Cell Search Procedures in LTE Systems
Cell Search Procedures in LTE Systems
Cell Search Procedures in LTE Systems
Abstract—In this paper, we present a cell search procedure Symbol 0 Symbol 6 denotes PSS subcarrier
for a Long Term Evolution (LTE) system based device, which (resource element)
involves determining the primary group identifier associated with
a cell as well as its timing information. This is facilitated by 659
chronization. -3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
by a mobile device in a cellular system after initial -659
Slot 0
dures, a mobile device is able to receive and initiate voice and (0.5ms)
Slot 1 Slot 10 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 0
Slot 19
data calls. A typical cell search procedure in cellular systems Frame i (10 ms) Frame
such as third-generation partnership project’s (3GPP) - Long i+1
Term Evolution (LTE), Wideband Code Division Multiple Symbol j Symbol j +1
Access (WCDMA) or Global System for Mobile Communica-
tions (GSM) - may involve a combination of carrier frequency Fig. 1. Subcarrier and time-slice allocation for PSS with system bandwidth
determination, timing synchronization and identification of of 20MHz and 1320 subcarriers
unique cell identifier. These procedures are typically facilitated
by specific synchronization signals transmitted by the base
station (BTS). However, these synchronization signals are not in eventual successful detection of an LTE cell as has been
continuously used in connected modes for a mobile device. reported in [5].
Hence, only minimum resources in terms of power, subcarrier Complete details on LTE system and synchronization signal
allocation and time slice are allocated for synchronization can be found in the reference texts [1] and the technical
signals. specifications [3]. Previous works on cell search procedures
In an LTE system, a Zadoff-Chu sequence [6], which has for 3GPP-LTE provide good detail on the system architecture
good auto-correlation properties in frequency domain, is used and design choices. A good reference on design considerations
to generate samples for the primary synchronization signal for synchronization techniques for LTE can be found in [4].
(PSS). Further, these autocorrelation properties are preserved More specifically, design ideas and performance results for
in the time domain as well. Consequently, matched filter based cell search in LTE have been presented in [8] and [9]. Also, in
time-domain autocorrelation approaches are applicable to PSS [10], the initial cell search procedure has been combined with
as well. However, the sampling rate for correlation (as in [11]) frequency error correction. Further, the work in [7] proposes to
needs to be carefully chosen to avoid excessive processing replace the existing synchronization sequence in LTE with an
and yet maintain a good level of cell detectability in cell enhanced perfect sequence. However, existing research litera-
search procedures. Further, it needs to be understood as to how ture does not fully address the relation of a key performance
the correlation scheme behaves in the presence of extraneous metric, cell detectability, with system design parameters and
noise. It is therefore essential to analyze the impact of these noise levels. This paper attempts to analyze the performance of
factors on the performance of cell search procedure in LTE cell search procedure in LTE system by means of analysis and
systems. It is important to mention that the first stage of simulations. More specifically, the challenges that are present
cell search process involving the PSS channel is most crucial in a cellular wireless communication due to system noise are
analyzed against the cell search parameters such as sampling L OW PASS FILTER COEFFICIENTS
rate and accumulation length. The analysis and methods pro-
posed here can be applied to meet the contending demands of i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
b[i] 0.09 -0.53 1.33 -1.76 1.33 -0.5381 0.091
successful cell detection and minimal processing complexity. a[i] 1 -5.8 13.82 -17.75 12.82 -4.95 0.79
In the following section, we begin with a discussion of
LTE system’s primary synchronization signal (PSS). Then in TABLE II
section III, we cover the various design considerations for M ETRICS WITH VARIOUS DOWNSAMPLING RATES
searcher block viz. sampling rate, filtering and non-coherent
Downsampling Rate 1 2 4 8 16
integration. This is followed by a proposed searcher hardware Timing Hypotheses 153600 76800 38400 19200 9600
block architecture for PSS detection in section IV. We present System SNR1 33 dB 30 dB 27 dB 24 dB 21 dB
a comparison of analytical and simulation results in section V.
