Mukhi Stringtheory
Mukhi Stringtheory
Mukhi Stringtheory
Sunil Mukhi
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
This action is the invariant length of the particle’s trajectory. We see that
reparametrisations of t are still a symmetry.
To quantise this theory, it will be necessary to make a gauge choice. A
convenient choice is
X 0 (t) = t
This fixes the reparametrisation invariance and leads to
Z q
1 Z
S = −m dt 1 − Ẋi Ẋi ∼ −m + m dt (Ẋi )2 , Ẋi ≪ 1
ṗµ = 0
We see that the gauge choice X 0 (t) = t, while it breaks manifest Lorentz
invariance, is a good one to provide physical insight.
Ẋ µ Ẋµ + m2 = 0
Ẍµ = 0
The second of these equations follows from the gauge-fixed action, but the
first one does not. We must impose it as a constraint.
Thus the velocities Ẋ µ (t) are not all independent.
Thus the complete solution of the the classical relativistic free particle is
given by solutions of the above equation, subject to the constraint.
This constraint is the price we pay for choosing a covariant gauge.
However, there are two important benefits:
• The action is quadratic, with no square roots.
• The action and constraints both have a sensible m → 0 limit.
t → t′ (σ, t)
σ → σ ′ (σ, t)
X µ (σ, t) → X ′µ (σ ′ , t′ ) = X µ (σ, t)
∂ξ ′c ∂ξ ′d
′ (σ ′ , t′ ) =
gab (σ, t) → gab g (σ, t)
∂ξ a ∂ξ b cd
Note that with a metric on the worldsheet, our theory is rather like two-
dimensional gravity. However, there is no kinetic term for the metric.
In particular, the Einstein term −kgk R is a total derivative in two
dimensions and does not lead to propagation of the metric field. The string
action could be thought of as non-dynamical worldsheet gravity coupled
to matter.
We will henceforth set Λ = 0, analogous to the case of a massless particle.
On doing this, we find that the action develops a new invariance, under:
gab (σ, t) → eρ(σ,t) gab (σ, t)
with no change in worldsheet or spacetime coordinates. This is called Weyl
The equations of motion are straightforward to write down:
δS µ 1 cd ∂ X µ ∂ X = 0
= 0 ⇒ ∂a X ∂b X µ − gab g c d µ
δg ab (σ, t) 2
δS ab ∂ X
= 0 ⇒ ∂a −kgk g b µ =0
δX µ (σ, t)
The first equation states the vanishing of the energy-momentum tensor:
2 1 δS
Tab ≡ − q =0
T −kgk δg ab
gab = eφ(σ,t) ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ
Now it is time to fix a gauge. By analogy with the point particle, we could
X 0 (σ, t) = t, X 1 (σ, t) = σ
which is called the static gauge. The action remains nonlinear in the
remaining X i , and is hard to quantise.
A more convenient gauge is the one analogous to g(t) = 1 for a point
particle. Thus, we again do not eliminate gab from the equations of
motion, but instead fix two of its three independent components using
reparametrisation invariance:
Because of Weyl invariance, the function φ(σ, t) decouples from the action,
which becomes very simple:
S=− dσ dt ∂a X µ ∂ a Xµ
In conformal gauge, the energy-momentum tensor can be re-derived as the
conserved current for worldsheet translation invariance:
Tab = ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ − ηab η cd ∂c X µ ∂d Xµ , ∂ a Tab = 0
As before, after choosing a gauge we must make sure that all the original
equations of motion are satisfied. The gab equation of motion is
Tab = 0
ξ± = t ± σ
∂± = ∂/∂ξ ± = (∂t ± ∂σ )
T++ = ∂+ X µ ∂+ Xµ = 0
T−− = ∂− X µ ∂− Xµ = 0
T±± = ∂± X µ ∂± Xµ ≡ ∂± X · ∂± X
impose a bilinear relation between Ln and αn , and similarly for the left
This relation is easily seen to be:
1 X∞ 1 ∞
Ln = α−m · αn+m , e =
L e −m · α
α e n+m
2 m=−∞ 2 m=−∞
e , L given as above.
with Ln n
∂σ X µ (0, t) = 0 (Neumann)
X µ (0, t) = cµ (Dirichlet)
and s
α′ X µ −in(t±σ)
∂± X µ (σ, t) = α e
2 n∈ZZ n
µ √
where α0 = 2α′ pµ .
