API 1110 Additional Procedure Report
API 1110 Additional Procedure Report
API 1110 Additional Procedure Report
Arthur D. Bosshart II
TECO Energy
Arthur D Bosshart II
TECO Energy
Table of Contents
Abstract ….………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………. 3
Conclusions ……………………………………………………….………………… 13
Acknowledgments ………………………………………………………………….. 14
Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………… 15
Appendix …………………………………………………………………………….. 16
A) Calculations ……………………………………………………………………………… 16
B) Example spread sheet walkthrough ……………………………………………...…… 18
C) Assumptions ……………………………………………………………………………... 21
D) Nomenclature ……………………………………………...……………….….………… 21
E) Simplified Field Method …………..……………………...….…………….….………… 22
F) APT Lookup Table …...…………………………………...……………….….………… 24
G) Compliance Curve …………..……..………….……...….……………….….………… 25
H) Simplified Field Method Sample Calculation ……………...………….….………… I) 25
Field Pressure Testing Packet …...…………………………...………….….………… J) 27
Completed Line Pressure Test Worksheet ……………...………….….………...…… K) 33
Calculation of the “P” Coefficient …...…………………………...……….….………… L) 34
Calculation of a Specific APT Value ……………...………….….…………...…...…… 36
The API 1110 pressure test method is used for determining leaks within piping segments in
contact with soil or above water. A criticism of this current method is that it does not account for
temperature effects on the contained substance in the piping. These temperature variances
affect the measured pressure during a test and depending on testing conditions can pass a failed
test or fail a passed test. The proposed alternate method and associated calculations account for
a temperature change that can occur during a pressure test and correlates an unaccounted
volume of substance to the Table BPP located in Rule 62-762.601, Florida Administrative Code
The purpose of this paper is to define the allowable pressure tolerances of the API 1110
pressure test method between the theoretical pressure change and the actual pressure change
associated with a temperature change of a contained substance within piping during a pressure
test. A volumetric difference, over a testing duration, can be associated with the difference
between the theoretically calculated and actual measured pressures and then correlated to the
Table BPP found in Rule 62-762.601, F.A.C. to identify a passed or failed test in accordance with
API 1110 pressure test method. Ideal testing conditions will then be identified to ensure accuracy
and confidence in a given pressure test. There are a number of influences that affect the final
results of pressure tests such as the change in substance temperature within the piping, ambient
temperature changes, piping temperature change, piping material, substance within the pipe,
thermal expansion rates, compressibility, percentage of pipe directly in contact with sunlight, and
volume of piping isolated for testing. Some of the factors noted above have a greater effect than
The most important operational condition to monitor, other than pressure, is the
temperature of the substance within the pipe. Depending upon the type of substance, a change
in temperature can have dramatic results. Using #2 diesel fuel as an example, if a temperature
change of 1 F occurs within an isolated volume, the pressure will increase or decrease by 70 psi
to 100 psi. This is because liquids are not easily compressible like gases. The pressure will vary
depending on the volumetric thermal expansion rate of #2 diesel fuel and the piping material.
Another important factor to account for is the energy transfer between the outside
environment and the pipe and between the pipe and the substance contained therein. Given that
the piping section being tested is isolated, energy transfer is the reason why a substance’s
temperature will increase during a test. The temperature change is determined by the thermal
conductivity of the piping material, the energy flux, schedule of the piping, the heat capacity of the
liquid, initial ambient temperature, final ambient temperature, initial exterior pipe surface
temperature, final exterior pipe surface temperature, initial interior pipe surface temperature and
final interior pipe surface temperature. These relationships are described in Fourier's law.
Fourier's law describes linear heat flow rate between two surfaces. If a portion of the
piping is exposed to the sun the exterior surface temperature of the piping will increase. The
magnitude of the increase is determined by the solar radiation intensity and if the pipe is coated
with an energy absorbing color like black then a greater temperature change will occur.
Currently, there is no protocol in the current API 1110 pressure test method that requires
that the liquid temperature be monitored throughout the duration of a test. This is a potential
deficiency of this test. Without monitoring the temperature of the substance within the pipe,
pressure fluctuations cannot be accounted for other than reasoning that a product loss had
occurred meaning that there is a leak in the pipe that was pressure tested. This reasoning is not
accurate. If the heat capacity of the contained substance and thermal conductivity of the
substance’s surroundings are accounted for, there will be a substantial delay between the
ambient or environmental temperature change and the temperature change of the substance.
