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Plastics: Standard Terminology Relating To

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Designation: D 883 – 00

Standard Terminology Relating to

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 883; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* Materials into Test Specimens, Plaques, or Sheets6

1.1 This terminology covers definitions of technical terms E 308 Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by
used in the plastics industry. Terms that are generally under- Using the CIE System7
stood or adequately defined in other readily available sources 3. Terminology
are not included.
1.2 When a term is used in an ASTM document for which 3.1 Definitions:
Committee D20 is responsible it is included only when judged, A-stage, n—an early stage in the preparation of certain
after review, by Subcommittee D20.92 to be a generally usable thermosetting resins in which the material is still soluble in
term. certain liquids, and may be liquid or capable of becoming
1.3 Definitions that are identical to those published by liquid upon heating.
another standards body are identified with the abbreviation of
the name of the organization; for example, IUPAC is the DISCUSSION—Sometimes referred to as Resol. (See also B-stage and
C-stage.) (1978)8
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
1.4 A definition is a single sentence with additional infor- acetal plastics, n—plastics based on polymers having a
mation included in discussion notes. It is reviewed every 5 predominance of acetal linkages in the main chain. (See also
years; the year of last review is appended. polyoxymethylene.) (1985)
1.5 For literature related to plastics terminology, see Appen- acrylic plastics—plastics based on polymers made with
dix X1. acrylic acid or a structural derivative of acrylic acid. (1982)
addition polymerization—polymerization in which mono-
2. Referenced Documents mers are linked together without the splitting off of water or
2.1 ASTM Standards: other simple molecules. (1983)
C 162 Terminology of Glass and Glass Products2 adiabatic extrusion—a method of extrusion in which, after
D 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics3 the extrusion apparatus has been heated sufficiently by
D 747 Test Method for Apparent Bending Modulus of conventional means to plastify the material, the extrusion
Plastics by Means of a Cantilever Beam3 process can be continued with the sole source of heat being
D 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced the conversion of the drive energy, through viscous resis-
and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi- tance of the plastic mass in the extruder. (1978)
als3 aging, n—(1) the effect on materials of exposure to an
D 882 Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic environment for an interval of time. (2) the process of
Sheeting3 exposing materials to an environment for an interval of time.
D 907 Terminology of Adhesives4 (1973)
D 1003 Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance alkyd plastics—plastics based on alkyd resins. (1980)
of Transparent Plastics3 alkyd resin—a polyester convertible into a crosslinked form;
D 1566 Terminology Relating to Rubber5 requiring a reactant of functionality higher than two, or
D 4703 Practice for Compression Molding Thermoplastic having double bonds. (1982)
alloy, n (in plastics)—two or more immiscible polymers
united, usually by another component, to form a plastic resin
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics having enhanced performance properties.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.92 on Terminology.
allyl plastics—plastics based on allyl resins. (1978)
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 2000. Published October 2000. Originally
published as D 883 – 46. Last previous edition D 883 – 99.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.02.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.
4 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
5 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01. Date indicates year of introduction or latest review or revision.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 883 – 00
allyl resin—a resin made by polymerization of chemical of a plastic, with boundaries that may be more or less sharply
compounds containing the allyl group. (1978) defined, somewhat resembling in shape a blister on the
amino plastics, n—plastics based on amino resins. (1978) human skin. (1983)
amino resin, n—a resin made by polycondensation of a block copolymer—an essentially linear copolymer in which
compound containing amino groups, such as urea or there are repeated sequences of polymeric segments of
melamine, with an aldehyde, such as formaldehyde, or an different chemical structure. (1982)
aldehyde-yielding material. (1985) blocking, n—unintentional adhesion between plastic films or
apparent density—See density, apparent. between a film and another surface. (1983)
aromatic polyester, n—a polyester derived from monomers in bloom, n—a visible exudation or efflorescence on the surface
which all the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups are linked of a material. (1972)
directly to aromatic nuclei. (1986) blowing agent—a compounding ingredient used to produce
artificial weathering—exposure to laboratory conditions, gas by chemical or thermal action, or both, in manufacture of
which may be cyclic, involving changes in temperature, hollow or cellular articles. (1983)
relative humidity, radiant energy, and any other elements blow molding—a method of fabrication in which a heated
found in the atmosphere in various geographical areas. parison is forced into the shape of a mold cavity by internal
gas pressure. (1985)
DISCUSSION—The laboratory exposure conditions are usually inten-
sified beyond those encountered in actual outdoor exposure in an branched polyethylene plastics, n—those containing signifi-
attempt to achieve an accelerated effect. (1980) cant amounts of both short-chain and long-chain branching
and having densities in the 0.910 to 0.940 g/cm3 range.
average injection velocity, n—the mean value of the velocity
of the molten plastic flow front within a cavity during the DISCUSSION—These plastics, usually produced commercially by free
injection time that is calculated from the shot volume and radical polymerization, are subcategorized by density level; low density
polyethylene plastic and medium density polyethylene plastic.
injection time.
DISCUSSION—The average injection velocity is calculated as follows: bulk density, n—the weight per unit volume of a loosely
packed material, such as a molding powder or pellets.
Vav 5 t 3 A 3 n DISCUSSION—This term should not be used synonymously with
i c
apparent density.
Vav = average injection velocity, mm/s, bulk factor, n—the ratio of the volume of a given mass of
Vs = shot volume, mm3, molding material to its volume in the molded form.
ti = injection time, s,
Ac = cross section of the cavity, mm2, and DISCUSSION—The bulk factor is also equal to the ratio of the density
n = number of cavities. of the material to its apparent density in the unmolded form. (ISO)
This calculation is valid for molds containing a single cavity or those containing (1982)
identical multi-specimen cavities only and not for family molds.
bulk molding compound (BMC), n—a putty-like mixture of
any thermosetting resin containing fillers, fiber reinforce-
B-stage, n—an intermediate stage in the reaction of certain ments, catalysts and thickening agents, or thermoplastic
thermosetting resins in which the material swells when in polymers, often extruded into logs or ropes.
contact with certain liquids and softens when heated, but DISCUSSION—BMC is suitable for molding by any one of three
may not entirely dissolve or fuse. matched-metal-mold processes—compression molding, transfer mold-
DISCUSSION—The resin in an uncured thermosetting molding com- ing, or injection molding. (1983)
pound is usually, in this stage, sometimes referred to as Resitol. (See
also A-stage and C-stage.) (1978)
butylene plastics—plastics based on resins made by the
polymerization of butene or copolymerization of butene with
bag modeling—a method of molding or laminating which one or more unsaturated compounds, the butene being in
involves the application of fluid pressure, usually by means greatest amount by weight. (1975)
of air, steam, water or vacuum, to a flexible barrier material C-stage, n—the final stage in the reaction of certain thermo-
which transmits the pressure to the material being molded or setting materials in which they have become practically
bonded. insoluble and infusible.
DISCUSSION—The process is usually employed for forming shapes DISCUSSION—The resin in a fully cured thermoset molding is, in this
from preformed laminates comprising a fibrous sheet impregnated with stage, sometimes referred to as Resite. (See also A-stage and B-stage.)
an A-stage or a B-stage thermosetting resin. (1986) (1986)

binder, n—in a reinforced plastic, the continuous phase which cast film—a film made by depositing a layer of plastic, either
holds together the reinforcement. molten, in solution, or in a dispersion, onto a surface,
solidifying and removing the film from the surface. (1982)
DISCUSSION—During fabrication, the binder, which may be either
thermoplastic or thermoset, usually undergoes a change in state. (1978)
cavity, n—in specimen preparation, the part of the hollow
space of a mold that forms one specimen.
biodegradable plastic, n—See degradable plastic. cell, n—a small cavity surrounded partially or completely by
blister, n—an imperfection, a rounded elevation of the surface walls. (1983)