The Virasoro constraints reduce to the vanishing of a single set of modes:
1 X
Ln = α−m · αn+m = 0
2 m∈ZZ
Pµ (σ, t) = µ = T ∂t Xµ (σ, t)
δ(∂t X (σ, t))
Now consider for definiteness the open string with NN boundary conditions.
The canonical commutators define commutation relations among the
modes αn , xµ , pµ :
µ , αν ] = m δ
[αm µν [xµ , pν ] = iη µν , µ , xν ] = [αµ , pν ] = 0
n m+n,0 η , [αm m
µ µ
From the classical relation (αn )∗ = α−n , it follows that the corresponding
operators satisfy
(αnµ )† = α−n
By analogy with the harmonic oscillator, the operators αn are creation
operators for n > 0 and annihilation operators for n < 0.
Thus the ground state |0i of the string would be defined by
αnµ |0i = 0, n > 0
Physical states would then be constructed by acting with the oscillators
α−n on the ground state |0i. These would correspond to excited states of
the string.
There are several ways to implement the constraints. Broadly they fall into
two categories:
(I) Solve the constraints by singling out some spacetime directions from
others. As a result some oscillators become dependent on others and are
not to be independently quantised. The Hilbert space then manifestly has
positive norm, but Lorentz invariance is not manifest.
(II) Quantise all the oscillators, but then impose the constraints on the
Hilbert space. Only those states satisfying the constraints will be treated
as physical. Then the full Hilbert space will have negative-norm states,
but the constrained subspace will be positive. In this procedure, manifest
Lorentz invariance can be maintained.
Instead of choosing one of these two approaches, we will exhibit the flavour
of both. Both approaches have important merits.
ξ + → ξ ′+ (ξ + ), ξ − → ξ ′− (ξ − )
since this preserves the fact that the metric gab is proportional to ηab .
For such a reparametrisation, t′ (σ, t) satisfies
∂+ ∂− t′ (σ, t) = 0
This is the same equation as the one satisfied by the X µ . So we can use
it to choose t proportional to one of the X µ , in particular to X + .
More precisely, we set:
X + (σ, t) = x+ + 2α′ p+ t
Physical states of the string are now constructed by defining a ground state
|0i satisfying
αni |0i = 0, n > 0
We also define the state
i i
|ki = eik x |0i
pi |ki = k i |ki
which represents a string in its ground state with transverse momentum
ki .
1 i i
Nm = α−m αm
is the number operator that counts the number of excitations of mode
number m.
Thus, we have:
1 i
M 2 |0i = 0, M 2 (α−1
i |0i) = ′ (α−1 |0i)
so apparently the ground state is massless and the first excited state has
(mass)2 = 1/α′ .
We have just encountered a serious paradox.
The first excited state is massive and has D − 2 physical components. In
fact, it is a vector of SO(D − 2).
But according to the representation theory of the Lorentz group, only
a massless state in D spacetime dimensions can have D − 2 physical
components. A massive state necessarily has D − 1 components!
Thus the first excited state of the string really ought to be massless. If we
cannot ensure this, then we have lost/misplaced our Lorentz invariance,
and that is the end of string theory...
i i = αi αi
α−m αm m −m − m
where a is a constant.
We can determine a by a heuristic argument. Originally, the classical
expression arose from the term:
1 X∞
α−m i
2 m=−∞
If we assume that the oscillators in this expression are replaced by quantum
operators in the same ordering, then we must re-order precisely half of the
terms to get the normal-ordered expression:
1 X∞ X∞
i i
: α−m αm : = i
α−m i
2 m=−∞ m=1
1 X∞ 1 X∞ ∞
D−2 X
i i
α−m αm = i i
: α−m αm : + m
2 m=−∞ 2 m=−∞ 2 m=1
1 1 2 2 1
L = − ∂µ φ ∂ φ − m φ − (∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ )2 ,
µ m2 = −1/α′
2 2 4
The gauge field action has the well-known Abelian gauge invariance:
δAµ = ∂µ Λ(x)
If the free action was not gauge invariant, the field theory would have
negative-norm states, as we learn in electrodynamics.