For purposes of this paper, two examples of API 1110 pressure tests that were recently
conducted in the field at TECO Energy facilities will be examined to illustrate the temperature
Example #1:
This API 1110 pressure test was conducted at the TECO Big Bend Plant on February 12,
2007 located in Apollo Beach, FL from 2:00 p.m. to 3:19 p.m. The test was performed on a
section of piping nearly 900 feet in length constructed of carbon steel. Contained within the pipe
is #2 diesel fuel. This portion of piping is entirely aboveground and transports fuel from a pump
house, over a canal, along the side of the canal, and into an aboveground storage tank system.
The weather conditions during this test were partly cloudy with a light breeze.
When analyzing the data associated with Example #1, it is important to note the pressure
increase and the temperature increase. The initial pressure and temperature readings were
recorded at 107psi and 65 F, respectively. Readings were recorded every 15 minutes throughout
the testing duration and before depressurization, the final reading was recorded at 234psi and
70 F. The temperature recordings were of the ambient environmental temperature. Although the
ambient temperature increased by 5 F, the temperature of the #2 diesel fuel only increased by
o o
1.285 F. This 1.285 F temperature rise occurred mainly due to solar radiation incident upon the
pipe’s exterior surface. The change in ambient temperature appears to have had a smaller
impact. When using Fourier's law to describe the heat transfer occurring within this test, one
needs to look at the piping schedule, the temperature of the piping exterior surface, the energy
transfer through the pipe, and the heat capacity of the #2 diesel. Although the ambient
temperature was only around 70 F, the temperature of the pipe’s exterior surface was most likely
o o
around the range of 80 F to 85 F. This temperature difference is attributed to the energy
absorbing ability of the pipe’s exterior coating and the solar radiation directly incident upon the
pipe, radiation diffused through the surrounding environment, and radiation reflected upon the
pipe’s surface from the water below. The #2 diesel fuel did not reach a thermal steady state with
the pipe’s exterior surface because of the length of the test, the rate at which heat is conducted
through the carbon steel piping, and the heat capacity of the contained liquid.
Example #2
This API 1110 pressure test was conducted at the TECO Big Bend Plant on February 12,
2007 located in Apollo Beach, FL from 3:20 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. The test was performed on a
section of piping between 400 and 600 ft. in length and constructed of carbon steel. Contained
within the pipe was #2 diesel fuel. This portion of piping is underground and transports fuel from
another portion of piping to an aboveground day storage tank system. The weather conditions
When analyzing the data associated with Example #2, it is important to note the relatively
stable pressures and temperatures recorded. The initial pressure and temperature readings were
recorded at 160psi and 72 F, respectively. Readings were recorded every 15 minutes throughout
the testing duration and before depressurization, the final reading was recorded at 160psi and
70 F. The temperature recordings were of the ambient environmental temperature. When
looking at the first four readings of the test it is important to note that the temperature decreases
and the pressure increases. This occurs because underground temperature remains relatively
stable throughout the day because the ground acts as an insulator and limits the impact of the
ambient temperature fluctuation. Also, the pipe is not absorbing energy from solar radiation
incident upon the exterior surface. Although the ground acts as an insulator, heat flow will still
occur from the ground surface to the soil in contact with the pipe, from the soil in contact with the
pipe to the pipe’s exterior surface, from the pipe’s exterior surface to the pipe’s interior surface,
and from the pipe’s interior surface to the #2 diesel fuel. Temperature under the soil surface
remains stable because heat transfer occurs through multiple layers with varying thermal
conductivities. Given the above information, one can see this delay in energy transfer when one
analyzes the fourth and fifth readings. During the time these last readings were taken, heat is
flowing in the opposite direction from the warmer liquid to the cooler interior surface of the pipe, to
the cooler exterior surface of the pipe, and all the way to the ground surface. Note that only a
