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QTAddins Guide

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HP QuickTest Professional

Software Version: 10.00

Add-ins Guide

Manufacturing Part Number: T6513-90042

Document Release Date: January 2009
Software Release Date: January 2009
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Table of Contents

Welcome to This Guide .......................................................................15

How This Guide Is Organized .............................................................15
Who Should Read This Guide .............................................................16
QuickTest Professional Online Documentation .................................17
Additional Online Resources...............................................................19

Chapter 1: Working with QuickTest Add-ins ......................................23
About Working with QuickTest Add-Ins.............................................24
Loading QuickTest Add-ins .................................................................28
The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Overview ..........................36
Tips for Working with QuickTest Add-ins ..........................................41
Chapter 2: Testing Windows-Based Applications...............................43
About Testing Windows-Based Applications ......................................43
Setting Windows Applications Record and Run Options ...................45
Defining Record and Run Variables for a Windows-Based
Environment ...................................................................................59
Setting Windows Application Testing Options ..................................61
Setting Advanced Windows Applications Options.............................65
Chapter 3: Testing Web-Based Applications ......................................75
About Testing Web-Based Applications ..............................................75
Setting Web Record and Run Options ................................................76
Defining Record and Run Variables for a Web Environment.............81
Setting Web Testing Options ..............................................................82
Defining Web Settings for Your Test...................................................98
Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area ............................100
Viewing Web Settings for Your Business Component......................102
Web Event Recording Configurations ..............................................103

Table of Contents


Chapter 4: Using Standard Windows Testing Support ....................109
About Standard Windows Testing Support.......................................110

P A R T I I I: T H E A C T IV E X A D D - I N
Chapter 5: Using the ActiveX Add-in................................................115
About the ActiveX Add-in .................................................................115
Considerations for Working with the ActiveX Add-in .....................117


Chapter 6: Using the Delphi Add-in .................................................121
About the Delphi Add-in...................................................................122
Enabling Communications Between QuickTest Professional and
Your Delphi Application...............................................................124

P A R T V : T H E JA V A A D D - I N
Chapter 7: Using the Java Add-in......................................................129
About the Java Add-in .......................................................................130
Considerations for Working with the Java Add-in ...........................131
Understanding Java Add-in Dependencies and Conflicts ................133
Chapter 8: Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects .................135
Defining Java Testing Options ..........................................................136
Defining Java Settings for Individual Tests and Components..........146
Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests .............................152
Defining Application Details Environment Variables for Tests........158
Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run Settings
Dialog Box Tabs ............................................................................159
Recording Tests and Components on Java Objects ..........................159
Chapter 9: Using Advanced Java Test Object Methods....................171
Creating Objects in Your Applet or Application (Advanced) ...........171
Working with Static Members...........................................................172
Firing Java Events ..............................................................................173

Table of Contents

Chapter 10: Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and

Applications ..................................................................................175
Identifying and Solving Common Problems ....................................176
Checking Java Environment Variables Settings................................178
Locating the Java Console.................................................................179
Running an Application or Applet with the Same Settings..............182
Running the Java Add-in on Multiple Environments ......................182
Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced) ................184


Chapter 11: Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications..................189
About .NET Windows Forms Testing Support ..................................190
Considerations for Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications ......191
Checking .NET Windows Forms Objects and Outputting
Values ............................................................................................192
Using the .NET Windows Forms Spy ................................................195
Chapter 12: Using the Windows Presentation Foundation
About the WPF Add-in ......................................................................208
Considerations for Working with the WPF Add-in ..........................209
About WPF User Interface Automation.............................................210
Checking WPF Objects and Outputting Values................................211
Using WPF Objects, Methods, and Properties to Enhance Your
Test or Component .......................................................................212
Chapter 13: Testing .NET Web Forms Applications .........................215
About Testing .NET Web Forms Applications...................................216
Considerations for Testing .NET Web Forms Applications ..............217
Checking .NET Web Forms Objects and Outputting Values ............218


Chapter 14: Using the Oracle Add-in................................................221
About the Oracle Add-in ...................................................................222
Considerations for Working with the Oracle Add-in .......................223
Verifying Whether the Oracle Server Supplies Unique Name
Attributes ...........................................................................................225
Enabling the Oracle Name Attribute.................................................225

Table of Contents

Chapter 15: Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications ..............227

Identifying and Solving Common Problems ....................................228
Checking Oracle Environment Settings............................................229
Locating the Java Console.................................................................229
Understanding Dynamic Transformation Support...........................230
Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced) ................231
Chapter 16: Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications ...235
About Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications ............235
Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle Tests ..........................236
Creating Steps on Oracle Applications..............................................242


Chapter 17: Using the PeopleSoft Add-in ........................................247
About the PeopleSoft Add-in.............................................................248
Considerations for Working with the PeopleSoft Add-in.................249


Chapter 18: Using the PowerBuilder Add-in ...................................253
About the PowerBuilder Add-in ........................................................254
Considerations for Working with the PowerBuilder Add-In ............255

P A R T X : T H E A D D -I N F O R S A P SO L U T I O N S
Chapter 19: Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows
Environment .................................................................................259
About Setting Up Your SAP Windows Environment ........................260
Installing SAP GUI Scripting Support ...............................................261
Checking Package and Patch Versions Installed on the SAP
Application Server.........................................................................262
Checking the Patch Version Installed on your SAP GUI for
Windows Application ...................................................................267
Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Server-Side) .................268
Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Client-Side) .................273
Setting F4 Help to Use Dialog Display Mode ....................................276
Setting F1 Help to Use Modal Dialog Box Mode...............................278
Checking the Connection Speed on the SAP Server.........................279

Table of Contents

Chapter 20: Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI
for Windows Applications.............................................................281
About the Add-in for SAP solutions ..................................................282
Considerations for Working with the Add-in for SAP solutions ......284
Understanding QuickTest and the SAP GUI Scripting API ...............286
Setting Record and Run Settings for SAP GUI for Windows
Configuring Testing Options for SAP GUI for Windows
Applications ..................................................................................294
Understanding Low-Level or Analog Mode Recording on
SAP GUI for Windows...................................................................307
Using Standard Windows Recording Capabilities ............................308
Understanding QuickTest-eCATT Integration ..................................309
Configuring eCATT to Work with QuickTest ...................................312
Working with eCATT in Standalone Mode.......................................314
Working with eCATT in Integrated Mode ........................................339
Chapter 21: Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test..............................357
Considerations for Enhancing SAP Windows Tests..........................357
Checking SAP Windows Objects and Outputting Values.................358
Outputting SAP Windows Property and Table Cell Values ..............364
Chapter 22: Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test
or Component...............................................................................375
Working with SAP Windows Test Objects ........................................375
Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Your SAP GUI
for Windows Application..............................................................390
Chapter 23: Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP
Applications ..................................................................................393
About the Add-in for SAP solutions ..................................................394
Recording Tests on Web-based SAP Applications .............................397
Chapter 24: Enhancing Your SAP Web Test .....................................403
Checking SAP Web Objects and Outputting Values.........................403
Chapter 25: Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test
or Component...............................................................................407
Working with SAP Web Test Objects ................................................407

Table of Contents

P A R T X I : T H E S IE B E L A D D -I N
Chapter 26: Using the Siebel Add-in ................................................419
About the Siebel Add-In ....................................................................420
Considerations for Working with the Siebel Add-in ........................422
Setting Up Your Siebel 7.7.x or Later Environment..........................423
Chapter 27: Creating and Running Tests and Components
on Siebel Objects ..........................................................................427
Understanding the Siebel Test Object Model ...................................428
Setting Siebel Record and Run Options ............................................430
Setting Siebel Application Options for Components .......................436
Using Environment Variables to Specify Record and Run
or Applications Settings ....................................................................436
Recording Steps on Siebel Objects ....................................................438
Information for Users of Earlier Versions of the
QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in ...........................................439
Chapter 28: Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component .................441
Considerations for Checking Siebel Objects .....................................441
Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Siebel 7.0.x and
7.5.x Applications .........................................................................443
Spooling Data from a Siebel Table ....................................................444
Chapter 29: Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel
Test Express...................................................................................447
About Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel
Test Express ...................................................................................447
Siebel Test Express System Requirements and Supported
Environments ...............................................................................448
Using Siebel Test Express to Create an Object Repository ................449
Using Siebel Test Express to Update an Existing Object
Repository ....................................................................................457

P A R T X I I : T H E S T I N G R A Y A D D - IN
Chapter 30: Using the Stingray Add-in.............................................465
About the Stingray Add-in ................................................................466
Considerations for Working with the Stingray Add-in ....................467
Setting Up Stingray Object Support ..................................................468
Testing Stingray Applications ...........................................................482

Table of Contents


Chapter 31: Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in ............................493
About the Terminal Emulator Add-in ...............................................494
Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard .......................495
Copying Existing Configurations......................................................510
Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest ...............512
Chapter 32: Testing Terminal Emulator Applications ......................519
About Testing Terminal Emulator Applications ...............................521
Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings ....................................522
Validating your Terminal Emulator Configuration ..........................524
Understanding the Test Object Model ..............................................528
Identifying Test Object Classes for Terminal Emulators...................529
Understanding Terminal Emulator Recovery Scenarios ...................533
Recording Tests and Components on Terminal Emulator
Applications ..................................................................................534
Chapter 33: Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and
Working with Checkpoints and Output Values ...............................537
Synchronizing the Run Session.........................................................538
Identifying Test Object Classes and Icons ........................................543
Chapter 34: Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration
Settings .........................................................................................545
Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments
Dialog Box.....................................................................................546
Understanding the Configuration Adjustment Options ..................551

P A R T X I V : T H E V IS U A L B A S I C A D D - I N
Chapter 35: Using the Visual Basic Add-in........................................563
About the Visual Basic Add-in...........................................................564


Chapter 36: Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in ..........................569
About the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in..............................................570
Configuring the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in....................................572

Table of Contents

P A R T X V I : T H E W E B A D D - IN
Chapter 37: Using the Web Add-in...................................................577
About the Web Add-in ......................................................................579
Considerations for Working with the Web Add-in ..........................580
Working with Web Browsers.............................................................581
Checking Web Pages .........................................................................587
Checking Web Content Accessibility................................................599
Accessing Password-Protected Resources in the Active Screen .........603
Activating Methods Associated with a Web Object..........................609
Using Programmatic Descriptions for the WebElement Object .......610
Controlling How QuickTest Recognizes Web Table Elements
(Advanced) ....................................................................................611
Registering Browser Controls ............................................................613
Chapter 38: Configuring Web Event Recording for Web
Objects ..........................................................................................615
About Configuring Web Event Recording ........................................616
Selecting a Predefined Event Recording Configuration....................618
Customizing the Web Event Recording Configuration....................620
Recording Right Mouse Button Clicks ..............................................630
Saving and Loading Custom Event Configuration Files...................634
Resetting Event Recording Configuration Settings...........................636

P A R T X V I I : T H E W E B S E R V I C E S A D D - IN
Chapter 39: Using the Web Services Add-in.....................................641
About the Web Services Add-in.........................................................643
Considerations for Working with the Web Services Add-in.............644
Understanding the Web Service Testing Wizard ..............................646
Checking that Your WSDL Meets WS-I Standards............................664
Adding WebService Test Objects to the Object Repository ..............668
Specifying the Web Services Toolkit .................................................673
Setting Web Services Test Options ...................................................674
Defining Web Service Test or Component Settings..........................677
Working with Web Service Operations.............................................678
Working with Business Process Testing ............................................683
Analyzing the Results of a Web Service Test.....................................684
Introduction to HP Service Test and HP Service Test
Management .................................................................................687

Table of Contents

Chapter 40: Working with XML Data ...............................................689

About Working with XML Data ........................................................689
Checking XML...................................................................................690
Outputting XML Values ....................................................................692
Working with XML Structures ..........................................................693
Parameterizing XML Values ..............................................................703
Working with XML Data Operations................................................705

P A R T X V I I I : A P P E N D IX
Appendix A: Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In .....................................................................................709
Supported Checkpoints .....................................................................710
Supported Output Values ..................................................................712
Index ..................................................................................................715

Table of Contents

Welcome to This Guide

Welcome to the HP QuickTest Professional Add-ins Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ How This Guide Is Organized on page 15
➤ Who Should Read This Guide on page 16
➤ QuickTest Professional Online Documentation on page 17
➤ Additional Online Resources on page 19

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide explains how to set up support for, and work with, the
QuickTest Professional add-ins and standard Windows testing support,
enabling you to test any supported environment using
QuickTest Professional tests and components. The guide begins with an
introductory section that describes working with QuickTest Professional
add-ins, and specific aspects of working with Windows-based and
Web-based add-ins. After this overview section, and the section on standard
Windows testing support, the add-ins are presented alphabetically.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with QuickTest features and
options. It describes the functionality that is added or changes in QuickTest
when you work with specific QuickTest add-ins as well as other
add-in-specific considerations and best practices.

This guide should be used in conjunction with the HP QuickTest Professional

User Guide or HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide,
and the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Welcome to This Guide

The information, examples, and screen captures in this guide often focus
specifically on working with QuickTest tests. However, much of the
information applies equally to business components and scripted
components. Information that is unique to using a specific
QuickTest Professional add-in with Business Process Testing is indicated as

Note: Business components and scripted components are part of

HP Business Process Testing, which utilizes a keyword-driven methodology
for testing applications. For more information, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

For users that work with QuickTest add-in extensibility, QuickTest also
provides developer guides that describe how to extend QuickTest support
for third-party and custom controls for supported environments, such as
Delphi, Java, .NET, or Web. For more information on where to find the
developer guides, see the section on the relevant add-in.

Who Should Read This Guide

This guide is intended for QuickTest Professional users at all levels. You
should already have some understanding of functional testing concepts and
processes, and know which aspects of their application you want to test.

In addition, because each QuickTest add-in takes advantage of commonly

used QuickTest features such as the object repository, Keyword View, and
checkpoints and output value steps, you should also have at least a basic
understanding of these concepts before you begin working with a QuickTest

Welcome to This Guide

QuickTest Professional Online Documentation

QuickTest Professional includes the following online documentation:

Readme provides the latest news and information about QuickTest. Select
Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > Readme.

HP QuickTest Professional Installation Guide explains how to install and set

up QuickTest. Select Help > Printer-Friendly Documentation > HP QuickTest
Professional Installation Guide.

HP QuickTest Professional Tutorial teaches you basic QuickTest skills and

shows you how to design tests for your applications. Select Help > QuickTest
Professional Tutorial.

Product Feature Movies provide an overview and step-by-step instructions

describing how to use selected QuickTest features. Select Help > Product
Feature Movies.

Printer-Friendly Documentation displays the complete documentation set in

Adobe portable document format (PDF). Online books can be viewed and
printed using Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Web
site (http://www.adobe.com). Select Help > Printer-Friendly Documentation.

QuickTest Professional Help includes:

➤ What’s New in QuickTest Professional describes the newest features,

enhancements, and supported environments in the latest version of
➤ HP QuickTest Professional User Guide describes how to use QuickTest to
test your application.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide
provides step-by-step instructions for using QuickTest to create and
manage assets for use with Business Process Testing.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Add-ins Guide describes how to work with
supported environments using QuickTest add-ins, and provides
environment-specific information for each add-in.

Welcome to This Guide

➤ HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference describes QuickTest

test objects, lists the methods and properties associated with each object,
and provides syntax information and examples for each method and
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Advanced References contains documentation
for the following QuickTest COM and XML references:
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Automation Object Model provides syntax,
descriptive information, and examples for the automation objects,
methods, and properties. It also contains a detailed overview to help
you get started writing QuickTest automation scripts. The automation
object model assists you in automating test management, by providing
objects, methods and properties that enable you to control virtually
every QuickTest feature and capability.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Test Results Schema documents the test
results XML schema, which provides the information you need to
customize your test results.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Test Object Schema documents the test
object XML schema, which provides the information you need to
extend test object support in different environments.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Object Repository Schema documents the
object repository XML schema, which provides the information you
need to edit an object repository file that was exported to XML.
➤ HP QuickTest Professional Object Repository Automation documents
the Object Repository automation object model, which provides the
information you need to manipulate QuickTest object repositories and
their contents from outside of QuickTest.
➤ VBScript Reference contains Microsoft VBScript documentation,
including VBScript, Script Runtime, and Windows Script Host.
To access the QuickTest Professional Help, select Help > QuickTest
Professional Help. You can also access the QuickTest Professional Help by
clicking in selected QuickTest windows and dialog boxes and pressing F1.
Additionally, you can view a description, syntax, and examples for a
QuickTest test object, method, or property by placing the cursor on it and
pressing F1.

Welcome to This Guide

Additional Online Resources

Mercury Tours sample Web site is the basis for many examples in this guide.
The URL for this Web site is newtours.demoaut.com.

The HP Software Web site provides you with the most up-to-date
information on HP Software products. This includes new software releases,
seminars and trade shows, customer support, and more. The URL for this
Web site is www.hp.com/go/software.

The following additional online resources are available from the

QuickTest Professional Help menu:

Troubleshooting & Knowledge Base accesses the Troubleshooting page on

the HP Software Support Web site where you can search the Self-solve
knowledge base. Choose Help > Troubleshooting & Knowledge Base. The
URL for this Web site is http://h20230.www2.hp.com/troubleshooting.jsp.

HP Software Support accesses the HP Software Support Web site. This site
enables you to browse the Self-solve knowledge base. You can also post to
and search user discussion forums, submit support requests, download
patches and updated documentation, and more. Choose Help > HP Software
Support. The URL for this Web site is www.hp.com/go/hpsoftwaresupport.

Most of the support areas require that you register as an HP Passport user
and sign in. Many also require a support contract.

To find more information about access levels, go to:


To register for an HP Passport user ID, go to:


Welcome to This Guide

Part I
Working with QuickTest Professional
Working with QuickTest Add-ins

QuickTest Professional includes built-in support for testing standard

Windows applications. You can install and load add-ins from the
QuickTest Professional setup, enabling QuickTest to recognize objects in the
corresponding development environments and to provide functionality
appropriate for that environment. Standard Windows testing support is
automatically loaded when QuickTest opens.

When you work with these add-ins, you can use special methods, properties,
and various special options to create the best possible test or component for
your application.

QuickTest Add-in Extensibility

QuickTest add-in extensibility, available for some environments, enables
you to extend the relevant QuickTest add-in to support third-party and
custom controls that are not supported out-of-the-box.

QuickTest add-in extensibility is currently supported for the Web, .NET,

Java, and Delphi add-ins. For more information, see the relevant
Extensibility Help, available from the QuickTest Professional Extensibility
Documentation program group (Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional >
Extensibility > Documentation). Printer-friendly (PDF) versions of the
Extensibility Developer Guides are available in the <QuickTest Professional
installation folder>\help\Extensibility folder.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Working with QuickTest Add-Ins on page 24
➤ Loading QuickTest Add-ins on page 28
➤ The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Overview on page 36

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

➤ Tips for Working with QuickTest Add-ins on page 41

About Working with QuickTest Add-Ins

QuickTest add-ins help you to create and run tests and components on
applications in a variety of development environments. After you load an
add-in, you can record and run tests or components on applications in the
corresponding development environment, similar to the way you do with
any other application.

You can install QuickTest add-ins when you install QuickTest Professional,
or you can install the add-ins at a later time by running the installation
again in Modify mode.

Add-ins require a seat or concurrent license code. You install a seat add-in
license on your computer using the Add-in Manager dialog box. You install
a concurrent add-in license on the HP Functional Testing Concurrent
License Server computer and then client QuickTest computers can connect
to the concurrent license server to use an available license.

Your QuickTest Professional 10.00 license enables all QuickTest features,

including the use of all QuickTest add-ins. You can use the latest released
version of all QuickTest add-ins with QuickTest Professional. If upgrading
from a version earlier than 9.5, only licensed add-ins will be available.
Additional non-licensed add-ins that are installed during the version 10.00
installation will be disabled in the Add-in Manager dialog box.

➤ For more information about installing and loading add-ins, see

“Considerations When Working with Add-ins” on page 26.
➤ For more information on installing add-ins and licenses, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Installation Guide.
When QuickTest opens, you can choose which of the installed add-ins you
want to load using the QuickTest Professional Add-In Manager dialog box,
but to maximize performance, you should load only the add-ins you need
for that testing session.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

You can check whether a specific add-in is installed by choosing Help >
About QuickTest Professional. Loaded add-ins are indicated by a check mark
in the add-ins list.

When you load an add-in, QuickTest recognizes the objects you work with
on the corresponding environment. In many cases, loading the add-in also
adds new user interface options and capabilities to QuickTest, as well as
adding support for the add-in’s object model—the set of test objects,
methods, and properties specially designed for working with the objects in
your development environment. Details of these objects, methods, and
properties can be found in the relevant section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference (Select Help > QuickTest Professional

You can use the Keyword View and Expert View to activate
environment-specific test object and native (run-time object) operations,
retrieve and set the values of properties, and check that objects exist.

You can customize the Active Screen capture settings for some of the
QuickTest add-ins. When you apply custom Active Screen settings, you
override your previous capture-level settings with all of the settings in the
Custom Active Screen Capture Settings dialog box. If you want to customize
only specific settings, use the Reset to option to ensure that all other
settings are using the capture-level setting you prefer and then modify the
specific settings you need. For more information, see the section describing
Active Screen capture setting options in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Several QuickTest Add-ins are designed to support special objects that are
generally available in Web applications, such as standard Web (HTML),
Siebel, .NET Web forms, and Web-based SAP objects. These add-ins are
known as Web-based Add-ins. The interface options, capabilities, and other
functionality that is available for the Web-based add-ins are often identical
or similar. These Web-specific features are described in Chapter 3, “Testing
Web-Based Applications.”

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Similarly, QuickTest provides a set of add-ins designed to support special

objects that are generally part of Windows applications, such as .NET
Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, PowerBuilder, SAP GUI
for Windows, VisualAge, Stingray, and others. These add-ins are known as
Windows-based Add-ins. The interface options, capabilities, and other
functionality that is available for the Windows-based add-ins are often
identical or similar. These Windows-specific features are described in
Chapter 2, “Testing Windows-Based Applications.”

Considerations When Working with Add-ins

➤ You must install and load an add-in to enable QuickTest to recognize objects
from the corresponding environment. To load an add-in, select the add-in
from the Add-in Manager dialog box that opens when you start QuickTest. If
the Add-in Manager dialog box does not open when you start QuickTest, see
the tip in “Loading QuickTest Add-ins” on page 28.
➤ For optimal performance when testing your applications, it is strongly
recommended that you load only the required add-in or add-ins. For
example, if you want to test a process that spans a Web application and a
.NET application, load only the Web and .NET Add-ins. Do not load all
add-ins unless you need to work with all of them. As a reminder, the tip at
the bottom of the Add-in Manager changes to red text if more than three
add-ins are selected.
➤ Some QuickTest add-ins require additional configuration after the
installation is complete. Similarly, some environments may require
configuration to enable QuickTest to interact with them. Configuration
requirements, if any, are described in the introductory section of each
relevant environment.
➤ Some applications must be opened prior to opening QuickTest, while some
must be opened after QuickTest is opened. These requirements are described
in the introductory section of each relevant environment.
➤ If you are testing Java, .NET Web Forms, Oracle, PeopleSoft, or Web-based
SAP applications, make sure that you also load the Web Add-in. The Web
Add-in is required whenever you are testing an application in a Web
➤ When testing applications that do not contain .NET objects, it is strongly
recommended that you do not load the .NET Add-in.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

➤ If an add-in license has not yet been installed for a specific add-in, the
add-in is displayed as Not Licensed in the License column of the Add-in
Manager dialog box. An add-in may also be displayed as Not Licensed if no
concurrent license server within your subnet has a registered license for the
specific add-in, or if all concurrent licenses are in use (and are, therefore,
unavailable). In this case, you can use the LSFORCEHOST or LSHOST
variable to connect to a concurrent license server outside of the subnet that
has the relevant add-in license installed on it, if one is available. For more
information on connecting to concurrent license servers, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Installation Guide.
➤ You can view license details for all currently loaded licensed add-ins by
clicking License in the About QuickTest Professional dialog box (Help >
About QuickTest Professional).
➤ For seat licenses, the category for each license is displayed. The license
category may be Demo, Permanent, Commuter, or Time-Limited. For
Demo, Commuter (used with concurrent licenses), and Time-Limited
QuickTest seat licenses, the number of days and hours remaining until
the license expires is also displayed.
➤ For concurrent licenses, the URL or host name of the concurrent license
server used for each license is displayed.

To switch between a seat and a concurrent license, click Modify License.

Note that you can use only one license type per session for
QuickTest Professional and all loaded add-ins—either seat or concurrent.
For more information on license types, installing licenses, and modifying
licenses, see the HP QuickTest Professional Installation Guide.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Loading QuickTest Add-ins

To test applications developed in various environments, you must ensure
that the relevant QuickTest add-in is installed and loaded on the computer
on which you create and run your tests and components. Loading the
relevant add-in enables QuickTest to work with the corresponding

When you start QuickTest, the Add-in Manager dialog box opens. It displays
a list of all installed add-ins and the license used for each add-in. If you are
using a seat add-in license, it also displays the time remaining for
time-limited licenses. For information on the details shown in the Add-in
Manager dialog box, see “The Add-in Manager Dialog Box” on page 31.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins


➤ If the Add-in Manager dialog box is not displayed when you open
QuickTest, you can choose to display it the next time you open
QuickTest. To do so, select Display Add-in Manager on startup from the
General pane of the Options dialog box.
➤ If the Web Services Add-in is loaded, a message opens when you open
QuickTest that provides a link to more information on the SOA testing
capabilities available with HP Service Test and HP Service Test
Management. The Add-in Manager dialog box is displayed when you
click OK in the message box. Select the check box if you do not want the
message to open each time you open QuickTest with the Web Services
Add-in loaded.

If you have QuickTest add-ins installed, you can specify which add-ins to
load at the beginning of each QuickTest session. It is recommended to load
only the QuickTest add-ins you need for a particular QuickTest session, as
this improves performance and object identification reliability. You can also
load QuickTest without add-in support if you want to test only standard
Windows-based objects.

This section includes:

➤ “Loading QuickTest with Add-in Support” on page 30

➤ “The Add-in Manager Dialog Box” on page 31
➤ “Loading QuickTest without Add-in Support” on page 34
➤ “Matching Loaded Add-ins with Associated Add-ins” on page 35

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Loading QuickTest with Add-in Support

You use the Add-in Manager to load support for testing your applications.

To start QuickTest with add-in support:

1 Select Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > QuickTest Professional.
The QuickTest Professional Add-in Manager dialog box opens.
(If the Add-in Manager dialog box does not open, see the tip in “Loading
QuickTest Add-ins” on page 28.)
2 In the add-in list, select the required add-in. For more information about the
Add-in Manager, see “The Add-in Manager Dialog Box” on page 31.


➤ If you plan to test your application in a Web browser, select Web as well
as your required add-in.
➤ If you want to test .NET Windows Forms, select .NET and click OK. A
message is displayed stating that for full operation of the .NET Add-in
you must also load the Web Add-in. If you want to test only .NET
Windows Forms (and not .NET Web Forms), you can click Yes.
➤ If you load or unload an add-in that is displayed as a child of the Java
add-in in the Add-in Manager, only applications that are opened after
loading or unloading the add-in are affected.

3 Click OK.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

The Add-in Manager Dialog Box

Description Enables you to select the add-ins that you want

QuickTest to load by selecting the check boxes
adjacent to required add-ins.
➤ If you select the check box of an add-in that
contains a child add-in, the parent add-in is selected
➤ If you clear the check box for a parent add-in, the
check boxes for its children are also cleared.

QuickTest remembers which add-ins you selected so

that the next time you open QuickTest, the same
add-ins are selected in the Add-in Manager dialog box.
If you clear the Show on startup check box, the
selected add-ins are loaded automatically whenever
you open QuickTest.

How to Access By default, the Add-in Manager dialog box opens

when you start QuickTest.
You can choose whether the Add-in Manager opens
when you open QuickTest, or whether it automatically
loads the same add-ins that were loaded in the
previous QuickTest session.
When the Show on startup check box is cleared,
QuickTest opens and loads the same add-ins it loaded
in the previous session, without displaying the Add-in
To display the Add-in Manager again when you restart
QuickTest, select Tools > Options > General node and
select Display Add-in Manager on startup.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Important Information “Considerations When Working with Add-ins” on

page 26

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About Working with QuickTest

Add-Ins” on page 24
Primary task: “Loading QuickTest Add-ins” on page 28
Additional related topics:
➤ “Additional References” on page 34
➤ “Matching Loaded Add-ins with Associated Add-
ins” on page 35

Below is an image of the Add-in Manager dialog box:

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Add-in Manager Dialog Box Items

Item Description

Add-in Lists the names of the installed add-ins.

The list of Add-ins might also include child nodes
representing add-ins that you or a third party developed to
support additional environments or controls using add-in
extensibility. For more information, see the relevant Add-in
Extensibility Developer's Guide, available from the
QuickTest Professional Extensibility Documentation
program group (Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional >
Extensibility > Documentation).

License Lists the license used by the add-in, if any, and the time
remaining until a time-limited license expires:
➤ Licensed. Applies to the add-ins that are provided with
QuickTest Professional. Add-ins use the same license as
QuickTest Professional. Therefore, if QuickTest uses a
Permanent license, the add-ins use the same Permanent
license; if QuickTest uses a Time-Limited license, the
add-ins use the same Time-Limited license.
➤ Not Licensed. Applies to an add-in that does not have an
installed seat license or access to a concurrent license (for
example, if all concurrent licenses are currently in use, or
if the required add-in license is not installed on the
concurrent license server on your subnet). To load the
add-in, you first need to install or access a license.
➤ Time Remaining. Specifies the number of days and hours
remaining until a time-limited add-in license expires.
(Displayed only when using a QuickTest seat license—not
a concurrent license.)
For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional
Installation Guide.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Item Description

Add-in Describes the environment that the selected add-in

Description supports.

Show on startup Instructs QuickTest to display the Add-in Manager dialog

box each time you open QuickTest. When this check box is
cleared, QuickTest opens and loads the same add-ins it
loaded in the previous session, without displaying the Add-
in Manager. To display the Add-in Manager again, select
Tools > Options > General node and select Display Add-in
Manager on startup.

Additional References

Related Tasks ➤ “Loading QuickTest without Add-in Support” on

page 34
➤ “Matching Loaded Add-ins with Associated Add-
ins” on page 35

Other Related Information “Tips for Working with QuickTest Add-ins” on

page 41

Loading QuickTest without Add-in Support

If you want to work with QuickTest without support for a specific
environment, you can load QuickTest without that add-in.

To load QuickTest without add-in support:

1 Select Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > QuickTest Professional.
The QuickTest Professional Add-in Manager dialog box opens. (If the Add-in
Manager dialog box does not open, see the tip in “Loading QuickTest
Add-ins” above.)
2 Clear the check box for the relevant add-in and click OK. QuickTest opens
without add-in support for that add-in environment.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Matching Loaded Add-ins with Associated Add-ins

When you open a test or component, QuickTest compares the add-ins that
are currently loaded with the add-ins associated with your test or with your
component’s application area. If they do not match, QuickTest issues a
warning message.

If there are add-ins associated with your test or with your component’s
application area that are not currently loaded, you can:

➤ close and reopen QuickTest, and select the required add-ins in the Add-in
Manager dialog box.
➤ remove the add-ins from the list of associated add-ins for your test or
component. To change the list of add-ins associated with your test or
component, select File > Settings and click Modify in the Properties pane.

If add-ins are loaded but not associated with your test or with your
component’s application area, you can:

➤ close and reopen QuickTest, and clear the check boxes for the add-ins in the
Add-in Manager dialog box, if they are not required.
➤ add the add-ins to the list of associated add-ins for your test or for your
component’s application area. To change the list of add-ins associated with
your test or component, select File > Settings and click Modify in the
Properties pane.

For more information on associating add-ins with your test or component,

see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide (for tests) or the HP QuickTest
Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide (for components).

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Overview

You can control how QuickTest starts record and run sessions in specific
environments by setting the options in the relevant tabs of the Record and
Run Settings dialog box. In some cases, the settings in this dialog box may
also affect the applications that QuickTest recognizes for other QuickTest
operations, such as learning objects or using the Object Spy.

For example, you can choose to have QuickTest open a specific application
when you start a record or run session. You can set your record and run
options in the Record and Run Settings dialog box, or you can set the
options using environment variables.

➤ For general information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see
“Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box” on page 36.
➤ For more information on setting preferences for recording and running tests
on Windows-based applications, see “Setting Windows Applications Record
and Run Options” on page 45.
➤ For more information on setting browser preferences for recording and
running tests on Web-based environments, see “Setting Web Record and
Run Options” on page 76.
➤ For more information on setting preferences for recording and running tests
for other environments, see the relevant add-in chapter.
➤ For more information on setting preferences for recording and running tests
using environment variables, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify
the Record and Run Details for Your Test” on page 39.

Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box

Before you record or run a test on an application, you can use the Record
and Run Settings dialog box to instruct QuickTest which applications to
open when you begin to record or run your test. For some Windows-based
applications, you also use the dialog box to specify the specific applications
you want QuickTest to recognize during record, run, and Object Spy

You can instruct QuickTest to open and record on applications from more
than one environment.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

The Record and Run Settings dialog box opens automatically each time you
begin recording a new test and saves your settings with the test unless you
open the dialog box (Automation > Record and Run Settings) and set your
preferences manually before you begin recording the first step in your test.

The Record and Run Settings dialog box does not open when you perform
additional record sessions on an existing test or when you run the test.
QuickTest automatically applies the settings already in the Record and Run
Settings dialog box for that test.

The Record and Run Settings dialog box always contains the Windows
Applications tab. It may contain other tabs corresponding to add-ins that
are loaded. For more information on which tab of the Record and Run
Settings dialog box you should use with an add-in, see the relevant add-in

To set record and run options:

1 Click the Record button or select Automation > Record. If you are recording
for the first time in a test and have not yet set your recording preferences (by
opening the dialog box manually), the Record and Run Settings dialog box
opens. It is divided by environment into several tabbed pages.
2 To choose an environment, click a tab.
3 Set the required options, as described in the following sections.
4 To apply your changes and keep the Record and Run Settings dialog box
open, click Apply.
5 When you are finished, click OK to save your changes and start recording.

Guidelines for Working with Record and Run Settings

➤ You can set the record and run settings for some add-in environments using
the corresponding tab (displayed only when the add-in is installed and
➤ For most Windows-based add-in environments, you use the Windows
Applications tab. For more information, see “Setting Windows
Applications Record and Run Options” on page 45.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

➤ For most Web-based add-in environments, you use the Web tab. For more
information, see “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76.
For more information on setting preferences for recording and running tests
for other environments, see the relevant add-in chapter.
➤ The setting of the Active Screen capture level (Tools > Options > Active
Screen pane) can significantly affect the recording time for your test and the
functionality of the Active Screen while editing your test. Confirm that the
level selected answers your testing needs. For more information, see the
section on setting active screen options in the HP QuickTest Professional User
➤ You can set record and run options such that no applications open at the
beginning of record and run sessions. In this case, you may need to open the
application after you open QuickTest to ensure that QuickTest recognizes
the application. For more information, see the relevant add-in chapter.
➤ If you define environment variables to specify the record and run details,
those values override the values in the Record and Run Settings dialog box.
For more information, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify the
Record and Run Details for Your Test” on page 39.
➤ After you set the record and run settings for a test, the Record and Run
settings dialog box will not open the next time you record operations in
that test. If needed, you open the Record and Run Settings dialog box by
choosing Automation > Record and Run Settings.
You should set or modify your record and run preferences in the following
➤ You have already recorded one or more steps in the test and you want to
modify the settings before you continue recording.
➤ You want to run the test on a different application than the one you
previously set in the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

If you change the record and run settings for additional recording sessions,
confirm that you return the settings to match the needs of the first step in
your test before you run it.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Using Environment Variables to Specify the Record and

Run Details for Your Test
You can use special, predefined environment variables to specify the
applications or browsers you want to use for your test. This can be useful if
you want to test how your application works in different environments. For
example, you may want to test that your Web application works properly on
identical or similar Web sites with different Web addresses.

When you define an environment variable for one (or more) of the
application details, the environment variable values override any values that
were added using these areas of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Note: If you select the option to Record and Run on any application (the
upper radio button in each tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box),
QuickTest ignores any defined record and run environment variables.

You can define the environment variables as internal user-defined variables,

or you can add them to an external environment variable file and set your
test to load environment variables from that file.

You can set your Record and Run settings manually while recording your
test and then define the environment variables or load the environment
variable file only when you are ready to run the test (as described in the
procedure below).

Alternatively, you can define environment variables before you record your
test. In this case, QuickTest uses these values to determine which
applications or browsers to open when you begin recording—assuming that
the option to open an application when starting record and run sessions for
the particular environment is selected. (This option corresponds to the
lower radio button in each tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box,
and the third check box in the Windows Applications tab.)

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

To use record and run environment variables for your test:

1 Set your Record and Run Setting preferences normally to record your test.

Note: If you already have environment variables set for one or more
application details, and you select the option to open an application when
the record session begins (the lower radio button in each tab of the Record
and Run Settings dialog box), QuickTest ignores the record settings you
enter in the dialog box.

2 Record and edit your test normally.

3 If you did not define environment variables prior to recording your test,
define an environment variable for each application detail you want to set
using the appropriate variable name.
For more information on environment variables for record and run settings,
see “Defining Record and Run Environment Variables” on page 41.
For more information on how to define a user-defined environment variable
and how to create environment variable files, see the section on using
environment variable parameters in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
4 Before running the test, confirm that the lower radio button is selected in
the tabs corresponding to the environments for which you want to use
environment variables. If you are running a Windows application, also
select the third check box.
5 Run the test. QuickTest uses the environment values to determine which
applications to open at the beginning of the run session, and on which
processes to record.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

Defining Record and Run Environment Variables

To use environment variables to specify the applications or browsers you
want to use for your test run, you must use appropriate variable names.

➤ For the variable names required to define the Web browser and URL to open,
see “Defining Record and Run Variables for a Web Environment” on
page 81.
➤ For the variable names required to define the details for Windows
applications on which you want to record and run tests, see “Defining
Record and Run Variables for a Windows-Based Environment” on page 59.
➤ For the variable names required to define the details corresponding to the
options in other tabs in the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see the
relevant add-in chapter in this guide.

Tips for Working with QuickTest Add-ins

To take full advantage of QuickTest add-in capabilities, keep the following in
mind when designing tests or components using QuickTest add-ins:

➤ If the Add-in Manager does not open when you start QuickTest, click the
Options button or select Tools > Options and click the General node. Select
the Display Add-in Manager on startup check box and click OK. Restart
➤ You can view the list of add-ins that are currently installed or loaded by
choosing Help > About QuickTest Professional. The dialog box displays a list
of all add-ins installed on your computer. A check mark indicates that the
add-in is currently loaded.
➤ You can enhance your tests and components using environment-specific
checkpoints and output values. For more information, see the sections
describing checkpoints and output values in the HP QuickTest Professional
User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User
➤ You can add additional steps to your test using the Step Generator, or you
can add them manually from the Expert View. For more information on the
objects, methods, and properties available for your application’s
environment, see the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Chapter 1 • Working with QuickTest Add-ins

➤ When you run a QuickTest test from Quality Center, Quality Center
instructs QuickTest to load the add-ins that are associated with the test. If
you created the test in Quality Center (and not in QuickTest), the test
contains the settings specified in the template test you chose when creating
the test. If you need to modify the associated add-ins, you can do so by
opening the test in QuickTest. For more information, see the template test
section in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ Before you run a QuickTest test from Quality Center, make sure that the
required QuickTest add-ins are installed on the computer on which you
want to run the QuickTest test.

Testing Windows-Based Applications

This chapter describes how to set QuickTest record and run options for
testing Windows-based applications, and how to define record and run
variables for a Windows Environment. It also describes how you can specify
the Windows-based applications on which the components associated with
this application area can record and run.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Testing Windows-Based Applications on page 43
➤ Setting Windows Applications Record and Run Options on page 45
➤ Defining Record and Run Variables for a Windows-Based Environment
on page 59
➤ Setting Windows Application Testing Options on page 61
➤ Setting Advanced Windows Applications Options on page 65

About Testing Windows-Based Applications

QuickTest provides a number of add-ins for testing Windows-based
applications. The way you configure many of your QuickTest settings is the
same or similar for most QuickTest Windows-based add-ins (as well as for
the built-in standard Windows testing support). These common
configuration options are described in the remainder of this chapter.

For more information about standard Windows testing support, see

Chapter 4, “Using Standard Windows Testing Support.”

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

For additional details on how to work with Windows-based add-ins, see the
specific sections describing these add-ins in the guide:

➤ “The ActiveX Add-in” on page 113

➤ “The Delphi Add-in” on page 119
➤ “The .NET Add-in” on page 187
➤ “The PowerBuilder Add-in” on page 251
➤ “The Add-in for SAP solutions” on page 257
➤ “The Stingray Add-in” on page 463
➤ “The Terminal Emulator Add-in” on page 491
➤ “The Visual Basic Add-in” on page 561
➤ “The VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in” on page 567

Tip: When recording tests or scripted components on Windows-based

applications, you can choose to save all Active Screen information in every
step, save information only in certain steps, or to disable Active Screen
captures entirely. You set this preference in the Active Screen pane of the
Options dialog box. The less information saved, the faster your recording
times will be.

This option is not relevant for business components.

For more information, see the section describing the Active Screen pane in
the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Setting Windows Applications Record and Run Options

You use the Windows Applications tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog
box to set options that affect how you start creating and running tests for
Windows-based applications. These options instruct QuickTest which
applications to open when you begin to record or run your test. For
Windows applications, you also specify the applications on which you want
to record. Note that you can instruct QuickTest to open and record on
applications from more than one environment.

This section includes:

➤ “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows Applications Tab” on
page 46
➤ “The Application Details Dialog Box” on page 52
➤ “Record and Run Setting Guidelines for Windows-Based Add-ins” on
page 56

Note: The Record and Run Settings dialog box applies only to tests. Record
settings for components are specified in the Applications pane or
Applications dialog box of the relevant application area. However, specific
record and run settings do not need to be defined for components. For more
information on the Applications pane and Applications dialog box, see the
HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows

Applications Tab

Description Enables you to define preferences for recording and

running tests on Windows-based applications.
For some Windows-based add-ins, the settings in
this dialog box may also affect the applications that
QuickTest recognizes for other QuickTest
operations, such as learning objects or using the
Object Spy. For more information, see “Record and
Run Setting Guidelines for Windows-Based Add-ins”
on page 56

How to Access ➤ Automation menu > Record and Run Settings

dialog box > Windows Applications tab
➤ The Record and Run Settings dialog box also
opens automatically each time you begin
recording a new test (unless you open the dialog
box and set your preferences manually before
you begin recording).

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Important Information If you loaded other add-ins when you opened

QuickTest, there may be additional tabs in the
Record and Run Settings dialog box. If this is the
case, confirm that the option to record and run on
any open application (upper radio button of each
tab) is selected.
While this setting does not directly affect your
record or run sessions, it prevents QuickTest from
opening unnecessary applications when you begin
record or run sessions.

Learn More Conceptual overview:

➤ “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box:
Overview” on page 36
➤ “About Testing Windows-Based Applications” on
page 43
➤ “Setting Windows Applications Record and Run
Options” on page 45
Additional related topics: “Additional References”
on page 51

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Below is an image of the Windows Applications tab:

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Windows Applications Tab Options

Option Description

Record and run Instructs QuickTest to record all operations performed on any
test on any open Windows-based application that is opened while recording
Windows-based your test (including e-mail applications, file management
application applications, and so on). QuickTest records and runs only on
applications that have a user interface, and it does not matter
how the applications are opened (as child processes of
Windows Explorer, child processes of QuickTest, and so on).
When selecting this option, make sure that all the
applications on which you want to record are currently
closed. For some environments, QuickTest can recognize and/
or record on the applications that you open manually only
after you select this option and click OK. Instances of these
applications that are already open when the Record and Run
Settings dialog box opens may be ignored or may not be
recognized or recorded correctly.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Option Description

Record and run Restricts record and run (and in some cases pointing hand)
only on operations to selected applications. Additionally, you can
configure whether QuickTest should open these applications
for you at the beginning of a record or run session. The
following options are available:
➤ Applications opened by QuickTest. This option records,
recognizes, and runs only on applications invoked by
QuickTest (as child processes of QuickTest). For example,
applications opened during a record or run session using a
SystemUtil.Run statement, or using a statement such as
Set shell = createobject("wscript.shell") : shell.run
➤ Applications opened via the Desktop (by the Windows
shell). This option records, recognizes, and runs only on
applications that are opened via the Windows Desktop.
For example, applications opened from the Windows Start
menu, by double-clicking executable files in the Windows
Explorer, by double-clicking a shortcut on the Windows
Desktop, or by clicking icons on the Quick Launch bar.
➤ Applications specified below. This option records,
recognizes, and runs only on applications listed in the
Application details area.
➤ If you do not want to record on any Windows-based
applications, select only the Applications specified below
check box, and ensure that there are no applications listed
in the Application details area.
➤ Make sure that all the applications listed in the Application
details area are currently closed. For some environments,
QuickTest can record only on the instances of the specified
applications that are opened after you select this option
and click OK. Instances of these applications that are
already open when the Record and Run Settings dialog box
opens may be ignored or may not be recognized or
recorded correctly.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Option Description

Application Lists the details of the applications on which to record and

details run the test. For more information on the details displayed,
see “The Application Details Dialog Box” on page 52.

Opens the Application Details dialog box to enable you to

add an application to the application list. You can add up to
ten applications.
For more information, see “The Application Details Dialog
Box” on page 52.

Opens the Application Details dialog box to enable you to

edit the application details for the selected application. For
more information, see “The Application Details Dialog Box”
on page 52.

Removes the selected application from the application list.

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Application Details Dialog Box” on page 52

Topics ➤ “Setting Windows Application Testing Options”
on page 61
➤ “Setting Advanced Windows Applications
Options” on page 65

Related Tasks ➤ “Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box”
on page 36
➤ “Defining Record and Run Variables for a
Windows-Based Environment” on page 59

Related Concepts ➤ “Record and Run Setting Guidelines for

Windows-Based Add-ins” on page 56
➤ “Using Environment Variables to Specify the
Record and Run Details for Your Test” on
page 39.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

The Application Details Dialog Box

Description Enables you to edit the application details for the

selected application.

How to Access ➤ Automation menu > Record and Run Settings

dialog box > Windows Applications tab.
Click the Add or Edit button.
Note: The Record and Run Settings dialog box
also opens automatically each time you begin
recording a new test (unless you open the dialog
box and set your preferences manually before
you begin recording).

Important Information ➤ You can add up to ten applications to the

application list displayed in the Windows
Applications tab, and you can edit an existing
application in the list. You can also select
whether to launch the selected applications
when the session starts, and whether to record
and run on the application’s descendant
➤ The details entered in the Application Details
dialog box are displayed as a single line for each
application in the Application details area of the
Windows Applications tab.

Learn More Conceptual overview:

➤ “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box:
Overview” on page 36
➤ “About Testing Windows-Based Applications” on
page 43
Additional related topics: “Additional References”
on page 55

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Below is an image of the Application Details dialog box:

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Application Details Dialog Box Options

Option Description

Application Instructs QuickTest to record and run on the specified

executable file.
You can enter the executable file as a relative path. During the
run session, QuickTest searches for the file in the folder for the
current test, and then in the folders listed in the Folders pane
of the Options dialog box. For more information, see the
sections on setting folder testing options, and on using relative
paths in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ The Application box should contain only the file name and
path for the application. If you want to add command line
arguments, use the Program arguments box.
➤ The full path name is used to launch an application only
when Launch application is selected. QuickTest records and
runs on any application with the specified executable file
name. For example, if you specify C:\Windows\Notepad.exe,
QuickTest records on a Notepad application invoked from
any folder.
Tip: You can specify a document or other file associated in the
file system with an application, for example, c:\tmp\a.txt. In this
case, QuickTest automatically opens the specified file in the
associated application (Notepad in this example). If you use
this option, QuickTest ignores any defined program arguments.

Working folder Optional. Specifies the current working folder for the
application. The current working folder is used by the
application to search for related files. If a working folder is not
specified, the executable folder is used as the working folder.
Note: This parameter is used only when Launch application is
selected. If Launch application is not selected, its value has no

Program Optional. Instructs QuickTest to open the application using the

arguments specified command line arguments.
Note: This parameter is used only when Launch application is
selected. If Launch application is not selected, its value has no

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Option Description

Launch Instructs QuickTest whether to launch the selected application

application when the record and run session begins. By default, this option
is selected.

Include Instructs QuickTest whether to record and run on processes

descendant created by the specified application during the record and run
processes session. For example, a process that is used only as a launcher
may create another process that actually provides the
application functionality. This descendant process must
therefore be included when recording or running tests on this
application, otherwise the functionality will not be recorded,
or the run session will fail.
By default, this option is selected.

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box:
Topics Windows Applications Tab” on page 46
➤ “The Options Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Pane” on page 61
➤ “The Windows Applications > Advanced Pane”
on page 65

Related Tasks “Defining Record and Run Variables for a

Windows-Based Environment” on page 59

Related Concepts “Setting Windows Applications Record and Run

Options” on page 45

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Record and Run Setting Guidelines for Windows-Based

Many QuickTest add-ins rely on the settings in the Windows Applications
tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box to determine on which
applications QuickTest records and runs. For some add-ins, the settings in
the Windows Applications tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box
may also affect the applications that QuickTest recognizes for certain
operations while in edit mode, such as using the Object Spy or other
pointing hand operations.

There may also be additional issues that you need to address to ensure that
QuickTest recognizes your objects properly during record, run, and/or
pointing hand operations.

These special considerations are detailed below for each QuickTest add-in
that is affected by the settings in the Windows Applications tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Add-in Environment Considerations and Guidelines

ActiveX ➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings also apply to (limit) the applications that
are recognized for Object Spy and other pointing hand
➤ QuickTest recognizes ActiveX objects only in
applications that are opened after changing the
settings in the Windows Applications tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Delphi ➤ QuickTest recognizes only Delphi applications that

have been precompiled with the MicDelphiAgent.pas
module. For more information, see, “Enabling
Communications Between QuickTest Professional and
Your Delphi Application” on page 124.
➤ In some cases, if you select the Record and Run only
on radio button, the settings may also apply to (limit)
the applications that are recognized for Object Spy
and other pointing hand operations.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Add-in Environment Considerations and Guidelines

.NET Windows Forms If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings also apply to (limit) the applications that are
recognized for the .NET Windows Forms Spy, the Object
Spy, and other pointing hand operations.

PowerBuilder If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings also apply to (limit) the applications that are
recognized for Object Spy and other pointing hand

Standard Windows ➤ The Record and Run only on radio button applies only
to record and run sessions. QuickTest recognizes all
standard Windows objects for Object Spy and pointing
hand operations, regardless of the settings in the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.
➤ It is recommended that applications are opened after
changing the settings in the Windows Applications
tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Stingray ➤ In addition to the settings in the Record and Run

Settings dialog box, you must also configure QuickTest
to recognize your Stingray applications in the Stingray
pane of the Options dialog box. For more information,
see “Configuring Stingray Options” on page 482.
➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings also apply to (limit) the applications that
are recognized for Object Spy and other pointing hand

Terminal Emulators ➤ QuickTest recognizes only the terminal emulator set in

the Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog box.
For more information, see “Modifying Your Terminal
Emulator Settings” on page 522.
➤ The Record and Run only on radio button does not
affect the applications on which QuickTest records,
recognizes, and runs.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Add-in Environment Considerations and Guidelines

Visual Basic ➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings may also apply to (limit) the applications
that are recognized for Object Spy and other pointing
hand operations.
➤ QuickTest recognizes Visual Basic objects only in
applications that are opened after changing the
settings in the Windows Applications tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.

VisualAge ➤ QuickTest can recognize only VisualAge applications

that have been precompiled with the qt-adapter
agent. For more information, see “Configuring the
VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in” on page 572.
➤ The Record and Run only on radio button applies only
to record and run sessions. QuickTest recognizes all
VisualAge objects for Object Spy and pointing hand
operations, regardless of the settings in the Record and
Run Settings dialog box.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Defining Record and Run Variables for a Windows-Based

You can use predefined environment variables to specify the applications or
browsers you want to use for your test. This can be useful if you want to test
how your application works in different environments.

Note: For more information on environment variables and how to use them
in tests, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify the Record and Run
Details for Your Test” on page 39.

To use environment variables to define the details for Windows applications

on which you want to record and run tests, you must use the appropriate
variable names as specified below:

Option Variable Names Description

Application EXE_ENV_1 … The executable files on which

EXE_ENV_10 QuickTest records operations when
record and run sessions begin. You can
specify up to ten executable files.

Working folder DIR_ENV_1 … The folder to which the corresponding

DIR_ENV_10 executable file refers (for each
corresponding application).

Program ARGS_ENV_1 … The command line arguments to be

arguments ARGS_ENV_10 used for the specified application (for
each corresponding application).

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Option Variable Names Description

Launch LNCH_ENV_1 … Whether to open the application when

application LNCH_ENV_10 starting the record and run session (for
each corresponding application).
Possible values:
0 (do not launch the application)
1 (launch the application)

Include CHLD_ENV_1 … Whether to record and run on

descendant CHLD_ENV_10 processes created by the application
processes during the record and run session (for
each corresponding application).
Possible values:
0 (do not record on descendant
1 (record descendant processes)

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Setting Windows Application Testing Options

The Windows Applications pane options enable you to configure how
QuickTest records and runs tests and components for Windows-based
applications, such as standard Windows, ActiveX, .NET Windows Forms,
WPF, SAP GUI for Windows, and Visual Basic applications.

The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications Pane

Description Enables you to configure how QuickTest records

and runs tests and components for Windows-based

How to Access Tools menu > Options dialog box > Windows
Applications node

Learn More Conceptual overview:

“About Testing Windows-Based Applications” on
page 43
Additional related topics: “Additional References”
on page 64

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Below is an image of the Windows Applications pane:

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications Pane Options

Option Description

Attached text Enables you to specify the search criteria that QuickTest uses to
retrieve an object’s attached text. An object’s attached text is
the closest static text within a specified radius from a specified
point. The retrieved attached text is saved in the object’s
corresponding text or attached text identification property.
Note: Sometimes the static text that you believe to be closest to
an object is not actually the closest static text. You may need to
use trial and error to make sure that the attached text is the
static text object of your choice.

Search radius. Indicates the maximum distance, in pixels, that

QuickTest searches for attached text.
Search area. Indicates the point on an object from which
QuickTest searches for the object’s attached text.
Select an option from the Search area list:
➤ Top-Left. Top-left corner

➤ Top. Midpoint between the two top corners

➤ Top-Right. Top-right corner

➤ Right. Midpoint between the two right corners

➤ Bottom-Right. Bottom-right corner

➤ Bottom. Midpoint between the two bottom corners

➤ Bottom-Left. Bottom-left corner

➤ Left. Midpoint between the two left corners

Open menu to Instructs QuickTest to open menu objects before retrieving

retrieve item menu item properties during a run session.
properties Notes:
➤ Selecting this option may slow the run, but it can be useful if
menu item properties change upon opening the menu.
➤ This option, which is selected by default, sets the default
behavior for all menu objects. You can use the ExpandMenu
property in a test or function library to set this behavior for a
specified menu object. For more information, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Option Description

Record non- Determines what QuickTest records when more than one item
unique list (in a list or tree) has an identical name.
items ➤ by name. Records the item’s name.
During a run session, QuickTest finds and selects the first
instance of the name, regardless of the item chosen during
recording. Select this option if the all items with the same
name have identical properties.
➤ by index. Records the item’s index number.

Select this option if items with the same name do not

necessarily have identical properties.

Record owner- Instructs QuickTest how to identify and learn custom-made

drawn buttons buttons in the application.
as Select an option from the list:
➤ push buttons

➤ check boxes
➤ radio buttons

➤ objects

Note: If you select objects, QuickTest learns each owner-drawn

button as a WinObject. (When working with tests, QuickTest
can also learn an owner-drawn button as a virtual object, if you
define the virtual object. For more information, see the section
on defining virtual objects in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Windows Applications > Advanced Pane”

Topics on page 65
➤ “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box:
Windows Applications Tab” on page 46

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Setting Advanced Windows Applications Options

The Windows Applications > Advanced pane enables you to modify how
QuickTest records and runs tests or components on Windows-based
applications, such as ActiveX or Visual Basic. You can click the Reset button
at any time to reset all options to their default settings.

The Windows Applications > Advanced Pane

Description Enables you to modify how QuickTest records and

runs tests or components on Windows-based

How to Access Tools menu > Options item > Windows Applications
node > Advanced node

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About Testing

Windows-Based Applications” on page 43
Additional related topics: “Advanced Information”
on page 72

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Below is an image of the Windows Applications > Advanced pane in the

Options dialog box:

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Windows Applications > Advanced Pane Options

Object Identification Options

You can specify the method QuickTest uses to identify objects when running
a test or component. The Windows Applications > Advanced pane includes
the following Object identification options:

Option Description

Always enumerate child Instructs QuickTest to enumerate all child windows

windows (may affect when recording and running a test or component.
performance) This option is cleared by default and should be used
only when an object cannot otherwise be identified,
because it may significantly affect performance. For
more information, see “Advanced Information” on
page 72.

Record Settings Options

You can specify how QuickTest treats certain objects when recording a test
or component.

The Windows Applications > Advanced pane includes the following Record
settings options:

Category Option

Button Defines record settings for button objects:

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the button. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Click. Specifies whether the Click operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Category Option

List Defines record settings for Windows-based list objects (for

example, WinList, WinListView, and VbList):
➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the list. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Select. Specifies whether the Select operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.

Menu Defines record settings for menu objects:

➤ Enable recording. Specifies whether QuickTest records
operations on menu controls. For example, you may want
QuickTest to ignore the actual process of selecting a menu to
open another window. This option is selected by default.
➤ Menu recording mode. Specifies whether QuickTest verifies or
ignores menu initialization events before recording operations
on menu controls. This option is enabled only when Enable
recording is selected.
Default = Verify menu initialization event.
For more information, see “Advanced Information” on
page 72.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Category Option

Object Defines record settings for objects recognized as WinObject test

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the WinObject test object. Using this mode may
improve recognition of user operations in non-standard cases.
This option is cleared by default and should be used only when
the default recording method does not meet your needs. For
more information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Click. Specifies whether the Click operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button down.

Tab Defines record settings for tab objects:

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the tab. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Select. Specifies whether the Select operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Category Option

Toolbar Defines record settings for toolbar objects:

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the toolbar. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Press. Specifies whether the Press operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.

Tree view Defines record settings for tree view objects:

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the tree view. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Select. Specifies whether the Select operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.
➤ Record tree items. Specifies whether tree items are recorded By
name or By virtual index.
Default = By name.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Category Option

Window Defines record settings for window objects:

➤ Record only the object’s basic operation. Enables simplified
recording on the window. Using this mode may improve
recognition of user operations in non-standard cases. This
option is cleared by default and should be used only when the
default recording method does not meet your needs. For more
information, see “Advanced Information” on page 72.
➤ Record Click. Specifies whether the Click operation should be
recorded when the mouse button is pressed (On mouse button
down) or when the mouse button is released (On mouse
button up). This option is enabled only when Record only the
object’s basic operation is selected.
Default = On mouse button up.

Keyboard Defines record settings for operations performed on the keyboard:

➤ Keyboard state detection. Specifies which API QuickTest
should use to detect the keyboard state.
Default = Standard.
For more information, see “Advanced Information” on
page 72.

Utility object Defines record settings for utility objects:

➤ Record SystemUtil.Run commands. Specifies whether
QuickTest records SystemUtil.Run commands when you open
an application during a recording session. This option is
selected by default. For more information on the
SystemUtil.Run method, see the HP QuickTest Professional Object
Model Reference.

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Run Settings Options

You can specify how QuickTest treats certain objects when running a test or
component. The Windows Applications > Advanced pane includes the
following Run settings options:

Option Description

Edit Box Defines run settings for Edit objects:

➤ Click Edit box before inserting text. Specifies
whether QuickTest performs a Click operation to
set the focus in an edit box before inserting text
in it while running a test or component. This
option is cleared by default.
➤ Use keyboard events to perform Set operations.
When selected, instructs QuickTest to simulate
keyboard events when performing Set operations
on edit boxes during a run session. When
cleared, instructs QuickTest to use API or
Window messages for edit box Set operations.
This option is cleared by default.

Advanced Information
The following information is intended for users with expertise in the Win32
API and the Windows messages model. It expands on the information
provided for some of the Windows Applications > Advanced options in the
previous section.

Always enumerate child windows

If QuickTest does not correctly record an object in your application, you can
select this option to force QuickTest to enumerate all windows in the
system. This means that even when QuickTest looks for a window without
WS_CHILD style, it enumerates all windows in the system and not only the
top-level windows.

You should select this option if there is a window in your application that
does not have a WS_CHILD style but does have a parent (not an owner)

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Record only the object’s basic operation

In general, QuickTest records operations on Windows objects based on
Windows messages sent by the application. QuickTest recognizes the
sequence of Windows messages sent to a specific application window by the
system, and uses a smart algorithm to determine which operation to record.

In rare cases (where a non-standard message sequence is used), the smart

algorithm may record unwanted operations. Select this option if you want
to record only the object’s basic operation when the selected event occurs.
When you select this option, you can also select when to record the
operation. If you select On mouse button down, QuickTest records the
operation performed when a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is detected; if
you select On mouse button up, QuickTest records the operation performed
when a WM_LBUTTONUP message is detected.

Keyboard state detection

If QuickTest does not correctly record keyboard key combinations (for
example, CTRL+Y, or ALT+CTRL+HOME), you can try changing the default
setting for this option. Following is a brief explanation of each of the

➤ Standard. Uses the GetKeyboardState API to detect the keyboard state. For
more information, see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
➤ Alternate synchronous. Uses the GetKeyState API to detect the keyboard
state. For more information, see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
➤ Alternate asynchronous. Uses the GetAsyncKeyState API to detect the
keyboard state. For more information, see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/

Chapter 2 • Testing Windows-Based Applications

Menu recording mode

In most applications, Windows sends a WM_CONTEXTMENU message,
WM_INITMENUPOPUP message, or other initialization message when a
user opens a menu. Windows then sends a WM_MENUSELECT message
when a user selects a menu item.

The Verify menu initialization event option instructs QuickTest to record

menu operations only after detecting a menu initialization message. If
QuickTest does not correctly record menu operations, or if your application
does not send initialization messages before sending WM_MENUSELECT
messages, try using the Ignore menu initialization event option. This
instructs QuickTest to always record menu operations.

Testing Web-Based Applications

You can use QuickTest Professional to test Web-based applications.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Testing Web-Based Applications on page 75
➤ Setting Web Record and Run Options on page 76
➤ Defining Record and Run Variables for a Web Environment on page 81
➤ Setting Web Testing Options on page 82
➤ Defining Web Settings for Your Test on page 98
➤ Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area on page 100
➤ Viewing Web Settings for Your Business Component on page 102
➤ Web Event Recording Configurations on page 103

About Testing Web-Based Applications

QuickTest provides a number of add-ins for testing Web-based applications.
The way you configure many of your QuickTest settings is the same or
similar for most QuickTest Web-based add-ins. These common configuration
options are described in the remainder of this chapter.

For additional details on how to work with Web-based add-ins, see the
specific sections describing these add-ins in the guide:

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

➤ “The .NET Add-in” on page 187

➤ “The PeopleSoft Add-in” on page 245
➤ “The Add-in for SAP solutions” on page 257
➤ “The Siebel Add-in” on page 417

Setting Web Record and Run Options

You use the Web tab in the Record and Run Settings dialog box to set
options that affect how you start creating and running tests for Web-based

The options in the Web tab instruct QuickTest which applications to open
when you begin to record or run your test. You can instruct QuickTest to
open and record on applications from more than one environment. You can
create steps on more than one browser tab, if your browser supports tabbed

In addition to setting the appropriate settings in the Web tab, you should
confirm that the other tabs in the dialog box have the appropriate settings.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

The following settings are recommended:

➤ Windows Applications tab. Select Record and run only on: and confirm that
all three check boxes are cleared, as shown below.
➤ Other tabs. (If displayed.) Select the option to record and run on any open
application (upper radio button of each tab).

While these settings do not directly affect your record or run sessions when
working with Web-based applications, they prevent you from inadvertently
recording operations performed on Windows applications (such as e-mail)
during your recording session. These settings also prevent QuickTest from
opening unnecessary applications when you record or run tests on Web-
based applications.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Note: You can also use special, predefined environment variables to specify
the applications or browsers you want to use for your test. For more
information, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify the Record and
Run Details for Your Test” on page 39.

The Web tab is available only when the Web add-in is installed and loaded.
QuickTest uses the settings in this tab when recording and running tests or
components on Web, .NET Web Forms, PeopleSoft, and Web-based SAP
objects. (For Siebel objects, QuickTest uses the settings in the Siebel tab,
available when the Siebel add-in is installed and loaded.) For more
information, see “Setting Siebel Record and Run Options” on page 430.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Note: You can record tests only on Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers.
You can run tests on any supported browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Netscape Browser, Mozilla Firefox). For information on supported browser
versions, see the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

The Web tab includes the following options:

Option Description

Record and run test on Instructs QuickTest to record on any open Microsoft
any open browser Internet Explorer browser and run on any open
supported Web browser (see the HP QuickTest
Professional Readme for information on supported
You must open the Web browser after you open
Tip: You can instruct QuickTest to ignore
Quality Center browsers or other browsers that are
open to a specified URL or have a specific title. For
more information, see “Setting Web Testing Options”
on page 82.

Open the following Instructs QuickTest to open a new browser session to

address when a record record and run the test using the specified URL
or run session begins address. When recording a test, the address is opened
in a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. When
running a test, the address is opened in the browser
type specified in the Open the following browser
when a run session begins box.
Note: If you define a value for the URL_ENV
environment variable, that value overrides the value
specified here during a run session. For more
information, see “Using Environment Variables to
Specify the Record and Run Details for Your Test” on
page 39.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Option Description

Open the following Instructs QuickTest to open the specified browser type
browser when a run when running a test:
session begins Notes:
➤ Only those browsers currently installed on your
computer are available in the list.
➤ If you define a value for the BROWSER_ENV
environment variable, that value overrides the
value specified here during a run session. For more
information, see “Defining Record and Run
Variables for a Web Environment” on page 81 and
“Using Environment Variables to Specify the Record
and Run Details for Your Test” on page 39.

Do not record and run Instructs QuickTest not to record or run tests on any
on browsers that are browsers that are already open prior to the start of the
already open record or run session (and prior to opening QuickTest).
Selecting this option also prevents you from viewing
the properties of these browsers using the Object Spy.

Close the browser when Instructs QuickTest to close the browser window
the test closes specified in the Address box when the test closes.

Notes to users of applications with embedded Web browser controls:

➤ To record and run tests on an application with embedded Web browser

controls, select Record and run tests on any open Web browser in the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.
➤ You must also register your browser control application (using the
Register Browser Control Utility) so that QuickTest Professional
recognizes your Web object when recording or running tests. For more
information, see “Registering Browser Controls” on page 613.
➤ Ensure that the application is opened after QuickTest, and start

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see
“Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box” on page 36.

Defining Record and Run Variables for a Web Environment

You can use predefined environment variables to specify the applications or
browsers you want to use for your test. This can be useful if you want to test
how your application works in different environments.

Note: For more information on environment variables and how to use them
in tests, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify the Record and Run
Details for Your Test” on page 39.

To use environment variables to define the Web browser and URL to open,
you must use the appropriate variable names as specified below:

Option Variable Name Description

Type BROWSER_ENV The browser program to open. For

example, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Netscape Browser, or Mozilla Firefox.
Possible values: IE, NS8, NS9, FF15,
FF20, FF30
Note: If the specified browser program
is not installed, the default browser is

Address URL_ENV The Web address to display in the


Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Setting Web Testing Options

The Web pane options in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web
node) determine how QuickTest behaves when recording and running tests
or components on Web sites.

This section includes:

➤ “Understanding the Web Pane” on page 83

➤ “Managing the List of Browsers to Ignore” on page 84
➤ “Page and Frame Options” on page 88
➤ “Advanced Web Options” on page 91

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Understanding the Web Pane

The Web pane includes the following options:

Option Description

Ignore the following Instructs QuickTest to ignore any specified browsers

browsers that may be open while QuickTest is recording or
running a test or component. For more
information, see “Managing the List of Browsers to
Ignore” on page 84.

Ignore Quality Center Instructs QuickTest to ignore all instances of

Quality Center that are opened while recording or
running a test or component. By default, this
option is selected.

Add __ seconds to page Instructs QuickTest to add a specified number of

load time seconds to the page load time property specified in
each Page checkpoint (Page checkpoints are not
relevant for business components).
Note: This option is a safeguard that prevents page
checkpoints from failing in the event that the
amount of time it takes for a page to load during the
run is longer than the amount of time it took
during the record session.