Can we find direct evidence for gauge invariance from string theory? This
would be strong confirmation that at low energies, string theory is described
by familiar field theories.
In light-cone gauge, we worked only with physical degrees of freedom, so
we could not have seen gauge invariance.
Instead, we now briefly consider covariant quantisation of the string. In
this formalism, we quantise all the oscillators.
It is natural to identify ζµ (k) with the Fourier transform of the gauge field
Aµ (x).
Now we impose the constraints:
1 X
Ln |physi = α−m · αn+m |physi = 0
2 m∈ZZ
M2 = − ′
and hence:
X ∞
α−m i
αm = α i
e −m α
m=1 m=1
Thus the total level nNn must be equal for left- and right-movers.
This rules out the states
i |ki,
α−1 α i |ki
e −1
and therefore the first excited state of the closed bosonic string is:
i α j
α−1 e −1 |ki
i α j
ζij (k) α−1 e −1 |ki
These fields, in turn, are the transverse components of the massless fields
Gµν , Bµν , Φ of the Lorentz group SO(25, 1).
Thus we have shown that the massless first excited state of the bosonic
string consists of these three fields. They should be described at low
energies by a suitable field theory action.
But it is a theorem that the only consistent action for a massless symmetric
rank-2 tensor field is that of Einstein’s gravity.
Therefore, closed string theory, if consistent, is a theory of gravity!.
which is to be taken seriously only to quadratic order in the fields. For the
metric this means we make the linearised approximation:
If this is true, the symmetries that should be visible (at the level of
inhomogeneous transformations) are:
(I) linearised reparametrisation invariance:
as desired.
The SαA are both worldsheet fermions (via the index α = 1, 2 ) and and
spacetime fermions (via the index A = 1, 2, · · · , 8 which makes a spinor of
SO(9, 1) ).
The local reparametrisation symmetry on the worldsheet is now promoted
to supersymmetry .
After gauge-fixing and incorporating the constraints, one finds the light-
cone action:
i A A A A
S=− dσ dt ∂a X ∂a Xi − iS+ ∂− S+ − iS − ∂+ S −
The mode expansion of the X µ is as before. But now we would also like
to make a mode expansion of the S±A .
{S0A , S0B } = δ AB
Combining left and right movers, we have to make a choice between spinor
and conjugate spinor for the Ramond state, independently for left-movers
and right-movers .
The overall choice is a convention, but the relative sign between left and
right movers is important.
Thus we have the following possibilities for the massless states:
NS-NS: e
|ii ⊗ |ji
R-R: |Ai ⊗ |Bi e ′i
e or |B
R-NS: e
|Ai ⊗ |ji
The NS-NS states, just as for the bosonic string, break up into a symmetric
traceless, antisymmetric and trace part.
In covariant language these are represented by massless fields propagating
in 10 spacetime dimensions:
e ′i
e or |Ai ⊗ |B
|Ai ⊗ |Bi
e → C (0) (x), C (x), C (4)
|Ai ⊗ |Bi µν µνλρ (x)
Finally we look at the NS-R and R-NS sectors. In each case, we are
combining a tensor and spinor representation, so the result is spinorial .
Therefore these sectors contain spacetime fermions .
At the massless level, each of these sectors gives a gravitino and another
fermion .
The two gravitinos have opposite chiralities for type IIA and the same
chirality for type IIB. Therefore the latter theory is parity violating in 10
dimensions .
(n+1) (n)
Fµ1 µ2 ···µn+1 = ∂[µ Cµ µ ···µ
1 2 3 n+1 ]
(iii) In type IIB, the dilaton Φ naturally combines with the RR scalar C (0)
to make the axiodilaton :
τ = C (0) + ie−Φ
(iv) At tree level, the bosonic part of the effective action can be written
Z q h i
Sef f = d10 x −kGk e−2Φ (NS-NS terms) + (R-R terms)
So the scaling with coupling constant of the tree-level R-R terms is different
from the NS-NS terms.
where η1 , η2 = ±1 .
The physics only depends on the relative sign . It can be checked that the
supersymmetry-preserving choice for fully NN strings is η1 = η2 .
