Ilmul Balagha Notes-Dars 12
Ilmul Balagha Notes-Dars 12
Ilmul Balagha Notes-Dars 12
Notes املالحظات
Early scholars of Ilm ul Balaagha
البالغة Rhetoric = The art of Lit. “to reach, to attain, to The art of reaching the
speaking or writing arrive at or to get to utmost perfection in the style
effectively and context of a composition
• In ( علم النحوGrammar) the focus is on correct use of grammar, whereas علم البالغة
focuses on the context and eloquence of language usage.
• The practical application of البالغةis called األدب علمOne of the key texts of
adab is Maqaamat al Hareeri – gatherings of Imam Al Hareeri, a master in
balaagha who wrote eloquently about the escapades of Abu Zaid as
Saroojee. Another example are the 10 Mu’alaqaat which hung in the Ka’bah.
• The Qur’ān was revealed in a magnificent rhetorical style and played a
significant role in the evolution of علم البالغة.
اجملُمَل Without
التشبيه املُؤَكَّد
Without البليغ Without
وَجهُ الشَّبه آداة
الدرس الثاني
تشبيه التمثيل
This is a simile where the aspect of resemblance
is a vivid, sometimes abstract, collective picture without
comparing its individual components
not stating they are donkeys but like those who don’t appreciate what they carry
“ The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on
is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books] ” [Surat Al-Jumu`ah 62:5]
The thief is compared to the night and this is termed مفرد/ غير متثيل
أمثلة: تشبيه التمثيل
Like the eagle which spreads its wings Both sides of the army shake around you
… on me with many kinds of worry Sometimes the night is like the sea
to test me letting down its curtains…
التشبيه الضمني
This is a simile where the aspect of resemblance
is implied and used as proof to evidence a point
Just as the flood is a torrent from a high It is not considered far-fetched that the
place generous one lacks wealth
Like the blossom found on the freshly Sometimes the youth get white hair and
wet branch it is not strange