Broken links - check only Instructs QuickTest to check only for broken links
links to current host that are targeted to your current host.

You can also modify how QuickTest displays captured Web pages in the
Active Screen. You do this in the Active Screen pane of the Options dialog
box (Tools > Options > Active Screen node). For more information, see the
section describing the Web Page Appearance dialog box in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Managing the List of Browsers to Ignore

You can instruct QuickTest to ignore specific browsers that are open while
you are recording or running a test or component. This enables you to keep
browsers that are not related to your testing environment open, without
having them affect the record or run session. For example, you may want to
check your company’s share price or the news headlines during the record
and run session. If you instruct QuickTest to ignore these specific browsers,
they do not affect the session.

Notes: QuickTest ignores browsers that match the defined criteria at the
start of a record or run session. However, browsers that do not match the
defined criteria at the start of a record or run session, but do match them
during the session, are not ignored.

Changes made to these settings apply to new tests or components and new
steps in existing tests or components only, but not to any other existing

You can also modify the properties that QuickTest uses to identify the
browsers to ignore, or delete them from the list of ignored browsers.

Tip: By default, QuickTest ignores all instances of Quality Center that were
opened during a record or run session, if the Ignore Quality Center check
box in the Web pane of the Options dialog box is selected. There is no need
to specify Quality Center in the list of browsers to ignore.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Adding a Browser to the List

You can specify the browsers that you want QuickTest to ignore during a
record or run session.

Note: When working with tests, QuickTest ignores these browsers only if
you selected Record and run test on any open Web browser in the Web tab
of the Record and Run Settings dialog box. For more information, see
“Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76.

To add a browser to the list:

1 To add a browser to the list, click the Add Browser button. The Browser
Details dialog box opens.

2 Enter a name for the browser definition in the Name field. By default, the
name of the browser is Browser<number of browser in list>. The name you
specify is used only to identify the browser in the list, and is not used by

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

3 Select one or both of the following properties to identify the browser to be

ignored, and then enter the following details:
➤ Title. The name of the Web page as it appears in the title bar of the
browser, for example, Yahoo! Finance.*
➤ URL. The URL of the Web page, for example, http://www.finance.yahoo.com
Any descendants of this Web page are automatically included in the list
of browsers to ignore.

Tip: You can use regular expressions when specifying the values of these
properties. For example, you can use .*finance.yahoo.com to specify all
finance.yahoo.com domains and Web sites starting with www., http://, or
https://. Note that you do not have to use a regular expression to include
child pages of a site, as QuickTest automatically ignores the entire domain or
site. For information on supported regular expressions, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Note: The Title and URL properties have an AND relationship, meaning that
a browser must match both property values (if defined) to be ignored by

4 Click OK. The browser is added to the list of ignored browsers.

5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each browser to be added to the list.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Modifying a Browser in the List

You can modify the definitions of browsers that you want QuickTest to
ignore during a record or run session.

To modify a browser in the list:

1 Highlight the browser you want to modify.
2 Click the Modify Browser Details button. The Browser Details dialog box
3 Make the required changes in the Browser Details dialog box and click OK.

Removing a Browser from the List

You can remove a browser from the list if you no longer want QuickTest to
ignore it during a record or run session.

Tip: If a browser in the list is required for running a specific test, you can
temporarily remove it from the list by clearing the check mark next to its
name in the list of browsers.

To remove a browser from the list:

1 Highlight the browser you want to remove from the list.
2 Click the Remove Browser button.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Page and Frame Options

The Web > Page/Frame Options pane enables you to modify how QuickTest
records Page and Frame objects.

Note: You can click the Reset button at any time to reset all options to their
default core settings. Some add-ins modify the default settings to optimize
page and frame recording. If you are using an add-in, it is recommended
that you keep the default add-in settings and do not use the Reset button.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Page Options
The Create a new Page test object for options instruct QuickTest when to
create a new Page object in the object repository while recording.

Note: These options only affect how Page test objects are created; Frame test
objects are created according to the Frame options you select. The Frame
options are similar to the Page options (except that the Every navigation
option is not available).

The following Page options are available:

➤ Every navigation. Creates a new Page object every time a navigation is

performed in a Web page.
➤ Different test object descriptions. Creates a new Page object for pages with
different test object descriptions, according to the properties defined for the
Page test object.

Note: The default test object description for Page objects includes only the
test object class. If you select this option, it is highly recommended that you
define object identification properties that uniquely identify different Page
objects. You should also ensure that the properties you define remain
constant over time, otherwise future runs may fail.

➤ Different URLs or a change in data transfer. Creates a new Page object only
when the page URL changes, or if the URL stays the same and data that is
transferred to the server changes, according to the data types and transfer
methods you select (below).

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

➤ Ignore non user-input data - Get. Instructs QuickTest to ignore non user-
input data if the Get method is used to transfer data to the server.
For example, suppose a user enters data on a Web page, and the data is
then inserted as a hidden field using the Get method. The user clicks
Submit (to send the data to the server). The new Web page is different,
according to the hidden field data. However, QuickTest does not create a
new Page test object.
➤ Ignore non user-input data - Post. Instructs QuickTest to ignore non
user-input data if the Post method is used to transfer data to the server.
For example, suppose a user enters data on a Web page, and the data is
then inserted as a hidden field using the Post method. The user clicks
Submit (to send the data to the server). The new Web page is different,
according to the hidden field data. However, QuickTest does not create a
new Page test object.
➤ Ignore user-input data - Get. Instructs QuickTest to ignore user-input
data if the Get method is used to transfer data to the server.
For example, suppose a user enters data in a form on a Web page and
clicks Submit (to send the data to the server) using the Get method. The
new Web page is different according to the data filled in by the user.
However, QuickTest does not create a new Page test object.
➤ Ignore user-input data - Post. Instructs QuickTest to ignore user-input
data if the Post method is used to transfer data to the server.
For example, suppose a user enters data in a form on a Web page and
clicks Submit (to send the data to the server) using the Post method. The
new Web page is different according to the data filled in by the user.
However, QuickTest does not create a new Page test object.
➤ Use additional Page information. Instructs QuickTest to use additional
properties of the test object to identify an existing Page test object.

Tip: Select this option to instruct QuickTest to recognize existing pages

when the Back and Forward navigation buttons are used.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Frame Options
The Create a new Frame test object for options instruct QuickTest when to
create a new Frame object in the object repository while recording. The
Frame options are similar to the Page options (except that the Every
navigation option is not available). For more information, see “Page
Options” on page 89.

Advanced Web Options

The Web > Advanced pane enables you to modify how QuickTest records
and runs tests and components on Web sites. You can click the Reset button
at any time to reset all options to their default settings.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Note: The Accessibility checkpoint and Automatic Page checkpoint options

are not relevant for business components.

Accessibility Checkpoint Options in Tests

When working with tests, you can add accessibility checkpoints to check
that Web pages and frames conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. All accessibility checkpoints in a test use the options that are
selected in this dialog box during the run session.

The Web > Advanced pane includes the following Accessibility checkpoint

➤ Include the following checks in the checkpoint. Instructs QuickTest to check

the selected accessibility elements for all accessibility checkpoints. Choose
from the following:
➤ ActiveX Check. Checks whether the page or frame contains ActiveX
objects. If so, QuickTest sends a warning and displays a list of the objects
in the Test Results.
➤ Alt Property Check. Checks that the <alt> attribute exists for all relevant
objects (such as images). If one or more objects lack the required
attribute, the test fails and QuickTest displays a list of the objects with
the missing attribute in the Test Results. (Selected by default.)
➤ Applet Check. Checks whether the page or frame contains Java objects. If
so, QuickTest sends a warning and displays a list of the objects in the Test
➤ Frame Titles Check. Checks that the page and all frames in the page have
titles. If one or more frames (or the page) lack the required title, the test
fails and QuickTest displays a list of the frames that lack titles in the Test
➤ Multimedia Links Check. Checks whether the page or frame contains
links to multimedia objects. If so, QuickTest sends a warning and displays
a list of the links in the Test Results.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

➤ Server-side Image Check. Checks whether the page or frame contains

Server-side images. If so, QuickTest sends a warning and displays a list of
the images in the Test Results.
➤ Tables Check. Checks whether the page or frame contains tables. If so,
QuickTest sends a warning and displays the table format and the tags
used in each cell in the Test Results.
For more information, see “Checking Web Content Accessibility” on
page 599.
➤ Add an automatic accessibility checkpoint to each Web page while
recording. Instructs QuickTest to automatically add an accessibility
checkpoint to each Web page while recording, using the checks selected in
the option above.

Automatic Web Page Checkpoint Options in Tests

When working with tests, you can check that expected and actual page
properties are identical. The Web > Advanced pane includes the following
automatic Page checkpoint options:

➤ Create a checkpoint for each Web page while recording. Instructs QuickTest
to automatically add a Page checkpoint for each Web page navigated during
the recording process.

Note: If you are testing a Web page with dynamic content, using automatic
Page checkpoints may cause the test to fail as these checkpoints assume that
the page content is static between record and run sessions.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

All automatic Page checkpoints include the checks that you select from
among the following options:
➤ Broken links. Displays the number of broken links contained in the page
during the run session.

Note: If the Broken links - check only links to current host option is
selected (see “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82), this number
includes only those broken links that are targeted to the current host.

➤ HTML source. Checks that the expected source code is identical to the
source code during the run session.
➤ HTML tags. Checks that the expected HTML tags in the source code are
identical to those in the run session.
➤ Image source. Checks that the expected source paths of the images are
identical to the sources in the run session.
➤ Links URL. Checks that the expected URL addresses for the links are
identical to the URL addresses in the source code during the run session.
➤ Load time. Checks that the expected time it takes for the page to load
during the run session is less than or equal to the amount of time it took
during the record session PLUS the amount of time specified in the Add
seconds to page load time option (see “Setting Web Testing Options” on
page 82).
➤ Number of images. Checks that the expected number of images is
identical to the number displayed in the run session.
➤ Number of links. Checks that the expected number of links is identical to
the number displayed in the run session.

➤ Ignore automatic checkpoints while running tests. Instructs QuickTest to

ignore the automatically added Page checkpoints while running your test.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Record Settings
You can set preferences for recording Web objects. The Web > Advanced
pane includes the following Record settings:

➤ Enable Web support for Microsoft Windows Explorer. When selected,

QuickTest treats relevant objects in Microsoft Windows Explorer as Web
objects. When cleared, QuickTest does not record events on Web pages
displayed in Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Note: After modifying this setting, for the change to take effect, you must
close all instances of Microsoft Windows Explorer (confirm that all
explorer.exe processes are closed in the Windows Task Manager or restart
the computer) and then restart QuickTest.

➤ Record coordinates. Records the actual coordinates relative to the object for
each operation.
➤ Record MouseDown and MouseUp as Click. Records a Click method for
MouseUp and MouseDown events.
➤ Record Navigate for all navigation operations. Records a Navigate statement
each time a Frame URL changes.
➤ Use standard Windows mouse events. Instructs QuickTest to use standard
Windows mouse events instead of browser events for the following events:
➤ OnClick
➤ OnMouseDown
➤ OnMouseUp

Note: Use this option only if the events are not properly recorded using
browser events.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

If QuickTest does not record Web events in a way that matches your needs,
you can also configure the events you want to record for each type of Web
object. For example, if you want to record events, such as a mouseover that
opens a sub-menu, you may need to modify your Web event configuration
to recognize such events. For more information, see Chapter 38,
“Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects.”

Run Settings
You can set preferences for working with Web objects during a run session.
The Web > Advanced pane includes the following Run settings:

➤ Browser cleanup. Closes all open browsers when the current test or
component closes.
When this option is selected, all currently open browsers are closed when
the current test or component closes, regardless of whether the browsers
were opened before or after QuickTest.
➤ Run only click. Runs Click events using the MouseDown event, the MouseUp
event, and the Click event, or using only the Click event.
➤ Replay type. Configures how to run mouse operations according to the
selected option:
➤ Event. Runs mouse operations using browser events.
➤ Mouse. Runs mouse operations using the mouse.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

➤ Run using source index. Uses the source index property for better
➤ Resize browser on run if resized during a recording session. If this option is
selected and you resize the browser during a recording session, QuickTest
resizes the browser to this size when a subsequent run session begins. At the
end of a run session, the browser returns to its default size. It is
recommended that you select this option if your test performs drag and
drop operations.

Note: To use this option, select the Open the following browser option in
the Record and Run Settings dialog box before recording.

When this option is cleared, QuickTest does not change the browser size
when a run session begins.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Defining Web Settings for Your Test

The Web pane of the Test Settings dialog box (File > Settings > Web node,
when a test is open) provides options for recording and running tests on
Web sites. You can set how long to wait for browser navigations and you can
specify the Active Screen access information to use with password-protected
resources in the captured Active Screen page.

Note: The Web pane is available only if the Web Add-in is installed and

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

The Web pane includes the following options:

Option Description

Browser navigation Sets the maximum time (in seconds) that QuickTest
timeout waits for a Web page to load before running a step in
the test.

User name The user name for password-protected resources that

use a standard authentication mechanism.
For more information, see “Using the Standard
Authentication Mechanism” on page 605.

Password The password for password-protected resources that

use a standard authentication mechanism.
For more information, see “Using the Standard
Authentication Mechanism” on page 605.

Advanced Opens the Advanced Authentication dialog box,

which enables you to manually log in to your Web site
to enable access to password-protected resources that
use an advanced authentication mechanism.
For more information, see “Using the Standard
Authentication Mechanism” on page 605.

Tip: In addition to the options in this pane, you can also configure the
events you want to record for each type of Web object. For example, if you
want to record events, such as moving the pointer over an object to open a
sub-menu, you may need to modify your Web event configuration to
recognize such events. For more information, see “Web Event Recording
Configurations” on page 103.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area

The Web pane of the Application Area Settings dialog box (File > Settings >
Web node, when an application area is open) provides an option that
defines how long to wait for a Web page to load.

Note: The Web pane is available only if the Web Add-in is installed and

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

The Web pane includes the following options:

Option Description

Browser navigation Sets the maximum time (in seconds) that QuickTest
timeout waits for a Web page to load before running a step in
the test or component.

User name This option is not relevant for components.

Password This option is not relevant for components.

Advanced This option is not relevant for components.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Viewing Web Settings for Your Business Component

The Web pane of the Business Component Settings dialog box (File >
Settings > Web node, when a business component is open) displays the
setting used when running components on an application.

You define the Web pane settings for a component in its associated
application area settings. For more information, see “Defining Web Settings
for Your Application Area” on page 100.

Note: The Web pane is available only if the Web Add-in is installed and

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

The Web pane includes the following items:

Setting Description

Browser navigation Displays the maximum time (in seconds) that

timeout QuickTest waits for a Web page to load before running
a step in the component.

User name This option is not relevant for components.

Password This option is not relevant for components.

Advanced This option is not relevant for components.

Tip: In addition to the options in this tab, you can also configure the events
you want to record for each type of Web object. For example, if you want to
record events, such as moving the pointer over an object to open a
sub-menu, you may need to modify your Web event configuration to
recognize such events. For more information, see “Web Event Recording
Configurations” on page 103.

Web Event Recording Configurations

When you record on a Web application, QuickTest generates steps by
recording the events you perform on the Web objects in your application.
An event is a notification that occurs in response to an operation, such as a
change in state, or as a result of the user clicking the mouse or pressing a key
while viewing the document.

QuickTest includes event recording configurations that have been optimized

for each Web-based add-in, so that in most cases QuickTest records steps for
relevant events on each object and avoids recording steps for events that
usually do not impact the application. For example, by default, QuickTest
records a step when a click event occurs on a link object, but does not record
a step when a mouseover event occurs on a link.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

Each Web-based add-in has its own XML file that defines the Web-event
recording configuration for objects in that environment.

When you perform an operation on a Web-based object during a recording

session (and the appropriate add-in is installed and loaded), QuickTest uses
the recording configuration defined for that environment.

If your application contains several types of Web-based controls, the

appropriate Web event recording configuration is used for each object and
the configuration for one environment does not override another.

Customizing Web Event Recording Configurations

You can view and customize the configuration settings for the Web Add-in
in the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box. The settings in that
dialog box affect the recording behavior only for objects that QuickTest
recognizes as Web test objects.

Note: For the purposes of Web event recording, QuickTest treats Web test
objects that are child objects of a PSFrame test object as PeopleSoft objects
and thus applies the settings in the PeopleSoft event configuration XML file
when recording those objects.

For more information, see Chapter 38, “Configuring Web Event Recording
for Web Objects.”

In most cases, it is not necessary to customize the Web event recording

configuration of other add-ins. If you do need to customize these settings,
you can do so either by editing the XML for the relevant add-in manually or
you can import the XML into the Web Event Recording Configuration
dialog box to make the necessary changes and then export the modified file.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

To modify the Web event recording configuration XML file manually:

1 In a text or XML editor, open the appropriate
MyEnvEventConfiguration.xml file from the <QuickTest installation
folder>\dat folder, according to the following table:

Object Type: XML File Name

.NET Web Forms WebFormsEventConfiguration.xml

Siebel 7.5 and earlier SiebelEventConfiguration.xml

Siebel 7.7 and later CASEventConfiguration.xml

PeopleSoft Frame objects and all Web PSEventConfiguration.xml

objects that are children of a PeopleSoft
frame object

2 Edit the file as necessary.

3 Save the file.

To modify the Web event recording configuration in the Web Event

Recording Configuration dialog box:
1 Backup the Event recording configuration for the Web environment:
a Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.
b Click Custom Settings.
c Select File > Save Configuration As and specify an XML filename for the
backup file.
2 Backup the Event recording configuration for the environment you want to
Create a copy of the relevant <MyEnv>EventConfiguration.xml file from
the <QuickTest installation folder>\dat folder.

Chapter 3 • Testing Web-Based Applications

3 Modify the <MyEnv>EventConfiguration.xml file in the Web Event

Recording Configuration dialog box:
a In the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select File > Load
Configuration and browse to the relevant <QuickTest installation
folder>\dat\<MyEnv>EventConfiguration.xml file. The event
configuration for the selected environment is displayed in the dialog
b Modify the configuration using the Web Event Recording Configuration
dialog box options, as described in Chapter 38, “Configuring Web Event
Recording for Web Objects.”
c Select File > Save Configuration As and overwrite the previous <QuickTest
installation folder>\dat\<MyEnv>EventConfiguration.xml file.
4 Restore the configuration file for the Web environment:
Select File > Load Configuration and browse to the backup copy of the
Web configuration file that you saved in step 1.

Important: QuickTest always applies the configuration that loaded in the

Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box to all Web objects. If you do
not restore the Web configuration file as described in step 4, then QuickTest
will apply the configuration for the file you loaded in step 3, and as a result,
QuickTest may not record Web events properly.

Part II
Standard Windows Testing Support
Using Standard Windows Testing Support

You can use the standard Windows testing support provided by QuickTest to
test objects (controls) developed using the Win32 API or MFC platforms.
QuickTest standard Windows testing support is built-in and does not require
you to load any QuickTest add-in. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on standard Windows objects in your
applications in much the same way as you do for other Windows-based

Standard Windows testing support provides test objects, methods, and

properties that can be used when testing objects in standard Windows
applications. For more information, see the Standard Windows section of
the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Note: QuickTest also uses built-in standard Windows testing support and
standard Windows test objects to identify objects from other environments
if the relevant add-in is not installed and loaded.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Standard Windows Testing Support on page 110

Chapter 4 • Using Standard Windows Testing Support

About Standard Windows Testing Support

The following table summarizes basic information about standard Windows
testing support and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of

General Information

Add-in Type The standard Windows testing support functions like a

Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the
same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your standard Windows application before
Application or after opening QuickTest.
Standard Windows testing support is always loaded in
QuickTest. It is therefore not an available option in the
Add-in Manager.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 4 • Using Standard Windows Testing Support

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
Note: QuickTest recognizes standard Windows objects
only in applications that are opened after changing the
settings in the Windows Applications tab of the Record
and Run Settings dialog box.

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 4 • Using Standard Windows Testing Support

Part III
The ActiveX Add-in
Using the ActiveX Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional ActiveX Add-in to test objects
(controls) in ActiveX applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on ActiveX applications in much the same
way as you do for other Windows-based applications.

The ActiveX Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can
be used when testing objects in ActiveX applications. For more information,
see the ActiveX section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model

This chapter includes:

➤ About the ActiveX Add-in on page 115
➤ Considerations for Working with the ActiveX Add-in on page 117

About the ActiveX Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the ActiveX Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Chapter 5 • Using the ActiveX Add-in

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your The application containing the ActiveX controls on which

Application you want to record must be closed before you begin a
QuickTest recording session and set the Record and Run
options. Open the application only after you begin the
recording session.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button in
the Record and Run Settings dialog box, the settings
also apply to (limit) the applications that are recognized
for Object Spy and other pointing hand operations.
➤ QuickTest recognizes ActiveX objects only in
applications that are opened after changing the record
and replay settings in the Windows Applications tab of
the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Chapter 5 • Using the ActiveX Add-in

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Working with the ActiveX Add-in

➤ When you create a checkpoint on an ActiveX control, QuickTest captures all
the properties for an ActiveX control, but it does not select any properties to
➤ When testing ActiveX objects in a browser, the top-level ActiveX object is
inserted within the standard Web object hierarchy, for example,
Browser > Page > ActiveX.
➤ QuickTest can record on standard controls within an ActiveX control and if
an ActiveX control contains another ActiveX control, then QuickTest can
record and run on this internal control as well. For example, suppose your
ActiveX control is a calendar that contains a drop-down list from which you
can choose the month. If you record a click in the list to select the month of
May, QuickTest records this step in the Expert View as:
Dialog("ActiveX Calendars").ActiveX("SMonth Control").
WinComboBox("ComboBox").Select "May"
➤ Loading the ActiveX and Siebel add-ins together may cause problems when
recording on some ActiveX methods.

Chapter 5 • Using the ActiveX Add-in

➤ When creating a programmatic description for an ActiveX test object and

the relevant run-time object is windowless (has no window handle
associated with it), you must add the windowless property to the
description and set its value to True.
For example:
Set ButDesc = Description.Create
ButDesc("ProgId").Value = "Forms.CommandButton.1"
ButDesc("Caption").Value = "OK"
ButDesc("Windowless").Value = True
For more information on using programmatic descriptions, see the section
on using programmatic descriptions in the HP QuickTest Professional User
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Part IV
The Delphi Add-in
Using the Delphi Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in to test objects in
Delphi applications. You can create and run tests and components on these
objects, as well as check their properties. You create and run tests and
components on Delphi applications in much the same way as you do for
other Windows-based applications.

The Delphi Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can
be used when testing objects in Delphi applications. For more information,
see the Delphi section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

The Delphi Add-in supports testing on Delphi controls created in the Delphi
IDE and based on the Win32 VCL library. For information on specific
versions, see the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in Extensibility enables you to develop

support for testing third-party and custom Delphi controls that are not
supported out-of-the-box by the QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in. For
more information, see the Delphi Add-in Extensibility Help, available from
the QuickTest Professional Extensibility Documentation program group
(Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > Extensibility >
Documentation). A printer-friendly (PDF) version of the HP QuickTest
Professional Delphi Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide is available in the
<QuickTest Professional installation folder>\help\Extensibility folder.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Delphi Add-in on page 122

Chapter 6 • Using the Delphi Add-in

➤ Enabling Communications Between QuickTest Professional and Your Delphi

Application on page 124

About the Delphi Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Delphi Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your Delphi application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Other Before running a test on a Delphi application, the

application being tested must be compiled with the
QuickTest Professional agent MicDelphiAgent.
See “Enabling Communications Between
QuickTest Professional and Your Delphi Application” on
page 124.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 6 • Using the Delphi Add-in

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
➤ QuickTest recognizes only Delphi applications that have
been precompiled with the MicDelphiAgent.pas
module. For more information, see, “Enabling
Communications Between QuickTest Professional and
Your Delphi Application” on page 124.
➤ In some cases, if you select the Record and Run only on
radio button, the settings may also apply to (limit) the
applications that are recognized for Object Spy and
other pointing hand operations.

Custom Active Use the Windows section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen pane > Custom Level
Settings Dialog Box button)
(tests only) See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 6 • Using the Delphi Add-in

Enabling Communications Between QuickTest Professional

and Your Delphi Application
You must use the MicDelphiAgent.pas module to enable communications
between QuickTest Professional and each Delphi project you want to test.

If your application includes the TwwDBGrid from InfoPower, you must also
configure support for the grid.

Linking to the MicDelphiAgent.pas Module to Enable

You must perform the following steps for each application that you want to

To link to the MicDelphiAgent.pas module:

1 Add the <QuickTest Professional Installation
folder>\dat\Extensibility\Delphi folder to your Delphi project search path
or copy the contents of the <QuickTest Professional Installation
folder>\dat\Extensibility\Delphi folder to your project folder.

Chapter 6 • Using the Delphi Add-in

2 Add MicDelphiAgent to the Uses section of your application’s project file

(project.dpr) as shown in the example below:
program flight;
Application.Title :='Flight Reservation';

3 Compile your Delphi project.

Note: If your application includes the TwwDBGrid from InfoPower, you

must add support for this grid as described below.

Chapter 6 • Using the Delphi Add-in

Configuring Support for TwwDBGrid

If your application includes the TwwDBGrid from InfoPower, follow the
following instructions to enable support for this grid.

1 Add MicWWSupport to the Uses section of your application’s project file

(project.dpr) after MicDelphiAgent, as shown in the example below:
program flight;
Application.Title :='Flight Reservation';

2 Recompile your application.

You are now ready to create and run tests on Delphi applications.

Part V
The Java Add-in
Using the Java Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional Java Add-in to create and run tests or
components on Java applets and applications. You create and run tests or
components containing Java test objects in the same way as you create and
run any other test or component. You can run steps on Java objects in
Internet Explorer, Netscape Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Java Web Start, Applet
Viewer, and in standalone Java applications.

The Java Add-in records user operations on applets and applications, and on
the standard Java objects within them. For information on supported Java
toolkits and versions, see the Java section of the HP QuickTest Professional

The Java Add-in provides customized Java test objects, methods, and
properties that can be used when testing objects in Java Add-in applications.
For more information, see the Java section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

Note: Java Add-in Extensibility enables you to develop support for testing
third-party and custom Java controls that are not supported out-of-the-box
by the QuickTest Professional Java Add-in. For more information, see the
Java Add-in Extensibility Help, available from the QuickTest Professional
Extensibility Documentation program group (Start > Programs >
QuickTest Professional > Extensibility > Documentation). A printer-friendly
(PDF) version of the HP QuickTest Professional Java Add-in Extensibility
Developer Guide is available in the <QuickTest Professional installation
folder>\help\Extensibility folder.

Chapter 7 • Using the Java Add-in

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Java Add-in on page 130
➤ Considerations for Working with the Java Add-in on page 131
➤ Understanding Java Add-in Dependencies and Conflicts on page 133

About the Java Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Java Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.


Opening Your You can open your Java application before or after opening
Application QuickTest.

Add-in See “Understanding Java Add-in Dependencies and

Dependencies Conflicts” on page 133.

General Information

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Creating Checkpoints on SWT-Based Java Tree
Objects with Columns” on page 166.
➤ See “Using Text Checkpoints and Text Output Value
Steps with Java Objects” on page 167.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Java pane.

(Tools > Options > Java node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 136.

Chapter 7 • Using the Java Add-in

Record and Run Use the Java tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Java Tab” on
page 153.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Java pane.

Box (File > Settings > Java node)
(tests only) See “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 147.

Custom Active Use the Java section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area ➤ Use the Java pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Java node)
(components only) ➤ See “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 147.
(If an application area is associated with the business
component, settings can be modified only in the
Application Area Settings dialog box.)

Considerations for Working with the Java Add-in

When learning objects and running steps on Java applications, consider the

➤ After installing the Java Add-in, Java applets and applications will always
open with Java support active. You can confirm that your Java environment
has opened properly by checking the Java console for a message similar to
the following confirmation message: "Loading QuickTest Professional Java
Support (version x.x.x.x) (<App> version x.x.x.x)." (where <App> is IE, IBM, or
➤ You can use the Object test object property to activate only public methods
and to retrieve only public properties. A recommended alternative to using
the Object property is to extend QuickTest support for the required Java
object using QuickTest Java Add-in Extensibility. For more information, see
the HP QuickTest Professional Java Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide.

Chapter 7 • Using the Java Add-in

➤ You cannot add SWT-based JavaMenu objects directly to an object

repository using the Add Objects to Local button in the Object Repository
window or the Add Objects button in the Object Repository Manager. If you
want to add an SWT-based JavaMenu object to the object repository, you
can use the Add Objects or Add Objects to Local button to add its parent
object and then select to add the parent object together with its
descendants. Alternatively, you can add a JavaMenu object using the
Navigate and Learn option in the Object Repository Manager. For more
information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ In QuickTest, table data is always loaded from the application itself, even if
the Active Screen contains an image of the table. For this reason, you must
first open the table in the application before creating a table checkpoint in a
➤ In some cases you may have to scroll to the last row of the table to make
sure that all the data is loaded.
➤ It is not necessary to open the table in your application to edit an
existing table checkpoint.
➤ If you load or unload an add-in that is displayed as a child of the Java add-in
in the Add-in Manager, only applications that are opened after loading or
unloading the add-in are affected.
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 7 • Using the Java Add-in

Understanding Java Add-in Dependencies and Conflicts

The QuickTest Professional Java Add-in can be installed and run together
with any other QuickTest Professional add-in. When testing Java applets in a
Web browser, if your tests include operations on Web test objects, you must
load the Web Add-in as well as the Java Add-in and use the Web tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box to specify your record and run

The QuickTest Professional Java Add-in and the QuickTest Professional

Oracle Add-in are compatible with the WinRunner Java and/or Oracle
Add-in 7.6 only. To work with the QuickTest Professional Java Add-in and
the WinRunner Java and/or Oracle Add-in 7.6 on the same computer, you
must install the Java/Oracle patch for WinRunner 7.6 (WR76Patch.exe,
located in the WR76DualAgentPatch folder on the QuickTest Professional
installation DVD) after you install the add-ins.

After you install this patch, you can work with the QuickTest Professional
Java and/or Oracle Add-in and the WinRunner Java and/or Oracle
Add-in 7.6 on the same computer and also load them simultaneously.

Note: Do not install WinRunner Java or Oracle Add-in versions earlier than
version 7.6 on a QuickTest Professional computer.

Chapter 7 • Using the Java Add-in

Creating and Running Tests on Java

This chapter explains how to use QuickTest to set testing preferences and to
record and run steps on Java applets and applications. The chapter assumes
basic knowledge of QuickTest features and capabilities. For more
information on working with QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest Professional
User Guide.

Note: Some of the features described in this chapter are relevant only for
tests (and scripted components). For information on the features that are
available when working with business components, see the HP QuickTest
Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ Defining Java Testing Options on page 136
➤ Defining Java Settings for Individual Tests and Components on page 146
➤ Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests on page 152
➤ Defining Application Details Environment Variables for Tests on page 158
➤ Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run Settings Dialog Box Tabs
on page 159
➤ Recording Tests and Components on Java Objects on page 159

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Defining Java Testing Options

You can use the Java pane of the Options dialog box to set QuickTest record
and run options on Java applets or applications. You can also open the
Advanced Java Options dialog box that enables you to set table record mode
preferences, enable text retrieval for checkpoints and output values, and
specify lists of controls.

The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane

Description Enables you to configure how QuickTest records

and runs tests on Java applets or applications.

How to Access Tools menu > Options item > Java node

Important Information The Java pane is available only when the Java or
Oracle Add-ins are installed and loaded. If you are
using the Oracle Add-in, and you add steps to your
test for Java objects within your Oracle application,
the options in this pane are relevant for the Java
steps in your test.

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About the Java Add-in” on

page 130.
Additional related topics:
➤ “Additional References” on page 140
➤ See the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide for
more information on the Options dialog box

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Below is an image of the Java Pane in the Options dialog box:

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Options Dialog Box: Java Pane Options

Option Description

Record items mode Determines how QuickTest records operations on items in

List box, Combo box, Tree view, and Tab control objects.
Select one of the following options for each object:
➤ By name. (Default) Records operations on an item
within the object (for example, selected list item or tab)
according to the item’s name.
➤ By index. Records operations on an item within the
object (for example, selected list item or tab) according
to the item’s position within the Java object.

➤ If you select the By index option for Tree view, do not
specify "#" as the default separator in the Tree view
path separator option below.
➤ This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("record_by_num") variable.

Search radius for Sets the maximum distance in pixels to search for
attached text attached text.
Default value: 100
➤ This option is relevant only when the label
identification property is unavailable.
➤ This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("max_text_distance") variable.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Option Description

Tree view path Specifies the default separator used to separate entries in a
separator path to a node of a Tree view control.
➤ Default value: ;
➤ Possible value: One or more single-character separators

➤ If you enter more than one character, QuickTest treats
each of the characters as a separator (but not both of
them in sequence). If a path contains two consecutive
separators, QuickTest interprets the path as if it
contains a node with no name between the two
separators. For example, if you specify %$ for this
option and a particular path contains
MyNode%$MySubNode, then QuickTest treats the %
character as a separator for a node with no name, and
the $ character as the separator for an additional node
named MySubNode.
➤ If you select the By index option for Tree View in the
Record Items mode area above, do not specify "#" as
the default separator.
➤ This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("treeview_path_separator") variable.

Reset Resets the Java test settings to their default values.

Advanced Opens the Advanced Java Options dialog box. For more
information, see “The Advanced Java Options Dialog Box”
on page 141.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Advanced Java Options Dialog Box” on

Topics page 141.
➤ “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on
page 147.

Related Tasks ➤ “Defining Java Record and Run Options for

Tests” on page 152.
➤ “Defining Application Details Environment
Variables for Tests” on page 158.
➤ “Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run
Settings Dialog Box Tabs” on page 159.

Related Concepts “Recording Tests and Components on Java

Objects” on page 159.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

The Advanced Java Options Dialog Box

Description Enables you to specify additional Java options. You

can configure table record mode preferences, enable
retrieving text information from the run-time
object for checkpoints and output values (tests
only), and specify lists of controls.

How to Access Tools menu > Options item > Java node > Advanced

Important Information If you are using the Oracle Add-in, and you add
steps to your test for Java objects within your Oracle
application, the options in this dialog box are
relevant for the Java steps in your test.

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About the Java Add-in” on

page 130
Additional related topics: “Additional References”
on page 145

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Below is an image of the Advanced Java Options dialog box:

Advanced Java Options Dialog Box Options

Option Description

JavaTable record Sets the record mode for table objects. Select one of the
mode following modes:
➤ Context Sensitive. (Default) Records operations on
table objects in context-sensitive mode: SetCellData,
SelectRow, and so on.
➤ Analog. Records only low-level (analog) table
methods: ClickCell, DoubleClickCell, and Drag.

Note: This option corresponds to the

Setting.Java("table_record_mode") variable.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Option Description

Checkpoint and Sets preferences for checkpoint and output value steps on
output value options Java objects. It contains the following option:
Enable retrieving text data from the Java run-time object:
Enables QuickTest to retrieve text information from the
Java objects in the application for checkpoints and
output value steps. This option is not relevant if
QuickTest is configured to use the OCR mechanism for
text recognition (Tools > Options > General > Text
Recognition pane).
➤ Retrieving text information from the run-time object
is supported only for Java objects that meet very
specific criteria. Therefore, this option is disabled by
➤ Text checkpoints and output values are not supported
for business components.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Option Description

Table cell controls Sets preferences for the way that QuickTest identifies
controls inside table cells. It includes the following
➤ Controls to identify as separate test objects: Specifies
the list of controls that you want QuickTest to identify
as separate test objects and not as part of a JavaTable
object. Use this option to access methods that are
specific to the object type or to otherwise improve the
functionality of steps that QuickTest would normally
record and run as operations on a JavaTable object.
➤ This option is relevant for JTable Swing toolkit
➤ Specify control class names separated by a space,
tab, newline, or return character. Values are case
➤ This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("table_internal_editors_list") variable.
➤ Controls to treat as part of the JavaTable test object:
Specifies the list of controls for which you want
QuickTest to record and run JavaTable operations. Use
this option to record and run JavaTable operations
(such as SetCellData and Select) on controls that
QuickTest would normally treat as separate test
➤ This option is relevant for JTable Swing toolkit
➤ Specify editor class names separated by a space, tab,
newline, or return character. Values are case
➤ This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("table_external_editors_list") variable.

For information on changing the settings for these

options, see “Modifying Table Cell Control Options” on
page 145.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane” on

Topics page 136
➤ “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 147

Related Tasks “Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests”
on page 152

Related Concepts ➤ “Recording Tests and Components on Java

Objects” on page 159
➤ “Using Text Checkpoints and Text Output Value
Steps with Java Objects” on page 167

Modifying Table Cell Control Options

In the Advanced Java Options dialog box, you can specify a list of table cell
controls that you want QuickTest to identify as separate test objects. You can
also specify a list of table cell controls for which you want QuickTest to
record and run JavaTable operations.

To modify one of the Table Cell Controls options:

1 In the Advanced Options dialog box, click the relevant option once to
highlight it.
2 Click the option again or press F2 to open an edit box in which you can add
or modify a list of controls.
3 Change the value as necessary.

Note: Specify editor class names separated by a space, tab, newline, or return
character. Values are case sensitive.

4 When you finish editing the value, click another location in the dialog box
to set the value.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

5 When you finish making all of the required changes in this dialog box,
click OK and close the dialog box.


➤ Your changes are not applied to the currently open test or component. To
apply your changes, close your test or component and reopen it.
➤ You can restore the default settings in the Advanced Java Options dialog
box by clicking the Reset button.

Defining Java Settings for Individual Tests and Components

You set Java test or component variables using one of the following:

➤ The Java pane of the Test Settings dialog box.

➤ The Java pane of the Business Component Settings dialog box.
➤ The Java pane of the Application Area Settings dialog box.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane

The options shown in the Java pane are the same in the Application Area
Settings dialog box, the Business Component Settings dialog box, and the
Test Settings dialog box.

Description Enables you to set Java test or component variables.

How to Access File menu > Settings item > Java node

Important Information ➤ The Java pane is available only when the Java or
Oracle Add-ins are installed and loaded. If you
are using the Oracle Add-in, and you add steps to
your test for Java objects within your Oracle
application, the options in this pane are relevant
for the Java steps in your test.
➤ If an application area is associated with the
business component, the Business Component
Settings dialog box displays in read-only the
options selected in the Application Area Settings
dialog box.

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About the Java Add-in” on

page 130
Additional related topics:
➤ “Additional References” on page 151
➤ For more information on the Test Settings dialog
box, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ For more information on the Business
Component Settings and Application Area
Settings dialog boxes, see the HP QuickTest
Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Below is an image of the Java pane:

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Settings: Java Pane Options

Option Description

When running Specifies how operations are performed on edit boxes

JavaEdit.Set steps during a test run. It is recommended not to modify these
settings unless you fully understand Java key events and
input methods, as well as the implications of sending or
not sending these events. Note that JavaEdit.Set steps may
fail during a run session if an incorrect value is used for
these settings. You can set one or more of the following
➤ Send KEY_PRESSED event. Sends a KEY_PRESSED event
to the object for every character from the input string.
(Selected by default.) This setting corresponds to the P
value of the Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode") variable.
➤ Send KEY_TYPED event. Sends a KEY_TYPED event to
the object for every character from the input string.
(Selected by default.) This setting corresponds to the T
value of the Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode") variable.
event to the object for every character from the input
string. (Selected by default.) This setting corresponds to
the R value of the Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode")
➤ Use Java API. Calls the setValue() method to set a value
of the edit object. This setting corresponds to the S
value of the Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode") variable.
➤ Send InputMethod event. Sends an InputMethod event
to the object for every character from the input string.
This event is used with Unicode applications (for
example, for some non-English applications). This
setting corresponds to the I value of the
Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode") variable.
➤ Send FOCUS_LOST event at end. Generates a
FOCUS_LOST event after running the step. This setting
corresponds to the F value of the
Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode") variable.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Option Description

Characters to Instructs QuickTest to ignore the specified characters

exclude during a run session. List characters consecutively,
without a separator.
Default value: \t\n\r

➤ This option is relevant only if the Use Java API check
box is selected in the upper section of this dialog box,
or if the value of the Setting.Java("edit_replay_mode")
variable is set to S.
➤ This setting corresponds to the
Setting.Java("exclude_control_chars") variable.

Perform mouse/ By default, QuickTest performs mouse operations at the

keyboard operations context-sensitive level. You can use this option to select
at device level for specific operations to perform using device-level replay.
these selected Device-level replay simulates mouse or key operations
methods exactly as if they occur on the mouse or keyboard drivers.
When a mouse action is simulated on device replay, the
mouse pointer moves on the screen to the point where
the action is to be performed during the run session. You
can select from the following mouse and keyboard
➤ Click
➤ DoubleClick
➤ Type
➤ Drag / Drop

Default value: All check boxes are cleared.

This option corresponds to the
Setting.Java("device_replay_mode") variable.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Additional References

Related User Interface “The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 136

Related Tasks ➤ “Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests”
on page 152
➤ “Defining Application Details Environment
Variables for Tests” on page 158
➤ “Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run
Settings Dialog Box Tabs” on page 159

Related Concepts “Recording Tests and Components on Java Objects”

on page 159

Other Related ➤ For more information on AWT-based Java key

Information events and input methods, see Java
documentation at http://java.sun.com.
➤ For more information on SWT-based Java key
events, see Java documentation at http://

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests

You can use the Java tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box to
instruct QuickTest to open your Java applet or application each time you
begin a recording session, or to instruct QuickTest to record on any open
Java application.

Note: Components do not require specific record and run settings to work
with Java applets and applications. To record a component, you need to first
open the Java applet or application manually. Alternatively, you can include
steps in your component that connect to the Java applet or application, for
example, you can include a step that contains the OpenApp operation.

When you begin recording a new component, the Applications dialog box
opens (unless you previously specified a Windows environment in the
Application Area Settings or Business Component Settings dialog box). Click
OK in the dialog box without making modifications to begin recording. For
more information on the Applications tab and Applications dialog box, see
“Setting Windows Applications Record and Run Options” on page 45.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Java Tab

Description Enables you to instruct QuickTest to open your Java

applet or application each time you begin a
recording session, or to instruct QuickTest to record
on any open Java application.

How to Access ➤ Automation menu > Record and Run Settings

item > Java tab)
➤ If you do not modify the record and run settings
before you begin recording, the Record and Run
Settings dialog box opens automatically when
you begin recording a new test (by clicking
Record or choosing Automation > Record).

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Important Information ➤ When testing Java applets in a Web browser, you

must load both the Web Add-in and the Java
Add-in. In this case, you use the Web tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box to specify
your record and run preferences.
➤ The Java and Web tabs in the Record and Run
Settings dialog box are available only when the
corresponding add-ins are installed and loaded. If
other add-ins are loaded, the corresponding tabs
(if any) are also displayed.
➤ When you run a test, or if you begin a new
recording session on an existing test, QuickTest
automatically uses the existing record and run
settings for the test and does not open the Record
and Run Settings dialog box. However, it is
important to confirm that the options in the
Record and Run Settings Java tab are appropriate
for the first step of your test before running it
because you (or someone else) may have
modified the Record and Run Settings dialog box
manually in a prior record session.

Learn More Conceptual overview: “About the Java Add-in” on

page 130
Additional related topics:
➤ “Additional References” on page 157
➤ For more information on the Web tab, see
“Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Below is an image of the Java tab:

Java Tab Options

Option Description

Record and run test on Instructs QuickTest to record and run the test on
any open Java application any open Java application or applet.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Option Description

Open the following Instructs QuickTest to open a new Java application

application when a record or applet using the specified application details.
or run session begins Notes:
➤ This setting controls only which Java
application, if any, is opened at the beginning of
a record or run session. It does not affect the
applications that QuickTest recognizes. Even if
this radio button is selected and no application is
specified, QuickTest can still record, recognize,
and run on any open Java application.
➤ When working with a Java applet inside a
browser, use the Web tab of the Record and Run
Settings dialog box to open the URL containing
the applet.

Application details Defines details of the Java application on which to

run the test:
➤ Executable file. Instructs QuickTest to open the
specified executable or batch file.
➤ Command line. Instructs QuickTest to open the
application from the specified command line.
➤ Working directory. Instructs QuickTest to run the
specified executable file or command line from
the specified directory. Make sure you specify the
full directory path, for example, C:\Program

Note: If you define values for the EXEPATH_ENV,

environment variables, these values override the
values in the Executable file, Command line, and
Working Directory boxes of the Java tab during a
run session. For more information, see “Defining
Application Details Environment Variables for
Tests” on page 158.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Additional References

Related User Interface ➤ “The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane” on

Topics page 136
➤ “The Advanced Java Options Dialog Box” on
page 141

Related Tasks ➤ “Defining Application Details Environment

Variables for Tests” on page 158
➤ “Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run
Settings Dialog Box Tabs” on page 159
➤ “Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box”
on page 36.

Related Concepts ➤ “Recording Tests and Components on Java

Objects” on page 159
➤ For more information on the Record and Run
Settings dialog box, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Defining Application Details Environment Variables for

You can use application details environment variables to specify the
applications you want to use for recording and running your test. If you
define any of these application details environment variables, they override
the values in the Executable file, Command line, and Working directory
boxes in the Java tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box. For more
information, see “Defining Java Record and Run Options for Tests” on
page 152.

Use the variable names listed in the table below to define Java application

Option Variable Name Description

Executable file EXEPATH_ENV The executable file or a batch

file to open.

Command line CMDLINE_ENV The command line to use to

open the file.

Working directory WORKDIR_ENV The folder to which the

specified command line or
executable file refers.

For more information on defining and working with environment variables,

see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Optimizing Settings for Other Record and Run Settings

Dialog Box Tabs
In addition to setting the appropriate settings in the Java tab (or Web tab for
applets in browsers), you should confirm that the other tabs in the dialog
box have the appropriate settings for your test. The following settings are

➤ Windows Applications tab. Select Record and run only on and confirm that
all check boxes are cleared.
➤ Other tabs. (If displayed.) Select the option to record and run on any open
application (upper radio button of each tab).
While these settings do not directly affect your record or run sessions when
working with Java applets and applications, these settings prevent you from
inadvertently recording operations performed on Windows applications
(such as e-mail) during your recording session. These settings also prevent
QuickTest from opening unnecessary applications when you record or run
tests on Java applets and applications.

For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see “The
Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Overview” on page 36.

Recording Tests and Components on Java Objects

When you record an operation on an applet, application, or Java object,
QuickTest records the appropriate object icon next to the step in the
Keyword View (for tests and components) and adds the relevant statement
in the Expert View (for tests only).

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

If you try to record an operation on an unsupported or custom Java object,

QuickTest records a generic JavaObject.Click statement that includes the
coordinates of the click and the mouse button (that is, left or right) that was
clicked. You can create support for your custom object using the
QuickTest Professional Java Add-in Extensibility. For more information, see
the HP QuickTest Professional Java Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide.

Note: The way in which QuickTest records operations depends on the type
of JTable cell editor in the table cell. For more information, see “Recording
on Table Objects” on page 162.

The QuickTest recorded hierarchy is composed of two or three levels of Java

test objects. The top level is represented by the JavaApplet, JavaDialog, or
JavaWindow object, as appropriate. The actual object on which you
performed an operation may be recorded as a second or third level object. If
the object is located directly in the top level object, it is recorded as a second
level object (for example, JavaApplet.JavaButton). If a JavaDialog or
JavaInternalFrame exists at the second level, then the object on which you
performed the operation is recorded as a third level object (for example,

When testing applets in a browser, the two- or three-level hierarchy is

recorded within the standard Web object hierarchy (for example,

Even though the object on which you record may be embedded in several
levels of objects, the recorded hierarchy does not include these objects. For
example, if the JavaList object on which you record is actually contained in
several JPanel objects, which are all contained in a JavaWindow, the
recorded hierarchy is only JavaWindow.JavaList.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

For example, in a test, if you record a click on a Java check box, the Keyword
View may be displayed as follows:

QuickTest records this step in the Expert View as:

Window("Microsoft Internet Explorer").JavaApplet("Periodic").

JavaCheckBox("Toggle").Set "ON"

In a component, if you record a click on this same Java check box, the
Keyword View would displayed as follows:

You can view the recorded hierarchy of a test object in the object repository.

You can access the full hierarchy of an object when using the pointing hand
mechanism in the Step Generator (tests only), when inserting a checkpoint
or output value step while recording, or when using the Object Spy.

For more information on recording tests and components on Java Objects,


➤ “Recording on Table Objects” on page 162

➤ “Creating Checkpoints on SWT-Based Java Tree Objects with Columns” on
page 166
➤ “Using Text Checkpoints and Text Output Value Steps with Java Objects” on
page 167
➤ “Identifying Java Objects in the Object Spy or Object Selection Dialog Box”
on page 168
➤ “Viewing the Full Object Hierarchy” on page 169

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Recording on Table Objects

When you record an operation that changes the data in a cell of a Java table
object, QuickTest generally records the end result of the data in the cell in
the form of a JavaTable.SetCellData statement. (JavaTable.SetCellData is not
used when the JavaTable record mode is set to Analog. For more
information on JavaTable record mode, see “The Advanced Java Options
Dialog Box” on page 141.)

Recording on Standard Cell Editors in Swing JTable Tables

The QuickTest Professional Java Add-in also provides built-in support for
several standard Swing JTable cell editor types. This means that by default,
QuickTest records operations on these standard cell editors in the same way
as other table objects, using SetCellData statements.

Recording on Custom Cell Editors in Swing JTable Tables

When a JTable contains a custom (non-standard) cell editor, the default
SetCellData statement cannot be recorded. For example, if a cell contains
both a check box and a button that opens a dialog box, then a SetCellData
statement may not always provide an accurate description of the operations
performed inside the cell.

If you record an operation on a custom cell editor, QuickTest records a

statement that reflects the operation you performed on the object inside of
the cell. For example, if the cell editor contains a custom check box,
QuickTest might record the following statement:

Options").JavaCheckBox("MyCheckBox").Set "ON"

instead of:

Options").JavaTable("MyTable").SetCellData "ON"

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Modifying the Default JTable Recording Behavior (Advanced)

In most cases, the default recording behavior for JTables (described in the
preceding sections) works well and maximizes the readability of your test.
However, if you are not satisfied with the value that QuickTest records for
the SetCellData statement of a particular editor, you can set that editor to be
recorded, like a custom cell editor, in terms of the operation performed on
the object inside the cell.

To do this, use the Table cell controls > Controls to identify as separate test
objects option in the Advanced Java Options dialog box and specify specific
cell editor types that should always be treated as separate objects, and not as
part of a JavaTable object. Alternatively, use a Setting.Java
("table_internal_editors_list") statement. For more information, see “The
Advanced Java Options Dialog Box” on page 141, and the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Finding the Toolkit Class of a JTable Cell Editor

If you do not know the value of the toolkit class for an editor for use with
the table_external_editors_list variable, you can find it either by using the
Object Spy, by running a short test in QuickTest to retrieve the value, or by
creating a user-defined function and inserting it as a step.

To find the toolkit class of a JTable cell editor using the Object Spy:
1 Open the table and activate a cell in the cell editor column. For example,
make sure the cursor is blinking inside an edit field or display the
drop-down list of a combo box.
2 With the appropriate cell activated, use the Object Spy to point to the active
cell. For information on using the Object Spy, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

3 Make sure the Properties tab of the Object Spy is displayed and select the
Identification Properties radio button.

4 In the Properties column, scroll to toolkit class.

5 In the Values column, select the value of the toolkit class. The value is
displayed in the box below the Properties tab.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

6 Copy and paste the value from the Object Spy to the Table cell controls >
Controls to identify as separate test objects option or your Setting.Java
("table_internal_editors_list") statement.

Finding the Toolkit Class of a JTable Editor by Running a

QuickTest Script
For some cell editors, it is difficult or impossible to capture an activated cell
with the Object Spy because the cell does not stay activated for a long
enough period of time. For example, after a check box is selected or cleared,
the cell is no longer active. If you need to find the toolkit class value to use
for these types of cell editors, you can run a short test in QuickTest to
retrieve the value. If you are working with components, you can create a
user-defined function and insert it as a step.

You can insert steps similar to the following example:

' Sample test to retrieve the toolkit class of a table cell editor
' that cannot be made continuously active
Set table = JavaWindow("TableDemo").JavaTable("Left table").Object
Set JTableCS = table.mic_get_supp_class()
Set comp = JTableCS.getComponentAt(table, 0, 6) ‘row 0, col 6
MsgBox comp.getClass().getName()

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Creating Checkpoints on SWT-Based Java Tree Objects

with Columns
When working with tests, if you create a checkpoint on an SWT-based Java
tree with columns, a table checkpoint is created. When you create the
checkpoint, the Define Row Range dialog box opens, enabling you to select
the range of rows you want to include in your checkpoint.

You can include:

➤ All rows. Includes all of the rows in the tree. Note that capturing all of
the data for large tree objects may take some time.
➤ All expanded Rows. Includes all of the expanded rows in the table, even
if they are not visible on the screen.
➤ Another range -- from row X to row Y. You can specify any row range
between 1 and the number of rows listed in the table.

The Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box displays the range you select,
and also enables you to modify this range after the checkpoint is created.

For more information on table checkpoints, see the HP QuickTest Professional

User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Using Text Checkpoints and Text Output Value Steps with

Java Objects
When working with tests, you can use checkpoints or output values to
check that text in your Java application or applet displays correctly. Similar
to many other supported environments, it is recommended to retrieve and
check text from your Java applet or application by inserting a standard
checkpoint or output value for the object containing the desired text, and
selecting to check or output its text (or similar) identification property (for
example, text, attached text, or label).

If the object you want to work with does not have an appropriate
identification property, or, if for any other reason, the above
recommendation does not answer your needs (for example, the text before
or after the selected text is important), you can consider inserting a
QuickTest text checkpoint or text output value step for a Java object if it
meets the following criteria:

➤ The object must draw the text itself (and not delegate the drawing task to
the underlying operating system, as is the case with most AWT
➤ The object must draw text by overriding the paint() method and calling the
standard graphics.drawString() method to draw text. For example, the
object cannot use special drawing methods for writing text, such as using a
method that can draw oval circles to draw the letter O.
➤ The object cannot use the double (image) buffering drawing technique.

Note: Because many Java objects do not answer these criteria, the text
checkpoint and text output mechanism for Java objects is disabled by
default. You can enable it in the Advanced Java Options dialog box. For
more information, see “The Advanced Java Options Dialog Box” on
page 141.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Identifying Java Objects in the Object Spy or Object

Selection Dialog Box
The Object Spy and Object Selection dialog boxes display the name of each
object in the hierarchy with an icon that shows the object class. The
following is a list of Java-specific test object classes and icons:

Icon Test Object Class Icon Test Object Class

JavaApplet JavaObject

JavaButton JavaRadioButton

JavaCalendar JavaSlider

JavaCheckBox JavaSpin

JavaDialog JavaStaticText

JavaEdit JavaTab

JavaExpandBar JavaTable

JavaInternalFrame JavaToolbar

JavaLink JavaTree

JavaList JavaWindow


Note: The Object Spy is not supported for SWT-based JavaMenu objects.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Viewing the Full Object Hierarchy

The Java Add-in enables you to view the full object hierarchy of each of the
objects in your application in the Object Spy and Object Selection dialog
boxes. In contrast to the recorded object hierarchy, the full object hierarchy
shows you all of the parent objects associated with the clicked locations
and, in some cases, the child objects of the clicked object.

The full object hierarchy enables you to view associated operations and
properties of non-recorded objects in the Object Spy. When working with
tests, you can also access non-recorded objects from the Object Selection
dialog box that opens when using the Step Generator (tests only) or when
inserting a checkpoint or output value step during a recording session.

The Object Spy and Object Selection dialog boxes enable you to view details,
insert statements, or perform operations even for elements of an object
(class components) that are not recorded, such as java.awt.Component.
For example, you can access the edit box, drop-down list, and button
elements of a combo box.

For more information on the Object Spy and Object Selection dialog boxes,
see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 8 • Creating and Running Tests on Java Objects

Using Advanced Java Test Object Methods

Java test object classes include test object methods that you can use in your
tests to enhance the interaction between QuickTest and the application
being tested.

This chapter includes:

➤ Creating Objects in Your Applet or Application (Advanced) on page 171
➤ Working with Static Members on page 172
➤ Firing Java Events on page 173

Creating Objects in Your Applet or Application (Advanced)

You can use the CreateObject method to create an instance of any Java
object within your applet or application. The CreateObject method returns
an object reference to the newly created Java object. For information on the
syntax of this method, see the Java section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

You can activate the methods of an object you create in the same way as you
would activate the methods of any returned object from a prior call. Because
the CreateObject method returns an object reference, there is no need to use
the Object property when activating methods of the created object.

Chapter 9 • Using Advanced Java Test Object Methods

For example, you can use the CreateObject method to create a rectangle
object. The return value is an object reference.

Set Rect =
("Panel").CreateObject ("java.awt.Rectangle", 10, 20)

Note: The CreateObject method can be performed on any Java test object.
The class loader of the Java test object on which the CreateObject method is
performed is used to load the class of the newly created Java object.

It is recommended to use the CreateObject method on a Java test object

from the same toolkit as the object you want to create. For example, to
create a Swing/JFC object, use the CreateObject method on an existing
Swing/JFC Java test object.

Working with Static Members

You can invoke any static method, or you can set or retrieve the value of any
static property of a Java class using the GetStatics method. For information
on the syntax of this method, see the Java section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

GetStatics returns a reference to an object that can access static members of

the specified class. The class loader of the Java test object on which the
GetStatics method is performed is used to load the class specified as a
parameter of the GetStatics method.

For example, to invoke the gc method of class.java.lang.System, which runs

the garbage collector on the application, you can insert a statement similar
to the following:


Chapter 9 • Using Advanced Java Test Object Methods

To retrieve the value of the out property of the java.lang.System class, you
can insert a statement similar to the following:

Set OutStream=

To print a message to the Java console, you can insert a statement similar to
the following:

Set OutStream=
OutStream.println "Hello, World!"

Firing Java Events

You can simulate an event on a Java object during a run session with the
FireEvent and FireEventEx methods. The FireEvent method simulates an
event on a Java object using one of several pre-defined event constants. If
the list of pre-defined constants does not cover the event you want to fire,
you can use the FireEventEx method to fire any Java event. For information
on the syntax of these methods and for the list of pre-defined event
constants, see the Java section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model

For example, you can use the FireEvent method to fire a MouseClick event
on the JavaObject called MyButton_0.

("MyButton_0").FireEvent micMouseClick, 0, "BUTTON1_MASK", 4, 4, 1, "OFF"

Chapter 9 • Using Advanced Java Test Object Methods

Alternatively, you can use the FireEventEx method to fire the same event as

("MyButton_0").FireEventEx "java.awt.event.MouseEvent",
"MOUSE_CLICKED", 0, "BUTTON1_MASK", 4,4, 1, "False"

Note that you can pass any Java constant that is used as one of the event’s
constructor parameters using its string, rather than its value. In the example
above, the "java.awt.event.MouseEvent" Java constant MOUSE_CLICKED is
supplied as a string argument instead of its value (500 in this example).

Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and

This chapter is intended to help pinpoint and resolve some common

problems that may occur when testing Java applets and applications.

This chapter includes:

➤ Identifying and Solving Common Problems on page 176
➤ Checking Java Environment Variables Settings on page 178
➤ Locating the Java Console on page 179
➤ Running an Application or Applet with the Same Settings on page 182
➤ Running the Java Add-in on Multiple Environments on page 182
➤ Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced) on page 184

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Identifying and Solving Common Problems

The QuickTest Professional Java Add-in provides a number of indicators that
help you identify whether your add-in is properly installed and functioning.
The following table describes the indicators you may see when your add-in
is not functioning properly and suggests possible solutions:

Indicator Solution

You cannot record or run Make sure that the Java Add-in is loaded with
tests on Java applets or QuickTest. To check this, select Help > About
applications, or the Object QuickTest Professional and verify that the Java
Spy identifies Java objects Add-in check box is selected.
as Standard Windows You load the Java Add-in using the Add-in Manager.
objects. For more information, see “Loading QuickTest
Add-ins” on page 28.

The Java console does not Check that the settings in your environment
display a line containing correspond to the environment settings defined in
text similar to "Loading this chapter, or check for a batch file that may
Java Support". override the settings.
For more information, see:
➤ “Checking Java Environment Variables Settings”
on page 178.
➤ “Locating the Java Console” on page 179.

A different applet or First check whether you can record and run tests if
application works with the you invoke the other Java applet or application
QuickTest Professional using exactly the same settings.
Java Add-in, but the Check that the settings in your environment
application you want to correspond to the environment settings defined in
test does not work. this chapter, or check for a batch file that may
override the settings.
For more information, see:
➤ “Running an Application or Applet with the
Same Settings” on page 182.
➤ “Checking Java Environment Variables Settings”
on page 178.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Indicator Solution

The add-in does not Either remove the -Xincgc option, or run without
function properly with dynamic transformation support.
applications that run with For more information, see:
the -Xincgc option.
➤ “Running the Java Add-in on Multiple
Environments” on page 182.
➤ “Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support
(Advanced)” on page 184.

Your Java console contains Check that the jvmhook.dll is located within your
the line: Could not find java.library.path For more information, see
-Xrun library: jvmhook.dll. “Running the Java Add-in on Multiple
Environments” on page 182.

If, after reviewing the above indicators and solutions, you are still unable to
record and run tests on your Java applet or application, see the HP Software
Support Web site.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Checking Java Environment Variables Settings

This section describes the environment variables that need to be set when
you load your Java application with QuickTest Professional Java Add-in
support. For all of the environments, you need to set one or more
environment variables to the short path name of the Java Add-in support
classes folder.

Sun Java 2 or Later (Version 1.2 or Later) or IBM Java 2 or Later

(Version 1.2 or Later)
Set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable (Sun) or the
IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable (IBM) as follows:

-Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:<program files>\HP\QUICKT~1\bin\

JAVA_S~1\classes;<program files>\HP\QUICKT~1\bin\JAVA_S~1\classes\

The above settings should appear on one line (no newline separators).

Note: <program_files> denotes the short path of the Program Files folder.
For example, if the Program Files folder is located in C:\Program Files, then
the value for -Xbootclasspath is as follows:


Tip: If needed, you can temporarily remove Java support by renaming the
_JAVA_OPTIONS or IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. (If you are
working with Java 6, you need to rename the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
environment variable as well.) For example, you must remove Java support
if you want to test ActiveX controls that are embedded in SWT- or Eclipse-
based applications.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

If you are working with Sun Java 6 (version 1.6), you must set an additional
environment variable, JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, with the following value:

Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - Internet Explorer/JView

Make sure that the MSJAVA_ENABLE_MONITORS variable is set to 1. This is
relevant when the user who installed QuickTest with Java Add-in support is
not the user running the application.

Netscape Browser 8.x

Netscape 8.x uses the Java 2, Java 5, or Java 6 Virtual Machine as an external
plug-in. For more information, see “Sun Java 2 or Later (Version 1.2 or Later)
or IBM Java 2 or Later (Version 1.2 or Later)” on page 178.

Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox uses the Java 2, Java 5, or Java 6 Virtual Machine as an
external plug-in. For more information, see “Sun Java 2 or Later (Version 1.2
or Later) or IBM Java 2 or Later (Version 1.2 or Later)” on page 178.

Locating the Java Console

The Java console is the window in which your Java application or applet
displays messages. The location of the Java console changes according to
your application setup. Your Java application can be:

➤ a standalone application
➤ run in an applet viewer
➤ an applet run in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Browser, or Mozilla

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

If your Java application is a standalone application:

➤ Open the batch file or shortcut that invokes the application and look for the
command that launches Java (java.exe, javaw.exe, jre.exe, or jrew.exe).
➤ If the application was run with java.exe or jre.exe, it will load with a
console (Command prompt window).
➤ If the application was run with javaw.exe or jrew.exe, it will not load
with a console (the console is unavailable). You can check for Java Add-in
support by invoking the application with java.exe or jre.exe. Do this by
altering your batch file or the shortcut invoking your application.

Note: java.exe and javaw.exe are nearly identical, as are jre.exe and
jrew.exe. The only difference between them is whether they launch a
console window.

If your Java application runs in an applet viewer:

➤ Look in the DOS command prompt window that invoked the applet viewer.
➤ If there is no DOS command prompt window, your applet viewer may be
run by a batch file similar to a standalone application. For more
information, see the information on javaw and jrew in the standalone
application section above.

If your Java applet runs in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Browser, or

Mozilla Firefox:
➤ If your applet runs in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Browser using
the Sun Java plug-in:
Right-click the Java (plug-in) icon in your taskbar tray and click the option
that opens the console (for example, Open Console or Show Console,
depending on the installed version).

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

If you do not see the Java (plug-in) icon in your taskbar tray, select Start >
Settings > Control Panel and double-click the Java icon or option (select the
Java version used by your application). Then, in the displayed dialog box,
select the option to show the Java console (for example, Show console). Note
that the actual name of the option, and its location in the dialog box,
depend on the Java version used by your application.) Confirm the change
(for example, by clicking Apply). Restart the browser.

Note: To find out whether your Microsoft Internet Explorer works with the
Sun Java plug-in, select Tools > Internet Options > Advanced. Under Java
(Sun) verify that Use Java is selected. Java plug-in version 1.3 or later
automatically configures Internet Explorer to work with the Sun Java

➤ If your applet runs using the Microsoft Internet Explorer internal Virtual
In Microsoft Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options. In the
Advanced tab, look for Microsoft VM. Select Java console enabled (requires
restart) and click OK. Restart the browser and invoke your application.
Select View > Java Console.
➤ If your applet runs in Mozilla Firefox:
In Mozilla Firefox, select Tools > Java Console.
If you do not see the Java Console option in the Tools menu, install the
Open Java Console extension from https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/141/.
This extension provides the menu option on the Tools menu for opening
the Java Console from Mozilla Firefox. It also provides a toolbar button in
the JavaScript Console for opening Java Console.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Running an Application or Applet with the Same Settings

In some cases, running another Java application or applet with the exact
same settings helps determine whether you are encountering a general
problem with the Java Add-in or an application-specific problem.

To run an application or applet with the same settings:

➤ Determine whether the application is a standalone application or an applet.
➤ If the application is an applet, check the browser type.
➤ If the applet is executed from a shortcut, execute the applet with the same
➤ If the applet is executed from a batch file, copy the batch file and change
only the class file that invokes the applet.

Note: If the classpath must also be changed, add only the new items needed.
Do not remove any of the items from the original application or applet

Running the Java Add-in on Multiple Environments

The Java add-in uses a mechanism that supports multiple Java environments
(such as, SUN JRE, IBM JRE, and Oracle JInitiator) and multiple Java versions
(such as, JDK 1.3.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.0, and 1.6.0) without requiring any
configuration changes. This mechanism, known as the dynamic
transformation support mechanism, adjusts the Java Add-in support classes
according to the Java environment and version used. The dynamic
transformation support mechanism uses the Tool Interface of the Java
Virtual Machine (JVMTI) (or the Profiler Interface (JVMPI) when working
with JDK 1.5 and earlier).

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

The dynamic transformation support mechanism is invoked by the

-Xrunjvmhook option, which is supplied to the JVM. If the -Xrunjvmhook
option is specified, the JVM hook profiler (part of the Java Add-in support) is
loaded with every Java 2 application or applet that loads. The JVM hook
profiler dynamically transforms the necessary classes to enable
context-sensitive Java support.

When you run the Java Add-in on Java 6 environments, the dynamic
transformation support mechanism is invoked by the -agentlib:jvmhook,
which is defined in the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable.

Note: When working with Java 6 there is no conflict between

-agentlib:jvmhook (defined in the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment
variable) and -Xrunjvmhook (defined in the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment
variable) because Java 6 ignores -Xrunjvmhook.

The Java agent searches for the jvmhook.dll according to the

java.library.path system property. You can identify any override of this
system property using the Java command line: -djava.library.path = <path>
However, although you can override the java.library.path system property, it
is recommended to extend the java.library.path and not to overwrite it.

By default, the value of the java.library.path system property is the system

path. If your application is loaded with a different library path, you must
either add the jvmhook.dll to a location within the java.library.path, or
change the java.library.path to contain <Windows installation folder>/

The <JRE root folder>/bin folder is always located in the java.library.path. If

needed, you can manually copy the jvmhook.dll to this folder. However, if
you need to modify more than one computer, it is recommended to modify
the batch file that alters the java.library.path.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced)

If the dynamic transformation support mechanism does not work properly,
you can disable it and manually configure the Java environment to use the
Java Add-in without dynamic transformation support.

In addition, the dynamic transformation support mechanism is not

supported when using the incremental garbage collector (-Xincgc option).
Therefore, if you absolutely must use the -Xincgc option, you need to
disable dynamic transformation support.

You disable dynamic transformation support by performing the following


➤ Save the dynamically transformed classes, as described on page 184

➤ Disable dynamic transformation support by disabling the JVM hook profiler,
as described on page 185
After you perform these steps, the saved transformed classes will be used
instead of dynamic transformation.