Finally we conclude with our future directions for research in
section VI.
A. Sampling and Filtering Issues
The LTE wireless cellular system is designed with orthogo-
nal frequency domain multiple access (OFDMA) in the physi- As has been mentioned before, the Primary Synchronization
cal layer. The incoming user data bits are multiplexed onto the Signal (PSS) occupies a bandwidth of 62 15kHz-subcarriers
assigned sub-carriers in frequency domain and transmitted as around the DC (Figure 1). Therefore, the low-pass filter to be
a single time-domain signal in downlink. This is accomplished used for extracting PSS signal from a larger spectrum should
by an inverse fast fourier transform (IFFT) on the user data have a cutoff bandwidth corresponding to this. As a design
bits. For facilitating cell search procedures, known bit patterns example, for sampling rate of 30.72 Msps, the Nyquist fre-
are transmitted in specific time and frequency slots (also quency would be 15.36 MHz and bandwidth of low-pass filter
known as resource elements) for the mobile devices to be able needs to be 3 percent ( 31·0.015
15.36 = 0.03) of Nyquist frequency.
to identify the cell’s timing and its associated identifier (cell Additionally it would be desirable to have a flat response in
ID). passband and a very sharp transition in gain between passband
A mobile device after being powered on, attempts to mea- and stopband. These goals can be achieved by 5-th or 6-
sure the wideband received power for specific frequencies th order elliptic filters. An example of such a filter used in
over a set of frequency bands. After ranking the frequencies our simulations is shown in Table I, where b[i]s and a[i]s
based on received signal strength indicator (RSSI), the user are respectively the numerators and denominators of filter’s
equipment (UE) attempts cell search using the downlink transfer function designed in MATLAB [14] using standard
synchronization channels. The cell search procedure in LTE IIR filter design techniques [2]. In terms of correlation of time
system can be performed in three steps. The first step is carried domain samples with PSS sequence, several sampling rates
out by correlating the received Primary Synchronization Signal can be utilized with varying levels of system SNRs. The key
(PSS) samples to determine the cell’s group identity out of criteria in choosing a good sampling rate are the contrasting
three possible values and its timing information by determin- demands of: (a) better accuracy attained at higher sampling
ing the 5ms (Figure 1) boundary of cell’s signal transmission. rates and, (b) minimal gate count in ASIC implementation
The latter is due to the fact that PSS signal is transmitted as achieved by attempting fewer timing hypotheses with lower
the last symbol in 0th and 10th slots of a 10ms frame. This sampling rates. Based on these trade-offs, for a PSS based
can be followed by correlating the received samples of the synchronization implementation, the cell search process can
secondary synchronization signal and reference signal [3] to be split into two parts - a coarse search that performs PSS
determine the cell identifier and frame timing. correlation at the minimum possible rate, e.g. the incoming
The PSS is composed of 62 samples of Zadoff-Chu se- 1
samples at 30.72 MHz are down-sampled at 16 rate so that
quence in the frequency domain that occupy the central sub- 30.72
Nyquist frequency ( 16·2 = 0.96 MHz) is greater than PSS
carriers in the transmission bandwidth as shown in Figure 1. bandwidth (62 · 15 kHz= 0.93MHz). It can be followed by a
The sequence that is used for frequency domain PSS samples far more accurate fine search with maximum allowed incoming
in LTE is, sampling rate (e.g. 30.72 MHz). This ensures that the coarse
search yields the approximate location of PSS peaks across
( πr(f +31)(f +32)
e−j 63 f = −31, −30, . . . , −1
Pr (f ) = −j
πr(f +32)(f +33) (1) multiple timing hypotheses with minimal hardware complex-
e 63 f = 0, 1, . . . , 30 ity. This is followed by a significantly shortened window of
where r is the root of Zadoff-Chu sequence with three possible fine search around the results from coarse search so that exact
values of 25,29 and 34 and Pr (f ) forms the frequency domain signal level can be estimated for other purposes e.g. crystal
sample sequence for PSS. As such the frequency domain frequency correction. Table II shows the number of possible
samples in equation 1 exhibits very low autocorrelation for timing hypotheses to be tried for various sampling rates and
non-zero lag values. But frequency domain correlation is not the corresponding System SNR degradation as explained in
practical as it requires determining the exact timing of the section III-C1 .