D 883 – 00
cell, closed—a cell totally enclosed by its walls and hence not compound, n—an intimate admixture of (a) polymer(s) with
interconnecting with other cells. (ISO) (See cell and cell, all the materials necessary for the finished product. (1983)
open.) (1983) compression molding—the method of molding a material
cell, open—a cell not totally enclosed by its walls and hence already in a confined cavity by applying pressure and usually
interconnecting with other cells. (See cell and cell, closed.) heat. (1986)
(1983) condensation polymer—a polymer made by condensation
cellular plastic—a plastic containing numerous cells, inten- polymerization. (1983)
tionally introduced, interconnecting or not, distributed condensation polymerization—polymerization in which
throughout the mass. (See also syntactic cellular plastics.) monomers are linked together with the splitting off of water
(1983) or other simple molecules. (1983)
cellular striation, n—a condition characterized by a layer contact pressure molding, n—a method of molding or lami-
within a cellular material that differs greatly from the nating in which the pressure, usually less than 70 kPa (10
characteristic cell structure. psi), is only slightly more than necessary to hold the
cellulosic plastics, n—plastics based on cellulose compounds, materials together during the molding operation. (1985)
such as esters (cellulose acetate) and ethers (ethyl cellulose). cooling time, n—in molding, the time interval from the start of
(1985) forward screw movement until the mold starts to open.
chalking, n—(plastics) a powdery residue on the surface of a copolymer—See polymer. (1983)
material resulting from degradation or migration of an copolymerization—See polymerization. (1983)
ingredient, or both. crater, n—a small, shallow surface imperfection. (1978)
DISCUSSION—Chalking may be designed-in characteristic. (1980) crazing, n—apparent fine cracks at or under the surface of a
chemically foamed polymeric material—a cellular material
in which the cells are formed by gases generated from DISCUSSION—The crazed areas are composed of polymeric material
thermal decomposition or other chemical reaction. (1982) of lower density than the surrounding matrix. (1978)
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)—a poly(vinyl chloride)
creep, n—the time-dependent part of strain resulting from
(PVC) polymer modified by additional chlorination. (2000)
stress. (1983)
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) plastics—plastics based on
cross laminate—a laminate in which some of the layers of
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) in which the chlorinated
material are oriented approximately at right angles to the
poly(vinyl chloride) is in the greatest amount by weight.
remaining layers with respect to the grain or strongest
direction in tension. (See also parallel laminate). (1982)
chlorofluorocarbon plastics—plastics based on polymers
crosslinking, n—the formation of a three dimensional polymer
made with monomers composed of chlorine, fluorine, and
by means of interchain reactions resulting in changes in
carbon only. (ISO) (1983)
physical properties. (1983)
chlorofluorohydrocarbon plastics, n—plastics based on poly-
mers made with monomers composed of chlorine, fluorine, cross section of the cavity, n—in a mold for test specimens,
hydrogen, and carbon only. (ISO) (1982) the area of a planar section perpendicular to the flow pattern
circuit—in filament winding, the winding produced by a single during filling of the mold that forms the critical portion of
revolution of mandrel or form. (1978) the test specimen.
closed-cell cellular plastics—cellular plastics in which almost cure, v—to change the properties of a polymeric system into a
all the cells are noninterconnecting. (1983) more stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, or
cold flow—See creep. (1983) reaction with chemical additives.
cold molding—a special process of compression molding in DISCUSSION—Cure may be accomplished, for example, by removal of
which the molding is formed at room temperature and solvent or by crosslinking. (ISO) (1983)
subsequently baked at elevated temperatures. (1982)
collapse, n—inadvertent densification of cellular material dur- cure cycle—the schedule of time periods, at specified condi-
ing manufacture resulting from breakdown of cell structure. tions, to which a reacting thermosetting material is subjected
(1982) to reach a specified property level. (1983)
composite, n—a solid product consisting of two or more cure time—the period of time that a reacting thermosetting
distinct phases, including a binding material (matrix) and a material is exposed to specific conditions to reach a specified
particulate or fibrous material. property level. (1983)
cut-layers—as applied to laminated plastics, a condition of the
DISCUSSION—Examples are moulding material containing reinforcing surface of machined or ground rods and tubes and of sanded
fibers, particulate fillers, or hollow spheres. (1991)
sheets in which cut edges of the surface layer or lower
compost—the product of composting. laminations are revealed. (1978)
compostable plastic—a plastic that undergoes biological deg- cycle time, n—in molding, the total time used to carry out a
radation during composting to yield carbon dioxide, water, complete sequence of operations making up the molding
inorganic compounds, and biomass at a rate consistent with cycle.
other known compostable materials and leaves no visually degradable plastic, n—a plastic designed to undergo a sig-
distinguishable or toxic residues. (1996) nificant change in its chemical structure under specific

D 883 – 00
environmental conditions resulting in a loss of some prop- engineering plastics, n—those plastics and polymeric compo-
erties that may vary as measured by standard test methods sitions for which well-defined properties are available such
appropriate to the plastic and the application in a period of that engineering rather than empirical methods can be used
time that determines its classification. (1991) for the design and manufacture of products that require
biodegradable plastic, n—a degradable plastic in which the definite and predictable performance in structural applica-
degradation results from the action of naturally-occurring tions over a substantial temperature range.
micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. epoxy plastics, n—thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics
DISCUSSION—The level of biodegradability may be indicated as containing ether or hydroxyalkyl repeating units, or both,
shown in subordinate definitions for biodegradable plastics. (1991) resulting from the ring-opening reactions of lower molecular
weight polyfunctional oxirane resins, or compounds, with
hydrolytically degradable plastic, n—a degradable plastic in catalysts or with various polyfunctional acidic or basic
which the degradation results from hydrolysis. coreactants.
DISCUSSION—The level of hydrolytic degradability may be indicated
DISCUSSION—Epoxy plastics often are modified by the incorporation
as shown in subordinate definitions for hydrolytically degradable
of diluents, plasticizers, fillers, thixotropic agents, or other materials.
plastic. (1991)
oxidatively degradable plastic, n—a degradable plastic in
ethylene plastics, n—plastics based on polymers of ethylene
which the degradation results from oxidation.
or copolymers of ethylene with other monomers, the ethyl-
DISCUSSION—The level of oxidative degradability may be indicated ene being in greatest amount by mass. (ISO) (1982)
as shown in subordinate definitions for oxidatively degradable plastic. expandable plastic, n—a plastic in a form capable of being
made cellular by thermal, chemical, or mechanical means.
photodegradable plastic, n—a degradable plastic in which the (1985)
degradation results from the action of natural daylight. expanded plastics—See cellular plastic. (1985)
DISCUSSION—The level of photodegradability may be indicated as extrusion, n—a process in which heated or unheated plastic is
shown in subordinate definitions for photodegradable plastic. (1991) forced through a shaping orifice (a die) in one continuously
formed shape, as in film, sheet, rod, or tubing. (1983)
degradation, n—a deleterious change in the chemical struc-
fabricating, n—the manufacture of plastic products from
ture, physical properties, or appearance of a plastic. (1980)
molded parts, rods, tubes, sheeting, extrusions, or other
delamination, n—the separation of the layers of material in a
forms by appropriate operations such as punching, cutting,
laminate. (1978)
drilling, and tapping including fastening plastic parts to-
density, apparent—the weight in air of a unit volume of a
gether or to other parts by mechanical devices, adhesives,
heat sealing, or other means. (1978)
DISCUSSION—This term is sometimes used synonymously with bulk fiber show, n—strands or bundles of fibers not covered by
density. (1973) resin which are at or above the surface of a reinforced
density, bulk—the weight per unit volume of a material plastic. (1985)
including voids inherent in material as tested. filler, n—a relatively inert material added to a plastic to modify
its strength, permanence, working properties, or other quali-
DISCUSSION—This term is commonly used for material such as
molding powder. (1973)
ties, or to lower costs. (See also reinforced plastic.) (1978)
film, n—in plastics, an optional term for sheeting having a
depth, n—in the case of a beam, the dimension parallel to the nominal thickness not greater than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.).
direction in which the load is applied. (1978) (1985)
dome, n—in reinforced plastics, an end of a filament-wound fish-eye, n—small globular mass that has not blended com-
cylindrical container. (1985) pletely into the surrounding material. See gel. (1978)
dry-blend, n—a dry compound prepared without fluxing or fluorocarbon plastic, n—a plastic based on polymers made
addition of solvent (also called powder blend). (1983) with perfluoromonomers.
dry-spot, n—an imperfection in reinforced plastics, an area of
incomplete surface film where the reinforcement has not DISCUSSION—When the monomer is essentially tetrafluoroethylene,
been wetted with resin. (1983) the prefix TFE is sometimes used to designate these materials. It is
durometer, n—an instrument for measuring indentation hard- preferable to use the accepted abbreviation, PTFE. TFE should not be
used by itself to mean PTFE. When the resins are copolymers of
tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene, the resins may be desig-
elastomer, n—a macromolecular material that at room tem- nated with the prefix FEP. Other prefixes may be adopted to designate
perature returns rapidly to approximately its initial dimen- other fluorocarbon plastics. (ISO) (1983)
sions and shape after substantial deformation by a weak
stress and release of the stress. (1985) fluorohydrocarbon plastics, n—plastics based on polymers
engineered plastic, n—a material that has been made by made with monomers composed of fluorine, hydrogen, and
specific design and through use of particular monomers and carbon only. (ISO) (1982)
monomer sequences to produce a plastic with desired fluoroplastic, n—a plastic based on polymers made from
properties, possibly for a specific application. (1991) monomers containing one or more atoms of fluorine, or