To save the dynamically transformed classes:

1 Specify the folder in which to save the dynamically transformed classes that
will be generated during the preliminary launching of your java applet or
To do this, open the registry editor (select Start > Run, type regedit in the
Open box and click OK) and navigate to the JavaAgent main key, located in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent.
Define a new string value named ClassesDumpFolder, and set its value data
to an existing folder (preferably empty) on your computer, for example,

Note: If the ClassesDumpFolder string value already exists, you can modify
its value data to an existing folder on your computer.

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

2 If you are using the -Xincgc option, temporarily remove it from the
command line to enable the JVM hook profiler to transform and save the
necessary classes.
3 Launch your applet or application and perform some basic operations on it.
This ensures that all of the necessary classes are transformed and saved.
Close your applet or application. All of the dynamically transformed classes
are now saved in the folder you specified in the previous step (for example,
4 If you temporarily removed the -Xincgc option from the command line in
step 2, you can restore it now.
Now that you have saved the transformed classes, you are ready to disable
dynamic transformation support.

To disable dynamic transformation support:

1 Remove the -Xrunjvmhook option from the _JAVA_OPTIONS (or
IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS for IBM VM-based applications, and
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS if you are working with Java 6) environment variable.
2 Add the following option instead:
-Xbootclasspath/p:<ClassesDumpfolder>\Final where <ClassesDumpfolder>
is the value of the folder in which the dynamically transformed classes were
saved (step 1 on page 184). For example, after your modification the
_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable might look like this:
-Xbootclasspath/p:C:\JavaSupportClasses\Final -Xbootclasspath/

Chapter 10 • Troubleshooting Testing Java Applets and Applications

Part VI
The .NET Add-in
Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

You can use the QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in to test objects in .NET
Windows Forms applications. You can create and run tests and components
on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create and run tests
and components on .NET Windows Forms applications in much the same
way as you do for other Windows-based applications.

The .NET Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in .NET Windows Forms applications. For more
information, see the .NET Windows Forms section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

You can also test most custom .NET controls inherited from the
System.Windows.Forms.Control regardless of which language was used to
create the application (for example, VisualBasic .NET, C#, and so on).

Note: QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in Extensibility enables you to

develop support for testing third-party and custom .NET Windows Forms
controls that are not supported out-of-the-box by the QuickTest Professional
.NET Add-in. For more information, see the .NET Add-in Extensibility Help,
available from the QuickTest Professional Extensibility Documentation
program group (Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > Extensibility >
Documentation). A printer-friendly (PDF) version of the HP QuickTest
Professional .NET Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide is available in the
<QuickTest Professional installation folder>\help\Extensibility folder.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

This chapter includes:

➤ About .NET Windows Forms Testing Support on page 190
➤ Considerations for Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications on page 191
➤ Checking .NET Windows Forms Objects and Outputting Values on page 192
➤ Using the .NET Windows Forms Spy on page 195

About .NET Windows Forms Testing Support

The following table summarizes basic information about .NET Windows
Forms testing support and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of

General Information

Add-in Type The .NET Windows Forms testing support functions like a
Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the
same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Considerations for Testing .NET Windows Forms
Applications” on page 191.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your .NET Windows Forms application
Application before or after opening QuickTest.

Add-in The .NET Add-in must be installed.


Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
Note: If you select the Record and Run only on radio
button in the Record and Run Settings dialog box, the
settings also apply to (limit) the applications that are
recognized for the .NET Windows Spy, the Object Spy, and
other pointing hand operations.

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Settings node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Testing .NET Windows Forms

➤ You can use the Keyword View and Expert View to activate .NET Windows
Forms test object operations and native (run-time object) operations,
retrieve and set the values of properties, and check that objects in your
application exist and function as expected.
➤ When you create a checkpoint on a .NET Windows Forms object, QuickTest
stores the selected property values of the object. If your application changes,
you can modify the captured values to match the new expected values.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Checking .NET Windows Forms Objects and Outputting

You can check or output values from supported .NET Windows Forms grid
controls and use the Object property to retrieve internal properties.

For more information, see:

➤ “Checking .NET Windows Forms Tables and Outputting Their Values” on

page 192
➤ “Accessing Internal Properties and Methods of Run-Time .NET Windows
Forms Objects” on page 194

Checking .NET Windows Forms Tables and Outputting

Their Values
You check or output values from supported .NET Windows Forms grid
controls using the Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box.

For tables with more than 100 rows, you can specify the rows you want to
include in the checkpoint or output value in the Define Row Range dialog
box. If you do not specify the rows to include, the table checkpoint or
output value captures all data in the current level or view as follows:

When working with: The table checkpoint or output value captures:

ComponentOne C1FlexGrid The entire grid.

and C1TrueDBGrid

Microsoft Data Grid and The currently displayed table (parent or child).
DataGrid View

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

When working with: The table checkpoint or output value captures:

Infragistics UltraWinGrid The band in which a cell, column, or row is


DevExpress XtraGrid The view that was most recently set.

Tip: Insert a SetView method before your table
checkpoint to ensure that the view you want is
displayed when the table checkpoint runs.

Apart from the difference in captured information as listed above, you

define a table checkpoint or output value for .NET Windows Forms in the
same way as you do for any other table. For more information, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.


For a list of supported .NET Windows Forms grid control versions, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme.
.NET Windows Forms table checkpoints and output value steps can be
created only for objects that QuickTest recognizes as SwfTable objects.
QuickTest does not treat SwfPropertyGrid test objects as table objects.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Accessing Internal Properties and Methods of Run-Time

.NET Windows Forms Objects
You can use the Object property to retrieve internal (native) properties and
activate internal methods of any .NET Windows Forms object in your

For example, you can set the focus to a particular button and change its
caption using statements similar to the following:

Set theButton = SwfWindow("frmWin").SwfButton("OK").Object

theButton.Caption = "Yes"

The Object property is also useful for verifying the value of properties that
are not available using a standard checkpoint.

When you use the Object property to retrieve arrays of structures, the Object
property returns the COM wrapper of the system.array object. In your
VBScript test or component steps, you can then use the system.array object
to access the array members.

For example, suppose a button object in your application has a PointArray

property, which is an array of Point structures. To access the first item in the
PointArray property, you would use the following expression:


If the same object had an IntArray property, which was an array of integers,
you would use the following expression to access the first item in the
IntArray property:


For additional information on the Object property and for information on

.NET Windows Forms test objects, methods, and properties see the .NET
Windows Forms section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Using the .NET Windows Forms Spy

The .NET Windows Forms Spy enables you to select a specific control in
your .NET application, view its run-time object properties and values,
change property values in the application in run-time, listen to events on a
specific control, view the event arguments, and fire events back at the

You can use the .NET Windows Forms Spy to help you develop extensibility
for .NET Windows Forms controls.

To spy on a .NET Windows Forms application, make sure that the

application is specified in the Windows Applications tab of the Record and
Run Settings dialog box, and that the application is running with Full Trust.
If the application is not defined to run with Full Trust, you cannot spy on
the .NET application’s Windows Forms controls with the .NET Windows
Forms Spy. For information on defining trust levels for .NET applications,
see Microsoft documentation.

The .NET Windows Forms Spy is intended for advanced QuickTest users,
especially those who are using .NET Add-in Extensibility to create support
for custom .NET Windows Forms controls. The .NET Windows Forms Spy
can assist you in examining .NET Windows Forms controls within your
application and seeing which events cause it to change (to facilitate
recording and running) and how the changes manifest themselves in the
control’s state.

Note: The .NET Windows Forms Spy runs in the context of your .NET
application, not in the QuickTest context. The objects and run-time object
properties on which you are spying are the raw .NET controls in your
application, and not the .NET test objects used in QuickTest. Since the .NET
Windows Forms Spy runs in the context of your .NET application, you can
close QuickTest while you use the .NET Windows Forms Spy. However,
QuickTest must be open if you want to use the pointing hand mechanism to
spy on additional objects. If you close the .NET application on which you
are spying, the QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window is closed

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

To use the .NET Windows Forms Spy to spy on an object:

1 Make sure that the application on which you want to spy is specified in the
Windows Applications tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box, and
that the application is running with Full Trust.
2 Open the .NET Windows Forms application to the window containing the
object on which you want to spy.
3 Select Tools > .NET Windows Forms Spy, or press CTL+SHIFT+T. The QuickTest
.NET Windows Forms Spy window opens.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

4 In the QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window, click the pointing
hand. Both QuickTest and the .NET Windows Forms Spy are minimized so
that you can point to, and click on, any object in the open application.
For more information on using the pointing hand feature, see “Tips for
Working with the Pointing Hand” on page 199.
5 Click the object whose properties you want to view. If the location you
clicked in your application is associated with more than one object, the
Object Selection dialog box opens. The objects associated with the location
you clicked are displayed in hierarchical order.
6 Select the .NET Windows Forms object on which you want to spy and click
OK. The QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window opens showing the
properties and values for the selected object.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

The QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window includes the following:

Item Description

Pointing hand button Enables you to select a .NET Windows Forms object on
which to spy. You can spy on as many objects within a
single .NET application as you want. Each object that
you select is added to the Objects pane.
Note: If you select an object from a different .NET
application, an additional QuickTest .NET Windows
Forms Spy window opens, showing the information for
the selected object.

Type Displays the full type name of the selected object.

Objects pane Displays a hierarchical tree of the objects you selected to

spy. For more information, see “Working with the
Objects Pane” on page 200.

Properties tab Enables you to view and modify values of run-time

object properties in your .NET application. For more
information, see “Working with the Properties Tab” on
page 201.

Events tab Enables you to listen to events in your .NET application

and fire them at the application. For more information,
see “Working with the Events Tab” on page 204.

status bar Displays the class name of the object that is selected in
the Objects pane, and the event handling status.

7 You can repeat steps 4 to 6 to spy on additional objects and add them to the
Objects pane in the QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window.

Note: QuickTest must be open if you want to use the pointing hand
mechanism to spy on additional objects.

You can now view and modify values of the run-time object’s properties. In
addition, you can view, listen to, and fire events on the object.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Tips for Working with the Pointing Hand

➤ You can hold the left CTRL key to change the pointing hand to a standard
pointer. You can then change the window focus or perform operations in
QuickTest or in your application, such as right-clicking, using the scroll bars,
or moving the pointer over an object to display a context menu.
➤ If the window containing the object you want to select is partially hidden
by another window, hold the pointing hand over the partially hidden
window for a few seconds until it comes to the foreground. Then point to
and click the required object. You can configure the length of time required
to bring a window into the foreground using the General pane of the
Options dialog box.
➤ If the window containing the object you want to select is fully hidden by
another window, or if a dialog box is hidden behind a window, press the left
CTRL key and arrange the windows as needed.
➤ If the window containing the object you want to select is minimized, you
can display it by holding the left CTRL key, right-clicking the application in
the Windows task bar, and choosing Restore from the context menu.
➤ If the object you want to select can be displayed only by performing an
event (such as right-clicking or moving the pointer over an object to display
a context menu), hold the left CTRL key. The pointing hand temporarily
turns into a standard pointer and you can perform the event. When the
object you want to select is displayed, release the left CTRL key. The pointer
becomes a pointing hand again.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Working with the Objects Pane

The Objects pane contains a list of the objects in your .NET application on
which you have spied. Each time you spy on another object in the same
.NET application, it is added to the Objects pane. You can spy on as many
objects from the same .NET application as you want, using the pointing
hand button in the QuickTest .NET Windows Forms Spy window.

The Objects pane also contains any embedded objects that you added from
the Properties tab. Each time you add an embedded object to the Objects
pane, it is added below its parent object, in a hierarchical format. For more
information on viewing properties for embedded objects, see “Working with
the Properties Tab” on page 201.

You can select an object in the Objects pane and view or modify its
properties and property values, and listen to and fire its events.

You can remove objects from the Objects pane if you no longer need them.
You cannot delete the last remaining parent object from the Objects pane.
When you remove an object, its descendants (if any) are also removed.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

To remove objects from the Objects pane:

1 Select the object that you want to remove.
2 Perform one of the following:
➤ Right-click the object and select Remove Object.
➤ Press DELETE.

Working with the Properties Tab

The Properties tab enables you to view run-time object properties and values
for objects in your .NET application. You can select a property to display a
description of the property below the property grid. You can choose to
display the properties alphabetically or by category.

You can change property values in the .NET Windows Forms Spy and apply
those changes to your .NET application in run-time.

You can also add embedded objects from the Properties tab to the Objects
pane to view their properties.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

To view values of .NET Windows Forms run-time object properties:

In the Objects pane, select the object whose run-time object properties you
want to view. The properties for the selected object are displayed in the
Properties tab, with the property names on the left, and the property values
on the right. A description of the selected property is displayed below the
properties grid.

To modify values of .NET Windows Forms run-time object properties:

1 In the Properties tab, click the property value you want to modify. Properties
shown in gray are defined as read-only in the .NET application and cannot
be modified.
2 Edit the property value as required. The property value displays different
types of edit fields, depending on the needs of a particular property. These
edit fields include edit boxes, drop-down lists, and links to custom editor
dialog boxes.
After you modify a property value, the new value is applied to the run-time
instance of the .NET application. For example, you can change the text of an
edit box label, change the background color of a dialog box from gray to red,
and so on.

Note: Any changes you make to the values of run-time object properties in
the .NET application remain in effect only for the current instance of the
.NET application. The next time you run the .NET application, the
properties will return to their original run-time values.

To view properties of embedded objects:

1 In the Properties tab, select the property whose embedded object properties
you want to view. For information on locating a property by value, see “To
locate a property by its value:” on page 203.
2 Click the Add Selected Property button. The property is added to the
Objects pane, and its run-time object properties and property values (if any)
are shown in the Properties tab. Each time you add an embedded object to
the Objects pane, it is added below its parent object, in a hierarchical

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Note: The Add Selected Property button is disabled if the property’s value is
null, or the property is an object with no properties of its own.

To locate a property by its value:

1 Click the Search Property by Value button. The Find Property by Value
dialog box opens.
2 In the Find what box, specify the value for which you want to search.
3 To find only those occurrences in which the capitalization matches the text
you entered, select Match case.
4 Specify the direction from the current cursor location in which you want to
search: Up or Down.
5 Click Find Next. The .NET Windows Forms Spy locates the property whose
value you specified.

To sort the properties grid:

Click one of the following buttons to sort the properties grid in the
Properties tab:

➤ Categorized. Lists all properties and property values for the selected object,
by category. Categories are listed alphabetically. You can collapse a category
to reduce the number of visible properties. When you expand or collapse a
category, a plus (+) or minus (-) is displayed to the left of the category name.
➤ Alphabetical. Alphabetically sorts all run-time object properties for the
selected object.

Note: The Property Pages button is not currently supported.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Working with the Events Tab

The Events tab enables you to listen to selected events on a specific control
in your .NET application. You can then view the event arguments, and fire
selected events back at the application.

This is especially useful if you are using .NET Add-in Extensibility to create
support for custom .NET Windows Forms controls. You can see which events
cause your .NET application to change, so you can implement extensibility
for recording operations on specific controls, and also check which events
need to be fired to make your .NET application behave the way you want.

To listen to specified events for a .NET Windows Forms object:

1 In the Objects pane, select the object to whose events you want to listen.
2 In the Events list, select the check boxes for the event types to which you
want to listen.

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Note: The events that you select affect only the events that are listened to
and logged by QuickTest. If you select or clear a check box for an event type
after listening to events for an object, the events in the Fired Events list are
not changed.

Tip: You can click the Select All Events or Clear All Events buttons to select
or clear all the event check boxes. You can also right-click the Events list and
select Select All or Clear All.

3 Click the Listen to Selected Events button. QuickTest starts listening to the
specified events on the selected object, and Listening is displayed in the
status bar.
4 In your .NET application, perform the operations on the object to whose
events you want to listen. The specified events are logged as they occur and
are shown in the Fired Events list.
5 When you want to stop listening to events, click the Stop Listening to
Events button. QuickTest stops listening to and logging the specified events.

To view event arguments for a .NET Windows Forms object:

1 In the Objects pane, select the object whose event arguments you want to
2 Select the event in the Fired Events list whose arguments you want to view.
The selected events arguments and argument values are shown directly
below the event, in the Event Arguments list.

To fire selected events on a .NET Windows Forms object:

1 In the Objects pane, select the object whose events you want to fire.
2 In the Fired Events list, select one or more events that you want to fire on
your .NET application. You can select multiple events using standard
Windows selection techniques (CTRL and SHIFT keys).

Chapter 11 • Testing .NET Windows Forms Applications

Tip: The selected events are fired in the order in which they appear in the
Fired Events list. If the events do not appear in the Fired Events list in the
order in which you want to fire them, listen to more events on the object
until the events you want are added to the Fired Events list in the required

3 If the events you selected have editable arguments, you can change their
argument values in the Event Arguments list if needed before firing the
events. When the events are fired, they will be fired with the modified
argument values.
4 Click the Fire Selected Events button. The selected events are fired in the
order in which they appear in the Fired Events list. You can view the effect
that firing these events has on the relevant object in your .NET application.
The status bar displays that the event firing is in progress, and when it ends.

To remove specific events from the Fired Events list:

1 In the Objects pane, select the object whose events you want to remove
from the Fired Events list.
2 Select the events in the Fired Events list that you want to remove. You can
select multiple events using standard Windows selection techniques (CTRL
and SHIFT keys).
3 Click the Clear Selected Events button. The selected events are removed
from the Fired Events list.

To clear all events from the Fired Events list:

1 In the Objects pane, select the object whose events you want to remove
from the Fired Events list.
2 Click the Clear Event List button. All the logged events are removed from
the Fired Events list.

Using the Windows Presentation
Foundation Add-in

You can use the QuickTest WPF Add-in to test objects in WPF (Windows
Presentation Foundation) applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on WPF applications in much the same way
as you do for other Windows-based applications.

The WPF Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in WPF applications. For more information, see
the NET Windows Presentation Foundation section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the WPF Add-in on page 208
➤ Considerations for Working with the WPF Add-in on page 209
➤ About WPF User Interface Automation on page 210
➤ Checking WPF Objects and Outputting Values on page 211
➤ Using WPF Objects, Methods, and Properties to Enhance Your Test or
Component on page 212

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

About the WPF Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the WPF Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Checking WPF Objects and Outputting Values” on
page 211.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your WPF application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in The Web and .NET Add-ins must be installed.


Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.
For more information, see “Setting Windows Application
Testing Options” on page 61.

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
For more information, see “Setting Windows Applications
Record and Run Options” on page 45.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Working with the WPF Add-in

➤ You can test most custom WPF controls inherited directly or indirectly from
the System.Windows.Controls.Control class regardless of which language
was used to create the application (for example, VisualBasic, .NET, C#, and
so on), as well as third-party WPF controls that are inherited from the
System.Windows.Controls.Control class and implement automation
➤ WPF uses UI (User Interface) Automation to define UI objects.
UI Automation provides standardization of controls and properties for the
functionality of objects. The .NET Add-in supports UI Automation through
the AutomationElement and Automation Pattern properties.
➤ You can use the Keyword View and Expert View to activate WPF test object,
Automation object and run-time object methods, retrieve and set the values
of properties, and check that objects exist.
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

About WPF User Interface Automation

UI Automation provides a single, consistent, reference object for UI
elements in multiple frameworks (For example, Win32, WPF, and Trident).
With UI Automation, the functionality of objects in the UI is defined by a
set of standard controls and properties that are common to all objects of
that type.

To learn more about UI Automation, see the UI Automation Fundamentals

page of the Microsoft Developer Network library at http://

Automation Elements
UI Automation exposes every element in the UI as an Automation Element.
Automation Elements expose common properties of the UI elements they

For example, a button control has the Automation Element property

NameProperty, which references the name or text associated with a button
control. That same property is called caption or alt in Win32 and HTML,
respectively. With UI Automation, all button controls have a NameProperty,
which is mapped to the corresponding property in each framework.

The Automation Element also exposes control patterns that provide

properties and expose methods specific to their control types.

Control Patterns
Control patterns represent discrete pieces of functionality that a control in
the UI can perform. The total set of control patterns for a control type define
the functionality of that control type.

Control patterns expose methods that provide the ability to

programmatically manipulate the control.

Control patterns expose properties that provide information on the

control’s functionality and current state.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

The set of supported control patterns for a particular control can be

dynamically defined. Therefore, a particular control type may not always
support the same set of control patterns. For example, a multiline edit box
supports scrolling (scrollpattern pattern) only if its text exceeds the viewable

Some controls types, such as Image controls do not support any control

QuickTest Professional enables you to access the methods and properties of

automation elements and control patterns using special properties in the
QuickTest object model for WPF.

For information on how to work with UI Automation in your test or

component, see “Accessing Internal Properties and Methods of WPF
Objects” on page 212.

Checking WPF Objects and Outputting Values

You use checkpoints to check the properties of WPF objects the same way
you check the properties of standard Windows objects. You can also output
property values from the objects in your WPF application to use in your test
or component.

You can check or output any identification property associated with an

object using a standard checkpoint. For a list and description of the
identification properties associated with each WPF object, see the NET
Windows Presentation Foundation section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

To check properties that are not included in the Checkpoint Properties

dialog box you can use the Object, AutomationElement, or
AutomationPattern property. For more information, see “Accessing Internal
Properties and Methods of WPF Objects” on page 212.

For more information on checkpoints and output values, see the

HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

Using WPF Objects, Methods, and Properties to Enhance

Your Test or Component
A test or component consists of statements coded in Microsoft VBScript.
These statements are composed of objects, methods, and/or properties that
instruct QuickTest to perform operations or retrieve information. You add
these statements using objects from your object repositories, and methods
and properties that are available for each object type. In addition, when you
record, these statements are generated automatically in response to input to
the application. You can also program statements manually, or mix recorded
and programmed statements in the same test or component. You create,
view, and edit these statements in the Keyword View and/or Expert View.

Accessing Internal Properties and Methods of WPF

When accessing the internal properties and methods of WPF objects, it is
important to know which property to use to access the object that contains
the information you want to set or retrieve.

➤ AutomationElement property. Returns the object that gives access to the

set of standard properties that expose information about the Automation
➤ AutomationPattern property. Returns the object that gives access to the
specific instance of a Control Pattern. For more information on the
methods and properties that are accessible through the
AutomationPattern property, see the .NET Framework Developer Center
of the Microsoft Developer Network library at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/
➤ Object property. Returns the object that gives access to properties specific
to the actual run-time UI object, as defined by the developer.
Many of the properties and methods accessible through the
AutomationElement and AutomationPattern properties contain the same
information as the properties and methods accessible through the Object
property. However, information available through UI Automation that is
accessed through the Object property lacks the standardization provided by
UI Automation.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

Custom properties designed by the developer are accessible only through

the Object property.

Working with Test Object Methods

QuickTest provides a variety of test object methods that you can use with
WPF objects. You can record some of these methods while recording on WPF
objects. You can add additional functionality to your test or component by
entering statements manually in the Keyword View or Expert View. For
information on the available WPF test objects, methods, and properties, see
the NET Windows Presentation Foundation section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Note: Because WPF Automation Elements of the same control type may
support a different set of control patterns, the test object methods or
properties that QuickTest supports for a specific test object may be different
from the standard set of methods and properties listed in the NET Windows
Presentation Foundation section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object
Model Reference. For example, although the WpfButton test object generally
does not support the Set method, QuickTest may record a Set step when
clicking a toggle button if the control pattern that was activated during the
record session corresponds to the Set method.

The .NET Add-in supports IntelliSense and statement completion in the

Expert View, including the display of available internal (native) methods
and properties when using the Object and AutomationElement properties in
a statement. The .NET Add-in also supports generating statements that
access run-time object methods and properties in the Step Generator.

To use IntelliSense with the Object and AutomationElement properties,

ensure that the application you are referencing is open and displays the
object to which you are referring.

Chapter 12 • Using the Windows Presentation Foundation Add-in

Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

You can use the .NET Add-in to test objects in .NET Web Forms applications.
You can create and run tests and components on these objects, as well as
check their properties. You create and run tests and components on .NET
Web Forms applications in much the same way as you do for other Web-
based applications.

The .NET Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in .NET Web Forms applications. For more
information, see the .NET Web Forms section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Note: You can use Web Add-in Extensibility to develop support for testing
third-party and custom .NET Web Forms controls that are not supported
out-of-the-box by the QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in. For more
information, see the HP QuickTest Professional Web Add-in Extensibility
Developer Guide, available from the QuickTest Professional Extensibility
Documentation program group (Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional >
Extensibility > Documentation).

This chapter includes:

➤ About Testing .NET Web Forms Applications on page 216
➤ Considerations for Testing .NET Web Forms Applications on page 217
➤ Checking .NET Web Forms Objects and Outputting Values on page 218

Chapter 13 • Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

About Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

The following table summarizes basic information about testing .NET Web
Forms applications and how the .NET Add-in relates to some
commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type The .NET Add-in functions like a Web-based add-in when
testing .NET Web Forms controls. Much of its functionality
is the same as other Web-based add-ins.
See “Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.
➤ See “Checking .NET Web Forms Objects and Outputting
Values” on page 218.


Opening Your You must open QuickTest and set the Record and Run
Application options before opening your .NET Web Forms application.
Open your application only after you begin the recording

Add-in The Web Add-in must be loaded.


Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web pane.

(Tools > Options > Web node)
See “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82.

Record and Run Use the Web tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76

Chapter 13 • Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Test” on page 98.

Custom Active Use the Web section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Web pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(components only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area” on
page 100.

Considerations for Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

When testing .NET Web Forms Applications applications, consider the

➤ When QuickTest learns .NET Web Forms objects, it does not learn the HTML
elements that comprise the test objects. For example, when QuickTest learns
the WbfGrid test object, the WbfGrid object is the bottommost object in the
hierarchy, and the HTML elements used to create the grid’s cells are not
➤ When you load the .NET Add-in, the Web event recording configurations
designed for this add-in are loaded and are used whenever you record on a
.NET Web Forms object. The.NET Web Forms Web event recording
configurations do not affect the way QuickTest behaves when you record on
other non-.NET Web Forms Web objects. For more information, see “Web
Event Recording Configurations” on page 103.
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 13 • Testing .NET Web Forms Applications

Checking .NET Web Forms Objects and Outputting Values

You can check or output values from supported .NET Web Forms controls
and use the Object property to retrieve internal properties.

Accessing Internal Properties and Methods of Run-Time .NET

Web Forms Objects
You can use the Object property to retrieve internal (native) properties and
activate internal methods of any .NET Web Forms object in your

In the example below, the orientation property of the WbfTabStrip control

is returned and displayed in a message box.

MsgBox Browser("WebControls:").Page("Page").WbfTabStrip("WbfTabStrip").

The Object property is also useful for verifying the value of properties that
are not available using a standard checkpoint.

For more information on the Object property and for information on .NET
Web Forms test objects, methods, and properties see the .NET Web Forms
section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Part VII
The Oracle Add-in
Using the Oracle Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional Oracle Add-in to test objects
(controls) in Oracle applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on Oracle applications in much the same
way as you create and run any other test or component.

The Oracle Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in Oracle applications. For more information, see
the Oracle section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Oracle Add-in on page 222
➤ Considerations for Working with the Oracle Add-in on page 223
➤ Verifying Whether the Oracle Server Supplies Unique Name Attributes
on page 225
➤ Enabling the Oracle Name Attribute on page 225

Chapter 14 • Using the Oracle Add-in

About the Oracle Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Oracle Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.


Opening Your You can open your Oracle application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in ➤ The Web Add-in must be loaded. The Web Add-in

Dependencies supports Web-based forms.
➤ The Java Add-in must be loaded if your Oracle test or
component includes Java test objects.

Other ➤ Verify that the Oracle Name attribute is unique.

See “Verifying Whether the Oracle Server Supplies
Unique Name Attributes” on page 225
➤ Enable the Oracle Name attribute.
See “Enabling the Oracle Name Attribute” on page 225

General Information

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Java pane if your Oracle test or component
includes Java test objects.
(Tools > Options > Java node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 136

Record and Run Use the Oracle tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Oracle Tab”
on page 237.

Chapter 14 • Using the Oracle Add-in

Test Settings Dialog ➤ Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Test” on page 98
➤ Use the Java pane if your Oracle test or component
includes Java test objects.
(File > Settings > Java node)
See “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 147

Custom Active Use the Oracle applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area ➤ Use the Web pane if your test includes Web test objects.
Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings)
(components only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area”
on page 100
➤ Use the Java pane if your Oracle test or component
includes Java test objects. (File > Settings)
See “The Settings Dialog Box: Java Pane” on page 147
(The options shown in the Java pane of the Test Settings
dialog box are the same options that are available in the
Application Area Settings dialog box.)

Considerations for Working with the Oracle Add-in

➤ After installing the Oracle Add-in, your applications will always open with
Java support active. You can confirm that your Oracle environment has
opened properly by checking the Java console for the confirmation message
similar to:
Loading Oracle Support (version x.x build xxx) (Oracle Corporation x.x.x.xx).

Note: The QuickTest Professional Oracle Add-in supports only Oracle clients
that are Java-based. Oracle Developer/2000 is not supported.

Chapter 14 • Using the Oracle Add-in

➤ Before using the Oracle Add-in to test Oracle Applications, you must first
enable the Name attribute supplied by the Oracle Applications server. For
more information, see “Enabling the Oracle Name Attribute” on page 225.
➤ The Oracle Applications server supplies a unique Name attribute for many
application objects. You can also find the Oracle Applications server Name
attribute in the Oracle Add-in developer name identification property. The
developer name identification property is used by QuickTest in most test
object descriptions to identify Oracle objects.
➤ In QuickTest, table data is always loaded from the application itself, even if
the Active Screen contains an image of the table. For this reason, you must
first open the table in the application before creating a table checkpoint in a
➤ In some cases you may have to scroll to the last row of the table to make
sure that all the data is loaded.
➤ If the table object is not open in your application when you create the
checkpoint, the Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box contains only
the Properties tab, and the option to select which type of information to
check (content or properties) is disabled.
➤ It is not necessary to open the table in your application to edit an
existing table checkpoint.
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 14 • Using the Oracle Add-in

Verifying Whether the Oracle Server Supplies Unique Name

To check whether the server supplies unique Name attributes, use the Object
Spy to point to a few edit boxes inside the Oracle application and view the
developer name attribute. If the developer name is displayed in all capital
letters in the format FORM:BLOCK:FIELD or FORM_BLOCK_FIELD, then
the developer name attribute is supplied correctly.

If the developer name value is empty, then the server does not supply
unique Name attributes. To use the Oracle Add-in to test Oracle
Applications, your Oracle server must supply unique Name attributes.

Your Oracle server administrator can assist you in enabling unique Name

To enable the Oracle server to supply unique Name attributes:

1 Add the following line to the server configuration file (for example,
2 Restart the Oracle server.

Enabling the Oracle Name Attribute

Before using the Oracle Add-in to test Oracle Applications, you must first
enable the Name attribute supplied by the Oracle Applications server.

To enable the Name attribute when accessing the application directly:

Add record=names to the URL parameters.

For example: http://oracleapps.mydomain.com:8002/dev60cgi/


Chapter 14 • Using the Oracle Add-in

To enable the Name attribute when using HTML to launch the Oracle
1 In the startup HTML file that is used to launch the application, locate the
line: <PARAM name="serverArgs ............ fndnam= APPS">
2 Add the Oracle key: record=names.
For example:
<PARAM name="serverArgs" value="module=f:\FNDSCSGN userid=XYZ
fndnam=apps record=names">

To enable the Name attribute when using the Personal Home Page to
launch your Forms 6 application:
Set up the following system profile option at (your) user level to enable the
Name attribute:

1 Sign on to your Oracle application and select System Administrator

2 Select Nav > Profile > System.
3 In the Find System Profile Values form:
➤ Confirm that Display: Site and Users contains your user logon.
➤ Enter %ICX%Launch% in the Profile box.
➤ Click the Find button.

4 Copy the value from the Site box of the ICX: Forms Launcher profile and
paste it in the User box. Add &play=&record=names to the end of the URL in
the User box.
5 Save your transaction.
6 Sign on again using your user name.

Note: If the ICX: Forms Launcher profile option is not updatable at the user
level, access Application Developer and select the Updatable check box for

Troubleshooting Testing Oracle

This chapter is intended to help pinpoint and resolve problems that may
occur when testing Oracle applications.

This chapter includes:

➤ Identifying and Solving Common Problems on page 228
➤ Checking Oracle Environment Settings on page 229
➤ Locating the Java Console on page 229
➤ Understanding Dynamic Transformation Support on page 230
➤ Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced) on page 231

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

Identifying and Solving Common Problems

The QuickTest Professional Oracle Add-in provides a number of indicators
that help you identify whether your add-in is properly installed and
functioning. The following table describes the indicators you may see when
your add-in is not functioning properly, and suggests possible solutions:

Indicator Solution

You cannot record or run Ensure that the Oracle Add-in is loaded. For more
tests on Oracle information, see “Loading QuickTest Add-ins” on
Applications. page 28.

The Java console does not Check that the settings in your environment
display a line containing correspond to the environment settings defined in
the text similar to: this chapter, or check for a batch file that may
Loading Oracle Support. override the settings.
For more information, see:
➤ “Checking Oracle Environment Settings” on
page 229.
➤ “Locating the Java Console” on page 229.

Your Java console contains Check that you have jvmhook.dll in your system
the line Could not find – folder (WINNT\system32 or windows\system).
Xrun library: jvmhook.dll.

You cannot use QuickTest The version of Oracle JInitiator 1.1.X on which your
to record on Oracle Oracle Application runs must be installed before
Applications running on you install the QuickTest Professional Oracle
Oracle JInitiator versions Add-in.
1.1.X. If you installed Oracle JInitiator versions 1.1.X on
your computer after you installed the Oracle
Add-in, you should repair the Oracle Add-in
installation. For more information, see the section
on repairing your QuickTest Professional
installation in the HP QuickTest Professional
Installation Guide.

If, after reviewing the above indicators and solutions, you are still unable to
record and run tests on your Oracle application, contact HP Software

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

Checking Oracle Environment Settings

This section describes the environment settings you need for loading your
Oracle application with QuickTest Oracle Add-in support. For all the
environments, you need to set one or more environment variables with the
short path name of the Oracle Add-in support classes folder.

Sun Plug-in 1.4.1 and Oracle JInitiator 1.3.1.x

Set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable as follows:


The above settings should appear on one line (no newline separators).

Note that common_files denotes the short path of the Common Files folder
located in the Program Files folder. For example, if the Common Files folder
is in C:\Program Files\Common Files, then the value for -Xbootclasspath is
as follows:

-Xbootclasspath/a:C:\Programme\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\
C:\Programme\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\classes\jasmine.jar

Oracle JInitiator 1.1.x

Set the _classload_hook environment variable to jvmhook.

Locating the Java Console

The Java console is the window in which your Oracle application displays
messages. The location of the Java console changes according to your
application setup, as follows.

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

If your application runs in Oracle JInitiator 1.3 or higher:

➤ Right-click the JInitiator icon in the taskbar tray and click Show Console.
➤ If you do not see the JInitiator icon in the taskbar tray, click
Settings > Control Panel in the Start menu. Double-click the JInitiator icon
(choose the icon for the Java version used by your application). In the Basic
tab, select Show Java console and click Apply. Restart your JInitiator

If your application runs in Oracle JInitiator 1.1.x:

➤ If you do not see the JInitiator icon in the taskbar tray, click
Programs > JInitiator Control Panel in the Start menu. In the Basic tab,
select Show Java console and click Apply. Restart your JInitiator application.

If your application runs in JDK 1.4 Plug-in:

➤ Right-click the Java Plug-in icon in the taskbar tray and click Open Console.
➤ If you do not see the Java Plug-in icon in the taskbar tray, click
Settings > Control Panel in the Start menu. Double-click the Java Plug-in
icon. In the Basic tab, select Show Java in System Tray. Restart the browser.

Understanding Dynamic Transformation Support

The Oracle Add-in uses a mechanism for supporting multiple Java
environments (Sun Plug-in, JInitiator) and their versions (JInitiator 1.1.8,
1.3.1, and so on) without requiring any configuration changes. This
mechanism is known as dynamic transformation support.

Dynamic transformation support uses the profiler interface of the Java

Virtual Machine (JVM) to adjust the Oracle Add-in support classes according
to the Java environment and version in use.

The dynamic transformation support mechanism is invoked by the

-Xrunjvmhook option (for JInitiator 1.3.1.x and Sun Plug-in 1.4.1) or the
_classload_hook=jvmhook option (for JInitiator 1.1.x) supplied to the JVM.
If this option is specified, the JVM hook profiler, which is part of the Oracle
Add-in support, is loaded with every application or applet and dynamically
transforms the necessary classes to enable context-sensitive Oracle support.

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

If the dynamic transformation support mechanism does not work properly,

you can disable it and manually configure the Oracle environment to use
the Oracle Add-in without dynamic transformation support. For more
information, see “Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced)”
on page 231.

Note: The dynamic transformation support mechanism is not supported

when using the incremental garbage collector (-Xincgc option). Therefore, if
you absolutely must use the -Xincgc option, you need to disable dynamic
transformation support.

Disabling Dynamic Transformation Support (Advanced)

You can disable the dynamic transformation support mechanism if required
and manually configure the Oracle environment to use the Oracle Add-in
without dynamic transformation support.

You disable dynamic transformation support by performing the following


➤ Launching the application you are testing and saving the dynamically
transformed classes, as described on page 232.
➤ Disabling dynamic transformation support in Sun Plug-in 1.4.1 or
JInitiator 1.3.1.x, as described on page 233.
Disabling dynamic transformation support in JInitiator 1.1.x, as described
on page 233.

The saved transformed classes are used instead of dynamic transformation.

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

To save the dynamically transformed classes:

1 Specify the folder in which to save the dynamically transformed classes that
will be generated during the preliminary launching of your Oracle
To do this, open the registry editor (select Start > Run, type regedit in the
Open box and click OK) and navigate to the JavaAgent main key, located in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent.
Define a new string value named ClassesDumpFolder, and set its value data
to an existing folder (preferably empty) on your computer, for example,

Note: If the ClassesDumpFolder string value already exists, you can modify
its value data to an existing folder on your computer.

2 If you are using the -Xincgc option, temporarily remove it from the
command line to enable the JVM hook profiler to transform and save the
necessary classes. You can add it back to the command line after performing
the following step.
3 Launch your applet or application and perform some basic operations on it.
This ensures that all of the necessary classes are transformed and saved.
Close your application. All of the dynamically transformed classes are now
saved in the folder you specified in the previous step (for example,
Now that you have saved the transformed classes, you are ready to disable
dynamic transformation support.

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

To disable dynamic transformation support in Sun Plug-in 1.4.1 or

JInitiator 1.3.1.x:
1 Remove the -Xrunjvmhook option from the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment
2 Add the following option instead: -Xbootclasspath/
p:<ClassesDumpFolder>\Final, where <ClassesDumpFolder> is the value of
the folder in which the dynamically transformed classes were saved (step 1
on page 232), appended by the Final subfolder. For example, after your
modification the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable might look like
-Xbootclasspath/p:C:\JavaSupportClasses\Final -Xbootclasspath/
a:C:\Programme\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin \java_shared\classes;

To disable dynamic transformation support in JInitiator 1.1.x:

1 Remove the _classload_hook option from the JDK settings by deleting the
environment variable.
2 Manually copy the classes from the <ClassesDumpFolder>, where
<ClassesDumpFolder> is the value of the folder in which the dynamically
transformed classes were saved (step 1 on page 232), appended by the Final
subfolder, to the JInitiator 1.1.x classes folder. The JInitiator 1.1.x classes
folder can be typically found under C:\Program Files\Oracle\JInitiator

Chapter 15 • Troubleshooting Testing Oracle Applications

Creating and Running Steps on Oracle

This chapter explains how to use QuickTest to set testing preferences and to
create and run steps on Oracle Applications sessions.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications on page 235
➤ Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle Tests on page 236
➤ Creating Steps on Oracle Applications on page 242

About Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

As you record on an Oracle Applications session, QuickTest inserts
statements into your test or component that represent the operations you
perform. The QuickTest Professional Oracle Add-in recognizes specific
Oracle objects such as button, form, navigator, list, and tree. It records these
objects in relation to the data selected or entered and to the object within its
parent object.

Note: QuickTest Professional does not record the selection of Oracle tabs.
Each object in an Oracle tab is included in the object repository within the
tab hierarchy. QuickTest then uses this hierarchy when the test or
component is run, switching to the appropriate tab if needed.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Working with Tests

Each time you begin recording a test, you can use the Oracle tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box to instruct QuickTest to connect to a
specified Oracle Applications server. Alternatively, you can instruct
QuickTest to record on any open browser. For more information, see
“Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle Tests” on page 236.

Working with Components

The Record and Run Settings dialog box is not used for components. When
you record a component on an Oracle Applications session, you cannot
instruct QuickTest to open or connect to a specified Oracle Applications
server. You must open and connect to it manually or include statements in
your component (using the OpenApp operation and OracleLogon test
object) that open and connect to the Oracle Applications server.

Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle Tests

You can use the Oracle tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box to
instruct QuickTest to connect to a particular Oracle server and open an
Oracle Applications session each time you begin a recording session.
Alternatively, you can instruct QuickTest to record on any open browser.

Components do not require specific record and run settings to work with
Oracle applications. To record a component on an Oracle Applications
session, you need to first open the Oracle Applications session manually or
include steps in your component (using the SystemUtil utility object and
OracleLogon test object) that connect to the Oracle Applications server.
When you begin recording a new component, the Applications dialog box
opens (unless you previously specified a Windows environment in the
Application Area Settings or Business Component Settings dialog box). Click
OK to close the dialog box and begin recording. For more information on
the Applications pane and Applications dialog box, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Oracle Tab

Description Enables you to specify whether or not to connect to

an Oracle Applications server and open a specified
Oracle Applications session when a record or run
session begins. If you select to connect to a specific
server, you can specify details that will enable
QuickTest to automatically log on to the server each
time a record or run session begins (instead of
recording the log-in steps).

How to Access ➤ Automation > Record and Run Settings

➤ If you do not modify the Record and Run settings
before you begin recording, the Record and Run
Settings dialog box opens automatically when
you begin recording a new test (by clicking
Record (or choosing Automation > Record).

Important Information If you load only the QuickTest Professional Oracle

Add-in and the Web add-in, then only the Oracle,
Web, and Windows Applications tabs are displayed
in the Record and Run Settings dialog box. If other
add-ins are loaded, the corresponding tabs (if any)
are also displayed.

Learn More Conceptual overview:

➤ “Using the Oracle Add-in” on page 221
➤ “About Creating and Running Steps on Oracle
Applications” on page 235
➤ Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle
Tests on page 236
Additional related topics: “Additional References”
on page 240

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Below is an image of the Oracle tab:

Oracle Tab Options

Option Description

Record and run test on any open Instructs QuickTest to record and run the test
Oracle Application on any open Oracle application.

Open the following application Instructs QuickTest to connect to the Oracle

when a record or run session Applications server at the specified URL
begins address.
Note: This setting controls only which
application, if any, is opened at the
beginning of a record or run session. It does
not affect the applications that QuickTest
recognizes. Even if this radio button is
selected and no application is specified,
QuickTest can still record, recognize, and run
on any open Oracle application.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Option Description

Address Indicates the URL of the Oracle Applications

server to which you want to connect.

Auto-login Instructs QuickTest to log on to the specified

Oracle Applications server using the specified
user name and password.
Enabled only when Open the following
application when a record or run session
begins is selected.
The Auto-login feature works for the Java
interface login only. If you log in to your
Oracle applications through a Web interface,
the Auto-login feature cannot be used.

User name The user name used to log on to the specified

Enabled only when Auto-login is selected.

Password The password for the specified user name.

Enabled only when Auto-login is selected.

Log out of the application when Instructs QuickTest to log out of the Oracle
the test closes Applications session specified in the Record
and Run Settings dialog box when the test is
Enabled only when Auto-login is selected.

Close the browser when the test Instructs QuickTest to close the browser on
closes which the test is recorded when the test is
Enabled only when Open the following
application when a record or run session
begins is selected.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Additional References

Related Tasks ➤ “Defining Record and Run Environment

Variables” on page 240
➤ “Creating Steps on Oracle Applications” on
page 242

For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see
“Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box” on page 36.

Defining Record and Run Environment Variables

You can use record and run environment variables to specify the
applications you want to use for recording and running your test. These
variables can also be used in external library files for automation scripts.

If you define any of these record and run environment variables, they
override the values in the corresponding boxes in the Oracle tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box. For more information on the Oracle
tab, see “Defining Record and Run Settings for Oracle Tests” on page 236.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Use the variable names listed in the table below to define Oracle record and
run variables:

Option Variable Name Description

Address ORACLE_URL_ENV The URL of the Oracle

Applications server to which
you want to connect.

Auto-login ORACLE_AUTO_LOGIN_ENV Instructs QuickTest to log on

automatically to the Oracle
Applications server.
Possible values:

User name ORACLE_USER_NAME_ENV The user name used to log on

to the specified server.

Password ORACLE_PASSWORD_ENV The password for the

specified user name.

Log out of ORACLE_LOGOUT_ENV Instructs QuickTest to log out

the of the Oracle Applications
application session specified in the
when the Record and Run Settings
test closes dialog box when the test is
Possible values:

Close the ORACLE_CLOSE_BROWSER_ENV Instructs QuickTest to close

browser the browser on which the test
when the is recorded when the test is
test closes closed.
Possible values:

For more information on defining and working with environment variables,

see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Creating Steps on Oracle Applications

When you record an operation on an Oracle application, QuickTest records
a step with the appropriate icon in the Keyword View and adds the
corresponding statement in the Expert View.

For example, if you record the selection of an item in an Oracle List of

Values window, the Keyword View may be displayed as follows:

QuickTest records this step in the Expert View as:

OracleListOfValues("Responsibilities").Select "Assets, Vision Operations (USA)"

Note: If you installed a version of JInitiator 1.1.x after installing the Oracle
Add-in, a warning is displayed when you start recording your test or
component. Versions of JInitiator 1.1.x installed after you install the Oracle
Add-in are not supported by QuickTest. In this case, you can repair the
Oracle Add-in to enable full support of all currently installed versions of
JInitiator 1.1.x. For more information, see the section on repairing your
QuickTest Professional installation in the HP QuickTest Professional
Installation Guide.

If you try to record an action on an Oracle object with an unsupported

version of JInitiator 1.1.x, QuickTest records a generic WinObject.Click
statement that includes the coordinates of the click and the mouse button
that was clicked.

The QuickTest learned object hierarchy is composed of one, two, or three

levels of Oracle test objects. Depending on the actual object on which you
performed an operation, that object may be recorded as a first level object
(for example, OracleLogon), as a second level object (for example,
OracleFormWindow.OracleList), or as a third level object (for example,

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

Even though the object on which you record may be embedded in several
levels of objects, the recorded hierarchy does not include these objects. For
example, even if the OracleListOfValues object in which you select an item
is actually within an Oracle form, which is contained within an Oracle
Applications session window, the recorded hierarchy is only
OracleListOfValues. Select (without the OracleFormWindow and
OracleApplications test objects in the hierarchy).

You may have a combination of Oracle and Java test objects in your Oracle
test or component. This occurs when QuickTest encounters a Java applet
within your Oracle Applications session and records it using the Java test
object hierarchy.

You can edit steps that use Java test objects, methods, and properties in the
same way as you edit other standard steps. You can add new steps to existing
tests or components using the new Oracle test object model. For
information on Java objects, methods, and properties, see the Java section of
the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference, installed together with
the Oracle Add-in. For information on Oracle objects, methods, and
properties, see the Oracle section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object
Model Reference.

There are specific options and settings you can use in your test or
component that apply only to steps that use Java test objects. These options
and settings are located in the Java pane of the Test Settings dialog box (File
> Settings > Java node) and the Java pane of the Options dialog box (Tools >
Options > Java node). For more information, click the Help button in the
relevant Java pane. Note that the options in the Java panes do not have any
effect on Oracle object steps in your test or component.

Chapter 16 • Creating and Running Steps on Oracle Applications

The PeopleSoft Add-in
Using the PeopleSoft Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional PeopleSoft Add-in to test objects
(controls) in PeopleSoft applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these controls, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on PeopleSoft applications in much the same
way as you do for other Web-based applications.

The PeopleSoft Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that
can be used when testing objects in PeopleSoft applications. For more
information, see the PeopleSoft section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the PeopleSoft Add-in on page 248
➤ Considerations for Working with the PeopleSoft Add-in on page 249

Chapter 17 • Using the PeopleSoft Add-in

About the PeopleSoft Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the PeopleSoft
Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Web-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the

same as other Web-based add-ins.
See “Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You must open QuickTest before opening your PeopleSoft
Application application.

Add-in The Web Add-in must be loaded.

Dependencies See “Loading QuickTest Add-ins” on page 28.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web pane.

(Tools > Options > Web node)
For more information, see “Setting Web Testing Options”
on page 82.

Record and Run Use the Web tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Test” on page 98.

Chapter 17 • Using the PeopleSoft Add-in

Custom Active Use the Web section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Web pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(components only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area” on
page 100.

Considerations for Working with the PeopleSoft Add-in

➤ The PeopleSoft Add-in provides a customized PSFrame test object to
identify PeopleSoft frames. The PSFrame object differs from the Web Frame
object both in its test object description and its algorithm for generating
object names. This customization helps make your PeopleSoft tests easy to
read and maintain.
➤ The PeopleSoft Add-in identifies all other objects in your PeopleSoft
application using Web test objects.
For information on PeopleSoft and Web test objects, methods, and
properties, see the PeopleSoft and Web sections of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.
➤ For the purposes of Web event recording, QuickTest treats Web test objects
that are child objects of a PSFrame test object as PeopleSoft objects and thus
applies the settings in the PeopleSoft event configuration XML file when
recording those objects.
For more information on Web event recording configurations, see “Web
Event Recording Configurations” on page 103.
➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 17 • Using the PeopleSoft Add-in

Part IX
The PowerBuilder Add-in
Using the PowerBuilder Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional PowerBuilder Add-in to test objects
(controls) in PowerBuilder applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on PowerBuilder applications in much the
same way as you do for other Windows-based applications.

The PowerBuilder Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that
can be used when testing objects in PowerBuilder applications. You can
check the properties of a PowerBuilder control as you check the properties of
any other Windows object. For more information, see the PowerBuilder
section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the PowerBuilder Add-in on page 254
➤ Considerations for Working with the PowerBuilder Add-In on page 255

Chapter 18 • Using the PowerBuilder Add-in

About the PowerBuilder Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the PowerBuilder
Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Considerations for Working with the PowerBuilder
Add-In” on page 255.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Other See “Considerations for Working with the PowerBuilder

Add-In” on page 255.


Opening Your You can open your PowerBuilder application before or

Application after opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 18 • Using the PowerBuilder Add-in

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
Note: If you select the Record and Run only on radio
button in the Record and Run Settings dialog box, the
settings also apply to (limit) the applications that are
recognized for Object Spy and other pointing hand

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Working with the PowerBuilder Add-In

The PowerBuilder Add-in provides the PbDataWindow test object with
customized methods and properties to help you test PowerBuilder's
DataWindow control.

➤ When you insert a checkpoint or output value step on a DataWindow

control, QuickTest treats it as a table and opens the Table Checkpoint
Properties or Table Output Value Properties dialog box (not supported for
components). It enables you to check or retrieve values for the table content
and the object properties.

Chapter 18 • Using the PowerBuilder Add-in

➤ When you insert a checkpoint or output value step on a DataWindow

control during a recording session, the properties available to be checked or
retrieved in the Properties tab include the DataWindow control’s inner
attributes (such as DataWindow.color) in addition to the identification
properties (such as enabled and focused).

The set of DataWindow inner attributes available in the dialog box is the
same as the list of properties that would be returned if you run a
DataWindow.Describe ("DataWindow.attributes") statement. Properties of the
inner objects of the table (objects that can be retrieved using a
DataWindow.Describe ("DataWindow.objects") statement) are not available in
this list.
➤ When you insert a checkpoint or output value step on a DataWindow
control while editing (from the Active Screen, or on a step for which Active
Screen data was captured), only the identification properties are available in
the list.
For more information on the DataWindow test object, see the PowerBuilder
section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Part X
The Add-in for SAP solutions
Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows

Before you can start testing your SAP GUI for Windows applications, you
must make sure that your server and client are installed and configured with
the correct versions and support options. This chapter provides the specific
setup information that you need to successfully use the QuickTest
Professional Add-in for SAP solutions. This chapter is relevant only if you
test SAP GUI for Windows applications.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Setting Up Your SAP Windows Environment on page 260
➤ Installing SAP GUI Scripting Support on page 261
➤ Checking Package and Patch Versions Installed on the SAP Application Server
on page 262
➤ Checking the Patch Version Installed on your SAP GUI for Windows
Application on page 267
➤ Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Server-Side) on page 268
➤ Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Client-Side) on page 273
➤ Setting F4 Help to Use Dialog Display Mode on page 276
➤ Setting F1 Help to Use Modal Dialog Box Mode on page 278
➤ Checking the Connection Speed on the SAP Server on page 279

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

About Setting Up Your SAP Windows Environment

QuickTest Professional’s support for SAP GUI for Windows versions 6.20,
6.40 and 7.10 is based on the SAP GUI Scripting API. This API is available
only in recent versions of the SAP Kernel and is disabled by default.

To test your SAP GUI for Windows application using the QuickTest
Professional Add-in for SAP solutions, you must confirm that:

➤ The SAP GUI Scripting option is installed.

➤ Your server and client have the proper package and patch versions installed.
➤ Your server supports the Scripting API.
➤ The Scripting API is enabled on both the server and clients.
➤ Your client is configured to use the Dialog display mode for F4 Help screens
and that it is not set to use a Low speed connection.
➤ The F1 and F4 Help display setting is configured correctly, to support testing
the use of the F1 and F4 Help screens in your SAP GUI for Windows

Note: If you plan to use the QuickTest-eCATT integration features, you must
also install the appropriate support package and configure the eCATT server
to work with QuickTest. For more information, see “Configuring eCATT to
Work with QuickTest” on page 312.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Installing SAP GUI Scripting Support

When you install your SAP GUI for Windows application, you must select
the SAP GUI Scripting installation option.

Scripting option

If you did not select this option when you installed the SAP GUI for
Windows application, it is essential that you reinstall it and select this
option before setting the other configuration options described in this

Note: SAP provides a range of security mechanisms that allow the

administrator to limit the use of SAP GUI Scripting by system, by group, by
user, and by scripting functionality. To test SAP GUI for Windows
applications, you must ensure that these security mechanisms are not
activated for the application you are testing. For more information on the
various security options, see the online SAP GUI Scripting Security Guide at
the SAP Service Marketplace.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Checking Package and Patch Versions Installed on the SAP

Application Server
To use the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions, you must
confirm that you have the correct support package and kernel patch levels
for your software component release. The following table shows the
minimum required versions and levels. You must have these versions and
levels or higher:

Release Support Package Kernel Patch Level

SAP_APPL 31I SAPKH31I96 Kernel 3.1I level 650

SAP_APPL 40B SAPKH40B71 Kernel 4.0B level 903

SAP_APPL 45B SAPKH45B49 Kernel 4.5B level 753

SAP_BASIS 46B SAPKB46B37 Kernel 4.6D level 948

SAP_BASIS 46C SAPKB46C29 Kernel 4.6D level 948

SAP_BASIS 46D SAPKB46D17 Kernel 4.6D level 948

SAP_BASIS 610 SAPKB61012 Kernel 6.10 level 360

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

To check the support package:

1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Run the SPAM transaction.

3 In the Directory section, select All Support Packages and click the Display

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

4 The All packages window opens. Verify that the correct package is installed
for the SAP release you are using (see “Checking Package and Patch Versions
Installed on the SAP Application Server” on page 262).

If the correct package is installed, a green light icon is displayed in the

Status column.
If you do not have the required package installed, download and install it.
For more information on downloading and installing the required package,
see SAP OSS note # 480149.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

To check the kernel patch level:

1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Select System > Status. The System: Status dialog box opens.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

3 Click the Other kernel information button. The System: Kernel information
dialog box opens.

4 In the Kernel information section, check the value of the Sup. Pkg. lvl.
If the level is lower than the required level for the SAP release you are using
(see “Checking Package and Patch Versions Installed on the SAP Application
Server” on page 262), you must download the latest kernel version and
upgrade your existing one.
For more information on downloading and installing the required kernel
patch level, see SAP OSS note #480149.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Checking the Patch Version Installed on your SAP GUI for

Windows Application
If you want to test your SAP GUI for Windows application with the
QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions, make sure that the
minimum required patch level is installed. For more information on
required patch levels, see the SAP section in the HP QuickTest Professional

Note: If the minimum required patch level is not installed, an error message
displays when you try to record on your SAP GUI for Windows application.

To check the patch level on your SAP GUI for Windows application:
1 Open the SAP Logon dialog box and click the button on the left side of
the SAP Logon dialog box’s title bar. Then select About SAP Logon from the

The SAP Version Information dialog box opens.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

2 In the SAP Version Information dialog box, confirm that the minimum
required patch level is installed.

Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Server-Side)

After you confirm that you have the proper support package and kernel
patch levels installed, you must enable scripting on your SAP application.
By default, scripting is disabled.

You enable scripting by entering the Maintain Profile Parameters window

with administrative permissions and setting the sapgui/user_scripting profile
parameter to TRUE on the application server.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

To enable scripting for all users, set this parameter on all application servers.
To enable scripting for a specific group of users, set the parameter only on
application servers with the appropriate access restriction settings.

Note: If you connect to a server on which scripting is disabled, an error

message displays when you try to record on your SAP GUI for Windows

To change the profile parameter:

1 Enter /nrz11 in the OKCode edit box to open transaction rz11.
2 In the Param. Name box of the Maintain Profile Parameters window, enter
sapgui/user_scripting and click the Display button.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Note: If the message Parameter name is unknown is displayed in the status

bar, your client lacks the required support package (see “Checking the Patch
Version Installed on your SAP GUI for Windows Application” on page 267).
Download and install the support package that corresponds to the SAP
release you are using and then repeat steps 1 and 2.

The Display Profile Parameter Attributes window opens.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

3 If ProfileVal is FALSE, you must modify its value. To modify it, click the
Change value button. The Change Parameter Value window opens.

4 Enter TRUE in the New value box and click the Save button.

Note: You must enter TRUE in all capital letters. Entering True or true has no

When you save the change, the window closes and the value of the
parameter is displayed as TRUE. However, this change takes effect only when
you log on to the system. Therefore, before beginning to work with the
QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions, you must log off and log on
again. You may also need to restart the SAP Service from the SAP Console.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

If you find that even after restarting the SAP Service from the SAP Console
and logging on again to the client, your change to the ProfileVal parameter
was not saved, you may have an outdated kernel version. In this case, either
restart the application server or download and import the required kernel
patch, as specified below.

Release Patch Level

6.10 6.10 391

6.20 all versions all levels

6.40 all versions all levels

7.10 all versions all levels

For more information and download guidelines, see SAP OSS note # 480149.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Enabling Scripting on the SAP Application (Client-Side)

To test SAP GUI for Windows applications with QuickTest Professional, you
must confirm that scripting is enabled on the SAP GUI for Windows client.

It is also recommended to disable warning messages in the SAP GUI for

Windows environment when working with QuickTest Professional.

To ensure that scripting is enabled on the SAP GUI for Windows client:
1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Click the Customize Local Layout SAP toolbar button and then select
Options. The Options dialog box opens.
3 Click the Scripting tab.

4 Confirm that the Enable Scripting check box is selected. If the Enable
Scripting check box is cleared, select it.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

5 If the Scripting is installed message is not displayed in the Installation area,

or the Enable Scripting check box is disabled, then the SAP GUI Scripting
option is not installed. Reinstall your SAP GUI for Windows application and
be sure to select the SAP GUI Scripting check box.

Eliminating Warning Messages

By default, you regularly receive two warning messages when using
QuickTest Professional with an SAP GUI for Windows application:

➤ When QuickTest Professional connects to the Scripting API, the following

warning message is displayed: A script is trying to attach to the gui.
➤ When QuickTest Professional opens a new connection using the Scripting
API, the following warning message is displayed: A script is opening a
connection to system <system_name>.
It is recommended to disable these warning messages in the SAP GUI for
Windows application when working with QuickTest Professional.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

To eliminate the display of warning messages:

1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Click the Customize Local Layout SAP toolbar button and then select
Options. The Options dialog box opens.
3 Click the Scripting tab.

4 Clear the Notify When a Script Attaches to a Running GUI and Notify When
a Script Opens a Connection check boxes and click OK.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Setting F4 Help to Use Dialog Display Mode

When the SAP GUI for Windows application uses the SAP GUI Scripting API
(Enable Scripting option), it cannot load the F4 Help screens in Control
mode. Therefore, you must ensure that your client is set to load F4 Help
screens in Dialog mode.

Note: This is a per-user setting. You must set this option on each client that
you want to test using the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions.
Alternatively, the system default can be changed by the SAP system

To set F4 Help to use Dialog mode:

1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Select Help > Settings from the SAP menu bar. Your Person Settings dialog
box opens.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

3 Click the F4 Help tab.

4 In the System defaults section on the right side of the tab, view the Display
setting. This setting indicates the default server setting for all clients.
➤ If the Display setting is Dialog, then you can set your Display settings in
the User-specific settings section on the left side of the tab to System
defaults or Dialog (modal).
➤ If the Display setting is Control (as in the example above), then you must
change the Display setting in the User-specific settings section on the left
side of the tab to Dialog (modal).

5 Click the Copy (Ctrl + S) button to save your changes and close the dialog

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Setting F1 Help to Use Modal Dialog Box Mode

The F1 Help in your SAP GUI for Windows application can be displayed
using either the Performance Assistant or as a modal dialog box.
QuickTest Professional can record the displaying of the F1 Help only if the
modal dialog box option is selected. If you want to include F1 Help access in
your tests, you should select the in modal dialog box option.

To set F1 Help to use modal dialog box mode:

1 Log on to your SAP server.
2 Select Help > Settings from the SAP menu bar. Your Person Settings dialog
box opens.
3 Click the F1 Help tab.

4 In the Display section, select in modal dialog box.

5 Click the Copy (Ctrl + S) button to save your changes and close the dialog

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

Checking the Connection Speed on the SAP Server

When you log on to SAP using the Low speed connection option to
communicate with the server, the SAP server does not send sufficient
information for QuickTest to properly record and run tests. (QuickTest
displays an error message if the Low speed connection option is selected.)
Therefore, confirm that this option is not selected for the server to which
you are connecting before recording and running QuickTest tests.

For more information, see SAP OSS note #587202.

Note: Depending on the SAP GUI for Windows version you are working
with, the dialog boxes shown in this section may or may not appear the
same as those on your screen. However the instructions in this section are
the same for all supported SAP GUI for Windows versions.

To check the connection speed setting on your SAP GUI for Windows client:
1 Open the SAP Logon dialog box and select the server to which you want to
2 According to the version you are using, either click the Properties button or
right-click a server and select Properties. The Properties dialog box for the
selected server opens.

Chapter 19 • Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment

3 Click the Advanced button. The Advanced Options dialog box opens.

4 In the Connection speed section, confirm that the Low speed connection
check box is cleared.
5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each server you want to use in conjunction with

Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on
SAP GUI for Windows Applications

You can use the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions to test
objects (controls) in SAP GUI for Windows applications. You can create and
run tests and components on these objects, as well as check their properties.
You create and run tests and components on SAP GUI for Windows
applications in much the same way as you do for other Windows-based

The QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions has been certified by

The Add-in for SAP solutions provides test objects, methods, and properties
that can be used when testing objects in SAP GUI for Windows applications.
For more information, see the SAP GUI for Windows section of the
HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

When the Add-in for SAP solutions is loaded, QuickTest can learn objects
and run steps on both Web-based and Windows-based SAP applications. For
information on recording and running tests and components on Web-based
SAP applications, see “Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP
Applications” on page 393.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Add-in for SAP solutions on page 282
➤ Considerations for Working with the Add-in for SAP solutions on page 284
➤ Understanding QuickTest and the SAP GUI Scripting API on page 286
➤ Setting Record and Run Settings for SAP GUI for Windows Tests on page 289

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ Configuring Testing Options for SAP GUI for Windows Applications

on page 294
➤ Understanding Low-Level or Analog Mode Recording on SAP GUI for
Windows on page 307
➤ Using Standard Windows Recording Capabilities on page 308
➤ Understanding QuickTest-eCATT Integration on page 309
➤ Configuring eCATT to Work with QuickTest on page 312
➤ Working with eCATT in Standalone Mode on page 314
➤ Working with eCATT in Integrated Mode on page 339

About the Add-in for SAP solutions

The following table summarizes basic information about the Add-in for
SAP solutions and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of
QuickTest when testing SAP GUI for Windows applications.

General Information

Add-in Type This functions like a Windows-based add-in when testing

SAP GUI for Windows applications. Much of its
functionality is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test” on page 357.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Other The Add-in for SAP solutions recognizes special

SAP Windows objects such as OKCode edit boxes, table
and grid controls, list, and tree controls, and toolbars.
See “Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or
Component” on page 375.


Opening Your You must open QuickTest and set the Record and Run
Application options before opening your SAP GUI for Windows
application. Open your application only after you begin
the recording session.

Other Confirm that you have properly configured your SAP

server and client.
See “Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows Environment”
on page 259.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the SAP pane.

(Tools > Options > SAP node)
See “Configuring Testing Options for SAP GUI for
Windows Applications” on page 294.

Record and Run Use the SAP tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “Setting Record and Run Settings for SAP GUI for
Windows Tests” on page 289.

Custom Active Use the SAP GUI for Windows section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Considerations for Working with the Add-in for

SAP solutions
When recording and running tests or components on SAP GUI for Windows
applications, consider the following:

➤ When working in tests, the Record and Run Settings dialog box in QuickTest
enables you to specify a server and client to open at the beginning of every
test record and run session. The servers available in the dialog box are the
same as those available in the SAP Logon Pad and SAP Logon dialog box.
➤ When you record a component on an SAP GUI for Windows session, the
Record and Run Settings dialog box is not available. Instead, you need to
open the SAP session manually or include statements in your component
that connect to the SAP server (using the SAPGuiUtil test object).
➤ You can also record specific operations in your SAP GUI for Windows
Application in Standard Windows Recording mode, if required. For more
information, see “Using Standard Windows Recording Capabilities” on
page 308.
➤ As you record a test or component on your SAP GUI for Windows
application, QuickTest records the operations you perform. QuickTest works
directly with the SAP GUI Scripting API to record your operations.
Therefore, although QuickTest records a step for each operation you
perform, it adds the steps to your test only when API events are sent to
QuickTest (when information is sent to the SAP server).

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ When you select a test step in QuickTest, the corresponding object is

highlighted in the Active Screen (unless you chose not to capture Active
Screen information when you recorded your test). However, the values of
the object properties stored with the Active Screen are the values of the
properties at the time that the steps were added to the test (when you
performed the step that sent information to the SAP server). These values
may potentially be different from the values of the properties at the time
that the selected step was actually performed. For more information on
Active Screen capture levels, see the section on the Custom Active Screen
Capture Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ QuickTest works directly with the SAP GUI Scripting API to record your
operations. Therefore, although QuickTest records a step for each operation
you perform, it adds the steps to your test or component only when API
events are sent to QuickTest (when information is sent to the SAP server).
Therefore, while each operation you perform has a corresponding step in
your test or component, you may perform several operations before the
corresponding steps are actually added to your test or component.
Alternatively, you may see steps in your test or component that do not
directly correspond to an operation you performed, or an operation you
performed may be shown as two or more steps.
For more information on the SAP GUI Scripting API events, see your SAP
➤ For more information on working with QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Understanding QuickTest and the SAP GUI Scripting API

QuickTest works directly with the SAP GUI Scripting API to record your
operations. Therefore, QuickTest adds steps to your test or component only
when API events are sent to the server. This means that while recording a
test or component, you may perform several operations on your application
before the corresponding steps are added. When you perform a step that
sends information to the server, QuickTest inserts steps with the relevant
SAP Windows objects in the Keyword View (tests and components) and adds
corresponding statements in the Expert View (tests only).

Example 1
Suppose you record the steps of filling in a Price Simulation for Material
form. You select the three check boxes in the form (Incl. cash discount,
Delivery costs, and Effective price) and click Continue. When you click the
Continue button, information is sent to the SAP server, and the steps in
which you select the check boxes and click the Continue button are added
to your test at once. In the Keyword View, the process described above is
displayed as follows.

QuickTest records these steps in the Expert View as follows:

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Price Simulation for

Material").SAPGuiCheckBox("Incl. cash discount").Set "ON"
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Price Simulation for
Material").SAPGuiCheckBox("Delivery costs").Set "ON"
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Price Simulation for
Material").SAPGuiCheckBox("Effective price").Set "ON"
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Price Simulation for
Material").SAPGuiCheckBox("Effective price").SetFocus
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Price Simulation for
Material").SAPGuiButton("Continue (Enter)").Click

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Example 2
Suppose you select a radio button in the My worklist tab of your SAP GUI for
Windows application. This radio button is labeled In my role as....