signal to perform the FFT operation and as such applying
FFT on a large number of timing hypotheses is not practical. 1 System SNR as derived later in section III-C
x 10 Time−domain PSCH Autocorrelation
B. Time Domain Analysis 15
The frequency domain auto-correlation properties of Zadoff-
Chu sequence are applicable to time domain as well. By
Correlation Magnitude
ignoring the small anomalous spikes for non-zero lag values
when performing the frequency domain autocorrelation of
Zadoff-Chu sequence, its auto-correlation behavior can be 5
directly computed and approximated by,
62 ν = 0 0
R(ν) = Pr (f ) · Pr (f + ν) = (2)
f =−31
0 ν 6= 0
This approximation can be extended in time domain by −1000 −500 0 500 1000
Lag in samples
recognizing that an inverse discrete fourier transform of a
constant amplitude zero autocorrelation waveform such as in Fig. 2. Time domain correlation behavior of PSS
eqn. 2 preserves the property of out-of-phase autocorrelation
being equal to zero. This can be understood by assuming only
the 62 subcarriers used by PSS are occupied and realizing hand, time-domain correlation has good autocorrelation prop-
that an M-point IDFT is a linear combination of the following erties and can be easily accomplished by simple correlation
form, with time-domain PSS sequence with reduced complexity and
f= M
2 −1 fX
=30 resources.
X j2πf n j2πf n
pr [n] = Pr (f ) ∗ e M = Pr (f ) ∗ e M (3)
f =− M
f =−31 C. System SNR
As in [6], the IDFT matrix for time-shift τ is defined as, F(τ ) = In an OFDMA system like LTE, the data on individual
F [τ, − 2 ] · · · F [τ, − 1]
· · · · ·
subcarriers remains orthogonal in frequency domain to PSS
F [k + τ, − M ] · F [k + τ, f ] · F [k + τ, M − 1]
symbols (i.e. after performing the FFT operation). But, when
2 2
correlation of PSS sequence is done with incoming samples
· · · · ·
F [M − 1 + τ , − M 2
] · · · F [M − 1 + τ, M2
− 1] in time-domain, the data subcarriers appear as source of
where F [a, b] =
e M . The Zadoff-Chu randomized noise for PSS synchronization. The 3GPP LTE
sample matrix can be represented as, Pr = specifications mandate transmission bandwidths from 1.4 MHz
[0 . . . 0 Pr [−31] . . . Pr [f ] . . . Pr [30] 0 . . . 0] (total M to 20 MHz, with number of 15 kHz subcarriers (Ns ) ranging
frequency components with zero samples beyond PSS from 72 to 1320 (Figure 1). In order to mitigate the impacts
bandwidth, refer Fig. 1). Hence, the time-domain sample of noise contribution from higher subcarriers, a LTE UE for
matrix corresponding to this is, pr = Pr · F(0). Based on time-domain PSS correlation may employ a discrete low-pass
these, the time-domain autocorrelation can be derived in filter that rejects all frequencies beyond the bandwidth of PSS
matrix form as: signal, ie. equivalent to 62 subcarriers (62×15kHz = 93kHz)
M −1
centered around the DC center point.
