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Refrigerated Condensers

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United States Office of Air Quality EPA 456/R-01-004

Environmental Protection Planning and Standards December 2001

Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
December 2001




Prepared by

Clean Air Technology Center (E 143-03)

Information Transfer and Program Integration Division
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

This report has been reviewed by the Information Transfer and Program Integration
Division of the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents of this report
reflect the views and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade
names or commercial products is not intended to constitute endorsement or recommendation for
use. Copies of this report are available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, telephone
number (800) 553-6847.

The Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) serves as a resource on all areas of
emerging and existing air pollution prevention and control technologies, and provides public
access to data and information on their use, effectiveness and cost. In addition, the CATC will
provide technical support, including access to EPA’s knowledge base, to government agencies
and others, as resources allow, related to the technical and economic feasibility, operation and
maintenance of these technologies.

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This technical bulletin was made possible through the diligent and persistent efforts of
Lyndon Cox, Senior Environmental Employee with the Clean Air Technology Center (CATC).
Lyndon did an exceptional job identifying information sources, gathering relative data and
putting this bulletin together. The CATC also appreciates the helpful and timely comments and
cooperation of the following peer reviewers:

Randy McDonald, Organic Chemicals Group, Emissions Standards Division, Office of

Air Quality Planning and Standards, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. EPA

Dr. Cynthia L. Gage, Atmospheric Protection Branch, National Risk Management

Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA

In addition, the CATC thanks the individuals, companies and institutions who supplied
information on refrigerated condenser technology used to prepare this Technical Bulletin.
Contributors are indicated in the REFERENCES section of this bulletin.



DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
FORWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

WHAT IS A REFRIGERATED CONDENSER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

WHY IS REFRIGERATED CONDENSATION IMPORTANT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

WHERE CAN YOU USE A REFRIGERATED CONDENSER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

WHAT IS REFRIGERATION? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


WHAT MAKES THE REFRIGERATED CONDENSER WORK? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Mechanical Compression Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Reverse Brayton Cycle Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cryogenic Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

WHAT LEVELS OF CONTROL ARE ACHIEVABLE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


REFRIGERATED CONDENSERS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Temperature versus Flowrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Material Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

WHAT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Mechanical Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Reverse Brayton Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cryogenic Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15



HOW MUCH DO THESE SYSTEMS COST? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1. Mechanical Compression Refrigeration System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. Contact Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3. Reverse Brayton Cycle Refrigeration System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Cryogenic Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5. Flow Through Pre-Cooling Heat Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Refrigerated Condensers for
Control of Organic Air Emissions
This Technical Bulletin describes both refrigeration and condensers that together form a control
technology for organic emissions. These emissions may result from the evaporation of: Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOC) that contribute to ozone formation in the troposphere; volatile
organic Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) that may have a direct impact on our health and safety;
or volatile stratospheric ozone depleting compounds. Terms like VOC and HAP are used in
regulatory definitions to indicate specific chemical compounds and related emissions that are
subject to a rule. The reasons for regulating specific groups of organic compounds may be very
different. However, refrigerated condensers can be used to control vapors from most organic
emissions that may be included in any of these regulatory definitions.

The types of refrigeration discussed are: absorption refrigeration; mechanical compression

refrigeration (using sulphur dioxide (SO2), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and hydrofluorocarbons
(HFC)); Reverse Brayton Cycle refrigeration; and cryogenic (liquid nitrogen) cooling. This
Technical Bulletin also discusses how a condenser operates, advantages and limitations for each
type of refrigeration system, safety precautions that should be taken, and the cost for each type of
refrigeration system.


A refrigerated condenser is a control device that is used to cool an emission stream having
organic vapors in it and to change the vapors to a liquid. A refrigerated condenser condenses
organic vapors just as moisture is condensed to water in an air conditioning system. However,
while condensed water from an air conditioning system is disposed of via a drain, condensed
organic vapors can be recovered, refined, and might be reused, preventing their release to the
ambient air.


Nitrogen oxides (NOx, the x is used because there are five oxides) and VOC react with each
other in ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun to produce tropospheric ozone. Ozone in the
troposphere (the air we breathe in the lower atmosphere) is the principle constituent of smog and
is harmful to public health. Refrigerated condensers can reduce VOC emissions, which reduces
the ozone generating potential of NOx. NOx reduction techniques are discussed in a separate
CATC Technical Bulletin.

Many organic compounds have been designated as negligibly reactive with regard to ozone
formation and are exempt from VOC regulations. Although some VOC may be HAP,
compounds exempt from VOC regulations also may be HAP and need to be controlled. In
addition, stratospheric ozone depleting chemicals are not considered VOC or HAP, but still need
to be controlled. Stratospheric ozone protects us from the harmful rays in sunlight.


A refrigerated condenser works best on emission streams containing high concentrations of

volatile organic emissions. They are less effective on dilute streams (i.e., where there is much
more air flow than organic vapor flow). For example, a paint spray booth requires a substantial
amount of air flow through it to protect worker health and safety. As a result, most of the heat
removed by a refrigerated condenser would come from air. The organic vapor content in a paint
booth emission stream could be recovered by using a refrigerated condenser, but it would be very
costly per ton of organic compound recovered. In addition, to reuse the organic compound,
moisture condensation would probably need to be removed.