QuickTest uses the SAP GUI component type (41) to identify the object as an
SAPGuiRadioButton object. It creates an SAPGuiRadioButton test object
with the name In my role as... and records the following properties and
values as the description for the radio button.

Note: The guicomponenttype and name property values are supplied by the
SAP GUI Scripting API.

QuickTest also records that you performed a Set method to turn ON the
radio button.

QuickTest displays your step in the Keyword View like this:

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

QuickTest displays your step in the Expert View like this:

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Worklist: Notifications").
SAPGuiRadioButton("In my role as ...").Set

When you run a test or component, QuickTest identifies each object in your
application by its test object class and its description—the set of
identification properties and values used to uniquely identify the object. In
the above example, during the run session, QuickTest looks up the
description for the SAPGuiRadioButton object with the name In my role as...
by searching the object repository. QuickTest finds the following

guicomponenttype = 41
name = MEL_ROL
text = In my role as...

QuickTest then looks in the application for an SAPGuiRadioButton object

that matches the above description. When it finds the object, it performs
the Set method on it to change the value of the field to ON (selects the radio

Note: The QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions provides an

alternative recording mechanism for specific SAP GUI for Windows objects
that do not have built-in test object support. For more information, see “SAP
GUI for Windows Alternative Recording Mechanism” on page 389.

For more information on the test object model, the object repository, and
the Object Spy, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Setting Record and Run Settings for SAP GUI for Windows
You can use the SAP tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box to
instruct QuickTest to connect to a particular SAP server and open your SAP
GUI for Windows application each time you begin a recording session for a
test. Alternatively, you can instruct QuickTest to record on any open SAP
GUI for Windows application.

If you do not modify the Record and Run settings before you begin
recording, the Record and Run Settings dialog box opens automatically
when you begin recording a new test (by clicking Record (or choosing
Automation > Record). You can also open it by choosing Automation >
Record and Run Settings.

If you load only the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions and the
Web Add-in, then only the SAP, Web, and Windows Applications tabs are
displayed in the Record and Run Settings dialog box. If other add-ins are
loaded, the corresponding tabs are also displayed (as shown above).

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

You can use the SAP tab to instruct QuickTest to connect to a specified SAP
server and open your SAP GUI for Windows application using specified user
settings. Alternatively, you can instruct QuickTest to record and run the test
on any open SAP GUI for Windows application. If you select to connect to a
specific server, you can specify details that will enable QuickTest to
automatically log on to the server each time a record or run session begins
(instead of recording the log on steps).

You can also use application details environment variables to specify these
parameters. For more information, see “Defining Application Details
Environment Variables” on page 293.

The SAP tab includes the following options:

Option Description

Record and run tests on any Instructs QuickTest to use any open SAP GUI
open SAP GUI for Windows for Windows application to record and run
application the test.
This option supports sessions opened using
the SAP Logon dialog box or the SAP Logon

Open the following SAP Gui Instructs QuickTest to connect to the

client when a record or run specified server.
session begins

Server description Indicates the server to which you want to

connect. The Server description box lists the
servers available in the SAP Logon Pad or the
SAP Logon dialog box.
To add a server to the list in the Record and
Run Settings dialog box, close the Record and
Run Settings dialog box, define an
appropriate entry using your SAP Logon
dialog box, and then reopen the Record and
Run Settings dialog box.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Enable auto-logon Instructs QuickTest to open the specified SAP

GUI for Windows application using the
specified logon details.
Enabled only when Open the following SAP
Gui client when a record or run session
begins is selected.

User The user name used to log on to the specified

Enabled only when Enable auto-logon is

Password The password for the specified user name.

Enabled only when Enable auto-logon is

Client The client number.

Enabled only when Enable auto-logon is

Language The language that you want the specified SAP

GUI for Windows application to display.
Enabled only when Enable auto-logon is

Remember password Saves the password information in this dialog

box so that you do not have to enter it each
time you begin to record or run the test.
Enabled only when Enable auto-logon is

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Close the SAP GUI for Windows Instructs QuickTest to close the SAP GUI for
application when the test is Windows session specified in the Record and
closed Run Settings dialog box when the test is
Any other SAP GUI for Windows session that
was opened before, during, or after the run
session is not affected.
The Session cleanup option in the SAP pane
of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options >
SAP node) overrides this option. For more
information, see “Configuring Testing
Options for SAP GUI for Windows
Applications” on page 294.

Do not record and run on Instructs QuickTest not to record or run tests
sessions that are already open on any SAP GUI for Windows sessions that
were already open prior to the start of the
record or run session. This is to ensure that
steps are not inadvertently recorded on other
SAP GUI for Windows sessions that may also
be running on the same computer.

Wait for Web pages to load Instructs QuickTest to wait for Web pages to
before running steps synchronize completely before starting the
(This option is only for SAP Web test run.
applications) Note: This option is selected by default. The
option should be cleared only when working
with IC WebClient.

Note: In addition to saving all values set in the Record and Run Settings
dialog box with the test, the values you enter for the User, Client, Password,
and Language in the Auto-logon area of the dialog box are saved with the
selected server. If you select the same server in the Server description box for
a new test, the saved values are automatically displayed in the auto-logon

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see
“Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box” on page 36.

Defining Application Details Environment Variables

For tests, you can use application details environment variables to specify
the applications you want to use during the record and run session. These
variables can also be used in external library files for automation scripts.

If you define any of these application details environment variables, they

override the values in the Server description, User, Password, Client, and
Language boxes in the SAP tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.
For more information, see “Setting Record and Run Settings for SAP GUI for
Windows Tests” on page 289.

Use the variable names listed in the table below to define SAP application

Option Variable Name Description

Server description SAP_SERVER_ENV The description of the server

to which you want to

User SAP_USERNAME_ENV The user name used to log on

to the specified client number.

Password SAP_PASSWORD_ENV The encrypted password for

the specified user name.

Client SAP_CLIENT_ENV The client number.

Language SAP_LANGUAGE_ENV The language that you want

the specified SAP GUI for
Windows application to

For more information on defining and working with environment variables,

see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Configuring Testing Options for SAP GUI for Windows

The SAP pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > SAP node)
enables you to configure how QuickTest records and runs tests and
components on SAP applications.

Note: The SAP pane is available only when the QuickTest Professional
Add-in for SAP solutions is installed and loaded.

The options in this pane apply only to steps performed on SAP GUI for
Windows applications.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The SAP pane contains the following options:

Option Description

Auto-parameterize While recording tests, automatically captures the data

table and grid controls you set in table and grid cells and stores it in a new
data sheet in the Data Table. QuickTest inserts an Input
statement into your test, which refers to the new data
sheet. Using this option enables you to set values of
multiple cells in a single test step and easily
parameterize the cell values. For more information, see
“Using the Auto-Parameterize Option to Parameterize
Table and Grid Cell Values” on page 299.

Record HTML elements Specifies whether QuickTest should use the SAP GUI
using SAPGui Scripting Scripting API when recording HTML elements within
interface SAP applications, or use the built-in Web support to
record these HTML elements. You can use this option
to handle synchronization issues that may arise from
recording on Web elements inside an SAP GUI for
Windows session.
Changes to this option take effect only after you start
recording a new test or component.

Record Reset Method Records a Reset method as the first step when
on SAP Gui Session recording a test or component. When the test or
component is run, the first step resets the application
session so that it starts at the initial SAP screen. This
ensures that the test or component starts with the
same application state each time it is run.
This option is applicable only if the Open the
following SAP Gui client when a record or run session
begins and the Auto-logon options are both selected in
the SAP tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Record status bar Records a SAPGuiStatusbar.Sync step each time a status

messages bar message is displayed in the SAP application.
Note: This option is selected by default.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Show ‘Disabled Instructs QuickTest to display warnings if the SAP GUI

Scripting Interface’ Scripting API is disabled on the SAP application. If this
warnings is the case, you cannot record or run steps until you
enable the SAP GUI Scripting API. For information on
enabling the SAP GUI Scripting API, see “Enabling
Scripting on the SAP Application (Client-Side)” on
page 273.
Note: This option is selected by default.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Show ‘Low Speed Instructs QuickTest to display warnings if the

Connection’ Warnings connection speed to the server is set to Low speed
Note: This option is selected by default.
If this option is selected, one of the following occurs if
the connection speed is low:
➤ If the session was opened by QuickTest when
recording started (as defined in the Record and Run
Settings dialog box), the error message appears and
the recording stops.
➤ If the session was opened by the user before
recording started, the error message appears and
recording continues in Standard Windows
Recording mode. For information on Standard
Windows Recording mode, see “Using Standard
Windows Recording Capabilities” on page 308.
If this option is not selected, one of the following
occurs if the connection speed is low:
➤ If the session was opened by QuickTest when
recording started (as defined in the Record and Run
Settings dialog box), the error message does not
appear and the recording stops.
➤ If the session was opened by the user before
recording was begun, the error message does not
appear and recording continues in Standard
Windows Recording mode. For information on
Standard Windows Recording mode, see “Using
Standard Windows Recording Capabilities” on
page 308.
The connection speed can be checked using the SAP
client. For more information, see “Checking the
Connection Speed on the SAP Server” on page 279.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Record only the Specifies that only the selected value is recorded when
selected value when using a Possible Entries list. Any other actions
using a Possible Entries performed on any windows opened after pressing F4
(F4) list (or after clicking the icon in the specific field) are
ignored, and only the actual change made to the field
is recorded.
Note: An event is received only on the field in focus
when F4 was pressed, and not on all the populated
fields in the screen. For this reason it may be preferable
not to select this option when recording.

Session cleanup Instructs QuickTest to close all SAP GUI for Windows
sessions opened by QuickTest during the current run
session when the test is closed. This includes all SAP
GUI for Windows sessions that were invoked from the
Record and Run Settings dialog box, as well as any
sessions that may have been invoked during the run
session using a SAPGuiUtil statement or the Open New
Session button in the SAP GUI for Windows
application that was being recorded.
SAP GUI for Windows sessions that were opened
during a previous run session, or opened manually
before or during the current run session are not
This option overrides the Close the SAP GUI for
Windows application when the test is closed option in
the SAP tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.
For more information, see “Setting Record and Run
Settings for SAP GUI for Windows Tests” on page 289.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Using the Auto-Parameterize Option to Parameterize

Table and Grid Cell Values
When working with tests, QuickTest records a SetCellData statement, by
default, each time you modify the value of a cell in a table or grid. If you
want to modify the values of several cells in a single table or grid, and then
parameterize your test so that different values are entered into the cells each
time your test action runs, you can do this by parameterizing each
statement individually, or by enabling the Auto-parameterize table and grid
controls option.

When this option is selected, QuickTest automatically captures all values

you set for a particular table or grid during a recording session and stores
them in a special data sheet in the Data Table. QuickTest inserts a single
SAPGuiTable.Input, SAPGuiGrid.Input, or SAPGuiAPOGrid.Input statement
into your test, which refers to this new data sheet. Before running the test,
you can easily modify the values or add additional sets of data to the data
sheet for each action iteration.

To record in auto-parameterize mode:

1 Select Tools > Options and click the SAP node.
2 Select the Auto-parameterize table and grid controls option.
3 Begin a recording session.
4 Set the value of one or more cells in a table or grid.
5 Press the ENTER key or perform another operation that sends data to the SAP

For information on auto-parameterization and the Input statement, see:

➤ “Understanding How QuickTest Records in Auto-Parameterize Mode” on

page 300
➤ “Parameterizing Cell Values in the Input Data Sheet” on page 303
➤ “Working with Auto-Parameterization - Tips and Guidelines” on page 305
➤ “Entering Data in Rows Requiring Scrolling” on page 306

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Understanding How QuickTest Records in Auto-Parameterize

In tests, when you record with the Auto-parameterize table and grid
controls option and you perform an operation that sends data to the SAP
server after setting table or grid cell values, QuickTest:

➤ Creates a new data sheet to represent the table or grid. Each data sheet is a
sub-sheet of the action in which the table or grid operations were recorded.
The data sheet name is always the action name followed by a period (.) and
the internal name of the table or grid. For example: Action1.FLIGHT_TABLE
➤ Adds a column to the data sheet for each table or grid column in which you
record. (Columns in which you did not set any cell data are not added to the
data sheet.)
The name of the column in the data sheet is generally the same as the name
of the column in your application.
If a column in the application does not have a header, or more than one
column header has the same name, QuickTest inserts a column with a name
in the format: _ _<index>, where <index> represents the column number
according to its location when you record the Input step.
➤ Inserts the values you set during the recording session into the appropriate
cells in the data sheet. Each row in which you entered data is represented by
a row in the data sheet. Place-holder (empty) rows are added for rows above
the rows in which you recorded. For example, if you set data in rows 2, 4,
and 7, seven rows are added to the data sheet. The cells in rows 1, 3, 5, and 6
do not contain any data.
➤ Inserts an additional end row where the value of the first cell in the row is

End Row

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ Inserts an Input DataSheetName statement (followed by a SelectCell

statement) into your test.

QuickTest records these steps in the Expert View as follows:

control tc spfli").Input "Action1.Table control tc spfli_3"

control tc spfli").SelectCell 1,"Airline"

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP").SendKey ENTER

The Input statement instructs QuickTest to enter values from the data sheet
into the table or grid corresponding to the data sheet name, similar to an
automatically parameterized statement referring to a special sheet in the
Data Table.

Suppose you update values in a table control containing airline flight

information. You update some airline codes, add state and country names to
some of the departure and destination cities, update one of the destination
airport codes, and update some of the departure times. The edited table in
your application may look something like this:

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

QuickTest inserts the following Input statement in your test to represent the
data input:

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP R/3").SAPGuiTable("SPFLI").
Input "Action1.SPFLI"

Note: If you record on a table or grid that scrolls using the ENTER key rather
than the PAGEDOWN key, you may need to manually add the ScrollMethod
optional argument. For more information, see “Entering Data in Rows
Requiring Scrolling” on page 306.

The corresponding data sheet in your Data Table looks like this:

There are six rows in the data sheet, because data was modified in the first
six rows of the table or grid in the application. Note that the data sheet does
not contain columns for the Flight Number and Flight time columns,
because no values were modified in those columns during the recording

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Parameterizing Cell Values in the Input Data Sheet

When working in tests, after you record an Input statement to create an
input data sheet, you can modify the values to be used in the run session,
and you can create multiple sets of table or grid cell data to be used in
different iterations of an action.

As described above, when you record the Input statement, QuickTest records
the values you set in the appropriate rows and columns in the input data
sheet for that table or grid. Below the data it adds an end row (shaded in
blue) with the text .END in the first cell of the row. This row indicates the
end of the first set of data for the table or grid. This set of data and its
corresponding end row represents a single data set.

To supply different data values for each action iteration, you add new data
sets. You add a new data set for a table or grid by entering the values in the
appropriate rows and columns below the previous end row. To indicate the
end of the new data set, copy and paste the end row from the first set of data
to the row below the new set of data. You can include a different number of
rows in each data set.

Note: The Input statement can run successfully only if it can find the end
row. Therefore, the first cell of the end row must contain only the text .END.
You can enter text into other cells in that row, if needed. For example, you
can enter a number in the second cell of the end row to indicate the
iteration number corresponding to that set of data.

Because the input data sheets are added as a sub-sheet of the current action,
the Input statement uses the data set corresponding to the current action
iteration. For example, if you set the action to run on all iterations and your
action sheet includes five rows of data, then your input data sheet should
also include five data sets (and five .END rows).

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The input data sheet below contains three sets of data. The first set contains
data for the top three rows of the table or grid. The second set contains data
for the top two rows of the table or grid. The third set contains data for
rows 2-5. The blank first row (row 8 in the data sheet), indicates that no data
should be entered or modified in the first row of the table or grid. Note that
a number was manually entered into the second cell of each END row to
make it easier to identify the action iteration to which each data set

indicate the
iteration that
to each data

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Working with Auto-Parameterization - Tips and Guidelines

Consider the following tips and guidelines when using the
Auto-parameterize table and grid controls option:

➤ QuickTest inserts an Input statement and a new input data sheet each time
information including modified table or grid cell data is sent to the server. If
you set data in the cells of a particular table or grid both before and after
sending information to the server, you will have more than one input data
sheet (and more than one Input statement) representing the same table or
➤ It is recommended to enter data only in the visible rows of the table or
grid while recording, especially if scrolling results in sending information
to the server. You can add additional rows to the recorded data set while
editing your test.
➤ It is recommended to perform sorting, calculations, and other such
operations either before beginning or after you finish entering data in a
table or grid.
➤ The end of each data set in the input table or grid must be indicated by an
end row with only the text .END in the first cell of the row.
➤ You can enter additional text, such as comments or an iteration number, in
other cells of the .END row.
➤ You can include a different number of rows in each data set.
If you enter data for rows that require scrolling to display them in your
application, you may need to modify your Input statement. For more
information, see “Entering Data in Rows Requiring Scrolling” on page 306.
➤ When recording, QuickTest adds a column to the input data sheet only for
table or grid columns in which you set data. You can add additional
columns from your table or grid to the data sheet while editing your test.
Double-click the column header in the data sheet to rename it. Enter the
name of your table or grid column. If the table or grid column name has
spaces, replace the spaces with underscores.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ In general, the columns in your data sheet can be in any order, as long as the
column names match the column names in your table or grid. However, if
you record data in a column without a column header name or if more than
one column in the table or grid has the same header name, QuickTest adds a
column to the data sheet in the format: _ _<index>, where <index> indicates
the number of the column in the table or grid when you record the Input
statement, for example, _ _1 or _ _2. You can also use this format for
columns in the data sheet if the column header names in your table or grid
may change from iteration to iteration.
➤ To use multiple sets of data from an input data sheet, you must have at least
one other Data Table parameter in your action that is set to use Current
action sheet (local). Also, confirm that the action is set to run multiple
iterations in the Run tab of the Action Properties dialog box.
➤ The number of data sets in your input data sheet should match the number
of rows in the corresponding action data sheet.
If your input data sheet contains fewer data sets than the number of rows in
the action sheet, no data will be inserted in the table or grid during those
action iterations. For example, if the action runs five iterations, and your
input data sheet contains only four data sets, during the fifth iteration no
data will be entered into the table or grid when the Input statement runs.
If your data sheet contains more data sets than the number of rows in the
action sheet, those data sets will not be used.

Entering Data in Rows Requiring Scrolling

When working in tests, QuickTest inserts a new Input statement and creates
a new input data sheet each time you send information to the server that
includes table or grid cell data. Therefore, if scrolling results in sending data
to the server, it is recommended to add data only to visible cells during the
recording session. If you want to enter data into additional rows during the
run session, you can add those rows to the data sheet manually while
editing your test.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

If you create an input data set for rows that are not visible on the table or
grid in your application, then QuickTest must scroll the table or grid during
the run session to insert the data for those rows. If you create an input data
set for a row that needs to be added to the table or grid, QuickTest must send
a command to add the row. By default, QuickTest sends a PAGEDOWN
command if the rows in the data sheet exceed those currently displayed in
the application. If QuickTest needs to use the ENTER key to add additional
rows to the table or grid, then you need to manually add the optional
ScrollMethod argument (with the value ENTER) to your Input statement
before running your test. For example:

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Create Standard").
Input "Action1.All items", ENTER

Understanding Low-Level or Analog Mode Recording on

SAP GUI for Windows
When working in tests, if you are unable to record on an object in the
normal recording mode, or if you want to record mouse clicks and keyboard
input with the exact x- and y-coordinates, you can record on those objects
using low-level or analog recording (select Automation > Low Level
Recording or Automation > Analog Recording during a recording session).

When recording in one of these modes, your steps are added to your test (or
to the analog file) as you record them rather than when information is sent
to the server. If you begin recording in low-level or analog mode, do not
switch back to the normal recording mode until you perform a step that
results in communication with the SAP server. Switching between one of
these modes and the normal recording mode before the server
communication, may result in your steps being recorded twice (once in
low-level/analog mode and once in normal mode).

For more information on low-level and analog recording, see the

HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Using Standard Windows Recording Capabilities

In tests, there are some operations in SAP GUI for Windows applications
that open standard Windows controls. To record steps on these controls
while recording a test on an SAP GUI for Windows application, you need to
switch to Standard Windows Recording mode. If you do not switch to
Standard Windows Recording mode, then nothing is recorded in your test
when you perform operations on these controls.

To switch to Standard Windows Recording mode while recording a test in an

SAP GUI for Windows application, either click the Standard Windows
Recording Mode button in the Testing toolbar, or select
Automation > Standard Windows Recording.

To record steps as SAP GUI for Windows objects again, click the Standard
Windows Recording Mode button in the Testing toolbar, or select
Automation > Standard Windows Recording to deselect the option.

Note: If you switch to Standard Windows Recording mode after performing

an operation on a standard Windows control, in some cases this may cause
both QuickTest and the SAP application to become unresponsive. To avoid
this, make sure that you switch to Standard Windows Recording mode
before you use the standard Windows control in your SAP application.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Understanding QuickTest-eCATT Integration

In addition to Quality Center, HP’s Web-based test management tool, you
can also store and manage QuickTest tests in the SAP Extended Computer
Aided Test Tool (eCATT).

QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions is integrated with the SAP
Extended Computer Aided Test Tool (SAP eCATT). This integration into SAP
eCATT, via SAP GUI for Windows 6.20, has been certified against the SAP
Web AS 6.20. Now, using SAP eCATT and QuickTest Professional, customers
can run quality tests in environments that span beyond Windows and SAP
environments including complex, multi-platform, highly-integrated
composite, legacy, and proprietary enterprise applications.

You can use the SAP eCATT integration feature only if you already have the
SAP GUI for Windows software installed on your computer, including
support for RFC libraries. You add support for RFC libraries by selecting the
Unicode RFC Libraries check box (under Development Tools) during the SAP

Note: You cannot use SAP eCATT to manage components or scripted


This section includes:

➤ “Managing Tests in eCATT” on page 309

➤ “Understanding eCATT Testing Modes” on page 310

Managing Tests in eCATT

After creating tests for your SAP application, you can store and manage
them in a test management tool. Depending on your needs, you may choose
to use HP Quality Center, or SAP eCATT.

For more information on integrating with Quality Center, see the

HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and your Quality Center

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

You must configure your eCATT server to work with QuickTest. After the
server is configured, you can connect to eCATT from QuickTest (standalone
mode) and you can connect to QuickTest from eCATT (integrated mode).
From QuickTest or from eCATT you can create QuickTest tests, store tests
and associated resource files in the eCATT database, edit tests, run tests, and
review test results. You can also call and pass values from an eCATT test
script to a QuickTest test.


eCATT support is available only when the SAP Front End software is
installed on your computer (including support for Unicode), both the
Add-in for SAP solutions and SAP eCATT integration components are
installed, and the SAP Add-in is loaded. For more information, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Installation Guide.
You cannot connect to both eCATT and Quality Center simultaneously.

Understanding eCATT Testing Modes

You can work with tests stored in eCATT in standalone or integrated mode.
The current mode is indicated in the QuickTest title bar.

➤ Standalone mode. The test is stored in eCATT, but was opened from within
the QuickTest interface.
➤ Integrated mode. The test was opened for editing or running from within
the eCATT interface.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The table below describes the basic differences between these two modes.

Standalone Mode Integrated Mode

eCATT-QuickTest Connect to eCATT from eCATT automatically

connection QuickTest using the eCATT establishes the
Connection dialog box. eCATT-QuickTest

Available All QuickTest features are You can work only with the
QuickTest features available. You can open and currently open test.
work with any test in eCATT File > Open, File > New, and
or in the file system. the Recent files list options
are disabled.
If you select File > Save As,
QuickTest warns you that it
will disconnect from eCATT
and switch QuickTest to
standalone mode.

Resource files When you open the test, you When you open the test, test
can also edit and save all the resources stored in eCATT
test’s resource files, are opened in read-only
including those stored in mode.

Save location Tests and uploaded files are You can save tests to any
automatically saved to the package (including non-
local package ($TMP) in local packages).

eCATT Although QuickTest is eCATT is locked while the

dependence connected to eCATT, you test is open in QuickTest. To
can work and navigate in release eCATT, close
eCATT independently. QuickTest.

Test results All test results are stored in Test results are stored to the
the file system. They cannot network drive you specify in
be accessed from your the eCATT pane of the
eCATT log list. Options dialog box. You can
access the test results from
the eCATT log.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

For more information on working in standalone mode, see “Working with

eCATT in Standalone Mode” on page 314.

For more information on working in integrated mode, see “Working with

eCATT in Integrated Mode” on page 339.

Configuring eCATT to Work with QuickTest

Before you can use the eCATT-QuickTest integration features available with
the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions, you (or an eCATT
system administrator) must install the appropriate support package and
configure the eCATT server to work with QuickTest.

To enable eCATT-QuickTest integration, an SAP user with administrative

privileges must:

➤ Update the eCATT server with the appropriate support package. Contact SAP
or your SAP representative to receive the necessary support package.
➤ Set external tool parameters in the ECCUST_ET table.
➤ Apply the necessary roles or profiles to each user who wants to work with
QuickTest and eCATT.
For information on specific SAP server version and support package
requirements, see the SAP section in the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

This section includes:

➤ “Setting External Tool Parameters in the ECCUST_ET Table” on page 313

➤ “Applying Necessary Roles or Profiles to eCATT-QuickTest Users” on
page 314

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Setting External Tool Parameters in the ECCUST_ET Table

To enable eCATT to communicate with QuickTest, you must set certain
values for the external tool parameters in the ECCUST_ET table. You
perform this procedure only once in the system.

To set parameter values in the ECCUST_ET Table:

1 Navigate to transaction se17. The General Table Display window opens.
2 In the Table Name box, enter ECCUST_ET and press ENTER.
3 The Display Table ECCUST_ET window opens and displays an empty table
with the required parameter names.
4 Enter the values exactly as shown below:

Note: You can also use the function module SET_EXTERNAL_TOOL to create
entries in the customizing table. For more information, see your eCATT

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Applying Necessary Roles or Profiles to eCATT-QuickTest

To perform all of the operations described in the following chapters, you
must have permission to:

➤ run eCATT scripts

➤ edit eCATT scripts
➤ work with an external tool (QuickTest) in integrated mode
➤ connect to eCATT from an external tool (QuickTest) in standalone mode

Each of these tasks requires special roles or profiles. Before you begin
working with the QuickTest-eCATT integration, you should confirm with
your system administrator that the user name you use is assigned the
necessary roles or profiles to perform the above tasks. For example, to work
with QuickTest in standalone mode, you must be assigned the role S_ECET
or the profile SAP_ECET in the eCATT system.

For more information, contact your system administrator or see your SAP
and eCATT documentation.

Working with eCATT in Standalone Mode

You can connect to an eCATT database from QuickTest. This is called
standalone mode. When you work in standalone mode, you have access to all
standard QuickTest features.

This section includes:

➤ “Working in Standalone Mode” on page 315

➤ “Connecting to and Disconnecting from eCATT” on page 316
➤ “Saving Tests to eCATT in Standalone Mode” on page 319
➤ “Understanding the Save QuickTest Test to eCATT Dialog Box” on page 321
➤ “Opening Tests from an eCATT Database in Standalone Mode” on page 322
➤ “Understanding the Open QuickTest Test from eCATT Dialog Box” on
page 324

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ “Uploading Files to eCATT” on page 325

➤ “Understanding the eCATT Upload File Dialog Box” on page 329
➤ “Understanding the Save External File to eCATT Dialog Box” on page 331
➤ “Downloading Files from eCATT” on page 332
➤ “Setting Options for Working with eCATT” on page 333
➤ “Passing Values Between eCATT Test Scripts and QuickTest Tests” on
page 337
➤ “Running a Test Stored in an eCATT Database in Standalone Mode” on
page 337

Working in Standalone Mode

When you open QuickTest with the SAP Add-in loaded, you can connect to
eCATT, store tests in the eCATT database, open existing tests from the
eCATT database, and upload or download files to or from eCATT. You can
store a test’s external resource files in eCATT. For example, you can store
shared object repository files, Data Table files, library files, environment
variable files, and recovery files in your eCATT database. QuickTest provides
a special set of eCATT-specific options that enable you to control certain
elements of the eCATT-QuickTest integration.

You can also perform many of these operations from the eCATT interface
(integrated mode).

You can also download resource files already stored in eCATT and save them
in the file system.

For more information on working in integrated mode, see “Working with

eCATT in Integrated Mode” on page 339.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

For more information on eCATT testing modes, see “Understanding eCATT

Testing Modes” on page 310.

Note: You can pass values from an eCATT test script to a QuickTest test, or
vice versa, in the form of QuickTest test parameters. For more information
on parameters, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Connecting to and Disconnecting from eCATT

From QuickTest, you can connect or disconnect to or from eCATT at any
time during the testing process. However, you should not disconnect
QuickTest from eCATT while a QuickTest test that is stored in eCATT is open
or while QuickTest is using a shared resource stored in eCATT (such as a
shared object repository or Data Table file).

Connecting QuickTest to eCATT

You connect to eCATT using the eCATT Connection dialog box (Tools >
eCATT Connection).

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The eCATT Connection dialog box contains the following options:

Option Description

Server description The eCATT server to which you want to connect.

The Server description box lists the servers available
in the SAP Logon Pad or the SAP Logon dialog box.
To add a server to the list in the eCATT Connection
dialog box, close the dialog box, define an
appropriate entry using your SAP Logon dialog box,
and then reopen the eCATT Connection dialog box.

User The user name used to log on to the specified server.

Password The password for the specified user name.

Client The client number.

Language The language that you want to use.

Reconnect on startup Instructs QuickTest to automatically reconnect to

the eCATT server the next time you open QuickTest.

Save password for Instructs QuickTest to save your password for

reconnection on startup reconnection on startup.
If you select Reconnect on startup, but do not select
this option, you are prompted to enter it each time
QuickTest opens.
Enabled only when Reconnect on startup is

Connect Connects QuickTest to eCATT.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The eCATT icon is displayed in the QuickTest status bar to indicate that
QuickTest is currently connected to an eCATT server.

Tip: To open the eCATT Connection dialog box, double-click the eCATT icon
in the QuickTest status bar.

Disconnecting QuickTest from eCATT

When you are finished working with eCATT, you can disconnect from it.

Note: If a test or shared file (such as a shared object repository or Data Table
file) that is stored in eCATT is open when you disconnect from eCATT, then
QuickTest informs you that the test will be closed.

To disconnect QuickTest from eCATT:

1 Select Tools > eCATT Connection. The eCATT Connection dialog box opens.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

2 Click Disconnect to disconnect QuickTest from the selected server.

3 Click OK to close the eCATT Connection dialog box.

Saving Tests to eCATT in Standalone Mode

When QuickTest is connected to an eCATT server in standalone mode, you
can create new tests in QuickTest and save them directly to your eCATT
database. You can also open, edit, and save existing tests that are stored in
eCATT, and you can save existing tests with a new name in the eCATT
database or in the file system.

Note: When saving a test to eCATT in standalone mode, it is automatically

saved to the local package ($TMP) in eCATT.

To save a test to an eCATT database in standalone mode:

1 From QuickTest, connect to an eCATT server. QuickTest connects to eCATT
in standalone mode. For more information, see “Connecting QuickTest to
eCATT” on page 316.
2 In QuickTest, click Save or select File > Save to save the test.
The Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box opens. If you defined a New
test prefix in the eCATT pane of the QuickTest Options dialog box, the Save
QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box displays the defined prefix. For more
information, see “Setting Options for Working with eCATT” on page 333.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

For more information on the Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box, see
“Understanding the Save QuickTest Test to eCATT Dialog Box”.

Note: The Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box opens when QuickTest is
connected to eCATT in standalone mode. To save a test directly in the file
system while you are connected to eCATT, click the File System button to
open the Save QuickTest Test dialog box.

3 In the Test name box, enter a valid name for the test. Use a descriptive name
that will help you easily identify the test. Ensure that the test name begins
with a prefix that matches your eCATT server naming conventions. For
example, your eCATT server may require all test names to begin with the
letter z.
4 In the Test version box, enter a version number. The version number can be
any number that you choose. For example, each time you open and modify
a test, you can increment the version number by 1, instead of overwriting
the existing version of the test if you want to keep a record of all versions of
a test. The test name and version number together form a unique ID for the
5 Click OK to save the test and close the dialog box. Note that the words
Saving, and then Uploading, are displayed in the QuickTest status bar.
When QuickTest completes the save process, the status bar displays the word

When the save process is complete, the QuickTest title bar displays the test
information in the following format:

[eCATT] TestName : VersionNumber (Mode)

For example:

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Understanding the Save QuickTest Test to eCATT Dialog

The Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box enables you to save a
QuickTest test in the eCATT database. This dialog box opens when you are
connected to eCATT in standalone mode and choose to save a new test, or
to save an existing test with a new name (Save As).

Note: When saving a test to eCATT in standalone mode, it is automatically

saved to the local package ($TMP) in eCATT.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box includes the following options:

Option Description

Test name The name for the test. Use a descriptive name that
will help you easily identify the test. Ensure that the
test name begins with a prefix that matches your
eCATT server naming conventions. For example,
your eCATT server may require all file names to
begin with the letter z.
When the Save Test in eCATT dialog box opens, it
displays the default test prefix in the Test name box.
You can define or modify this prefix in the eCATT
pane of the Options dialog box. For more
information, see “Setting Options for Working with
eCATT” on page 333.

Test version The version number of the test. The version number
can be any number that you choose. You can use
the version number option as a kind of manual
version control. For example, each time you open
and modify a test, you can increment the version
number by 1, instead of overwriting the existing
version of the test if you want to keep a record of all
versions of a test. The test name and version
number together form a unique ID for the test.

File System Opens the Save QuickTest Test dialog box, enabling
you to save the currently open test anywhere in the
file system.

Opening Tests from an eCATT Database in Standalone

When QuickTest is connected to an eCATT server in standalone mode, you
can open and edit QuickTest tests that are saved in your eCATT database.
You can also edit and save all of a test’s resources (external files associated
with the test), even if they are stored in eCATT.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

To open a test from an eCATT database:

1 Connect to an eCATT server. For more information, see “Connecting
QuickTest to eCATT” on page 316.
2 In QuickTest, click Open or select File > Open to open the test. The Open
QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box opens.

For more information on Open QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box, see
“Understanding the Open QuickTest Test from eCATT Dialog Box”.

Note: The Open QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box opens only when
QuickTest is connected to an eCATT server. To open a test directly from the
file system while you are connected to eCATT, click the File System button
to open the Open Test dialog box.

3 In the Test name box, enter a valid test name or select one from the list of
recently opened eCATT tests. Do not specify a folder path or other location.
4 In the Test version box, select a version number from the list.
As QuickTest downloads and opens the test, the operations it performs are
displayed in the status bar.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

5 If you want to open the test in read-only mode, select the Open in read-only
mode check box.
When the test opens, the QuickTest title bar displays the test information in
the following format:
[eCATT] TestName : VersionNumber (Mode)

For example:

Understanding the Open QuickTest Test from eCATT

Dialog Box
The Open QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box enables you to open a
QuickTest test from the eCATT database. This dialog box opens when you
select File > Open or click the Open button command while connected to
eCATT in standalone mode.

The Open QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box includes the following

Option Description

Test name The name of the test you want to open.

When the Open Test from eCATT dialog box opens,
it displays the most recently opened eCATT test in
the Test name box.

Test version The version number of the test you want to open.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Option Description

Open in read-only mode Opens the test in read-only mode. You can run the
test and save the results, but you cannot modify the
test or any external resources associated with the

File System Opens the Save QuickTest Test dialog box, enabling
you to save the currently open test anywhere in the
file system.

Opening Tests from the Recent Tests List

When working in standalone mode, you can open eCATT tests from the
recent tests list in the File menu. If you select a test located in an eCATT
database, but QuickTest is currently not connected to eCATT or to the
correct eCATT server for the test, the eCATT Connection dialog box opens.

Enter the Password and click OK.

The eCATT Connection dialog box also opens if you choose to open a test
that was last edited on your computer using a different eCATT user name.
You can either log on using the displayed User or you can click Cancel to
prevent the opening of the selected test and remain logged in with your
current user name.

Note: You must disconnect from eCATT before opening a Quality Center
test from the recent tests list.

Uploading Files to eCATT

When you save a QuickTest test in eCATT, it is also recommended to store
all associated resource files in eCATT so that any user who opens the test
from eCATT will have access to all the test’s resource files.

Like test names, all test resource files stored in eCATT must begin with a
valid prefix. You can set the default prefix for files in the eCATT pane of the
QuickTest Options dialog box. For more information, see “Setting Options
for Working with eCATT” on page 333.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

For files that you create outside QuickTest, such as Data Table files, library
files, and environment variable files, you upload the files to eCATT using
the eCATT Upload File option. You can also use this dialog box to upload
existing shared object repository or recovery files from the file system to

When you create a new shared object repository or recovery file, you can
create the file as you normally would in QuickTest and then save the file
directly to eCATT.

Note: When uploading a file to eCATT in standalone mode, it is

automatically saved to the local package ($TMP) in eCATT.

To upload external resource files from the file system to eCATT:

1 Create and save the file in the file system.
2 Connect to eCATT. For more information, see “Connecting QuickTest to
eCATT” on page 316.
3 Select Tools > eCATT Upload File option. The eCATT Upload File dialog box

For information on the eCATT Upload File dialog box, see “Understanding
the eCATT Upload File Dialog Box”.

4 Browse or enter the file path of the Local file you want to upload.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

5 Specify the eCATT name and Version number you want to assign to the
uploaded file.
6 Associate the uploaded file with your test in the appropriate QuickTest
dialog box. For more information on associating Data Table files, library
files, environment variable files, and shared object repositories with your
test, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

To create a new shared object repository file and store it in eCATT:

1 Open a blank test.
2 Select File > Settings > Resources node.
3 Select the Shared radio button.
4 Enter the name you want to use for the shared object repository in the
format: [eCATT] SORFileName : VersionNumber. For example:

[eCATT] z_SOR_dwdm : 00000001

5 If a warning message opens, click Yes to create the new object repository file
in eCATT.
For more information on creating object repository files, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

To copy or export an object repository to eCATT:

1 Open the test whose object repository you want to copy or export.
2 Select Tools > Object Repository to open the Object Repository dialog box.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

3 If the test is in object repository per action mode, click the Export button to
export the object repository to a shared object repository file in eCATT.
If the test is in shared object repository mode, click the arrow next to the
Save button and select Save As to save a copy of the object repository file
with a new name in eCATT.
The Save External File to eCATT dialog box opens.

For information on the Save External File to eCATT dialog box, see
“Understanding the Save External File to eCATT Dialog Box”.

4 Enter the File name and File version for the shared object repository.
5 Click OK to save the file.
For more information on exporting and saving object repository files, see
the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

To create a new recovery file in eCATT:

1 Select Resources > Recovery Scenario Manager. The Recovery Scenario
Manager opens.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

2 Click the New Scenario button. The Recovery Scenario Wizard opens.
Follow the instructions in the wizard to create a new scenario. When you are
finished, the scenario is displayed in the Recovery Scenario Manager.
If you want to add more scenarios to the new scenario file, repeat step 2.
When you are ready to save the scenario file, click Save. The Save External
File to eCATT dialog box opens.

For information on the Save External File to eCATT dialog box, see
“Understanding the Save External File to eCATT Dialog Box”.

3 Enter the File name and File version for the recovery file.
4 Click OK to save the file.
For more information on creating and saving recovery files, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Understanding the eCATT Upload File Dialog Box

You use the eCATT Upload File dialog box to store a test’s external resource
files in eCATT.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The eCATT Upload File dialog box includes the following options:

Option Description

Local file The complete path of the file you want to upload.
You can enter file path or browse to the file.

eCATT name The name under which to store the file in eCATT.
Ensure that the file name begins with a prefix that
matches your eCATT server naming conventions.
For example, you may have to prefix all file names
with the letter z.
When the eCATT Upload File dialog box opens, it
displays the default file prefix in the eCATT name
box. You can define or modify this prefix in the
eCATT pane of the QuickTest Options dialog box.
For more information, see “Setting Options for
Working with eCATT” on page 333.

Version The version number of the file. The version number

can be any number that you choose. For example,
each time you open and modify a file, you can
increment the version number by 1, instead of
overwriting the existing version of the file if you
want to keep a record of all versions of a file. The
file name and version number together form a
unique ID for the file.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Understanding the Save External File to eCATT Dialog Box

You use the Save External File to eCATT dialog box to save a test’s resource
files directly to eCATT.

The Save External File to eCATT dialog box includes the following options:

Option Description

File name The name under which to store the file in eCATT.
Ensure that the file name begins with a prefix that
matches your eCATT server naming conventions.
For example, you may have to prefix all file names
with the letter z.
When the eCATT Upload File dialog box opens, it
displays the default file prefix in the eCATT name
box. You can define or modify this prefix in the
eCATT pane of the QuickTest Options dialog box.
For more information, see “Setting Options for
Working with eCATT” on page 333.

File Version The version number of the file. The version number
can be any number that you choose. For example,
each time you open and modify a file, you can
increment the version number by 1, instead of
overwriting the existing version of the file if you
want to keep a record of all versions of a file. The
file name and version number together form a
unique ID for the file.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Downloading Files from eCATT

If you upload a file to eCATT and then associate that file with a test as a
resource file, the resource file is automatically downloaded each time you
open the test. You can also download files stored in eCATT and save them in
the file system using the eCATT Download File dialog box (Tools > eCATT
Download File).

The eCATT Download File dialog box includes the following options:

Option Description

eCATT name The name of the file stored in eCATT.

When the eCATT Download File dialog box opens,
it displays the default file prefix in the eCATT name
box. You can define or modify this prefix in the
eCATT pane of the Options dialog box. For more
information, see “Setting Options for Working with
eCATT” on page 333.

Version The version number of the file to download.

Download to The complete path and file name of the location to

which you want to download the file. You can enter
or browse to the folder path.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Setting Options for Working with eCATT

The eCATT pane of the Options dialog box enables you to configure how
QuickTest behaves when you are connected to eCATT.

Note: The eCATT pane is available only when the QuickTest Professional
Add-in for SAP solutions is installed and loaded.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The eCATT pane contains the following options:

Option Description

Test results The location in which test results are stored when
the test is run from eCATT. This folder must be a
mapped network drive or a path in Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) format.

New test prefix The prefix that is displayed by default in the Save
QuickTest Test in eCATT dialog box.

New file prefix The prefix that is displayed by default when

specifying a file to store in eCATT.

eCATT test cache folder The location in which a test from eCATT is
temporarily stored when it is open for editing or
running in QuickTest.
Default location = C:\Documents and
Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\eCATT
Note: RunCache and EditCache folders are
automatically created under the specified folder.

Clear Cache Deletes all files from the eCATT test cache folder.

Modify Trace Options Opens the eCATT Trace Options dialog box, which
enables you to configure if and how QuickTest
generates the QuickTest-eCATT communication
trace log (used for troubleshooting communication

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Configuring the eCATT Trace File

You can instruct QuickTest to generate a QuickTest-eCATT communication
trace file each time eCATT runs a QuickTest test to troubleshoot
communication errors.

You use the eCATT Trace Options dialog box to configure whether and how
QuickTest generates the trace file.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

The eCATT Trace Options dialog box contains the following options:

Option Description

Level The level of detail to include in the trace file that is

created when eCATT runs a QuickTest test.
None. (default) No trace file is created.
Low. The trace file lists any eCATT-QuickTest
communication errors.
Medium. The trace file includes eCATT-QuickTest
communication errors and information on other
major operations that result in eCATT-QuickTest
High. The trace file includes all available
information related to eCATT-QuickTest

Folder The folder path for storing the trace file. Required if
a trace file level other than None is specified in the
Level option.
Default location = C:\Documents and

File name The file name for the trace file.

Default = EcattLog.html

Max size The maximum file size you want to allow for the
trace file.

Generate .xml file for Generates an .xml file each time you open or save a
debugging when opening test that is stored in eCATT. The files are saved in
and saving tests Open and Save folders under the trace folder.
Note: Selecting this option results in slower
response times for editing and saving tests in
QuickTest. In general, you should select this option
only when instructed to do so to debug eCATT
connectivity issues.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Passing Values Between eCATT Test Scripts and QuickTest

You can pass values from an eCATT test script to a QuickTest test, or vice
versa, using QuickTest test parameters.

Passing values to QuickTest involves:

➤ Defining QuickTest test parameters and using them in your QuickTest Test.
For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ Calling a QuickTest Test and Specifying Arguments from eCATT (see
page 348)

Running a Test Stored in an eCATT Database in

Standalone Mode
When you run the test from QuickTest (standalone mode), the test results
are stored in the location you specify in the file system. You cannot access
these results from eCATT.

(For information on running QuickTest tests from eCATT, see “Running a

Test Stored in an eCATT Database in Standalone Mode” on page 337.)

Running Tests from QuickTest

When working with QuickTest in standalone mode, you run a test stored in
an eCATT database just like any other QuickTest test.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

To run a test stored in eCATT (in Standalone mode):

1 In QuickTest, click the Run button or select Automation > Run. The Run
dialog box opens.

2 Accept the default results folder or browse to select another one.


The default results folder is created under the folder where the cache (local)
copy of your test is stored. You set the location of your eCATT test cache
folder in the eCATT pane of the QuickTest Options dialog box.

When running tests in standalone mode, no eCATT log is created. For more
information on the eCATT log for QuickTest run sessions, see “Viewing
Results of a QuickTest Test Run in Integrated Mode” on page 354.

To run the test and overwrite the previous run session results, select the
Temporary run results folder (overwriting older temporary results) option.

Note: QuickTest stores temporary run session results for all tests in <System
Drive>:\%Temp%\TempResults. The path in the text box of the Temporary
run results folder (overwriting older temporary results) option is read-only
and cannot be changed.

3 Click OK. The Run dialog box closes and QuickTest begins running the test.
When the run session ends, the Test Results window opens (unless the View
results when run session ends check box is cleared in the Run pane of the
QuickTest Options dialog box). For more information on running QuickTest
tests and analyzing test results, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Working with eCATT in Integrated Mode

You can connect to QuickTest from eCATT. This is called integrated mode.
When you work in integrated mode, only QuickTest features related to the
eCATT test are available in QuickTest. When you run tests in integrated
mode, your run session results are accessible in the eCATT log.

When you log on to an eCATT server that has been configured to integrate
with QuickTest, you can view, edit, and run QuickTest tests that are stored in
eCATT. You can also use the standard eCATT commands to copy, rename,
and delete QuickTest tests, just as you would with any other file stored in

When you open a QuickTest test from eCATT, QuickTest opens in integrated
mode. In this mode, you can use all QuickTest features that are associated
with the open test. You cannot open another test or save the open test with
another name.

You can run a test in integrated mode in any of the following ways. You can
use the Run option in QuickTest. You can use the Execute Test Script (F8)
option for a selected QuickTest test in eCATT. You can also execute an
eCATT test script (or blob—Binary Large Object) that calls a QuickTest test.
Creating eCATT scripts that call QuickTest tests is useful if you want to pass
or retrieve values to or from a QuickTest test. For more information on
configuring eCATT to work with QuickTest, see “Configuring eCATT to
Work with QuickTest” on page 312.

You can also work with tests stored in eCATT from the QuickTest interface
(standalone mode). For more information on working in standalone mode,
see “Working with eCATT in Standalone Mode” on page 314. For more
information on eCATT testing modes, see “Understanding eCATT Testing
Modes” on page 310.

This section includes:

➤ “Performing Basic Test Management Operations from eCATT” on page 340

➤ “Transferring Data To and From QuickTest Tests Using Test Parameters” on
page 347
➤ “Running a Test Stored in an eCATT Database in Integrated Mode” on
page 351

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Performing Basic Test Management Operations from

From eCATT, you can perform basic QuickTest test management operations,
such as displaying or opening existing QuickTest tests that are stored in
eCATT, making copies of tests, renaming tests, deleting tests, and creating
new QuickTest tests.

For more information, see:

➤ Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT, below

➤ Copying QuickTest Tests from eCATT, on page 343
➤ Renaming and/or Changing Packages for QuickTest Tests from eCATT, on
page 344
➤ Deleting QuickTest Tests from eCATT, on page 345
➤ Creating QuickTest Tests from eCATT, on page 346

Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT

You can select to display any existing QuickTest test that is stored in eCATT.
When you open the test, QuickTest opens in integrated and read-only mode.

Alternatively, you can select to open the QuickTest test for editing. When
the test opens in integrated mode, you can use many QuickTest options. For
example, you can edit the test and run the test from the QuickTest interface.
However, any external resource files (for example, shared object repository
files or external Data Table files) open in read-only mode. Resource files that
are saved with the test (for example, a local repository or the test’s local Data
Table file) are editable. To edit external resource files, open the test in
standalone mode.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

When you display or open a QuickTest test in integrated mode, you can
work only with the open test. You cannot open another test or save the
open test with another name.

Note: If you select the QuickTest File > Save As menu command when
working in integrated mode, QuickTest displays a warning message
indicating that you can save a test with a new name in the file system, but
doing so disconnects QuickTest from eCATT and switches QuickTest to
standalone mode.

For more information on integrated and standalone modes, see

“Understanding eCATT Testing Modes” on page 310.

To display or open a QuickTest Test from eCATT:

1 Log on to eCATT.
2 In the eCATT initial window, select Test Script.
3 In the Test Script box, enter the name of the test.
4 In the Version box, enter the test version number.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

5 Select QuickTest Professional as the External Tool.

6 To display the test in read-only mode, click the Display Object button. The
Display Test Script window opens.
To open the test for editing, click the Change Object button. The Change
Test Script window opens.
7 Click the Script (Call External Tool) button (SHIFT + F12). If QuickTest is not
already open, it opens. If the test has external resource files and/or if you
chose to open the test in read-only (Display) mode, QuickTest reminds you
that the resources and/or test will open in read-only mode.
8 Click OK on the message boxes. QuickTest displays the test.
9 If you opened the test for editing, you can use most QuickTest options. For
more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
10 Close QuickTest to return to eCATT.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Copying QuickTest Tests from eCATT

You can create a copy of a QuickTest test that is stored in the eCATT
database and store it with a different name.

To copy a QuickTest Test:

1 Repeat steps 1 to 5 of “Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT”
on page 341 to specify information about the test you want to copy.
2 Click the Copy Object button. The Copy dialog box opens.

3 The from Test Script box displays the current QuickTest test Name and
Version number.
4 In the to Test Script box, enter the Name and Version of the new copy of the
5 Click Copy to save the copy of the test.
➤ If you modified only the version number, proceed to step 8.
➤ If you entered a new test name, the Create Object Directory Entry dialog
box opens.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

6 In the Package box, specify the package in which you want to store the copy
of the test. Modify other edit boxes as necessary.

Note: If the test has external resource files, they are stored separately in the
$TMP (local) package.

7 Click Save to save your settings and copy the test.

8 The eCATT initial window reopens and displays the name and version of the
new copy.

Renaming and/or Changing Packages for QuickTest Tests from

You can rename a QuickTest test that is stored in the eCATT database and
store it with another name and/or store it in a different package.

To rename and/or change packages for a QuickTest Test:

1 Repeat steps 1 to 5 of “Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT”
on page 341 to specify information about the test you want to rename or
2 Click the Rename Object button. The Rename dialog box opens.

3 The from Test Script box displays the current QuickTest test Name and
Version number.
4 In the to Test Script box, enter the new Name and/or Version for the test.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

5 Click Rename.
➤ If you modified only the version number, proceed to step 8.
➤ If you entered a new test name, the Create Object Directory Entry dialog
box opens.

6 In the Package box, specify the package in which you want to store the test.
Modify other edit boxes as necessary.

Note: If the test has external resource files, they are stored separately in the
$TMP (local) package.

7 Click Save to save your settings and rename the test.

8 The eCATT initial window reopens and displays the name and version of the
renamed test.

Deleting QuickTest Tests from eCATT

You can delete a QuickTest test from the eCATT database.

To delete a QuickTest test from the eCATT database:

1 Repeat steps 1 to 5 of “Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT”
on page 341 to specify information about the test you want to delete.
2 Click the Delete Object button. A message box opens.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

3 Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the test. The test is deleted from
the database.

Creating QuickTest Tests from eCATT

You can create a new QuickTest from eCATT.

To create a new QuickTest test:

1 Repeat steps 1 to 5 of “Displaying or Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT”
on page 341 to specify information about the test you want to create.
2 Click the Create Object button. The Create Test Script window opens.
Ensure that the General Data tab is selected within the Attributes tab.
3 In the Title box, enter a title for your eCATT test script. The title is a short
description of your test script.
4 Enter or select a Component.

5 Click the Script button. QuickTest opens with a blank test.

6 Create the test in QuickTest. For information on creating tests in QuickTest,
see the other chapters in this guide and the HP QuickTest Professional User

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

7 In QuickTest, click Save. The eCATT Create Object Directory Entry dialog
box opens.

8 In the Package box, specify the package in which you want to store the test.
Confirm that the other edit boxes contain correct values.

Note: If the test has external resource files, they are stored by default in the
$TMP (local) package. If you select another package for the test, you must
manually move any external resource files to the same package.

9 Click Save to close the dialog box and save the test. QuickTest is restored in
integrated mode and displays the saved test for additional editing.
10 When you are finished with the test, close QuickTest to return to eCATT.

Transferring Data To and From QuickTest Tests Using Test

You can pass values from an eCATT test script to a QuickTest test, or vice
versa, using QuickTest test parameters.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Passing values to QuickTest involves:

➤ Defining QuickTest test parameters and using them in your QuickTest Test.
For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ Calling a QuickTest Test and Specifying Arguments from eCATT (see below).

Calling a QuickTest Test and Specifying Arguments from eCATT

To send values to your QuickTest input arguments, you must run your test
via a call from an eCATT test script.

After you have defined input and output arguments for your QuickTest test,
you can insert a call to that test from an eCATT script and specify argument
values for the input arguments.

To create an eCATT test script that calls and sends argument values to a
QuickTest test:
1 Log on to eCATT.
2 In the eCATT initial window, select Test Script.
3 Enter a test script name and version number. Do not specify an External

4 Click the Create Object button. The Create Test Script window opens.
Ensure that the General Data tab is selected within the Attributes tab.
5 In the Title box, enter a title for your eCATT test script. The title is a short
description of your test script.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

6 Enter or select a Component.

7 Click the Editor tab. The eCATT command editor is displayed.

8 If the Command Interface is not displayed, click the
Parameter<->Command Interface toggle button to display the Command
9 Click the Pattern button in the Create Test Script toolbar. The Insert
Statement window opens.
10 In the Command box, select REFEXT to call an external test. The window
changes to display the options corresponding to an external call.

11 In the Test Script (External Tool) box, enter the name of the QuickTest test
you want to call.
12 Click the Continue (Enter) button. eCATT enters the default interface value
in the Interface box. Modify this value if necessary.
13 If you want to call a test version other than version 1, enter the version
number of the test you want to call in the Version box.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

14 Click the Continue (Enter) button again to add the test to the Command

15 Double-click the row header for the test in the Command Interface. The
External Command Interface table is displayed.
16 Double-click the Import folder. If input test arguments have been defined
for the test, they are displayed in the far-right grid.

Tip: You can also double-click the Export folder to view the output
arguments defined for the test.

17 Set the value of each input argument in the Value column of the far-right

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

18 Save the test script.

Tip: You can enter the name of an eCATT parameter from the eCATT script
as the value of a QuickTest input parameter.

Running a Test Stored in an eCATT Database in Integrated

When you run the test from eCATT (integrated mode), the test results are
stored in the network drive specified for eCATT test results (as defined in the
eCATT pane of the QuickTest Options dialog box). Although the test results
are not stored in eCATT, you can access the results from the eCATT log.

For information on running tests in standalone mode, see “Running a Test

Stored in an eCATT Database in Standalone Mode” on page 337.

Running QuickTest Tests from eCATT Test Scripts (Integrated

To run a QuickTest test from eCATT, you can:

➤ Display the test in QuickTest and use the standard QuickTest Run option in
QuickTest. For more information on displaying the test, see “Displaying or
Editing a QuickTest Test from eCATT” on page 340. For information on
running a test using the QuickTest Run option, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.
➤ Create and run an eCATT test script that calls a QuickTest test. For
information on creating eCATT test scripts that call QuickTest tests, see
“Passing Values Between eCATT Test Scripts and QuickTest Tests” on
page 337. For information on running eCATT test scripts, see your eCATT
➤ Use the Execute Test Script (F8) option for a selected QuickTest test in
eCATT. For more information, see the procedure below.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

To run a QuickTest test from eCATT using the Execute Test Script option:
1 Log on to eCATT.
2 In the eCATT initial window, enter the test name in the Test Script box and
the version number in the Version box. Select QuickTest Professional as the
External Tool.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

3 Click the Execute Test Script (F8) button. The Start Options window opens.

4 Select the options you want to use for the run session. For example, select
the Log Display check box if you want the test log to display when the run
session ends and select A With Surface of External Tool in the Mode for Ext.
Tool box, if you want QuickTest to be displayed during the run session. For
information on other options in this window, see your eCATT

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

5 Click the Execute button to start the run session. If you selected the Log
Display check box in the Start Options window, then the eCATT log is
displayed when the run session ends.

Viewing Results of a QuickTest Test Run in Integrated Mode

You can view the results of a QuickTest test that was run from eCATT in one
of three ways:

➤ In the QuickTest Test Results window. Because all tests run from eCATT are
stored in a network drive, you can open QuickTest (or the QuickTest Test
Results Viewer application), and browse to the desired test results. You can
view the folder in which the results are saved in the UNCPathToLocalLog
line of the eCATT log.

For more information on opening and analyzing run session results in

QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ Via the generated XML Report. Each time you run a QuickTest test from
eCATT, an .xml file is generated. This file contains all details of the run
session. To view the file, click the line containing the text: XML-DATA in the
eCATT log.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

➤ In the eCATT Log Display. You can expand the log to view the results of the
test or the results of a specific event, such as a checkpoint.

Chapter 20 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications

Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

After you create your test, you can enhance it by adding checkpoints,
retrieving output values, parameterizing values, and inserting SAP Windows
objects, methods, and properties.

Note: All of the information in this chapter is relevant for tests and scripted
components only.

This chapter includes:

➤ Considerations for Enhancing SAP Windows Tests on page 357
➤ Checking SAP Windows Objects and Outputting Values on page 358
➤ Outputting SAP Windows Property and Table Cell Values on page 364

Considerations for Enhancing SAP Windows Tests

➤ You must have the actual table or grid open to the appropriate level or view
to insert a new table checkpoint while editing your test or component. This
is true even if your Active Screen (tests only) contains a capture of the table
or grid.
➤ In general, it is not necessary to open the table or grid in the application to
edit an existing checkpoint. However, if you want to modify the row range
for the checkpoint, the actual table or grid must be open to the appropriate
level or view.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

➤ When creating a checkpoint on simple table controls (tests only), QuickTest

captures all rows and columns of the table (whether or not they are visible).
You can choose to create your checkpoint on a specific range of rows in the
Define Row Range dialog box.
➤ When creating a checkpoint on ActiveX grid controls (these generally have
toolbars), QuickTest captures the data from all columns and all rows in the
grid in the table checkpoint. If you do not need to check data from all rows
in your grid, you can specify the rows you want to include in the checkpoint
in the Define Row Range dialog box. You can also increase or decrease the
number of rows included in the checkpoint at a later time.
➤ When inserting a table checkpoint (tests only), consider how other steps
performed on the table may affect the checkpoint.
Example 1: If you have a step in your test that clicks the Total toolbar button
on a grid control, that click refreshes all data in the table. The refresh could
potentially cause a table checkpoint on a cell in the table to fail.
Example 2: If you click a toolbar button in a grid control that adds rows to
your table before creating a table checkpoint, the extra rows are captured as
part of the grid checkpoint (if you capture all rows). Therefore, confirm that
the same rows are displayed during the run session.

Checking SAP Windows Objects and Outputting Values

After you create a test, you can use a variety of options to enhance it,
including adding checkpoints and retrieving output values.

Adding a Table Checkpoint

When working with tests, you can check the contents and properties of
simple table controls and ActiveX grid controls in your SAP GUI for
Windows application by inserting table checkpoints. You can add a table
checkpoint while recording or editing a test. Table checkpoints are not
supported when working with business components.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

To add a table checkpoint while recording:

1 Select Insert > Checkpoint > Standard Checkpoint or click the Insert
Checkpoint button. The QuickTest window is minimized and the mouse
pointer turns into a pointing hand.
2 Click the table or grid you want to check. If the location you select is
associated with more than one object, the Object Selection - Checkpoint
Properties dialog box opens.

3 Select an SAPGuiTable, SAPGuiGrid, or SAPGuiAPOGrid object from the

displayed object tree and click OK. The Define Row Range dialog box opens.
The Define Row Range dialog box differs depending on whether a table
object, a grid, or an APO grid object is selected.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

➤ Table controls. The Define Row Range dialog box for table controls opens
as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for table controls is only an approximation. This is because
only the data from visible rows is actually available for SAP Windows
table controls.

➤ Grid and APOGrid controls. The Define Row Range dialog box for grid
controls and APOGrid controls opens as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for grid controls is exact. The Visible Rows option is not
available when checking grid controls.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

4 Select the range of rows you want to include in your checkpoint. You can
include all the rows in the table, only the visible rows (for SAP GUI for
Windows table controls only), or another range that you specify.
5 Click OK. The Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens.

Note: If you selected All rows or you specified a large row range in the
Define Row Range dialog box, it may take a few moments for the Table
Checkpoint Properties dialog box to open.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test


➤ You can rename the table in the Name field.

➤ The Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box has a Change button that
enables you to modify the number of rows captured for the checkpoint.
For more information, see “Modifying a Table Checkpoint” on page 362.

Modifying a Table Checkpoint

When working in tests, you can change the expected data, settings, and cell
identification options for an existing table checkpoint. You can also change
the rows that are included in the checkpoint.

To modify the number of rows in an existing table checkpoint:

1 Open the SAP GUI for Windows application containing the table or grid you
want to check and display the table or grid in the application.
2 In the Keyword View or Expert View, right-click the table checkpoint that
you want to modify and select Checkpoint Properties. The Checkpoint
Properties dialog box opens.
3 In the Table Content tab, click the Change button. The Modify Row Range
dialog box opens. The Modify Row Range dialog box differs depending on
whether a table object, grid, or APOGrid object is selected.
➤ Table controls. The Modify Row Range dialog box opens as follows:

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for table controls is only an approximation. This is because
only the data from visible rows is actually available for SAP Windows
table controls.

➤ Grid and APOGrid controls. The Modify Row Range dialog box for grid
controls and APOGrid controls opens as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for grid controls is exact. The Visible Rows option is not
available when checking values for grid controls.

4 Select the range of rows you want to include in your checkpoint. You can
include all the rows in the table or grid, only the visible rows (for SAP table
controls only), or another range that you specify.
5 Click OK. The Modify Row Range dialog box closes, and the Table
Checkpoint Properties dialog box displays the rows you specified in the
Modify Row Range dialog box.
➤ If your modified row range includes new rows, QuickTest captures the
current values of the new rows from the open table in your SAP GUI for
Windows application.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

➤ If your modified row range includes some or all of the rows that were
already included in the checkpoint, the expected values of those cells are
not changed. This enables you to modify the row range without losing
parameterization, regular expressions, or other changes you may have
made to the expected cell values in your checkpoint. Therefore, you
cannot use the Modify Row Range dialog box to update the expected
values of an existing table checkpoint. To update the expected values of
your checkpoint, use the Update Run option. For more information, see
the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ If your modified row range excludes some or all of the rows that were
previously included in your checkpoint, those rows (and any
modifications you made to the expected values) are deleted from the

Outputting SAP Windows Property and Table Cell Values

You can retrieve object property values (tests or components) or table cell
values (tests only) during the run session. You can subsequently use these
output values as input. This enables you to use data retrieved during a run
session in other parts of your test.

Outputting Object Property Values of SAP Windows

You can output the property values of objects in your application while
recording or editing your test. You output the property values of
SAP Windows objects just as you do for any other application.

For example, consider a purchase order transaction. You design a test in

which you place a new order and then view the status of the new order.
Each time you run the test, the application generates a unique purchase
order ID for the new order. To view the status of a purchase order, you must
enter the purchase order ID that was generated when the order was created.
You cannot know the purchase order ID before you run the test.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

To solve this problem, you create an output value for the unique number
that is generated when you create a new order and store it in an OrderID
column in the Data Table. Then you parameterize the step that specifies an
order ID to view. You use the Order ID Data Table column (created in the
output value step) as the parameter column.

When you run the test, QuickTest retrieves the unique order ID that was
generated for the new order and inserts it in the run-time Data Table as an
output value. When the test reaches the step for setting the value of the
Order ID edit box in the View Order Status window, QuickTest inserts the
unique order ID from the run-time Data Table into the Order ID edit box.

For more information on output values, see the HP QuickTest Professional

User Guide.

Outputting Table Cell Values

When working with tests, you can output the contents of simple table
controls and ActiveX grid controls in your SAP GUI for Windows
application by inserting output values. You can insert an output value for a
table or grid cell while recording or editing a test. Table output values are
not supported for business components.

When inserting an output value for simple table controls, QuickTest

captures all rows and columns of the table (whether or not they are visible),
in the SAP GUI for Windows application. You can choose to create your
output value on a larger range of rows in the Define Row Range dialog box.

When creating an output value for ActiveX grid controls (these generally
have toolbars), QuickTest captures the data from all columns and all rows in
the grid. If you do not need to output data from all rows in your test, you
can specify the rows you want to include in the output value in the Define
Row Range dialog box. You can also increase or decrease the number of rows
included in the Table Output Value Properties dialog box at a later time.

Tip: You can also spool all of the available data from a table into an external
file. For more information, see “Spooling Data from a Table” on page 374.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

To create an output value for a table cell while recording:

1 In the Keyword View or Expert View, select Insert > Output Value > Standard
Output Value. Alternatively, click the arrow next to the Insert Checkpoint or
Output Value toolbar button and select Standard Output Value. The
QuickTest window is minimized and the mouse pointer turns into a
pointing hand.
2 Click the table or grid for which you want to insert an output value. If the
location you select is associated with more than one object, the Object
Selection - Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens.

3 Select an SAPGuiTable, SAPGui Grid, or SAPGuiAPOGrid object from the

displayed object tree and click OK. The Define Row Range dialog box opens.
➤ Table controls. The Define Row Range dialog box opens as follows

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for table controls is only an approximation. This is because
only the data from visible rows is actually available for SAP Windows
table controls.

➤ Grid and APOGrid controls. The Define Row Range dialog box for grid
controls and APOGrid controls opens as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for grid controls is exact.

The Visible Rows option is not available when outputting values for grid

4 Select the range of rows from which you want to output values. You can
include all the rows in the table or grid, only the visible rows (for SAP table
controls only), or another range that you specify.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

5 Click OK. The Table Output Value Properties dialog box opens.

Note: If you selected All Rows or you specified a large row range in the
Define Row Range dialog box, it may take a few moments for the Table
Output Value Properties dialog box to open.

6 If required, you can modify the output value name in the Name box.
7 Specify your preferences for the cells you want to output. For more
information on the Table Output Value Properties dialog box, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Note: The Table Output Value Properties dialog box also has a Change
button that enables you to modify the number of rows captured for the
output value. For more information, see “Modifying a Table Output Value”
on page 373.

8 Click the Modify button if you want to change the output type and/or
settings for the selected value. The Output Options dialog box opens and
displays the current output type and settings for the value. For more
information on the Output Options dialog box, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.
9 Click OK to close the dialog box. QuickTest inserts an output value step in
your test.

To create a table output value while editing your test:

1 Open the SAP GUI for Windows application containing the table or grid
from which you want to output values and display the table in the
2 Confirm that the Active Screen button is selected.
3 In the Keyword View or Expert View, click the step whose Active Screen
contains the table or grid for which you want to specify an output value.
4 In the Active Screen, right-click the table or grid for which you want to
create an output value and select Insert Output Value. If the location you
select is associated with more than one object, the Object Selection - Output
Value Properties dialog box opens.
5 Select the table or grid for which you want to create an output value and
click OK. The Define Row Range dialog box opens.

Tip: Instead of performing steps 2 to 4 above, you can right-click a table or

grid object in the Keyword View or Expert View and select Insert Output
Value to open the Table Output Value Properties dialog box for the selected
table or grid.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

➤ Table controls. The Define Row Range dialog box opens as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for table controls is only an approximation. This is because
only the data from visible rows is actually available for SAP Windows
table controls.

➤ Grid and APOGrid controls. The Define Row Range dialog box for grid
controls and APOGrid controls opens as follows:

Note: The total number of rows indicated in the first sentence of the
dialog box for grid controls is exact.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

6 Select the range of rows from which you want to output values. You can
include all the rows in the table or grid, only the visible rows (for SAP table
controls only), or another range that you specify.

Note: The Visible Rows option is not available when outputting values for
ActiveX grid controls.

7 Click OK. The Table Output Value Properties dialog box opens.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Note: If you selected All Rows or you specified a large row range in the
Define Row Range dialog box, it may take a few moments for the Table
Output Value Properties dialog box to open.