With the above boundary conditions, the fermions have integer modes:
A (σ, t)
S− = SnA e−in(t−σ)
A (σ, t) =
S+ SnA e−in(t+σ)
bosons: Aµ (NS)
fermions: λA (R)
We would like to have worldsheet supersymmetry between X µ and ψα . But
since there is also an auxiliary variable gab on the worldsheet, we introduce
its fermionic superpartner χαa , rather like a worldsheet gravitino.
The action will have local worldsheet supersymmetry as well as worldsheet
reparametrisation invariance. There is no kinetic term for the graviton and
Thus, the action is that of non-dynamical worldsheet supergravity coupled
to supersymmetric matter:
T Z q
S=− dσ dt −kgk g ab ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ − iψ ρa ∂a ψµ
b a µ µ b a
+ 2 χa ρ ρ ψ ∂b Xµ + ψ µ ψ χa ρ ρ χb
Here, ρa are 2 × 2 gamma-matrices, and all spinor indices have been
µ µ a
S=− dσ dt ∂a X ∂a Xµ − iψ ρ ∂a ψµ
The equations of motion of the bosonic and fermionic coordinates are the
familiar Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in two dimensions:
∂a ∂ a X µ = 0, ρa ∂a ψ µ = 0
In light-cone coordinates, and with a decomposition of ψα into its chiral
components ψ± in a suitable basis of gamma-matrices, these become:
µ µ
∂− ∂+ X µ = 0, ∂− ψ+ = 0, ∂+ ψ− = 0
δX µ = ǫψ µ , δψ µ = −iρa ∂a X µ
1 b
Jαa = ρ ρa ψαµ ∂b Xµ , ∂ a Jαa = 0
The gravitino equations of motion, derived from the original action, reduce
in superconformal gauge to the new constraint Jαa = 0.
Thus the constraints that must be imposed are the vanishing of the energy-
momentum tensor Tab and the supercurrent Jαa .
In superconformal gauge and light-cone coordinates, these “Super-
Virasoro” constraints are:
i µ
T−− = ∂− X µ ∂− Xµ
+ ψ− ∂− ψ− µ = 0
J−− = ψ− ∂− Xµ = 0
Now we can write the constraints in terms of bosonic and fermionic modes:
R sector:
1 X 1 X n
Ln = α−m · αn+m + + m d−m · dn+m = 0
2 m∈ZZ 2 m∈ZZ 2
Gn = α−m · dm+n = 0
NS sector:
1 X 1 X n
Ln = α−m · αn+m + + r b−r · bn+r = 0
2 m∈ZZ 2 r∈ZZ+ 2
Gs = α−m · bm+s = 0
where η1 , η2 = ±1.
While the sign can be chosen independently at each end, the terminology
depends on the relative sign:
X + = x+ + 2α′ p+ t
Recall that this choice is made using the local reparametrisations that
preserve conformal gauge, which satisfy
∂+ ∂− t′ (σ, t) = 0
The analysis, which we will skip, reveals that these are given by
supersymmetry parameters ǫ± satisfying
∂+ ǫ− = ∂− ǫ+ = 0
Again these are the same equations as those satisfied by ψ± . We can
therefore set
1 X
r =√ i bi
αr−s s
2α′ p+ s∈ZZ+
M2 = −
We will soon demonstrate that this is not quite true. First we have to
consider the Ramond sector.
But what about the zero modes d0i ? They satisfy the Clifford algebra:
{d0i , d0 } = δ ij
which in particular tells us that
d0 = 1, all i
Now consider the state d0i |ki. Because of the above relation, this state
cannot be zero. On the other hand, since
[M 2 , d0i ] = 0
we see that d0i |ki has the same value of M 2 as |ki, namely M 2 = 0.
Thus we have the phenomenon of ground-state degeneracy.
Given a ground state in the R sector, we can generate a degenerate set of
ground states:
|ki, d0i |ki, d0i d0 |ki, · · ·
which obey
{D I , D J † } = 2δ IJ , {D I , D J } = 0
Then we can consistently require |ki to satisfy:
D I |ki = 0, I = 1, 2, 3, 4
16. This implies that the 16 ground states transform as the spinor
representation of SO(8) (and, less obviously, of SO(9, 1)).
By the spin-statistics theorem, these must therefore be fermions in
These 16-component spinors are reducible into two 8-component spinors,
one of each chirality. Thus the Ramond sector of the open fermionic string
has two massless spacetime fermions, one of each chirality.