A refrigerated condenser could be a viable control option for any source of evaporative organic
emissions if:

• there is minimal air flow carrying the organic emissions (i.e., the air stream is saturated with
the organic compound)
• the organic vapor containment system limits air flow
• required air flow does not overload a refrigeration system with heat
• only one organic compound is emitted (or the system is designed for the compound that is the
most difficult to control)

Refrigerated condensers often are used in the following applications:

• Dry Cleaning Industry - used to recycle dry cleaning fluid (perchlorethylene or petroleum-
base solvent) with virtually no air flow. The vapors are usually condensed without air being
used to transport them.
• Degreasers using VOC or Halogenated Solvents - some air is mixed with vapors because the
solvent is uncovered (i.e., exposed to the atmosphere). Preparation (degreasing/cleaning) of
parts prior to powder coating is one example of this.
• Transfer of Volatile Organic Liquid (VOL) and Petroleum Products (e.g., bulk plants, bulk
terminals, and similar transfer operations).
• Vapors from Storage Vessels/Tanks


All refrigeration units are basically “heat pumps,” absorbing heat on the “cold side” of the system
and releasing heat on the “hot side” of the system. All refrigeration systems have a hot side and a
cold side. Some have a compressor. The difference between refrigeration systems is whether the
refrigerant is actually liquified within the apparatus and how low a temperature the “cold side”
can reach.


The most primitive refrigeration system was to cut ice in the winter and store it in sawdust
insulation to chill items in the summer. There has been an evolution in refrigeration over time,
and each type has different capabilities and limitations. Some pump heat directly from the
material to be cooled. Other types use an intermediate material, such as brine or liquified
nitrogen, to move the heat pump to a more remote location. This requires making deliveries of
the cooled intermediate material by either pipe or truck. If the delivery is by truck, it makes the
condenser somewhat like your great-grandparents icebox, an ice chest, or a picnic cooler - except
it is often much colder.

Absorption refrigeration was invented circa 1850. In this refrigeration system, ammonia was
boiled off from aqueous ammonia, liquified by cooling under high pressure, and then allowed to
boil to generate a low temperature before again being absorbed by water. The cold side was
frequently used to chill brine. The brine was then used as an intermediary to exchange heat
between the material being chilled and the refrigerant. Because the ammonia was under high
pressure, and because ammonia causes inflammation of the lungs and pneumonia at 25 parts per
million in air, other refrigerants were used when they became available. There are still vendors
for absorption refrigeration units, but these types of refrigeration units are sold mostly for use as
air conditioning or refrigeration for rural homes or cabins that are without electricity. Because
absorption refrigeration systems are rarely, if ever, used for control of organic vapors, they will
not be discussed further in this Technical Bulletin.

Mechanical compression refrigeration initially used sulfur dioxide as a refrigerant. Sulfur

dioxide is another noxious chemical. However, it could be mechanically compressed, condensed
under high pressure (the hot side), and then boiled in a partial-vacuum to produce a low
temperature (the cold side). Sulfur dioxide was replaced by chlorofluorocarbons (CFC such as
Freon® which is both non-toxic and inert in the lower atmosphere) in most refrigeration units in
the 1930's and 1940's. Because sulfur dioxide is rarely, if ever, used for control of organic
vapors, it too will not be discussed further in this Technical Bulletin.

Mechanical compression of chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFC) became nearly the universal

refrigeration system from the 1940's to the 1980's. These units had a mechanical compressor,
which directed output to the hot side where the refrigerant was cooled and liquified under
pressure, before being released by a throttling valve to the cold side where the refrigerant was
boiled at low temperatures.

Reverse Brayton Cycle turbines, also called air-cycle machines, have been used as refrigeration
systems since the 1940's, and they use an environmentally benign refrigerant - air. The cycle is
different because the refrigerant (air) does not become a liquid. Reverse Brayton Cycle machines
always lost economy battles to CFC mechanical compression refrigeration based on efficiency
versus a controlled temperature. Efficiency was close when the temperatures of the hot and cold
sides were the same, but the Reverse Brayton Cycle could not assure what the cold side

temperature would be. The Reverse Brayton Cycle machine became a winner in the 1990's when
CFC ceased to be domestically manufactured, a large temperature change became desirable, and
the use of a non-polluting refrigerant became necessary.

Cryogenic refrigeration also became an option after the 1960's. Cryogenic refrigeration does not
use any machinery -- at least none at the plant where the liquid nitrogen is used for cooling. The
machinery is at a central air separation plant, and the liquid nitrogen is delivered in the form of a
cold liquid. This cold liquid is a liquefied fraction of air (nitrogen, which is 79-80% of air) that
boils at -195.8°C (-352.44°F). When liquid nitrogen is used, the process is referred to as
Cryogenic cooling. Release of nitrogen to the atmosphere is not considered pollution.

In the 1980's it became evident that ozone in the stratosphere was being destroyed by the
breakdown of CFC. Their very “inertness” caused CFC to not break down molecularly until
they received intense ultraviolet radiation after diffusing to the stratosphere. Stratospheric ozone
shields us from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation (UV, x-rays, and gamma rays). This
radiation penetrates to the troposphere (the air we breathe) when stratospheric ozone is
insufficient. Ionizing radiation causes adverse health effects. As a result, manufacture of CFC
has been phased out in the developed world, and CFC use is being phased out world-wide.

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) were developed to replace CFC as refrigerants in the 1990's. CFC
have been replaced, in part, by reactive HFC which are less stable and some are even flammable.
HFC do not persist in the atmosphere long enough to diffuse to the stratosphere. However, some
recycled CFC was still being used in 2000 because refrigeration machinery requires expensive
changes to be able to use HFC. HFC mechanical refrigeration operates on the same cycle that
CFC systems do, but must use different elastomeric parts (hoses, gaskets, etc.). Use of HFC with
the same elastomeric parts as used for CFC would cause either degradation, embrittlement, or
dissolving of the elastomer with subsequent leakage.