8 If required, you can modify the output value name in the Name box.

9 Specify your preferences for the cells you want to output. For more
information on the Table Output Value Properties dialog box, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Note: The Table Output Value Properties dialog box also has a Change
button that enables you to modify the number of rows captured for the
output value. For more information, see “Modifying a Table Output Value”
on page 373.

10 Click the Modify button if you want to change the output type and/or
settings for the selected value. The Output Options dialog box opens and
displays the current output type and settings for the value. For more
information on the Output Options dialog box, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

11 Click OK to close the dialog box. QuickTest inserts an output value step in
your test.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Modifying a Table Output Value

You can modify existing table output value steps. You can change the cells
to output or the options for selected cells. You can also change the rows that
are available to output.

To modify the number of rows in an existing table output value step:

1 Open the SAP GUI for Windows application containing the table or grid for
which you want to modify output values and display the table or grid in the
2 In the Keyword View or Expert View, right-click the output value step that
you want to modify and select Output Value Properties. The Output Value
Properties dialog box opens.
3 Click the Change button. The Modify Row Range dialog box opens.
4 Select the range of rows you want to make available to output. You can
include all the rows in the table or grid, only the visible rows (for SAP table
controls only), or another range that you specify.
5 Click OK. The Modify Row Range dialog box closes. The Table Output Value
Properties dialog box displays the rows you specified in the Modify Row
Range dialog box.
➤ If your modified row range includes new rows, QuickTest captures the
current values of the new rows from the open table in your SAP GUI for
Windows application.
➤ If your modified row range includes some or all of the rows that were
already available for your output value, the Data Table settings of those
cells are not changed.
➤ If your modified row range excludes some or all of the rows that were
previously available for your output value, those rows (and any output
value settings you configured on cells in those rows) are deleted from the
output value.

Chapter 21 • Enhancing Your SAP Windows Test

Spooling Data from a Table

If you want to spool all the data from an SAP GUI for Windows table into an
external file, use the GetCellData method to loop through each cell in the
table. You can then save the information to an external file.

The following example uses the GetCellData method to list the data of each
cell in a table of 10 rows and 10 columns:

For i=1 to 10
for j=1 to 10
col="#" & j
Dat=SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Create Standard").
SAPGuiTable("SAPMV45ATCTRL_U_ERF_").GetCellData (i, col)
‘Enter lines of code that use the value of the returned Dat variable

For more information on the GetCellData method, see the SAP GUI for
Windows section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your
Test or Component

In addition to recording the steps that you perform on your application, you
can add statements to your test or component using the Keyword View. You
can also add statements to your test using the Expert View or the Step
Generator. This enables you to create a more comprehensive test or
component for your SAP GUI for Windows application.

This chapter includes:

➤ Working with SAP Windows Test Objects on page 375
➤ Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Your SAP GUI for Windows
Application on page 390

Working with SAP Windows Test Objects

The basic SAP Windows test object hierarchy consists of three levels:
SAPGuiSession > SAPGuiWindow > SAPGuiObject, where SAPGuiObject
represents an object in your SAP Windows application. For example, if you
record a step on an edit box, QuickTest records a step with the following

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP R/3").
SAPGuiEdit("Fixed_cols").Set "4"

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

QuickTest has a set of SAP Windows test object classes that represent objects
in your application on which you can record operations. There are also
other objects that you can add to your test or component manually.

QuickTest also has an alternative recording mechanism that can be used to

record objects in your application that are not represented by a specific test
object class. For more information, see “SAP GUI for Windows Alternative
Recording Mechanism” on page 389.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

This section describes how QuickTest identifies the objects in an SAP GUI for
Windows application and provides information on each of the following

➤ SAPGuiSession Object (see page 378)

➤ Basic SAP GUI for Windows UI Controls
➤ SAPGuiButton Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiCheckBox Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiComboBox Object (see page 380)
➤ SAPGuiEdit Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiMenubar Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiOKCode Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiRadioButton Object (see page 379)
➤ SAPGuiTextArea Object (see page 380)
➤ SAPGuiWindow Object (see page 378)
➤ SAPGuiAPOGrid Object (see page 380)
➤ SAPGuiGrid Object (see page 381)
➤ SAPGuiCalendar Object (see page 382)
➤ SAPGuiElement Object (see page 382)
➤ SAPGuiLabel Object (see page 383)
➤ SAPGuiStatusBar Object (see page 383)
➤ SAPGuiTable Object (see page 384)
➤ SAPGuiTabStrip Object (see page 384)
➤ SAPGuiToolbar Object (see page 385)
➤ SAPGuiTree Object (see page 387)
➤ SAPGuiUtil Object (see page 389)

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiSession Object
The SAPGuiSession object represents the SAP GUI for Windows session on
which an operation is performed. For tests and components, you can record
on the SAPGuiSession object or add it manually using the Keyword View.
For tests, you can also insert SAPGuiSession statements using the Step
Generator or manually in the Expert View to create, reset, synchronize, or
close a session.

Basic SAP GUI for Windows UI Controls

The example window on the next page contains the following objects:

➤ SAPGuiMenubar. Represents the menu bar at the top of the main SAP
➤ SAPGuiButton. Represents push-buttons in your application. The
SAPGuiButton object is also recorded when you perform operations on
buttons in the toolbar of the main SAP window.
Note that the SAPGuiToolbar object is used only for toolbar objects within
your SAP GUI for Windows application. For more information, see
“SAPGuiToolbar Object” on page 385.
➤ SAPGuiOKCode. Represents the edit box in which you enter commands to
navigate to the desired transaction.
➤ SAPGuiWindow. Represents the main SAP window and the dialog boxes in
your SAP GUI for Windows application.
➤ SAPGuiEdit. Represents fields in which you can enter a single line of text.
➤ SAPGuiCheckbox. Represents toggle check box objects in your application.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

➤ SAPGuiRadioButton. Represents radio button objects in your application.






Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

The example below contains the following objects:

➤ SAPGuiTree. Represents simple or table tree controls. For more information,

see “SAPGuiTree Object” on page 387.
➤ SAPGuiTextArea. Represents multi-line text areas.
➤ SAPGuiComboBox. Represents single- or multiple-selection combo boxes.

SAPGuiTree (Column
Tree) control


SAPGuiAPOGrid Object

The SAPGuiAPOGrid object represents APO Grid controls in your SAP GUI
for Windows application. APO Grid controls are similar to Grid controls,
with some additional functionality. The SAPGuiAPOGrid is available only in
the SAP APO module.

for an APO grid

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiGrid Object
The SAPGuiGrid object represents ActiveX grid controls in your SAP GUI for
Windows application. Grid controls usually have toolbars that enable you to
manipulate or perform operations on the values in the grid. The following
image shows an SAPGuiGrid object after a row has been added to the grid as
a result of highlighting the Distance column and clicking the Total button
in the toolbar.

SAPGuiGrid for
a grid control

A row added to the

grid as a result of
toolbar operations.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiCalendar Object
The SAPGuiCalendar object represents a calendar control in your SAP GUI
for Windows application. The following image shows an SAPGuiCalendar
object with a date selected.

SAPGuiCalendar for
a calendar control

Date selected in a
calendar control

SAPGuiElement Object
The SAPGuiElement object can represent any SAP Windows object. This
object may be recorded if you insert a checkpoint or output value on an
unrecognized SAP Windows object. You can also enter this object into your
test manually to refer to any SAP Windows object that matches a specified
programmatic description. For more information on programmatic
descriptions, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiLabel Object
The following image shows a Possible Entries dialog box containing
SAPGuiLabel (static text) objects. When you record on an SAPGuiLabel
object, QuickTest always records the cursor position (SetCaretPos method)
within the label object.


SAPGuiStatusBar Object
The following image shows an SAPGuiStatusBar object. You cannot record
operations performed on a status bar, but you can check the entire text or
any reserved parameter within the status bar’s message text. When the
Record status bar messages option is selected in the SAP pane of the
Options dialog box, a step is automatically recorded each time a message is
sent from the server. If this option is not selected, you can add
SAPGuiStatusBar steps to the script only by inserting checkpoints or output
values while recording.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiTable Object
The SAPGuiTable object represents table controls in your SAP GUI for
Windows application. SAPGuiTable objects are generally simple and may
not have toolbar buttons (other than the Table Settings button).

Table Settings
SAPGuiTable button

SAPGuiTabStrip Object
The following image shows an SAPGuiTabStrip object. Note that using the
tab navigation button to select a tab is recorded the same way as actually
clicking the tab in a tab strip. Clicks on the tab rotation buttons are not


Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

Note: In rare cases, a running test or component may need to find an object
in a tab strip that is not currently selected. In such an event, QuickTest finds
the correct tab strip in which the object is located, selects that tab strip, and
activates the object. Then the test or component continues to run. A
comment that summarizes this automatic selection of the correct tab strip
appears in the results.

SAPGuiToolbar Object
The SAPGuiToolbar object represents toolbar objects in your SAP GUI for
Windows application.

SAPGuiToolbars are recorded for:

➤ GuiComponentType - 202. Separate toolbar controls (toolbars that are not

an integral part of another object).
➤ GuiComponentType - 204. Toolbars that are inside grid controls.

Note: The Object Spy does not locate SAPGuiToolbars that are part of grid
controls. They are treated as part of the SAPGuiGrid object.

The toolbar buttons on the main SAP window toolbar are recorded as
SAPGuiButton objects.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

The example below shows a separate toolbar above a tree control that
enables operations on the tree control, but is not associated with it. It also
shows a toolbar inside a grid control.


for a grid control

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

SAPGuiTree Object
The SAPGuiTree object represents all tree controls in your application,
including simple tree controls, list tree controls, and column tree controls.
Based on information received from the SAP API, QuickTest recognizes the
elements in simple trees as nodes and the elements in list and column trees
as items. Therefore, you may record an ActivateItem step for one tree and an
ActivateNode step for another tree, for example.

The examples below show the three different SAPGuiTree object types:

Selected node
in a simple

Selected item
in a list

Selected item in
a multi-column

The names of some nodes or items may change dynamically, for example,
the number of unread documents in an inbox may change as documents are
added or read. Therefore, when you run a step from a test or component on
an SAP tree control, the name of the node or item may have changed since
the step was recorded.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

The tree below contains examples of elements whose names may change
over time.

For example, the Workplace: Mercury QA01 node may have a different
name at another time (when a different user logs in). Similarly, all the nodes
and items in the Inbox, whose names include quantities (numbers of
documents or table entries), are likely to change over time.

To enable QuickTest to identify these nodes and items when running a test
or component, you can use regular expressions when you specify the path of
the item or node.

The syntax when writing the value of the node or item name as a regular
expression is:

RegExp:=<regular expression>

For example, a value for the Unread documents node of the above tree (that
uses a regular expression) would look similar to this:

RegExp:=Workplace: .*;Inbox;RegExp:=Unread Documents \d*

The majority of the value is simple text. The regular expression parts of the
value in this example are the two asterisks—one before Inbox and one at the
end of the line—that represent the Workplace name and the number of
unread documents respectively.

Each level of the tree can have its own RegExp:= value.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

The following example illustrates a regular expression in the Keyword View

and in the Expert View.

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Business Workplace of").

SAPGuiTree("TableTreeControl").SelectNode "RegExp:=Workplace: .*;Inbox;
RegExp:=Unread Documents \d*"

For more information on regular expressions, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide.

SAPGuiUtil Object
You can enter SAPGuiUtil statements that perform connection operations
on your SAP GUI for Windows application during the run session. The
SAPGuiUtil object is a reserved object and is not recorded.

SAP GUI for Windows Alternative Recording Mechanism

The QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions provides an alternative
recording mechanism for specific SAP GUI for Windows objects that do not
have built-in test object support. This mechanism uses the SAPGuiElement
test object and the Object method to record all the SAP GUI for Windows
API events.

For example, using this recording mechanism, when you double-click an

image object, the following statement is recorded in the Expert View:

SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP R/3").
SAPGuiElement("ImageCtrl").Object.doubleClickPictureArea "90","30"

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

The following SAP GUI for Windows objects are automatically recorded
using this mechanism:

➤ Picture or Image controls

➤ BarChart controls
You can also specify that additional SAP GUI for Windows objects be
recorded using this mechanism. This may be useful in cases where QuickTest
is not recording an object in your SAP GUI for Windows application as you
would like. For more information, see the SAP section in the HP QuickTest
Professional Readme.

Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Your SAP GUI

for Windows Application
You can use the Object property to access native (internal) operations and
properties of objects in your SAP GUI for Windows application. The Object
property is available for all SAP Windows objects

Tip: You can use the Object Spy to view the native operations and properties
of an object in your application.

For example, you can use the grid’s setCurrentCell method to set a row
number to -1 (according to the SAP API).

SAPGuiGrid("GridViewCtrl").Object.setCurrentCell -1, "ADD_FIELD3"

The Object property is also useful for checking the value of properties that
are not available using a standard checkpoint in your SAP GUI for Windows

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

For example, you can use the grid control’s native selectionMode property
to determine the types of selections that the grid supports. If the property
returns the value RowsAndColumns, this indicates that the grid supports
multiple row selection. In this case, you can use the SelectRowsRange test
object method to select multiple rows in the grid.

GridMode = SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Vorg_nge").
msgbox GridMode
If GridMode = "RowsAndColumns" then
SAPGuiGrid("GridViewCtrl").SelectRowsRange 2,6
End If

For more information on using the Object property, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Chapter 22 • Adding SAP Windows Statements to Your Test or Component

Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on
Web-based SAP Applications

You can use the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions to test
objects in Web-based SAP applications, including SAP GUI for HTML, SAP
Enterprise Portal (versions 5.0 to 7.0), Internet Transaction Server, and the
Interaction Centre Web Client. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on Web-based SAP applications in much the
same way as you do for other Web-based applications.

The QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions has been certified by

The Add-in for SAP solutions provides test objects, methods, and properties
that can be used when testing objects in Web-based SAP applications. For
more information, see the SAP Web section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

When the QuickTest Professional Add-in for SAP solutions is loaded,

QuickTest can learn objects and run steps on both Web-based and
Windows-based SAP applications. For information on recording and
running tests and components on SAP GUI for Windows applications, see
“Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on SAP GUI for Windows Applications”
on page 281.

For more information on working with QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Add-in for SAP solutions on page 394

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

➤ Recording Tests on Web-based SAP Applications on page 397

About the Add-in for SAP solutions

The following table summarizes basic information about the Add-in for
SAP solutions and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of
QuickTest when testing Web-based SAP applications.

General Information

Add-in Type QuickTest SAP Web testing support functions like a

Web-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the same as
other Web-based add-ins.
See “Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Enhancing Your SAP Web Test” on page 403.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Other The Add-in for SAP solutions recognizes special SAP Web
objects such as frames, table controls, iViews, and portals.
See “Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or
Component” on page 407.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications


Opening Your ➤ Open QuickTest before you open your Web-based SAP
Application Application.
➤ If you are working in a SAP GUI application with HTML
objects in it, you can log on to your application before
opening QuickTest, but you must open QuickTest before
navigating to the transaction containing the HTML
➤ For SAP GUI for HTML or Interaction Centre Web Client
(ICWC) applications, confirm that you have properly
configured your SAP server and client.
See “Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows
Environment” on page 259.

Add-in The Web Add-in must be loaded.


Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web pane.

(Tools > Options > Web node)
See “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82.

Record and Run ➤ Use the SAP tab (Automation > Record and Run
Settings Dialog Box Settings) to connect to the SAP GUI Client for SAP GUI
(tests only) for HTML or Interaction Centre Web Client (ICWC)
applications. This is because ICWC opens from inside
the SAP GUI Client.
See “Setting Up Your SAP GUI for Windows
Environment” on page 259.
➤ Use the Web tab (Automation > Record and Run
Settings) to instruct QuickTest to open an SAP
Web-based application, or the SAP Enterprise Portal, at
the beginning of each record and run session, by
specifying its URL. Alternatively, you can instruct
QuickTest to record on any open browser.
See “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Test” on page 98.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Custom Active Use the Web section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Web pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(components only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area” on
page 100.

Web Event (Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration)

Recording When you load the Add-in for SAP solutions, the settings
Configuration in the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box are
Dialog Box automatically customized. You do not need to make any
Web event configuration changes.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Recording Tests on Web-based SAP Applications

Before you begin recording tests on Web-based SAP applications, you can
define your required recording settings. This enables you to specify the
browser on which you want QuickTest to record, specify any environment
variables, and select the required Web options to optimize performance.

For more information, see:

➤ “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76

➤ “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82

Setting Web Testing Options for Tests on Web-based SAP

Before you begin to record and run tests, you can configure the settings that
are best-suited for testing Web-based SAP applications. Applying these
recommended settings helps to optimize QuickTest performance.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Page and Frame Options

In the Web > Page/Frame Options pane (Tools > Options > Web node >
Page/Frame Options node), select the following options:

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Area Options

Create a new Page test Different URLs or a change in date transfer

object for: Instructs QuickTest to create a new Page object only
when the page URL changes, or if the URL stays the
same and data that is transferred to the server
changes, according to the data types and transfer
methods you select.
Make sure that only the following check boxes are
➤ Ignore user-input data - Get
➤ Ignore user-input data - Post
➤ Use additional Page information

Create a new Frame test Different URLs or a change in data transfer

object for: This option is selected by default.
Instructs QuickTest to create a new Frame object only
when the page URL changes, or if the URL stays the
same and data that is transferred to the server
changes, according to the data types and transfer
methods you select.
Make sure that all of the check boxes in this section
are selected.

These Page and Frame settings are especially suited to testing Web-based SAP
applications. For more information on the Web > Page/Frame pane, see
“Page and Frame Options” on page 88.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Advanced Web Options

In the Web > Advanced pane (Tools > Options > Web node > Advanced
node), select the following Record setting options:

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Area Options

Record settings Select the Use standard Windows mouse events

check box, as well as the following check boxes:
➤ OnClick
➤ OnMouseDown
➤ OnMouseUp

This instructs QuickTest to use these standard

Windows mouse events instead of browser events.

These recording settings are especially suited to testing Web-based SAP

applications. For more information on the Web > Advanced pane, see
“Advanced Web Options” on page 91. For general information on setting
Web testing options, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 23 • Using the Add-in for SAP solutions on Web-based SAP Applications

Enhancing Your SAP Web Test

After you create your test, you can enhance it by adding checkpoints,
retrieving output values, and parameterizing values.

This chapter includes:

➤ Checking SAP Web Objects and Outputting Values on page 403

Checking SAP Web Objects and Outputting Values

The following checkpoint and output value types are supported when
testing SAP Web objects:

➤ Standard checkpoints check the property values of an object in your

SAP Web application. You insert standard checkpoints for SAP Web objects
in the same way you create standard checkpoints for Web objects. You can
insert standard checkpoints while recording or while editing your test. You
can also create a standard output value from an object property.
➤ Table checkpoints (tests only) are a special type of standard checkpoint that
enable you to check the cells of a table in your SAP Web application. For
more information, see “Checking SAP Web Tables” on page 404.
➤ Text checkpoints (tests only) check that a text string is displayed accurately
in the appropriate place in your SAP Web application. You can also create a
text output value from a text string.

Chapter 24 • Enhancing Your SAP Web Test

➤ Bitmap checkpoints check an area of your SAP Web application as a bitmap.

You can use bitmap checkpoints to compare an object or selected area with
the bitmap stored when the test or component was recorded and check that
the area is displayed accurately in your SAP Web application.

For more information on standard, table, text, and bitmap checkpoints and
output values, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Checking SAP Web Tables

When working with tests, you check tables in your SAP Web application
using the Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box. Table checkpoints are not
supported for business components.

Chapter 24 • Enhancing Your SAP Web Test

Note: If the table object is not open in your SAP Web application when you
create the checkpoint, the Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box contains
only the Properties tab and the option to select the type of information to
check (content or properties) is disabled.

When working with tables in your SAP GUI for HTML application, note

➤ You can add a table checkpoint while recording or editing your test.
➤ You can spool all of the available data from a table into an external file. For
more information, see “Spooling Data from an SAP GUI for HTML
Application Table” on page 406.
➤ If a table has a column header row, it is counted as the first row in the table.
➤ If you have not recorded a step on the table object you want to check, but
you have an Active Screen capture that displays the table object, you can
add a table checkpoint under the following conditions:
➤ The Active Screen Capture level was set to Complete when the object was
captured, and
➤ The Active Screen button is currently selected. (You set the Capture level
in the Active Screen pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options >
Active Screen node). For more information, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.)

Chapter 24 • Enhancing Your SAP Web Test

Spooling Data from an SAP GUI for HTML Application Table

If you want to spool all the available data from an SAP GUI for HTML
application table into an external file, use the GetCellData method to loop
through each cell in the table. You can then save the information to an
external file.

The following example uses the GetCellData method to list the data of each
cell in a table of 10 rows and 10 columns:

For i=1 to 10
For j=1 to 10
Dat=Browser("ITS System Informati").Page("Table control").
SAPTable("MySAPTable").GetCellData (i, j)
‘Enter lines of code that use the value of the returned Dat variable

For more information on the GetCellData method, see the SAP Web section
of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test
or Component

After you create your test or component, you can add SAP Web objects,
methods, and properties to it.

This chapter includes:

➤ Working with SAP Web Test Objects on page 407

Working with SAP Web Test Objects

QuickTest has a set of SAP Web test object classes that represent objects in
your application on which you can record operations, or add to your test or
component manually.

Tip: You can use the Object Spy to view the native operations and properties
of an object in your application.

SAP Web test objects are customized to make it easy for you to identify and
work with the objects in your test. As part of this customization, the
methods and properties recorded for these objects are somewhat different
from those recorded for comparable Web objects.

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The example below shows a window containing several common SAP Web







Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

This section describes how QuickTest identifies the objects in a Web-based

SAP application and provides information on each of the following objects:

➤ SAPButton (see page 409)

➤ SAPCalendar (see page 409)
➤ SAPCheckBox (see page 410)
➤ SAPDropDownMenu (see page 410)
➤ SAPEdit (see page 410)
➤ SAPFrame (see page 410)
➤ SAPiView (see page 410)
➤ SAPList (see page 411)
➤ SAPMenu (see page 411)
➤ SAPNavigationBar (see page 412)
➤ SAPOKCode (see page 412)
➤ SAPPortal (see page 413)
➤ SAPRadioGroup (see page 413)
➤ SAPStatusBar (see page 413)
➤ SAPTable (see page 414)
➤ SAPTabStrip (see page 415)
➤ SAPTreeView (see page 416)

The SAPButton test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP Enterprise
Portal application buttons, including icons, toolbar buttons, regular
buttons, buttons with text, and buttons with text and an image.

The SAPCalendar test object represents the ICWC Web client calendar
control, which enables the user to select dates to appear in the date fields.
The test object’s main operation is SetDate.

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPCheckBox test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP
Enterprise Portal application toggle buttons, including check boxes and
images that can be pressed and released.

The SAPDropDownMenu test object represents menus that are opened by
clicking a menu icon within an SAP GUI for HTML or SAP Enterprise Portal

The SAPEdit test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP Enterprise
Portal application edit boxes, including single-line edit boxes and multi-line
edit boxes (text area).

The SAPFrame test object represents SAP GUI for HTML application frames.

The SAPiView test object represents iView frame objects within SAP
Enterprise Portal desktops.


Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPList test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP Enterprise
Portal application drop-down boxes and multiple selection lists.

The SAPMenu test object represents SAP GUI for HTML application top-level
menus. When you click a menu item, the SAPMenu test object records the
full path of the selected item.

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPNavigationBar test object represents an iPanel—the navigation pane
displayed in an SAP Enterprise Portal 5.0 desktop. An iPanel is divided into
sections, represented by expandable strips. Each strip contains a hierarchical
tree of items. When you record an operation on the SAPNavigationBar test
object, it records the strip as part of the path, for example,
SAPNavigationBar("SAPNavigationBar").Select "R3 4.6C - Calderone;MI6
System - GUI Client Roles;Transaction PA30".




The SAPOKCode test object represents the edit box in a SAP GUI for HTML
application in which you enter commands to navigate to the desired

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPPortal test object represents the SAP Enterprise Portal desktop
objects—top-level navigation bar and Detailed Navigation bar.

navigation bar

Navigation bar

The SAPRadioGroup test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP
Enterprise Portal application radio button groups.

When possible, QuickTest records radio button selections using the attached
text property of the selected radio button. If two or more radio buttons in
the group have identical attached text values (or no attached text),
QuickTest records the radio button index instead. For example:

‘This radio button selection uses the attached text property.

Browser("System Messages").Page("User
Interface_52").SAPRadioGroup("Basic personal").Select "Personal data"
‘This radio button selection uses the radio button index.
Browser("System Messages").Page("User
Interface_46").SAPRadioGroup("Address_2").Select "#0"

When writing SAPRadioGroup.Select statements manually in the Expert

View, you can use either argument type to identify the radio button.

The SAPStatusBar test object represents a status bar in an SAP GUI for HTML

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPTable test object represents SAP GUI for HTML application table
objects. Each cell can contain an SAP Web or Web object, such as a check
box or combo box. The value of this object determines the value in the cell.

When you perform an operation on an object within a table cell, QuickTest

records the changes to the data in the cell, rather than recording the
method performed on the object within the cell.

For example, if you select a table cell containing the text San Francisco from
a list of departure cities (in the Depart.city column), QuickTest records a
SetCellData method for the table cell, indicating the data that was set in the
cell. If the object in the cell is later changed to an edit object, QuickTest
enters the data (San Francisco) into the cell (in the edit object) during the
run session. Thus, you do not need to modify your test even when the
object inside the cell changes.

Note: You perform operations on a table object and not on the inner objects
contained in the table object, for example, a check box or edit box.

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPTabStrip test object represents SAP GUI for HTML tab strip objects
(objects that enable switching between multiple tabs). You choose the
required tab by clicking its title. If a tab is not visible, you can display it by
clicking the left or right arrows.


Note: While recording a test, arrow clicks are ignored. However, while
running a test, a tab that is not visible will still be selected correctly by

Selecting a tab through the drop-down menu (the rightmost button on the
tab strip) is handled exclusively via the SAPButton.SelectMenuItem

Chapter 25 • Adding SAP Web Statements to Your Test or Component

The SAPTreeView test object represents SAP GUI for HTML and SAP
Enterprise Portal application tree objects.

QuickTest can record selection and activation operations on any item in an

SAPTreeView object. Although QuickTest does not record expand and
collapse operations, it can select and activate items in an SAPTreeView
object during the run session, regardless of whether the tree is expanded or

For more information on all the SAP Web test objects, methods, and
properties see the SAP Web section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object
Model Reference.

Part XI
The Siebel Add-in
Using the Siebel Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in to test objects
(controls) in Siebel applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on Siebel applications in much the same way
as you do for other Web-based applications.

The Siebel Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in Siebel applications. For more information, see
the Siebel section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Siebel Add-In on page 420
➤ Considerations for Working with the Siebel Add-in on page 422
➤ Setting Up Your Siebel 7.7.x or Later Environment on page 423

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

About the Siebel Add-In

The following table summarizes basic information about the Siebel Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Web-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the

same as other Web-based add-ins.
See “Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Considerations for Checking Siebel Objects” on
page 441.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Other ➤ When you load the Siebel Add-in, the object

identification settings are automatically customized and
no additional changes are required. For this reason, the
Siebel Add-in is not displayed in the Environment list in
the Object Identification) dialog box (Tools > Object
➤ You can use Siebel Test Express to automatically
generate a new object repository, or update an existing
object repository.
See “Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test
Express” on page 447.


Opening Your You must open QuickTest and set Record and Run options
Application before opening your Siebel application. Open the
application only after you begin the recording session.

Add-in None

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

Other To test a Siebel 7.7.x or later application, you must:

➤ Modify the Siebel Test Automation module
➤ Instruct your Siebel application to generate test
automation information.

See “Setting Up Your Siebel 7.7.x or Later Environment” on

page 423.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web pane.

(Tools > Options > Web node)
See “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82.

Record and Run Use the Siebel tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “Setting Siebel Record and Run Options” on page 430.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area” on
page 100.

Custom Active Use the Web section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Web pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(components only) ➤ See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area”
on page 100.
➤ Use the Applications pane.
(File > Settings > Applications node)
See “Setting Siebel Application Options for
Components” on page 436.

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

Considerations for Working with the Siebel Add-in

➤ QuickTest supports testing on both standard-interactivity and
high-interactivity Siebel applications.
➤ Standard-interactivity applications download data as it becomes
necessary. This interface is designed for users accessing the application
from outside the corporate network.
➤ High-interactivity applications download the majority of the required
data at one time, requiring fewer navigations. This interface is designed
for heavy use, for example, by call centers.
➤ QuickTest learns objects in Siebel 7.7.x and later applications in a different
way than in Siebel 7.0.x and 7.5.x applications. The Siebel Add-in has two
different groups of test objects. The test object used to represent an object in
your application depends on the Siebel version of your application and the
implementation of the object. For more information, see “Understanding
the Siebel Test Object Model” on page 428.
➤ When you load the Siebel Add-in, the Web event recording configurations
designed for this add-in are loaded and are used whenever you record on a
Siebel object. The Siebel Web event recording configurations do not affect
the way QuickTest behaves when you record on other non-Siebel Web
objects. For more information, see “Web Event Recording Configurations”
on page 103.
➤ When you load the Siebel Add-in, the object identification settings are also
automatically customized for Siebel. You do not need to make any changes
to them. Therefore, the Siebel and Web options in the Object Identification
dialog box are unavailable.
➤ Loading the ActiveX and Siebel add-ins together may cause problems when
recording on some ActiveX methods.

Siebel 7.7.x and Later

As you record a test or component on your Siebel 7.7.x or later application,
QuickTest records the operations you perform. QuickTest works directly
with the Siebel Test Automation API to record your operations. Therefore,
although QuickTest records a step for each operation you perform, it adds
the steps to your test or component only when API events are sent to
QuickTest (when information is sent to the Siebel server).

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

When test automation is activated on a Siebel 7.7.x or later server and

requested in the URL, the Siebel Web Engine (SWE) generates additional
information about each object in the Siebel application when constructing
the Web page. Each object has a specific set of properties, events, and
methods that provide functionality for the Siebel application. The Siebel
Test Automation API maps to these objects to enable you to manipulate
your Siebel application from QuickTest when recording and running tests or
components on the Siebel application.

Siebel 7.0.x/7.5.x
The Siebel Add-in can also identify Siebel objects by the siebel attached text
property (the static text displayed with a Siebel object), rather than by the
HTML name of the object. This enables you to maintain the test or
component with dynamically created pages.

Setting Up Your Siebel 7.7.x or Later Environment

QuickTest Professional support for Siebel 7.7.x and later applications is
based on the Siebel Test Automation API. Before you can create or run tests
or components on your Siebel 7.7.x or later application, you must modify
the Siebel Test Automation module configuration and instruct your Siebel
application to generate test automation information.

Note: You do not need to make any configuration changes in Siebel 7.0.x
and 7.5.x applications to create and run tests or components on these Siebel
application versions.

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

Configuring the Siebel Test Automation Module

To test your Siebel 7.7.x or later application using the Siebel Add-in, you
must confirm that your Siebel server has the Siebel Test Automation module
installed and correctly configured to perform test automation. For detailed
information, see the section that describes how to set up your functional
testing environment in Testing Siebel eBusiness Applications Version 7.7,
provided with your Siebel installation.

Generating Test Automation Information for Your Siebel

To create and run tests or components on your Siebel 7.7.x or later
application, you must instruct the Siebel Web Engine (SWE) to generate test
automation information for the Siebel application, using a SWE command.
To do so, append the SWECmd=AutoOn token to the URL of your Siebel
server. For example: http://hostname/callcenter/start.swe?SWECmd=AutoOn. If
you do not append this token, the SWE does not generate test automation

If you select the Open the following application when a record or run
session begins option in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog
box, QuickTest automatically appends the Siebel Test Automation
information to the URL (you do not need to specify it manually in the URL).
For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box options,
see “Setting Siebel Record and Run Options” on page 430.

Note: If a session timeout error occurs in your Siebel 7.7.x or later

application, the Siebel Test Automation URL parameter values are not saved.
After you log out and log in again, you must navigate to the correct URL
that contains the required Siebel Test Automation parameter values
(including password parameter values, if any—see below).

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

Generating Test Automation Information for Your Secured

Siebel Application
If a password for generating test automation information is defined on your
Siebel Server, you must also indicate that password in the URL (in addition
to the SWECommand=AutoOn token described above). The URL token is in
the format AutoToken=password. For example: http://hostname/callcenter/

If a password is defined for the Siebel Server and you do not append this
token to the URL, the SWE does not generate test automation information.

For information on whether your Siebel Server is secured for test

automation, contact your Siebel system administrator.

If you select the Open the following application when a record or run
session begins option in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog
box, click the Advanced button, and specify the password in the Siebel
automation access code box in the Advanced Siebel Record and Run
Settings dialog box, QuickTest automatically appends the password
information to the URL (you do not need to specify it manually in the URL).
For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box options,
see “Setting Siebel Record and Run Options” on page 430.

Chapter 26 • Using the Siebel Add-in

Creating and Running Tests and
Components on Siebel Objects

The Siebel eBusiness platform is widely used in many organizations for their
business process applications. QuickTest can create and run tests and
components on these applications using special test objects and operations
(methods and properties) that are customized for Siebel.

The customized Siebel test objects, methods, and properties make scripts
simpler to read, maintain, enhance, and parameterize, enabling both
advanced and novice users to create sophisticated tests and components on
Siebel applications.

For a list of the specific Siebel versions supported by the QuickTest

Professional Siebel Add-in, see the Siebel section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Readme.

This chapter includes:

➤ Understanding the Siebel Test Object Model on page 428
➤ Setting Siebel Record and Run Options on page 430
➤ Setting Siebel Application Options for Components on page 436
➤ Using Environment Variables to Specify Record and Run or Applications
Settings on page 436
➤ Recording Steps on Siebel Objects on page 438
➤ Information for Users of Earlier Versions of the QuickTest Professional Siebel
Add-in on page 439

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Understanding the Siebel Test Object Model

The Siebel test object model is comprised of two different groups of test
objects: test objects with the prefix Sbl and test objects with the prefix Sieb.
If you are recording on a Siebel 7.0.x or 7.5.x application, QuickTest learns
only Sbl test objects. If you are learning objects on a Siebel 7.7.x or later
application, QuickTest may learn only Sieb test objects or a combination of
Sbl and Sieb test objects, depending on the way in which your Siebel
application was implemented.

For more information on each of the Siebel test objects, see the Siebel
section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

When you perform an operation on your Siebel application while recording

a test or component, QuickTest:

➤ identifies the object on which you performed the operation and creates the
appropriate test object in the test or component.
➤ reads the current value of the object’s properties in your application and
stores them in the object repository as the test object’s property values.
➤ chooses a unique name for the object, generally using the value of one of its
prominent properties.
➤ records the operation (method) that you performed on the object and
displays the operation as a step in the Keyword View and as a statement in
the Expert View.

For example, suppose you select a check box for a specific account on a page
of your Siebel application. This check box has the label Competitor.

QuickTest identifies the check box as a SiebCheckbox object. It creates a

SiebCheckbox test object with the name Competitor and records the
following properties and values as the description for the Competitor

It also records that you performed a SetOn method to select the

SiebCheckbox object.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

QuickTest displays your step in the Keyword View like this:

QuickTest displays your step in the Expert View like this:

SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").SiebScreen("Accounts").

SiebView("Account Details").SiebApplet("Account").

When you run a test or component, QuickTest identifies each object in your
application by its test object class and its description: the set of identification
properties and values used to uniquely identify the object. In the above
example, during the run session, QuickTest searches the object repository
for the SiebCheckbox object named Competitor to look up its description.
Based on the description it finds (repositoryname = Competitor and
classname = SiebCheckbox), QuickTest searches the application for a
SiebCheckbox object named Competitor. When it finds the object, QuickTest
performs the SetOn method on the object to select the check box.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Setting Siebel Record and Run Options

You can control how QuickTest starts recording and running tests on Siebel
objects by setting the record and run options.

The Record and Run Settings dialog box opens automatically each time you
begin recording a new test (unless you open the dialog box and set your
preferences manually before you begin recording).

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects


The Record and Run Settings dialog box applies only to tests. Record settings
for components are specified in the Applications tab of the Application Area
Settings dialog box. For more information, see “Setting Siebel Application
Options for Components” on page 436.
If you have tests that were last modified using the Siebel Add-in, version 6.5,
you need to convert your Record and Run Settings to use the Siebel tab
instead of the Web tab. For more information, see “Information for Users of
Earlier Versions of the QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in” on page 439.
For more information on testing a Siebel 7.7.x or later application, see
“Additional Information for Siebel 7.7.x and Later Applications” on
page 435.

If you specify an application, you can supply a user name and password for
QuickTest to use to log in to your Siebel application automatically, and you
can select whether to log out of the application and/or close the browser
when the test closes.

You can also use the Advanced option to change the default connection
timeout setting and, if necessary, specify the password required to access
Siebel Test Automation.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

The Siebel tab includes the following options:

Option Description

Siebel version Specifies the Siebel version for the

applications on which you want to record
your test. The version that you choose
remains selected for all subsequent tests.
You can use an environment variable to
specify the Siebel version. For more
information, see “Using Environment
Variables to Specify Record and Run or
Applications Settings” on page 436.

Record and run tests on any Instructs QuickTest to use any Internet
open browser Explorer browser to record and run the test.
QuickTest can record and run only browsers
that are opened after QuickTest is opened. If
you are using Siebel 7.7.x or later, make sure
you specify the required test automation
parameters, as described in “Generating Test
Automation Information for Your Siebel
Application” on page 424.

Open the following application Instructs QuickTest to open the specified

when a record or run session application when record or run sessions
begins begin.

Address Instructs QuickTest to open Internet Explorer

(Enabled only when Open the to the specified URL. It is recommended that
following application when a you use the following format: <host>/
record or run session begins <application name>/start.swe
is selected) For example: siebapp/callcenter_enu/start.swe
You can use an environment variable to
specify the URL. For more information, see
“Using Environment Variables to Specify
Record and Run or Applications Settings” on
page 436.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Option Description

Auto-login Instructs QuickTest to open the specified

(Enabled only when Open the Siebel application using the specified login
following application when a details.
record or run session begins You can use an environment variable to
is selected) specify the Auto-login setting. For more
information, see “Using Environment
Variables to Specify Record and Run or
Applications Settings” on page 436.

User The user name used to log in to the specified

(Enabled only when Auto-login application.
is selected) You can use an environment variable to
specify the user name. For more information,
see “Using Environment Variables to Specify
Record and Run or Applications Settings” on
page 436.

Password The password for the specified user name.

(Enabled only when Auto-login You can use an environment variable to
is selected) specify the password. For more information,
see “Using Environment Variables to Specify
Record and Run or Applications Settings” on
page 436.

Log out of the application when Instructs QuickTest to log out of the specified
the test closes application automatically when the test
(Enabled only when Auto-login closes. Any other Siebel sessions that were
is selected) opened before, during, or after the test run
are not affected.
You can use an environment variable to
specify the Log out setting. For more
information, see “Using Environment
Variables to Specify Record and Run or
Applications Settings” on page 436.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Option Description

Close the browser when the test Instructs QuickTest to close the opened
closes browser when the test closes. Any other
(Enabled only when Open the browsers that were opened before, during, or
following application when a after the test run are not affected.
record or run session begins
is selected)

Advanced Opens the Advanced Siebel Record and Run

(Enabled only when Siebel Settings dialog box, where you can specify
version 7.7 and later and Open the following options:
the following application when a ➤ Siebel automation request timeout.
record or run session begins The timeout period (in seconds) for each
are selected) attempt to connect to Siebel Test
Automation when running the test.
The default timeout is 120 seconds.
➤ Siebel automation access code. The
predefined security code required to
enable access to Siebel Test Automation, if
specified by your organization’s access
security policy.

For more information on the Record and Run Settings dialog box, see
“Using the Record and Run Settings Dialog Box” on page 36.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Additional Information for Siebel 7.7.x and Later

To test a Siebel 7.7.x or later application, you must open the Siebel
application with Siebel Test Automation loaded, by specifying additional
URL parameter values. For more information, see “Setting Up Your Siebel
7.7.x or Later Environment” on page 423.

If you select the Open the following application when a record or run
session begins option in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog
box, QuickTest automatically appends the Siebel Test Automation
information to the URL (you do not need to specify it manually in the URL).
If you select to record and run on any open browser, you must specify the
required parameter values as part of the application URL when you open the

If you select the Open the following application when a record or run
session begins option in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog
box, and specify the password in the Siebel automation access code box in
the Advanced Siebel Record and Run Settings dialog box, QuickTest
automatically appends the password information to the URL (you do not
need to specify it manually in the URL). If you select to record and run on
any open browser, or do not specify the password in the Advanced Siebel
Record and Run Settings dialog box, you must specify the required password
values as part of the application URL when you open the application.

If a session timeout error occurs in your Siebel 7.7.x or later application, the
Siebel Test Automation URL parameter values are not saved. After you log
out and log in again, you must navigate to the correct URL that contains the
required Siebel Test Automation parameter values.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Setting Siebel Application Options for Components

The Applications tab of the Application Area Settings dialog box enables you
to specify the Siebel version on which you are recording the component.
You can record steps only on applications that use the specified Siebel
version. You can also view these settings in read-only format in the
Applications tab of the Business Component Settings dialog box.

In the Siebel version box, specify the Siebel version for the applications on
which you want to record your component. The version that you choose
remains selected for all subsequent components.

Note: You can use an environment variable to specify the Siebel version. For
more information, see “Using Environment Variables to Specify Record and
Run or Applications Settings”, below.

Using Environment Variables to Specify Record and Run or

Applications Settings
You can use environment variables to specify the options you want to use
for recording and running your test or recording your component.

If you define any of these environment variables, these variables override

the corresponding values in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings
dialog box for tests or the Applications tab of the Application Area dialog
box for application areas and components. For more information, see
“Setting Siebel Record and Run Options” on page 430 or “Setting Siebel
Application Options for Components” on page 436.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

You can use the variable names listed in the table below to define Siebel
application details:

Option Variable Name Description

Siebel version APPLICATION_ENV The Siebel version for the

applications on which you want
to record your test or
Possible values:
This option is available for tests
and components.

Address URL_ENV The URL of the application you

want to open. This option is
available only for tests.

Auto-login AUTO_LOGIN_ENV Enables or disables automatic

login to the application to open.
This option is available only for

User USER_NAME_ENV The user name used to log in to

the application to open. This
option is available only for tests.

Password PASSWORD_ENV The encrypted password for the

application to open. This option
is available only for tests.

Log out of the LOGOUT_ENV Enables or disables automatic

application when logout of the application to
the test closes open when the test closes. This
option is available only for tests.

For more information on defining and working with environment variables,

see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Recording Steps on Siebel Objects

When you record an operation on a Siebel object, QuickTest inserts a step
with the relevant Siebel object in the Keyword View and adds the
corresponding statement in the Expert View.

For example, if you select an item from a list, the Keyword View may be
displayed as follows:

QuickTest records this step in the Expert View as:

SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").SiebScreen("Accounts").

SiebView("Account Details").SiebApplet("Account").
SiebPicklist("Account Type").Select "Consultant"

Tip: It is recommended to log out of your Siebel application at the end of the
recording session before closing the browser.

If you have the Siebel Add-in installed on QuickTest Professional, you can
use QuickTest Professional to generate an object repository for your
application. For more details, see Chapter 29, “Generating an Object
Repository Using Siebel Test Express.”

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

Information for Users of Earlier Versions of the QuickTest

Professional Siebel Add-in
Tests created in earlier versions of the Siebel Add-in can be opened in
QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in. The Siebel Add-in provides an option
to convert the test’s old record and run settings to the new version settings
automatically. In addition, the naming convention for Siebel test objects has
been modified for QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in.

Opening Siebel Add-in 6.5 Tests in Siebel Add-in

The first time you open a test that was created in an earlier version of the
Siebel Add-in, a message opens asking whether you want to convert the 6.5
record and run settings to the appropriate settings automatically. This is
because in Siebel Add-in 6.5, the record and run settings were defined in the
Web tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box, and now they need to
be defined in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Click Yes to convert the record and run settings for the test automatically, or
click No to leave the settings as they are. If you click Yes, the following
settings are modified in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog

➤ The Siebel version is set as Siebel eBusiness 7.0/7.5.

➤ The browser settings and/or URL that were defined in the Web tab are
transferred to the Siebel tab.

Chapter 27 • Creating and Running Tests and Components on Siebel Objects

➤ The Web Add-in is removed from the list of add-ins associated with the test.

Note: If you choose not to convert the settings automatically, or if you

choose to convert the settings but do not save the test before closing it, the
message asking if you want to convert the settings is not displayed the next
time you open the test. You can manually change the settings for a test at
any time in the Siebel tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

After you create your test or component, you can enhance it by adding
checkpoints, retrieving output values, parameterizing values, and inserting
Siebel objects, methods and properties.

This chapter includes:

➤ Considerations for Checking Siebel Objects on page 441
➤ Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Siebel 7.0.x and 7.5.x
Applications on page 443
➤ Spooling Data from a Siebel Table on page 444

Considerations for Checking Siebel Objects

➤ You check most Siebel objects or output their property values in the same
way as you do for other objects supported by QuickTest, with exceptions for
SblTable objects and Sieb tabular test objects.

Note: Table checkpoints are not supported for business components.

Chapter 28 • Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

➤ You check SblTable objects and output their values in the same way as you
do for other table objects supported by QuickTest—using the Table
Checkpoint Properties dialog box or Table Output Value Properties dialog
box—with the following differences:
➤ In Siebel 7.0.x or 7.5.x high-interactivity applications, you must have
your Siebel application open to the page that contains the table while
creating a table checkpoint or output value.
When creating table checkpoints or output values, do not include the
header line of the SblTable object when selecting cells to check or output.
To clear the selection in this first row of cells, double-click row heading 1
to the left of the table.

Double-click to
clear all cells in
the row

Tip: When working with SblTable objects, you can spool all of the visible
data from a table into an external file. For more information, see
“Spooling Data from a Siebel Table” on page 444.

➤ Specific test objects in Siebel 7.7.x applications (with Sieb prefixes) have
tabular characteristics. QuickTest treats Sieb tabular test objects as table-
type objects and enables you to check both their content and/or their
identification properties. You can also output content and/or
identification property values for use in your test or component. The
following Sieb test objects have tabular characteristics:
SiebCommunicationsToolbar, SiebList, SiebMenu, SiebPageTabs,
SiebPDQ, SiebPicklist, SiebScreenViews, SiebThreadbar, SiebToolbar, and

Tip: When working with Sieb tabular objects, you can spool all of the
visible data from the object into an external file. For more information,
see “Spooling Data from a Siebel Table” on page 444.

Chapter 28 • Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

➤ When testing high-interactivity applications:

➤ If the Sieb tabular object is not open in your Siebel application when you
create a checkpoint, the Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box contains
only the Properties tab and the option to select which type of
information to check (content or properties) is disabled.
➤ If the Sieb tabular object is not open in your Siebel application when you
create the output value, the Table Output Value Properties dialog box
contains only the Properties tab, and the option to select which type of
information to output (content or properties) is disabled.
➤ If you want to access an inner object contained in a SiebList object, hold the
CTRL key while you click the SiebList object with the pointing hand

Accessing Native Operations and Properties in Siebel 7.0.x

and 7.5.x Applications
In addition to the Siebel-specific test objects and operations, you can also
use the Object property to access native (internal) operations and properties
of the HTML or ActiveX elements that wrap Siebel objects. The Object
property is available for all Siebel 7.0.x and 7.5.x objects.

Tip: You can use the Object Spy to view the native operations and properties
of an object in your application.

The Object property is also useful for checking the value of properties that
are not available using a standard Siebel checkpoint.

Chapter 28 • Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

The following example uses the Object property to access the raw HTML
element that represents the SblTabStrip object, retrieve its HTML tag name
and size, and display this information in message boxes.

set obj = Browser("Siebel Call").Page("Siebel Call").Frame("Siebel Call").

msgbox obj.tagName
msgbox obj.height
msgbox obj.width

Note: Relying on native properties may be problematic if you are upgrading

your Siebel application to a newer version, in which objects may have a
different structure. For example, the conversion of HTML objects to ActiveX
objects in the Internet Explorer Option Pack.

For more information on using the Object property, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Spooling Data from a Siebel Table

If you want to spool all the visible data from a SblTable or a Sieb tabular
object (such as a SiebList object) into an external file, you can loop through
each cell in the table and then save the information to an external file.

The following example uses the GetCellData method to list the data of each
cell in a SblTable object with 10 rows and 10 columns:

For i=0 to 10
For j=0 to 10
Dat=Browser("Siebel eChannel").Page("Siebel eChannel_8").
Frame("Campaign Explorer").SblTable("Campaign").
GetCellData (i, j)
SaveToExternalFile (Dat)

Chapter 28 • Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

The following example uses the RowsCount and ColumnsCount methods to

list the data of each cell in a SiebList object:

RowsCount = SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").

SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("My Accounts").
ColsCount = SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").
SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("My Accounts").
For i=0 to RowsCount-1
For j=0 to ColsCount-1
ColumnName = SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").
SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("My Accounts").
Dat=SiebApplication("Siebel Call Center").SiebScreen("Accounts").
SiebView("My Accounts").SiebApplet("Accounts").
SaveToExternalFile (Dat)

For more information on the GetCellData, RowsCount, and ColumnsCount

methods, see the Siebel section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model

Chapter 28 • Enhancing Your Siebel Test or Component

Generating an Object Repository Using
Siebel Test Express

You can use Siebel Test Express to automatically generate or update an

object repository.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express on page 447
➤ Siebel Test Express System Requirements and Supported Environments
on page 448
➤ Using Siebel Test Express to Create an Object Repository on page 449
➤ Using Siebel Test Express to Update an Existing Object Repository
on page 457

About Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test

If you have the Siebel Add-in installed on QuickTest Professional, you can
use Siebel Test Express to automatically generate a new object repository, or
update an existing object repository.

You can create new object repositories using the Create Object Repository
Wizard. Using the wizard you can select the applications or top-level
application objects for which to create an object repository. Siebel Test
Express scans the Siebel application and creates test objects for every child
object contained in the applications or top-level objects that you specify.
After you have created the object repository, you can save it to the file
system or to a Quality Center project using the Object Repository Manager.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

You can also use Siebel Test Express to update an existing object repository.
The Update Object Repository Wizard enables you to select the applications
or top-level objects to include in the update, as well as the date from which
to search for and include new or modified objects. The date refers to when
the objects were last added or modified in the object repository.

After you have updated an object repository, the Object Repository Merge
Tool merges the new and modified objects with objects from your existing
object repository.

This chapter explains how to create or update an object repository using

Siebel Test Express. For more information on working with object
repositories in general, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Siebel Test Express System Requirements and Supported

To successfully run Siebel Test Express, the Siebel Add-in must be installed
and loaded.

Siebel Test Express supports Siebel 7.7 and later high-interactivity

applications that are based on the Siebel Test Automation API.

Note: To work with Siebel Test Express in QuickTest, ensure that the Siebel
Test Automation API version installed on your server is one that supports
Siebel Test Express.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Using Siebel Test Express to Create an Object Repository

You can use Siebel Test Express to generate a new object repository for a
Siebel application. After you have created the object repository, you can save
it to the file system or to a Quality Center project.

To create an object repository using Siebel Test Express:

1 Select Resources > Object Repository Manager. The Object Repository
Manager opens.
2 In the Object Repository Manager, select Tools > Siebel Test Express > Create
Object Repository or click the Create Object Repository button on the
Object Repository Manager toolbar. The Create Object Repository Wizard
opens to the Connection Information screen.
3 Follow the steps of the wizard to create the new object repository.

Note: You can run only one instance of the Siebel Test Express Object
Repository Wizard on a computer at any given time.

For more information on using the Create Object Repository Wizard, see:

➤ “Understanding the Connection Information Screen” on page 450

➤ “Understanding the Screen Selection Screen For Creating Object
Repositories” on page 452
➤ “Understanding the Importing Test Objects Screen” on page 454
➤ “Understanding the Object Repository Created Screen” on page 456
➤ “Saving Object Repository Files” on page 457

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Understanding the Connection Information Screen

In the Connection Information screen you enter the connection
information for logging in to the Siebel server. This information is saved as
meta data in the generated object repository file, and is automatically
entered for you when you use the Create Object Repository wizard to update
the same object repository.


➤ If you are creating a new repository, the information that was entered in
this screen the last time you used the wizard is automatically entered.
➤ If you are updating the repository, the information that was saved as
meta data with the repository file is entered in this screen.

The data required in this screen is not necessarily the same as the data you
use to log into the Siebel application as a user. You should request the
information for this screen from your Siebel server administrator.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

The Connection Information screen contains the following options:

Connect Information Description

Server URL The URL of the Siebel server (including http://).

User name Your user name.

Password Your password.

Database name The name of the Siebel database.

Table owner The table owner you want to use for the specified Siebel

Siebel repository Optional. The name of the Siebel repository. If you do

not enter a name, Siebel will use a default name.

Note: While the Connection Information screen is displayed, you cannot

make the Object Repository Manager or QuickTest windows active.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Understanding the Screen Selection Screen For Creating

Object Repositories
The Screen Selection screen in the Create Object Repository Wizard displays
a list of all the available applications, according to the connection
information entered in the Connection Information screen.

You can select the applications for which to create the object repository or
you can expand the application node and then select one or more top-level
objects. It is recommended to select only the top-level objects that you
need. Importing an entire application may take a very long time.

When Siebel Test Express creates the object repository, it imports the
information and creates test objects for all children (descendants) of the
applications or top-level objects you select in this screen.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

If the last used profile from a previous import operation was saved, the
profile is loaded, and you can edit the selected options, as required. The new
selections are saved in the profile to be used for future import operations on
the same object repository.

Note: While the Screen Selection screen is displayed, you cannot make the
Object Repository Manager or QuickTest windows active. Once you click
Next in this screen, you will be able to switch the focus to the Object
Repository Manager or QuickTest, and you can work in either of these
windows while the wizard is generating the object repository. However, do
not close the Object Repository Manager or QuickTest. If you do try closing
either window, a message is displayed, warning that the object repository
generation process will be stopped and all data will be lost. Click No to
continue creating the object repository.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Understanding the Importing Test Objects Screen

The Importing Test Objects screen shows the progress of the import process.
The number imported indicates the number of applet objects that have
already been imported, including all child objects of that applet. At the
same time that the wizard imports the objects, it is also retrieving
information about the total number of applets it needs to import. While the
wizard is retrieving this information, the total number changes and the
words at least show that the wizard is still retrieving information. When the
total number is known, the words at least are no longer displayed.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

During the import process, you can cancel the operation if required. If you
cancel the operation, a message is displayed notifying you that stopping the
import process will result in an incomplete object repository.

➤ Click Yes to save the partially imported repository

➤ Click No to discard the partially imported repository
➤ Click Cancel in the message box to continue importing objects to the


➤ Importing the object repository can take up to several hours, depending

on the size of the repository.
➤ You can work in either the Object Repository Manager or QuickTest while
the wizard is generating the object repository. However, do not close
either window. If you do try closing either window, a message is
displayed, warning that the object repository generation process will be
stopped and all data will be lost. Click No to continue generating the
object repository.
➤ While the wizard is updating the object repository, that object repository
file is locked and you cannot modify it in the Object Repository Manager.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Understanding the Object Repository Created Screen

The Object Repository Created screen opens after all the objects have been
imported. It displays the total number of objects added to the repository.

Note: If any errors occur during the import process, a warning and an Error
Log button are displayed in the Object Repository Created screen. The log
contains error and exception data from the Siebel server listing the failed
calls and the object that caused the error. Click the Error Log button to save
the error log. By default, the error log is called TestExpressErrorLog.xml, and
it is saved in the <QuickTest Professional>\Tests folder.

Click Finish to close the wizard and display the new object repository in the
Object Repository Manager. This can take a few minutes.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Saving Object Repository Files

When you have finished creating an object repository, you can save it to the
file system or to a Quality Center project (if you are connected to a
Quality Center project).

You connect to a Quality Center project either from QuickTest or from the
Object Repository Manager by choosing File > Quality Center Connection or
clicking the Quality Center Connection button.

For more information on connecting to Quality Center and working with

the Object Repository Manager, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Using Siebel Test Express to Update an Existing Object

You can use Siebel Test Express to update an existing object repository. After
you have updated your object repository, the Object Repository Merge Tool
merges the objects in your new object repository with your existing object

To use update an existing object repository using Siebel Test Express:

1 Select Resources > Object Repository Manager. The Object Repository
Manager opens.
2 Select File > Open or click the Open button. The Open Shared Object
Repository dialog box opens.
3 Select the object repository file you want to update, and click Open. The
object repository file opens.
By default, the object repository file opens in read-only mode. To update a
repository, it must be open in editable format. You can open it in editable
format by clearing the Open in read-only mode check box in the Open
Shared Object Repository dialog box. You can also enable editing by
choosing File > Enable Editing after you open the repository.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

4 Select Tools > Siebel Test Express > Update Object Repository or click the
Update Object Repository button on the Object Repository Manager
toolbar. The Update Object Repository Wizard opens to the Connection
Information screen. For more information on the Connection Information
screen, see “Understanding the Connection Information Screen” on
page 450.

Note: While the Connection Information screen is displayed, you cannot

make the Object Repository Manager or QuickTest windows active.

5 Click Next. The Screen Selection screen opens. The Screen Selection screen
displays the filter of selected objects that was stored when the object
repository was created (or last updated), as well as the date on which the
object repository was created or last updated.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Keep the displayed date or select a new date by clicking the arrow next to
the Import only objects modified since box, and select the date from the
displayed calendar. All objects modified before the selected date are ignored
during the import process. Using this option can speed up the importing

Note: If you select objects other than the ones that were imported in the
previous wizard session, then only objects modified since the selected date
are imported.

If you want to add objects to your object repository that were not previously
imported, use the New Object Repository Wizard to import only those
objects and then merge the generated object repository with your current
object repository.

6 Click Next. The Importing Test Objects screen opens. For more information
on the Importing Test Objects screen, see “Understanding the Importing
Test Objects Screen” on page 454.

Note: You can work in either the Object Repository Manager or QuickTest
while the wizard is generating the object repository. However, do not close
either window. If you do try closing either window, a message is displayed,
warning that the object repository generation process will be stopped and
all data will be lost. Click No to continue generating the object repository.

While the wizard is updating the object repository, that object repository file
is locked and you cannot modify it in the Object Repository Manager.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

7 After all the objects have been imported, the Object Repository Updated
screen opens and indicates the number of objects that have been added or
modified in the object repository.

8 Click Finish to disconnect from Siebel Test Express. If one or more objects
were added or updated during the process, the Object Repository Merge Tool
opens. This can take a few minutes.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Using the Object Repository Merge Tool to Merge an

Updated Siebel Object Repository
The Object Repository Merge Tool merges the updated object repository
(secondary repository) with your existing object repository (primary
repository) to create a new shared object repository file (target repository).

Conflicts between objects in the primary and secondary repository files are
resolved automatically by the Merge Tool according to the default resolution
settings and the Merge Tool displays the Statistics dialog box, which lists the
files that were merged, and the number and type of any conflicts that were
resolved during the merge. You can accept or modify these resolutions to
match your needs.

When you have ensured that the object conflicts are resolved satisfactorily,
you can save the target repository to the file system, or to a Quality Center
project (if QuickTest is currently connected to a Quality Center project).

For more information on working with the Object Repository Merge Tool,
see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 29 • Generating an Object Repository Using Siebel Test Express

Part XII
The Stingray Add-in
Using the Stingray Add-in

You can use the Stingray Add-in to test Stingray applications. You can create
and run tests and components on Stingray controls, as well as check their
properties. You create and run tests and components on Stingray
applications in much the same way as you do for other Windows-based

The QuickTest Professional Stingray Add-in recognizes and records on

Stingray Objective Grid and Stingray Objective Toolkit controls.

The Stingray Add-in uses a sub-set of the standard Windows test objects,
methods, and properties, which can be used when testing objects (controls)
in Stingray applications. For more information, see the Stingray section of
the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Stingray Add-in on page 466
➤ Considerations for Working with the Stingray Add-in on page 467
➤ Setting Up Stingray Object Support on page 468
➤ Testing Stingray Applications on page 482

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

About the Stingray Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Stingray
Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your Stingray application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Other You must configure the Stingray Add-in to work with your
application. See:
➤ “Setting Up Stingray Object Support” on page 468.
➤ “Running the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard”
on page 473.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box ➤ Use the Stingray pane.

(Tools > Options > Stingray node)
See “Configuring Stingray Options” on page 482.
➤ Use the Windows Applications pane.
(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
➤ In addition to the settings in the Record and Run
Settings dialog box, you must also configure QuickTest
to recognize your Stingray applications in the Stingray
pane of the Options dialog box. For more information,
see “Configuring Stingray Options” on page 482.
➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button in
the Record and Run Settings dialog box, the settings
also apply to (limit) the applications that are recognized
for Object Spy and other pointing hand operations.

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Working with the Stingray Add-in

QuickTest stores Stingray support configuration for each configured Stingray
application separately. By default, QuickTest uses the latest configured
Stingray agent version for all Stingray applications except those applications
that are already configured.

For example, suppose you have two Stingray applications; application

grid1.exe that uses Stingray Grid control version 9.03, and application
tree1.exe that uses Stingray TreeView control version 11.00. You can
configure QuickTest to support both applications as follows:

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

1 Run the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard and configure support for
the grid1.exe application. QuickTest saves the configuration for this
2 Run the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard again and configure
support for the tree1.exe application. QuickTest saves the configuration for
this application.

After performing these steps, QuickTest will support the grid1.exe

application and support all Stingray applications that have Stingray
TreeView controls version 11.00, including the tree1.exe application.

Setting Up Stingray Object Support

Before you begin working, you need to configure the Stingray Add-in to
work with your application. QuickTest Professional support for Stingray
objects is based on an agent entity that exists in the Stingray application.
This agent interacts with QuickTest to enable record and run operations.
There are two different modes for establishing the agent entity:

➤ Run-time Agent Mode. QuickTest injects an agent DLL into the application’s
process during run-time. This is the recommended mode. For more
information, see “Understanding the Run-time Agent (Agent DLL)” on
page 469.
➤ Precompiled Agent Mode. You make slight modifications to your
Visual C++ project in addition to configuring the Stingray Add-in. Use this
mode only if the run-time agent mode is unsuitable or cannot be used. For
more information, see “Using the Precompiled Agent Mode” on page 470.
You choose your preferred mode and configure support for the Stingray
Add-in using the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard. For more
information, see “Running the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard” on
page 473.

After you configure support for the Stingray Add-in, you can fine-tune the
configuration options, if needed. For more information, see “Configuring
Stingray Options” on page 482.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

This section describes:

➤ “Understanding the Run-time Agent (Agent DLL)” on page 469

➤ “Using the Precompiled Agent Mode” on page 470
➤ “Running the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard” on page 473

Understanding the Run-time Agent (Agent DLL)

When you choose the run-time agent mode, QuickTest injects an agent DLL
into the application’s process during run-time. This recommended mode is
non-intrusive and does not require any modifications to the source code of
the application being tested.

You can use the run-time agent mode only with Stingray applications that
are created with dynamically-linked MFC libraries. You can verify if your
MFC libraries are linked dynamically or statically by launching the Stingray
Support Configuration Wizard. If the wizard identifies that your Stingray
application uses statically-linked MFC libraries, it issues a warning.

The run-time agent mode supports the most commonly used major Stingray
versions (listed in the Supported Environments and Programs > Stingray
section of the HP QuickTest Professional Readme), as well as some—but not
all—minor versions. You can verify if your Stingray application version is
supported by launching the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard. If the
wizard identifies that your Stingray application version is not supported, it
issues a warning.

Note: The Stingray Add-in is designed to support only applications that are
compiled in Release mode.

If you cannot use the run-time agent mode for any reason, you can still
work with your Stingray application using the precompiled agent mode,
instead. For more information, see “Using the Precompiled Agent Mode” on
page 470, or contact HP Software Support.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Using the Precompiled Agent Mode

If your application is statically linked with the MFC libraries, you can use
the precompiled agent mode to enable Stingray object support. The
precompiled agent mode requires you to make slight modifications to your
Visual C++ project to enable QuickTest to support your Stingray application.
If you select the precompiled agent mode in the Stingray Support
Configuration Wizard, you can compile your project using the Stingray
Add-in agent files.

Note: If your Stingray application project was compiled with an earlier

version of the Stingray Add-in agent (for example, for WinRunner), your
project already contains the required support code. To take advantage of the
latest functionality provided with this add-in, it is recommended to remove
the existing Stingray Add-in agent files from your project and recompile
using the latest agent files.

When working with the precompiled agent mode, both Stingray Objective
Grid and Stingray Objective Toolkit must be installed on your computer,
even if your application contains only one type of Stingray control, such as
a grid control or a tab control. The installed versions must match the
version combinations supported for this add-in. For a list of supported
version combinations, see the Supported Environments and Programs >
Stingray section of the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

Note: If you do not have the required Stingray Objective Grid and Stingray
Objective Toolkit version combination, contact HP Software Support for

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Setting up Stingray support using the precompiled agent mode requires

adding one support header file to your application’s Visual C++ project and
copying one library file to your Visual C++ project directory. After you
complete these steps, you can compile your application, as usual.

Note: Use the precompiled agent mode only if the run-time agent mode is
unsuitable or cannot be used.

To set up your project using the precompiled agent mode:

1 If your Stingray application was previously compiled with agent files from
an earlier version of the Stingray Add-in (for WinRunner), it is
recommended to remove the existing agent files from your project.
Otherwise, start from step 2.

Note: If you choose not to replace your existing Stingray Add-in agent files
with the latest agent files, do not continue with this procedure. Although
you will be able to work with the QuickTest Professional Stingray Add-in,
you will not be able to take advantage of the latest functionality.

2 Copy the StgAgentLib.h header file from <QuickTest Installation

Folder>\bin\StingrayAgent\AgentLib\src\StgAgentLib.h to your
Visual C++ project directory. (You can optionally add the header file to the
list of header files in your workspace.)
3 Check the version of the Stingray Objective Grid or Stingray Objective
Toolkit used by your application and search for the corresponding support
library file, StgAgentLib.lib.
For example, if your application is not compiled in Unicode and uses
Objective Grid version 9.03 and Objective Toolkit version 8.03 linked with
MFC version 7.1, search for the library file in: <QuickTest Installation Folder>

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

If the application is linked with MFC80, is compiled in Unicode and uses

Objective Grid version 10.0 and Objective Toolkit version 9.0, search for the
library file in: <QuickTest Installation Folder>\bin\StingrayAgent\

Note: Each support library file specifies a combination of Objective Grid and
Objective Toolkit versions. You must choose a combination of Objective
Grid or Objective Toolkit versions, even if your application uses only one of
these Stingray tools. For a list of supported Stingray version combinations,
see the Supported Environments and Programs > Stingray section of the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

4 Copy the StgAgentLib.lib support library file to your Visual C++ project
5 Add the #include "StgAgentLib.h" statement to one of your cpp files, such
as, MainFrm.cpp.
6 Insert the ReleaseWRVC(); function call in one of the functions called when
your application terminates, for example, CMainFrame::OnDestroy().

Note: Inserting this function call instructs the agent to perform required
clean up operations related to the support library code.

When you build your application executable, the added header file
automatically links the StgAgentLib.lib support library to your application
statically, enabling the library code to be activated automatically during the
run session. For more information, see “Working with the WinRunner and
QuickTest Stingray Add-ins in Precompiled Agent Mode” on page 489.

7 Make sure that the Precompiled Agent option is selected in the Stingray
Support Configuration Wizard. For more information, see “Running the
Stingray Support Configuration Wizard” on page 473.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Running the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard

After the installation of QuickTest, you can open the Stingray Support
Configuration Wizard from the Additional Installation Requirements dialog
box. You can also open the wizard later by choosing it from the QuickTest
program group or by activating it from the Stingray pane of the Options
dialog box.

The wizard walks you through the steps that are necessary to configure
QuickTest to work according to the agent mode that you select.

To run the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard:

1 From the Start menu, select Programs > QuickTest Professional > Stingray
Support Configuration Wizard.
2 In the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard welcome screen, click Next.
The mode selection screen is displayed.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

3 Select one of the following support modes:

➤ Run-time Agent. A simple, non-intrusive mode that adds a support DLL
to the Stingray application process during run-time. This is the
recommended mode. If you select this mode, click Next and proceed to
step 5 on page 475.
➤ Precompiled Agent. A mode that requires you to make slight
modifications to your Stingray application project so that QuickTest can
support your Stingray application. If you select this mode, click Next and
proceed to step 4 below.