We label these as s (spinor) and c (conjugate spinor):
i , di on
The excited states in this sector are obtained by acting with α−n −n
this spinorial ground state. That means they are all spacetime fermions.
− 12 |ki 1 — —
1 j
2 bi− b− |ki 28 — —
i |ki
α−1 8
1 bi− b− bk− |ki 56 di−1 |α; kis,c 128
j i b j i |α; ki
b− |ki, α−1 − |ki 8+64 α−1 s,c 128
The exponential part causes this to anticommute with the dni , while the
Γ̂ = Γ1 Γ2 · · · Γ8
anticommutes with the d0i ∼ Γi .
On the Ramond ground state, the exponent does not contribute, but Γ̂, the
chirality matrix, projects out one of the two 8-component spinors. Thus
at the end we are left with a single massless Majorana-Weyl spinor in 10
spacetime dimensions:
The procedure we have carried out is called the GSO projection. It may
look a little artificial, but has a sound basis – as further study (not in this
course!) will reveal.
Combining the projected NS and R sectors, we get a theory whose massless
sector is a 10-dimensional photon Aµ and a 10-dimensional Majorana-Weyl
(real, chiral) fermion λα . Both have 8 physical degrees of freedom.
Indeed, at the noninteracting level, they can be combined into a 10
dimensional gauge supermultiplet.
What is much more remarkable is that at every excited level, the bosonic
states from the NS sector and the fermionic states from the R sector
combine to form massive supermultiplets.
If this procedure of combining and projecting sectors is to be more than
an artifice, the interactions should also respect supersymmetry. This is a
very restrictive requirement! We will see that it is automatically met by
string theory.
which, just as for the bosonic string, breaks up into a symmetric traceless,
antisymmetric and trace part.
In covariant language these are represented by massless fields propagating
in 10 spacetime dimensions:
! !
(2) (4)
|α, kis × |α,
e kis → C (0) (x), Cµν (x), Cµνλρ (x)
Finally we look at the NS-R and R-NS sectors. In each case, we are
combining a tensor and spinor representation, so the result is spinorial and
therefore fermionic. The massless states are as follows:
Type IIA:
NS-R : b− |α,
e kic
Type IIB:
NS-R : b− |α,
e kis
In every case, we get a product of a vector and a spinor. The result includes
a Rarita-Schwinger fermion (in 4 dimensions it would have “spin 32 ”). This
is a gravitino, the supersymmetric partner of the graviton.
It has long been known that there are precisely two types of massless
supermultiplets in 10 dimensions. These are the building blocks of two
classical field theories called type IIA and type IIB supergravity.
Each one has N = 2 local supersymmetry in spacetime, and therefore two
gravitinos. The two theories are distinguished by the relative chirality of
the two gravitinos:
opposite → IIA, same → IIB
The massless spectra of the two closed string theories we have studied are
in perfect correspondence with those of the two supergravities.
This suggests that the two types of GSO projections lead to two distinct
spacetime supersymmetric string theories, type IIA and type IIB, which are
related in some way to the corresponding supergravities.
These two superstring theories, and their cousins, are central to the goal
of describing the real world through string theory.
1 Z 10 q −2Φ
2 2
Stype II,NS−NS ∼ 2 d x −kGk e R + |dΦ| − |dB|
We have restricted to the NS-NS sector, which is common to type IIA and
As in any theory of gravity, the action is highly nonlinear. Note that every
term has precisely two spacetime derivatives.
A constant κ has been introduced, with dimensions of length2 . However,
because of the factor e−2Φ in front of the whole Lagrangian, κ is physically
irrelevant. We can change it by adding a constant to Φ.
Indeed, if for any reason Φ develops a vacuum expectation value Φ , we
can scale this out of the action to get a prefactor e−2Φ .
It follows that eΦ acts like the coupling constant in this theory. We will
see independent evidence of this from the worldsheet approach to string
theory. Thus we define the string coupling:
gs = eΦ
We can also deduce independently from the supergravity action, and from
the worldsheet approach, that in general there are derivative corrections.