0.15 F change occurred to cause a 14.1 psi pressure drop.
The analysis of this pressure test’s results includes a comparison of the initial recorded
pressure to other recorded pressures during the test and evaluation for a substantial pressure
drop to confirm a failed test. If there is no substantial pressure drop, then the test passes. In the
two examples given, both tests passed because neither fell substantially below the initial pressure
reading. A failed test can be overlooked because of increased pressure from an increase in the
contained substance’s temperature and failed tests may have actually passed due to a
temperature decrease. The contained substance’s temperature must be measured during testing
and an expected pressure change must be calculated from the temperature data and compared
to the measured pressure change. The difference between the calculated and the measured
Hoop stress is defined in ASME B31.8 as the stress in a pipe wall, acting
circumferentially in a plain perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe and produced by the
pressure of the fluid in the pipe. Barlow's Formula is the common method used to determine
hoop stress in the wall of pipe. Pressure levels observed during API 1110 pressure testing will
not cause piping deformation because the observed pressure levels used during testing are well
below the design pressure limits of the piping system. Minimal volume change occurs because a
minimal piping deformation occurs therefore; the effects of hoop stress are negligible.
By monitoring the temperature of the contained substance in the piping during a pressure
test, the complexity of Fourier's heat transfer calculations and the need to monitor the ambient
and the exterior pipe surface temperature can be eliminated. If the temperature change of the
contained substance is known, then the energy change of the liquid can be used to determine the
temperature change of the pipe eventually determining the thermal expansion of the pipe. By
eliminating the need to monitor the external surface temperature of the pipe, the potential for
that can be used in conjunction with the API 1110 pressure test method to meet the standards in
Table BPP of Rule 62-762.601, F.A.C. See Appendix A for an example calculation.
Proposed Procedure
The following procedure is proposed to be conducted in association with the current API
1110 pressure testing. This proposed procedure will account for temperature change during a
pressure test to ensure compliance with the requirements of Table BPP table of Rule 62-762.601,
F.A.C. The first step is to identify known conditions and factors. These include the material of
which the pipe being pressure tested is constructed, the contained substance within the pipe, and
the physical state of that contained substance (i.e., solid, liquid, gas).
The next step is to gather referenced data for the known conditions and factors. The
thermal expansion coefficients of the pipe material and the contained substance must be
referenced, along with the compressibility of the contained substance. Piping as-built drawing or
a process flow diagram (PFD) should be referenced to find the length of pipe that is to be isolated
for testing. Once the length is determined, then the volume of the contained substance can be
The pressure test should be performed in accordance with API 1110 monitoring the
pressure and ambient temperature, but a temperature probe should also be used to take readings
of the substance’s temperature contained within the isolated pipe. Temperature of the contained
substance should be monitored with the same regularity of the pressure readings. It is important
to be aware of the integrity of the temperature probe’s seal to assure that the temperature reading
Once the testing is completed and all data is gathered, the theoretical calculated
pressure can be determined. This calculation may be broken into two separate theoretical
pressure calculations if circumstances such as those seen in Example #2 occur. The test may
also be broken into separate calculations if the need to bleed off or increase pressure occurs.
This will provide an explanation for such abnormal occurrences while maintaining the accuracy of
the test. Please see Appendix E for a field simplified field method for determining compliance.
When the theoretical calculation(s) is complete, the deviations, if present, between the
theoretical calculated pressure(s) and the actual measured pressure(s) should be analyzed and
an unaccounted volumetric flow determined. This unaccounted volumetric flow can be compared
to Table BPP found in Rule 62-762.601, F.A.C. and set forth below, to determine a pass or a fail.