In looking for a refrigeration cycle that could replace mechanical compression CFC refrigeration
with environmentally safe refrigerants in the 1970's, HFC mechanical compression refrigeration,
Reverse Brayton Cycle machines and cryogenics (liquid nitrogen) were all found to be workable
and environmentally desirable alternatives.


Each type of refrigeration system chills a heat exchanger surface in a condenser, and organic
vapor condenses on the cold heat exchanger (or heat transfer) surface. Condensation of organic
vapor causes it to lose volume. This loss of volume produces a lower concentration of vapor
near the heat exchanger (i.e., the condensation) surface. This produces a concentration gradient
that causes the flow of the emission stream toward the heat exchange surface. Condensation is
assisted by turbulence in the emission stream that also brings the emission stream close enough
for heat transfer and subsequent condensation of the organic vapors. Usually, only a negligible
fraction of a percent escapes this combined action when the condenser is sized large enough and

the refrigerant temperature is low enough. A finite vapor pressure is always present that allows
some vapor to remain in the exhaust stream at all times.

Mechanical Compression Systems

Mechanical Compression refrigeration has compressors that are driven by electric motors. They
use the circulation of a refrigerant to chill organic vapor through a heat transfer surface.
However, some units still use brine (discussed below) to transfer heat from the emission stream
to the refrigerant. Fans may be used on the hot side to assist in heat transfer. Brine pumps and
fans are also usually powered by electric motors.

Mechanical Compression refrigeration uses a compressor to pull a low pressure on the “cooling
coils” to depress the boiling point of the refrigerant and then to raise the pressure at the
compressor outlet to condense (liquefy) the refrigerant at above room temperature. As shown in
Figure 1, the refrigerant in a mechanical compression refrigeration system goes through a “hot
side” heat exchanger (called a refrigerant condenser) to cool and condense the refrigerant before
it is cycled through a throttling valve to be exposed to the low pressure in the “cooling coils.”
The “cold side” has the “cooling coils” which are both a refrigerant evaporator and an organic
vapor condenser. The “cooling coils” may be either a coil of copper tubing, a surface condenser,
or a shell-and-tube condenser.

Figure 1. Mechanical Compression Refrigeration System

The valve that allows entry of refrigerant to the “cold side” is thermostatically controlled to
maintain the flow of refrigerant to keep the temperature as constant as possible and as near
optimum as possible for the desired organic vapor condensation. The appropriate CFC or HFC
refrigerant is selected to meet the condensing needs.

All organic vapors are condensed and collected on the “cold side” heat exchanger surface and
then drained off for either immediate recycling, further separation, purification, disposal, or sale.

Pre-cooling of the emission stream is sometimes used to remove moisture. Pre-cooling can use
either a different refrigerant, the refrigerant leaving the cooling coils, or the cold exhaust stream
from the condenser. For pre-cooling, the thermostatic expansion valve is set to a much higher
temperature (~1°C or ~34°F) which would not be efficient for the same type of refrigerant that is
used for condensation of an organic vapor.

Some types of CFC and HFC have lower boiling points than others. Those with the lowest
boiling points are capable of condensing organic vapor at -30°F to -100°F. The CFC or HFC
must have a lower boiling point than the dew point of the organic vapor. The temperature at
which some organic vapors condense can be as low as -100°F.

When salt water brine is used, the condenser is known as a brine chiller. Brine chillers are of two
kinds: contact condensers, in which the brine is sprayed directly into the gas stream; and surface
condensers, in which the brine is separated from the gas stream by a metallic heat exchange
surface. Contact condensers, as shown in Figure 2, are not used for organic vapor condensation
because the organic vapor would get contaminated by salt in the brine.

Figure 2. Contact Condenser

Surface condensers are used to recover organic vapors. In these condensers, the refrigerant is
separated from the organic vapors and the atmosphere by a metal heat exchange surface. These
heat exchange surfaces are needed to maintain the purity of both the refrigerant and the organic
compound, and to maintain pressure differences between the refrigerant and the emission stream.
In brine chillers, there is one heat exchange surface to transfer heat from the organic vapor to the
brine, while a second heat exchange surface transfers this heat from the brine to the refrigerant,
and a third heat exchange surface is used to reject the heat from the refrigerant to the atmosphere.

Reverse Brayton Cycle Systems

Reverse Brayton Cycle machines must be externally powered by an electric motor, a gas turbine,
or an internal combustion (piston) engine. It is easier to reach the rotational speed of the turbine
with either an electric motor or a gas turbine than with a piston engine.

Reverse Brayton Cycle turbines operate inversely from the normal operating cycle for gas
turbines. Instead of converting heat to shaft horsepower, the Reverse Brayton Cycle system uses
shaft horsepower to remove heat and reject it to the atmosphere. As shown in Figure 3, it does
this by first compressing the refrigerant air, then rejecting the heat of compression at an elevated
temperature, and finally expanding the refrigerant air through a turbine to get useful work from it.
As a result of the lack of heat input, temperature rise from compression, followed by dissipation
of heat, and the work that the refrigerant air flow does on the expansion turbine, exhaust from the
expansion turbine is very cold, reaching about -73°C (-100°F). The expansion turbine assists the
external power source in spinning the compressor turbine.

