Ray Optics & Wave Optics: Long Questions
Ray Optics & Wave Optics: Long Questions
Ray Optics & Wave Optics: Long Questions
1. Write a neat ray diagram , explain the working of a compound microscope .Obtain the expression for its
magnifying power . [2+3+2]
2. Deduce the following formula for the material of a prism: [7]
µ= 2
3. Explain a neat diagram describe the construction and working of an astronomical telescope [1+3+3]
1 1 1
4. For a concave mirror derive the expression 𝑢 + 𝑣 = 𝑓 also derive the expression for virtual image
1 1 1
5. Derive the expression 𝑢 + 𝑣 = 𝑓 for convex mirror.
6. How the compound microscope differ from simple microscope?
7. Difference between microscope and telescope with neat sketch.
8. Derive lens maker formula.
9. What is interference? Derive an expression for Young’s double slit experiment. Also write condition for
interference. [2+5]
10. Derive the relation between focal length and Radius of curvature. [7]
11. Explain about total internal reflection and also explain various application
12. What is the shape of the wave front in each of the following cases:
(a) Light diverging from a point source.
(b) Light emerging out of a convex lens when a point source is placed at its focus.
(c) The portion of the wave front of light from a distant star intercepted by the Earth.
13. Why is the focal length of an objective in compound microscope little shorter than the focal
length of the eyepiece?
14. Derive lens maker formula for double convex lens. State the assumptions and sign convention.
15. Obtain an expression for the focal length and power of the combination when two thin lenses are
placed in contact with each other.
16. what happens when a ray of white light passes through a prism ? discuss the phenomenon
17. Prove that for small angles of incidence the deviation produced by a prism is independent of the
angle of incidence.
18. What is astronomical telescope ? Derive an expression for its magnifying power.
19. What is mirage ? Explain with neat sketch.