Frequency of Testing Line Segment Capacity Line Segment Capacity greater Line segment capacity
Less than 50,000 gallons than 50000 gallons but less than greater than 100000 gallons
100000 gallons
Using a spreadsheet developed for this purpose and using data from Example #1, it can be
determined that the pressure test in Example #1 was a passing test assuming a 1 F temperature
change occurred. It was determined that 0.161469 gallons/hr were unaccounted for during this
test. The pipe segment tested has a capacity less than 50,000 gallons, therefore by referencing
the Table BPP above it is found that an unaccounted volumetric flow of 0.2 gallons/hr or less is
required to be in compliance. A full set of calculations of the theoretical pressure for Example #1
is shown in Appendix A. Calculations were also conducted for Example #2 which was also
determined to be a passing pressure test. Neither of the two examples actually monitored the
temperature of the contained substance during testing and therefore these calculated examples
are demonstrative only. Please see Appendix E for a field simplified field method for determining
The proposed additional procedure to API 1110 accounts for temperature change and
accurately calculates a volumetric loss from a piping segment that is pressure tested. However,
there are a few scenarios that could potentially produce an inaccurate result. Therefore, it is of
the upmost importance to identify ideal testing conditions to optimize the accuracy of the results
The greatest potential threat to the accuracy of the proposed addition to the API 1110
pressure test method is from the temperature gradients of the contained substance from which
temperature readings are being recorded. An example of one scenario is if a pressure test is
performed on an aboveground segment of piping where half is exposed to solar radiation and half
is covered by shade. It is a safe assumption to assume the portion of pipe exposed to solar
radiation will absorb more energy than the portion of piping covered by the shade. Consequently,
the energy flow through the pipe to the contained substance on one end will be greater than on
the other causing a temperature gradient across the pipe. If the temperature readings of the
contained substance are being measured on the warmer half of the pipe, then the value of the
theoretically calculated pressure will be higher because of a larger temperature change during the
pressure test on the half exposed to solar radiation than on the half covered by shade. This
would cause the calculations to represent that a greater volumetric loss had occurred and could
possibly fail a passing test. The reverse is true if the temperature measurements were recorded
from the cooler half of the pipe. A failed test could pass because the theoretically calculated
pressure would be lowered and would not account for the half of the pipe exposed to the solar
radiation. These temperature gradients are illustrated below. Calculations can be conducted
from weather data, solar engineering equations, and heat transfer equations but, the proposed
procedure would become too complex and could lead to a greater potential for error.
∆T = 1.5oF ∆T = 2.5oF
∆T = 1oF ∆T = 4oF
To assure accurate results, where portions of piping are exposed to intense day time
solar radiation, such piping should be tested during early morning or twilight hours to minimize
temperature gradients. If a pipe segment is entirely exposed to direct solar radiation or only
exposed to diffused and reflected solar radiation, the chance for temperature gradients is
minimized and testing can be conducted at anytime. Piping segments, where a portion of pipe
greater than 10% is aboveground and the remaining portion is below ground, should be pressure
tested separately so potential errors from temperature gradients can be avoided. Temperature
measurements should be recorded from the middle 20% of the piping segment isolated for
testing. If the above-mentioned actions are not possible, pressure testing should be conducted
during early morning or twilight hours and during months where there is not a rapid temperature
Outside of the temperature change of the contained substance, the volumetric change is
what must be noted when measuring pressure. Changing pipe diameters in underground piping
is prevalent in older industrial facilities. If changes in diameter occur within a piping segment
isolated for pressure testing, the volume of a contained substance can still be calculated. If the
isolated pipe segment is underground, the temperature change of the piping will be very stable, at
most a 2F to 4F temperature rise. If the pressure test is conducted on above ground piping then
the temperature change might be more unstable. Volumetric thermal expansion of the piping, at
a varying range of temperature change of the pipe material is small to begin with, so if a
comparison between the volumetric thermal expansion differences between a 4in pipe and a 6in
pipe, the difference would be negligible, though linear thermal expansion will have an observable
variation. If a large temperature change of the contained substance occurs (more than 5F),
though highly unlikely, it might create a larger radial temperature gradient within the 6in pipe and
could provide a different end result than the 4in pipe. This is an unlikely scenario though during a
The existing API 1110 pressure test method is accurate unless a temperature change in
the contained substance occurs. This proposed method is to be used in conjunction with the API
1110 pressure test method which allows for highly accurate results that account for a temperature
change during a test. This proposed method will allow the Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) to have full confidence that, if this additional procedure is used during API 1110
pressure testing, an accurate grade of pass or fail will be determined in accordance with Table
The cooperation and assistance of the members of the Solid Waste Subcommittee of the
Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, Inc. is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Mr.
Randy Melton and Mr. Stan Kroh of TECO Energy, representatives of Marathon Oil, Mr. Michael
Petrovich of Hopping Green & Sams, P.A., and the Florida Petroleum Council. All queries
regarding the proposed method and technical aspects should be directed to Mr. Arthur Bosshart,
2) Chapter 62-762, Florida Administrative Code – Draft Rule – September 28, 2007
Appendix A
π = 3.14
ro = 3.3125 in. (Referenced Value, The outside radius of the pipe in inches.)
