From The Odyssey, Part Two: Coming Home: Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald
From The Odyssey, Part Two: Coming Home: Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald
From The Odyssey, Part Two: Coming Home: Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald
______ 1. When Odysseus returns home, Athena advises him to disguise himself as a —
A swineherd
B soothsayer
C beggar
D soldier
______ 4. The old hound Argos knows that Odysseus has returned because the dog —
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______ 5. Penelope proposes that her suitors perform a difficult task. They have to —
A kill Polyphemus
B string Odysseus’s bow
C pull Odysseus’s sword from a stone
D build a new palace for her
______ 6. To enlist the aid of the swineherd and cowherd in his battle with the suitors, Odysseus —
F explains that Athena has willed their participation
G offers them wives, cattle, and houses
H tells them that it is their duty to help him
J plays on their affection for Penelope
______ 9. To stop Odysseus from killing all the suitors, Eurymachus does everything but —
A blame everything on Antinous
B offer to repay Odysseus
C ask for a fair fight with Odysseus
D admit that Odysseus’s anger is just
______ 12. In Part Two of the Odyssey, Odysseus exhibits the traits of an epic hero by —
F stringing the bow
G having the swineherd executed
H sparing Antinous’s life
J asking Penelope to prove her identity
______ 13. The Odyssey includes all of the following themes except —
A loyalty to family and friends
B the importance of truth
C overcoming obstacles
D the relationship between humans and gods
Answer Key
Frank feels free to act on his feelings of Vocabulary Development
prejudice and bar the family from his 15. g 20. a
16. h 21. c
Arthur is a lone voice for fairness.
17. j 22. f
Biographical influence: The theme of the
play indicates that Rose believed in 18. e 23. i
integration. 19. b 24. d
The conflict shows that Rose was against Constructed Response
Arthur’s lone voice against the neighbor- 25. Students’ responses will vary. A sample
hood plan is Rose’s voice rising against response follows:
prejudice. Circe reveals that Scylla takes six men
Rose used his play to point out an from every ship that passes her. Also,
important social issue in the United States Teiresias and Circe prophesize that the crew
in 1956. will die if they raid the cattle of Helios and
that Odysseus will return to Ithaca alone.
Collection 10 Given the Greek view of fate, Odysseus
may believe that losing six men to Scylla is
Collection 10 Diagnostic Test inevitable and, more logically, that telling
Literature, Informational Text, them so would cause panic. It could also be
Vocabulary, page 233 argued that Odysseus, always a clever
1. B 6. J strategist, realizes that he needs his crew’s
labor more than they need his leadership. If
2. F 7. A
Odysseus is right about his crew’s attitude,
3. D 8. G his decision is certainly pragmatic, if not
4. G 9. C morally sound. If he had not withheld
5. A 10. H information, the fate of his crew would not
have changed, but he would have joined
from the Odyssey, Part One: them at the bottom of the ocean, never to
Answer Key
Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Development
15. h 20. j 6. defers
16. b 21. g 7. emaciated
17. i 22. f 8. emulate
18. a 23. e 9. annihilate
19. d 24. c 10. advocate
Constructed Response
25. Students’ responses will vary. A sample The Fenris Wolf
response follows: retold by Olivia Coolidge
The only character in these passages who Selection Test, page 245
is heroic in the classical sense of the word is Comprehension
Odysseus. Telemachus shows signs of
1. D 6. J
heroism, but he is really in the shadow of
his father. In a modern sense, Penelope 2. G 7. D
shows considerable heroism. She manages 3. D 8. G
to keep the suitors at bay for some time, 4. G 9. A
although it is not clear just how long they 5. C 10. G
have been at the palace. Her fidelity to her
Literary Focus
husband for the twenty years that
Odysseus is away shows some heroism. 11. B 13. D
Also, her testing of Odysseus by telling the 12. G 14. F
servant to move the bed—in order to make Constructed Response
sure that the gods are not playing a trick on
15. Students’ responses will vary. A sample
her—shows some of the characteristics of
response follows:
heroism. Certainly, the ruse demonstrates
that she can match wits with Odysseus. Scandinavian culture viewed good and
evil differently than other cultures.
Where I Find My Heroes Scandinavians regarded evil as a potential
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.