The supergravity action is unique only if we restrict to terms with two
derivatives. Four-derivative terms, for example:
R2 , Rµν Rµν , ∂µ ∂ν Φ∂ µ ∂ ν Φ
can appear in this action, along with appropriate fermion couplings and
couplings to the RR sector. In general, all orders of derivatives are allowed
by the symmetries.
However, such terms will require a dimensional constant to appear along
with the derivatives. In string theory, this constant turns out to be α′ , the
inverse string tension.
Thus the low energy action for superstring theory can contain terms like
1 Z 10 q −2Φ
′ 2 µν ′2
2 d x −kGk e R + α (c1 R + c2 Rµν R + · · ·) + O(α )
We will now discuss superstring amplitudes and confirm all these general
g g + g g g g + ...
order g 2 order g 4
+ + ...
For example, this 4-point amplitude, for open strings, is written as:
1 1 ∞
L0 = p− = + α i α i + pi pi − a
2p α′ m=1 −m m
is the worldsheet Hamiltonian.
For loop corrections, things are not so simple. There are two ways to
(i) make worldsheets of complicated topology by gluing cylinders together.
On each cylinder the mode expansion is well-defined. To glue the cylinders
together we must define a three string vertex.
(ii) give up the operator formalism we have been using so far, and work
with the functional integral. In this case we can define the worldsheet to
have any topology we like.
The latter formalism is extremely powerful and allows us to compute string
amplitudes quite effectively. In this formalism, every string state has a
vertex operator V associated to it, and string amplitudes are simply the
correlation function of vertex operators on the given worldsheet.
µ ν µ ν µ ν µ ν
hVG (k ) VG (k ) VG (k ) VG (k )i ∼
Γ(− α′ s) Γ(− α′ t) Γ( − α′ u)
α′3 ′ ′ ′ K µ ν ···µ ν (ζ i , ki )
Γ(1 +
α s) Γ(1 +
α t) Γ(1 +
α u)
~ + +
s t u
4 4 4
s= ′ n or t = ′ n or u = ′ n
α α α
for any positive integer n.
These are precisely the values of M 2 for which the closed superstring has
massive physical states.
The poles occur when any of s, t, u is equal to the mass-squared of
a physical state, signalling the possibility of producing these states as
resonances in the intermediate channel.
Γ(− α′ s) Γ(− α′ t) Γ( − α′ u) 64 ′)
∼ − − 2ζ(3) + O(α
Γ(1 + α′ s) Γ(1 + α′ t) Γ(1 + α′ u) α′3 s t u
The next term, however, gives a contribution to the effective action which
has 8 derivatives and three powers of α. Dimensionally this is consistent,
because α′ ∂∂ is dimensionless.
In fact, the term in the Lagrangian required to reproduce this term in the
amplitude is:
∼ ζ(3) α′3 tµ ν ···µ ν tρ σ ···ρ σ Rµ ν ρ σ Rµ ν ρ σ Rµ ν ρ σ Rµ ν ρ σ
1 Z q
S→S+ dσ dt −kgk R Φ(X(σ, t))
Φ(X) = Φ0
S → S + 2Φ0 (1 − h)
gs = eΦ
We see that every extra handle on the worldsheet comes with an extra
power of gs2 .
In Feynman diagrams each such handle is like a string loop, and we expect
each extra loop to be weighted by higher powers of the string coupling.
Thus the VEV of the dilaton indeed defines the string coupling constant,
confirming the arguments that we earlier advanced on the basis of the
spacetime action.
It is a remarkable property of string theory that it has no arbitrary
dimensionless constants.
2πiτ L −2πiτ L
Z(τ, τ ) = tr e e ∼ tr ∆
Here τ = τ1 + iτ2 describes the shape of the toroidal worldsheet:
~ τ2
Z(τ, τ ) is the generating function for the number of states in the string
theory, or the partition function.
We must integrate over τ . But what is the range? Naively, it looks like:
1111111 τ1
−1/2 1/2
Under this transformation, the shaded region divides into infinitely many
equivalent subregions.
Thus to avoid overcounting, we must restrict the integration over τ to a
“fundamental region”: τ2
−1/2 1/2
While this example had no external string states, we can repeat the same
type of calculation with, for example, external gravitons.
Again, modular invariance ensures that the one-loop amplitude is finite.
Indeed, all loop amplitudes have similar invariances and they are all finite.