LTo = 11275.30538 (The length of pipe in inches at initial temperature)
3 3
VLo = 325581.3953 in (Value must be converted to in )
Vp = (π*ro *LTo) - VLo (Initial Volume @ Initial Temperature)
5) Energy change of the substance from the measured temperature change is calculated
6) Rearranging the equation from step 5, the temperature change of the pipe is determined from the
contained substance’s energy change by its temperature change
8) Volume of the pipe at the final temperature is calculated from its linear thermal expansion
10) The overall change in volume accounts for the expansion rates of the substance and the pipe
11) Using the overall change in volume, an adjusted thermal expansion coefficient for the substance is
calculated. This is the volume change with respect to the contained substance.
12) The theoretical pressure change is calculated using the bulk modulus of elasticity of the substance.
The bulk modulus is the inverse of the substances compressibility. The equation below is
arranged to use compressibility but further manipulation can form an equation to use the bulk
modulus of elasticity
13) The theoretical calculated pressure is the sum of the theoretical calculated pressure change and the
actual measured initial pressure. Unaccounted volume is found by comparing the difference in
pressure changes and rearranging the pressure formula.
- The answer is given in gallons, if the initial volume value used in the equation is in gallons
- From here the unaccounted volume is divided by the testing duration and the number yielded
can be compared to the BPP Table to determine compliance.
Appendix B
The following spreadsheet was used for developing the proposed method and for
calculation purposes. The spread sheet shows entries made for analyzing Example #1.
Select Pipe
Material Input Field
Carbon Steel 0.5% C Calculated Field (DO NOT EDIT)
Select Substance contained in Pipe Enter Data if Selections are not Found in List
#2 Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Conditions and Data Collected
Drop Down List
Auto populated if selection is on list
Pretest Data
6.065 in Pipe Inside Diameter See Table on Sheet 3
6.625 in Pipe Outside Diameter See Table on Sheet 3
0.28 in Pipe Schedule See Table on Sheet 3
1400 gallons Initial Volume of Liquid
o -1
F Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Piping Material
o -1
F Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Liquid
psi Compressibility of Liquid
BTU/lb F Heat Capacity of Substance in Pipe (Only if Substance is not shown in above List)
BTU/lb oF Heat Capacity of Pipe (Only if Piping Material is not shown in above List)
BTU/(hr F in) Heat Conductivity (Only if Piping Material is not shown in above List)
lbs/gallon Density of Substance in Pipe (Only if Substance is not shown in above List)
lbs/gallon Density of Piping Material (Only if Piping Material is not shown in above List)
*assume that the minimal increase in piping surface due to temperature rise has no effect on heat transfer from the pipe exterior surface to
the liquid contained within the pipe. Therefore, piping surface area at initial temperature is used for calculation.
ro 3.3125 in
Ape 234623.4484 in2
βp 0.0000078 o
F -1
LTo 11275.30538 in 939.60878 ft
∆Tp 3.583333333 o
F Use heat transfer Equation
∆Lp 0.315144785 in
VpT2 = πri2LT2
VpT2 = Volume of Pipe @ Final Temperature
LT2 = Length of Pipe @ Final Temperature
LT2 11275.62052 in
VpT2 325590.4953 in3
∆VLa = (PTC - PAM )*VLo/ ά
∆VLa = Calculated Volume Difference associated with pressure change
PTC = Theoretical Calculated Pressure
PAM = Actually Measured Pressure
Appendix C
1) A minimal increase in piping surface due to temperature rise has no effect on heat
transfer from the pipe exterior surface to the liquid contained within the pipe.
3) Hoop Stress on piping does not cause piping deformation because pressure levels
used during testing are well below the design pressure of the piping system. No
4) The radial temperature gradient of the pipe material is negligible because pipe walls
are less than .6 in. and during normal testing conditions an extreme temperature
Appendix D
∆P = Change in Pressure
Q = Heat
Appendix E
temperature within a perfectly isolated volume. This 9.4 PSI change per unit of temperature will
be known as the “P” coefficient in the pressure testing packet in appendix I. The “P” Coefficient is
compressibility, piping thermal expansion, liquid thermal expansion, pipe density, liquid density,
pipe heat capacity, and liquid heat capacity the “P” coefficient for any substance may be found.