Figure 3. Reverse Brayton Cycle Refrigeration System

The refrigerant air never liquefies in this cycle. Organic vapors may go through the Reverse
Brayton Cycle along with the refrigerant air and no heat exchanger surface would then be
required. Reverse Brayton Cycle machines cool the refrigerant air (and organic vapors if they
are contained in the refrigerant air) to a very low temperature in what appears to be a single step,
although it may actually be several steps in the expansion turbine. All of the vapors condense
essentially together. If the cold refrigerant air is used to chill a heat exchanger (surface
condenser) as in Figure 3, the organic vapor can be condensed without going through the cycle.
When organic vapor is exposed only to a heat exchange surface, the heat exchanger can be like
any other refrigerated condenser.

The refrigerant air in a Reverse Brayton Cycle system does not contaminate the organic
compound, but several organic compounds may be mixed in the vapor state and therefore may be
condensed together and mixed in a condensed liquid or slurry.

Reverse Brayton Cycle machines do not have a pre-cooling feature to separate moisture. To the
extent that moisture is present in the vapor, it will be present in the condensed organic liquid.
Some organic compounds can be separated by skimming, others require fractional distillation for

After completing the Reverse Brayton Cycle, the refrigerant air can be either recycled or
exhausted to the atmosphere. Because some organic compounds are actually frozen they should
be separated as solid particles. To the extent that the refrigerant air recovers some of its heat
before it is again compressed, or for some low melting point compounds, these organic
compounds also may be recovered as a liquid. Multiple filter channels can allow one compound
to warm up for recovery, while the other is chilled by cleaning the cold refrigerant air flow.
While frozen organic particles must be captured by a filter, organic droplets can be captured by
inertial impact or in a cyclone separator. In both cases the cut-off particle/droplet size depends
on the design.

Cryogenic Cooling

Cryogenic Cooling uses no power at the plant where it is used for cooling, but the air separation
plant that generates liquid nitrogen usually is electrically powered. The truck used to deliver
liquid nitrogen to the user’s plant will also use fuel. The distribution of liquid nitrogen in a plant
is self-powered by the pressure of the gaseous nitrogen that results from heat leakage which
causes the liquid nitrogen to boil.

Cryogenic Cooling starts at an air separation plant. Air is compressed, cooled and then expanded
to atmospheric pressure. This expansion cools some fraction of the compressed air to make it a
liquid. The air that has become liquid is then allowed to boil to give off Argon, Nitrogen,

Oxygen, etc. at their respective boiling point temperatures. Each gas is then collected and
condensed again by compression and expansion just like the air originally was. This produces
relatively pure liquid nitrogen that is used for cryogenic cooling. A cryogenic cooling system is
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Cryogenic Cooling

In a very real sense, the refrigeration system is at the air separation plant, which can be in a
totally different plant than the one condensing the organic vapor. Liquid nitrogen is delivered to
the condensing plant as a very cold liquid stored in a Dewar flask (a large, stainless steel, double-
walled vacuum bottle similar to a Thermos bottle). Liquid nitrogen has a lot in common with the
commercial manufacture of ice. Both occur in a central plant with a refrigeration system that is
too large to be portable and is too expensive for smaller users.

Cryogenic cooling simply boils off the liquid nitrogen. The flow of liquid nitrogen is in response
to a thermostatic valve which controls its flow. Liquid nitrogen flows and boils to cool a shell-
and-tube or other type of surface condenser. A pressure release valve for the nitrogen may be
necessary at several points to allow gaseous nitrogen to exhaust at a safe pressure in the event
that the main venting path becomes blocked. Organic vapor will condense as a film on the inside
of the tubes in a typical shell-and-tube condenser.

Cryogenically cooled condensation systems often have a pre-cooler before the condenser. It may
be cooled by a separate refrigeration system, a flow of cold gaseous nitrogen exiting from the
condenser, or the exhaust air leaving the main condenser. By staging the condenser
temperatures, most water vapor can be collected separately.


Destruction or Removal Efficiency (DRE, also known as the control efficiency) is a measure of
the effectiveness of a control device. The DRE reflects the percentage of organic compound
recovered by a refrigerated condenser. When emissions of organic vapors are controlled by
mechanical compression refrigeration with the condenser chilled by way of a brine heat
exchanger, a DRE in the range of 50 to 90% can be expected. This wide range occurs because
brine cannot be circulated below -14 °C (0°F). CFC or HFC in mechanical compression
refrigeration systems chilling a condenser directly can achieve a temperature of -53°C (-65°F),
which can give the condenser a DRE of 90% or better for organic compounds that condense
above this temperature. Special CFC refrigeration systems can reach -73°C (-100°F), but are not
highly efficient at this temperature. The Reverse Brayton Cycle can raise the DRE of a
condenser to 98% by having a cold side temperature of -73°C (-100°F). Cryogenic refrigeration
can raise the upper limit of the DRE of a condenser to 99+% by having a cold side temperature as
low as -195°C (-352°F). The DRE of refrigerated condensers can be either higher or lower than
many other competing control technologies (e.g., adsorbers, incinerators, etc.), depending on the
lowest temperature in the condenser, and therefore the lowest vapor pressure attained by the
organic compound.



Any refrigerant can be used to cool the surface of a heat exchanger. The only requirements are
that the temperature is low enough and that the cooling capacity is sufficient. When organic
compounds are recovered along with moisture and other contaminants, an impure organic
compound may require too much effort to purify and might be destroyed by burning. However,
recovery and recycling of the organic compound is the preferred outcome.