D 883 – 00
copolymers of such monomers with other monomers, the (b) When a specific kind of glass is indicated, such descriptive terms
fluorine-containing monomer(s) being in greatest amount by as flint glass, barium glass, and window glass should be used following
mass. the basic definition, but the qualifying term is to be used as understood
by trade custom.
DISCUSSION—For specific examples of fluoroplastic see fluorocarbon (c) Objects made of glass are loosely and popularly referred to as
plastic, chlorofluorocarbon plastics, fluorohydrocarbon plastics, glass; such as glass for a tumbler, a barometer, a window, a magnifier
and chlorofluorohydrocarbon plastics. (1983) or a mirror. (1978)

foamed plastics, n—See cellular plastics (the preferred termi- glass finish—a material applied to the surface of glass fibers
nology). (1983) used to reinforce plastics and intended to improve the
forming, n—a process in which the shape of plastic pieces physical properties of such reinforced plastics over that
such as sheets, rods, or tubes is changed to a desired obtained using glass reinforcement without finish. (1982)
configuration. glass transition—the reversible change in an amorphous
DISCUSSION—The use of the term “forming” in plastics technology
polymer or in amorphous regions of a partially crystalline
does not include such operations as molding, casting, or extrusion, in polymer from (or to) a viscous or rubbery condition to (or
which shapes or pieces are made from molding materials or liquids. from) a hard and relatively brittle one.
DISCUSSION—The glass transition generally occurs over a relatively
furan plastics—plastics based on furan resins. (ISO) (1982) narrow temperature region and is similar to the solidification of a liquid
to a glassy state; it is not a phase transition. Not only do hardness and
furan resin, n—a resin in which the furan ring is an integral
brittleness undergo rapid changes in this temperature region but other
part of the polymer chain and represents the greatest amount properties, such as thermal expansibility and specific heat also change
by mass. (ISO) (1983) rapidly. This phenomenon has been called second order transition,
gate, n—in an injection mold, a constriction in the flow rubber transition and rubbery transition. The word transformation has
channel between the runner and the mold cavity. (1983) also been used instead of transition. Where more than one amorphous
gel, n—(1) a semisolid system consisting of a network of solid transition occurs in a polymer, the one associated with segmental
aggregates in which liquid is held. motions of the polymer backbone chain or accompanied by the largest
change in properties is usually considered to be the glass transition.
(2) the initial jelly-like solid phase that develops during
the formation of a resin from a liquid.
(3) with respect to vinyl plastisols, gel is a state between glass transition temperature (Tg)—the approximate mid-
liquid and solid that occurs in the initial states of heating, or point of the temperature range over which the glass transi-
upon prolonged storage. tion takes place.
DISCUSSION—All three types of gels have very low strengths and do DISCUSSION—The glass transition temperature can be determined
not flow like a liquid. They are soft, flexible, and may rupture under readily only by observing the temperature at which a significant change
their own weight unless supported externally. (1978) takes place in a specific electrical, mechanical, or other physical
(4) in plastic film and sheet, a nodule of plastic material composed property. Moreover, the observed temperature can vary significantly
of one or more of oxidized, high-molecular-weight, unmelted, non- depending on the specific property chosen for observation and on
solvated, or cross-linked material of the same composition as the matrix details of the experimental technique (for example, rate of heating,
that, for a variety of reasons, has not blended with the matrix. See frequency). Therefore, the observed Tg should be considered only an
fish-eye. estimate. The most reliable estimates are normally obtained from the
DISCUSSION—Gel in the film or sheet is to be distinguished from loss peak observed in dynamic mechanical tests or from dialatometric
contamination such as particles of dirt, carbon, or lint. (1992) data. (1978)

gel point, n—the stage at which a liquid begins to exhibit graft copolymer—a copolymer in which polymeric side
pseudo-elastic properties. chains have been attached to the main chain of a polymer of
different structure. (1973)
DISCUSSION—This stage may be detected as the inflection point on a
viscosity-time plot. (See gel (2).) (1985)
gusset, n—(1) a piece used to give additional size or strength
in a particular location of an object.
gel time, n—the period of time from the initial mixing of the (2) the folded-in portion of flattened tubular film. (1972)
reactants of a liquid material composition to the time when halocarbon plastics—plastics based on resins made by the
gelation occurs, as defined by a specific test method. polymerization of monomers composed only of carbon and
DISCUSSION—For a material that must be processed by exposure to
a halogen or halogens. (1978)
some form of energy, the zero time is the start of exposure. (1983) haze—the cloudy or turbid aspect or appearance of an other-
wise transparent specimen caused by light scattered from
glass, n—an inorganic product of fusion which has cooled to a within the specimen or from its surfaces.
rigid condition without crystallizing.
DISCUSSION—For the purpose of Test Method D 1003, haze is the
DISCUSSION—Term not defined by Committee D20. Definition ap- percentage of transmitted light which, in passing through the specimen,
proved by Committee C14 on Glass and Glass Products. See Termi- deviates from the incident beam through forward scatter more than 2.5
nology C 162. deg on the average. (1983)
(a) Glass is typically hard and brittle and has a conchoidal fracture.
It may be colorless or colored, and transparent to opaque. Masses or heat mark—extremely shallow depression or groove in the
bodies of glass may be made colored, translucent, or opaque by the surface of a plastic visible because of a sharply defined rim
presence of dissolved, amorphous, or crystalline material. or a roughened surface. (See also shrink mark.) (1978)

