Reciprocating Pump SDPD: Technical Index
Reciprocating Pump SDPD: Technical Index
Reciprocating Pump SDPD: Technical Index
Technical Index
Pump ID Meaning
SDPD 22 or 30 / 20 or 32
(piston Ø in mm) (piston stroke in mm)
Grease lubricated
Drive type
crank drive
Design pres-
420 bar / 6100 PSI
sure 22/20
Design pres-
280 bar / 4000 PSI
sure 30/32
Test Procedure
Each pump manufactured by CRYO- bar
STAR is mechanically and cryogeni- 420
cally tested prior to shipment in our
state-of-the-art testing facility to SDPD 22/20
ensure that performance meets cus-
tomer specification. The precision of
measuring devices provides essential
results : differential head, flow rate,
seal gas consumption, pump efficien- SDPD 30/20
cy, NPSH, noise and vibration levels
– all documented and submitted to
the customer.
SDPD 30/32
Designed in compliance with guide-
lines like IGC 11/82 norm 0 0.7 1.3 2 3.3 6.8 10 l/min
Features 5 The thin “hat” seal rings remain flexible even at
extremely low temperatures
1 The cold end is slanted upwards by 10 degrees, thus
improving degassing of the pump cylinder and 6 The cold end is either screwed in, or bolted to an
preventing accumulation of gas in the suction intermediate piece. This open distance piece serves
chamber prior to start-up and during operation as a cold break between the cylinder and the crank
2 Thanks to the excellent vacuum insulation, the
lowest temperature is kept in the pump body, and 7 Both the crank drive and the intermediate part have
the liquid is available for an instant re-start (without connections for an optional nitrogen purge
venting) 8 Thermosiphon tank suction valve execution (option),
3 The suction chamber is designed to separate allowing for a shorter cool down period as well as
any flash gas from the incoming liquid, assuring a reduced losses
homogeneous flow of cold liquid into the cylinder 9 Piston head made of bronze allowing a safer
4 The straight inflow suction valve provides the best operation.
possible low resistance flow characteristic, ensuring
a low NPSH requirement. (large diameter of the
inflow suction valve)
7 5 9 2
6 4 1 3 8