X The data bits are modulated using one of the modulation
R(τ ) = pr [k] · p∗r [k + τ ] = Pr · F(0) · F(τ )∗ · P∗r =
schemes (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM etc) and essentially cor-
respond to mapping a set of bits to one of the complex
0 0 · M 0 · 0
modulation symbols. As an example, for a random stream of
0 0 · 0 M · 0
incoming data bits (guaranteed by bit scrambling), the symbol
· · · · · · ·
∗ ∗ for QPSK modulation could be uniformly distributed over the
Pr · M 0 · 0 0 · 0 · Pr = M Pr I(0, τ )Pr
following set: {± √12 ± √12 j}. It is therefore reasonable to
0 M · 0 0 · 0
consider data bits as i.i.d. and uniformly distributed over these
· · · · · · ·
values with zero mean and unity variance. Other modulation
0 0 · 0 0 · 0
schemes could be modeled in a similar manner.
In time domain, a perfectly aligned PSS sequence has the
62 · M τ = 0
⇒ R(τ ) = (4) autocorrelation properties in eqn.4, but the wrong timing
0 τ 6= 0
hypotheses would take a number of M1 samples from one
where I(a, b) denotes identity matrix shifted by a rows and b OFDM symbol and the remaining M2 samples from the next
columns. Simulation results for the time domain behavior is (M1 + M2 = M ). This translates to time-domain samples
shown in Figure 2. This indicates PSS has good autocorrelation {d[M − M1 ], d[ M − M1 + 1], . . . d[ M − 1]} formed by IDFT
properties in time domain as well. Even though frequency of data symbols {D(− N2s ), D(− N2s + 1), . . . , D( N2s − 1)}
0 0 0
domain PSS sequence has good autocorrelation properties, it and {d [1], d [2], . . . d [M2 ]} formed by IDFT of data
0 0 0
requires fairly large number of FFT operations to be performed symbols {D (− 2 ), D (− N2s + 1), . . . , D ( N2s − 1)}.
on multiple timing hypotheses requiring complex ASIC imple- Assuming a perfect low-pass filter, only 62
mentation with increased power requirements. On the other subcarriers (i.e. {D(−31), D(−30), . . . , D(30)} and
0 0 0
{D (−31), D (−30), . . . , D (30)}) corresponding to PSS will on the specific radio resource element (RE) with zero mean
contribute to inherent system noise as higher subcarriers will and variance equal to Ior mean power spectral density (PSD)
be filtered out. This would be correlated by the time domain of transmitted signal averaged over RE (defined in [3], TS
PSS sequence, pr [n], as shown in equation 3. Therefore, the 36.521). The noise samples Ns (f ) also have zero mean but
time domain correlation corresponding to timing hypothesis variance being Noc ie. the PSD of white noise per RE [3].
M1 would be, This indicates at the noise hypothesis, C(M1 ) as in eqn. 6,
M −1 M 2 −1 distributed as: C(M1 ) ∼ N(0, 62 · (62 · M )), which when
X X 0
C(M1 ) = p∗r [n−M +M1 ]·d[n]+ p∗r [n+M1 ]·d [n] combined with eqns. 5 and 7, yields to the effective SNR
n=M −M1 n=0 relation as:
(5) M · Ior
SNRAW GN = (8)
Due to low-pass filtering upto PSS bandwidth, this translates Ior + Noc
30 M −1
j2πf n
E. Cell Detection Probability under Non-coherent Combining
C(M1 ) = D(f ){ p∗r [n − M + M1 ] · e M }
f =−31 n=M −M1 Non-coherent combining refers to accumulation of mag-
30 M 2 −1 nitudes of correlated complex symbols while discarding the
X 0 X j2πf n
+ D (f ){ p∗r [n + M1 ] · e M } (6) phase components in doing the accumulation. Compared to a
f =−31 n=0 coherent combining scheme that correlates and accumulates
0 each of the contiguous time-doman samples while preserving
As mentioned before, the data symbols D(f ) and D (f ) the complex phasors, non-coherent combining is very useful
can be thought of complex random variables with zero mean in a situation where the symbols to be accumulated are spread
and unity variance. Also, due to good non-periodic polyphase wide apart in time and hence coherent combination is not
correlation properties of Zadoff-Chu sequence and the fact reliable. This is due to the phase shifts caused by factors