D 883 – 00
high density polyethylene plastics, (HDPE) n—those linear winding with a fixed arrangement of open voids. (1985)
polyethylene plastics, g. v., having a standard density of lay, n—(1) the length of twist produced by stranding filaments,
0.941 g/cm3 or greater. such as fibers, wires, or roving; (2) the angle that such
DISCUSSION—These plastics are usually produced commercially by
filaments make with the axis of the strand during a stranding
processes not employing free radical polymerization. Standard density operation.
refers to the density of the material molded to a thickness of 1.9 mm DISCUSSION—Length of twist of a filament is usually measured as the
(0.075 in.) using Procedure C of Annex A1 of Practice D 4703. distance parallel to the axis of the strand between successive turns of
high-pressure molding, n—a method of molding or laminat- the filament. (1985)
ing in which the pressure used is greater than 1400 kPa (200 lay up, n—in reinforced plastics, an assembly of layers of
psi). (1985) resin-impregnated material ready for processing. (1982)
hold pressure, n—in molding, the melt pressure during the
lay up, v—in reinforced plastics, to assemble layers of
hold time interval in injection molding.
resin-impregnated material for processing. (1985)
homopolymer, n—a polymer resulting from polymerization
let-go, n—an area in laminated glass over which an initial
involving a single monomer. (1983)
adhesion between interlayer and glass has been lost. (1985)
hydrocarbon plastics—plastics based on resins made by the
polymerization of monomers composed of carbon and hy- lignin plastics—plastics based on lignin resins. (ISO) (1983)
drogen only. (1985) lignin resin—a resin made by heating lignin or by reaction of
hydrolytically degradable plastics, n—See degradable plas- lignin with chemicals or resins, the lignin being in greatest
tic. amount by mass. (ISO) (1983)
inhibitor, n—a substance used in low concentration which linear low density polyethylene plastics, (LLDPE) n—those
suppresses a chemical reaction. linear polyethylene plastics, q.v., having a standard density
of 0.919 to 0.925 g/cm3.
DISCUSSION—Inhibitors, unlike catalysts, are consumed during the
reaction. (1983) DISCUSSION—These plastics are usually produced commercially by
processes not employing free radical polymerization. Standard density
injection molding, n—the process of forming a material by refers to the density of the material molded to a thickness of 1.9 mm
forcing it, in a fluid state and under pressure, through a (0.075 in.) using Procedure C of Annex A1 of Practice D 4703.
runner system (sprue, runner, gate(s)) into the cavity of a
closed mold. linear medium density polyethylene plastics, (LMDPE)
n—those linear polyethylene plastics, q. v., having a stan-
DISCUSSION—Screw injection molding and reaction injection molding dard density of 0.926 to 0.940 g/cm3.
are types of injection molding. (1983)
DISCUSSION—These plastics are usually produced commercially by
injection time, n—the time interval from the beginning of processes not employing free radical polymerization. Standard density
screw forward movement until switching over to hold refers to the density of the material molded to a thickness of 1.9 mm
pressure. (1995) (0.075 in.) using Procedure C of Annex A1 of Practice D 4703.
insert, n—a part consisting of metal or other material which
may be molded into position or may be pressed into the linear polyethylene plastics, n—those containing insignificant
molding after the completion of the molding operation. amounts of long-chain branching but which may contain
(ISO) (1978) significant amounts, by design, of short-chain branching.
isotactic, adj—pertaining to a type of polymeric molecular DISCUSSION—These plastics, usually produced commercially by pro-
structure containing a sequence of regularly spaced asym- cesses not employing free radical polymerization, are subcategorized
metric atoms arranged in like configuration in a polymer by density level; linear low density polyethylene plastic, linear medium
chain. (1985) density polyethylene plastic, and high density polyethylene plastic. For
differentiation among high molecular versions of these plastics pro-
knit-line, n—See weld-line (the preferred terminology). (1983)
duced commercially by stereo-specific catalysts, see extra-high mo-
knuckle area—in reinforced plastics, the area of transition lecular weight polyethylene plastic and ultra-high molecular weight
between sections of different geometry in a filament-wound polyethylene plastic.
part. (1985)
laminate,9 n—a product made by bonding together two or low density polyethylene plastics, (LDPE) n—those
more layers of material or materials. (See also cross lami- branched polyethylene plastics, q. v., having a standard
nate and parallel laminate.) (ISO) density of 0.910 to 0.925 g/cm3.
DISCUSSION—A single resin-impregnated sheet of paper, fabric, or DISCUSSION—These plastics are usually produced commercially by
glass mat, for example, is not considered a laminate. Such a single- processes employing free radical polymerization. Standard density
sheet construction may be called a “lamina.” (See also reinforced refers to the density of the material molded to a thickness of 1.9 mm
plastic.) (1983) (0.075 in.) using Procedure C of Annex A1 of Practice D 4703.

lattice pattern—in reinforced plastics, a pattern of filament low-pressure molding, n—a method of molding or laminating
in which the pressure is 1400 kPa (200 psi) or less. (1985)
lubricant bloom—See bloom. (1982)
These definitions are identical with those appearing in Terminology D 907, luminous transmittance, n—the ratio of the luminous flux
which were prepared by ASTM Committee D14 on Adhesives. transmitted by a body to the flux incident upon it.

