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Departamento de Inglés

1º BACHILLERATO A – B GRAMMAR REVISION Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

NAME:___________________________ MAY 2018 Pontevedra

1.- The Conditional

Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses:
1. If he had taken my advice...
2. If you ate less....
3. You can camp in this filed provided...
4. If the storm becomes worse...
5. You would have been angry if...
6. He would have been drowned if....

2.- Reported Speech

Write the following sentences into R. Speech
1. “Would you please wait in the lounge till your flight number is called? She said
2. “Could you please ring back in half an hour? Said the secretary
3. “You´d better sweep up that borken glass” I said
4. “Why don´t you cut your hair?” he said.
5. “Are there any letters for me?” said Mary
6. “What did you miss most when you were in prison?” Mary asked an ex-convict
7. “There has been an accident and the road I blocked” said the policeman. “It
won´t be clean for some time. You´d better go round the other way”.
8. “I´ll try by myself first”, said Ann, “and if I find that I can´t manage I´ll ask
Tom to help me”

3.- Active to passive

1. They didn´t pay me for the work. They expected me to do it fro nothing.
2. She didn´t introduce me to her mother
3. A machine could do this much more easily
4. They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles.
5. Nobody has used this room for ages
6. They have taken down the “For Sale” notice so I suppose they have sold the
7. We had to give the books back; they did not allow us to take them
8. They are watching my house

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SCP-RgSec 20 Dpto. Inglés v0
Departamento de Inglés
1º BACHILLERATO A – B GRAMMAR REVISION Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
NAME:___________________________ MAY 2018 Pontevedra

4.- Relative clauses:

Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns,
making any changes necessary:
1. They tie up parcels with string. This string is so weak that the parcel usually
comes to pieces before you get it home.
The string....
1. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
2. He gave orders to the manager. The manager passed them on to the secretary.
3. Ann had been sleeping in the back of the car. She felt quite fresh and wanted to
go on.
4. In prison they fed us on dry bread. Most of it was quite mould.
5. Mary didn´t know anything about mountains. She thought it would be quite
safe to climb alone.
6. The bar was so noisy that I couldn´t hear the person at the other end of the line.
I was telephoning from this bar.
7. He introduced me to his students. Most of them were from abroad.
8. Bill´s fingerprints were on the screwdriver. He was later caught by the police.

5.- Purpose
Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one using “so as/in order/so
that” where necessary:
1. I am buying paint. I want to paint my hall door.
2. He rushed into the burning house. He wanted to save the child.
3. I sent him out of the room. I wanted to discuss his progress with his headmaster.
4. I am insuring my life. I want my children to have something to live on if I am
5. The notices are written in several languages. The government wants everyone
to understand them.
6. He left his rifle outside. He didn´t want to frighten his wife.
7. I took off my shoes. I didn´t want to make any noise.
8. I am saving up. I want to buy a helicopter.

6.- Transformations practice: mixed types

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SCP-RgSec 20 Dpto. Inglés v0
Departamento de Inglés
1º BACHILLERATO A – B GRAMMAR REVISION Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
NAME:___________________________ MAY 2018 Pontevedra

1.-It´s not necessary for them to do homework tonight

1. They don´t ….
2.-They believe that people will be taller in fifty years time
2. It is...
3.-The food is delicious
3. What..
4.-I haven´t read a novel for two months
4. It´s …
5.-”What is the monthly salary of a top player?”, The interviewer asked him.
5. The interviewer...
6.-”Don´t stay up late!”, he said
6. He …..
7.-It is expected that the weather will change soon
7. The weather …
8.-You certainly didn´t enjoy the book if you didn´t even finish it
8.You can´t …
9.-Nobody has ever taught them how to write letters
9. They...
10.-The technician is going to look at all our computers tomorrow
10. We are (CAUSATIVE) …
11.-The hotel manager asked the maids to change all the bedclothes
11. The hotel manager (CAUSATIVE)...
12.-I didn´t open the door because I didn´t know it was you
12. If I...
13.-Despite believing in God, he seldom goes to church
13. Although...
14.-He left early and he avoided the traffic
14. If he …
15.-The book was so interesting that I couldn´t put it down
15. It was...
16.-Be careful! Someone may ask you what you´re doing here
16. Be careful! You...
17.-There wasn´t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.
17. (Join by means of a relative pronoun) ….........
18.-The stadium was built in 1960. It will be modernised at a cost of five million
18. (Join by means of a relative pronoun)...
19.-That is the church. They are getting married there.
19. (Join by means of a relative pronoun or adverb)...
20.-He has dual nationality because his father is Irish.
20.-His father...

7.- Causative have – Fill in the spaces by inserting the correct form of “have”
Página 3 de 5
SCP-RgSec 20 Dpto. Inglés v0
Departamento de Inglés
1º BACHILLERATO A – B GRAMMAR REVISION Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
NAME:___________________________ MAY 2018 Pontevedra

a) I ….................my house painted. That is why there is all this mess

b) The attic was dark so last year we …...........skylight put in.
c) …...you …....the fim developed or did you develop it yourself?
d) We …...just ….....central jeating installed. Now the house is warm.
e) Why … he ….all his shoes specially made?

8.- Rewrite the following sentences using “I wish”:

a) I´m sorry I didn´t book a seat
I wish....
b) I´m sorry we accepted the invitation
I wish...
c) I´m sorry I haven´t got a car
I wish …..
d) It´s a pity I haven´t got a work permit
I wish ….
e) I´m sorry I left my last job
I wish ….

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SCP-RgSec 20 Dpto. Inglés v0
Departamento de Inglés
1º BACHILLERATO A – B GRAMMAR REVISION Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
NAME:___________________________ MAY 2018 Pontevedra

Text analysis practice

Hostels across Europe have undergone a major transformation over the last decade.
They are still unbelievably cheap but there has been serious quality improvement in
the hostel movement. They operate in cities and are now attracting customers not on-
ly because it is good value for money, but also because they want a different experi-
ence than you get at a hotel.
Hostelling has been an accepted form of travel throughout Europe for all age groups.
The atmosphere is more casual than at a hotel and that is why hostels get a varied cli-
entele, from young urban professionals on a city break, families on holiday to busi-
ness travellers and even older tourists.
Though hostels have always had the big shared dormitory-style rooms, travellers now
demand double or single rooms. Common rooms are often minimally –but stylishly-
furnished with chic sofas and tables. Together with young couples and families, the
clientele of hostels also includes business travellers who come to hostels now specu-
lating that, in addition to the lower rates, they also prefer the social aspect of a hostel
to the more traditional hotel culture.
Countering the lack of amenities, there is usually an eclectic bar, a 24-hour internet
café with Wi-Fi, group tours around the city, entertainment, kitchens where you can
make your own meals or a restaurant where you can buy one –all providing a social
life for travellers. The entire atmosphere is one in which it is easy to get to know oth-
er people.
1.-Write a summary of the text.
2.-Find words or phrases in the text with the following meaning:
a)comfort, convenience, facility –
b)relaxed in manner -
c)fee, charge -
d)inclusive, broad -
3.-Answer the following questions in your own words (according to the information
given in the text):
a) Why are hostels preferred to other types of accommodation like hotels?
b) How are social activities for travellers promoted in hostels?

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SCP-RgSec 20 Dpto. Inglés v0

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