j2πf n
that each of term p∗r [n − M + M1 ] ∗ e M is a linear such as mobility of the wireless device or inherent frequency
combination of original Zadoff-Chu sequence and therefore is errors in the crystal oscillators utilized for providing the timing
also a perfect sequence. As a result, each of multiplicands of reference. Clearly, longer non-coherent accumulation enhances
D(f ) and D (f ) can be approximated with a squared magni- the effective SNR of the PSS signal. More specifically, after
tude contributed by auto-correlation of pr (n) with itself only. accumulating the primary synchronization signal over p slots
Therefore, correlation corresponding to hypothesis, C(M1 ), in a non-coherent manner the correlation metric turns out as a
as a linear combination of 62 random variables, is distributed squared sum of p normal random variables distributed accord-
like: ing to equation 7. The signal hypothesis for such non-coherent
1 −1 −1
MX MX accumulation grows linearly as CS = p·(62·M )2 . As such, the
C(M1 ) ∼ N(0, 62 · ( p∗r [n] · pr [n] + p∗r [n] · pr [n]))squared sums of the noise correlation corresponding to timing
n=0 n=M1 hypothesis M1 , is distributed as a chi-square distribution with
∼ N(0, 62 · (62 · M )) (7)2p degrees of freedom, with a factor of two for I/Q branches.
The last result is possible due to autocorrelation of time- p−1
domain PSS as derived in equation 4. As a consequence of CN (M1 ) = C 2 (M1 , k) ∼ χ22p (0, (Ior +Noc )·62·(62·M ))
these two results, the system SNR obtained by squaring the I/Q k=0
components for signal and noise hypotheses can be estimated
(62·M )2 Based on these results and those in previous sections, we are
as, SN R = 62·62·M = M . Therefore, assuming no other noise
now in a position to derive the expression for probability of
sources, the overall system SNR for PSS signal against a noise
detection of cell at primary synchronization stage. By normal-
hypothesis is 10log10 M , or +33 dB for a sampling/correlation
izing the AWGN noise to have unity power, the signal power
rate of 30.72 Msps.
can be derived from equation 8. We can denote it as snr.
Essentially a PSS signal hypothesis corresponding to correct
D. SNR with AWGN noise timing has a signal(R(τ )) and noise(CN (M1 )) components
Apart from inherent system noise, the LTE channel has as described in equations 4 and 9. Thus signal hypothesis
noise contributions from other sources viz. thermal noise, corresponding√to correct timing, has a real component dis-
leakage noise from neighboring cells, other radio access tech- tributed as N( snr, 12 ) and imaginary component as N(0, 12 ).
nologies (RATs) etc. All these noise sources can generally The I/Q accumulations could potentially have been rotated by
be modeled as additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) [3]. channel fading, so a squared magnitude is necessary which
Due to the low-pass filtering employed with PSS based syn- will follow a non-central chi-square distribution of degree 2
chronization, the impact of additive noise is accumulated only with non-centrality parameter λ = ( µσ11 )2 + ( µσ22 )2 = 2 · snr.
over +/−31 subcarriers around DC. Referring to equation 2, After p symbols of non-coherent combining, this translates
each of the frequency domain samples can be thought of as to non-central chi-square distribution of degree 2p and non-
composed of PSS contribution and AWGN component. As centrality parameter λ = 2 · p · √ snr, distributed according to
(x+λ) p 1
a result, the frequency domain samples D(f ) is a sum of fs (x) = 21 e− 2 ( λx ) 2 − 2 Ip−1 ( λx), where I() is modified
the form, Ds (f ) + Ns (f ), where Ds (f ) is the data sample Bessel function of first kind. The noise timing hypotheses
based on eqn. 9, and normalization to unity, remain as central maximum rate of 30.72 Msps as per the 3GPP specifications.
