We hereby confirm that we have arranged cover in respect of the following:
Insured : JNP Enterprises Pty Ltd ATF JNP Investments Trust (OWNER)
For their respective rights and interests
Additional Insured : Hinterland Aviation & Broome Air Services as Operators &
Rio Tinto
For Their Respective Rights & Interests
Period of Insurance : 24th November 2016 – 24th November 2017.
This certificate is not a policy document and is only an outline of the coverage. The terms and
conditions and limitations of the Insurer’s policy shall prevail at all times.
For and on behalf of
BMG Aviation Pty Ltd
Dated: 24th November 2016.
The Trustee for the BMG Aviation Trust ABN 90 214 937 223
Authorised Representative 427044 of BMG Aviation Pty Ltd ABN 64 100 631 105 AFSL: 234 520
Schedule of Aircraft
Hinterland Aviation