4 If you select Precompiled Agent, the following screen is displayed.

➤ Click Help to display information describing how to add support code to

your Stingray application project. For more information, see “Using the
Precompiled Agent Mode” on page 470.
➤ Click Finish to close the wizard. If you have not already compiled your
application with the Stingray Add-in agent files, you must do so before
you begin to work with the QuickTest Professional Stingray Add-in. For
more information, see “Using the Precompiled Agent Mode” on
page 470.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

5 If you select Run-time Agent in the mode selection screen, the following
configuration options screen is displayed.

6 Select one of the following configuration options:

➤ Automatic configuration. Instructs the wizard to configure Stingray
support automatically according to the detected MFC DLL and the
version of Stingray components used in your application.
If you select this option, click Next and proceed to step 8 on page 477.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

➤ Manual configuration. Enables you to configure Stingray support

manually by specifying the MFC DLL and Stingray component version
used in your application. This is useful, for example, if your application is
statically linked to the Stingray libraries.
If you select this option, click Next and proceed to step 7 on page 476.

Note: If, at any time, you encounter problems with the Stingray Add-in, you
can create a diagnostic log file by selecting the Create wizard configuration
log file check box. If you contact HP Software Support for assistance, you
may be asked to provide this log file for diagnostic purposes.

7 If you select Manual configuration, the following components screen is


Select a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) dll and a Stingray component

version Objective Grid and Objective Toolkit combination from the
drop-down lists.
Proceed to step 13 on page 481.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

8 If you select Automatic configuration, the application executable detection

screen opens. Click the Find button and point to a window or dialog box in
your application that contains a Stingray control. QuickTest automatically
detects the name of the application executable.

You can right-click at any time to cancel the Find command.

Tip: If you want to bring another window into focus or perform operations
such as a right-click or mouseover to display a context menu, you can press
and hold the Ctrl key. This temporarily disables the Find mechanism and
enables you to perform regular mouse operations. When the window or
dialog box containing the Stingray control is displayed, release the Ctrl key.
Note that pressing the Ctrl key does not enable you to select an application
from the Windows task bar, therefore you must make sure that the window
you want to access is not minimized.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

9 If QuickTest detects more than one MFC version for the Stingray
application, the following dialog box opens:

Select the relevant version and click Apply.

10 In the application executable detection screen, click Next. The wizard

displays the Stingray components it detected in your application process.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

If, in the previous screen, you pointed to a non-Stingray application, or to a

Stingray application whose components QuickTest could not detect, a
warning message displays stating that QuickTest failed to detect the Stingray
components in your application.
QuickTest may fail to detect components of a Stingray application for
several reasons. For example, the application may be statically linked to
Stingray libraries, preventing the wizard from identifying the version of the
Stingray libraries. In this case, click Back twice and select Manual
configuration to configure Stingray support manually. For more
information, see step 6 on page 475.
Another reason may be that the application is statically linked to the
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) libraries. In this case, click Back three
times and select Precompiled Agent. For more information, see step 3 on
page 474.
In addition, if QuickTest detects a Stingray version that is not supported by
the Stingray Add-in, or is slightly different from the officially supported
versions, a warning message displays.
If you are working with a Stingray version that is not supported, contact
HP Software Support who may be able to provide you with a support agent
for your specific version. For more information, see the Supported
Environments and Programs > Stingray section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Readme.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

11 Click Next. QuickTest configures Stingray support according to the detected

Stingray version and displays the following screen.

Note: To test applications created with other Stingray versions, you must
run the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard again. To open the wizard,
select Start > Programs > QuickTest Professional > Stingray Support
Configuration Wizard. Alternatively, in QuickTest, select Tools > Options >
Stingray pane and click the Select Version button. For more information,
see “Considerations for Working with the Stingray Add-in” on page 467.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

12 If you want the same settings you configured in this procedure to be

effective for all users of the computer, select Apply to all users on this

Note: You must have administrator permissions on the computer to

configure support for all users. If you do not have administrator
permissions, the Apply to all users on this computer option is disabled.

13 Click Finish to close the wizard.

14 See the Supported Environments and Programs > Stingray section of the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme for additional important information
before you begin creating and running tests on Stingray applications.
For more information on using QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest Professional
User Guide.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Testing Stingray Applications

This section describes how to configure Stingray options in QuickTest, and
how to work with the WinRunner and QuickTest Stingray Add-ins in
Run-time Agent and Precompiled Agent Modes.

Configuring Stingray Options

The Stingray pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Stingray
node) enables you to configure how QuickTest records and runs tests and
components on Stingray Objective Grid and Objective Toolkit objects.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

If the Stingray Add-in is configured correctly, you may not need to make any
modifications using this pane. However, if you did not run the Stingray
Support Configuration Wizard after installing the Stingray Add-in, or if you
encounter difficulties when recording and running tests and components
on Stingray applications, you can use the options in this pane to fine tune
the configuration. For example, you can enable support for multithreaded
applications by selecting the relevant option in this pane.

After making changes to options in this pane, you must restart QuickTest
before you continue working with this add-in.

Understanding the Stingray Pane Options

The Stingray pane includes the options described in this section.

Support multithreaded Stingray applications

Instructs QuickTest to support multithreaded Stingray applications. If you
are not sure whether you are working with a multithreaded Stingray
application, first try to record and run on your Stingray application without
selecting this check box. If you experience difficulties, you can select this
check box and try again.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Note: Select this check box only if you are working with a multithreaded

Cache MFC map

Instruct QuickTest to use auxiliary caching as a backup for MFC’s internal
mapping of window handles to Visual C++ objects. If QuickTest cannot
identify one or more Stingray controls while recording or running a test or
component, you can select this check box to instruct QuickTest to use a
cached map instead of using the Stingray application for identification.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

For more information, see the Supported Environments and Programs >
Stingray section of the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

Use displayed (formatted) data in table checkpoints

Instructs QuickTest to use the formatted data value in the Stingray grid
control. You can use this option when working with table checkpoints (not
supported for components). For example, if the actual value of a cell in a
Stingray application is formatted to display two digits to the right of the
decimal point, QuickTest will use that rounded number instead of the actual
number when checking the value during the run session.

By default, this check box is selected.

Record cell editing options using

Instructs QuickTest to record typing operations in a Stingray grid (edit) cell
using one of the following options:

➤ WinTable.SetCellData statements. (Default) Uses the SetCellData method to

record the final value that you enter in a grid cell. This option results in a
single step in your test or component. In most cases, this option makes the
step more readable and easier to modify manually
➤ WinEditor statements. QuickTest records each operation that you perform
in a Stingray grid edit cell as a separate WinEditor step. For example,
operations such as placing the cursor in a specific place in the edit box,
typing a single character, or deleting a character may be recorded as
individual steps. This can make your test or component less readable and
more difficult to modify manually, but this may be useful if you want to test
the behavior of specific editing operations.
For example, suppose that during a recording session, you place the cursor
in an edit-type cell that already contains the value abc. You place the cursor
before the b, delete the b and c characters, and then you type bcde.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

If you are using the WinTable.SetCellData statements option, QuickTest

records the following in Expert View:

QuickTest inserts these steps as follows in the Keyword View:

If you are using the WinEditor statements option, QuickTest records the
following in Expert View:

QuickTest inserts these steps as follows in the Keyword View:

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Do not use Stingray Add-in support for these applications:

(Specify application process names separated by commas.)
Instructs QuickTest to treat the applications you specify as non-Stingray

Some open, non-Stingray processes (such as explorer.exe) can cause

unexpected behavior when recording and running tests and components on
Stingray applications. By adding the process names to this edit box, you can
help prevent this unexpected behavior.


➤ In some cases, the executable file you use to open an application is only a
launching process, which then opens the actual application process. In
these cases, make sure that you specify the name of the actual
application process and not the launching process.
➤ When working with tests, this option is relevant only if you selected the
Record and run test on any open Windows-based application in the
Record and Run Settings dialog box (Automation > Record and Run
Settings). For more information on the options available in the Record
and Run Settings dialog box, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Stingray version
Indicates the versions of the Stingray Objective Grid and Stingray Objective
Toolkit libraries used for identifying Stingray objects in your application

Select Version
Opens the Stingray Support Configuration Wizard, which enables you to
select the combination of Objective Grid and Objective Toolkit versions
with which you want to work.

For more information, see “Running the Stingray Support Configuration

Wizard” on page 473.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Generate diagnostic agent log

Instructs QuickTest to generate a diagnostic agent log file. You can use this
option if you encounter problems with the Stingray Add-in, for example, if
QuickTest does not recognize a Stingray grid control while recording.
HP Software Support may ask you to generate this log and send it together
with your service request.

When you select this check box, the following options are enabled:

➤ Include detailed log information for this control

➤ Log file (C:\st_agent.log)
➤ External debug application

Note: If you select this check box, you must specify the location for the
generated log. For more information, see “Specify location(s) for the
generated log” on page 488.

Include detailed log information for this control

Instructs QuickTest to include detailed information in the generated log for
a specific Stingray control, in addition to the general QuickTest/agent
communication log information. For example, you may want to generate
additional log details for a specific Stingray grid.

To select the object for which you want to generate detailed log
Click the pointing hand and then click the relevant Stingray control. The
selected object’s window handle is displayed in the edit box.

Note: This option is available only when the Generate diagnostic agent log
check box is selected.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

Specify location(s) for the generated log

Instructs QuickTest to generate the log to the selected locations. You can
select one or both of the following options:

➤ Log file (C:\st_agent.log). Saves the diagnostic log to the st_agent.log text
file on your C: drive.
➤ External debug application. Exports the diagnostic log data to an external
debug application, such as the freeware application, DebugView, or
Microsoft VisualStudio.

Note: These options are available only when the Generate diagnostic agent
log check box is selected.

Working with the WinRunner and QuickTest Stingray

You can use both the WinRunner and QuickTest Professional Stingray
Add-ins to test your Stingray application by complying with the conditions
described in the following sections.

Working with the WinRunner and QuickTest Stingray Add-ins

in Run-time Agent Mode
By default, if you load the WinRunner Stingray Add-in while
QuickTest Professional is running—with or without the add-in loaded—
unexpected QuickTest behavior can occur. (There is no restriction on having
both add-ins installed on the same computer.) This is because the version of
the Stingray agent installed with the WinRunner Stingray Add-in may be
different from the version of the Stingray agent installed with the QuickTest
Professional Stingray Add-in.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

If you want to work with the WinRunner Stingray Add-in and QuickTest
simultaneously, for example, if you want to call a QuickTest test containing
Stingray objects from WinRunner or vice versa, you must first ensure that
WinRunner and QuickTest are both using the latest version of the Stingray
agent. To do this, search for the Stagent.dll file in <QuickTest installation
folder>\bin and in <WinRunner installation folder>\arch. Then replace the
earlier file with the later one.

In addition, when working with the WinRunner and QuickTest Stingray

Add-ins simultaneously, both WinRunner and QuickTest must remain open
until the record or run session is complete.

Working with the WinRunner and QuickTest Stingray Add-ins

in Precompiled Agent Mode
The StgAgentLib.h header file specifies which applications can use the
Stingray Add-in configuration files—QuickTest, WinRunner, or both. By
default, the header file is adapted for use exclusively with QuickTest.
However, the support files can also be used to enable WinRunner Stingray
support for your application.

If you plan to test the same Stingray application using both WinRunner tests
and QuickTest tests or components, comment out the #define QTP_USAGE
statement and uncomment the #define QTP_OR_WR_USAGE line so that
the support code can be used by either the QuickTest Professional Stingray
Add-in configuration or by the WinRunner Stingray Add-in configuration.

Chapter 30 • Using the Stingray Add-in

The Terminal Emulator Add-in
Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

You can use QuickTest Professional with the Terminal Emulator Add-in to
test applications on terminal emulators that support HLLAPI (High Level
Language Application Programming Interface) as well as those that do not,
for example, emulator sessions configured to work with the VT100 protocol
(using the Text-only option). HLLAPI allows a PC application to
communicate with a mainframe application with extended capabilities.

If your emulator supports HLLAPI, QuickTest recognizes the screen and field
objects in your emulator screen. If your emulator does not support HLLAPI,
or you have configured QuickTest in Text-only mode, QuickTest records
operations in terms of the text as it appears in the rows and columns of your
emulator screen.

The QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in includes

preconfigured settings for several terminal emulators. The Terminal
Emulator Add-in also enables you to configure the settings for most other
terminal emulators using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard. For
a list of supported emulators, see “Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work
with QuickTest” on page 512.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Terminal Emulator Add-in on page 494
➤ Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard on page 495
➤ Copying Existing Configurations on page 510
➤ Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest on page 512

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

About the Terminal Emulator Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Terminal
Emulator Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and
Components” on page 537.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your Terminal Emulator Add-in application
Application before or after opening QuickTest and creating a test.

Add-in None

Other ➤ Before using the Terminal Emulator Add-in for the first
time, you must enable QuickTest to identify your
terminal emulator.
See “Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Wizard” on page 495.
➤ You must configure your terminal emulator settings to
work with QuickTest.
See “Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work with
QuickTest” on page 512.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box ➤ Use the Terminal Emulator pane.

(Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator node)
See “Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings” on
page 522.
➤ Use the Windows Applications pane.
(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Custom Active Use the Terminal Emulator section in the dialog box.
Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Application node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard

The Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard guides you through the
process of configuring the settings QuickTest needs to identify your terminal
emulator. If your emulator is not in the list of preconfigured settings to
select, you can define the way QuickTest identifies your emulator.

Note: If your terminal emulator settings for QuickTest have been configured
on another computer, you can copy an existing configuration file onto your
computer, instead of running the wizard. For more information, see
“Copying Existing Configurations” on page 510.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

The Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard opens after you install

QuickTest, if you selected Run the Terminal Emulator wizard in the
Additional Installation Requirements dialog box. You can also run the
wizard at any time by selecting Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator node
from the QuickTest menu, and then clicking Open Wizard in the Terminal
Emulator pane.

Note: The Terminal Emulator pane is available in the Options dialog box
only when the Terminal Emulator add-in is installed and loaded.

Once you are finished running the wizard, the terminal emulator you
selected is set as the default emulator when you open QuickTest with the
Terminal Emulator Add-in loaded. You can check your configurations by
clicking the Validate button in Terminal Emulator pane of the Options
dialog box. A description of any detected problem is displayed in the pane,
as well as a link to a specific troubleshooting Help page. For more
information, see “Validating your Terminal Emulator Configuration” on
page 524.

You can also use the wizard to select a different emulator for use with your
tests or components. For more information, see “Modifying Your Terminal
Emulator Settings” on page 522.

Note: If you want to use a terminal emulator that supports HLLAPI, make
sure that you close any application that is currently using the HLLAPI .dll
file before you begin using the wizard. Otherwise, the wizard will not be able
to connect to your terminal emulator.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard Welcome Screen

The Welcome screen provides general information about the different
options in the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

For information on copying an existing configuration, see “Copying

Existing Configurations” on page 510.

When you click Next, the Specify Wizard Operation screen opens.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Specify Wizard Operation Screen

In the Specify Wizard Operation screen, you determine which operation you
want the wizard to perform.

Select from one of the following options:

➤ Use a preconfigured setting by selecting one of the vendor/emulator

settings that are supplied with your Terminal Emulator Add-in.
➤ Configure a new user-defined setting by supplying the details of your
vendor and emulator.
After completing the wizard, the vendor and emulator names that you
define here appear in the list of vendor/emulator combinations in the
QuickTest Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator pane.
➤ Modify an existing user-defined setting that has been previously configured
with the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.
You can also modify a setting that has been copied to your computer
registry, as described in “Copying Existing Configurations” on page 510.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Click Next. If you chose to use a preconfigured setting, the Configure

Emulator Screen Settings screen opens. For more information, see
“Configure Emulator Screen Settings Screen” on page 507. If you chose to
configure a new user-defined setting, or modify an existing user-defined
setting, the Emulator Setup screen opens.

Note: If you chose a preconfigured setting, you can click Finish instead of
Next to begin working with QuickTest to test the emulator you selected.
However, if you are testing a Web-based emulator, or if QuickTest is not
recording or recognizing objects as expected, it is recommended to click
Next and define the emulator screen settings. Note that the emulator screen
settings do not affect run sessions; they affect only recording and other
object operations (for example, inserting checkpoints, using the Object Spy,
and so on.)

For more information on using your emulator with QuickTest, see “Testing
Terminal Emulator Applications” on page 519.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Emulator Setup Screen

The Emulator Setup screen instructs you to open your terminal emulator
and connect it to the server.

If your emulator supports HLLAPI, enable it and set the emulator short
session name to the uppercase letter A. For more information, see “Setting
Your Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest” on page 512.

When you click Next, the Configure HLLAPI Properties screen opens.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen

The Configure HLLAPI Properties screen allows you to specify whether your
terminal emulator supports HLLAPI.

If your emulator does not support HLLAPI, select Emulator does not support
HLLAPI. When you click Next, the Configure Emulator Classes screen opens.
For more information, see “Configure Emulator Classes Screen” on
page 505.

If your emulator supports HLLAPI, select Emulator supports HLLAPI and

supply the information described below. If you are not sure what values to
enter, consult your terminal emulator documentation or contact the vendor
for your terminal emulator.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

The table below lists the DLL and function names used by the supported
terminal emulators.

Emulator Name DLL Name HLLAPI Function Name

Attachmate EXTRA! and ehlapi32.dll hllapi

Attachmate myEXTRA! Terminal

Hummingbird HostExplorer ehllap32.dll HLLAPI32

IBM Personal Communications pcshll32.dll hllapi

(PCOM) and IBM WebSphere
Host On-Demand

NetManage RUMBA and ehlapi32.dll hllapi

NetManage RUMBA Web-To-Host

Seagull BlueZone WHLAPI32.dll hllapi

WRQ Reflection hllapi32.dll hllapi

Zephyr (PC/Web to Host) PassHll.dll hllapi

➤ HLLAPI dll path. QuickTest uses the HLLAPI dynamic-link library file
specified for the selected emulator to connect to the emulator and to
retrieve data concerning its current status. This file usually resides in the
terminal emulator installation folder. You can click the browse button to
search for the path.
➤ HLLAPI function name. The HLLAPI DLL for the selected emulator uses this
function as the entry point for all HLLAPI calls.
➤ HLLAPI format. This is the format by which QuickTest attempts to identify
your emulator screen. If you are working with VT protocols, select the
Text-only option. Otherwise, it is recommended to select Auto-detect.
If, in the next screen, QuickTest is unable to capture the text from your
terminal emulator, you may need to return to this screen and change this
selection to Classic, Extended, or Text-only.
When you click Next, the HLLAPI Configuration Test screen opens.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

HLLAPI Configuration Test Screen

If you selected Emulator supports HLLAPI in the Configure HLLAPI
Properties screen, the HLLAPI Configuration Test screen displays a screen
capture test. This test enables you to determine whether QuickTest has been
able to accurately identify your terminal emulator screen.

Check that the screen capture test is correct for your currently selected
terminal emulator, and that all the text has been correctly identified and

If the wizard displays the emulator screen and the text correctly, click Next.
The Configure Emulator Classes screen opens. For more information, see
“Configure Emulator Classes Screen” on page 505.

Troubleshooting the HLLAPI Properties Configuration

If the wizard does not display the text correctly or if the HLLAPI
configuration test fails, do the following:

1 Click Back. Before repeating the test:

➤ Make sure your emulator is connected to the host and the short name for
the session is set to the uppercase letter A. For more information, see
“Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest” on page 512.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

➤ Check that the settings you entered in the Configure HLLAPI Properties
screen are accurate (DLL path, procedure, format). For more information,
see “Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen” on page 501.
➤ Make sure that the HLLAPI .dll file you specified in the DLL path is not in
use by QuickTest or another application. If the .dll file is currently in use
by another application, click Cancel to close the wizard, close the
application using the DLL, and restart the wizard. If the .dll file is
currently in use by QuickTest, choose a different emulator and create a
new test, then reopen the wizard and modify the original configuration
as required.
2 If the display is still not correct, click Back and in the Configure HLLAPI
Properties screen, change the HLLAPI format to Text-only. You should also
use the Text-only option if you are working with a VT protocol, or if you
have begun working in QuickTest and encountered problems with recording
and running tests or components. For more information, see “Configure
HLLAPI Properties Screen” on page 501.
3 If all the above tips have failed to solve the problem, click Back and in the
Configure HLLAPI Properties screen, select Emulator does not support
HLLAPI. For more information, see “Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen” on
page 501.

Tip: If you have a good understanding of your emulator, you may be able to
solve any problems you experience by adjusting the configuration settings.
For more information, see Chapter 34, “Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator
Configuration Settings.”

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Configure Emulator Classes Screen

QuickTest distinguishes between the window of the terminal emulator and
the screens in the host application.

Entering the class information in the Configure Emulator Classes screen

enables QuickTest to locate the information on the emulator screen by
identifying the components of the terminal emulator window.

Identifying Emulator Components

To identify the components of the emulator, click the pointing hand and
then click the corresponding object on your terminal emulator window:

➤ Main window class. Click the uppermost title bar of the main emulator
➤ Text window class. Click on the text within the emulator screen.
➤ Toolbar class. Click the terminal emulator’s toolbar (if applicable).
➤ Status bar class. Click the lowest status bar of the main emulator window
(if applicable).

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Emulator Process Image Name

After the emulator main window class has been identified, the wizard
detects the process name for the emulator and displays it in the Emulator
process image name box. QuickTest uses this process name to identify the
correct process for this terminal emulator when recording and running tests
or components.

Check that the displayed process name is correct for this emulator.

Tip: You can view the image names of the currently loaded processes in the
Image Name column of the Windows Task Manager Processes tab.

Configure Emulator Screen

If your emulator supports HLLAPI, the Terminal Emulator Add-in
automatically retrieves the configuration settings for the emulator screen.
These are normally correct. If you want to review or change these settings,
select the Configure Emulator Screen check box.

If your emulator does not support HLLAPI, you need to configure your
emulator screen correctly for use with QuickTest. Make sure that the
Configure Emulator Screen check box is selected.

If you select the Configure Emulator Screen check box and click Next, the
Configure Emulator Screen Settings screen opens. For more information, see
“Configure Emulator Screen Settings Screen” on page 507.

If you choose not to configure the emulator screen settings, the Terminal
Emulator Add-in automatically adjusts the screen size and alignment, using
a proprietary algorithm with the settings retrieved for the emulator.

If you do not select the Configure Emulator Screen check box, when you
click Next, the Completing the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard
screen opens. For more information, see “Completing the Terminal
Emulator Configuration Wizard Screen” on page 509.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Configure Emulator Screen Settings Screen

If you selected a preconfigured setting, or if you selected the Configure
Emulator Screen check box in the Configure Emulator Classes screen, your
emulator screen is displayed with a red grid overlay, and the Configure
Emulator Screen Settings screen opens.

Change the settings of the emulator screen to correspond to the required

settings for your emulator. The character size, column, and row details for
your terminal emulator are generally available from your emulator’s
connection configuration menu.

As you change the settings for the emulator screen, the grid automatically
adjusts to show the new settings.

Marking the Text Area

You can click Mark Text Area to define the dimensions of the terminal
emulator text area on your emulator screen. When you click Mark Text
Area, the wizard is minimized and the cursor becomes a crosshairs pointer.
Drag the pointer on your emulator screen to define the text area.

After you mark the text area on your emulator screen you can fine-tune your
settings by adjusting the text screen settings.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Adjusting the Text Screen Settings

You can specify your emulator’s screen size in terms of:

➤ Number of columns and rows. Specify the number of columns and rows in
your emulator screen.
➤ Character size. Select the width and height of your emulator’s characters to
fit correctly in the defined emulator screen.

You can specify how the text on your emulator’s screen should be aligned in
relation to the emulator window when the window size changes. The effect
of these settings depends on the behavior of your emulator:

➤ Screen alignment. Select the vertical alignment (Top or Center) and the
horizontal alignment (Left or Center) of the emulator screen inside the
window. These options are already optimized for preconfigured emulator
settings, and cannot be modified.

Tip: The screen alignment settings determine how QuickTest identifies the
information on your emulator screen. If you are having trouble recording
and running tests or components (for example, the ClickPosition method is
not accurately determining the coordinates), try changing the Screen
alignment settings.

➤ Screen offset. Select the top and left offset for the text on your emulator
screen in relation to the emulator window. For example, if you know that
your emulator always reserves one blank row at the top of the screen, set the
offset to 1.

Note: You can open the wizard again at any time to adjust these settings, by
clicking Open Wizard in the QuickTest Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator
pane. For more information, see “Modifying Your Terminal Emulator
Settings” on page 522.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

When you click Next, the Completing the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Wizard screen opens.

Completing the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard

When you have finished configuring the settings for your terminal
emulator, the Completing the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard
screen opens.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

To save your settings to a separate registry file, select Save terminal emulator
settings to file and specify a location.

Note: It is recommended that you save the settings you have just configured
to a separate registry file. This allows you to restore this exact configuration
if you later change your configuration settings. For more information, see
“Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings” on page 522.

If you save your settings to a registry file, other users will be able to copy and
use your terminal emulator configuration. For more information, see
“Copying Existing Configurations” on page 510.

When you click Finish, the name you assigned to your new configuration
settings is added to the list of available terminal emulators in the Terminal
Emulator pane of the Options dialog box.

Note: If you are using the wizard from the Terminal Emulator pane of the
Options dialog box, any changes you make are not applied to the currently
open test or component. To apply your changes, close your test or
component and reopen it.

Copying Existing Configurations

After one user has configured the QuickTest settings for a specific emulator
using the wizard, other users can copy the configuration to their computer.

Note: Before the configuration can be copied, it must be saved to a registry

file, using the Save terminal emulator settings to file option in the wizard’s
final screen. For more information, see “Completing the Terminal Emulator
Configuration Wizard Screen” on page 509.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

If the settings for your terminal emulator have been configured and saved to
a file on another computer (or on a network drive), you can copy this file to
your computer, instead of running the wizard and defining the settings
yourself. Before you copy the saved configuration, make sure you know the
vendor name and the emulator name assigned to the configuration, and the
exact name and location of the file. The file has a .reg extension.

After you have copied a configuration file from another location, the
emulator name assigned to this configuration is added to the list of available
terminal emulators for your QuickTest installation.

To copy an existing configuration file onto your computer:

1 Locate the registry file containing the configuration settings for your
emulator. The file has a .reg extension.
2 Copy the file to the <QuickTest installation folder>\dat folder on your
The path for the dat folder in a typical installation is:
C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\dat.
3 Double-click the registry file to open the Registry Editor window.

4 Click Yes to add the information into the registry. A message opens
confirming that the information has been copied into the registry.

5 Click OK. The emulator name assigned to this configuration is added to the
list of available terminal emulators for your QuickTest installation.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

After you have opened QuickTest with the Terminal Emulator Add-in
loaded, you can select the new emulator name from the list in the
Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator pane, and set it as your default
emulator. You can also open the wizard to modify the emulator settings. For
more information, see “Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings” on
page 522.

Note: If you copy a configuration file after starting QuickTest, you need to
close and reopen QuickTest to see the updated list of available emulators.

Setting Your Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest

If you are working with an emulator that supports HLLAPI, you must do the
following to enable testing on your terminal emulator application:

➤ Connect your emulator to the host before running the Terminal Emulator
Configuration Wizard and before recording each test or component.
➤ Assign the uppercase letter A as the short name for the current emulator

Note: You may need to restart the emulator after changing these settings.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

The QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in offers preconfigured

support for the following emulators:

➤ “Attachmate EXTRA!” on page 513

➤ “Attachmate myEXTRA! Terminal Viewer” on page 514
➤ “Hummingbird HostExplorer” on page 515
➤ “IBM Personal Communications (PCOM)” on page 515
➤ “IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand” on page 515
➤ “NetManange RUMBA” on page 516
➤ “NetManage RUMBA Web-to-Host” on page 517
➤ “Seagull BlueZone” on page 517
➤ “WRQ Reflection” on page 518
➤ “Zephyr Passport” on page 518

Note: For more information on supported emulator versions and protocols,

see the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

Attachmate EXTRA!
To connect your EXTRA! terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Load EXTRA!.
2 In EXTRA!, select Options > Global Preferences. The Global Preferences
dialog box opens.
3 Click the Advanced tab.
4 In the HLLAPI shortname list, select the uppercase letter A as the Short

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

5 Click the browse button, browse to and select your session profile, and click
6 Save the profile.

Tip: It is recommended to save the profile before you start testing with
QuickTest Professional. This enables you to configure the terminal emulator
once and then reuse the saved settings.

Attachmate myEXTRA! Terminal Viewer

To connect your myEXTRA! terminal viewer to QuickTest:
1 Open the myEXTRA! Management and Control Services window.
2 In the Management and Control Services window, select Products >
Terminal Viewers. The Terminal Viewers tree is displayed in the left pane.
3 In the Terminal Viewers tree, select the required terminal.
4 In the right pane, select the required session and click Properties.
5 In the Properties pane, click Configure to configure the connection.
6 In the General tab of the Configure pane, select the Support HLLAPI check
box and set the session name to A.
7 Save the session.

Note: If this is the first time that you are connecting to a myEXTRA!
terminal viewer, you must install the HLLAPI DLL. Click Preferences and
then click the Install HLLAPI Client Components link.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

Hummingbird HostExplorer
To connect your HostExplorer terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Load HostExplorer.
2 From the HostExplorer main menu, select File > Save Session Profile.
3 The Save Profile dialog box opens. Set the HLLAPI Short Name to the
uppercase letter A.
4 From the main menu, select Options > API Settings.
5 The API Global Settings dialog box opens. Check the Update screen after
PS update and Auto sync options.
6 Click OK.


1 Load HostExplorer.
2 Open a saved session.
3 Select Options > Edit Session Profile.
4 Select Terminal > API in the categories tree.
5 Select A as the session short name and click OK.
6 Save the session profile.

IBM Personal Communications (PCOM)

The preconfigured settings enable QuickTest to work with IBM PCOM
terminal emulators.

IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand

To connect your WebSphere Host On-Demand terminal emulator to
1 Download the WebSphere Host On-Demand EHLLAPI Enablement Tool
from the IBM Web site (http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/ehllapi/bridge-p).
2 Follow the installation instructions in the WebSphere Host On-Demand
EHLLAPI Enablement Tool Readme file.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

3 To be able to record on the WebSphere Host On-Demand terminal emulator,

define the session options as follows:
➤ Click Configure and select Properties from the list. Then select
Preferences > Start Options and set Auto-Start HLLAPI Enabler to Yes.
➤ Set the Start In Separate Window option to Yes.
➤ Set the Alternate Terminal option to Disable.
The server and client should not be installed on a computer on which
another terminal emulator is installed.

NetManange RUMBA
To connect your RUMBA terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Load RUMBA.
2 In RUMBA, select Options > API. The API Options dialog box opens.
3 Click the Identification tab.
4 In the Session Short Name field, type the uppercase letter A.
5 Click OK.
6 Save the profile.

Tip: It is recommended to save the profile before you start testing with
QuickTest Professional. This enables you to configure the terminal emulator
once and then reuse the saved settings.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

NetManage RUMBA Web-to-Host

To connect your RUMBA Web-to-Host terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Open the RUMBA Web-to-Host Session Configuration Manager and open a
2 In addition to your standard configuration steps in the Configuration
a Select Pro client from the Implementation drop-down list.
b Click HLLAPI Configuration and select A from the Session Short Name
drop-down list.
3 Save the profile.


➤ Only Mainframe Display is supported for the Java Client.

➤ Only Replay is supported for both Java client and Pro client.

Seagull BlueZone
To connect your BlueZone terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Load BlueZone.
2 In BlueZone, select Options > API. The API Properties dialog box opens.
3 Click the Options tab.
4 In the Short Name Session Identifier field, type the uppercase letter A.
5 Click OK.
6 Save the session.

Chapter 31 • Using the Terminal Emulator Add-in

WRQ Reflection
To connect your Reflection terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Open a new or existing session.
2 Select Setup > Terminal.
3 In the Short Name field, type the uppercase letter A.
4 Click OK.

Zephyr Passport
To connect your Zephyr Passport terminal emulator to QuickTest:
1 Open a new or existing session.
2 Check that the session shortname (A) Passport.zws appears in the window
title bar.

Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

You can use the QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in to test
applications running on most terminal emulators. The QuickTest
Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in recognizes your terminal emulator
and records and runs the operations you perform on the screens and fields
of the running application.

Before you record or run a test or component on a terminal emulator

application, you must connect your emulator to the host and ensure that
the emulator is configured properly. For more information, see “Setting Your
Terminal Emulator to Work with QuickTest” on page 512.

Note: You can record on only one terminal emulator session at a time.
Multiple open sessions may cause problems with recording and running
tests or components.

This chapter explains how to use QuickTest to record and run tests or
components on terminal emulator applications. For more information on
working with QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide, and the
HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

This chapter includes:

➤ About Testing Terminal Emulator Applications on page 521
➤ Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings on page 522
➤ Validating your Terminal Emulator Configuration on page 524
➤ Understanding the Test Object Model on page 528
➤ Identifying Test Object Classes for Terminal Emulators on page 529
➤ Understanding Terminal Emulator Recovery Scenarios on page 533
➤ Recording Tests and Components on Terminal Emulator Applications
on page 534

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

About Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

QuickTest distinguishes between the window of the terminal emulator and
the screens in the host application. The terminal emulator window consists
of the frame, menus, toolbar, and status bar of the terminal emulator itself.
This window remains constant throughout each terminal emulator session.

The terminal emulator screen refers to the area of the window in which the
application is displayed. Each time the host responds to user input to the
application, the screen changes.

Note: When you use the QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in,
your test or component can include calls to WinRunner tests as long as
these tests do not use the WinRunner Terminal Emulator Add-in. Similarly,
when running a WinRunner test with the WinRunner Terminal Emulator
Add-in, your test can include calls to QuickTest Professional tests, as long as
these tests do not use the QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings

You configure terminal emulator settings using the Terminal Emulator
Configuration Wizard. The wizard opens after you install the QuickTest
Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in. For more information, see “Using
the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard” on page 495.

If you need to change your selection or modify any of the settings, you can
do so in the Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog box
(Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator node). You can also validate your
current terminal emulator configurations in this pane.

This pane is available only when the QuickTest Professional Terminal

Emulator Add-in is installed and loaded. Any changes you make to the
settings in this pane are immediately applied to the currently open test or
component when you click OK.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

You can select an emulator to test using the Vendor and Emulator list boxes.
The displayed lists include all of the vendor/emulator combination settings
that are:

➤ Preconfigured (supplied with your Terminal Emulator Add-in)

➤ Copied to your computer
➤ Previously configured using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard

You can also open the wizard to configure a new terminal emulator setting
or modify an existing setting.

The Terminal Emulator pane includes the following options:

➤ Vendor. The list of available terminal emulator vendors. Select the vendor
for your emulator.
➤ Emulator. The list of terminal emulators available for the selected vendor.
Select the emulator application you want to test.
➤ Validate. Validates the current configurations of the selected emulator, and
provides a description of any detected problem. For more information, see
“Validating your Terminal Emulator Configuration” on page 524.
➤ Troubleshoot. Opens a specific Help page that provides a troubleshooting
solution where available. For more information, see “Validating your
Terminal Emulator Configuration” on page 524.
➤ Protocol. The protocol that your emulator uses. It is recommended to select
➤ Screen label. The area from which QuickTest reads the label property of the
emulator screen while recording a test or component. If the location and
length of the label are correctly defined, QuickTest uses this value as the
name of the TeScreen object. The Screen label area is enabled only for
emulators that support HLLAPI.
Enter the Start row and Start column coordinates that mark the beginning
of the emulator label. Define the size of the label by entering the Length
(in characters).

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

It is possible to change the way that QuickTest reads the label property of
the emulator screen, by adjusting the configuration settings. For more
information, see “Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration
Settings” on page 545.
➤ Open Wizard. Opens the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard. The
wizard enables you to define new settings for a terminal emulator or to
modify existing user-defined settings. For more information, see “Using the
Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard” on page 495.
➤ Adjust Configuration. Opens the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Adjustments dialog box to allow changes to existing configuration settings
in exceptional circumstances.
In general, it is recommended to use the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Wizard to configure your emulator screen settings. For more information,
see “Configure Emulator Screen Settings Screen” on page 507. You should
use the Adjust Configuration option only if you have a good understanding
of your terminal emulator settings and of the impact that such changes may
have on your tests or components. For more information, see Chapter 34,
“Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings.”

Validating your Terminal Emulator Configuration

QuickTest provides a Validate button in the Terminal Emulator pane of the
Options dialog box that checks the current configurations of the selected
emulator. If a problem is detected, a brief description is displayed in the
pane. You can also click the Troubleshoot button to view a specific
troubleshooting Help page that provides additional information where
available. The Validate feature reports problems resulting from:

➤ invalid terminal emulator configurations in the Terminal Emulator pane

(Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator node).
➤ invalid configurations made when configuring the terminal emulator using
the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools > Options > Terminal
Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ errors in the terminal emulator itself.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

The following possible responses and troubleshooting procedures are

provided by validating and troubleshooting the emulator configuration:

➤ “Invalid HLLAPI DLL” on page 525

➤ “Cannot detect an open session” on page 525
➤ “Cannot locate the main window class” on page 526
➤ “Cannot detect the emulator screen” on page 526
➤ “Cannot connect to the open session” on page 526
➤ “Cannot retrieve session text” on page 527
➤ “Cannot detect open session, or Cannot locate the main window class” on
page 527
➤ “HLLAPI DLL not found” on page 527
➤ “More than one session open” on page 528
➤ “Unknown error” on page 528


The required HLLAPI or EHLLAPI function cannot be found, because the
configured DLL is invalid.

➤ Ensure that you have configured the correct DLL path and name in the
Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools > Options > Terminal
Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ For more information, see the table listing the DLL names used by
supported terminal emulators in “Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen” on
page 501, or the documentation provided by your emulator provider.

Cannot detect an open session

QuickTest cannot detect an open terminal emulator session.

➤ Ensure that you have opened a current session in your terminal emulator.
➤ For HLLAPI emulators, ensure that the emulator short session name is set to
the uppercase letter A. You may need to restart the emulator after changing
this setting.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Cannot locate the main window class

QuickTest cannot find the terminal emulator main window class name.

➤ Ensure that you have correctly configured the terminal emulator main
window class name in the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools >
Options > Terminal Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ If the main window class name has a postfix that changes each time you
launch the emulator, enter only the non-changing portion of the name in
the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

Cannot detect the emulator screen

QuickTest cannot find the terminal emulator main window class name.

➤ Ensure that you have correctly configured the terminal emulator main
window class name in the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools >
Options > Terminal Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ If the main window class name has a postfix that changes each time you
launch the emulator, enter only the non-changing portion of the name in
the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

Cannot connect to the open session

Although a current session is open, invoking an HLLAPI function resulted in
an error.

➤ Restart QuickTest Professional and then restart the emulator. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact your emulator provider.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Cannot retrieve session text

QuickTest cannot display text captured in the current session.

➤ HLLAPI Emulators—Restart QuickTest Professional and then restart the

emulator. If this does not resolve the problem, contact your emulator
➤ Non-HLLAPI Emulators—Click Validate again. If the error message is
repeated, check that the emulator screen is brought to the front during the
validate process (even when using remote access). If this is the case, contact
HP Customer Support.

Cannot detect open session, or Cannot locate the main

window class
QuickTest cannot detect an open terminal emulator session, or find the
terminal emulator main window class name.

➤ Ensure that you have opened a current session in your terminal emulator.
➤ Ensure that you have correctly configured the terminal emulator main
window class name in the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools >
Options > Terminal Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ If the main window class name has a postfix that changes each time you
launch the emulator, enter only the non-changing portion of the name in
the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

HLLAPI DLL not found

QuickTest cannot find the HLLAPI DLL specified for the selected emulator.

➤ Ensure that you have configured the correct DLL path and name in the
Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard (Tools > Options > Terminal
Emulator node > Open Wizard).
➤ For more information, see the table listing the DLL names used by
supported terminal emulators in “Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen” on
page 501, or the documentation provided by your emulator provider.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

More than one session open

More than one terminal emulator session is currently open.

➤ Close additional sessions.

Unknown error
The validation process failed due to an unknown error.

➤ Restart QuickTest Professional and then restart the emulator.

Understanding the Test Object Model

The test object model is the set of object types or classes that QuickTest uses to
represent the objects in your application. Each test object class has a list of
properties that can uniquely identify objects of that class, and a set of
relevant operations that QuickTest can perform during a run session.

For example, suppose you type Guest into an appropriate field on a Sign On
screen of your terminal emulator application. This field has the text User
attached to it.

QuickTest identifies the field as a TeField object. It creates a TeField test

object with the name User and records the following properties and values
as the description for the User TeField:

It also records that you performed a Set method on the TeField object.

QuickTest displays your step in the Keyword View like this:

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

QuickTest displays your step in the Expert View like this:

TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen("Sign On").TeField("User").Set "Guest"

Identifying Test Object Classes for Terminal Emulators

QuickTest, with add-in support for terminal emulators, identifies the
following test objects:

➤ TeWindow Object
➤ TeScreen and TeField Objects
➤ TeTextScreen Object

TeWindow Object
TeWindow is the window test object for all supported terminal emulators,
consisting of the frame, menus, toolbar, and status bar (where applicable) of
the terminal emulator itself. It represents the terminal emulator window for
the session.

The TeWindow object has a number of properties associated with it, but no
window-specific methods.

You can use the values of the Emulator status property and the other
properties of the TeWindow object to define recovery scenarios for your
terminal emulator application tests or components. Recovery scenarios
define possible unexpected events and errors, and the operations necessary
to recover the run session. For more information on recovery scenarios for
terminal emulator tests or components, see “Understanding Terminal
Emulator Recovery Scenarios” on page 533.

The property values for the TeWindow object can be retrieved using the
GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods. For more information on these
methods and the TeWindow object properties, see the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

You can record the selection of menu options in the terminal emulator
window, as well as the operations that are performed in the dialog boxes
that open from the menu options. For example, you can test a business
process in which the user selects a menu option that displays a dialog
containing a list of macros, and then selects a macro to run.

QuickTest records these operations using the standard Windows test objects
and methods for menus and dialog boxes. For more information on
standard Windows objects, methods, and properties, see the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

It is possible to prevent QuickTest from recording menu selections and the

resulting dialog boxes by adjusting the terminal emulator configuration
settings. For example, you may not want emulator-specific menu and dialog
box steps in your test or component if cross-emulator compatibility is
important, or if these steps are not relevant to your test or component. For
more information, see Chapter 34, “Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator
Configuration Settings.”

Note: QuickTest does not record operations on the toolbar and status bar in
the terminal emulator window. However, you can insert checkpoints or
output values for the status bar of the terminal emulator window while
recording. For more information, see Chapter 33, “Enhancing Your Terminal
Emulator Tests and Components.”

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

TeScreen and TeField Objects

The TeScreen and TeField objects are used for preconfigured terminal
emulators, or those that have been user-defined as fully supporting HLLAPI.
TeScreen is the screen test object, and TeField is the field test object.

The TeScreen object is the application area. It changes each time input is
received from the host. The TeField object includes unprotected fields,
which can receive input, and protected fields, which contain fixed text.

Emulator window

field TeField

Protected field

Emulator screen

Note: By default, QuickTest identifies a screen object using its label property.
The value of the label property is determined by the location of the label
area, which is defined by the values of the screen label column, screen label
length and screen label row properties. These three properties are part of the
TeScreen test object description and are therefore not available in the Object
Identification dialog box. For more information on the Object Identification
dialog box, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

TeTextScreen Object
The TeTextScreen object is the text screen test object for terminal emulators
that do not support HLLAPI or that have been configured as supporting
text-only HLLAPI operations.

With the TeTextScreen object, QuickTest identifies elements in the terminal

emulator screen as text on a specific location in the screen. It does not
recognize fields.

Terminal Emulator
window TeWindow

Text screen

Note: The recorded and smart identification properties of the TeTextScreen

object cannot be configured. This object is therefore not included in the
Test Object classes list for the Terminal Emulators environment in the
Object Identification dialog box. For more information on the Object
Identification dialog box, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Understanding Terminal Emulator Recovery Scenarios

QuickTest allows you to define recovery scenarios for your tests or
components, to cater for various unexpected events, such as crashes and
error situations, which can disrupt your tests or components and distort
your results.

You can use the values of the Emulator status property and the other
properties of the TeWindow object to define specific recovery scenarios for
your terminal emulator application tests or components.

The possible values for the Emulator status property are:

➤ Busy. Emulator is communicating with the server.

➤ Disconnected. Emulator is not connected to the server.
➤ Locked. Emulator cannot currently accept input.
➤ Ready. Emulator is waiting for input.
➤ Unavailable. Emulator status cannot be identified.

For each emulator status, you can create a recovery scenario that performs
an appropriate recovery operation. For example:

➤ Disconnected. Reconnect to the server, using a function call recovery

operation that includes recorded steps for connecting, API commands in a
VB Script, or a keyboard shortcut key, according to the capabilities of your
terminal emulator.
➤ Ready. Perform specific operations according to the content of a displayed
error message, including pressing the relevant key.
➤ Locked. Activate the emulator’s RESET key, or use a handler function to
disconnect from the server and reconnect.
For detailed information on defining recovery scenarios, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Recording Tests and Components on Terminal Emulator

As you record, the test or component reflects the objects in your application
and the type of operation you perform (such as pressing function keys or
typing in fields). Each object has a defined set of properties that determines
its behavior and appearance. QuickTest learns these properties and uses
them to identify and locate objects during a run session.

Tip: You can launch your terminal emulator using the SystemUtil.Run
method as the first step of your test or component. For more information,
see the section on running and closing applications programmatically in the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide, and the Standard Windows section of
the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

By default, when you record a test or component, QuickTest automatically

inserts synchronization points so that during a run session, execution will
be delayed until the application is ready to receive input. You can also add
synchronization points manually. For more information, see
“Synchronizing the Run Session” on page 538.

The following is a sample of a QuickTest test recorded on a terminal

emulator application that fully supports HLLAPI.

While recording, the user pressed the ENTER key in the first screen of an
application, waited for the screen to change, and then typed the name
MERCTEST and a password in the appropriate fields.

TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen("Welcome").SendKey TE_ENTER
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen("Sign On").TeField("User").Set "MERCTEST"
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen("Sign On").TeField("Password").
SetSecure "3c4feb5bc6233d6e6898bc"

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

QuickTest displays this test in the Keyword View like this:

The following is a sample test on a terminal emulator that does not support
HLLAPI or that has been configured to support text-only HLLAPI operations.

Note that QuickTest records the TeTextScreen object instead of the TeScreen
object and that it does not record TeField objects. The operations are
recorded in terms of keyboard and mouse operations on the text screen,
rather than operations within fields.

TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").ClickPosition 24,2
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type "l"
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type "qa1"
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn

QuickTest displays this test in the Keyword View like this:

Chapter 32 • Testing Terminal Emulator Applications

Note: If you are using an emulator that is configured as fully supporting

HLLAPI and you need to record specific steps in terms of keyboard and
mouse operations on the text screen (instead of operations within fields), it
is possible to change the recording mode for your emulator by adjusting the
configuration. For more information, see Chapter 34, “Adjusting Your
Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings.”

Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests
and Components

After you create your test or component, you can enhance it by adding
checkpoints, retrieving output values, adding synchronization points,
parameterizing values, and inserting terminal emulator objects, methods
and properties into your test or component. For example, you can use
standard checkpoints to check the number of protected or input fields in a
screen, or you can check the content of a specific field and whether it is
protected or visible.

This chapter includes:

➤ Working with Checkpoints and Output Values on page 537
➤ Synchronizing the Run Session on page 538
➤ Identifying Test Object Classes and Icons on page 543

Working with Checkpoints and Output Values

While recording your test, you can add text checkpoints for the TeScreen
and TeTextScreen objects, for the status bar of the terminal emulator
window, and for the dialog boxes that open after menu options are selected.
While editing your test or component, you can add text checkpoints for
TeScreen objects. You can also output property or text values from the
objects in your terminal emulator application to use in your test or

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

Guidelines for Using Checkpoints and Output Values

➤ When working with tests, you can add text checkpoints for TeTextScreen
objects while editing, if the test was recorded using an emulator with full
HLLAPI support that has been configured to record in Text screen mode. For
more information on changing the emulator mode, see Chapter 34,
“Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings.”
➤ You can create bitmap checkpoints for TeWindow, TeScreen and
TeTextScreen objects, but not for TeField objects.
➤ You can create text output values (tests only) only for TeScreen and
TeTextScreen objects.
➤ In the terminal emulator window you can add text checkpoints or output
values (tests only) and standard checkpoints and output values for the status
bar and the dialog boxes that open from the menu options. QuickTest
recognizes these as standard Windows objects. For more information on the
properties of standard Windows objects, see the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

For more information on standard, text, and bitmap checkpoints, and on

standard and text output values, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Synchronizing the Run Session

When testing a terminal emulator application, many factors can affect its
speed of operation and therefore can potentially interfere with the run
session. For example, host response time can vary depending on the system

Synchronizing your run session ensures that QuickTest performs the next
step in the test or component only when your terminal emulator
application is ready to continue. This prevents incidental differences in host
response time and other factors from affecting successive run sessions.

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

For more information, see:

➤ “About Synchronizing the Run Session” on page 539

➤ “Synchronizing with the Host” on page 540
➤ “Waiting for a Specified Text String” on page 541
➤ “Setting Synchronization Timeouts” on page 542
➤ “Inserting a Synchronization Point for an Object” on page 543

About Synchronizing the Run Session

The QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in provides various
synchronization options that you can use to pace your run session. These
can be inserted into your test or component automatically or with
programming statements.

For all emulators, you can instruct QuickTest to delay the run session:

➤ for a specified period of time

➤ until a specific string appears in a defined area
➤ until a specified property achieves a defined value
For emulators that fully support HLLAPI, you can also synchronize the run
session with the response time of the host.

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

Synchronizing with the Host

By default, when you record using a terminal emulator that fully supports
HLLAPI, QuickTest automatically generates a Sync statement for the
TeScreen object each time the emulator waits for a response from the host.

When you record using a terminal emulator that does not support HLLAPI,
or that has been configured as supporting text-only HLLAPI operations,
QuickTest automatically generates a Sync statement for the TeTextScreen
object each time a specified key is pressed. The default is the ENTER key.
QuickTest waits a specified period of time, to allow the host sufficient
response time.

You can also insert a synchronization step at any point during a recording
session. Select Insert > Emulator Synchronization or click the Insert
Emulator Synchronization Step toolbar button.

You can optionally specify a timeout in milliseconds for the Sync statement,
after which the run session continues regardless of the status of the
emulator. If you do not specify a timeout value, QuickTest uses the default
timeout interval, as described in “Setting Synchronization Timeouts” on
page 542.

For the TeScreen object, the Sync method has the following syntax:

TeScreen(description).Sync [Timeout]

Using this method with a TeScreen object ensures that the run session is
delayed until a response is received from the host and the emulator status is
set to Ready (able to receive user input).

For the TeTextScreen object, the Sync method has the following syntax:

TeTextScreen(description).Sync [Timeout]

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

For TeTextScreen objects, the Sync statement simply instructs QuickTest to

wait for the specified period of time before continuing to the next step in
the test or component. You may find it more efficient to use the WaitString
method for TeTextScreen objects, as described in “Waiting for a Specified
Text String” on page 541.


➤ Your emulator configuration can be adjusted to prevent QuickTest from

automatically inserting Sync steps for TeScreen objects in your test or
➤ It is also possible to specify the keys that generate Sync steps for
TeTextScreen objects.
➤ For more information, see Chapter 34, “Adjusting Your Terminal
Emulator Configuration Settings.”

Waiting for a Specified Text String

QuickTest’s WaitString method delays the run session until a specific text
string appears in a specified rectangle on the terminal emulator screen. The
specified text string can be a constant string or a regular expression.

To insert a WaitString statement while recording:

1 Select Insert > Emulator WaitString or click the Insert Emulator WaitString
Step toolbar button. Your cursor becomes a crosshairs pointer.
2 Drag the pointer to draw a rectangle on your emulator screen containing the
text string for which you want the run session to wait. QuickTest inserts a
step into your test or component with the following syntax:
TeScreen object:
TeScreen(description).WaitString String [, TopRow, LeftColumn, BottomRow,
RightColumn, Timeout, RegExp]

TeTextScreen object:
TeTextScreen(description).WaitString String [, TopRow, LeftColumn,
BottomRow, RightColumn, Timeout, RegExp]

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

The position on the screen is defined by the values of the four corners of the
rectangle, each corner with its own argument.

You can specify that the value specified in the String argument is a regular
expression by setting the value of the RegExp argument to True. Regular
expressions enable QuickTest to identify objects and text strings with
varying values. For more information on regular expressions, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

You can also add an optional timeout value in milliseconds after which the
run session continues regardless of whether the text string appears on the
screen. If you do not specify this value, QuickTest uses the default timeout
interval. For more information, see “Setting Synchronization Timeouts” on
page 542.

The WaitString method returns a value of True if the string appears on the
screen within the timeout period and False if the timeout expires before the
string appears.

Setting Synchronization Timeouts

For tests, you can set the maximum interval (in milliseconds) that QuickTest
waits before running each test step. You do this by setting the Object
Synchronization Timeout in the Run pane of the Test Settings dialog box
(File > Settings > Run node).

Note: This option is not available for components.

This setting is also used as the default timeout for the Sync and WaitString
methods for both the TeScreen and the TeTextScreen objects if a timeout
argument is not specified. For more information on the Test Settings dialog
box, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

Inserting a Synchronization Point for an Object

To instruct QuickTest to pause the test or component until a particular
object property achieves the value you specify, you can insert a
synchronization point. When you insert a synchronization point into your
test or component, QuickTest generates a WaitProperty statement in the
Expert View. For example, if you want the run session to wait until the Text
property of the Result field has a value of Successful, you insert the
following statement:

TeScreen("LogOn").TeField("Result").WaitProperty "Text", "Successful"

For more information on synchronization points, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide.

Identifying Test Object Classes and Icons

The following test object classes and icons apply to terminal emulators that
are configured as fully supporting HLLAPI:

Icon Test Object Class




The following test object classes and icons apply to terminal emulators that
do not support HLLAPI or that have been configured as supporting text-only
HLLAPI operations:

Icon Test Object Class



Chapter 33 • Enhancing Your Terminal Emulator Tests and Components

The following test object classes and icons apply to the Windows objects for
the terminal emulator window status bar and the dialog boxes that open
from the menu options in the terminal emulator window:

Icon Test Object Class



Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator
Configuration Settings

In the majority of cases, QuickTest works successfully with terminal

emulators using the supplied preconfigured settings and with the
configuration settings defined using the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Wizard. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to make minor
adjustments to the configuration settings using the options in the Terminal
Emulator Configuration Adjustments dialog box, which can be accessed by
clicking the Adjust Configuration button on the Tools > Options > Terminal
Emulator node.

Note: Do not change the configuration settings using the options in this
dialog box unless you have a good understanding of your terminal emulator
and of the impact that such changes may have on your tests or components.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

The configuration adjustment options include settings for preconfigured

emulators and user-defined emulator configurations, with and without
HLLAPI support. The type of emulator selected determines which options
are available.

For information on changing the configuration settings, see “Using the

Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments Dialog Box” on page 546.

For an explanation of the purpose and effect of each of the options in this
dialog box, see “Understanding the Configuration Adjustment Options” on
page 551.

This chapter includes:

➤ Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments Dialog Box
on page 546
➤ Understanding the Configuration Adjustment Options on page 551

Using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments

Dialog Box
When you select an emulator in the Terminal Emulator pane and click
Adjust Configuration, the Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments
dialog box opens, displaying the current settings.

The choice of options displayed in this dialog box depends on the type of
terminal emulator selected in the Terminal Emulator pane.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

If you have selected an emulator that supports HLLAPI, the options

displayed in the dialog box include the HLLAPI-specific options.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

If you have selected an emulator that does not support HLLAPI or is

configured for text-only support, the HLLAPI-specific options are not

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

Changing Configuration Settings

The Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments dialog box contains
check boxes, radio buttons, and options that require a numeric or text

To enter a numeric or text value for an option:

1 Click the option once to highlight it.
2 Click the option again or press F2 to access the value to be changed.
3 Change the value as necessary.
4 When you have finished editing the value, click another location in the
dialog box to set the value.

When you have made all the required changes, click OK to update the
current terminal emulator configuration and close the dialog box.

Restoring Configuration Settings

You can restore the default settings for the selected preconfigured emulator
by clicking the Reset button in the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Adjustments dialog box. This button is enabled only if a preconfigured
emulator is selected.

You can also restore the settings for a user-defined terminal emulator, if
these settings were previously saved using the wizard. For more information
on saving emulator settings, see “Completing the Terminal Emulator
Configuration Wizard Screen” on page 509.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

To restore the settings for a user-defined configuration:

1 Locate the saved registry file that contains the configuration settings in the
<QuickTest installation folder>\dat folder on your computer. The file has a
.reg extension. The path for the dat folder in a typical installation is:
C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\dat.
2 Double-click the registry file to activate the registry file. A confirmation
message opens.

3 Click Yes. A message opens confirming that the information has been
copied into the registry.

4 Click OK. The settings in the saved file have been restored.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

Understanding the Configuration Adjustment Options

The majority of the options in the Terminal Emulator Configuration
Adjustments dialog box are specific to the terminal emulator selected in the
Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog. The values for these
emulator-specific options are saved with the selected emulator. For example,
if you specify an HLLAPI DLL file other than the default file, the specified
file is used only for the selected emulator.

For a small number of options, the value is saved and applied regardless of
the emulator selected in the Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog.
For example, if you select not to record menus and dialog boxes, QuickTest
keeps this setting even if you select a different emulator.

The Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments dialog box contains the

following groups of options:

➤ Emulator Settings
➤ HLLAPI Settings
➤ Object Identification Settings
➤ Record Settings
➤ Run Settings
Some of the options may not be available for the selected terminal emulator.
For example, if you have selected an emulator that does not support
HLLAPI, the HLLAPI-specific options are not available.

Tip: You modify options that are displayed as bullets by clicking the text and
modifying the value when the text becomes an editable box. For more
information, see “Changing Configuration Settings” on page 549.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

Emulator Settings
The following options can be used to define configuration settings that
cannot be changed using the wizard:

➤ Auto-advance fields supported. Auto-advance fields allow an application to

proceed automatically to the next screen or field after input of a predefined
number of characters without pressing ENTER or another key.
If your emulator supports auto-advance fields, select this check box to
enable QuickTest to record Set statements on these fields.
This option is available only for emulators that support HLLAPI.
➤ Number of blank lines at bottom of screen. Some emulators reserve blank
lines at the bottom of the screen. If the screen size changes, these lines may
distort QuickTest’s calculation of field locations. This option enables you to
specify the number of blank lines at the bottom of the emulator screen. It is
recommended to use the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard to
configure this setting, but you can also modify the setting using this option.
Enter the number of lines that your emulator reserves at the bottom of the
screen. QuickTest includes this value in its algorithm for identifying field

➤ Code page number (IBM PCOM only). If you are using an IBM PCOM
emulator with a language other than English, enter the code page number
for this language. For example, for the German language keyboard, enter the
value 1252. To use the default code page conversion, specify 0. To view a list
of languages and their code page numbers, select Regional Options in the
Windows Control Panel and select the Advanced button in the General tab.
QuickTest uses this code page to correctly identify the keys you record.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

HLLAPI Settings
The following options can be used to define configuration settings for
emulators that support HLLAPI. These options are not available when an
emulator is selected that does not support HLLAPI.

➤ HLLAPI dll file. QuickTest uses the HLLAPI DLL file specified for the selected
emulator to connect to the emulator and to retrieve data concerning its
current status.
If you are using a customized version of a preconfigured emulator, you may
need to specify a different DLL file name.

➤ HLLAPI function name. The HLLAPI DLL for the selected emulator uses this
function as the entry point for all HLLAPI calls.
If you are using a customized version of a preconfigured emulator, you may
need to specify a different function name.

➤ Argument size for HLLAPI function. For most emulators, the HLLAPI
function receives 16-bit (word) arguments. For some emulators, such as IBM
PCOM, the HLLAPI function receives 32-bit (integer) arguments.
Select the correct argument size for the selected emulator: word (16 bits) or
integer (32 bits).

➤ Execute HLLAPI calls from multiple threads. Some emulators allow HLLAPI
calls from multiple threads, while others require all HLLAPI calls to be
executed from the same thread. For a preconfigured emulator configuration,
this setting is selected by default.
Clear this check box to instruct QuickTest to open a separate process for
HLLAPI calls and to execute all HLLAPI calls from this single thread.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Warn if HLLAPI dll file not found. If this option is selected, QuickTest
displays a warning message when the HLLAPI DLL file for the current
configuration cannot be found. For example, QuickTest warns you if you try
to use the Terminal Emulator Add-in before you have installed the emulator
If you clear this check box and QuickTest cannot find the required DLL file,
it may be difficult to determine why QuickTest is not recording successfully.
It is therefore recommended that you leave this option selected.

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations, regardless

of the currently selected emulator.

Object Identification Settings

The following options can be used to configure the way QuickTest identifies
objects for the selected terminal emulator:

➤ Identify screen label using all characters. The label property value is used to
identify the TeScreen test object. The location and length of the label are
defined for the selected emulator in the Terminal Emulator pane. For more
information, see “Modifying Your Terminal Emulator Settings” on page 522.
By default, only the protected characters in the defined label area are
captured for the label property value.
Select this option if you want QuickTest to capture all the characters in the
label area for the label property, including any unprotected or hidden
characters that may form part of the label.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Identify emulator window based on title bar prefix. QuickTest normally

identifies the emulator window by its object class. With a user-defined
configuration, the class name may not be unique. For example, an emulator
may use a generic class name, such as Afx. In such cases, you can instruct
QuickTest to identify the window based on a static prefix in the window
title bar.
To instruct QuickTest to use a prefix to identify the correct window, specify
the text string for the prefix.
When no value is specified, QuickTest uses the object class to identify the
emulator window.

Record Settings
The following options can be used to configure the way QuickTest records

➤ Communicate with server using these keys. When recording without

HLLAPI support, QuickTest inserts Sync steps after specified keys are pressed,
to synchronize the communication between the emulator and the server.
The keys are identified by their virtual key codes.
The default is the ENTER key—virtual key code value: 13 (0D Hex). You can
specify different or additional keys. For example, you can add the CTRL
key—virtual key code value: 17 (11 Hex).
Specify the decimal value of the virtual key code for each key, separated by a
semicolon (;). QuickTest inserts a Sync step whenever one of these keys is
pressed. For more information on synchronization, see “Synchronizing the
Run Session” on page 538.
For a list of virtual key codes, see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
ms645540.aspx The list on the MSDN page displays the Hex values for each
key code. You must convert the value to decimal and specify the decimal
value of the key codes when you add them to the list for this option.

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations, regardless

of the currently selected emulator.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Record operations on menus and dialog boxes. By default, QuickTest

records operations on the menus of the terminal emulator window and the
dialog boxes that open as a result of these menu option selections. For more
information, see “TeWindow Object” on page 529.
Clear this check box if you do not want QuickTest to record these menu and
dialog box operations. For example, you may not want emulator-specific
menu and dialog box steps in your test or component if cross-emulator
compatibility is important, or if these steps are not relevant to your test or

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations, regardless

of the currently selected emulator.

➤ Record mode. In Text screen mode, QuickTest records operations as

TeTextScreen steps, based on the screen coordinates. In Context-sensitive
mode, QuickTest records field operations as TeField steps. For more
information on the TeField and TeTextScreen objects, see “Identifying Test
Object Classes for Terminal Emulators” on page 529.
By default, all preconfigured terminal emulators and user-defined emulators
configured as fully supporting HLLAPI are set to context-sensitive mode.
Select Text screen mode if you are using an emulator that supports HLLAPI
and you want to test in terms of coordinates instead of TeField objects.
You can use the wizard to change the mode for a user-defined terminal
emulator. For more information, see “Using the Terminal Emulator
Configuration Wizard” on page 495.

Note: For emulators that do not support HLLAPI and those configured as
supporting text-only HLLAPI operations, QuickTest always uses Text screen
mode and this option is not available.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Record steps without synchronizing. By default, when QuickTest recognizes

a user operation in the terminal emulator application, such as keyboard
input or a mouse click, QuickTest suspends the processing of the user input
in the application. After the recorded statement is added to the test or
component script and the Active Screen information has been saved,
QuickTest releases the emulator and allows it to process the user input.
Some emulators, such as IBM PCOM, do not support running HLLAPI while
user input processing is suspended, and require QuickTest to release the
emulator process before executing HLLAPI calls.
If you experience unexpected behavior while trying to record, you may need
to select this option. For example, there may be no response from QuickTest
or the emulator (or both). If you do select this option, make sure that you
allow sufficient time for QuickTest to record each step before performing
another operation.
➤ Record cursor position. When recording in a text screen or field, QuickTest
uses TeTextScreen.ClickPosition or TeField.SetCursorPos to record the cursor
Clear this check box if you do not want to record the cursor position in your
test or component.

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations.

➤ Trim trailing spaces in fields. When recording in Context-sensitive mode,

fields may contain trailing spaces or other "white characters", such as tab
Select this check box to instruct QuickTest to trim these characters. If you
select this option, specify the minimum length of fields to be trimmed.
Fields containing fewer than the specified number of characters remain
unchanged. The default is 5 characters.
Clear the check box to leave the field content unchanged.

Note: This feature is available only for emulators that support HLLAPI.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Use property patterns. Select this check box to use property patterns to
record regular expressions in identification properties, such as for date and
time values in a screen label.
For more information on property patterns, see Using Property Patterns to
Identify Objects (Advanced) in PropPattern.htm. This file is located in the help
subfolder of the QuickTest installation folder.
You can accept the default property pattern configuration file, change its
contents, or specify a different property pattern configuration file. The
default file is designed for applications where the current time forms part of
the screen label. It defines regular expressions that replace the current time
in the screen label, creating a reliable description and readable name for the

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations, regardless

of the currently selected emulator.

Run Settings
The following options can be used to configure the way QuickTest runs tests
or components for the selected terminal emulator, if the emulator supports

➤ Beep when Sync operations are performed. Indicates whether QuickTest

beeps after performing each Sync operation during a run session.

Note: This setting applies to all terminal emulator configurations, regardless

of the currently selected emulator.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

➤ Run steps containing special emulator keys using keyboard events. Instructs
QuickTest to perform SendKey commands using keyboard events. If you do
not use this option to specify key codes, QuickTest performs SendKey
commands using the corresponding HLLAPI function.
Some emulators, for example, Attachmate Extra!, recognize the RESET
command while the emulator is busy only when it is sent using keyboard
events. In the Keys for RESET function option, specify the keyboard
combination of the virtual key code by specifying the decimal value of each
key in the code, separated by semicolons (;).
➤ Time between emulator status checks (in milliseconds). During a Sync step,
QuickTest waits the specified period of time before checking the emulator
status. QuickTest repeats these checks at the specified interval until the
emulator status changes to Ready (or until the Sync timeout is reached), and
then continues with the run session. For more information on
synchronization, see “Synchronizing the Run Session” on page 538.
Specify the interval (in milliseconds) between emulator status checks. The
default is 200.

Note: Specifying a very long interval could significantly increase the time
your tests or components take to run.

Chapter 34 • Adjusting Your Terminal Emulator Configuration Settings

Part XIV
The Visual Basic Add-in
Using the Visual Basic Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional Visual Basic Add-in to test objects
(controls) in Visual Basic applications. You can create and run tests and
components on these objects, as well as check their properties. You create
and run tests and components on Visual Basic applications in much the
same way as you do for other Windows-based applications.

The Visual Basic Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that
can be used when testing objects in Visual Basic applications. For more
information, see the Visual Basic section of the HP QuickTest Professional
Object Model Reference.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Visual Basic Add-in on page 564

Chapter 35 • Using the Visual Basic Add-in

About the Visual Basic Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Visual Basic
Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your Visual Basic application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 35 • Using the Visual Basic Add-in

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
➤ If you select the Record and Run only on radio button,
the settings may also apply to (limit) the applications
that are recognized for Object Spy and other pointing
hand operations.
➤ QuickTest recognizes Visual Basic objects only in
applications that are opened after changing the settings
in the Windows Applications tab of the Record and Run
Settings dialog box.

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 35 • Using the Visual Basic Add-in

Part XV
The VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in
Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

You can use the QuickTest Professional VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in to test
objects (controls) in VisualAge Smalltalk applications. You can create and
run tests and components on these objects, as well as check their properties.
You create and run tests and components on VisualAge Smalltalk
applications in much the same way as you do for other Windows-based

The VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in uses a sub-set of the standard Windows test
objects, methods, and properties, which can be used when testing objects in
VisualAge Smalltalk applications. For more information, see the VisualAge
Smalltalk section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in on page 570
➤ Configuring the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in on page 572

Chapter 36 • Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

About the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the VisualAge
Smalltalk Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of

General Information

Add-in Type This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality

is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.
See “Testing Windows-Based Applications” on page 43.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your VisualAge Smalltalk application before
Application or after opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Other You must configure your VisualAge Smalltalk environment

by importing the qt-adapter.dat file and then recompiling
your application.
See “Configuring the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in” on
page 572.

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Windows Applications pane.

(Tools > Options > Windows Applications node)
See “The Options Dialog Box: Windows Applications
Pane” on page 61.

