understanding the benefits of delegation, (C) Recognising that giving responsibility means giving trust, (D)
Identifying the authority a person needs, (E), Agreeing the what, the when & the why of delegating, (F) Allowing freedom
to develop the how, and (G) Reviewing progress & providing feedback.
Be clear about what you want: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/people-management-course/
Competency Framework
Giving Feedback
Giving Feedback is having the ability to catch people getting things right, and almost right. Feedback can be both
motivational and developmental. The 7 essential qualities of Giving Feedback are: (A) Seeing the value of feedback for
Level General Meaning both people & their performance, (B) Demonstrating balance over time to both praise and motivate, (C) Giving feedback
about observed behaviour, (D) Using specific examples to support observations, (E) Giving timely feedback (F) Stating the
effect of the behaviour identified, and (G) Being able to clearly state an expectation of behavioural change.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Feedback are happening regularly. For example, the
4 Fully delivering
Learner is (F) stating the effect of the individual’s behaviour (whether positive or negative), and (G) can give a clear
expectation of what they want the person to change when this is required.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Feedback are happening regularly. For example, the
delivery Learner (D) gives examples that are specific enough to support the person’s ability to change, or to enable them to
repeat the behaviour again, and (E) ensures that feedback is timely and delivered as close to the behaviour as possible.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Feedback are happening regularly. For example, the
2 Some delivery
Learner (B) has a balanced approach to feedback – offering both praise and improvement, and (C) gives feedback that has
been observed and is to do with what can be changed – behaviour.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Feedback are happening, but irregularly. For
example, the Learner (A) sees there is value in giving feedback to others.

Offers no feedback, or does so without skill

No essential qualities of Giving Feedback are being demonstrated: (A) Seeing the value of feedback for both people &
0 Not delivering their performance, (B) Demonstrating balance over time to both praise and motivate, (C) Giving feedback about
observed behaviour, (D) Using specific examples to support observations, (E) Giving timely feedback (F) Stating the effect
of the behaviour identified, and (G) Being able to clearly state an expectation of behavioural change.
Give feedback effectively: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/people-management-course/
Competency Framework
HBDI – Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
Using the HBDI model is having the ability to understand yourself &others better, and to use that knowledge to perform
better. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument is a system to measure and describe thinking preferences in people.
Level General Meaning The 7 essential qualities of using the HBDI model are: (A) Appreciation of others, (B) Improved decision making, (C)
Effective communication, (D) Better audience engagement , (E) Effective feedback, (F) Enhanced problem solving, and (G)
Improved innovation skills.

7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

The Learner is is able to demonstrate 7 of the essential qualities of using the HBDI model are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) has enhanced problem solving that considers wider implications and solutions, and (G)
improved innovation through increased pace of idea generation, validation & execution.

5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of using the HBDI model are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) has better audience engagement through better consideration of expectations & needs, and (E)
feedback is improved though clear delivery, that better resonates with the recipient.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of using the HBDI model are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) has improved decision making because they better consider the perspectives of others, and (C)
effective communication because they can articulate their perspective so it is more easily understood.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of using the HBDI model are happening, but
delivering irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) has appreciation of others though greater understanding of their own & others
thinking preferences.
Little or no understanding of themselves, or others
No essential qualities of using the HBDI model are being demonstrated: (A) Appreciation of others, (B) Improved
0 Not delivering
decision making, (C) Effective communication, (D) Better audience engagement , (E) Effective feedback, (F) Enhanced
problem solving, and (G) Improved innovation skills.
Understanding yourself and others much more: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/course-resources/hbdi-understanding-better-others-better/
Competency Framework
Influencing Skills

Influencing Skills is having the ability to get people to do something, to go along with, or support one’s own agenda,
without relying on formal authority. The 7 essential qualities of Influencing Skills are: (A) Understanding influencing styles,
Level General Meaning (B) Adapting their style appropriately, (C) Positive & assertive personal impact, (D) Achieving outcomes beneficial to the
majority, (E) Understanding others' perspectives, (F) Providing clarity in ambiguous situations, and (G) Information
gathering within a large & diverse network.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Influencing Skills are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) asks the right questions to achieve clarity, and (G) networks effectively to find out information
that is useful.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Influencing Skills are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) works towards delivering group outcomes before individual outcomes, and (E) puts themselves
in the other person‘s shoes to understand the why.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Influencing Skills are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) understand their style & how they can adapt it to be more effective in certain situations, and
(C) how to increase their personal impact.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Influencing Skills are happening, but irregularly.
For example, the Learner (A) understands the 5 different main types of influencing styles.
Influences on a basic level achieving a little
No essential qualities of Influencing Skills are being demonstrated: (A) Understanding influencing styles, (B) Adapting their
0 Not delivering style appropriately, (C) Positive & assertive personal impact, (D) Achieving outcomes beneficial to the majority, (E)
Understanding others' perspectives, (F) Providing clarity in ambiguous situations, and (G) Information gathering within a
large and diverse network.
Get more people to do what you need done: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/influencing-skills-training/
Competency Framework