Thus we have evaded one of the biggest theoretical problems in gravity
since the days of Einstein.
Gravity as a field theory is nonrenormalisable and gives unremovable UV
divergences. But gravity in string theory has no UV divergences at all!
This is why we believe that string theory is the only known consistent
theory of quantum gravity.
F0r ∼ 8 , r → ∞
where we anticipate that there will be N quantised units of this flux.
The 1/r 8 fall-off is Coulomb’s law for field strengths or forces in 10
dimensions. For potentials or energies the corresponding fall-off is 1/r 7 .
We can compute the mass and charge of this object from the classical
1 7 1 7
M= (r ) , N = (r )
d gs2 ℓ8s 0 d gs ℓ7s 0
5 7
d = 25 π 2 Γ
is a constant.
Notice that:
M= N
gs ℓs
The supergravity solution is valid only when N is large, i.e. r0 ≫ ℓs .
Otherwise the curvatures will be large and we are not entitled to use the
lowest-order action in α′ .
M≥ N
gs ℓs
(ii) D-particles
Now let us consider an open superstring with DD boundary conditions on
all 9 space directions.
Let’s say both ends are located at the origin in 9d space.
When we compute open-string states, we still find a massless vector and
spinor state, just as we did earlier with NN boundary conditions.
However, these states cannot propagate in spacetime! As we saw, DD
strings have no centre-of-mass degree of freedom.
Therefore the vector field, for example, is not Aµ (t, x1 , · · · x9 ), but just
Aµ (t) in this case.
In other words, the open string excitation is bound to the location of the
end point of the DD string.
In this situation the effective field theory for the open string is not a 10d
field theory at all, but just quantum mechanics on a “world-line” fixed at
the origin of space.
These boundary conditions clearly break Lorentz as well as translation
invariance in 10d.
However, SO(9) rotational invariance around the origin is preserved:
SO(9, 1) → SO(9)
With this interpretation, the mass and charge of the DD string endpoint
(“D-particle”) can be computed from string theory.
In type IIA superstring theory, it carries precisely one unit of charge under
the RR field Aµ .
Moreover its mass is:
gs ℓs
These two results strongly suggest that the open string endpoint describes
the same particle as the RR soliton that we discussed earlier.
Aµ , µ = 0,1,...,p
φ a, a = p+1,p+2,...,9
In particular, there is one scalar field for each direction transverse to the
As before, it makes sense to interpret the vacuum expectation value of
these scalars as the transverse locations of the branes.
e−2Φ = e−2Φ0
T3−brane = 3 4 N
(2π) gs ℓs
We can relate it to the D3-brane defined via open strings, for which similar
computations as before show that:
TD3 =
(2π)3 gs ℓ4s
and N = 1.
Notice that in 10 dimensions, a 3-brane is enclosed by a 5-sphere and the
integral of the field strength dD + over this 5-sphere measures the total
charge N .
Now an open string can start on any one of the branes and end on any
other. So there are N 2 species of open strings. That means the massless
gauge field is an N × N matrix Aab µ .
We see that there are four species of strings. Of these, two are localised
on individual branes, so they clearly represent the abelian gauge field of
that brane. Together, they provide U (1) × U (1) gauge fields.
Now, the endpoint of a string ending on a D-brane can be shown to behave
as a point charge on the brane world-volume.
So the two strings stretching across the branes are charged under U (1) ×
U (1). They provide the extra gauge fields to enhance:
If the two D-branes are precisely coincident, then the strings stretching
from one to the other can have zero length. At this point, all the four
gauge fields are massless.
If we now separate the branes, two of the four strings acquire a minimum
length and therefore a classical energy. So the corresponding gauge fields
must be massive.
But we claimed that transverse motion of the branes is represented by
giving a VEV to the transverse scalar fields.
Therefore this is string theory’s realisation of the Higgs mechanism!
Now let’s try to understand the physics of a test particle in this field.
This means that a given object near r → 0 has a very small energy when
measured from infinity.
Let us define
U≡ 2
which is a spatial coordinate with dimensions of energy.