Chapter 36 • Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

Record and Run Use the Windows Applications tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “The Record and Run Settings Dialog Box: Windows
Applications Tab” on page 46.
➤ QuickTest can recognize only VisualAge applications
that have been precompiled with the qt-adapter agent.
For more information, see “Configuring the VisualAge
Smalltalk Add-in” on page 572.
➤ The Record and Run only on radio button applies only
to record and run sessions. QuickTest recognizes all
VisualAge objects for Object Spy and pointing hand
operations, regardless of the settings in the Record and
Run Settings dialog box.

Custom Active Use the Windows applications section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Applications pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Applications node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 36 • Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

Configuring the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

Before you can use the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in, you must import the
qt-adapter.dat file to your VisualAge Smalltalk development environment.
Then you must recompile your application to include the qt-adapter agent.

Note: The qt-adapter agent is similar to the agent provided with the
WinRunner VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in. Therefore, some steps in the
configuration procedure below include selecting values containing
WinRunner or WR.

To configure your VisualAge Smalltalk environment:

1 Start VisualAge Smalltalk.
2 In the System Transcript window, select Tools > Browse Configuration Maps.
3 In the Configuration Maps Browser window, right-click the Names pane and
select Import.
4 In the Information Required box, enter the IP address or host name of the
server, or leave the text box blank to use the native (fileio) access. Click OK.
The Selection Required dialog box opens.
5 In your file system, browse to the <QuickTest installation folder>/dat folder
and select qt-adapter.dat.
6 In the Selection Required dialog box, do the following:
➤ In the Names pane, select WinRunner.
➤ In the Versions pane, select WR Adapter 1.0.1.
➤ Click the >> button and click OK.
7 In the Configuration Maps Browser window, do the following:
➤ In the Names pane, click WinRunner.
➤ In the Editions and Versions pane, click WR Adapter 1.0.1. A list of
available applications displays in the Applications pane.
➤ Right-click the Editions and Versions pane and select Load.

Chapter 36 • Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

8 To save your changes, select File > Save Image, or click OK in the Warning
dialog box when closing the VisualAge Smalltalk application.
9 Recompile your VisualAge Smalltalk application with the qt-adapter agent.
You are now ready to create and run tests on VisualAge Smalltalk

Chapter 36 • Using the VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in

Part XVI
The Web Add-in
Using the Web Add-in

You can use the Web Add-in to test objects (controls) in your Web pages and
applications, as well as check their properties. You can test Web objects such
as hyperlinks, images, image maps, buttons and edit boxes. By adding Web
object checkpoints to your tests, you can compare Web objects in different
versions of your Web site.

You can also perform checks on objects within your application or Web site,
such as images or form elements. In addition, you can add accessibility
checkpoints to help you quickly identify areas of your Web site that may not
conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. You can also
output property or text values from the objects in your Web site.

You can create steps on more than one browser tab, if your browser supports
tabbed browsing. For information on supported browser versions, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

The Web Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be
used when testing objects in Web applications. For more information, see
the Web section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Note: Web Add-in Extensibility enables you to develop support for testing
third-party and custom Web controls that are not supported out-of-the-box
by the QuickTest Professional Web Add-in. For more information, see the
Web Add-in Extensibility Help, available from the QuickTest Professional
Extensibility Documentation program group (Start > Programs >
QuickTest Professional > Extensibility > Documentation). A printer-friendly
(PDF) version of the HP QuickTest Professional Web Add-in Extensibility
Developer Guide is available in the <QuickTest Professional installation
folder>\help\Extensibility folder.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Web Add-in on page 579
➤ Considerations for Working with the Web Add-in on page 580
➤ Working with Web Browsers on page 581
➤ Checking Web Pages on page 587
➤ Checking Web Content Accessibility on page 599
➤ Accessing Password-Protected Resources in the Active Screen on page 603
➤ Activating Methods Associated with a Web Object on page 609
➤ Using Programmatic Descriptions for the WebElement Object on page 610
➤ Controlling How QuickTest Recognizes Web Table Elements (Advanced)
on page 611
➤ Registering Browser Controls on page 613

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

About the Web Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Web Add-in
and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Add-in Type Much of the functionality of this add-in is the same as

other Web-based add-ins.
➤ See “Testing Web-Based Applications” on page 75.
➤ See “Working with Web Browsers” on page 581.

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Checking Web Pages” on page 587.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.

Other When you load the Siebel Add-in in addition to the Web
Add-in, the object identification settings are automatically
customized. For this reason, the Web Add-in is not
available in the Environment list in the Object
Identification dialog box (Tools > Object Identification),
even though the Web Add-in is loaded.
For more information, see “About the Siebel Add-In” on
page 420.


Opening Your You must open QuickTest before opening your Web
Application application.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web pane.

(Tools > Options > Web node)
For more information, see “Setting Web Testing Options”
on page 82.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Record and Run Use the Web tab.

Settings Dialog Box (Automation > Record and Run Settings)
(tests only) See “Setting Web Record and Run Options” on page 76.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web pane)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Settings for Your Test” on page 98.

Custom Active Use the Web section.

Screen Capture (Tools > Options > Active Screen node > Custom Level)
Settings Dialog Box See the section on the Custom Active Screen Capture
(tests only) Settings dialog box in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Application Area Use the Web pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web node)
(components only) ➤ See “Defining Web Settings for Your Application Area”
on page 100.
➤ See the section on defining Application Settings for
your application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Considerations for Working with the Web Add-in

➤ If QuickTest does not record Web events in a way that matches your needs,
you can also configure the events you want to record for each type of Web
object. For example, if you want to record events, such as moving the
pointer over an object to open a sub-menu, or a right mouse click, you may
need to modify the Web event configuration to recognize such events. For
more information, see Chapter 38, “Configuring Web Event Recording for
Web Objects.”
➤ If you are recording on a list in an application, you must click on the list,
scroll to an entry that was not originally showing, and select it. If you want
to select the item in the list that is already displayed, you must first select
another item in the list (click it), then return to the originally displayed item
and select it (click it). This is because QuickTest records a step only if the
value in the list changes.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

➤ Before you insert a checkpoint on a Web-based object while editing a test or

component, make sure that one of the following is true:
➤ The Web application is open, and the object you want to check is
➤ The Active Screen for the currently selected step is open and contains the
object you want to check (with the necessary level of information). For
more information on Active Screen capture levels, see the section
describing how to increase or decrease the Active Screen information
saved with a test in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

➤ For more information on QuickTest functionality, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

Working with Web Browsers

You can use a Web browser when you create and run tests and components
that check Web objects. You select your browser in the Web tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box. For more information, see “Setting Web
Record and Run Options” on page 76. Make sure that the correct Web page
is open when you create or run your test or component.

Note: By default, the name assigned to the Browser test object in the object
repository is always the name assigned to the first page recorded for the
browser object. The same test object is used each time you record on a
browser with the same ordinal ID in future recording sessions. Therefore,
the name used for the browser in the steps you record may not reflect the
actual browser name.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

QuickTest supports recording tests and components only on Microsoft

Internet Explorer. QuickTest supports running tests and components on the
following Web browsers:

➤ Microsoft Internet Explorer

➤ Netscape Browser
➤ Mozilla Firefox
➤ Applications with embedded Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser

QuickTest tests and components are generally cross-browser—you can

record a test or component on Microsoft Internet Explorer. Then you can
run it on any supported browser. For specific items to consider, see the
following sections for the relevant browser type. For information on
supported browser versions, see the HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

Working with Microsoft Internet Explorer

Keep the following in mind when using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your
Web browser:

➤ QuickTest Professional Web support behaves as a browser extension in

Microsoft Internet Explorer. Therefore, you cannot use the Web Add-in on
Microsoft Internet Explorer without enabling the Enable third-party
browser extensions option. To set the option, in Microsoft Internet Explorer
select Tools > Internet Options > Advanced and select the Enable third-party
browser extensions option.

Working with Netscape Browser and Mozilla Firefox

Consider the following when using Netscape Browser or Mozilla Firefox:

➤ You must be logged-in with Administrator privileges (or have write

permissions to the browser’s installation folder) on the QuickTest computer
when launching Mozilla Firefox with QuickTest for the first time, since
adding QuickTest support for Mozilla Firefox requires a file to be created in
the browser's installation folder.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

➤ You can create tests and components to run on Netscape Browser or Mozilla
Firefox in the following ways:
➤ Use the keyword-driven methodology. Create an object repository for
your application using the Object Repository window (local object
repository) or Object Repository Manager (shared object repository), and
then add steps using the Keyword View or Step Generator. When you use
the keyword-driven methodology, you can add objects using Mozilla
Firefox or Netscape Browser, as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
➤ Record the test or component on Microsoft Internet Explorer. After a test
or component is recorded, you run it on Netscape Browser, Mozilla
Firefox, or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
➤ Generally, tests and components that were recorded on Microsoft Internet
Explorer will run on Netscape Browser or Mozilla Firefox without requiring
any modification. However, there are several differences that you need to
➤ QuickTest does not support Netscape Browser or Mozilla Firefox menus
or sidebars. The only toolbar buttons that are supported are the Home,
Refresh, Back, Forward, and Stop buttons. All other toolbars and toolbar
buttons are not supported.
The following toolbar buttons are the only supported toolbar buttons for
Netscape Browser.

The following toolbar buttons are the only supported toolbar buttons for
Mozilla Firefox.

If you record steps on any unsupported menu or toolbar objects when

working with Microsoft Internet Explorer, you need to remove or replace
the steps before running the test or component on Netscape Browser or
Mozilla Firefox.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

➤ QuickTest does not support the option to zoom in and out of a Web page
in Mozilla Firefox. If you use this option, some QuickTest functionality
may not work as expected. For example, the Object Spy may be unable to
correctly highlight objects or display object details. (These problems do
not occur if the Zoom Text Only Firefox menu item is selected.)
Additionally, bitmap checkpoints will fail if a different zoom level is used
when capturing the expected bitmap than the zoom level used when
running the checkpoint step.
➤ Standard checkpoints for links and images that are created on Internet
Explorer using Record, or using the Active Screen, may not pass when
run using Mozilla-based browsers, even if the checkpoints pass when the
test is run using Internet Explorer.
Similarly, standard checkpoints for links and images that are created on
Active Screen captures that were captured from a Mozilla-based browser
(using the Update Active Screen images and values option during an
Update Run session), may not pass when run using Internet Explorer,
even if the checkpoints pass when the test is run using the Mozilla-based
You can use regular expressions if you want to create checkpoints for
links and images that run on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based
browsers. For more information on regular expressions, see the section
on understanding and using regular expressions in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.
➤ Netscape Browser or Mozilla Firefox use different standard dialog boxes
than the Windows standard dialog boxes used by Microsoft Internet
Explorer. If your test or component contains steps on such dialog boxes,
you should create appropriate steps to be used when running on
Netscape Browser or Mozilla Firefox.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

For example, the following two dialog boxes are a security alert of the
same Web site, the one on the left is from Microsoft Internet Explorer
and the one on the right is from Mozilla Firefox. Although they both
look like a Windows dialog box, the Mozilla Firefox one is actually a
browser window.

➤ Due to the difference in standard dialog boxes described above, pop-up

recovery scenarios that use the Click button with label recovery operation
and were built for Microsoft Internet Explorer will not work for Netscape
Browser or Mozilla Firefox.
➤ Although Netscape Browser supports both Mozilla Firefox and Internet
Explorer engines, QuickTest supports only the Mozilla Firefox engine. If
your test or component fails, or if QuickTest does not recognize any objects
in your Web page, make sure Netscape Browser is not using the Internet
Explorer engine to display it.
To change the rendering engine to Mozilla Firefox, click the icon in the
bottom-left corner of Netscape Browser and select Display Like Firefox.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in


➤ You can configure the browser to always display your pages using the
Mozilla Firefox engine (In Netscape Browser, select Tools > Options > Site
Controls, and, in the Site List tab, make sure that the Firefox radio button
is selected in the Rendering Engine area).
➤ You can configure the browser to always display your pages using the
Mozilla Firefox engine by clearing the Automatically use the Internet
Explorer Engine check box while installing Netscape Browser.

➤ The Object property accesses DOM objects. These are supported only by
Microsoft Internet Explorer. For more information on the Object property,
see the section on accessing native properties and operations in the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Working with Applications with Embedded Web Browser

Working with applications that contain embedded Web browser controls is
similar to working with Web objects in a Web browser.

Note: Embedded browser controls are supported only for Microsoft Internet

To test objects in embedded browser controls, ensure that:

➤ The Web Add-in is loaded.
➤ The application opens only after QuickTest is open.
➤ (For tests) In the Web tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box, the
Record and run test on any open browser option is selected. (This option is
not relevant for components.)
After these conditions are met, you can start adding steps or running your
test or component.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Checking Web Pages

When working with tests, you can check statistical information about your
Web pages by adding page checkpoints to your test. These checkpoints
check the links and the sources of the images on a Web page. You can also
instruct page checkpoints to include a check for broken links.

Page checkpoints are not supported for business components.

This section includes:

➤ “Automatic Page Checkpoints” on page 587

➤ “Creating Individual Page Checkpoints” on page 587
➤ “Understanding the Page Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box” on page 590
➤ “Filtering Hypertext Links” on page 595
➤ “Filtering Image Sources” on page 597

Automatic Page Checkpoints

You can instruct QuickTest to create automatic page checkpoints for every
page in all tests by selecting the Create a checkpoint for each Web page
while recording check box in the Web > Advanced pane (click the Advanced
node under the Web node of the Options dialog box). By default, the
automatic page checkpoint includes the checks that you select from among
the available options in the Web > Advanced pane.

You can also instruct QuickTest not to perform automatic page checkpoints
when you run your test by selecting the Ignore automatic checkpoints while
running tests check box in the Web > Advanced pane of the Options dialog

For more information, see “Setting Web Testing Options” on page 82.

Creating Individual Page Checkpoints

You can manually add a page checkpoint to your test to check the links and
the image sources on a selected Web page either while recording or editing
your test.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

To add a page checkpoint while recording:

1 Navigate to the page to which you want to add a checkpoint.
2 Select Insert > Checkpoint > Standard Checkpoint, or click the Insert
Checkpoint or Output Value button in the Insert toolbar and select Standard
The QuickTest window is minimized and the pointer turns into a pointing
3 Click in the page you want to check. The Object Selection - Checkpoint
Properties dialog box opens.
4 Select the Page item and click OK. The Page Checkpoint Properties dialog
box opens.
5 Modify the settings for the checkpoint in the Page Checkpoint Properties
dialog box, as described in “Understanding the Page Checkpoint Properties
Dialog Box” on page 590.
6 Click OK to close the dialog box. A checkpoint step is added to your test.

To add a page checkpoint while editing your test:

1 Make sure the Active Screen button is selected.
2 Click a step in your test where you want to add a checkpoint. The Active
Screen displays the Web page or part of the Web page corresponding to the
highlighted step.
3 Right-click anywhere on the Active Screen and select Insert Standard
Checkpoint. The Object Selection - Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens.
4 Select the Page item you want to check from the displayed object tree.
5 Click OK. The Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens.

Note: You can also right-click a Page item in the Keyword View and select
Insert Standard Checkpoint to open the Page Checkpoint Properties dialog

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

6 Specify the settings for the checkpoint. For more information, see
“Understanding the Page Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box” on page 590.
7 Click OK to close the dialog box. A checkpoint step is added to your test.

Note: You cannot select the HTML Verification options while creating a page
checkpoint from the Keyword View or Active Screen. You can select these
options only when creating a Page checkpoint while recording.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Understanding the Page Checkpoint Properties Dialog

The Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box enables you to choose which
properties to check.

The ABC icon

indicates that the
value of the
property to check is
a constant.
The selected check
box indicates that
this property will be

This icon indicates

that the value of the
property to check is
a Data Table

Identifying the Object

The top part of the dialog box displays information on the checkpoint:

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Information Description

Name The name that QuickTest assigns to the checkpoint. By

default, the checkpoint name is the title of the Web page
on which the checkpoint is being performed, as defined in
the HTML code. You can specify a different name for the
checkpoint or accept the default name.
If you rename the checkpoint, make sure that the name:
➤ is unique
➤ does not begin or end with a space
➤ does not contain " (double quotation mark)
➤ does not contain the following character combinations:

Class The type of object. This is always Page.

Choosing Which Property to Check

The default properties for the object are listed in the Properties pane of the
dialog box. The pane includes the properties, their values, and their types:

Pane Element Description

Check box For each object class, QuickTest recommends default

property checks. You can accept the default checks or
modify them accordingly.
To check a property, select the corresponding check box.
To exclude a property check, clear the corresponding
check box.

Type The icon indicates that the value of the property is

currently a constant.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a test or action parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a Data Table parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently an environment variable parameter.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Pane Element Description

Property The name of the property.

Value The value of the property. Note that the value in the page
will be the expected value of the property when you run
your test unless you edit this value. For information on
editing the value of a property, see the section on
configuring values in the HP QuickTest Professional User

Note: By default, page checkpoints include a check on the page load time.
The load time displayed in the Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box is the
amount of time it took the page to load during recording. To add to the time
that QuickTest allows for pages to load without causing page checkpoints to
fail, increase the value of the Add seconds to page load time option in the
Web pane of the Options dialog. For more information, see the section on
setting global testing options in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Configuring the Value of a Page Property

In the Configure value area, you can define the expected value of the
property to check as a Constant or Parameter. For information on
modifying property values, see the section on setting values in the
Configure Value area in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Checking the HTML Verification

In the HTML verification area, you can use the following options to check
the HTML source and tags of the page:

Option Description

HTML source Checks that the source in the Web page being tested
matches the expected HTML code (the source code of the
page at the time that the test is recorded). Available only
when creating a page checkpoint while recording.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Option Description

Edit HTML Source Opens the HTML Source dialog box, which displays the
(enabled only when expected HTML code. Edit the expected HTML source
the HTML Source code and click OK. Note that you can also use regular
check box is expressions when editing the expected HTML source code
selected) if you click the regular expression check box at the
bottom of the page. For more information on regular
expressions, see the section on understanding and using
regular expressions in the HP QuickTest Professional User
You can search and replace text strings in the HTML
Source dialog box by right-clicking and choosing Find or
Replace. For more information on the Find dialog box, see
the section on finding text strings in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide. For more information on the
Replace dialog box, see the section on replacing text
strings in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

HTML tags Checks that the HTML tags in the Web page being tested
match the expected HTML tags (the HTML tags on the
page at the time that the test is recorded). Available only
when creating a page checkpoint while recording.

Edit HTML Tags Opens the dialog box that displays the expected HTML
(enabled only when tags. Edit the expected HTML tags and click OK. Note that
the HTML Tags you can also use regular expressions when editing the
check box is HTML tags if you click the regular expression check box at
selected) the bottom of the page. For more information on regular
expressions, see the section on understanding and using
regular expressions in the HP QuickTest Professional User
You can search and replace text strings in the Edit HTML
Tags dialog box by right-clicking and choosing Find or
Replace. For more information on the Find dialog box, see
the section on finding text strings in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide. For more information on the
Replace dialog box, see the section on replacing text
strings in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Checking All the Objects in a Page

In the All objects in page area, you can check all the links, images, and
broken links in a page. You can use the following options to check the
objects in a page:

Option Description

Links Checks the functionality of the links in the page

according to your selections in the Filter Link Check
dialog box.

Filter Link Check Opens the Filter Link Check dialog box, which enables
(enabled only when you to specify which hypertext links to check in the page.
the Links check box For more information, see “Filtering Hypertext Links” on
is selected) page 595.

Images Checks that the images are displayed on the page

according to your selections in the Filter Images Check
dialog box.

Filter Image Check Opens the Filter Image Check dialog box, which enables
(enabled only when you to specify which image sources to check in the page.
the Images check For more information, see “Filtering Image Sources” on
box is selected) page 597.

Broken links Instructs QuickTest to check for broken links.

Note that if you want to check only links that are targeted
to your current host, you should select the Broken links -
checks only links to current host option in the Web pane
of the Options dialog box. For more information, see the
section on setting Web testing options in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Note: The Insert statement option is not available when adding a page
checkpoint during recording or when modifying an existing page
checkpoint. It is available only when adding a new page checkpoint to an
existing test while editing your test.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Filtering Hypertext Links

You can filter which hypertext links to check in a page checkpoint using the
Filter Link Check dialog box. You open this dialog box by clicking Filter Link
Check in the Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box. If you select the Links
check box in the Page Checkpoints Properties dialog box, then by default all
the links on the page are selected. To instruct QuickTest not to check a
particular hypertext link, clear the link's check box.

For more information, see “Checking All the Objects in a Page” on page 594.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Choosing Which Hypertext Links to Check

You can use the following options to choose which hypertext links to check
in a page checkpoint:

Pane Element Description

Check box Each link on the page has a corresponding check box.
To check a link, select the corresponding check box (by
default all links are selected).
To exclude a link from the page checkpoint, clear the
corresponding check box.

Type The icon indicates that the target URL is currently a

The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a Data Table parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently an environment variable parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a random number parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a test or action parameter. (Relevant only for
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a component parameter. (Relevant only for
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a local parameter. (Relevant only for

Link name The text in the hypertext link.

Link URL The target URL.

Configuring the Value of the Target URL

In the Configure value area, you can define the expected value of the target
URL to which the hypertext links as a Constant or Parameter. For
information on modifying values, see the section on setting values in the
Configure Value area in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Filtering Image Sources

You can filter which image sources to check in a page checkpoint using the
Filter Images Check dialog box. You open this dialog box by selecting Filter
Image Check in the Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box. If you select the
Images check box in the Page Checkpoints Properties dialog box, then, by
default, all image sources on the page are selected. To instruct QuickTest not
to check a particular image source, clear the image's check box.

For more information, see “Checking All the Objects in a Page” on page 594.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Choosing Which Image Sources to Check

You can use the following options to choose which image sources to check
in a page checkpoint:

Pane Element Description

Check box Each image source on the page has a corresponding check
To check an image source, select the corresponding check
box (by default all image sources are selected).
To exclude an image source from the page checkpoint,
clear the corresponding check box.

Type The icon indicates that the image source is currently a

The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a Data Table parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently an environment variable parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a random number parameter.
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a test or action parameter. (Relevant only for
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a component parameter. (Relevant only for
The icon indicates that the value of the property is
currently a local parameter. (Relevant only for

Image name The name of the image.

Image source The image source file and path.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Configuring the Value of the Path of the Image Source File

In the Configure value area, you can define the path of the image source file
as a Constant or Parameter. For information on modifying values, see the
section on setting values in the Configure Value area in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Checking Web Content Accessibility

The Section 508 criteria for Web-based technology and information systems
are based on access guidelines developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative
of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). You can add accessibility
checkpoints to help you quickly identify areas of your Web site that may not
conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. You can add
automatic accessibility checkpoints to each page in your test, or you can add
individual accessibility checkpoints to individual pages or frames.

Accessibility Checkpoints are designed to help you easily locate the areas of
your Web site that require special attention according to the W3C Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines. They do not necessarily indicate whether
or not your Web site conforms to the guidelines.

Accessibility Checkpoints are not supported for business components.

This section includes:

➤ “Setting Accessibility Checkpoint Preferences” on page 600

➤ “Automatic Accessibility Checkpoints” on page 600
➤ “Creating Individual Accessibility Checkpoints” on page 600
➤ “Reviewing Accessibility Checkpoint Results” on page 603

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Setting Accessibility Checkpoint Preferences

You can set accessibility checkpoint preferences in the Web > Advanced
pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web node > Advanced
node) and view them in the Accessibility Checkpoint Properties dialog box.
All accessibility checkpoints in your test use the options that are selected in
the Advanced Web Options dialog box at the time of the run session. For
information on the accessibility checkpoint options, see the section on
advanced Web options in the HP QuickTest Professional Add-ins Guide.

Automatic Accessibility Checkpoints

You can instruct QuickTest to create automatic accessibility checkpoints for
every page in all tests by selecting the Add Automatic accessibility
checkpoint to each Web page while recording check box in the Web >
Advanced pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web node >
Advanced node). If you select this option, an accessibility checkpoint is
inserted for each page as you record.

Creating Individual Accessibility Checkpoints

If you did not choose to add accessibility checkpoints automatically while
recording, you can add an accessibility checkpoint to help you quickly
identify areas of a particular Web page or frame that may not conform to the
W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. You can add accessibility
checkpoints either while recording or editing your test.

To add an accessibility checkpoint while recording:

1 Navigate to a page where you want to add an accessibility checkpoint.
2 Select Insert > Checkpoint > Accessibility Checkpoint, or click the Insert
Checkpoint or Output Value button and select Accessibility Checkpoint.
3 Click in the page or frame you want to check:
➤ If the page contains frames, the Object Selection - Accessibility
Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens. Select the Page or Frame item
you want to check and click OK. The Accessibility Checkpoint Properties
dialog box opens.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

➤ If the page does not contain frames, the Accessibility Checkpoint

Properties dialog box opens. The dialog box displays the object’s name,
class (this is always Page or Frame), and the options that are currently
selected. You can modify the option settings in the Web > Advanced pane
of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web node > Advanced
node). For more information, see the section on advanced Web options
in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

4 Click OK to close the dialog box. A checkpoint step is added to your test.

To add an accessibility checkpoint while editing your test:

1 Make sure the Active Screen button is selected.
2 Click a step in your test where you want to add a checkpoint. The Active
Screen displays the Web page or part of the Web page corresponding to the
highlighted step.
3 Right-click anywhere on the Active Screen, and select Insert Accessibility
➤ If the page contains frames, the Object Selection - Accessibility
Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens. Select the Page or Frame item
and click OK. The Accessibility Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

➤ If the page does not contain frames, the Accessibility Checkpoint

Properties dialog box opens. The dialog box displays the options that are
currently selected. You can modify the option settings in the Web >
Advanced pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web node >
Advanced node). For more information, see the section on advanced
Web options in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Select Before current step if you want to check the accessibility elements
before the highlighted step is performed. Select After current step if you
want to check the accessibility elements after the highlighted step is

Note: The Insert statement option is not available when adding a page
checkpoint during recording or when modifying an existing page
checkpoint. It is available only when adding a new page checkpoint to an
existing test while editing your test.

4 Click OK to close the dialog box. A checkpoint step is added to your test.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Reviewing Accessibility Checkpoint Results

When you include accessibility checkpoints in your test, the Test Results
window displays the results of each accessibility option that you checked.

The Test Results window displays a separate step for each accessibility option
that was checked in each checkpoint. The results details provide
information that can help you pinpoint parts of your Web site or
application that may not conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. The information provided for each check is based on the W3C

For more information on accessibility checkpoint results, see the section on

analyzing accessibility checkpoint results in the HP QuickTest Professional
User Guide.

Accessing Password-Protected Resources in the Active

When QuickTest creates an Active Screen page for a Web-based application,
it stores the path to images and other resources on the page, rather than
downloading and storing the images with your test.

Note: The Active Screen pane is not available when working with business
components. Therefore, this section is not relevant for business

Storing the path to images and other resources ensures that the disk space
used by the Active Screen pages captured with your test is not affected by
the file size of the resources displayed on the page.

For this reason, a page in the Active Screen (or in your test results) may
require a user name and password to access certain images or other resources
within the page. If this is the case, a pop-up login window may open when
you select a step corresponding to the page, or you may note that images or
other resources are missing from the page.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

For example, the formatting of your page may look very different from the
actual page on your Web site if the cascading style sheet (CSS) referenced in
the page is password-protected, and therefore could not be downloaded to
the Active Screen.

You may need to use one or both of the following methods to access your
password-protected resources, depending on the password-protection
mechanism used by your Web server:

➤ Standard Authentication. If your server uses a standard authentication

mechanism, you can enter the login information in the Web pane of the
Test Settings dialog box. QuickTest saves this information with your test and
automatically enters the login information each time you select to display
an Active Screen page that requires the information. For more information,
see “Using the Standard Authentication Mechanism” on page 605.
➤ Advanced Authentication. If your server uses a more complex
authentication mechanism, you may need to log in to the Web site
manually using the Advanced Authentication dialog box. This gives the
Active Screen access to password-protected resources in your Active Screen
pages for the duration of your QuickTest session. When using this method,
you must log in to your Web site in the Advanced Authentication dialog box
each time you open the test in a new QuickTest session.
In most cases, the automatic login is sufficient. In some cases, you must use
the manual login method. In rare cases, you may need to use both login
mechanisms to enable access to all resources in your Active Screen pages. For
more information, see “Using the Advanced Authentication Mechanism” on
page 607.

Note: If your Web site is not password-protected, but you are still unable to
view images or other resources on your Active Screen, you may not be
connected to the Internet, the Web server may be down, or the source path
that was captured with the Active Screen page may no longer be accurate.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Using the Standard Authentication Mechanism

If you select a step in your test or results, and an Active Screen login window
opens over the Active Screen or results details display, then one or more
images or other resources in the Active Screen may be password-protected.

To prevent the pop-up login window from opening and to ensure that all
images and resources are displayed in the Active Screen and results each
time you open the test, you can use the automatic Active Screen login

To enable the mechanism, you can select Save the User Name and Password
in the pop-up login window the first time it opens. This adds the login
information to the Active Screen access area in the Web pane of the Test
Settings dialog box. Alternatively, you can add the login information
manually in the Web pane of the Test Settings dialog box.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

To set Active Screen access information in the Test Settings dialog box:
1 Select File > Settings. The Test Settings dialog box opens.
2 Click the Web node.

3 Enter the User name and Password for the Web site or Web page containing
the password-protected resources.
4 Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
5 Refresh the Active Screen by selecting a new step in the Keyword View or
toggle the Active Screen button to redisplay the Active Screen. Confirm that
the page is displayed correctly.
If one or more resources are still missing or displayed incorrectly, you may
need to use the Advanced Authentication mechanism. For more
information, see “Using the Advanced Authentication Mechanism” on
page 607.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

For more information on the Web pane of the Test Settings dialog box, see
the section on defining Web settings for your test in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Using the Advanced Authentication Mechanism

Depending on the authentication mechanisms used to password-protect
resources on a Web site, the automatic Active Screen login mechanism may
not be sufficient.

To enable the Active Screen to access the resources on such a site, you must
log in to your site using the Advanced Authentication dialog box. When you
log in this way, you remain logged in to the site for the duration of the
QuickTest session. If you close and reopen QuickTest and then reopen your
test, you must log in again.

Note: If the site to which you log in has an inactivity timeout after which
you are automatically logged out of the Web site, you may need to log in
using the Advanced Authentication dialog box more than once while
editing your test to re-enable access to your Active Screen pages.

To log in to your Web site using the advanced authentication mechanism:

1 Select File > Settings. The Test Settings dialog box opens.
2 Click the Web node.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

3 Click the Advanced button. The Advanced Authentication dialog box opens.

The browser window in the dialog box displays the default Web page for the
test according to the following guidelines:
➤ The first time you open this dialog box for a given test, the browser
window displays the URL address set for the test in the Web tab of the
Record and Run Settings dialog box.
➤ If you navigate to a new URL address using this dialog box, that address
becomes the default Advanced Authentication page for this test.

4 If the displayed Web page is not the correct page for logging in to your site,
enter the correct URL address in the Address box and click Go. Otherwise,
proceed to step 5.
5 Enter your login information in the page displayed in the Advanced
Authentication browser window.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

6 When the login process is complete, click Close. The Advanced

Authentication dialog box closes, but the login session remains open for the
remainder of your QuickTest session (or until the Web site’s inactivity
timeout is exceeded).
7 Refresh the Active Screen by selecting a new step in the Keyword View or
toggle the Active Screen button to redisplay the Active Screen. Confirm that
the pages are displayed correctly.
If you still cannot view images or other resources on your Active Screen, you
may not be connected to the Internet, the Web server may be down, or the
source path that was captured with the Active Screen page may no longer be

Activating Methods Associated with a Web Object

In the Expert View, you can use the Object property to activate the method
for a Web object. Activating the method for a Web object has the following

WebObjectName.Object.Method_to_activate( )

For example, suppose you have the following statement in your script:

document.MyForm.MyHiddenField.value = "My New Text"

The following example achieves the same thing by using the Object
property, where MyDoc is the DOM’s document:

Dim MyDoc
Set MyDoc = Browser(browser_name).page(page_name).Object
MyDoc.MyForm.MyHiddenField.value = "My New Text"

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

In the following example, LinksCollecton is assigned to the link collection of

the page through the Object property. Then, a message box opens for each
of the links, with its innerHTML text.

Dim LinksCollection, link

Set LinksCollection = Browser(browser_name).Page(page_name).Object.links
For Each link in LinksCollection
MsgBox link.innerHTML

For more information on the Object property (.Object), see the section on
retrieving and setting identification property values in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

For a list of a Web object's internal properties and methods, see:


Using Programmatic Descriptions for the WebElement

When QuickTest recognizes an object as a Web object that does not fit into
any other HP QuickTest test object class, it learns the object as a
WebElement object. You can also use a programmatic description with a
WebElement test object to perform methods on any Web object in your Web

For example, when you run either of the examples below, QuickTest clicks
the first Web object in the Mercury Tours page with the name UserName.

Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Mercury Tours").

WebElement("Name:=UserName", "Index:=0").Click

set WebObjDesc = Description.Create()

WebObjDesc("Name").Value = "UserName"
WebObjDesc("Index").Value = "0"
Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Mercury Tours").WebElement(WebObjDesc).

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

For more information on the WebElement object, see the HP QuickTest

Professional Object Model Reference. For more information on programmatic
descriptions, see the section on working in the Expert View and function
library windows in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Controlling How QuickTest Recognizes Web Table Elements

Web controls are often defined within Web table elements for styling or
alignment purposes only. In such cases, it is not appropriate for QuickTest to
represent the controls using WebTable test objects.

QuickTest can recognize Web table elements as abstract tables, ignoring the
fact that they are defined as tables and choosing the test object to represent
the control according to the Web element defined within the table. By
default, if a Web table element has only one row and one column, QuickTest
treats it as an abstract table, ignoring the table element when learning,
spying, or recording. This does not affect running existing test steps that
already contain WebTable objects.

To modify which types of tables QuickTest treats as an abstract table, you

can edit the IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function in the
<QuickTest Professional installation folder>\dat\Extensibility\Web\
Toolkits\HPInternal\HPAbstractTable.js file.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

QuickTest calls the IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function for each Web table
element it encounters. If the function returns false, QuickTest relates to this
element as a Web table and uses a WebTable test object to represent it in
tests. If the IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function returns true, QuickTest
ignores the Web table element.

Important: This file affects the way QuickTest identifies Web objects and can
cause problems if modified incorrectly. Edit this file only if you are an
experienced JavaScript programer and are familiar with the implementation
of your Web controls. Make sure to create a backup copy of the file before
making changes.

The default IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function returns true for Web table
elements containing one row and one column:

function IsHPAbstractTable()
// Treat all tables with only one cell as abstract tables
if ( _elem.rows.length == 1 && _elem.rows[0].cells.length == 1 )
return true;
return false;

To instruct QuickTest to always use WebTable test objects to represent Web

table elements, modify the IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function to always
return false.

To instruct QuickTest to ignore additional types of Web table elements,

modify the IsHPAbstractTable JavaScript function to return true for those
types based on their HTML properties or other information. (Use the token
_elem to represent the Web element QuickTest is currently handling.)

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Registering Browser Controls

A browser control adds navigation, document viewing, data download, and
other browser functionality to a non-Web application. This enables the user
to browse the Internet as well as local and network folders from within the

QuickTest Professional cannot automatically recognize the objects that

provide browser functionality in your non-Web application as Web objects.
For QuickTest to record or run on these objects, the application hosting the
browser control must be registered.

Note: You can register applications developed in different environments,

such as those written in Java, .NET, and so on.

You use the Register Browser Control utility to define the path of your Web
application hosting the browser control. After registration, QuickTest will
recognize Web objects in your application when recording or running tests.

To open the Register New Browser Control utility, select Start > Programs >
QuickTest Professional > Tools > Register New Browser Control.

Enter the absolute path to the .exe file of the application hosting the
browser control, and click Register. To remove a registered application, enter
the absolute path and click Unregister.

After you register an application hosting a browser control using this utility,
you must restart QuickTest Professional before you test your application.

Chapter 37 • Using the Web Add-in

Configuring Web Event Recording for
Web Objects

If QuickTest does not record Web events on your Web test objects in a way
that matches your needs, you can configure the events you want to record
for each type of Web object using the Web Event Recording Configuration
dialog box.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Configuring Web Event Recording on page 616
➤ Selecting a Predefined Event Recording Configuration on page 618
➤ Customizing the Web Event Recording Configuration on page 620
➤ Recording Right Mouse Button Clicks on page 630
➤ Saving and Loading Custom Event Configuration Files on page 634
➤ Resetting Event Recording Configuration Settings on page 636

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

About Configuring Web Event Recording

When you record on a Web application, QuickTest generates steps by
recording the events you perform on the Web objects in your application.
An event is a notification that occurs in response to an operation, such as a
change in state, or as a result of the user clicking the mouse or pressing a key
while working in a Web application. You may find that you need to record
more or fewer events than QuickTest automatically records by default.

You can modify the default event recording settings for Web objects using
the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box to use one of three
predefined configurations, or you can customize the individual event
recording configuration settings to meet your specific needs.

For example, QuickTest does not generally record mouseover events on link
objects. If, however, you have mouseover behavior connected to a link, it
may be important for you to record the mouseover event. In this case, you
could customize the configuration to record mouseover events on link
objects whenever they are connected to a behavior.

Additional Considerations
When configuring Web Event recording, consider the following:

➤ Event configuration is a global setting and therefore affects all steps that are
recorded after you change the settings.
➤ Changing the event configuration settings does not affect steps that have
already been recorded. If you find that QuickTest recorded more or less than
you need, change the event recording configuration and then re-record the
steps that are affected by the change.
➤ Changes to the custom Web event recording configuration settings do not
affect open browsers. To apply your changes, make the changes you need in
the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, refresh any open
browsers, and then start a new recording session.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

➤ The settings in the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box affect
recording only for objects that QuickTest recognizes as Web test objects. The
recording configuration for other Web-based objects (such as Siebel,
PeopleSoft, .NET Web Forms, and SAP Web controls) is defined by
environment-specific XML configuration files.

Note: For the purposes of Web event recording, QuickTest treats Web test
objects that are child objects of a PSFrame test object as PeopleSoft objects
and thus applies the settings in the PeopleSoft event configuration XML file
when recording those objects.

For more information, see “Web Event Recording Configurations” on

page 103.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Selecting a Predefined Event Recording Configuration

The Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box offers three predefined
event-configuration levels. By default, QuickTest uses the Basic level. If
QuickTest does not record all the events you need, you may require a higher

Level Description

Basic Default
➤ Always records click events on Web objects that
commonly support clicking, such as images,
buttons, and radio buttons.
➤ Always records the submit event within forms.
➤ Records click events on other Web objects with a
handler or behavior connected.
For more information on handlers and
behaviors, see “Listening Criteria” on page 626.
➤ Records the mouseover event on images and
image maps only if the event following the
mouseover is performed on the same object.

Medium Records click events on the <DIV>, <SPAN>, and

<TD> HTML tag objects, in addition to the events
recorded in the basic level.

High Records mouseover, mousedown, and double-click

events on Web objects with handlers or behaviors
attached, in addition to the events recorded in the
basic level.
For more information on handlers and behaviors,
see “Listening Criteria” on page 626.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To set a predefined event-recording configuration:

1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.

2 Use the slider to select your preferred predefined event recording


Tip: You can click the Custom Settings button to open the Custom Web
Event Recording dialog box where you can customize the event recording
configuration. For more information, see “Customizing the Web Event
Recording Configuration” on page 620.

You can click the Default Settings button to return to the Basic level.

3 Click OK.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Customizing the Web Event Recording Configuration

If the predefined Web event configuration levels do not exactly match your
recording needs, you can customize the event recording configuration using
the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box.

The Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box enables you to
customize event recording in several ways. You can:

➤ Add or delete objects to which QuickTest should apply special listening or

recording settings. For more information, see “Adding and Deleting Objects
in the Custom Configuration Object List” on page 623.
➤ Add or delete events for which QuickTest should listen. For more
information, see “Adding and Deleting Listening Events for an Object” on
page 624.
➤ Modify the listening or recording settings for an event. For more
information, see “Modifying the Listening and Recording Settings for an
Event” on page 626.

To customize the event recording configuration:

1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

2 Click the Custom Settings button. The Custom Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box opens.

3 Customize the event recording configuration using the following options:

Option Description

Objects pane Displays a list of Web test object classes and HTML tag
objects. Only HTML tag objects can be added or deleted.
➤ To add an HTML tag object, select Object > Add.
➤ To delete an HTML object from the list, select Object >
For more information, see “Adding and Deleting Objects in
the Custom Configuration Object List” on page 623.

Events pane Displays a list of events associated with the object.

➤ To add an event to the Events pane, select Event > Add.
➤ To delete an event, select Event > Delete.
For more information, see “Adding and Deleting Listening
Events for an Object” on page 624.

Event Name Specifies the name of the event to which QuickTest and/or
records, depending on the settings you specify.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Option Description

Listen Specifies the criteria that instructs QuickTest when to listen

to the event.
➤ Always. Always listens to the event.
➤ If Handler. Listens to the event if a handler is attached
to it. A handler is code in a Web page, typically a
function or routine written in a scripting language, that
receives control when the corresponding event occurs.
➤ If Behavior. Listens to the event if a DHTML behavior is
attached to it. A DHTML behavior encapsulates specific
functionality or behavior on a page. When applied to a
standard HTML element on a page, a behavior enhances
that element's default behavior.
➤ If Handler or Behavior. Listens to the event if a handler
or behavior is attached to it.
➤ Never. Never listens to the event.
For more information, see “Modifying the Listening and
Recording Settings for an Event” on page 626 and “Tips for
Working with Event Listening and Recording” on
page 628.

Record Enables or disables recording of the event for the selected

object, or enables recording of the event only if the
subsequent event occurs on the same object. See
“Recording Status” on page 627 and “Tips for Working
with Event Listening and Recording” on page 628.

Reset Enables you to reset your settings to a preconfigured level.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

4 Click OK. The Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box
closes. The slider scale on the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog
box is hidden and the configuration description displays Custom.

5 Click OK to close the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box.

Adding and Deleting Objects in the Custom Configuration

Object List
The Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box lists objects in
an object hierarchy. The top of the hierarchy is Any Web Object. The
settings for Any Web Object apply to any object on the Web page, for which
there is no specific event recording configuration set. Below this are the
Web Objects and HTML Tag Objects categories, each of which contains a list
of objects.

When working with the objects in the Custom Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box, keep the following principles in mind:

➤ If an object is listed in the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration

dialog box, then the settings for that object override the settings for Any
Web Object.
➤ You cannot delete or add to the list of objects in the Web Objects category,
but you can modify the settings for any of these objects.
➤ You can add any HTML Tag object in your Web page to the HTML Tag
Objects category.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To add objects to the event configuration object list:

1 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select Object
> Add. A New Object object is displayed in the HTML Tag Objects list.

2 Click New Object to rename it. Enter the exact HTML Tag name.
By default the new object is set to listen and record onclick events with
handlers attached.
For more information on adding or deleting events, see “Adding and
Deleting Listening Events for an Object” on page 624. For more information
on listening and recording settings, see “Modifying the Listening and
Recording Settings for an Event” on page 626.

To delete objects from the HTML Tag Objects list:

1 From the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select the
object in the HTML Tag Objects category that you want to delete.
2 Select Object > Delete. The object is deleted from the list.

Adding and Deleting Listening Events for an Object

You can add or delete events from the list of events that trigger QuickTest to
listen to an object.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To add listening events for an object:

1 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select the
object to which you want to add an event, or select Any Web Object.
2 Select Event > Add. A list of available events opens.

3 Select the event you want to add. The event is displayed in the Event Name
column in alphabetical order. By default, QuickTest listens to the event
when a handler is attached and always records the event (as long as it is
listened to at some level).
For more information on listening and recording settings, see “Modifying
the Listening and Recording Settings for an Event” on page 626.

To delete listening events for an object:

1 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select the
object from which you want delete an event, or select Any Web Object.
2 Select the event you want to delete from the Event Name column.
3 Select Event > Delete. The event is deleted from the Event Name column.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Modifying the Listening and Recording Settings for an

You can select the listening criteria and set the recording status for each
event listed for each object.

Note: The listen and record settings are mutually independent. This means
that you can choose to listen to an event for a particular object, but not
record it, or you can choose not to listen to an event for an object, but still
record the event. For more information, see “Tips for Working with Event
Listening and Recording” on page 628.

Listening Criteria
For each event, you can instruct QuickTest to listen every time the event
occurs on the object, only if an event handler is attached to the event, only
if a DHTML behavior is attached to the event, if either an event handler or
DHTML behavior are attached to the event, or to never listen to the event.

An event handler is code in a Web page, typically a function or routine

written in a scripting language, that receives control when the
corresponding event occurs.

A DHTML behavior encapsulates specific functionality or behavior on a

page. When applied to a standard HTML element on a page, a behavior
enhances that element's default behavior.

To specify the listening criterion for an event:

1 From the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select the
object for which you want to modify the listening criterion or select Any
Web Object.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

2 In the row of the event you want to modify, select the listening criterion
you want from the Listen column.

You can select Always, If Handler, If Behavior, If Handler or Behavior, or


Recording Status
For each event, you can enable recording, disable recording, or enable
recording only if the next event is dependent on the selected event.

➤ Enabled. Records the event each time it occurs on an object as long as

QuickTest listens to the event on the selected object, or on another object to
which the event bubbles.
Bubbling is the process whereby, when an event occurs on a child object,
the event can travel up the chain of hierarchy within the HTML code until it
encounters an event handler to process the event.
➤ Disabled. Does not record the specified event and ignores event bubbling
where applicable.
➤ Enabled on next event. Same as Enabled, except that it records the event
only if a subsequent event occurs on the same object.
For example, suppose a mouseover behavior modifies an image link. You
may not want to record the mouseover event each time you happen to
move the pointer over this image. It is essential, though, that the mouseover
event be recorded before a click event on the same object because only the
image that is displayed after the mouseover event enables the link event.
This option applies only to the Image and WebArea objects.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To set the recording status for an event:

1 From the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select the
object for which you want to modify the recording status or select Any Web
2 In the row of the event you want to modify, select a recording status from
the Record column.

Tips for Working with Event Listening and Recording

It can sometimes be difficult to find the ideal listen and recording settings.
When defining these settings, keep in mind the following guidelines:

➤ If settings for different objects in the Objects pane conflict, QuickTest gives
first priority to settings for specific HTML Tag Objects and second priority to
Web Objects settings. QuickTest applies the settings for Any Web Object
only to Web objects that do not belong to any other loaded Web-based
environment and were not defined in the HTML Tag Object or Web Objects
➤ To record an event on an object, you must instruct QuickTest to listen for
the event, and to record the event when it occurs. You can listen for an
event on a child object, even if a parent object contains the handler or
behavior, or you can listen for an event on a parent object, even if the child
object contains the handler or behavior.
However, you must enable recording for the event on the source object (the
object on which the event actually occurs, regardless of which parent object
contains the handler or behavior).

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

For example, suppose a table cell with an onmouseover event handler

contains two images. When the mouse moves over either of the images, the
event also bubbles up to the cell, and the bubbling includes information on
the image that the mouse moved over. You can record this mouseover event
➤ Setting Listen on the <TD> tag mouseover event to If Handler (so that
QuickTest "hears" the event when it occurs), while disabling recording on
it, and then setting Listen on the <IMG> tag mouseover event to Never,
while setting Record on the <IMG> tag to Enable (to record the
mouseover event on the image after it is listened to at the <TD> level).
➤ Setting Listen on the <IMG> tag mouseover event to Always (to listen for
the mouseover event even though the image tag does not contain a
behavior or handler), and setting Record on the <IMG> tag to Enabled
(to record the mouseover event on the image).

➤ Instructing QuickTest to listen for many events on many objects may lower
performance, so it is recommended to limit Listen settings to the required
➤ In rare situations, listening to the object on which the event occurs (the
source object) can interfere with the event.

If you find that your application works properly until you begin recording
on the application using QuickTest, your Listen settings may be interfering.
➤ If this problem occurs with a mouse event, try selecting the appropriate Use
standard Windows mouse events options in the Web > Advanced pane of
the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web node > Advanced node). For
more information, see the section on advanced Web options in the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ If this problem occurs with a keyboard or internal event, or the Use
standard Windows mouse events option does not solve your problem, set
the Listen settings for the event to Never on the source object (but keep the
record setting enabled on the source object), and set the Listen settings to
Always for a parent object.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Recording Right Mouse Button Clicks

QuickTest enables you to record clicks made using left, center, and right
mouse buttons. By default, only left clicks are recorded, but you can modify
the configuration to record clicks from the right and center buttons, as well.

QuickTest records the Click statement when the OnClick event is triggered.
QuickTest differentiates between the mouse buttons by listening for events
configured for each of the mouse buttons. By default, it listens for the
OnMouseUp event, but you can also configure it to listen for the
OnMouseDown event using the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog


➤ Recording of simultaneous clicking of more than one mouse button is

not supported.
➤ QuickTest does not record the right-click that opens the browser context
menu, or the selection of an item from the context menu. For more
information on modifying the script manually to enable these options,
visit the HP Software Self-solve knowledge base and search for document
ID KM185231.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

Configuring QuickTest to Record Right Mouse Clicks

You instruct QuickTest to record right mouse clicks by modifying the
configuration file manually and then loading it.

To configure QuickTest to record right mouse clicks:

1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

2 Click the Custom Settings button. The Custom Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box opens.

3 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select File >
Save Configuration As. The Save As dialog box opens.
4 Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the Web event recording
configuration file, and enter a configuration file name. The extension for
configuration files is .xml.
5 Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.
6 Open the saved configuration file for editing in any text editor. The
configuration file uses a defined structure. For more information on the
XML file structure, see “Understanding the Web Event Recording
Configuration XML Structure” on page 635.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

The following example illustrates the beginning of an exported

configuration file:

The Property Name element controls the recording of the mouse buttons.
The values of the mouse buttons are defined as follows:
➤ 1. Left
➤ 2. Right
➤ 4. Middle

7 Edit the file as follows:

➤ To record a left mouse click for the onmouseup event, add the following
<Property Name="button" Value="1" Listen="2" Record="2"/>
➤ To record right and left mouse clicks for the onmousedown event, add
the following lines:
<Event Name="onmousedown" Listen="2" Record="1">
<Property Name="button" Value="2" Listen="2" Record="2"/>
<Property Name="button" Value="1" Listen="2" Record="2"/>

Note: Only one event, either onmouseup or onmousedown, should be used

to handle mouse clicks. If both events are used, QuickTest will record two
clicks instead of one. By default, QuickTest listens for the onmouseup event.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

8 Save the file.

9 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select File >
Load Configuration. The Open dialog box opens.
10 Navigate to the folder in which you saved the edited configuration file,
select the file, and click Open. The Custom Web Recording Configuration
dialog box reopens.
11 Click OK. The new configuration is loaded, with all preferences
corresponding to those you defined in the XML configuration file. Any Web
objects you now record will be recorded according to these new settings.

Saving and Loading Custom Event Configuration Files

You can save the changes you make in the Custom Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box, and load them at any time.

You can also modify the XML file before loading it. For more information on
the XML file structure, see “Understanding the Web Event Recording
Configuration XML Structure” on page 635.

To save a custom configuration:

1 Customize the event recording configuration as desired. For more
information on how to customize the configuration, see “Customizing the
Web Event Recording Configuration” on page 620.
2 In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select
File > Save Configuration As. The Save As dialog box opens.
3 Navigate to the folder in which you want to save your event configuration
file and enter a configuration file name. The extension for configuration
files is .xml.
4 Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To load a custom configuration:

1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration and then click Custom
Settings to open the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog
2 Select File > Load Configuration. The Open dialog box opens.
3 Locate the event configuration file (.xml) that you want to load and click
Open. The dialog box closes and the selected configuration is loaded.

Understanding the Web Event Recording Configuration

XML Structure
The Web event recording configuration XML file is structured in a certain
format. If you are modifying the file, or creating your own file, you must
ensure that you adhere to this format for your settings to take effect.

Following is a sample XML file:

<Object Name="Any Web Object">
<Event Name="onclick" Listen="2" Record="2"/>
<Event Name="onmouseup" Listen="2" Record="1">
<Property Name="button" Value="2" Listen="2" Record="2"/>
<Object Name="WebList">
<Event Name="onblur" Listen="1" Record="2"/>
<Event Name="onchange" Listen="1" Record="2"/>
<Event Name="onfocus" Listen="1" Record="2"/>

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

You define the listening criteria and recording status options in the XML
using the following possible attributes:

Attribute Possible Values

Listen 1. Always
2. If Handler
4. If Behavior
6. If Handler or Behavior
0. Never

Record 1. Disabled
2. Enabled
6. Enabled on Next Event

Resetting Event Recording Configuration Settings

You can restore predefined settings after you set custom settings by resetting
the event recording configuration settings to the basic level from the Web
Event Recording Configuration dialog box. You can also restore the default
custom level settings from the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration
dialog box.

Note: When you choose to reset predefined settings, your custom settings
are cleared completely. If you do not want to lose your changes, be sure to
save your settings in an event configuration file. For more information, see
“Saving and Loading Custom Event Configuration Files” on page 634.

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

To reset basic level configuration settings from the Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box:
1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.
2 Click Default. The configuration slider is displayed again and all event
settings are restored to the Basic event recording configuration level.
3 If you want to select a different predefined configuration level, see
“Selecting a Predefined Event Recording Configuration” on page 618.

You can also restore the settings to a specific (base) custom configuration
from within the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box so
that you can begin customizing from that point.

To reset the settings to a custom level from the Custom Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box:
1 Select Tools > Web Event Recording Configuration. The Web Event
Recording Configuration dialog box opens.
2 Click the Custom Settings button. The Custom Web Event Recording
Configuration dialog box opens.
3 In the Reset to box, select the predefined event recording level you want.
4 Click Reset. All event settings are restored to the defaults for the level you

Chapter 38 • Configuring Web Event Recording for Web Objects

The Web Services Add-in
Using the Web Services Add-in

Web services are self-contained, modular, dynamic applications that can be

described, published, located, or invoked over the network to create
products, processes, and supply chains. They can be local, distributed, or
Web-based. Using Web service-specific features and operations help to make
Web service scripts easier to read, maintain, enhance, and parameterize,
enabling both advanced and novice users to create sophisticated tests on
Web services. Web services usually provide a description to ensure that the
client uses the data format expected by the server using a language known
as Web Services Definition Language (WSDL).

You can use the QuickTest Professional Web Services Add-in to test your Web
service using familiar QuickTest functionality, without the need for
extensive knowledge of your Web service architecture. For example, you can
use QuickTest Professional to invoke the operations of your Web service and
verify returned XML data using special functionality that has been
customized for Web services. You can use the specialized WebService test
object operations to control the way in which QuickTest communicates
with your service, including working with security, configuration, headers,
and attachments.

You can also use the Web Services Add-in together with any other QuickTest
add-ins to create tests or components that test both the direct
communications with your Web service and the front-end application that
reflects the results of these communications.

In addition to the functionality available in the QuickTest Web Services

Add-in, HP provides full SOA testing capabilities with HP Service Test and
HP Service Test Management. For more information, see “Introduction to
HP Service Test and HP Service Test Management” on page 687.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

This chapter explains how to use QuickTest to create and run tests and
components on Web services. Additionally, you can review the Web
service-related articles in the HP Software Self-solve knowledge base.

For more information on working with QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest

Professional User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.

This chapter includes:

➤ About the Web Services Add-in on page 643
➤ Considerations for Working with the Web Services Add-in on page 644
➤ Understanding the Web Service Testing Wizard on page 646
➤ Checking that Your WSDL Meets WS-I Standards on page 664
➤ Adding WebService Test Objects to the Object Repository on page 668
➤ Specifying the Web Services Toolkit on page 673
➤ Setting Web Services Test Options on page 674
➤ Defining Web Service Test or Component Settings on page 677
➤ Working with Web Service Operations on page 678
➤ Working with Business Process Testing on page 683
➤ Analyzing the Results of a Web Service Test on page 684
➤ Introduction to HP Service Test and HP Service Test Management
on page 687

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

About the Web Services Add-in

The following table summarizes basic information about the Web Services
Add-in and how it relates to some commonly-used aspects of QuickTest.

General Information

Checkpoints and ➤ See the sections describing checkpoints and output

Output Values values in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide and
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing
User Guide.
➤ See “Supported Checkpoints and Output Values
Per Add-In” on page 709.


Opening Your You can open your Web Services application before or after
Application opening QuickTest.

Add-in None

Setting Preferences

Options Dialog Box Use the Web Services pane.

(Tools > Options > Web Services node)
See “Setting Web Services Test Options” on page 674.

Test Settings Dialog Use the Web Services pane.

Box (File > Settings > Web Services node)
(tests only) See “Defining Web Service Test or Component Settings” on
page 677.

Application Area Use the Web Services pane.

Settings Dialog Box (File > Settings > Web Services node)
(components only) See the section on defining Application Settings for your
application area in the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Considerations for Working with the Web Services Add-in

➤ QuickTest Professional supports keyword-driven testing on your Web
services. This means that after you add a WebService test object to your
object repository, you can access all of the operations that the Web service
supports from the Operation column of the Keyword View, the Operation
box in the Step Generator, or by using IntelliSense in the Expert View.
➤ You can add a WebService test object using the Web Service Add Object
Wizard (described on page 668) or the Web Service Testing Wizard
(described on page 646).
➤ The Web Service Add Object Wizard enables you to automatically create a
WebService test object. You can then add steps manually.
➤ When working with tests, you can use the Web Service Testing Wizard to
automatically create a WebService test object and to generate steps to test
the operations that your Web service supports based on a supplied WSDL
file. The Web Service Testing Wizard also enables you to automatically
generate checkpoints for these steps.
➤ You can enhance your test manually by entering operations in the Expert
View. For more information on working with the Expert View, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
➤ When working with components, QuickTest provides commonly used Web
service functions in the Web_Services.txt function library. You can use these
functions if the function library is associated with your component’s
application area or your test.
➤ You (or an Automation Engineer) can wrap additional Web service-specific
functionality in other function libraries associated with the component’s
application area. For more information on working with function libraries
and application areas, see the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process
Testing User Guide.
➤ When working with multiple toolkits, it is recommended to create a
separate test or component for use with each required toolkit. For
information on specifying a toolkit for your test or component, see “Setting
Web Services Test Options” on page 674 and “Defining Web Service Test or
Component Settings” on page 677.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

➤ If your Web service is protected by a firewall, or your Web service requests

are routed via a proxy server, you may need to insert a SetProxy statement
to set the required proxy information for the service before the first step
containing an operation on the corresponding WebService test object. For
more information, see the Web Services section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference. If you are working with components, you
or an Automation Engineer may need to wrap this functionality in a
user-defined function and associate the function library with your
application area.
➤ The Web Services Add-in is compliant with namespace and XPath standards.
➤ For more information on XML standards, see http://www.w3.org/XML/
➤ For more information on namespace standards, see http://www.w3.org/TR/
➤ For more information on XPath standards, see http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Understanding the Web Service Testing Wizard

The Web Service Testing Wizard helps you select the WSDL source, set
security options, and specify the Web service, port, and operations you want
to test. For tests, you can also choose to automatically insert checkpoints
with the proper syntax for each selected operation. When you finish, the
wizard creates a WebService test object that represents the Web service and
port you want to test and inserts the relevant steps directly into your test or

You can then update the generated steps of your test or component by
replacing the generated argument values with valid values, updating the
expected values, and selecting the nodes you want to check in your
checkpoints (tests only). After you perform these steps, you can update the
data by performing an update run (Automation > Update Run Mode). For
more information, see the section on updating a test in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide. You can also enhance the generated test or
component by inserting additional steps or, for tests, adding programming

Note: QuickTest includes Maintenance Run Mode, which is not supported

for applications such as Web services, which do not have a user interface.

After you associate the Web_Services.txt function library with your

component’s application area or your test, you can also perform verification
operations similar to checkpoints, and you can insert a wide range of Web
service security operations in your component steps. For more information,
see “Working with Web Service Operations” on page 678.

Note: If you want to automatically add a WebService test object to your

object repository, and then generate steps manually for the operations it
supports, you can use the Web Service Add Object Wizard. For more
information, see “Adding WebService Test Objects to the Object Repository”
on page 668.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

To open the Web Service Testing Wizard:

Click the Web Services Wizard button or select Automation > Web Service
Testing Wizard. The Web Service Testing Wizard opens.

The Web Service Testing Wizard includes the following screens:

➤ Welcome to the Web Service Testing Wizard Screen. Provides an overview of

the wizard steps.
➤ Web Service Testing Wizard - Specify WSDL for Scanning Screen. Enables
you to select the source of the test object you want to include in the
generated steps.
➤ Web Service Testing Wizard - Set Security Options Screen. Enables you to
select the security tokens required for communication with the Web service
you want to test, and to set their property values.
➤ Web Service Testing Wizard - Select Service and Operations Screen. Enables
you to select the WSDL service you want to test and the service operations
you want to include in your generated test.
➤ Web Service Testing Wizard - Summary Screen. Displays a summary of your
selections and for tests, enables you to choose whether to add checkpoints
after each relevant operation step.

When you click Finish, the basic test is created. You complete it by entering
relevant operation argument values and by setting checkpoint expected
values (for tests) and other preferences. For more information, see
“Completing and Enhancing Your Generated Test” on page 663.

Note: Running your test or component without entering valid argument

values may cause the test to fail.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Welcome to the Web Service Testing Wizard Screen

The Welcome to the Web Service Testing Wizard screen is the first screen
displayed when you open the wizard. The screen describes the steps in the

You can choose not to display the welcome screen when you open the
wizard. Clear the Show Welcome screen when running the wizard check
box in this screen, or select the Tools > Options > Web Services node in the
QuickTest window and then clear Show Welcome step in Web Service
Testing Wizard in the Web Services pane of the Options dialog box. For
more information on the Web Services pane, see “Setting Web Services Test
Options” on page 674.

Click Next to continue to the Web Service Testing Wizard - Specify WSDL for
Scanning Screen.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Web Service Testing Wizard - Specify WSDL for Scanning

The Specify WSDL for Scanning screen enables you to select the required
WSDL source. The source can be a URL, a WSDL file, or an existing
WebService test object from the object repository.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in


➤ The first time you open the Web Service Testing Wizard, the URL box is
empty. On subsequent uses of the wizard, the Specify WSDL for Scanning
screen opens with the same settings as those set in the previous wizard
➤ By default, the WSDL source is analyzed using the .NET Framework 2.0
WSE 3.0 toolkit. You can change the toolkit if required. For more
information, see “Specifying the Web Services Toolkit” on page 673.

In the Specify WSDL for Scanning screen, specify the WSDL source and
whether you want to include security settings in your Web service test, as

Select a radio button according to the WSDL source you want to test. Then
enter the source. You can click the down arrow next to each box to view and
select recently used items.

➤ If you want to locate a URL source on a Web server, click the Navigate
button next to the URL box to open Microsoft Internet Explorer. The
button name changes to Capture. Navigate to the required URL (WSDL
file). Minimize the browser and click Capture or close the browser. The
URL address is automatically entered in the URL box.
➤ If you want to locate a WSDL file, click Browse next to the File box to
open the Browse for WSDL File dialog box. Browse to the required file.
If you are currently connected to a Quality Center project, you can toggle
between the file system and the test plan tree for the Quality Center
project by clicking the File System or Quality Center buttons.

Tip: From the Attachments of type list in the Browse for WSDL File dialog
box (or Files of type list when choosing a file in the file system), you can
choose to view only .wsdl files, only .xml files, or view all the files in the
selected location.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

➤ If you want to create steps for a service (and port) that has already been
defined as a test object in one of the repositories associated with the
current action or component (via its application area), select Repository,
and then select the relevant test object. This option enables QuickTest to
access the WebService object directly, without processing the WSDL file,
thus saving processing time as QuickTest identifies the service and its
operations. (This in turn enables the next screen to open faster.)

Select the Include security settings in the generated Web service test check
box if you want to specify the security tokens that are required for
communication with the Web service you want to test.

Click Next. Depending on your selections in the Specify WSDL for Scanning
screen, one of the following occurs:

➤ If you specified a secure WSDL, the Network Credentials dialog box

opens. Enter the login details required to access the WSDL and click OK.
The Web Service Testing Wizard - Set Security Options Screen opens. The
Network Credentials security token is selected and the token properties
contain the credentials you specified. When QuickTest runs the test
created by this wizard, the credentials saved with the test are used to
access both the WSDL and the service.
➤ If you selected the Include security settings in the generated Web service
test check box, the Web Service Testing Wizard - Set Security Options
Screen opens.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

➤ If you do not need to specify security settings, the Web Service Testing
Wizard - Select Service and Operations Screen opens (described on
page 659). Note that opening the next screen may take some time,
depending upon the selected option. While scanning the WSDL,
QuickTest displays a cyclic progress bar that runs until the scanning
process is complete.

Note: The Set Security Options screen is available only for tests. Therefore, if
you are working with components, when you click Next, the Web Service
Testing Wizard - Select Service and Operations Screen opens (described on
page 659). If required, you can insert steps containing security operations
after you complete the wizard. These operations are available from the
associated Web_Services.txt function library. For information on associating
this function library with your component’s application area or your test,
see the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide or the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide respectively.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Web Service Testing Wizard - Set Security Options Screen

When working with tests, the Set Security Options screen enables you to
specify the security tokens that are needed for communication with the Web
service you want to test. For each selected security token, you also set its
property values.

After you complete the wizard, QuickTest converts your selections into one
or more test steps, containing the corresponding operations and property
values. For example, if you select X.509 Token, QuickTest might add steps
similar to the following:

tokenID = WebService("FlightNetWebService").Security.AddX509Token
(micRequestToken, XMLWarehouse("Certificate"))

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Additionally, if you select Client Certificate or X.509 Token in the Security

tokens area, the wizard loads the certificate that you specify in the Token
properties area and saves it with the test. The wizard stores the raw data of
the certificate as a binary string in a new XML structure. During a run
session, QuickTest uses this certificate and does not load it from the external
source that you specified. You can access the certificate from the XML
Warehouse pane in the Settings dialog box (File > Settings > XML
Warehouse node). For more information on XML structures, see “Working
with XML Structures” on page 693.

Note: If you specify a certificate installed on the computer (StoreType =

Store), and the certificate contains a non-exportable private key, the wizard
cannot save the certificate with the test. Instead, the wizard saves a reference
to the location of the certificate, enabling QuickTest to locate the certificate
during a run session. Therefore, before you run the test, you must make sure
that the certificate is installed in the location that you specified when
creating the test.


➤ If you need to replace the certificate, run the wizard again to create a new
XML structure containing the required certificate and add the relevant
steps. Edit the test or component manually to remove the steps that used
the old certificate.
➤ To instruct QuickTest to load the certificate from a file or a certificate
store for each run session, manually create steps that use the
LoadX509CertificateFromFile or LoadX509CertificateFromStore
methods. These methods return an XMLData object that you can use as
an argument for subsequent steps. For more information, see the Web
Services section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

In the Security tokens area, select the check boxes for the security tokens
needed for communication with the Web service you want to test. You can
highlight any token to view its description in the Description area. When
you highlight a token, its properties are displayed in the Token properties
area. (Note that highlighting the token does not select its check box.) You
can select as many security tokens as needed.

The following security tokens are available:

➤ Network Credential, described on page 655

➤ Client Certificate, described on page 655
➤ Username Token, described on page 656
➤ X.509 Token, described on page 657

Network Credential
A network credential used for password-based authentication schemes, such
as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication. This token is relevant
only for Web service request messages.

The Network Credential token includes the following properties:

➤ Username. The user name used to log in to the network.

➤ Password. The password used to log in to the network.
➤ Domain. The network domain name. (Optional)

Client Certificate
A client certificate used mostly when a client uses the SSL3.0/PCT1 protocol
to connect to a server, and the server requires client certificates for mutual

The Client Certificate token includes the following properties:

➤ StoreType. Indicates whether the certificate is located in the file system or

installed on the computer.
Available options: File and Store.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

If you select File, the following FileCertificate properties are displayed:

➤ FileName. The path of the file that contains the certificate data. Enter the
file name or click the browse button to locate the certificate file.
➤ Password. The password required to access the certificate file. (Optional)

If you select Store, the following StoreCertificate properties are displayed:

➤ Location. Indicates whether the certificate is installed for the current user
or for anyone using the computer.
Available options: CurrentUser and LocalMachine.
➤ Store. The store in which the certificate is located. QuickTest displays a
list of standard locations for installed certificates. If the certificate that
you need to use in the test is located elsewhere, use the
LoadX509CertificateFromStore method. For more information see the
Web Services section of the QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference
(Help > QuickTest Professional Help).
➤ Certificate. The client certificate to use for authentication. To select a
certificate, click the browse button. The Select Certificate dialog box
opens, displaying all of the certificates installed in the store you
specified. Select a certificate and click OK.

Username Token
Username and password security credentials.