Each organic compound becomes liquid below its dew point, and becomes a solid “frost” below
its freezing point. This “frost” must be removed from a condenser periodically, especially in
cryogenic condensers because they are so cold, to allow free flow of the emission stream
containing organic vapor and to permit heat transfer to occur as designed. The “frost” can be
removed by flushing the condenser with the condensed organic compound in its liquid phase.
However, the liquid organic compounds are always mixed in the frost and slurry, just as the
organic vapors were mixed.

Cryogenic condensers can be the coldest and therefore are capable of the highest DRE.
Fluctuations in heat load caused by fluctuations in emission stream flow and organic vapor
concentration are offset by a thermostatically controlled valve modulating the nitrogen flow.
However, if cryogenic cooling is operated at a temperature well above the boiling point of liquid
nitrogen, there will be locations within the condenser that will be somewhat warmer than the
thermostat setting because gaseous nitrogen has a low specific heat and is warming up as it
passes through the shell of the condenser.

The DRE is limited by the amount of organic vapor that escapes with the exhaust from the
condenser. The amount of organic vapor that escapes is determined by both the vapor pressure
of the condensed liquid (i.e., the partial pressure of the organic vapors in the emission stream)
and the amount of air present in the emission stream. We cannot always eliminate the air from
the emission stream, but we can minimize both the amount of air in the emission stream and the
vapor pressure of organic compounds. Therefore, condensation technology needs to:

1. Maximize the portion of the organic vapor that is affected by the cold surface in the condenser
(i.e., make the residence time large enough and the flow sufficiently turbulent).

2. Minimize the partial pressure of the organic vapor after it comes in contact with the heat
exchanger (i.e., make the condenser cold enough and the refrigeration capacity large enough).

3. Reduce the temperature of the organic compounds below the freezing point, if possible,
because vapor pressure becomes a minimum when organic compounds are frozen. (This should
be done even though frozen organic compounds must be removed periodically.)

4. Minimize the amount of air in the emission stream that contains organic vapors. Heat load is
greater when you must chill a lot of air. Minimizing the amount of air mixed with the organic
vapors will reduce the heat load and increase the useful cooling (i.e., the cooling available for
condensation). Reducing the heat load will reduce the cost of refrigeration. Increasing the useful
cooling will improve the DRE.

Temperature versus Flowrate

Along with the size of the condenser, adequate cooling capacity must be provided for the
maximum emission stream volume to be chilled. If air is mixed with the stream of organic
vapor, much of the cooling capacity will be used to chill the air which does not condense (except
at liquid nitrogen temperatures). Placing an adsorber before the condenser can separate the
streams of air and organic vapor and allow the volume of the emission stream through the
condenser to be minimized. This reduces the heat load and increases the useful cooling which
raises the DRE.

As shown in Figure 5, a pre-cooling heat exchanger placed before the main condenser in the
emission stream can cool the emission stream and remove moisture before the emission stream
reaches the main condenser. The fact that the main condenser has to chill the emission stream
less and does not have to condense the moisture, makes the emission stream flow a less dominant
factor in sizing the main condenser. In effect, the pre-cooling isolates the main condenser from
moisture fluctuations. That is because most of the water is condensed in the pre-cool heat
exchanger. The principal concern is that the pre-cool heat exchanger have sufficient efficiency
and flow capacity to handle the required flows.

Figure 5. Flow Through Pre-Cooling Heat Exchanger

Refrigerated condensers come in various temperature ranges, heat transfer areas, and heat
transfer capacities, as needed for various refrigeration or cooling systems. The achieved
temperature must be low enough that the organic vapor will condense, and the refrigeration and
heat transfer capacity must be sufficient for both the condensation of volatile organic compounds
and for chilling the entire emission stream. It is sometimes overlooked that the refrigeration or
chilling capacity must handle the heat load of air present in the emission stream as well as the
heat load of the organic vapor in the emission stream.

Sometimes flow rates are made artificially greater than necessary just to dilute organic vapors.
This may be done to meet OSHA requirements regarding the Permissible Exposure Limit for an
organic compound (PEL, the concentration that workmen can breathe safely). Where such large
air flows are not absolutely necessary, organic vapor should be captured before it gets diluted in
air. This may be done by ducts bringing the organic vapor directly from the points of emission.
This would enable condensation of organic vapors without cooling excessive amounts of air.
The consequence of eliminating a large portion of the heat load would be to reduce the cost of
energy consumed as well as the cost of more refrigeration capacity.

Material Compatibility

Material compatibility can sometimes be a problem. Cooling coils are often made from
aluminum or copper alloys. Anything that will react with any of these metals gives an indication
that you should not use that type of condenser. Some condensers are made of stainless steel,
which usually does not present any material problems. Some condensers are made of carbon
steel, which may be subject to rust and reaction with organic compounds, or brittleness below a
brittle transition temperature. Brine chillers usually require a metal that will not react with the
brine (usually sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, or a mixture of these in
water). If a brine chiller is used, the organic compounds must be compatible with monel or
similar metals.

Reverse Brayton Cycle machines have turbine blades that are made of high strength alloys. Part
of the “air cycle” is to experience moderately high temperatures in the “hot side” heat exchanger.
These alloys, the heat exchanger, the temperatures, and the organic compounds all must be
mutually compatible. Separation or filtration of crystals and droplets of organic compounds must
occur adequately if the refrigerant air is to be recycled. Both compression and expansion
turbines get eroded when the organic vapor condenses and droplets or solid particles impinge on
rotor blades.