Leadership is having the ability to inspire others to follow you because they trust you to deliver the best outcome for
them and the business. The 7 essential qualities of Leadership are: (A) Understands how personality impacts
Level General Meaning
performance, (B) Challenges the status quo, (C) Inspires others, (D) Creates a vision, (E) Motivates others to continually
improve, (F) Exerts positive influence, and (G) Manages ambiguity & change.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Leadership are happening regularly. For example,
4 Fully delivering
the Learner (F) Builds an extensive and influential network inside and outside the company, and (G) Provides direction
and confident decision-making when there is ambiguity and rapid change.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Leadership are happening regularly. For example,
delivery the Learner (D) Creates & communicates the vision of a transformational future, and (E) Uses a range of motivational
strategies tailored to each member of the team.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Leadership are happening regularly. For example,
2 Some delivery
the Learner (B) Challenges current thinking to develop future strategies, and (C) Inspires trust in others by role
modelling positive values and confident behaviours.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Leadership are happening, but irregularly. For
example, the Learner (A) Understands their own & others’ psychological type and how that impacts upon performance.

A people manager more than a leader

No essential qualities of Leadership are being demonstrated: (A) Understands how personality impacts performance, (B)
0 Not delivering
Challenges the status quo, (C) Inspires others, (D) Creates a vision, (E) Motivates others to continually improve, (F)
Exerts positive influence, and (G) Manages ambiguity & change.

Lead your team to over achieve their targets: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/leadership-training/

Competency Framework
Learning Skills

Learning Skills is having the ability to know how to, and to practice the ability of learning quickly, learning more, and
converting that learning into behavioural change. The 7 essential qualities of Learning Skills are: (A) Understand how to
Level General Meaning remember more, (B) Understand & use their learning style, (C) Fully engage their line manager, (D) Identify SMART
individual learning objectives, (E) Engage in training courses, (F) Repeat learnings to form habits, and (G) Share their
learnings with others.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities Learning Skills are happening regularly. For example,
4 Fully delivering
the Learner (F) completes all their sticky pieces & comprehensively, and (G) shares their learnings within 24 hours of
learning & meets with their Learning Buddy regularly.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities Learning Skills are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) identifies SMART individual learning objectives, and (E) engages on the training days with
questions, and a desire to solve their challenges.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities Learning Skills are happening regularly. For example,
2 Some delivery
the Learner (B) has understood & knows how to use their learning style to achieve their wants, and (C) fully engages
their line manager throughout their learning journey.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Learning Skills are happening, but irregularly.
For example the Learner (A) is able to articulate & apply the forgetting curve, use of mnemonics, keepers/mind maps, etc.
Pays lip service to learning
No essential qualities of Learning Skills are being demonstrated: (A) Understand how to remember more, (B)
0 Not delivering
Understand & use their learning style, (C) Fully engage their line manager, (D) Identify SMART individual learning
objectives, (E) Engage in training courses, (F) Repeat learnings to form habits, and (G) Share their learnings with others.

Help your Learners to learn much more: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/learning-to-learn-training-course-outline/

Competency Framework
Negotiation Skills

Negotiating Skills is having the ability to know that it is more than just discussing just price and involves influencing and
persuading the other party by trading variables to achieve a win: win. The 7 essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are:
Level General Meaning
(A) Preparing in a structured way, (B) Able to explore the arena, (C) Know your opponent, (D) Finding common ground,
(E) Having confidence, (F) Being persuasive, and (G) Seeking clarity.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) understands many ways of how to be persuasive, and (G) seeks clarity using closed questions &
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) understands the importance of common ground & how to find it, and (E) has learnt & uses
tools for improving their confidence.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) knows how to explore the arena using open questions, and (C) uses tools to know their

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) has an effective method of preparing for a negotiation.

Negotiates not knowing whether it is right, wrong, or indifferent

No essential qualities of Negotiation Skills are being demonstrated: (A) Preparing in a structured way, (B) Able to explore
0 Not delivering
the arena, (C) Know your opponent, (D) Finding common ground, (E) Having confidence, (F) Being persuasive, and (G)
Seeking clarity.