chi-square distribution(CDF, Fn (x) = γ(p,x/2)Γ(p) ) of degree
Based on this, a suitable sample timing hypothesis (H) and
2p composed of normally distributed random variables with downsampling rate (R) needs to be utilized that reduces the
mean zero and variance 12 . The number η of such noise number of parallel hypothesis to be evaluated as discussed in
hypotheses is determined by table II. For a successful detection section III-A. For 30.72 Msps rate, the possible sample timing
the maximum of all of these η noise hypotheses needs to be locations are H = 153600 (Table II). For first-stage coarse
less than signal hypothesis. The maximum of these η noise search procedure, an aggressive downsampling rate, R = 16
hypotheses is distributed according to Fmax,n (x) = (Fn (x))η . could be utilized. The OFDMA symbol duration (S) for a PSS
Thus the successful cell search detection probability can be symbol is 2048 samples, which results in the requirements of
determined as, simultaneous evaluation of R possible hypotheses. If clock
Z ∞ source for PSS correlator is kept at symbol rate, because of
Pd (snr, p, η) = fs (x)Fmax,n (x) · dx downsampling, R parallel correlations can be performed for
Z ∞ √ each timing hypothesis. This results in RS2 correlator units
1 − (x+λ) x p − 1 γ(p, x/2) η
= e 2 ( ) 2 2 Ip−1 ( λx)( ) · dx (10) only. As an example, for 2048 sample PSS symbol duration, a
0 2 λ Γ(p) downsampling rate of 16, only 8 correlator units will be needed
This expression can be solved in a piece-wise numerical in each of the I and Q branches. Once a coarse timing is known
manner. For single symbol accumulation, a simpler expression within ± R2 sample accuracy, a fine search at sample rate can
can be utilized for cell detection rates as shown in eqn. 11. be employed to determine the exact PSS symbol timing. This
These two expressions are utilized to compare cell search design employs storage of only R time-domain PSS samples
performance in the next sections. in ASIC itself for correlation purposes. These samples can be
Z ∞
1 − (x+λ) √ x
used as such during coarse search stage and will need to be
Pd (snr, 1, η) = e 2 I0 ( λx)(1 − e− 2 )η · dx (11) resampled R-times for performing correlations at fine search
0 2
stage. The correlated samples from each of I/Q branches need
IV. S YSTEM A RCHITECTURE to be combined and accumulated. Also, three instances of
PSS correlation stages need to be implemented in accordance
Based on the design ideas presented earlier, an overall with three possible values of roots of Zadoff-Chu sequence
primary synchronization system architecture can be developed employed in PSS. The accumulated values need to be sorted
as shown in Figure 3. The analog RF component performs in some useful manner to deliver the timing location with
the frontend functionality of low-noise amplification (LNA), largest correlation magnitude. If only coherent combining is
automatic gain correction (AGC), channel select (CS) filtering used and few top hypotheses are needed, this sorting operation
and analog to digital conversion (ADC). For the purposes of can be done in real-time with no requirement for storing
primary synchronization utilizing the PSS, both the in-phase and accumulating correlated values. On the other hand, a
and quadrature (I/Q) branches need a low pass filtering match- non-coherent integration necessitates storage of accumulated
ing the bandwidth of PSS signal so as to eliminate the impact values. The host processor can coordinate all the primary
of higher sub-carriers as well as inherent thermal and white synchronization activities by means of interfacing control
noise in the spectrum beyond the bandwidth of PSS signal. registers and procure results from the result registers. The key
The I/Q samples supplied to PSS subsystem can be sampled at
efforts based on sensitivity requirements and cell search speed.
−12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 This can be ported to a system-on-chip design for a LTE
Transmitted power to Noise Ratio (Ior/Noc) in dB
modem for any hand-held device or data card.
Fig. 4. Comparison of detection rates using analysis and simulations
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