Stainless steel is routinely used for both the tubing and shell of the condenser in cryogenic
service. Carbon steels are not suited to cryogenic temperatures because all carbon steels have a
brittle-failure-transition temperature well above the liquid nitrogen temperature range. Because
most stainless steels avoid this brittle transition, and organic compounds are compatible with
most stainless steel, there are virtually no material compatibility issues with cryogenic cooling
using a stainless steel condenser.


Any single organic compound cannot be recovered with high purity from a mixture of organic
vapors by condensing it, because all of the organic compounds are condensed and collected
together. This is a limitation of all condensers. Subsequent purification by another process such
as fractional distillation, skimming, or membrane separation must be performed before recycling
or selling recovered organic compounds.

If there are a lot of solid particles or fibers in the emission stream that would form sludge when
recovered along with the condensed organic vapor, the particles should be filtered out before they
reach the condenser. When enough particles have been filtered out, either the mixture will not
form a sludge on the “cooling coils,” or the condensed organic compound will wash the particles
off (or out of the condenser tubes). The emission stream is clean enough for condensation when
particles and fibers in the emission stream will not form a sludge on the cooling coils.


Mechanical Compression refrigeration systems using CFC or HFC have a rather long life
between overhauls. How long depends upon the type of compressor used. Rotary vane
compressors often exceed ten-thousand hours mean-time-between-failure (MTBF). Piston
compressors may have only about a thousand hours MTBF.

Reverse Brayton Cycle machines are competitive up to about 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm).
The crystals or droplets that are not captured before the compressor inlet in recycling the
refrigerant air, or are created before the turbine outlet, will erode the turbine blades. This will
limit the service life of Reverse Brayton Cycle machines between overhauls. In spite of this, the
MTBF of a Reverse Brayton Cycle turbine is well over a thousand hours, and depending upon
the amount of particles in the emission stream, the MTBF might extend from ten thousand hours
to a hundred thousand hours.

Cryogenic Cooling is principally applicable to emission streams smaller than 10,000 cfm,
although it has been applied to larger flows. Plants that already use liquid nitrogen for other
purposes will find that using it as a refrigerant is economical. Because nitrogen is inert and
makes up about 80% of air, releasing nitrogen to the atmosphere is not considered pollution. The
major concern is that nitrogen be returned to the atmosphere in a stream mixed with air. If
returned unmixed, asphyxiation could occur without warning to people who may be exposed to
that stream. The reliability extends to a very long and indeterminate time because failures have
been so rare. However, obstruction of venting has occurred where safeguards were ignored.


Consult with an industrial hygienist and a safety officer, and review the material safety data
sheets (MSDS) for both the organic compound and the refrigerant before selecting any
refrigerated condensation technology.

Mechanical Compression

The widespread use of CFC in refrigeration was largely based upon its being non-toxic and inert.
CFCs and their replacements, the HFCs, have become the standard for home refrigeration for
over sixty years. As a result, these safety rules have become known to almost everyone. The
safety precautions are:

1. Do not breathe the vapor, or the aerosol cloud if you can see it.

2. Do not let liquid CFC/HFC get in your eyes, mouth, nose, or on your skin.

3. Do not touch very cold surfaces with your skin. Do not touch anything that frost forms on.

4. Make sure that clothing does not get caught in the rotating machinery.

Allowing liquid refrigerant to contact the body in any way could lead to loss of the contacted
tissue by freezing. Touching cold surfaces may result in a prompt loss of tissue. Getting
clothing caught in rotating machinery could promptly cause injury or death.

If sprayed with a liquid CFC or HFC, an exposed person is also subject to breathing an aerosol of
compressor oil (a silicone oil) which was dissolved in the escaped refrigerant. This compressor
oil will form an aerosol of tiny droplets in CFC, HFC, or air. Breathing the aerosol cloud means
getting the compressor oil (a silicone oil which is mixed with the refrigerant) as an aerosol into
your lungs. Also, breathing the CFC or HFC vapor can produce effects ranging from euphoria, to
unconsciousness, or even asphyxiation.

This aerosol indicates where a break is located because both CFC and HFC are colorless. Avoid
breathing the aerosol and turn off the compressor motors, because without refrigerant to carry the
oil, the compressors would operate without lubrication -- leading to damage and possibly a fire.
Promptly evacuate the area after shutting down the compressors. Remain in a well-ventilated
area outside the building until the refrigerant vapor has dispersed.

Reverse Brayton Cycle

Safety with this externally powered gas turbine requires the following:

1. Do not breathe the cold air, touch the cold duct work, or let it the cold air touch your skin.

2. Do not touch the “hot side” heat exchanger or duct work.

3. Keep clothing from being caught in rotating machinery.

4. Do not allow the turbines to “run dry” (without oil).

Contact with the cold air or metal duct directing the flow could lead to frostbite and/or loss of
tissue. Contact with the “hot side” heat exchanger or metal duct could cause burns or blisters.
Getting clothing caught in rotating machinery could cause prompt injury or death. Allowing
turbines to “run dry” (i.e., without oil) could lead to either damaging the turbines or a fire.