D 883 – 00
DISCUSSION—Parallel definitions apply to spectral and radiant trans- necking, n—the localized reduction in cross-section which
mittance. See Test Method E 308 for a detailed discussion of terminol- may occur in a material under tensile stress. (1982)
ogy. (1982)
nonrigid plastic, n—for purposes of general classification, a
mat, n—a fibrous material consisting of randomly oriented plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in flexure or in
chopped or swirled filaments loosely held together with a tension of not over 70 MPa (10 000 psi) at 23°C and 50 %
binder. (1982) relative humidity when tested in accordance with Test
mechanically foamed plastic, n—a cellular plastic in which Methods D 790, Test Method D 747, Test Method D 638, or
the cells are formed by the physical incorporation of gases. Test Methods D 882. (1983)
(1985) novolac (or novolak), n—a phenolic-aldehyde resin which,
medium density polyethylene plastics, (MDPE) n—those unless a source of methylene groups is added, remains
branched polyethylene plastics, q. v., having a standard permanently thermoplastic. (See also resinoid and thermo-
density of 0.926 to 0.940 g/cm3. plastic.) (1977)
DISCUSSION—These plastics are usually produced commercially by
nylon plastics, n—plastics based on resins composed princi-
processes employing free radical polymerization. Standard density pally of a long-chain synthetic polymeric amide which has
refers to the density of the material molded to a thickness of 1.9 mm recurring amide groups as an integral part of the main
(0.075 in.) using Procedure C of Annex A1 of Practice D 4703. polymer chain. (1985)
olefin plastics—plastics based on polymers made by the
melamine plastics, n—plastics based on resins made by the
polymerization of olefins or copolymerization of olefins with
condensation of melamine and aldehydes. (1985)
other monomers, the olefins being at least 50 mass %. (1983)
melt pressure, n—the pressure applied to the plastic material
oligomer, n—a substance composed of only a few nonomeric
in front of the screw driving the injection molding process on
units repetitively linked to each other, such as a dimer,
a reciprocating screw machine that is calculated based on the
trimer, tetramer, etc., or their mixtures.
hydraulic force acting axially on the screw.
DISCUSSION—Melt pressure is calculated as follows: DISCUSSION—The physical properties of an oligomer vary with the
addition or removal of one or a few constitutional units from its
4 3 1023 3 Fs molecules. (1983)
p 3 D2
oligomerization, n—the process of converting a monomer or
where: mixture of monomers into a oligomer. (1983)
P = melt pressure, MPa, open-cell cellular plastic, n—a cellular plastic in which there
Fs = hydraulic axial force, kN, and is a predominance of interconnected cells. (1985)
D = screw diameter, mm. (1995) organosol, n—a suspension of a finely divided polymer in a
melt temperature, n—the temperature of the molten plastic. plasticizer, together with a volatile organic liquid.
(1995) DISCUSSION—The volatile liquid evaporates at elevated temperatures,
mold open time, n—the time interval from the instant the and the resulting residue is a homogeneous polymeric mass, provided
mold begins to open until it is closed again. (1995) the temperature is high enough to accomplish mutual solution of the
mold temperature, n—the mean temperature of the mold polymer and plasticizer. (1985)
cavity surface measured after the system has obtained oxidatively degradable plastic, n—See degradable plastic.
thermal equilibrium and immediately after opening the
parallel laminate—a laminate in which all the layers of
mold. (1995)
material are oriented approximately parallel with respect to
molding, bag—See bag molding. (1985)
the grain or strongest direction in tension. (See also cross
molding, blow—See blow molding. (1985)
laminate) (1985)
molding, compression—See compression molding. (1985)
molding, contact pressure, n—See contact pressure molding. parison, n—the shaped plastic mass, generally in the form of
(1985) a tube, used in blow molding. (ISO) (1983)
molding, high-pressure, n—See high-pressure molding. phenolic plastics, n—plastics based on resins made by the
(1985) condensation of phenols, such as phenol or cresol, with
molding, injection—See injection molding. (1985) aldehydes. (1985)
molding, low-pressure, n—See low-pressure molding. (1985) phenolic resin compound, single-stage—a phenolic material
molding, transfer—See transfer molding. (1985) in which the resin, because of its reactive groups, is capable
molding pressure, compression—the calculated fluid pres- of further polymerization by application of heat. (See also
sure applied to the material in the mold. (1985) phenolic resin compound, two-stage). (1978)
molding pressure, injection—the pressure applied to the phenolic resin compound, two-stage—a phenolic material in
cross-sectional area of the material cylinder. (1982) which the resin is essentially not reactive at normal storage
molding pressure, transfer—the pressure applied to the temperatures, but contains a reactive additive which causes
cross-sectional area of the material pot or cylinder. (1982) further polymerization upon the application of heat. (1978)
monomer, n—a low-molecular-weight substance consisting of photodegradable plastic, n—See degradable plastic.
molecules capable of reacting with like or unlike molecules pimple, n—an imperfection, a small, protuberance of varied
to form a polymer. (1983) shape on the surface of a plastic product. (1983)

D 883 – 00
pit, n—an imperfection, a small crater in the surface of the essentially all of the carbonate type. (1983)
plastic, with its width of approximately the same order of polycondensation—See condensation polymerization. (1982)
magnitude as its depth. (1983) polydicyclocpentadiene plastic, n—a crosslinked thermoset
plastic(s), n—a material that contains as an essential ingredient polymer formed by the ring-opening metathesis polymeriza-
one or more organic polymeric substances of large molecular tion of dicyclopentadiene.
weight, is solid in its finished state, and, at some stage in its polyester, n—a polymer in which the repeated structural unit
manufacture or processing into finished articles, can be in the chain is of the ester type. (ISO)
shaped by flow. DISCUSSION—The polyester is linear and thermoplastic if derived,
DISCUSSION—Rubber, textiles, adhesives, and paint, which may in either actually or formally, from (a) mono-hydroxy-mono-carboxylic
some cases meet this definition, are not considered plastics. See ASTM acids by self-esterification, or (b) the interaction of diols and dicar-
definitions of these terms. boxylic acids. (1985)
DISCUSSION—The above definition may be used as a separate mean-
ing from the definitions contained in the dictionary for the adjective polyester plastics—synonymous with alkyd plastics.
“plastic.” polyether, n—a polymer in which the repeated structural unit
DISCUSSION—The plural form may be used as an adjective to refer to in the chain is of the ether type. (1985)
two or more plastic materials, for example, plastics industry. However, polyethylene, n—a polymer prepared by the polymerization of
when the intent is to distinguish “plastic products” from “wood ethylene as the sole monomer. (See polyethylene plastics
products” or “glass products,” the singular form should be used. As a and ethylene plastics.) (1982)
general rule, if the adjective is to restrict the noun modified with respect
to the type of material, “plastic” should be used; if the adjective is to
polyethylene plastics—plastics based on polymers made with
indicate that more than one type of plastic material is or may be ethylene as essentially the sole monomer.
involved, “plastics” is permissible. (1982) DISCUSSION—In common usage for this plastic, essentially means no
plastic foam, n—See cellular plastic (the preferred terminol- less than 85 percent ethylene and no less than 95 percent total olefins.
ogy). (1983)
plasticizer, n—a substance incorporated in a material to polymer, n—a substance consisting of molecules characterized
increase its workability, flexibility, or distensibility. (1983) by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions and
plastic pipe—a hollow cylinder of a plastic material in which other minor irregularities) of one or more types of mono-
the wall thicknesses are usually small when compared to the meric units. (IUPAC) (1971)
diameter and in which the inside and outside walls are polymerization—a chemical reaction in which the molecules
essentially concentric. (1982) of monomers are linked together to form polymers. (See also
plastic tubing, n—(1) a particular size of plastic pipe in which polycondensation and polyaddition.) (1971)
the outside diameter is essentially the same as the corre- polymethylmethacrylimide (PMMI), n—a thermoplastic
sponding size of copper tubing. polymer formed from a reaction of poly(methyl methacry-
(2) small diameter flexible pipe. (See plastic pipe.) (1982) late) and monomethyl amine. (1992)
plastisol, n—a liquid suspension of a finely divided PVC polyol, n—an alcohol having many hydroxyl groups, also
polymer or copolymer in a plasticizer. known as a polyhydric alcohol or polyalcohol.
DISCUSSION—The polymer does not dissolve appreciably in the DISCUSSION—In cellular plastics usage, the term includes compounds
plasticizer at room temperature, but does at elevated temperatures, to containing alcoholic hydroxyl groups such as polyethers, glycols,
form a homogeneous plastic mass (plasticized polymer). (1985) polyesters, and castor oil used in urethane foams. (1983)
plate-mark—any imperfection in a pressed plastic sheet polyolefin, n—a polymer prepared by the polymerization of an
resulting from the surface of the pressing plate. (1982) olefin(s) as the sole monomer(s). (See polyolefin plastics
polepiece, n—in reinforced plastics, the supporting part of the and olefin plastics.) (1982)
mandrel used in filament winding, usually on one of the axes polyolefin plastics, n—plastics based on polymers made with
of rotation. (1985) an olefin(s) as essentially the sole monomer(s). (1985)
polyaddition—See addition polymerization. (1982) polyoxymethylene, n—a polymer in which the repeated struc-
polyamide plastics—See nylon plastics. (1982) tural unit in the chain is oxymethylene.
polyarylate, n—See aromatic polyester. (1986)
DISCUSSION—Polyoxymethylene is theoretically the simplest member
polyaryletherketone, n—a polymer in which aryl groups are
of the generic class of polyacetals. (ISO) (1983)
connected by one or more ether as well as one or more
Ketone linkages. (1991) polyoxymethylene plastics, n—acetal plastics based on poly-
polybutylene, n—a polymer prepared by the polymerization of mers in which oxymethylene is essentially the sole repeated
butene as the sole monomer. (See polybutylene plastics and structural unit in the chains. (ISO) (See also acetal plastics.)
butylene plastics.) (1985) (1985)
polybutylene plastics, n—plastics based on polymers made polyphthalamide (PPA), n—a polyamide in which residues of
with butene as essentially the sole monomer. (1985) terephthalic acid or isophthalic acid or a combination of the
polycarbonate, n—a polyester polymer in which the repeating two comprise at least 60 molar percentage of the dicarboxy-
structural unit in the chain is of the carbonate type. (1983) lic acid part of the repeating structural units in the polymer
polycarbonate plastics—polyester plastics based on polymers chain. (1992)
in which the repeating structural units in the chains are polypropylene, n—a polymer prepared by the polymerization

