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Finding The Even and Odd Parts of Signal/Sequence

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AIM: program for finding even and odd parts of signals Using MATLAB Software.
PC with windows (95/98/XP/NT/2000).
MATLAB Software
Even and Odd Signal
One of characteristics of signal is symmetry that may be useful for signal analysis. Even signals are
symmetric around vertical axis, and Odd signals are symmetric about origin.
Even Signal: A signal is referred to as an even if it is identical to its time-reversed counterparts;
x(t) = x(-t).

Odd Signal: A signal is odd if x(t) = -x(-t).

An odd signal must be 0 at t=0, in other words, odd signal passes the origin. Using the definition of
even and odd signal, any signal may be decomposed into a sum of its even part, x e (t), and its odd
part, x o (t), as follows:
=½ [x(t)+x(-t)]+½ [x(t) - x(-t)]
xe(t) = ½ [x(t)+x(-t)] and xo(t) = ½ [x(t)-x(-t)]

It is an important fact because it is relative concept of Fourier series. In Fourier series, a periodic
signal can be broken into a sum of sine and cosine signals. Notice that sine function is odd signal
and cosine function is even signal.
STEP1 : Generate a signal x(t)=sin(t)+cos(t).
STEP2 : Generate y(t)=sin(-t)+cos(-t) i.e y(t)=x(-t);
STEP3 : Generate even part of the signal using z=x+y;
STEP4 : Generate odd part of the signal using p=x-y;
STEP5 : Plot the graphs in a single window.

In this experiment even and odd parts of signals are ploted using MATLAB Software.
5.Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance properties of a given Continuous / Discrete-
time system.
AIM: To compute linearity and time invariance properties of a given continuous /discrete system
PC with windows (95/98/XP/NT/2000).
MATLAB Software
Any system is said to be linear if it satisfies the superposition principal superposition principal state
that Response to a weigted sumn of input signal equal to the corresponding weighted sum of the
outputs of the system to each of the individual input signals.
T[a1x1(n)+a2x2(n)] =T[a1x1(n)] +T[a2x2(n)]
X(n)-----------input signal
Y(n) --------- output signal
y1(n)=T[x1(n)] : y2(n)=T[x2(n)]
x3=[a x1(n)] +b [X2(n) ]
y3(n) = T [x3(n)]
= T [a x1(n)] +b [x2(n) ] = a y1(n)+ b y2(n) = Z 3(n)
Let a [y1(n)]+ b [X2(n) ] =Z3(n)
If y3(n )- Z 3(n)=0 then the system is Linear other wise it is not linear.

STEP1 : Read two sequences x1(n) and x2(n).
STEP2 : Define a and b values.
STEP3 : Verify the linearity property using
T [a *x1(n)+b* x2(n) ] = T [a *x1(n)] + T[b* x2(n) ]
STEP4 : Verify the time shift property using
X(t) = X(t-T)
STEP5 : Display the results and plot the graphs

RESULT: In this experiment Linearity and Time invariance property of given system has been
verified performed Using MATLAB
Applications: It is used to measure the degree to which the two signals are similar and it is also
used for radar detection by estimating the time delay.it is also used in Digital communication
defence applications and sound navigation.
Excersize questions: perform convolution between the following signals
1. X(n)=[1 -1 4 ], h(n) = [ -1 2 -3 1]
2. perform convolution between the. Two periodic sequences
x1(t)=e -3t {u(t)-u(t-2)} , x2(t)= e -3t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2


AIM: To find the out put with linear convolution operation Using MATLAB Software.
PC with windows (95/98/XP/NT/2000).
MATLAB Software

If x(n)=h(n) (impulse ) then output y(n) is known as impulse response of the system.
y(n)=T[x(n)]=h(n) similarly δ (n-k)= h(n-k)
x(n) cab represented as weighted sum of impulses such as
x[n] = ∑x[k]. δ (n-k)
y[n] = T ∑x[k]. δ (n-k) = y[n] = ∑x[k]. Tδ (n-k)
δ (n-k)= h(n-k)
y[n] = T ∑x[k]. h [n-k] --- Linear Convolution equation
Linear Convolution involves the following operations.
1. Folding
2. Multiplication
3. Addition
4. Shifting
These operations can be represented by a Mathematical Expression as follows:
x[ ]= Input signal Samples
h[ ]= Impulse response co-efficient.
y[ ]= Convolution output.
n = No. of Input samples
h = No. of Impulse response co-efficient.
Example : x(n)={1 2 -1 0 1}, h(n)={ 1,2,3,-1}

STEP1 : Get/Read the length of input samples sequence N1.
STEP2 : Get/Read the length of impulse response Co-efficients N2.
STEP3 : Get/Read Input Signal Samples x(n).
STEP4 : Get/Read Impulse Response Co-efficients h(n).
STEP5 : Calculate the length of output sequence N using
STEP6 : Perform Linear convolution and find
y[n] = ∑ x(k)* h(n-k)
STEP7 : Display the values of y(n).
STEP8 : Plot the graphs for x(n), h(n) and y(n).

RESULT: In this experiment convolution of various signals have been performed Using MATLAB

Applications: Convolution is used to obtain the response of an LTI system to an arbitrary input
signal. It is used to find the filter response and finds application in speech processing and radar
signal processing.
Excersize questions: perform convolution between the following signals
1. X(n)=[1 -1 4 ], h(n) = [ -1 2 -3 1]
2. perform convolution between the. Two periodic sequences
x1(t)=e -3t {u(t)-u(t-2)} , x2(t)= e-3t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2

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