Cryogenic Cooling

Liquid nitrogen cooling has a somewhat more elaborate set of precautions. This is only because
cryogenics is the newest technology, and the safety precautions are unknown to many people.
Liquid nitrogen is usually liquefied at a supplier’s plant and delivered in a Dewar flask for
storage on-site. It is very cold, and will freeze things seemingly instantaneously. However, if
liquid nitrogen is used currently in a plant, workers should find these safety rules easy to follow:

1. In damp weather conditions, the top of the Dewar flask must be checked to assure that it is free
of ice, and that venting paths are not obstructed. Ice could block the relief valves, which operate
at a pressure within the Dewar flask of 1 psi and 10 psi, or the rupture disk which is set to actuate
at 80 psi.

2. Promptly evacuate all personnel when a rupture disc actuates. This is clearly indicated by the
noise and the aerosol plume (actually it is moisture in the air being condensed) which appears to
be coming from the Dewar. When a rupture disc actuates, the noise will drown verbal orders, so
make all arrangements for evacuation before this occurs. Evacuate to avoid excessive inhalation
of nitrogen. You cannot see or smell nitrogen. The effects of inhalation of nitrogen can range
from harmless, to drowsiness, headache, dizziness, excitation, vomiting, moderate respiratory
discomfort, or even to death by asphyxiation. Nitrogen gives no warning signs.

Establish a buffer zone around the venting and keep all personnel outside of it. Allow people to
enter the buffer zone only if they are equipped with a mask supplied with either breathing oxygen
or breathing air. Admit people without breathing apparatus to the area only after venting has
stopped and adequate ventilation has resumed.

3. Assure adequate ventilation outside the buffer zone. Although nitrogen is not toxic, it can
produce death by asphyxiation if it is not mixed with enough air. Liquid nitrogen expands to
3700 times its liquid volume when it becomes a gas and must be diluted with at least ten times
that volume of air to reach both a concentration and a temperature that causes minimal health
effects. A cubic foot of liquid nitrogen requires the space of a large house to dilute enough that it
can have the least severe health effects. Even then health effects would still be noticeable.

4. A fire hazard may be present from air frozen on pipes in the presence of combustibles (such as
paint). Fire may occur when nitrogen boils off first (it has a lower boiling point than oxygen),
leaving behind frozen oxygen which then evaporates and reacts with the combustible material.
This requires that plant personnel and firefighters plan in advance how they are to respond when
a rupture disk actuation vents the Dewar flask.

5. All attempts to save the remaining inventory of liquid nitrogen should be abandoned, because
there is chance of asphyxiation, freezing, frostbite, or loss of tissue to surfaces that are not
normally cold. The reason for the rupture disc actuation is probably a blockage, since continued
flow would have relieved the pressure. This blockage may clear upon thawing.

6. Suitable safety equipment (face shields, goggles, aprons, and gloves, etc.) must be worn by
everyone near enough to be within range of splashes or spills when handling liquid nitrogen
(such as when transferring it between containers). Every person who is near enough to the
Dewar to get splashed can experience frostbite or “cold burns” to skin, delicate tissues, and eyes
if safety equipment is not properly used. Drops of liquid nitrogen can fly unexpectedly long
distances as though shot from a gun, so the safe distance may be much farther than expected.

7. Do not allow oxygen in the emission stream to freeze in the condenser. Oxygen and organic
compounds frozen together could react violently upon thawing. The only other restriction on
suitable organic compounds for cryogenic cooling condensation is that the freezing point of the
compound should be below -30°C, to avoid excessive buildup of “frost” in the condenser. This
“frost” consists of any water vapor that came through the pre-cooler stage, plus any organic
compounds with a higher freezing point than the temperature at that point in the condenser. If it
is not collected (or removed) this frost could block heat transfer and block the flow of the
emission stream containing organic vapors. The diameter of the tubes is important in defining the
schedule for cleaning. This cleaning may be done by flushing the tubes with the liquid organic

8. Anyone who receives a “cold burn” or frostbite should promptly seek proper medical attention.
Handling high pressure gases or materials at cryogenic temperatures requires special training.
Just as important, safe handling requires both that the training be kept current and that the
training be used.


The Control Cost Manual and the CO$T-AIR spread sheets (available from the CATC web page
at www.epa.gov/ttn/catc) both use the EPA’s model for calculating the cost of CFC mechanical
compression refrigerated brine chillers for control of organic compounds. A new HFC
refrigeration system should cost a similar amount, within the 30% probable error of the cost
estimate. However a retrofit might cost more than half the cost of a new system. The adjustment
for inflation should be made in accordance with the inflation factors found on the CATC website.

The cost of Reverse Brayton Cycle machines also varies widely. NASA has used some Reverse
Brayton Cycle machines on space flights, and EPA has used them to recover solvents from soil
remediation projects. The cost of equipment for space does not accurately reflect the price when
these systems are used to control organic vapors in a factory. Similarly, soil remediation costs
are not often limited by competition. However, NUCON has installed a Reverse Brayton Cycle
machine at a 3M Corporation tape coating plant. If the cost of this Reverse Brayton Cycle
machine is amortized over 10 years, the sum of operating and capital cost to recover solvent
vapors should be about $300/ton plus labor and maintenance costs. The labor and maintenance
costs should be near zero until a breakdown occurs.

The capital cost of a liquid nitrogen condenser for a 500 cfm emission stream is about $500,000.
The operating cost is about 10 kW of electricity and 300 scfm of nitrogen. Using the national
average (in 1998) of $0.084/kW-hr and $0.50/gal for liquid nitrogen delivered in bulk, we can
calculate the operating expense. Based upon a 10 year life for the equipment, and operating two
8 hour shifts per day, the total cost would be in the range of $200 to $1000 per ton of organic
compound recovered. However, a number of factors had to be assumed in computing this cost.
Each facility should determine costs based on their own site-specific circumstances.