The Allowable Pressure Tolerance (APT) is calculated by defining an acceptable volumetric loss
BPP within 62-762 F.A.C. Equation 1 is the formula used for calculating ATP where
compressibility (ά) and piping volume at the initial temperature are shown (V Lo). APT is the
allowable pressure difference between the theoretically calculated pressure (P Tc) and the actually
Procedure Simplified
Find as-built drawings of piping system to be pressure tested and note the lengths of each
section that is to be isolated. Determine the size of piping and the schedule of piping then find
the inside radius of the pipe using reference material. Calculate the volume within the section of
pipe that is to be isolated for pressure testing using the following equation:
VTo = πr L (3)
Given that 9.4 PSI occurs for every .1 F change in temperature, the noted temperature change
during the testing period should be divided by .1 F to determine the magnitude factor to be used
later. When the pressure testing is complete the magnitude factor (MF) should be multiplied by
9.4 PSI and then added to the initially measured pressure (Pi) from the beginning of the test to
During the test, the APT lookup table must be present. Using the piping volume that was
calculated prior to testing, the APT can be found using the APT lookup table. By subtracting the
APT defined for the given piping volume from the PTc, the lower limit of the actually measured
pressure can be defined. If the measured pressure during the duration of a pressure test falls
Appendix F
Appendix G
Compliance Curve
.75 hrs. Test Duration
Allowable Pressure Tolerance "APT" (PSI)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Piping Volume (Gallons)
Appendix H
For example, an underground pipe that contains #2 diesel fuel is pressure tested in the state of
Florida. Before the test it was determined that the pipe was 6in. in diameter and had a schedule
40 wall thickness. The volume of the pipe that is to be isolated was calculated to have a capacity
of 1400 gallons. The line was properly packed and the initial temperature and pressure readings
were 70 F and 100PSI respectively. The test lasted 1.5 hours and the final temperature and
pressure readings were 71.1 F and 171 PSI respectively. Is the piping system in compliance?
Using the simplified procedure we know that a linear pressure change of 9.4 PSI occurs for every
.1 F change in temperature within a perfectly isolated volume therefore the magnitude factor (MF)
o o o
MF = (71.1 F - 70 F)/.1 F = 11
Using the APT lookup table, we find that for a piping system of 1400 gallons, the allowable
pressure tolerance (APT) is 46.61 PSI. Next, the lower limit for compliance is determined.
The final temperature reading from the test was 171 PSI. The final reading is greater than the
lower limit therefore the pressure test passes. See Appendix J to view the completed Line
Appendix I
Line Pressure Testing Packet Instructions
Pretest data should be acquired prior to pressure testing.
Line 1 -- The facility representative should identify an accurate pipe capacity through calculation or best
engineering judgment. Information regarding the pipe capacity and the contained substance should be
given to the entity or individuals conducting the pressure test prior to testing.
Line P – Values for the “P” coefficient may be found on page 2 of the DEP Line Pressure Testing Packet in
the “P” Coefficient Lookup Table. Enter this value into line P.
Test Data
Before the first temperature and pressure readings are recorded, the piping segment being pressure tested
must be properly “packed.” Meaning the piping segment must be completely filled with the contained
substance with no vapor or air pockets. Please reference for proper packing procedures section 3.7 of API
Recommended Practice 1110 Fourth Edition, March 1997.
Line 2 – After the line is properly packed and pressurized the desired test pressure, enter the initial pressure
reading once testing begins into line 2.
Line 3 – Enter the initial temperature reading once testing begins into line 3.
Line 4 – Enter the time which testing begins into line 4.
Line 5 – When testing is complete enter the final pressure reading into line 5.
Line 6 – Enter the final temperature reading into Line 6.
Line 7 – Enter the time which the test ended into line 7.