D 883 – 00
of propylene as the sole monomer. (See polypropylene may or may not have been subject to additional processing
plastics and propylene plastics.) (1978) steps of the types used to make products such as recycled-
polypropylene plastics—plastics based on polymers made regrind or reprocessed or reconstituted plastics. (1991)
with propylene as essentially the sole monomer. (1975) regular transmittance—ratio of the light flux transmitted
polystyrene, n—a polymer prepared by the polymerization of without diffusion to the flux incident. (1985)
styrene as the sole monomer. (See styrene plastics.) (1978) reinforced plastic—a plastic with high strength fillers imbed-
polyterephthalate, n—a thermoplastic polyester in which the ded in the composition, resulting in some mechanical prop-
terephthalate group is one of the repeating structural unit in erties superior to those of the base resin. (See also filler.)
the polymer chain. (1985) DISCUSSION—The reinforcing fillers are usually fibers, fabrics, or
polyterephthalate plastics—a thermoplastic polyester in mats made of fibers. (1973)
which the terephthalate group is a repeated structural unit in
the chain, the terephalate being in greater amount than other reinforced reaction injection molding (RRIM), n—the pro-
dicarboxylates which may be present. (1985) cess of using solid reinforcements, such as, glass fiber, mica,
polyurethane, n—a polymer prepared by the reaction of an or talc in the reaction injection molding process. (1983)
organic diisocyanate with compounds containing hydroxyl release agent, n—a material added to a compound or applied
groups. to the mold cavity, or both, to reduce parts sticking to the
mold. (1983)
DISCUSSION—Polyurethanes or urethanes, as they are sometimes reprocessed plastic—a thermoplastic prepared from usually
called, may be thermosetting, thermoplastic, rigid or soft and flexible,
cellular, or solid. (1983)
melt processed scrap or reject parts by a plastics processor,
or from non-standard or non-uniform virgin material.
poly(vinyl acetate), n—a polymer prepared by the polymer- DISCUSSION—Use of the term “scrap” in this definition does not
ization of vinyl acetate as the sole monomer. (1985) connote that the feed stock is necessarily less desirable or useable than
poly(vinyl alcohol)—polymers prepared by the essentially the virgin material from which it may have been generated. Repro-
complete hydrolysis of polyvinyl esters. (1978) cessed plastic may or may not be reformulated by the addition of fillers,
poly(vinyl chloride)—a polymer prepared by the polymeriza- plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, etc. See reworked plastic and
tion of vinyl chloride as the sole monomer (vinyl chloride recycled plastic. (1985)
content in monomer not less than 99 %). (2000) resin, n—a solid or pseudosolid organic material often of high
postforming, n—the forming of cured or partially cured molecular weight, which exhibits a tendency to flow when
thermosetting plastics. (1982) subjected to stress, usually has a softening or melting range,
pot life—the period of time during which a reacting thermo- and usually fractures conchoidally.
setting composition remains suitable for its intended pro-
cessing after mixing with reaction-initiating agents. (1973) DISCUSSION—In a broad sense, the term is used to designate any
polymer that is a basic material for plastics. (1982)
powder blend—See dry-blend. (1982)
preform, n—a coherent, shaped mass of powdered, granular or resin streak, n—a streak of excess resin on the surface of a
fibrous plastic molding compound, or of fibrous filler mate- laminated plastic. (1982)
rial with or without resin. (ISO) (1982) reworked plastic, n—a plastic from a processor’s own pro-
premix, n—in reinforced thermosetting plastics, the admixture duction that has been reground, pelletized, or solvated after
of resin, reinforcements, fillers, etc., not in web or filamen- having been previously processed by molding, extrusion,
tous form, ready for molding. (1982) etc. See recycled plastic and reprocessed plastic. (1991)
prepolymer, n—a polymer of degree of polymerization be- rigid plastic, n—for purposes of general classification, a
tween that of the monomer or monomers and the final plastic that has a modulus of elasticity, either in flexure or in
polymer. (ISO) (1982) tension, greater than 700 MPa (100 000 psi) at 23°C and
prepreg, n—in reinforced thermosetting plastics, the admix- 50 % relative humidity when tested in accordance with Test
ture of resin, reinforcements, fillers, etc., in web or filamen- Method D 747, Test Methods D 790, Test Method D 638, or
tous form, ready for molding. (1982) Test Methods D 882. (1983)
pressure-break, n—as applied to a defect in a laminated rise time, n—the time required for a free-rise cellular plastic to
plastic a break apparent in one or more outer sheets of the achieve its ultimate expansion under controlled conditions.
paper, fabric, or other base visible through the surface layer (1983)
of resin which covers it. (1982) rubber, n—term not defined by Committee D20. Definition
propylene plastics, n—plastics based on polymers of propy- approved by Committee D11 on Rubber and Rubber-Like
lene or copolymers of propylene with other monomers, the Materials is as follows:
propylene being in the greatest amount by mass. (ISO) “rubber—a material that is capable of recovering from
(1982) large deformations quickly and forcibly, and can be, or
pulled-surface, n—as applied to a defect in a laminated plastic already is, modified to a state in which it is essentially
imperfections in the surface ranging from a slight breaking insoluble (but can swell) in boiling solvent, such as benzene,
or lifting in spots to pronounced separation of its surface methylethylketone, and ethanol-toluene azeotrope.”
from its body. (1982) “A rubber in its modified state, free of diluents, retracts
recycled plastic, n—those plastics composed of post- within 1 min to less than 1.5 times its original length after
consumer material or recovered material only, or both, that being stretched at room temperature (18 to 29°C) to twice its