Look for the use of liquid nitrogen in a plant: where there is purging of the vapor in a container,
where there is blanketing in places where oxidation must be avoided, where low pressure gas
must be used for transferring substances between containers, where drying must be accomplished
without oxidation, where there is deep freezing of foodstuffs, where grinding is being done in an
inert atmosphere, where deburring or grinding of rubber or plastic is being done, where there is
shrink fitting of parts, or where there is cooling of blown or molded glass. If liquid nitrogen is
used in a plant, the additional expense of using liquid nitrogen for organic vapor control is
greatly reduced.


What could be coming up next? There are gases other than nitrogen, such as carbon dioxide, that
might be more economical to liquefy, and may even be used as a solid. Liquid carbon dioxide or
“dry ice” might be an option where it costs less than liquid nitrogen.

A major use for refrigerated condensers today is in dry cleaners to capture either the petroleum or
the perchlorethylene dry cleaning fluid vapors. A less commonly known use is in remediation of

In situations such as printing plants and coating operations, large amounts of air mixed with the
organic vapors have made use of refrigerated condensers prohibitively expensive. Use of
adsorbents to concentrate the organic vapors may allow refrigerated condensers to be more
economical where the emission stream is dilute. The hot side of a refrigerated condenser could
be used to pump heat into the bed of an adsorber to assist in desorbing the organic compound for
recovery on the cold side of the condenser.

In other situations, using a refrigerated condenser on an emission stream containing a mixture of

organic vapors results in a mixture of liquid organics that require further processing to separate.
Adsorbers might be used to selectively separate each organic compound into its own recovery
stream. The hot side of a refrigerated condenser could be used to pump heat into the bed of an
adsorber to assist in desorbing the organic compound for recovery on the cold side of the
condenser. Alternatively, such mixing might be greatly reduced by using separate condensers at
progressively lower temperatures for different organic compounds that condense at temperatures
more widely separated than the temperature variations in any single condenser. This separation
might provide organic compounds of adequate purity for immediate recycling.

Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) are liquids or solids at room temperature. Use of
refrigerated condensers on SVOC have proved difficult because the “frozen” SVOC adheres to
the condenser. Perhaps the next step will be to use intermediate higher temperatures which will
condense SVOC without freezing them and/or wash off the frozen SVOC with liquid SVOC.

Whatever the next step will be, we can expect that it will address - and maybe solve - at least one
of today’s problem areas.


Refrigeration has gone from no moving mechanical parts except fans and brine pumps, to
reciprocating pistons, to rotary vane compressors, to rotating gas turbines, and then back to no
moving mechanical parts (on-site) except throttling valves. Reliability, toxicology, regulations,
and cost were the principal factors driving each of these changes. Each of these options have
advantages and disadvantages, and all of these must be considered when selecting any one.

You should be aware of materials that are incompatible with the organic compounds at the
temperatures involved, and you should avoid them. You should also be aware of material

While there are hazards associated with the use of this type of equipment, handling CFCs, HFCs,
rotating machinery, oil aerosols, and liquid nitrogen are really low in risk, as long as proper
training is given and used, the employee is properly equipped, and the proper safety precautions
are taken. None of these control technologies would have ever been put into use if the risk in
using any of them were too great.

With trained personnel, proper supervision, and adequate precautions, each refrigerated
condensation technology can be very safe. Refrigerated condensation can then be an effective
and economical control technology.


Operation and Operating Experience of an Inert Gas Solvent Recovery System, Nirmal Jain and
Joesph Enneking, 95-WA-78A.05, Air and Waste Management Association

Control Cost Manual, William Vatavuk, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Office of
Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 453/B-96-001

Cryogenic Condensation Puts a Chill on VOCs


Joint Services Pollution Prevention Opportunity Handbook


BOC Gases - www.boc.com/kryoclean

Pollution Engineering Magazine -


SmithKline-Beecham - www.sb.com/company/esr1997/06act.htm

Air & Waste Management Association


Guide to Clean Air Act Requirements - nsdi.epa.gov/ttn/sbap/material/dc_guide.txt

AQMD Best Available Control Technology Guideline - www.aqmd.gov/bact/138.html

Organic Vapor Control - gcisolutions.com/895tn.htm

NCAI on the Web - pond.com/~hhorning/news/smell.html

CO$T-AIR spreadsheets
Clean Air Technology Center Web Page (www.epa.gov/ttn/catc)

Independent Science Review: NICMOS Cryocooler


(Please read Instructions on reverse before completing)

Refrigerated Condensers for Control of Organic Air Emissions December 2001




Clean Air Technology Center (E 143-03)

Information Transfer and Program Integration Division
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Final

Office of Air and Radiation 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

For more information, call the CATC Information Line at (919) 541-0800 or access the CATC Web page at

The purpose of this document is to provide information on refrigerated condensers as a control technology to
reduce organic air pollution emissions. Several types of refrigerated condensation systems are discussed,
including mechanical compression, Reverse Brayton Cycle, and cryogenic cooling. This document describes
the different systems, how they work, where they can be used, how effective they are, safety precautions, and
how much they cost.


refrigeration, condensers, mechanical Air Pollution control, volatile

compression, reverse brayton cycle, cryogenic organic compounds, refrigerated
cooling condensers

Release Unlimited, available from NTIS and 20. SECURITY CLASS (Page) 22. PRICE
the OAQPS TTN Web page Unclassified
EPA Form 2220-1 (Rev. 4-77) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE

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