Increase your profits by negotiating better: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/negotiation-skills-training-course-outline/

Competency Framework
Networking is having the ability to create a trusted and useful group. It can be one of the greatest assets in business. It
doesn’t replace talent, but the person who networks has a far greater chance of that talent being recognised and
Level General Meaning remembered. The 7 essential qualities of Networking are: (A) Recognising current networks, (B) Identifying potential new
networks, (C) Knowing your stakeholders, (D) Making small promises & keeping to them, (E) Being curious by asking
open questions, (F) Offering own support proactively, (G) Delivering a short ‘elevator speech’ to make you memorable.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Networking are happening regularly. For example,
4 Fully delivering
the Learner (F) offers own expertise and support to others before being asked, and (G) has formulated a short
statement that raises the chances of them being remembered once met.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Networking are happening regularly. For example,
delivery the Learner (D) agrees to do small things that have a value for others, and (E) shows a genuine curiosity for
understanding others and building rapport with them by asking really skilful open questions.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Networking are happening regularly. For example,
2 Some delivery
the Learner (B) looks outwards at new networks that might support their learnin,g and (C) can list their stakeholders
and identify their current needs and pressures.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Networking are happening, but irregularly. For
example, the Learner (A) can identify their current networks, and the value that all parties get from them.

Does not network

No essential qualities of Networking are being demonstrated: (A) Recognising current networks, (B) Identifying potential
0 Not delivering
new networks, (C) Knowing your stakeholders, (D) Making small promises & keeping to them, (E) Being curious by asking
open questions, (F) Offering own support proactively, (G) Delivering a short ‘elevator speech’ to make you memorable.

Network to achieve your goals: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/executive-coaching-from-uk-grocery-industry-coaches/

Competency Framework
People Management

People Management is having the ability to continuously improve team performance and enable individuals to maximise
their contribution to the business. The 7 essential qualities of People Management are: (A) Giving & receiving
Level General Meaning performance enhancing feedback, (B) Setting clear performance expectations, (C) Conducting challenging performance
conversations, (D) Coaching individuals toward improved performance, (E) Delegating tasks, (F) Motivating others, and
(G) Adapting leadership style.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of People Management are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) understands the different ways of motivating individuals in the team, and (G) adapts their own
leadership style according to individual levels of competence & commitment to the task.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of People Management are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) is coaching individuals to overcome challenges, identify solutions & make decsions, and (E)
identifying appropriate responsibilities to delegate to whom & when.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of People Management are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) is regularly developing SMART performance objectives with the team, and (C) has conversations
to understand why objectives, or performance requirements, are not being met
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of People Management are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) is providing others with, & asking others for, positive & developmental feedback.
A functional people manager
No essential qualities of People Management are being demonstrated: (A) Giving & receiving performance enhancing
0 Not delivering feedback, (B) Setting clear performance expectations, (C) Conducting challenging performance conversations, (D)
Coaching individuals toward improved performance, (E) Delegating tasks, (F) Motivating others, and (G) Adapting
leadership style.
Get the most from your people: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/people-management-course/
Competency Framework
Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills is having the ability to confidently deliver an engaging message to a group of people which achieves the
objectives. The 7 essential qualities of Presentation Skills are: (A) Thorough preparation of content, (B) Structuring
Level General Meaning
content logically, (C) Managing nerves, (D) Engaging your audience, (E) Delivering presentation objectives, (F) Positively
influencing the audience, and (G) Responding to audience needs.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Presentation Skills are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) influences the audience to change behaviour, or to agree to recommendations, and (G)
responds to audience questions & challenges competently.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Presentation Skills are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) is engaging the audience with anecdotes & use of open questions, and (E) meeting audience
needs through achievement of relevant presentation objectives.

3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly

The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Presentation Skills are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) can start & end the presentation with impact and use the ‘Power of 3’ within the main body, and
(C) recognises the impact of nerves on the quality of delivery & uses learnt tools to manage them.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Presentation Skills are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) is focussing on the ‘Why’, ’Who’, ‘What’, and ‘How’ elements of preparation.

Little, or no, engagement when presenting

No essential qualities of Presentation Skills are being demonstrated: (A) Thorough preparation of content, (B) Structuring
0 Not delivering
content logically, (C) Managing nerves, (D) Engaging your audience, (E) Delivering presentation objectives, (F) Positively
influencing the audience, and (G) Responding to audience needs.
Engage your audience much better: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/presentation-skills-training/
Competency Framework
Self Confidence
Self confidence is having the ability to believe in yourself, and being comfortable in your own skin. It is also about being
able to act confident before you feel it. The 7 essential qualities of Self Confidence are: (A) Identifying what erodes self-
Level General Meaning confidence, (B) Understanding the link between belief & behaviour, (C) Identifying where negative beliefs come from &
how to over-write them, (D) Recognising the difference between positive & negative self-talk, (E) Using affirmations, (F)
Visualising effective performance, (G) Stating one’s skills and achievements with pride and conviction.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Self Confidence are happening regularly. For
4 Fully delivering
example, the Learner (F) uses visualisation techniques to achieve a more effective result and (G) can talk about their
skills and achievements with conviction.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Self Confidence are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) knows when they are talking to themselves positively or negatively, and (E) has at least one
affirmation they use to create an instant demonstration of confidence when needed.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Self Confidence are happening regularly. For
2 Some delivery
example, the Learner (B) sees that what they believe about themselves shows in what they do and say (behaviour), and
(C) recognise that they hold certain beliefs that serve them well, and others that don’t and can be over-written.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Self Confidence are happening, but irregularly.
For example, the Learner (A) can identify what erodes their self-confidence & overcome those issues.