Then, multiplying through by ℓs , we find:
!− 1
4πgs N 4
E∞ ℓs = 1 + Er ℓs
(U ℓs )4
This shows that from the point of view of an observer at infinity, low energy
E∞ ℓs ≪ 1 means:
U ℓs ≪ 1 or Er ℓs ≪ 1
Thus comparing the two sides we see that each one has a free supergravity
action, which can be equated.
The remaining part, which can also be equated, is:
(i) string theory in the curved background AdS5 × S 5 .
(ii) N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills field theory.
The AdS/CFT correspondence is the conjecture that these two theories
are equal.
Unlikely as it may seem, this conjecture says that string theory (in
a particular background spacetime) is equal to a field theory (in flat
Moreover the spacetime dimensions of the two theories are 10 and 4
One can show that the metric we wrote down earlier for AdS5 is equivalent
to the one induced by embedding it as above in R2,4 .
This proves the SO(4, 2) isometry of AdS5 .
SO(d, 1) → SO(d + 1, 2)
(ii) Supersymmetry.
Superstrings propagating in flat spacetime have N = 2 supersymmetry
in 10d. The supercharges have 16 components each, making a total of
32 components. The only other 10d spacetime with the same number of
supersymmetry charges is AdS5 × S 5 .
N = 4 SYM theory has 4 supercharges, each with 4 components.
Therefore there are apparently just 16 supersymmetries.
However, as we mentioned earlier, taking the commutator of special
conformal transformations with supersymmetries gives rise to a new set
of supersymmetries, also 16 in number.
Thus at the end, both sides have 32 supersymmetries. In fact one can
show that:
SO(4, 2) × SO(6) × susy ⊂ SU (2, 2|4)
where the RHS is a particular super-algebra, which is a symmetry of both
sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence.
gs ≪ 1 =⇒ gY M ≪ 1
T =
It has been shown that there are two candidate gravity duals to this theory.
One is a spacetime called thermal AdS (like AdS5 but at finite
temperature). The other is a Schwarzschild black hole which
asymptotically becomes AdS.
Which of these two is the correct gravity dual depends on the temperature,
more precisely on β ′ /β. At small values of this parameter (low
temperature) the thermal AdS dominates the path integral. At high
temperatures instead it is the AdS black hole.
Now the gravity description can be to compute the entropy in each case.
At low temperatures it is found that:
S ∼ 1
The jump from one to another AdS dual of the field theory as we vary
temperature is a phase transition, and is interpreted as the deconfinement
phase transition!
We see the power of the AdS/CFT correspondence in extracting analytic
information about confinement, even if the gauge theory is not a realistic
0, 1, 2, 3 → µ, ν · · ·
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 → a, b, · · ·
X a ∼ X a + 2πRa
If we probe such a world through experiments whose available energy E
E << for all a
this world will not appear 10-dimensional, but rather 4-dimensional.
This is because, for its Fourier modes to fit into the compact dimension,
an elementary particle needs an energy of order the inverse radius.
What would change if we formulated superstring theory in this kind of
“toroidally compactified” spacetime?
(i) The periodicity of the six X a ’s breaks the Lorentz group
SO(9, 1) → SO(3, 1)
This is, of course, a good thing. Note, however, that (unlike D-branes),
compactification preserves the six translations of X a .
(ii) The mode expansion of the closed string changes and we get additional
modes. Instead of:
X a = xa + 2α′ pa t + oscillators
we now have
X a = xa + 2α′ pa t + 2La σ + oscillators
where La is quantised.
X a (t, σ + π) = X a (t, σ)
X a (t, σ + π) = X a (t, σ) + 2π na Ra
pa = a, ma integers
just as for an ordinary particle in a compact space.
The contributions to the (mass)2 from momentum and winding modes are:
X )2
(La ma (na Ra )2
M2 ∼ (pa )2 + ′2 ∼ + ′2
, na , ma arbitrary integers
i α Ra α
Ra ↔ a, na ↔ ma
Performing this process for all the fields of type IIA/B supergravity, we find
that both theories reduce to the same supergravity theory in 4 dimensions.
The 2 gravitinos in 10 dimensions become 8 gravitinos in 4 dimensions.
Thus we have 8 local supersymmetry charges in 4 dimensions.
Indeed, this is the fabled N = 8 supergravity.
Unfortunately, N = 8 supergravity has far too many things wrong with it
to be the right low energy theory describing nature.