.75 hrs. Test Duration
Allowable Pressure Tolerance "APT" (PSI)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Piping Volume (Gallons)
Appendix J
Completed Line Pressure Testing Worksheet
Appendix K
Step-by-Step Calculation of the “P” Coefficient
The “P” Coefficient is found by relating compressibility to a change in volume and defining a
change in temperature between the initial temperature (Ti) and the final temperature (Tf) to be
o o
.1 F. For #2 Diesel it is found that a linear pressure change of 9.4 PSI occurs for every .1 F
change in temperature within a perfectly isolated volume. This calculation is independent of the
amount of volume but requires an initial value for volume to begin the calculation of the “P”
coefficient. In the example below, we will use the capacity of one of our actual piping systems.
π = 3.14
ro = 3.3125 in. (Referenced Value, The outside radius of the pipe in inches.)
LTo = 11275.30538 (The length of pipe in inches at initial temperature)
3 3
VLo = 325581.3953 in (Value must be converted to in )
Vp = (π*ro *LTo) - VLo (Initial Volume @ Initial Temperature)
This is calculated to determine energy transfer from the pipe material to determine the
temperature change of the pipe material and eventually determine the thermal expansion
of the pipe.
ML = 9380 lbs. (From Equation 4)
o o
CpL = .043 BTU/lb. F (Referenced Coefficient, Must be in “BTU/lb. F”)
o o
∆TL = Tf – Ti = .1 F (Define your temperature change as .1 F)
Rearranging the equation from step 5, the temperature change of the pipe is determined
from the contained substance’s energy change by its temperature change.
Q = 403.34 BTU (From Equation 6)
o o
CpP = .12 BTU/lb. F (Referenced Coefficient, Must be in “BTU/lb. F”)
MP = 17680.37884 lbs. (From Equation 3)
∆TP = Q/(MP*CpP) = 403.34 / (17680.37884 * 0.12) = .3583333333 F
The Thermal Expansion will not substantially vary from material to material and therefore
will not affect the determined value of the “P” Coefficient. The differences from material
to material are negligible.
o -1 o -1
βp = .0000078 F (Referenced coefficient, must be in F )
LTo = 11275.30538 in. (The length of pipe in inches at initial temperature)
∆Tp = .3583333333 F (From Equation 6)
8) Volume of the pipe at the final temperature is calculated from its thermal
This is used to determine the overall change in volume with respect to all thermal
expansions affecting the isolated system.
π = 3.14
ri = 3.0325 in. (Referenced Value, The inside radius of the pipe in inches.)
LTo = 11275.30538 (The length of pipe in inches at initial temperature)
∆Lp = 0.0315144785 in. (From Equation 7)
2* + 2 3
VpT2 = π*ri (LTo ∆Lp) = 3.14 * 3.0325 * (11275.30538 + .315144785) = 325582.3053 in
10) The overall change in volume accounts for the expansion rates of the substance
and the pipe.
∆VL = 14.97674419 in (From Equation 1)
∆VP = .91 in (From Equation 9)
∆V = ∆VL - ∆VP = 14.97674419 - 0.91 = 14.06674419 in
The theoretical pressure change is calculated using the bulk modulus of elasticity of the
substance. The bulk modulus is the inverse of the substances compressibility. The
equation below can be arranged to use compressibility or the bulk modulus of elasticity.
∆V = 14.06674419 in (From Equation 11)
3 3
VL0 = 325581.3953 in (Value must be converted to in )
ά = 217500 psi (Referenced Coefficient, Compressibility must be in psi)
Appendix L
Step-by-Step Calculation of a Specific APT Value
The Allowable Pressure Tolerance (APT) is calculated by defining an acceptable volumetric loss
which for purposes of compliance in Florida is defined to be .2 gallons/hour (∆V La/hr) by Table
BPP within 62-762 F.A.C. Equation 1 is the formula used for calculating ATP where
compressibility (ά) and piping volume at the initial temperature (VLo) are accounted used in
between the theoretically calculated pressure (PTc) and the actually measured pressure (Pam).
1) APT = (((∆VLa/hr)(ά))/VLo)*t
∆VLa/hr = 0.2 gal/hr (This is the minimal accepted leak rate defined by environmental authority)
ά = 217500 psi (Compressibility of #2 Diesel)
VLo = 1400 gal. (Value must be in Gallons)
t = 1.5 hrs. (Duration of test, given in hours)