Shows little self confidence

No essential qualities of Self Confidence are being demonstrated: (A) Identifying what erodes self- confidence, (B)
0 Not delivering Understanding the link between belief & behaviour, (C) Identifying where negative beliefs come from & how to over-write
them, (D) Recognising the difference between positive & negative self-talk, (E) Using affirmations, (F) Visualising effective
performance, (G) Stating one’s skills and achievements with pride and conviction.
Feel more confident: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/executive-coaching-from-uk-grocery-industry-coaches/
Competency Framework

Teamwork is about a group of people that deliver more value & more quickly than a group of individuals. The 7 essential
Level General Meaning qualities of Teamwork are: (A) Having a common purpose, (B) Crystal clear roles, (C) Accepted leadership, (D) Effective
processes, (E) Trustworthy relationships, (F) Excellent communication, and (G) Feeding back to each other.

7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

4 Fully delivering The Group is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Teamwork are happening regularly. For example,
the Group (F) has communicates very well to each other day-to-day, and (G) feeds back to each other regularly.

5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly

High level of The Group is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Teamwork are happening regularly. For example, the
delivery Group (D) has structure on what is to be done that is effective, and (E) the relationships across all members of the group
are trusting.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
The group is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Teamwork are happening regularly. For example, the
2 Some delivery
Group has (B) roles for each person that have clarity for everyone, and (C) the group accept the leader & temporary
leaders might run projects/other pieces of work.

Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly

Early stages of
1 The Group is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Teamwork are happening, but irregularly. For
example, the Group (A) has a common purpose that they are all bought into delivering and dependant upon each other.

Described more as a group than as a team

No essential qualities of Teamwork are being demonstrated: (A) Having a common purpose, (B) Crystal clear roles, (C)
0 Not delivering
Accepted leadership, (D) Effective processes, (E) Solid relationships, (F) Excellent communication, and (G) Feeding back to
each other.

Achieve more as a team with our Team Building product: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/team-building-training-course-outline/

Competency Framework
Time Management

Time Management is having the ability to get things done effectively and efficiently, which means the right things done at
the right time, with the appropriate amount of time spent on them. The 7 essential qualities of Time Management are: (A)
Level General Meaning Identifying & understanding why the Learner is on the payroll, (B) Using a Project List, (C) Writing a plan each day, (D)
Focusing on one task until it is complete, (E) Not putting off tasks that need to be done, (F) Managing emails effectively,
and (G) Having a Time Management system of the 7 Gateways.
7 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
The Learner is is able to demonstrate that 7 of the essential qualities of Time Management Skills are happening regularly.
4 Fully delivering
For example, the Learner (F) uses the 4D tool to manage emails effectively & has the supporting infrastructure, and (G) is
constantly evolving their time management system to be better.
5 of the essential qualities are being demonstrated regularly
High level of The Learner is able to demonstrate that 5 of the essential qualities of Time Management are happening regularly. For
delivery example, the Learner (D) is disciplined to focus on each task until it is done, not multi-tasking, and (E) understands why
they procrastinate & how to overcome it.
3 of the essential qualities being demonstrated regularly
2 Some delivery The Learner is able to demonstrate that 3 of the essential qualities of Time Management are happening regularly. For
example, the Learner (B) has created & uses a project list, and (C) writes a list of tasks each day for the day ahead.
Some essential qualities being demonstrated irregularly
Early stages of
1 The Learner is able to demonstrate that some of the essential qualities of Time Management are happening, but
irregularly. For example, the Learner (A) is able to share their SMART KPI’s and KRA’s.
Reactive to what happens each day
No essential qualities of Time Management being demonstrated: (A) Identifying & understanding why the Learner is on
0 Not delivering the payroll, (B) Using a Project List, (C) Writing a plan each day, (D) Focusing on one task until it is complete, (E) Not
putting off tasks that need to be done, (F) Managing emails effectively, and (G) Constantly evolving their time management
Deliver more work that delivers your KPI’s: http://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/training-courses/time-management-training-course-outline/

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