The Username token includes the following properties:

➤ TokenDirection. Indicates whether the security token should be appended to

all subsequent request messages or all subsequent response messages.
Available options: Request and Response.
➤ Username. The user name used to sign or encrypt SOAP messages.
➤ Password. The password used to sign or encrypt SOAP messages.
➤ SendMode. Indicates how the password should be sent.
Available options: None, PlainText, and Hashed.
➤ ProtectionMode. Indicates the protection mode to be applied to all
subsequent Web service operations.
Available options: None, Signature, Encryption, and Both.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

X.509 Token
An X.509 certificate used for signing and/or encrypting Web service request
messages when a server’s public certificate is required.

The X.509 token includes the following properties:

➤ TokenDirection. Indicates whether the security token should be appended to

all subsequent request messages or all subsequent response messages.
Available options: Request and Response.
➤ StoreType. Indicates whether the certificate is located in the file system or
installed on the computer.
Available options: File and Store.
If you select File, the following FileCertificate properties are displayed:

➤ FileName. The path of the file that contains the certificate data. Enter the
file name or click the browse button to locate the certificate file.
➤ Password. The password required to access the certificate file. (Optional)

If you select Store, the following StoreCertificate properties are displayed:

➤ Location. Indicates whether the certificate is installed for the current user
or for anyone using the computer.
Available options: CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
➤ Store. The store in which the certificate is located. QuickTest displays a
list of standard locations for installed certificates. If the certificate that
you need to use in the test is located elsewhere, use the
LoadX509CertificateFromStore method. For more information see the
Web Services section of the QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference
(Help > QuickTest Professional Help).
➤ Certificate. The client certificate to use for authentication. To select a
certificate, click the browse button. The Select Certificate dialog box
opens, displaying all of the certificates installed in the store you
specified. Select a certificate and click OK.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

➤ ProtectionMode. Indicates the protection mode to be applied to all

subsequent Web service operations.
Available options: None, Signature, Encryption, and Both.

Set the properties for each selected security token by highlighting the token
in the Security tokens area and modifying its property values in the Token
properties area. When you highlight a property, its description is displayed
below the Token properties area.

Click Next to continue to the Web Service Testing Wizard - Select Service
and Operations Screen.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Web Service Testing Wizard - Select Service and

Operations Screen
The Select Service and Operations screen enables you to select a service and
a port from the source WSDL you specified in the Specify WSDL screen
(described on page 649). The test object that the wizard generates represents
this specific service and port. You can then select the operations to be
included in the test or component steps from the list of available operations
supported by that Web service. You can also arrange them in the required
testing order.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

From the Service name list and Port name list, select the service and port
that you want to test. The name of the service you select is also used as the
default name of the created test object. If a description of the Web service is
available, it is displayed as a tooltip when the cursor is positioned over the
service name.

Tip: You can rename a WebService test object in the Object Repository. Select
Resources > Object Repository to open the repository. Then select the test
object, right-click, and select Rename from the menu.

Note: The list of ports displays all of the ports in the selected service that
work with a supported protocol. For a list of supported protocols, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

In the Available Operations list, double-click each operation you want to

include, or select an operation and click the right arrow button > to add it to
the Selected Operations list. You can add the same operation more than

To remove an operation from the Selected Operations list, you can

double-click it in the Selected Operations list or select the operation and
click the left arrow button <.

Tip: Click the double arrow buttons (>> and <<) to move all the operations
from one list to the other. Select multiple operations (using the SHIFT and/or
CTRL keys on your keyboard) and click the arrow buttons (> and <) to move
only the selected operations from one list to the other.

Use the up and down arrows to sort the Selected Operations list into the
required testing order.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Important Information for Microsoft .NET Framework WSE

Toolkit Users
If you are working with a .NET Framework WSE toolkit, and one or more
Web service operations in your WSDL require you to provide parameter data
in a SOAP header, you can use the SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value
operation to do so. (<FieldName> represents the name of the .NET field in
which the parameter data is stored and Value is appended to the field

During a run session, this operation instructs QuickTest to save the header
field value you specify, as if you are working directly with a .NET client.
Thereafter, QuickTest inserts this header field value every time it sends a
message requiring this header. If a response message updates this header
field value, the updated header field value is saved and is used for all
subsequent method calls.

In the Available Operations list, select any operation beginning with

SetHeaderField_ and move it to the Selected Operations list. Then move
this operation to the top of the Selected Operations list (or at least above
any operations that require parameterized header data).

For more information on the SetHeaderField_ operation, see “Accessing

Operations Supported by the Web Service You Are Testing” on page 681.

Click Next to continue to the Web Service Testing Wizard - Summary Screen.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Web Service Testing Wizard - Summary Screen

The Web Service Testing Wizard Summary screen provides a summary of the
operations for which the wizard will add steps according to your selections.

When working with tests, you can automatically insert XML checkpoints by
selecting Add XML checkpoint after each relevant step (selected by default).
Selecting this check box adds an XML checkpoint for each step in the test
that has a return value or an output argument. For more information on
XML checkpoints, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Review the summary. If the settings are correct, click Finish. The WebService
test object is stored in the local object repository, and the defined steps are
converted to the proper syntax and inserted into your test or component.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Completing and Enhancing Your Generated Test

The Web Service Testing Wizard accelerates the process of designing a basic
test that checks the operations that your Web service supports.

For each operation, the wizard generates default argument values with the
proper value types. For each automatically created checkpoint (tests only),
the wizard generates a generic XML structure as a place holder for the
expected XML return values. Before you can run your test or component,
you must replace the default values with the appropriate values for your

Review each of the argument values and supply a value that is appropriate
for the operation. For argument values of type XML, the wizard generates an
XML structure. Use the Configure the value button in the Keyword View
Value column to open the XML structure and edit the generated values
within the structure. Alternatively, you can open the XML structure from
the XML Warehouse pane in the Test Settings or Business Component
Settings dialog box (File > Settings > XML Warehouse node). For more
information on XML structures, see “Working with XML Structures” on
page 693. After you modify the required values, you need to update the data
by performing an update run (Automation > Update Run Mode). For more
information, see the section on updating a test in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Open each automatically generated checkpoint, populate the XML tree with
the expected return values, and select the items that you want to check. For
more information, see “Checking XML” on page 690 and the Checking
XML chapter in the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

You may want to output values returned by one step for use as input in
another step. For more information, see “Outputting XML Values” on
page 692, and the XML Output Values section in the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

You can also add steps using the test object operations (methods and
properties) that the QuickTest Professional Web Services Add-in supplies to
test the behavior of your Web service. For more information, see “Using
QuickTest WebService Test Object Methods and Properties” on page 679,
and the Web Services section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Checking that Your WSDL Meets WS-I Standards

You can instruct QuickTest to analyze a specific WSDL source to check that
it conforms to WS-I standards and complies with the WS-I Basic Profile.

Note: QuickTest performs the validation using the WS-I validation tool,
which is a third-party application that is not provided with QuickTest. You
can download Interoperability Testing Tools 1.1 from the Web Services
Interoperability Organization Web site at http://www.ws-i.org. Note that it
must be installed locally.

You can run the validation tool manually in QuickTest, selecting Tools >
Validate WSDL to open the Validate WSDL dialog box. You can also validate
that the WSDL source conforms to WS-I standards programmatically using
either the WebService.ValidateWSDL method or the WSUtil.ValidateWSDL
method. For more information, see the Web Services section of the
HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

When the validation is complete, you can view the validation results, which
indicate whether the file conforms to WS-I profile guidelines. Note that it is
possible that your Web service tests or components on the specified WSDL
will run successfully even if they do not conform to these guidelines.

Before you can use the WS-I validation tool, you need to specify the location
of the WS-I validation tool. You do this in the Web Services pane of the
Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Web Services node). For more
information, see “Setting Web Services Test Options” on page 674.

Note: When you run the WS-I validation tool, QuickTest accesses the WSDL.
If the WSDL you are validating is located on a secure server, or if the
network connection is secure, you must save the WSDL and any additional
resources referenced by the WSDL to a non-secure location (such as a local
drive) before running the WS-I validation tool.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

To check that your WSDL meets WS-I standards:

1 Select Tools > Validate WSDL or press ALT+T+L. The Validate WSDL dialog
box opens.

2 Specify the location in which the WSDL is stored by selecting a radio button
according to the WSDL source you want to test. Then enter the source. You
can click the down arrow next to each box to view and select recently used
➤ To specify a WSDL from a URL source on a Web server, select URL. Enter
the URL address manually or click the Navigate button next to the URL
box to open your default browser. The button name changes to Capture.
Navigate to the required URL. Minimize the browser and click Capture or
close the browser. The URL address is automatically entered in the URL
➤ To specify a WSDL file, select File. Enter the file path manually or click
Browse next to the File box to open the Browse for WSDL File dialog box.
Browse to the required file.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

If you are currently connected to a Quality Center project, you can toggle
between the file system and the test plan tree of the Quality Center
project by clicking the File System or Quality Center buttons.

Tip: From the Attachments of type list in the Browse for WSDL File dialog
box (or Files of type list when choosing a file in the file system), you can
choose to view only .wsdl files, only .xml files, or view all the files in the
selected location.

➤ To specify a WSDL that defines a service for which a test object has
already been created in one of the repositories associated with the
current action (or component), select Repository, and then select the
relevant test object. QuickTest locates the WSDL according to the
location specified in the wsdl property of the WebService test object.

3 Click the Report options down arrow and select the criteria for the assertion
results to be included in the validation report. (Test assertions are used by
the validation tool to analyze whether a Web service conforms to WS-I
➤ Report all assertions. Reports the results of all assertions.
➤ Report all assertions but passed assertions. Reports the results of all
assertions except those that have a "passed" result.
➤ Report only failed assertions. Reports the results of assertions that have a
"failed" result only.

4 Click the Validate button to analyze the specified WSDL source and check
that it conforms to WS-I standards. The validation is performed for each
binding defined in the WSDL. This process might take some time.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

When the check is complete, the Validate WSDL dialog box expands to
display the results of the validation check in the Validation reports area.
This area lists the reports generated by the WS-I testing tool and indicates
the status of each report.

5 Highlight a report in the Validation reports area:

➤ Click the View Log button to view the WS-I testing tool log for the
selected report item.
➤ Click the View Report button to open the WS-I Profile Conformance
Report for the selected report item in a Web browser.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Adding WebService Test Objects to the Object Repository

The Web Services Add-in enables you to add WebService test objects to your
object repository using the Web Service Add Object Wizard. You can then
use the new test object to add steps to your test or component. After a
WebService test object is added to the object repository, you can access all
operations supported by the Web service in the Operations column of the
Keyword View, in the Expert View IntelliSense, or in the Step Generator. In
IntelliSense and in the Step Generator, you can view the operations
supported by the Web service in the upper part of the box. These are the
operations that were derived from the WSDL source. QuickTest WebService
test object operations are displayed in the lower part of the box.

The Web Service Add Object Wizard helps you select the WSDL source, the
Web service, and the port you want to test.

Note: If you want to create a WebService test object and automatically

generate steps for the operations it supports, you can use the Web Service
Testing Wizard. For more information, see “Understanding the Web Service
Testing Wizard” on page 646.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

To open the Web Service Add Object Wizard:

1 Click the Object Repository toolbar button, or select Resources > Object
Repository. The Object Repository dialog box opens.

2 Click the Web Service Add Object Wizard button or select Object > Web
Service Add Object Wizard. The Web Service Add Object Wizard opens to
show the Specify WSDL for Scanning screen.
The Web Service Add Object Wizard includes the following screens:
➤ Add Object Wizard - Specify WSDL for Scanning Screen. Enables you to
select and validate the source of the test object you want to create.
➤ Add Object Wizard - Select Service Screen. Enables you to select the WSDL
service for which you want to create a test object.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Add Object Wizard - Specify WSDL for Scanning Screen

The Specify WSDL for Scanning screen is the first screen displayed when you
open the Add Object wizard. This screen enables you to specify a URL or file
as the WSDL source.


➤ The first time you open the Web Service Add Object Wizard, the URL box
is empty. On subsequent uses of the wizard, the Specify WSDL for
Scanning screen opens with the same settings as those set in the previous
wizard session.
➤ By default, the WSDL source is analyzed using the .NET Framework 2.0
WSE 3.0 toolkit. You can change the toolkit if required. For more
information, see “Specifying the Web Services Toolkit” on page 673.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Select a radio button according to the WSDL source you want to test. Then
enter the source. You can click the down arrow next to each box to view and
select recently used items.

➤ If you want to locate a URL source on a Web server, click the Navigate
button next to the URL box to open your default browser. The button
name changes to Capture. Navigate to the required URL. Minimize the
browser and click Capture or close the browser. The URL address is
automatically entered in the URL box.
➤ If you want to locate a WSDL file, click Browse next to the File box to
open the Browse for WSDL File dialog box. Browse to the required file.
If you are currently connected to a Quality Center project, you can toggle
between the file system and the test plan tree for the Quality Center
project by clicking the File System or Quality Center buttons.

Tip: From the Attachments of type list in the Browse for WSDL File dialog
box (or Files of type list when choosing a file in the file system), you can
choose to view only .wsdl files, only .xml files, or view all the files in the
selected location.

Click Next to continue to the Add Object Wizard - Select Service Screen or
click Finish if you want the Wizard to create your test object using the first
Web service and the first port described in the WSDL.

Note: If you specified a secure WSDL, the Network Credentials dialog box
opens. Enter the login details required to access the WSDL and click OK.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Add Object Wizard - Select Service Screen

The Select Service screen in the Add Object wizard enables you to select the
Web service and port that you want to test.

From the Service name list and the Port name list, select the service and
port that you want to test and click Finish. The wizard adds a WebService
test object to the object repository, representing the specific Web service and
port. If a description of the Web service is available, it is displayed as a
tooltip when the cursor is positioned over the service name.

Note: The list of ports displays all of the ports in the selected service that
work with a supported protocol. For a list of supported protocols, see the
HP QuickTest Professional Readme.

Close the Object Repository dialog box. You can now use the test object and
its operations in the steps of your test.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Specifying the Web Services Toolkit

Before creating WebService test objects and steps, you can specify the Web
services toolkit that you want QuickTest Professional to use when learning
new test objects and when running your Web service steps. If you are
working with multiple toolkits, it is recommended to create a unique test or
component for each toolkit.

The toolkit you specify for learning WebService objects is a global setting
used for all Web service tests. You set this option in the Web Services pane of
the Options dialog box (click the Options toolbar button, or select Tools >
Options > Web Services node). By default, QuickTest uses the Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 WSE 3.0 toolkit when learning WebService objects and
when running Web service tests and components. You can change the
default, as described in “Setting Web Services Test Options” on page 674.

The toolkit you specify for running Web service tests and components is a
local setting that is specific to a test or an application area. It is
recommended to use the same toolkit you specify for learning WebService
objects, otherwise your test may fail. For tests, you specify the toolkit in the
Web Services pane of the Test Settings dialog box (click the Settings toolbar
button, or select File > Settings > Web Services node). For components, you
specify the toolkit in the Web Services pane of the Application Area Settings
dialog box (select File > Settings, or click the Settings toolbar button, or
click the Additional Settings button in the Application Area General pane).

Before you run a Web service test or component, make sure that the
specified toolkit is installed on the computer on which QuickTest is
installed. For example, if the test or component is set to run using the
Microsoft .NET WSE 2.0 toolkit, make sure that this toolkit is installed on
your QuickTest computer.

For more information, see “Defining Web Service Test or Component

Settings” on page 677.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Setting Web Services Test Options

The Web services options enable you to specify the toolkit that QuickTest
uses when learning WebService test objects, specify WS-I validation
preferences, and set additional display settings for the Web Service Testing

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

The Web Services pane (Tools > Options > Web Services node) includes the
following options:

Option Description

Learn new test Specifies the toolkit you want QuickTest Professional to use
objects using when learning new WebService test objects:
the following ➤ .NET Framework 1.1 WSE 2.0
➤ .NET Framework 2.0 WSE 3.0
➤ Apache Axis 1.x

Note: After you install Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. you can
download and install .NET Framework 1.1 WSE 2.0 SP3 from
Tip: It is recommended to run Web service tests using the same
toolkit with which the test was created. For information on
setting run options, see “Defining Web Service Test or
Component Settings” on page 677.

WS-I validation Indicates the path containing the WS-I validation tool.
tool location Specify the root path of the wsi-test-tools folder (and not the
bin folder containing the executable file). The wsi-test-tools
folder must be stored on the computer on which the WSDL is
You can download Interoperability Testing Tools 1.1 for Java
and .NET from http://www.ws-i.org.
The WS-I validation tool tests Web service interoperability by
checking compliance with the WS-I Basic Profile.
QuickTest uses the path specified here to perform validation
checks in the Validate WSDL dialog box. For more
information, see “Checking that Your WSDL Meets WS-I
Standards” on page 664.

WS-I validation Indicates the Web service client platform type—.NET or Java.
tool platform

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Option Description

WS-I report Specifies the criteria for the assertion results to be included in
options the validation report. Test assertions are used by the WS-I
validation tool to analyze whether a Web service conforms to
WS-I standards.
The following options are available:
➤ Report all assertions. Reports the results of all assertions.
➤ Report all assertions but passed assertions. Reports the
results of all assertions except those that have a "passed"
➤ Report only failed assertions. Reports only the results of
assertions that have a "failed" result.
Note: You can use the WS-I validation tool (accessed from the
Validate WSDL dialog box—Tools > Validate WSDL) to test
Web service interoperability. It does this by checking
compliance with the WS-I Basic Profile. The WS-I validation
tool, Interoperability Testing Tools 1.1, is a third-party
application and is not provided with QuickTest Professional.
The tool can be downloaded from the Web Services
Interoperability Organization Web site at http://www.ws-i.org
and must be installed locally.

Show Welcome Specifies whether to display the Welcome screen when you
screen in Web open the Web Service Testing Wizard. You can also control this
Service Testing option by clearing the Show Welcome screen when running
Wizard the wizard check box in the Welcome screen.

Display When you select an operation with input arguments while

information using the Web Service Testing Wizard, the wizard generates
message when default values for the arguments. If this option is selected, then
Web Service the wizard displays a message when you click Finish to remind
Testing Wizard you that you must replace the automatically generated
finishes argument values with valid values.
If you select the Do not show this message again check box
inside the warning message, then the Display information
message when Web Service Testing Wizard finishes check box
in the Options dialog box is automatically cleared. If you want
to reactivate the reminder message, select this check box again.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Defining Web Service Test or Component Settings

The Web services settings enable you to define the way in which QuickTest
runs Web service steps. (You open the Settings dialog box by selecting File >
Settings in your test or in your component’s application area.)

Note: The example above shows the Web Services pane of the Test Settings
dialog box.

The Web Services pane of the Business Component Settings dialog box
displays these settings in read-only format. To modify these settings for
components, use the Web Services pane of the Application Area Settings
dialog box, which provides the same set of options as shown above.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

The Web Services pane includes the following options:

Option Description

Run Web Service Enables you to select the toolkit you want QuickTest to use
operations using when running Web service operations. For new tests and
the following components, the default toolkit is the same as the toolkit
toolkit set in the Web Services pane of the Options dialog box for
learning WebService objects.
Tip: Make sure you run Web service tests using the same
toolkit with which the test was created. You can verify the
toolkit by viewing the Comment field in the object
repository. (The Comment field is located in the Object
Properties pane.)
Note: The run toolkit you select is displayed in the Result
Details tab of the Test Results window when the top branch
is selected in the test results tree.

Web service Defines the length of time in seconds that QuickTest

response timeout attempts to communicate with the Web service during a
Web service step. If the time is exceeded, the step fails.

Working with Web Service Operations

A test consists of statements (steps) coded in Microsoft VBScript. These steps
are composed of objects, methods, and/or properties that instruct QuickTest
to perform operations on, or retrieve information from, your Web service.
You can manually insert and edit steps in the Keyword View when working
with tests or components, or in the Expert View when working with tests.
You can also generate steps automatically using the Web Service Testing
Wizard (described on page 646).

You can add steps using the WebService test object, methods, and properties,
or the operations of the Web service you are testing.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

When you use IntelliSense in the Expert View, or when you select the
required operation from the Operation column in the Keyword View or the
Operation box in the Step Generator, the operations are grouped according
to the source from which they were derived. The top part of the list contains
the operations that are defined in the WSDL. The bottom part of the list
contains the WebService message management objects and the operations
that are specific to the QuickTest WebService test object.

Using QuickTest WebService Test Object Methods and

The QuickTest Professional Web Services Add-in supplies methods and
properties to test the behavior of your Web service including working with
message headers and attachments, setting client configurations and proxy
information, protecting messages sent from QuickTest by applying security
tokens, and more. These QuickTest Web service operations are available in
addition to the Web service-specific operations defined in your Web service.

The Web service object model comprises several types of objects: the
WebService test object, the WSUtil object (a utility object), and several
message management objects (tests only).

Message Management Objects (Expert View)

Message management objects provide methods that enable you to control
the way in which QuickTest sends messages to your Web service. A unique
message management object exists for each of the following categories:
Attachments, Configuration, headers, and Security. You return message
management objects using the corresponding WebService message
management property. For example, the WebService.Attachments property
returns the Attachments object. WebService message management objects
are not test objects, and they are not stored in an object repository. Message
management objects are available only for tests.

Each message management object supports related message management

operations. For example, the Configuration object supports
configuration-related message management operations, such as
SetClientConfiguration and SetProxy. The Security message management
object supports security-related operations that enable you to add various
types of tokens to a step, and so on.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

To fully take advantage of the QuickTest Web service object model, you need
to work in the Expert View, as the operations for message management
objects are not available in the Keyword View or using the Step Generator.

When inserting steps manually in the Expert View, you can use IntelliSense
to add a WebService message management property to a step, and then
apply clearly defined operations to that step.

For example, if you add the Security WebService message management

object, you can select a method for a specific token type, such
as SetNetworkCredential, as shown in the following example:


Although the WebService message management objects—Attachments,

Configuration, Headers, and Security—are available in the Keyword View
and the Step Generator, their methods and properties must be initially
defined in the Expert View. Therefore, it is recommended not to use these
WebService message management objects if you prefer to work in the
Keyword View, or if you prefer to insert steps using the Step Generator.
Instead, you can associate the Web_Services.txt function library with your
test and use the alternative operations available from that function library.
For information on associating function libraries with your test, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

WebService Objects (Keyword View)

If you prefer to create or modify Web service-based test steps in the Keyword
View, or if you are working with component steps, you can use the
functions defined in the Web_Services.txt function library provided with
the Web Services Add-in to perform similar types of operations. The
operations and arguments available in this function library are more generic
than the operations and arguments that can be used in the Expert View. For
example, instead of using a method, such as AddX509Token, that indicates a
specific token type and whose arguments are relevant for this type of token
(such as TokenDirection and X509Data), you would use a general method,
such as AddSecurityToken. The values you need to enter for this method’s
arguments depend on the type of security token you want to use.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

To use the operations defined in these function libraries, you must first
associate the Web_Services.txt function library with your test or with your
component’s application area. For more information, see the HP QuickTest
Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

For more information, see the Web Services section of the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Accessing Operations Supported by the Web Service You

Are Testing
In addition to the test object methods supported for every WebService test
object, you can use standard statement completion options for operations
supported by your Web service. The Web service operations are
automatically added to IntelliSense when the test object is created. You can
access these operations in the top part of the IntelliSense list displayed for
your WebService test object.

You can also select operations supported by your Web service from the list of
operations displayed in the Operation column in the Keyword View and in
the Operation box in the Step Generator. The Web service-specific
operations are displayed in the top part of the list. The test object methods
supported for every WebService test object are displayed in the bottom part.

Working with the .NET Framework WSE Toolkit

If you are creating a Web service test using a .NET Framework WSE toolkit,
and you want to perform one or more Web service operations that require
parameter data to be sent in a message header, you need to add this
information to your test using a SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method
(where <FieldName> represents the name of the .NET field in which the
parameter data is stored and Value is appended to the field name).

When QuickTest learns a WebService test object using the .NET Framework
WSE toolkit, it analyzes the Web service's supported operations and
automatically creates a SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method for each
operation that requires parameter data (according to the header elements
defined in the corresponding WSDL). For example, for the LicenseInfo
header element, QuickTest creates the SetHeaderField_LicenseInfoValue
method. Note that the <FieldName> value is not always identical to the
actual header element as it appears in the WSDL.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

When you run the WebService Testing Wizard, the Select Service and
Operations screen automatically displays these special QuickTest methods in
the Available Operations list. If you select operations in the Select Service
and Operations screen that require parameter data in the header, you should
also select the appropriate SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value methods,
making sure that the SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value methods are
located higher in the Selected Operations list than the Web service
operations they support.

After a SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method is called, QuickTest saves

the header field value you specify (as if you are working directly with a .NET
client). Thereafter, QuickTest inserts this header field value every time it
sends a message requiring this header. If a response message updates this
header field value, the updated header field value is saved and is used for all
subsequent method calls (unless you use the
SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method to modify the header field value

You must insert a step with the appropriate SetHeaderField_<FieldName>

Value method prior to any step containing a Web service operation
supported by this method. When you insert a step on a WebService test
object that was learned using the .NET Framework WSE toolkit, IntelliSense
displays the automatically generated methods in the top part of the
operations list, together with the other Web service-specific operations. If
you insert the SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method using the Web
Service Testing Wizard, an XML structure parameter is automatically created
and populated with default values.

You should edit the XML structure parameter to provide the appropriate
data. If you are working in the Keyword View or the Expert View, you must
define and populate the XML structure parameter manually. For more
information on XML structures, see “Working with XML Structures” on
page 693. Note that the SetHeaderField_<FieldName>Value method
parameter value is always a complex value.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Working with Business Process Testing

When working with Business Process Testing, it is recommended to associate
the Web_Services.txt function library with your application areas. This
function library provides keywords that wrap additional functionality for
Web service-based steps, enabling you to perform commonly used Web
service operations on any associated component. You can use these
operations to perform checks and output values on XML elements, and to
perform operations that are similar to the operations available for tests in
the Expert View. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional for
Business Process Testing User Guide and the HP QuickTest Professional Object
Model Reference.

Guidelines When Working with Business Process Testing

You should consider the following points when working with business
components in Business Process Testing.

➤ If you want to parameterize output values for a component step, use XML
structures, or local or component parameters. For more information, see
“Parameterizing XML Values” on page 703.
➤ During a run session, it is recommended to use the same toolkit that
QuickTest used to learn your WebService test objects. If you want to work
with more than one toolkit, you can create separate components for each
toolkit. For more information, see “Setting Web Services Test Options” on
page 674 and “Defining Web Service Test or Component Settings” on
page 677.
➤ External resources for components are stored in the associated application
area. These include function libraries, object repositories, and recovery
scenarios. If you need additional functionality, you or an Automation
Engineer can wrap the required functionality in other function libraries and
associate them with your application area. It is recommended not to
overwrite the existing functionality in any function library supplied with
QuickTest, as QuickTest function libraries may be overwritten during an

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

For more information on working with Business Process Testing in

QuickTest, see the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User
Guide. For more information on working with Business Process Testing in
Quality Center, see the HP Business Process Testing User Guide.

Analyzing the Results of a Web Service Test

You can view the results of a Web service run session in the Test Results
window. The window contains a description of the steps performed during
the run, as well as a summary of the run results. By default, the Test Results
window opens automatically at the end of a run.

Note: You can choose not to open the Test Results window automatically
after each run. Select Tools > Options and click the Run node. Then clear
View results when run session ends. You can click the Results button or
select Automation > Results to open the Test Results window when you want
to view run results.

If the Web Services Add-in is installed and loaded during a run session, the
run toolkit you specified in the Settings dialog box is displayed in the Result
Details tab in the Test Results window when the top branch of the tree is
selected. The run toolkit is displayed in this tab even if the test or
component does not include any Web Services test object.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Expand the test results tree in the left pane of the Test Results window.

Note: By default, QuickTest captures the detailed requests and responses for
all steps.

The Web Services Add-in uses the Save step screen capture to results option
in the Options dialog box to determine whether to capture requests and
responses for your steps. If you do not want QuickTest to capture requests
and responses for your steps, select Tools > Options and click the Run node.
Then select Never from the Save step screen capture to results list.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Select a step or checkpoint in the test results tree to view the results for that
step in the right-hand pane.

For checkpoints, the top right pane displays the checkpoint step results. The
bottom right pane shows the details of the schema validation (if applicable)
and a summary of the step or checkpoint results. If the schema validation
failed, the reasons for the failure are also shown.

The bottom right pane may include the View XML Checkpoint Results
button, enabling you to view details of the checkpoint’s failure. The Web
Services Add-in uses the Save step screen capture to results option in the
Run pane of the Options dialog box to determine when to display this

For more information on the Test Results window and analyzing test and
XML checkpoint results, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Introduction to HP Service Test and HP

Service Test Management
In addition to the functionality available in the QuickTest Web Services
Add-in, as described in this chapter, HP provides full SOA testing capabilities
with HP Service Test and HP Service Test Management.

HP Service Test enables you to automatically create test scripts for testing
your SOA environment. You can use Service Test to develop a script by
recording a user performing typical business processes, or you can generate
automatic scripts that address your testing requirements.

HP Service Test scripts act like virtual users, allowing you emulate real-life
situations. You can check your script’s functionality with the built-in
validation tools and reports.

By incorporating HP Service Test scripts into LoadRunner, HP’s load testing

tool, you can check your service’s performance under load.

HP Service Test Management, in conjunction with other HP testing tools,

enables you to test the services you employ to ensure that they perform
their intended function and scale to meet the needs of the applications that
use them.

HP Service Test Management adds a Services module in Quality Center that

enables you to centrally manage your SOA assets. Using the Services
module, you can define, import, and store service assets in Quality Center.
After you define or import services, you can generate a set of requirements
and tests to validate the functionality, interoperability, security, boundaries,
standards compliance, and performance of services in your SOA

For more information, contact your HP Quality Management supplier.

Chapter 39 • Using the Web Services Add-in

Working with XML Data

This chapter describes the various ways in which you can use
QuickTest Professional to manipulate XML data when testing Web services.

This chapter includes:

➤ About Working with XML Data on page 689
➤ Checking XML on page 690
➤ Outputting XML Values on page 692
➤ Working with XML Structures on page 693
➤ Parameterizing XML Values on page 703
➤ Working with XML Data Operations on page 705

About Working with XML Data

Web service operations often return XML data when the operation is

When working with tests, you can create checkpoints and output values on
the XML data that is returned from an operation performed on a Web
service. You can perform XMLData methods on the returned XML data. You
can also create XML structures and use them as templates for data in your
test. This enables you to parameterize specific values in an XML document
and use the parameterized XML hierarchy, for example, as the value for an
XML operation argument or as the expected XML element value in a

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

When working with components, checkpoints and output values are not
available. Instead, you can use the functions (keywords) defined in the
Web_Services.txt function library to perform similar types of steps. To use
these functions, the Web_Services.txt function library must be associated
with the component’s application area. If needed, an Automation Engineer
can also wrap additional types of functionality in other function libraries
and associate them with the component’s application area. For more
information on working with function libraries and application areas, see
the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide.

QuickTest provides a set of XMLData methods that you can use to

manipulate the XML values returned from the Web service operations in
your test or component. For more information, see the HP QuickTest
Professional Object Model Reference.

Checking XML
When working with tests, you can add XML checkpoints on the returned
values from Web service operations in your test. An XML checkpoint is a
verification point that compares actual values for specified XML elements,
attributes and/or values with their expected values. If the results do not
match, the checkpoint fails.

For example, suppose a flight reservation Web service has an operation that
sets a flight itinerary and returns XML containing the specified itinerary
details. A step in the test of the Web service could select a specific airline and
return XML containing flight details. An XML checkpoint could compare
the date and time information contained in the flight details XML data with
the expected values for those XML nodes and check that the itinerary details
match the expected result.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

You insert a checkpoint using Insert > Checkpoint > XML Checkpoint (From
Resource) or by using the Insert Checkpoint or Output Value button. You
then select a test object and the operation whose return values you want to

Note: You can also insert checkpoints for every step automatically when
using the Web Service Testing Wizard. For more information, see
“Understanding the Web Service Testing Wizard” on page 646.

After you insert an XML checkpoint, QuickTest creates an expected XML

hierarchy based on the return type defined in the WSDL. If the operation
return type is not clearly defined, then QuickTest generates a generic XML
hierarchy containing two nodes. In either case, QuickTest cannot generate
the expected values of the nodes at the time that you insert the checkpoint.
To check the relevant information, you must first populate the XML
checkpoint hierarchy with the elements, attributes, and values expected in
the returned XML. You can populate the XML hierarchy and values using
the Update Run Mode option, by updating the hierarchy manually, or by
importing a hierarchy from an existing file.

For more information on working with XML checkpoints and updating the
XML hierarchy for XML checkpoints, see the HP QuickTest Professional User

Checking Business Components

When working with components, you can check that the returned values
from Web service operations in your test match the expected values using a
function library operation, such as VerifyXMLValue.

This and other verification operations are available only if the

Web_Services.txt function library file is associated with your component’s
application area. For more information on using operations from a function
library, see the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

Outputting XML Values

When working with tests, you can insert XML output value steps to retrieve
data from the XML returned from Web service operations. An XML output
value is a value captured from an XML return value during the run session
and stored in a parameter for use at another point in the run session. When
you create an output value step, the test retrieves a value at a specified point
during the run session and stores it in the specified parameter. When you
want to use the value later in the run session as input, you instruct
QuickTest to retrieve it from the parameter.

For example, a step in a test of a flight reservation system could require the
retrieval of an order number. This order number could be a parameterized
output value from an XML structure, and could be stored in an action
parameter in a test. You could then retrieve the order number value from the
parameter for use as an operation argument in a later step.

You insert an output value step using Insert > Output Value> XML Output
Value (From Resource) or by using the Insert Checkpoint or Output Value

QuickTest creates an expected XML hierarchy based on the return type

defined in the WSDL. If the operation return type is not clearly defined,
then QuickTest generates a generic XML hierarchy containing two nodes. To
select the nodes you want to output, you must first ensure that the XML
output value has the hierarchy you want. You can populate the XML
hierarchy by updating the structure manually, importing it from an existing
file, or updating it using the Update Run mode. For more information on
updating the XML hierarchy for Web service XML output values, see the
HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

When you run your test, you can view summary results of the XML output
value step in the Test Results window. You can also view detailed results by
opening the XML Output Value Results window.

For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

Outputting XML Values for Business Components

When working with components, you can insert a step to retrieve a value
from an XML object using the OutputXMLValue operation.

This operation is available only if the Web_Services.txt function library file

is associated with your component’s application area. For more information
on using operations from a function library, see the HP QuickTest Professional
for Business Process Testing User Guide.

Working with XML Structures

When you need to supply a complex value of type XML, you can either
store the value in an XMLData object or you can use a QuickTest XML
structure, which provides a visual, editable interface for the hierarchy of the
XMLData object. XML structures are available for both tests and

XML structures also enable you to parameterize individual node values

within the XML hierarchy so that those values can be retrieved from
another parameter during the run session.

For example, you may have a Web service that manages an address book.
The Web service has an AddAddr operation that adds a new entry to the
address book. The operation receives an XML data argument containing the
name, phone numbers, and address of the new entry.

Suppose you want to run a test that performs the AddAddr operation five
times to add five different people to the address book, and then retrieves the
updated address book. Instead of entering five AddAddr statements, each
with a different XML string for the argument, you can create one XML
structure and parameterize its name, phone number, and address values to
take values from the data table (for tests) or from a local parameter (for
components). You can then insert one AddAddr statement and set its
argument to use the XML structure you created. Then, you can run multiple
iterations of the action or component containing that step.

You can create several different XML structures. You can use an XML file or
an existing XML structure as the base for a new XML structure, or you can
edit nodes manually.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

You save XML structures in the XML Warehouse for your test (File > Settings
> XML Warehouse). XML structures are stored with the test or component—
they are not external resources.

After you create an XML structure, you can parameterize XML data
arguments using your XML structures. You can do this in the Keyword View
or by manually inserting statements using the Expert View (tests only). For
more information, see “Parameterizing XML Values” on page 703, or
“Working with XML Data Operations” on page 705.

Managing XML Structures

The XML Warehouse pane displays information about the XML structures
that you defined for your test or component. It also enables you to create
new XML structures, modify or duplicate existing structures, and remove
structures that you no longer require.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

The XML Warehouse pane includes the following buttons:

Button Description

Enables you to create an XML structure. For more information,

see “Creating XML Structures” on page 695.

Enables you to duplicate an XML structure. For more information,

see “Duplicating XML Structures” on page 697.

Enables you to edit an XML structure. For more information, see

“Modifying XML Structures” on page 697.

Enables you to delete an XML structure. For more information,

see “Deleting XML Structures” on page 698.

Creating XML Structures

You can create XML structures for use as an XML value in your test. You first
set up the XML hierarchy for the XML structure by importing it and/or
manually adding and editing its nodes. You can then edit or parameterize
the attributes and values of the XML structure.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

To create an XML structure:

1 Click the Settings toolbar button or select File > Settings. The Test Settings
or Business Component Settings dialog box opens. Click the XML
Warehouse node.

Note: The XML Warehouse pane of the Business Component Settings dialog
box is identical to the example shown above.

2 Click the Create new XML structure button. The Create New XML Structure
dialog box opens.
3 Enter a name and description for your XML structure.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

4 Create the new XML structure, as described in “Understanding the Create

New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure Dialog Box” on page 698.
5 Click OK to create the XML structure and save it in the XML Warehouse for
your test.

Duplicating XML Structures

If you already created an XML structure, you can create a new XML structure
based on an existing one. This is useful if you need a new XML structure
with the same hierarchy as an existing one, but you want to use different
values or parameterization settings.

To duplicate an XML structure:

1 In the XML Warehouse pane of the Test Settings or Business Component
Settings dialog box, select the XML structure you want to duplicate.
2 Click the Duplicate XML Structure button. The Duplicate XML Structure
dialog box opens.
3 Specify a name for the new XML structure.
4 Modify the XML name, description, hierarchy elements and/or
parameterization options, as described in “Understanding the Create New/
Edit/Duplicate XML Structure Dialog Box” on page 698.
5 Click OK. The new XML structure is added to the list in the XML Warehouse

Modifying XML Structures

If you already created an XML structure, you can modify its settings. For
example, you can define or modify parameterization of values or attributes,
or add or delete specific elements in the XML structure.

To modify an XML structure:

1 In the XML Warehouse pane of the Test Settings or Business Component
Settings dialog box, select the XML structure you want to modify.
2 Click the Edit XML Structure button. The Edit XML Structure dialog box

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

3 Modify the hierarchy elements and/or parameterization options, as

described in “Understanding the Create New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure
Dialog Box” on page 698.
4 Click OK to save your changes and close the Edit XML Structure dialog box.

Deleting XML Structures

You can delete XML structures from the XML Warehouse if you no longer
need them for your test or component.

To delete an XML structure:

1 In the XML Warehouse pane of the Test Settings dialog box, select the XML
structure you want to delete.
2 Click the Delete XML Structure button. A confirmation message opens.
3 Click Yes to delete the selected XML structure from the XML Warehouse.

Understanding the Create New/Edit/Duplicate XML

Structure Dialog Box

Note: Although this section refers specifically to the Create New XML
Structure dialog box, the information provided also applies to the Edit XML
Structure dialog box and the Duplicate XML Structure dialog box.

The Create New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure dialog box enables you to

create and modify an XML structure and save it in the XML Warehouse.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

The dialog box displays the element hierarchy, attributes, and values
(character data) of the XML hierarchy you create.

XML Structure Information

The top part of the Create New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure dialog box
displays information about the XML structure:

Item Description

Name The XML structure name. When you are editing an

existing structure, this box is read-only.

Description A textual description of the XML structure.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

In addition, the following commands are available according to the node

you select in the XML tree:

Command Icon Description

Add Child Adds a child node below the selected node in the
XML tree.

Insert Sibling Adds a sibling node at the same level as the selected
node in the XML tree.

Add Value Enables you to assign a constant or parameterized

value to the selected item.

Delete Deletes the selected node.

Import XML Enables you to browse to and select another XML file.
The new file will override the selected node’s current

Export XML Enables you to save the current XML file.

Paste Pastes a cut or copied node as a child node below the

selected node in the XML tree.
Note: You cannot paste an XML element node as its
own descendant.

Copy Makes a copy of the selected node, which you can

then paste in another location in the XML tree.

Cut Prepares the selected node to be cut and copies it to

the clipboard. When you paste the node in the new
location, it is removed from the original location in
the XML tree.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

Command Icon Description

Edit XML as Text Opens the Edit XML as Text dialog box, enabling you
to modify the XML text of the selected node and its
subnodes in a text editor.
This dialog box is used mainly for constructing an
entire XML segment from a string or for fixing syntax
problems that prevent the dialog box from displaying
the XML tree correctly. It is also useful when you
want to use copy-paste functionality to edit the XML
For more information, see the HP QuickTest
Professional User Guide.

Duplicate Adds a new node, identical to the selected one, as a

sibling node at the same level as the selected node in
the XML tree.
Note: This command is available only from the
context menu (Right-click menu).

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

Choosing the Element Values and/or Attributes to Edit or

The Create New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure dialog box contains an XML
tree that displays the hierarchy of the XML structure, enabling you to select
the element values and/or attributes that you want to edit or parameterize.
You can edit or parameterize only the values; you cannot edit or
parameterize element tags. This pane contains the following areas:

Area Description

XML Tree The XML tree displays the hierarchal relationship between each
element and value in the XML file. Each element is displayed
with a icon. Each value is displayed with a icon.
Note: Expanding a large XML tree might take some time.

Data Area When an element is selected in the XML tree, the data area to
the right of the tree displays the element’s attributes and values.
When an element value is selected in the XML tree, the data
area displays the value node’s data.
When you click in a Value cell, the parameterization button
is displayed. Click the button to parameterize the value. For
more information, see “Parameterizing XML Values” on
page 703.


➤ The XML tree pane and the Attribute and Value columns in the right
pane are resizable.
➤ You can delete an attribute by selecting its row and pressing the DELETE
key on your keyboard.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

Parameterizing XML Values

When you add a step to your test, you can parameterize operation
arguments of type XML so that they use dynamic data from an XML
structure that you saved in the XML Warehouse. When you select to
parameterize an XML argument, the Value Configuration Options dialog
box opens. You can create a new XML structure from within this dialog box,
and then use this XML structure as the parameterized value.

To parameterize an XML operation argument:

1 In the Keyword View, click in the Value column of the operation that you
want to parameterize.

Note: The Value cell can comprise more than one partition, containing
different argument values for the selected operation. Clicking a partition
displays the parameterization button , as well as information for each
argument in a tooltip. In the tooltip, the argument for the partition that is
currently highlighted is displayed in bold.

2 Click the parameterization button . The Value Configuration Options

dialog box opens, showing the currently defined value.
3 Select Parameter. If the value is already parameterized, the Parameter
section displays the current parameter definition for the value. If the value is
not yet parameterized, the Parameter section displays the default parameter
definition for the value.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

4 From the Parameter list, select XML Structure.

5 In the Properties area, select the type of XML structure you want to use:
➤ Existing. Enables you to specify an XML structure you have already
If you select Existing, select the name from the Name list. If you want to
modify the existing structure, click the Edit XML Structure button and go
to step 6. Otherwise, click OK. The test uses the values from the XML
structure you specify. If you specify an existing XML structure, the
description is displayed in read-only mode.
➤ New. Enables you to create a new XML structure.
If you select New, enter a name and textual description for it in the Name
and Description boxes and click Create New XML Structure.
The Create New/Edit XML Structure dialog box opens.

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

6 Create or edit the XML structure as described in “Understanding the Create

New/Edit/Duplicate XML Structure Dialog Box” on page 698.
7 When you finish, click OK to close the Create New/Edit XML Structure
dialog box.
8 Click OK to close the Value Configuration Options dialog box.

Working with XML Data Operations

A test consists of statements (steps) coded in Microsoft VBScript. These
statements are composed of objects, methods, and/or properties that
instruct QuickTest to perform operations on, or retrieve information from,
your Web service. You can insert and edit statements in your test manually
in the Keyword View (tests and components) or in the Expert View (tests

You can add steps to perform XML data operations using the
XMLWarehouse objects (tests and components) and XMLData objects (tests

Specifying XML Structures for XML Value Types

The XMLWarehouse object enables you to parameterize XML values such as
method arguments of type XML. This enables you to use data from an XML
structure that you saved in the XML Warehouse. The individual values of
the elements and attributes in the XMLWarehouse object can be
parameterized so that dynamic data can be used during a run session.

The following example uses the XMLWarehouse object in the Expert View to
use the parameterized Departure XML structure as the argument for the
Find method.

Set Find=

Chapter 40 • Working with XML Data

When inserting steps manually in the Expert View, you can use IntelliSense
to add an XML structure from the XML Warehouse. When you type
XMLWarehouse followed by an open parenthesis (, QuickTest displays a list
of all XML structures in the XML Warehouse.

After inserting an XMLWarehouse object in a step in the Expert View, you

can right-click on the object and select View/Edit XML Structure to open the
Edit XML Structure dialog box.

Working with Retrieved XML Data

Many Web service operations return XML data objects. You can check and/
or manipulate pieces of these objects using XMLData and other XML-related

For example, you can use the XMLData.ChildElementsByPath method to

return the child elements of a returned XML data object as an
XMLElementsColl collection object. You can then use the
XMLElementsColl.Count property to check whether the collection has the
expected number of elements.

For information on the XMLData object, see the Supplemental Objects

section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

Supported Checkpoints and Output
Values Per Add-In

The tables in this chapter show the categories of checkpoints and output
values that are supported by QuickTest Professional for each add-in.

For more information about using checkpoints and output values in a

specific add-in, see the relevant add-in section.

This chapter includes:

➤ Supported Checkpoints on page 710
➤ Supported Output Values on page 712

Appendix A • Supported Checkpoints and Output Values Per Add-In

Supported Checkpoints
Table Legend
➤ S: Supported
➤ NS: Not Supported
➤ NA: Not Applicable

For additional information, see “Footnotes” on page 711.

(From Application)

(From Resource)

Text Area








.NET Web Forms5 S S NA NA NA S S S NS S S

.NET Windows Forms NA S NA NA NA S S N S N N


PeopleSoft S S NA S S S S S3 NS S S

PowerBuilder4 NS S NA NS NA S S S S NA NS


SAP Windows S7 S NA S7 S7 S S S7 NS S7 NA

Siebel S S NA S S S S S NS S S

Standard Windows NS S NA NS NA S S S S NA NS

Stingray NA S NA NA NA S S S S NA NS

Terminal Emulator NA S NA NA NA S NA NA NA NA NA

Appendix A • Supported Checkpoints and Output Values Per Add-In

(From Application)

(From Resource)

Text Area





Visual Age NA S NA NA NA S S S S NA NS

Visual Basic NS S NA NS NA S S S S NA NS

Web2 S S NA S S S S S3 NS S NS



1Only standard and bitmap checkpoints are supported for business
When creating checkpoints for Web objects in components, only bitmap
checkpoints and standard checkpoints are available.
Checkpoints are supported only for Page, Frame, and ViewLink objects.
When you insert a checkpoint on a PowerBuilder DataWindow control,
QuickTest treats it as a table and opens the Table Checkpoint Properties
dialog box (not supported for components).
For NET Web Forms, text checkpoints for WbfTreeView, WbfToolbar, and
WbfTabStrip objects are not supported.
The text checkpoint mechanism for Java objects is disabled by default. You
can enable it (for tests only) in the Advanced Java Options dialog box.
7 This is supported only when QuickTest records HTML elements using the
Web infrastructure, but not when it records using the SAPGui Scripting
Interface (as selected in the SAP pane of the Options dialog box).

Appendix A • Supported Checkpoints and Output Values Per Add-In

Supported Output Values

Table Legend
➤ S: Supported
➤ NS: Not Supported
➤ NA: Not Applicable

For additional information, see “Footnotes” on page 713.

(From Application)

(From Resource)

Text Area




ActiveX NS NA NA NA S S Text






PeopleSoft NA NA NA S S S S3 NS S S

PowerBuilder4 NA NA NA NA S NA S S NA S


SAP Windows NA NA NA S6 S S S6 NS S6 S

Siebel NA NA NA S S S S NS S S

Standard Windows NA NA NA NA S NA S S NA S

Stingray NA NA NA NA S NA S S NA S

Terminal Emulator NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Appendix A • Supported Checkpoints and Output Values Per Add-In

(From Application)

(From Resource)

Text Area





Visual Basic NA NA NA NA S NA S S NA S




1Only standard and bitmap output values are supported for business
When creating output values for Web objects in components, only
standard output values are available.
Output values are supported only for Page, Frame, and ViewLink objects.
When you insert an output value step on a PowerBuilder DataWindow
control, QuickTest treats it as a table and opens the Table Output Value
Properties dialog box (not supported for components).
The text output mechanism for Java objects is disabled by default. You can
enable it (for tests only) in the Advanced Java Options dialog box.
This is supported only when QuickTest records HTML elements using the
Web infrastructure, but not when it records using the SAPGui Scripting
Interface (as selected in the SAP pane of the Options dialog box).

Appendix A • Supported Checkpoints and Output Values Per Add-In

Numerics tips for working with 41
adjusting configuration settings 524, 545
1_APP_ENV variable 158
adjustment options 551
1_DIR_ENV variable 158
emulator settings 552
HLLAPI settings 553
A object identification settings 554
abstract Web tables 611 record settings 555
accessibility. See Web content accessibility run settings 558
accessing internal properties and methods of advanced authentication, Active Screen 607
run-time .NET Web Forms objects 218 Apache Axis toolkit 673
accessing internal properties and methods of API, Siebel Test Automation 419, 423
run-time .NET Windows Forms Application Area Settings dialog box
objects 194 Web pane 100
Active Screen application areas
advanced authentication 607 Web settings 100
dialog box 605 Application Details dialog box 52
Test Settings dialog box, Web pane application details environment variables
606 158, 293
Active Screen dialog box 607 applications
ActiveX controls adding 52
recording and running tests on 117 editing 52
windowless 118 Applications dialog box 436
add-in extensibility 23 Applications tab 436
add-in extensibility ARGS_ENV_1 variable 59
See also extensibility associating
Add-in License 24 add-ins, using the Add-in Manager 35
Add-in Manager dialog box 28, 30, 31 Attachmate EXTRA! 513
adding checkpoints Attachmate myEXTRA! terminal viewer 514
bitmaps 404 Attachments property 679
for Sieb tabular objects 445 authentication
for text in SAP Web applications 403 for Active Screen 607
add-ins Automation Elements 210
about 23 AutomationElement property 212
associated and loaded 35 AutomationPattern property 212
loading 28 AutoOn token, for Siebel Test Automation
loading with add-in support 30, 249 424
loading without add-in support 34 AutoToken, for Siebel Test Automation 425


B CHLD_ENV_1 variable 59
CMDLINE_ENV variable 158
Basic event recording configuration level 618
configuration adjustment options 551
behavior, DHTML 626
configuration levels
bitmap checkpoint
event recording
for SAP Web objects 404
standard 618
BlueZone 517
Web event recording 620
Browser Control Utility 613
Configuration property 679
Browser Details dialog box 85
configuration settings
BROWSER_ENV variable 81, 158
adjusting 524, 545
copying 510
ignoring 84
restoring 549
supported 581
Configure Emulator Classes Screen 505
bubbling 627
Configure Emulator Screen Settings Screen
Business Component Settings dialog box
Web pane 102
Configure HLLAPI Properties Screen 501
Business Process Testing, guidelines for
working with 683
emulator classes 505
buttons 409
screen settings 507
terminal emulator settings 493
C terminal emulator to work with
calling QuickTest Tests from eCATT 348 QuickTest 512
cell editors, JTable connecting to eCATT 316
working with 162 connecting to the host 512
certificate, security 653 connection speed, SAP server 279
checking Control display mode, for Help screens 276
appearance of SAP Web objects 404 control patterns 210, 213
Sieb tabular objects 445 copying existing configurations 510
Siebel objects 441 Create XML Structure dialog box 698
text in SAP Web applications 403 CreateObject method 171
checkpoints creating steps
bitmap, for SAP Web objects 404 on Oracle objects 242
for Java SWT table trees 166 custom .NET controls 191, 217
for SAP Web tables and grid controls custom Web event recording configuration
404 620
for Sieb tabular objects 445 adding listening events 624
for text in SAP Web applications 403 adding objects to the list 624
pages 587 deleting objects from the list 624
supported by QuickTest 710 loading configuration files 635
supported for Web Forms objects 218 saving configuration files 634
supported for Windows Forms objects specifying listening criteria 626
192 Custom Web Event Recording Configuration
supported for Windows Presentation dialog box 620, 631
Foundation objects 211 customization. See extensibility
tables 166
Web content accessibility 92, 599 D


Define Row Range dialog box 166, 359, 366, standalone mode 322
369 packages, moving tests between 344
Delphi Add-in renaming tests, integrated mode 344
using 121 running tests stored in
Delphi Add-in extensibility 121 integrated mode 351
Delphi application, communicating with standalone mode 337
QuickTest 124 saving tests
developer Name attribute integrated mode 340
configuring 225 standalone mode 319
DHTML behavior 626 sending test arguments 348
Dialog display mode, for Help screens 276 setting testing options 333
DIR_ENV_1 variable 59 standalone mode 314
disabling testing modes 310
dynamic transformation support 184, uploading files to 325
231 recovery files 328
disconnecting from eCATT 318 shared object repository files 327
dll names 502 eCATT Connection dialog box 316
downloading files from eCATT 332 eCATT Download File dialog box 332
Duplicate XML Structure dialog box 698 eCATT Trace Options dialog box 335
dynamic transformation support 230 eCATT Upload File dialog box 325, 329
disabling 184, 231 ECCUST_ET table 313
support mechanism 182 Edit XML Structure dialog box 698
embedded Web browser controls 586
emulator settings 552
emulator synchronization 540
eCATT 309 Enable Scripting option, Scripting tab 273,
applying privileges for QuickTest 275
integration 314 enabling tests, setting F1Help 278
calling QuickTest tests 348 environment variables
configuring to work with QuickTest application details 158, 293
312 checking settings 178
connecting to 316 record and run 59, 81, 240
copying tests, integrated mode 343 predefined variable names 59, 81
creating tests, integrated mode 346 understanding 39
deleting tests, integrated mode 345 event recording configuration. See Web
disconnecting from 318 event recording configuration
displaying tests (read-only), events
integrated mode 340 viewing with .NET Windows Forms
downloading files from 332 Spy 204
external tool parameters 313 EXE_ENV_1 variable 59
integrated mode 339 EXEPATH_ENV variable 59, 158
integration overview 309 Expert View 159, 213, 416
managing tests from 340 extensibility 23
opening tests Delphi Add-in 121
from recent test list 325 for .NET Web Forms 215
integrated mode 340 for .NET Windows Forms 189


Java Add-in 129 I

Web Add-in 578
IBM Java
EXTRA! 513
environment variables 178
IBM PCOM See IBM Personal
F Communications
F1 Help 278 IBM Personal Communications 515
F4 Help 276 IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand 515
Filter Images Check dialog box 594, 597 icons 409
Filter Links Check dialog box 594, 595 test object classes 543
filtering ignore browsers list 84
hypertext links 595 adding browser 85
image sources 597 modifying browser 87
Firefox, Mozilla removing browser 87
environment variables 179 image sources, filtering, for page checkpoints
Java console 181 597
full object hierarchy, viewing 169 integrated mode 310
function names 502 internal methods, accessing 194, 218
internal operations and properties 390

GetStatics method 172
grid objects 414 Java
guidelines for working with Business Process classes, working with static members
Testing 683 172
console 179
environment variables 178
H working with multiple environments
handler 626 182
headers property 679 Java Add-in
Help screens 276, 278 Advanced Java Options dialog box
High event recording configuration level 618 141
high-interactivity applications 422 checking environment settings 178
HLLAPI properties 501 extensibility 129
HLLAPI settings 553 guidelines 131
Host On-Demand See IBM WebSphere Host Java pane, Options dialog box 136
On-Demand troubleshooting 175
HostExplorer 515 Java console 229
HP Service Test and HP Service Test locating 179
Management 29, 687 Java objects
HP Software Support Web site 19 creating 171
HP Software Web site 19 working with 131
HTML Source dialog box 592 Java test objects
HTML Tags dialog box 592 unique test object methods 171
HTML verification 592 JTable cell editors
Hummingbird HostExplorer 515 custom 162
hypertext links, filtering 595 finding the toolkit class using a


QuickTest script 165 modifying terminal emulator settings 522

finding the toolkit class using the Mozilla Firefox
Object Spy 163 environment variables 179
recording on 162 Java console 181
standard 162 working with 582
JView myEXTRA! terminal viewer 514
environment variables 179
environment variables 179
Name attribute
configuring 225
K native operations and properties 390
kernel patches native properties, accessing 194, 218
checking 265 .NET Add-in extensibility 189
levels 262 .NET Framework WSE toolkit 649, 673, 681
Knowledge Base 19 .NET Web Forms objects, testing 215
.NET Windows Forms Spy 195
.NET Windows Forms objects, testing 189
NetManage RUMBA 516
LNCH_ENV_1 variable 59 NetManage RUMBA Web-to-Host 517
loaded and associated add-ins 35 Netscape
loading QuickTest working with 582
with add-in support 30, 249 Netscape Browser
without add-in support 34 environment variables 179
loading QuickTest add-ins 28 Java console 180
locating the Java console 179
Low speed connection option, SAP server
279 O
low-level recording 307 object classes 529
object hierarchy
full 169
recorded 159
Medium event recording configuration level object identification options, specifying 67
618 Object Identification settings 554
Mercury Tours 19 Object property 194, 218, 390, 443
message management objects 679 Object Selection - Checkpoint Properties
methods 212 dialog box 369
accessing native 443 Object Spy 390, 443
test object 213, 416 objects, message management 679
Microsoft Internet Explorer online documentation 17
environment variables 179 online resources 19
Java console 180 Open QuickTest Test from eCATT dialog box
working with 582 323, 324
Microsoft Internet Explorer Virtual Machine opening tests
Java console 181 in eCATT integrated mode 340
modal dialog box mode, for Help screens 278 in eCATT standalone mode 322
Modify Row Range dialog box 362, 373


operations Foundation objects 211

accessing native 390, 443
test object 416
Options dialog box
eCATT pane 333 pacing your test run 538
eCATT Trace Options, eCATT pane Page Checkpoint Properties dialog box 587,
335 590
Java pane 136 page checkpoints 587
SAP tab 294 editing page property values 592
Terminal Emulator pane 522 filtering hypertext links 595
Web pane 82 filtering image sources 597
Windows Applications > Advanced HTML verification 592
pane 65 parameterization icon 703
Windows Applications pane 61 parameterizing, XML values 703
Oracle Add-in password, for Siebel Test Automation 425
checking environment settings 229 patch version, SAP GUI for Windows client
disabling dynamic transformation 267
support 231 PCOM See IBM Personal Communications
troubleshooting 227 port, selecting from WSDL source 659, 672
Oracle Applications server PowerBuilder Add-in
configuring developer Name attribute DataWindow 255
225 using 253
Oracle tab properties
Record and Run Settings dialog box accessing native 443
236 accessing native for SAP Windows 390
ORACLE_AUTO_LOGIN_ENV variable 240 viewing with .NET Windows Forms
240 protocol 523
ORACLE_LOGOUT_ENV variable 240
ORACLE_URL_ENV variable 240
ORACLE_USER_NAME_ENV variable 240 QuickTest
output values loading with add-in support 30, 249
for SAP Windows objects 364 loading without add-in support 34
inserting while editing your test 369
inserting while recording 366 R
modifying 373
Readme 17
object property values 364
recent tests list, opening eCATT tests from
SAP Windows property and table cell
values 364
record and run environment variables 240
SAP Windows table cell values 365
Record and Run Settings dialog box 36, 430
supported by QuickTest 712
environment variables 39
supported for Web Forms objects 218
optimizing other tab settings 159
supported for Windows Forms objects
Oracle tab 236
SAP tab 289
supported for Windows Presentation
Web tab 76, 159


Windows Applications tab 45, 159 objects 439

Record settings 555 running tests stored in eCATT
record settings options 67 integrated mode 351
recorded object hierarchy 159 standalone mode 337
recording run-time method arguments 705
custom Web event recording rz11 transaction 268
configuration 620
low-level mode 307
on .NET objects 191
on Oracle objects 235 SAP application server
on SAP Web objects 397 configuring 284
on SAP Windows objects 281 enabling the scripting interface 268
on terminal emulator applications package and patch versions, checking
534 262
on Web sites 579 SAP GUI for Windows
relative to coordinates 307 configuring 281
right mouse button clicks 630 installing 261
standard Web event recording patch versions, checking 267
configuration 618 SAP Gui for Windows
standard Windows capabilities 308 enabling scripting 273
status, options 627 SAP GUI Scripting API 285
Web event recording configuration SAP GUI Scripting option 261
616 SAP Logon dialog box 267
recording tests SAP OSS note #480149 263, 265, 268
on Oracle objects 242 SAP support packages 262
on SAP GUI for Windows applications SAP tab
281 Options dialog box 294
on SAP Web objects 397 SAP Web
recovery scenarios 533 test objects 407
Reflection 518 SAP Windows
Register Browser Control Utility dialog box supported checkpoints 358
613 supported output values 358
registering browser controls 613 SAP Windows objects, overview 375
renaming tests in eCATT 344 SAP_CLIENT_ENV variable 293
restoring configuration settings 549 SAP_ECET role 314
right mouse button SAP_LANGUAGE_ENV variable 293
configuring QuickTest to record 630 SAP_PASSWORD_ENV variable 293
recording clicks 630 SAP_SERVER_ENV variable 293
RUMBA 516 SAP_USER_ENV variable 293
RUMBA Web-to-Host 517 SAPButton test object 409
Run dialog box 337 SAPCheckBox test object 410
Run settings 558 SAPDropDownMenu test object 410
run settings options 72 SAPEdit test object 410
running tests SAPFrame test object 410
on Web sites 579 sapgui/user_scripting profile 268
running tests or components on Siebel SAPGuiButton object 378


SAPGuiCalendar object 382 Service Testing Wizard 659

SAPGuiCheckbox object 378 Select Service screen, Web Service Add Object
SAPGuiComboBox object 378 Wizard 672
SAPGuiEdit object 378 selecting a terminal emulator 522
SAPGuiElement object 382 service, selecting from WSDL source 659
SAPGuiGrid object 381 session name 500, 503, 512
SAPGuiLabel object 383 Set Security Options screen, Web Service
SAPGuiMenubar object 378 Testing Wizard 653
SAPGuiOKCode object 378 SET_EXTERNAL_TOOL function module 313
SAPGuiRadioButton object 378 SetCellData method 162
SAPGuiSession object 378 SetHeaderField_ method 681
SAPGuiStatusBar object 383 settings
SAPGuiTable object 384 emulator 552
SAPGuiTabStrip object 384 HLLAPI 553
SAPGuiTextArea object 378 object identification 554
SAPGuiToolbar object 385 Record 555
SAPGuiTree object 387 Run 558
SAPGuiUtil object 389 settings for testing Web-based SAP
SAPGuiWindow object 378 applications 397
SAPiView test object 410 short name for session 500, 503
SAPList test object 411 Siebel environment, setting up 419, 423
SAPMenu test object 411 Siebel Test Automation 424, 431
SAPNavigationBar test object 412 API 419, 423
SAPOKCode test object 412 AutoOn token 424
SAPPortal test object 413 AutoToken 425
SAPRadioGroup test object 413 configuring 424
SAPStatusBar test object 413 password 425
SAPTable test object 414 SOA testing capabilities 29
SAPTabStrip test object 415 SPAM transaction 263
SAPTreeView test object 416 Specify WSDL for Scanning screen
Save External File to eCATT dialog box 327, Add Object Wizard 670
328, 331 Web Service Testing Wizard 649
Save QuickTest Test to eCATT dialog box spooling data
319, 321 from a Siebel table 444
saving configured settings 509 from an SAP GUI for Windows table
saving tests 374
in eCATT integrated mode 340 from an SAP Web table 406
in eCATT standalone mode 319 Spy
screen label 523 .NET Windows Forms 195
Seagull BlueZone 517 standalone mode, eCATT 310
Section 508, Web Content Accessibility standard Web event recording configuration
Guidelines 599 618
security options, setting 653 standard Windows recording 308
Security property 679 standard-interactivity applications 422
security token 653 statements 212
Select Service and Operations screen, Web Step Generator 213, 416


Summary screen, Web Service Testing configuring screen settings 507

Wizard 662 copying existing configurations 510
Sun Java HLLAPI properties 501
environment variables 178 modifying 522
support saving configured settings 509
disabling dynamic transformation selecting 522
231 Terminal Emulator Configuration
dynamic transformation 230 Wizard 495
support packages, checking 263 terminal viewer See Attachmate myEXTRA!
Sync method 540 terminal viewer
synchronization points 543 TeScreen object 531
synchronization timeout 542 Sync method 540
synchronizing the test 538 test arguments
System.Windows.Forms.Control, supported specifying from eCATT 348
controls 191, 217 test automation. See Siebel Test Automation
test object class icons 543
test object classes 529
test object methods
tabbed browsing 76, 579 unique to Java test objects 171
table checkpoints 166 test object model 428, 528
adding 358 test objects 212
inserting while recording 359 test results 684
modifying 362 Test Settings dialog box 542
table output values, modifying 373 Web pane 98
table_external_editors_list variable 162 Web Services pane 677
tables, spooling data 374, 406, 444 testing
tabular objects SAP Web objects 393
checking 445 SAP Windows objects 281
TeField object 531 testing terminal emulator applications 519
terminal emulator tests
selecting 522 copying in eCATT 343
terminal emulator applications creating eCATT tests 346
testing 519 creating QuickTest tests in eCATT 346
terminal emulator configuration deleting from eCATT 345
validating 524 opening in integrated mode (in
Terminal Emulator Configuration eCATT) 340
Adjustments Dialog Box 546 opening in standalone mode (in
Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard eCATT) 322
495, 524 renaming in eCATT 344
Terminal Emulator pane 522 saving in eCATT (integrated mode)
terminal emulator settings 340
adjustment options 551 saving in eCATT (standalone mode)
changing in Terminal Emulator pane 319
522 TeTextScreen object 532
configuring 493 Sync method 540
configuring emulator classes 505 TeWindow object 529


timeout setting 542 Web content accessibility checkpoints 599

toggle buttons 410 automatically adding 600
toolbar buttons 409 in test results 603
toolkit class, of a cell editor 162 manually adding 600
toolkit, specifying 673 setting preferences 600
trace file, configuring for eCATT run sessions Web event recording
335 customizing 620
tree objects 416 Web event recording configuration 615
Tree View 159 custom 620
Troubleshooting and Knowledge Base 19 resetting 636
troubleshooting, testing Java objects 175 standard 618
troubleshooting, testing Oracle applications Web Event Recording Configuration dialog
227 box 619, 631
Web pane, Business Component Settings
dialog box 102
Web Service Add Object Wizard 668
UI Automation, control patterns 210 Web service methods 678, 705
uploading files to eCATT 325, 329, 331 Web Service Testing Wizard 646
recovery files 328 Web services
shared object repository files 327 selecting a toolkit 673
URL_ENV variable 81, 158 selecting a WSDL source 649
setting security options 653
V testing 641
Web Services pane 674, 677
Validate button Web settings
terminal emulator configuration 524 Application Area Settings dialog box
Validate WSDL dialog box 664 100
validating a WSDL source 649, 664 Browser Details dialog box 85
Value Configuration Options dialog box 703 ignore browsers 84
values, outputting property and table cell for Options dialog box 82
SAP Windows objects 364 Web > Advanced pane 91
VBScript 212 Web > Page/Frame Options pane 88
Visual Basic objects 563 Web sites, recording and running tests 579
Web tab, Record and Run Settings dialog box
W 76, 159
Web tables
W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
abstract 611
ignoring element 611
WaitProperty method 543
Web test settings 397
WaitString method
WebService objects, adding to object
TeScreen object 541
repository 668
TeTextScreen object 541
WebSphere Host On-Demand 515
warning messages, eliminating 275
Web-to-Host See NetManage RUMBA Web-
Web > Advanced pane 91, 397
Web > Page/Frame Options pane 88, 397
Welcome screen, Web Service Testing Wizard
Web Add-in extensibility 578
Web browsers, supported 579


Windows applications
adding 52
editing 52
Windows Applications Advanced pane 65
Windows Applications pane
settings 61
Windows Applications settings, Windows
Applications Advanced pane 65
Windows Applications tab, Record and Run
Settings dialog box 45, 159
Windows Forms
spying on 195
Windows Presentation Foundation
AutomationElement property 212
AutomationPattern property 212
Object property 212
Windows Presentation Foundation objects,
testing 207
WORKDIR_ENV variable 158
WRQ Reflection 518
accessing a secure 651, 671
selecting a source 649
validating 664
WS-I standards 649

XML checkpoints 690
XML data, parameterizing values 703
XML output values 692
XML structures 693
creating 695
deleting 698
duplicating 697
managing 694
modifying 697
setting parameter options 703
XML Warehouse 695
XMLData objects 706
XMLWarehouse objects 705

Zephyr Passport 518



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