D 883 – 00
length and held for 1 min before release.” DISCUSSION—The development of such cracks is frequently acceler-
ated by the environment to which the plastic is exposed. The stresses
DISCUSSION—See Terminology D 1566. which cause cracking may be present internally or externally or may be
runner, n—(1) the secondary feed channel in an injection or combinations of these stresses. (1972)
transfer mold that runs from the inner end of the sprue or pot styrene plastics, n—plastics based on polymers of styrene or
to the cavity gate. copolymers of styrene with other monomers, the styrene
(2) the piece formed in a secondary feed channel or being in greatest amount by mass. (ISO) (1972)
runner. (1986) styrene-rubber plastics, n—plastics based on styrene poly-
sample, n—a small part or portion of a material or product mers and rubbers, the styrene polymers being in the greatest
intended to be representative of the whole. (1972) amount by mass. (ISO) (1972)
saran plastics—See vinylidene chloride plastics. (1972) styrenic thermoplastic elastomer (TES), n—a copolymer
semirigid plastic, n—for purposes of general classification, a material comprising styrenic end-block segments bound to a
plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in flexure or in rubbery segment that may be saturated or unsaturated.
tension of between 70 and 700 MPa (10 000 and 100 000
psi) at 23°C and 50 % relative humidity when tested in DISCUSSION—These products normally contain substantial amounts
of added materials such as other polymers, oils, fillers, resins, and
accordance with Test Method D 747, Test Methods D 790,
colorants. (1992)
Test Method D 638, or Test Methods D 882. (1983)
set, n—strain remaining after complete release of the force surfacing mat, n—a thin mat of fine fibers used primarily to
producing the deformation. (1975) produce a smooth surface on a reinforced plastic. (1985)
sheet, n—an individual piece of sheeting. (See also film, syneresis, n—the contraction of a gel accompanied by the
sheeting.) (1973) separation of a liquid. (1985)
sheeting, n—a form of plastic in which the thickness is very syntactic cellular plastics—materials consisting of hollow
small in proportion to length and width and in which the sphere fillers in a resin matrix. (1985)
plastic is present as a continuous phase throughout, with or telomer, n—a polymer composed of molecules having termi-
without filler. (See also film.) (1972) nal groups incapable of reacting with additional monomers,
sheet molding compound (SMC), n—a fiber-reinforced ther- under the conditions of the synthesis, to form larger polymer
mosetting compound, in sheet form. molecules of the same chemical type. (IUPAC, ISO) (1986)
DISCUSSION—The resin is usually a polyester. SMC can be compres- thermal break, n—a solid or cellular material or combination
sion molded into complex shapes with little scrap. (1983) of materials of low thermal transmission placed between
components of high thermal transmission in order to reduce
short, n—an imperfection in a molded plastic part due to an the heat flow across the assembly.
incompletely filled out condition. thermally foamed plastic—a cellular plastic produced by
DISCUSSION—In reinforced plastics, this may be evident either applying heat to effect gaseous decomposition or volatiliza-
through an absence of surface film in some areas, or as lighter unfused tion of a constituent. (1985)
particles of material showing through a covering surface film, accom- thermoplastic, n—a plastic that repeatedly can be softened by
panied possibly by thin-skinned blisters. In thermoplastics, the term heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature
short shot is often used to describe this condition. (1983)
range characteristic of the plastic, and that in the softened
shot volume, n—the total hollow space of a mold including state can be shaped by flow into articles by molding or
cavity or cavities, runner(s), and sprue. (1995) extrusion. (1985)
shrink mark—an imperfection, a depression in the surface of thermoplastic, adj—capable of being repeatedly softened by
a molded material where it has retracted from the mold. heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature
(1983) range characteristic of the plastic, and that in the softened
silicone plastics—plastics based on polymers in which the state can be shaped by flow into articles by molding or
main polymer chain consists of alternating silicone and extrusion for example.
oxygen atoms. (1985)
DISCUSSION—Thermoplastic applies to those materials whose change
skin, n—a relatively dense layer at the surface of a cellular upon heating is substantially physical. (1985)
polymeric material. (1985)
specimen, n—a piece or portion of a sample used to make a thermoplastic elastomers (TPE)—a diverse family of rubber-
test. (ISO) (1972) like materials that, unlike conventional vulcanized rubbers,
specular transmittance, n—See regular transmittance (the can be processed and recycled like thermoplastic materials.
preferred terminology). (1983) thermoset, n—a plastic that, after having been cured by heat or
sprue, n—(1) the primary feed channel that runs from the outer other means, is substantially infusible and insoluble. (1983)
face of an injection or transfer mold to the mold gate in a thermoset, adj—pertaining to the state of a plastic in which it
single cavity mold. is substantially infusible. (1985)
(2) the piece formed in a primary feed channel or sprue. thermosetting, adj—capable of being changed into a substan-
(1972) tially infusible or insoluble product when cured by heat or
stress-crack, n—an external or internal crack in a plastic other means. (1985)
caused by tensile stresses less than its short-time mechanical transfer molding—a method of forming articles by fusing a
strength. plastic material in a chamber and then forcing essentially the

D 883 – 00
whole mass into a hot mold where it solidifies. (1985) DISCUSSION—In actual measurement, the viscosity coefficient of a
transition, first order—a change of state, associated with material is obtained from the ratio of shearing stress to shearing rate.
crystallization or melting in a polymer. (1985) This assumes the ratio to be constant and independent of the shearing
stress, a condition which is satisfied only by Newtonian fluids.
urea plastics—plastics based on resins made by the conden- Consequently, in all other cases, values obtained are apparent and
sation of urea and aldehydes. (1985) represent one point on the flow curve. In the cgs system, the viscosity
urethane plastics—plastics based on polymers in which the coefficient is expressed in poises (dyne-seconds per square centimetre)
repeated structural units in the chains are of the urethane and in the SI system in newton-seconds per square metre. (See
type, or on copolymers in which urethane and other types of viscosity.) (ISO) (1983)
repeated structural units are present in the chains. (ISO)
void, n—(1) in a solid plastic, an unfilled space of such size
that it scatters radiant energy such as light.
vacuum forming—a forming process in which a heated plastic
(2) a cavity unintentionally formed in a cellular material
sheet is drawn against the mold surface by evacuating the air
and substantially larger than the characteristic individual
between it and the mold. (1972)
cells. (ISO) (1972)
vinyl acetate plastics—plastics based on polymers of vinyl
acetate or copolymers of vinyl acetate with other monomers, vulcanization, n—an irreversible process during which a
the vinyl acetate being in greatest amount by mass. (ISO) rubber compound, through a change in its chemical structure
(1983) (for example, cross-linking), becomes less plastic and more
vinyl chloride copolymer—a polymer prepared by the poly- resistant to swelling by organic liquids and elastic properties
merization of vinyl chloride and other monomers, the vinyl are conferred, improved, or extended over a greater range of
chloride content being a minimum 51 % of the mass of the temperature. (1972)
polymer. (2000) warpage, n—distortion caused by nonuniform change of
vinyl chloride plastics—plastics based on polymers of vinyl internal stresses. (See also dome.)
chloride or copolymers of vinyl chloride with other mono- DISCUSSION—Also called warp. (1985)
mers, the vinyl chloride being in greatest amount by mass.
(ISO) (1983) weld- or knit-line—a mark on, or weakness in, a molded
vinylidene chloride plastics—plastics based on polymer res- plastic formed by the union of two or more streams of plastic
ins made by the polymerization of vinylidene chloride or flowing together. (1966)
copolymerization of vinylidene chloride with other unsatur- weld-line, n—a discontinuity in a molded plastic part formed
ated compounds, the vinylidene chloride being in the great- by the merging of two or more streams of plastic flowing
est amount by weight. (1972) together. (1985)
virgin plastic—a plastic material in the form of pellets, weld-mark, n—a visible weld-line. (1985)
granules, powder, floc, or liquid that has not been subjected
wet layup, n—a method of making a reinforced plastic in
to use or processing other than that required for its initial
which the polymer compound is applied as a liquid and as
manufacture. (1985)
the reinforcement is put in place. (1985)
viscosity—the property of resistance of flow exhibited within
the body of a material. wet winding, n—a method of making filament-wound rein-
forced plastics in which the fiber reinforcement is coated
DISCUSSION—In testing, the ratio of the shearing stress to the rate of with a polymer compound as a liquid just prior to wrapping
shear of a fluid. Viscosity is usually taken to mean “Newtonian on a mandrel. (1985)
viscosity”, in which case the ratio of shearing stress to rate of shearing
strain is constant. In non-Newtonian behavior which is the usual case whisker, n—a short, single-crystal fiber. (1985)
with plastics materials, the ratio varies with the shearing rate. Such width—in the case of a beam, the cross-sectional dimension
ratios are often called the“ apparent viscosities” at the corresponding perpendicular to the direction in which the load is applied.
shear rates. (See viscosity coefficient.) (IUPAC symbol: h.) (ISO) (1991)
wrinkle, n—an imperfection in reinforced plastics that has the
viscosity coefficient—the shearing stress necessary to induce a appearance of a wave molded into one or more plies of fabric
unit velocity flow gradient in a material. or other reinforcing material. (1983)

D 883 – 00


(Mandatory Information)


compost sample, n
A-stage, n engineered plastic compound, n set
addition polymerization engineering plastics condensation polymerization specimen, n
alloy isotactic, adj copolymerization specular transmittance, n
aging, n luminous transmittance crosslinking, n surfacing mat
apparent density mat degradation, n thermoplastic, adj
artificial weathering oligomerization density, apparent thermoset, adj
B-stage, n parison, n density, bulk thermosetting, adj
binder, n plastic(s) depth, n vulcanization, n
blocking, n polyaddition dry-blend, n warpage, n
bulk density polycondensation whisker
C-stage, n polymerization width
composite regular transmittance


glass, n poly(vinyl acetate), n

acetal plastics alkyd resin glass finish poly(vinyl alcohol), n
acrylic plastics allyl plastics graft copolymer poly(vinyl chloride), n
alkyd plastics allyl resin halocarbon plastics preform, n
amino plastics, n plastic pipe high density polyethylene plastics prepolymer, n
amino resin plastic tubing homopolymer, n propylene plastics
aromatic polyester plastisol, n hydrocarbon plastics recycled plastic
biodegradable plastics polyamide plastics hydrolytically degradable plastic reinforced plastic
block copolymer polyarylate inhibitor, n reprocessed plastic
branched polyethylene plastics polyarlyetherketone laminate, n resin, n
bulk molding compound, n polybutylene lignin plastics reworked plastic
butylene plastics polybutylene plastics lignin resin rigid plastic
cast film polycarbonate, n linear low density polyethylene plastics rubber, n
polydicyclocpentadiene plastics linear polyethylene plastics saran plastics
cellulosic plastics polycarbonate plastics low density polyethylene plastics semirigid plastic
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) plastics polyester melamine plastics sheet, n
chlorofluorocarbon plastics polyester plastics monomer, n sheeting, n
chlorofluorohydrocarbon plastics, n polyether, n nonrigid plastic silicone plastics
condensation polymer polyethylene, n novolac, n styrene plastics
copolymer polyethylene plastics nylon plastics styrene-rubber plastics
cross laminate polymer, n olefin plastics syntactic cellular plastics
degradable plastic polymethylmethacrylimide, n oligomer, n telomer, n
elastomer, n polyol, n organosol, n thermoplastic, n
epoxy plastics polyolefin oxidatively degradable plastic thermoplastic elastomers
ethylene plastics, n polyolefin plastics parallel laminate thermoset, n
filler, n polyoxymethylene phenolic plastics urea plastics
film, n polyoxymethylene plastics phenolic resin compound, single-stage urethane plastics
fluorocarbon plastic polyphthalamide, n phenolic resin compound, two-stage vinyl acetate plastics
fluorohydrocarbon plastics polypropylene, n photodegradable plastic vinyl chloride plastics
fluoroplastic polypropylene plastics plastic(s), n vinylidene chloride plastics
furan plastics polystyrene, n plasticizer, n virgin plastic
furan resin polyurethane, n

D 883 – 00


cycle time, n polepiece, n

adiabatic extrusion lay up, n delamination, n postforming, n
average injection velocity, n lay up, v dome, n pot life
bag molding melt pressure, n extrusion, n powder blend
blow molding melt temperature, n fabricating, n reinforced reaction injection molding, n
bulk factor mold open time, n gate, n release agent, n
cavity, n mold temperature, n hold pressure, n runner, n
circuit molding, contact pressure injection molding, n sheet molding compound, n
cold molding molding, high-pressure injection time, n shot volume, n
compression molding molding, injection insert, n sprue, n
cooling time, n molding, low-pressure knuckle area transfer molding
cross section of the cavity, n molding pressure, compression lattice pattern vacuum forming
cure, v molding pressure, injection lay, n wet layup
cure cycle molding pressure, transfer wet winding
cure time necking, n


gel point viscosity, n

cold flow glass transition temperature (Tg) gel time viscosity coefficient
creep, n syneresis, n glass transition
gel, n transition, first order


collapse, n skin, n
cell, n foamed plastics expandable plastic thermal break
cellular plastic mechanically foamed plastic expanded plastics thermally foamed plastic
channel, n open-cell cellular plastic void, n
chemically foamed polymeric material plastic foam
closed-cell foamed plastic rise time, n


gusset, n stress-crack
cut-layers haze, n


dry-spot short, n
blister, n lubricant bloom fiber show shrink mark
bloom, n pimple, n fish-eye, n warpage, n
chalking, n pit, n frosting, n weld- or knit-line
crater, n plate-mark heat mark weld-line
crazing, n pressure-break, n knit-line, n weld mark
delamination, n pulled-surface, n let-go, n wrinkle, n
dome, n resin streak, n

D 883 – 00


dimple—use shrink mark.

blush—use chalking, frosting, or lu- liquid resin dog-skin seed
bricant bloom. dry-area—use dry-spot. sink-mark—use shrink mark.
boil low-spot flow-lines—use weld-mark. skip
bulging—use blister or dome. open bubble—use pit. fog—use haze. string
cat’s eye—use fish-eye. pebble gas-mark sun hour
chicken-skin piping—use shrink mark. gas-pocket—use heat mark. tear-drop—use fish-eye.
cold pock-mark—use pit. grease-mark—use bloom. ultraviolet sun hour
cord precure—use short. inverted blister—use shrink mark. unconverted-spot
crush—use pressure-break. reclaimed plastic vinyl plastics
densification reformulated plastic—use recycled plastic,
reprocessed plastic, or reworked plastic.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The following literature relates to plastic terminology: Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, The Chemical Rubber
Beach, N. E., A Consensus Glossary of Plastic Terms, Publishing Co., Cleveland, OH.
Plastics Technical Evaluation Center, Picatinny Arsenal, Do- A Glossary of Urethane Industry Terms, The Martin Sweets
ver, NJ, December 1966. Co., Inc., 3131 West Market St., Louisville, KY.
Davydov, V. N., Technical Dictionary of High Polymers,
The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Reinhold Publishing
Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1969.
Co., New York, NY.
Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, McGraw-Hill,
Inc., New York, NY, 1975. Graham, E. C., The Basic Dictionary of Science, The
SPI Plastic Engineering Handbook, 3rd ed., Reinhold Pub- MacMillan Co., New York, NY.
lishing Corp., New York, NY, 1960. Bennett, H., Concise Chemical and Technical Dictionary,
The Encyclopedia of Basic Materials for Plastics, edited by Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY.
H. R. Simonds and J. M. Church, Reinhold Publishing Corp., Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New
New York, NY, 1967. Whittington, L. R., Whittington’s Dic- York, NY. (Published annually in October.)
tionary of Plastics, 2nd ed., Technomic Publishing Co., West-
port, CT, 1978.


This section identifies the location of selected changes to this terminology. For the convenience of the user,
Committee D20 has highlighted those changes that may impact the use of this terminology. This section may also
include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.

D 883 – 00: (2) Added chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride).

(1) Modified poly(vinyl chloride) to add minimum monomer (3) Added vinyl chloride copolymer.

D 883 – 00

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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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