4.6 Detailing Requirements For Flexure: 4.6.1 Tendon Profile
4.6 Detailing Requirements For Flexure: 4.6.1 Tendon Profile
4.6 Detailing Requirements For Flexure: 4.6.1 Tendon Profile
Devdas Menon
The detailing of the prestressing tendons and the reinforcing bars is important to satisfy
the assumptions in the analysis, proper placement of concrete and durability. After the
design calculations, drawings are prepared for construction. These drawings are
referred to as the design drawings which become a part of the construction documents.
The steel fabricator may prepare another set of drawings which are called shop
drawings. These drawings are similar to the design drawings but they contain additional
information such as the bar designations and bar bending schedule. It is essential to
show the detailing in the design drawings so that there is no ambiguity during
construction. It is also necessary to check the details in the shop drawings.
IS:1343 - 1980 specifies some minimum requirements. Here, these requirements are
briefly mentioned. There are requirements for the non-prestressed reinforcement as per
IS:456 - 2000 which are not covered here. The detailing requirements for shear and
torsion are covered in Section 5.3, Design for Shear (Part II) and Section 5.6, Design for
Torsion (Part II), respectively. Of course the detailing is best learned by preparing
drawings for construction projects.
For a simply supported post-tensioned beam with high uniformly distributed load, a
parabolic profile is selected. The equation of the profile is given as follows.
4ym (4-6.1)
y = ( ) × (L - x )
L = span of the beam
x = distance from one end
Y = vertical displacement of the tendon (from the level at the ends) at distance x
Ym = vertical displacement of the tendon (from the level at the ends) at the
middle of the beam
ym x
Figure 4-6.1 Profile of a parabolic tendon
Note that an individual tendon may be displaced from the CGS. Hence, the tendon
need not pass through the CGC at the ends. The figure below shows the parabolic
profiles of the ducts for placing tendon in a simply supported bridge girder.
For continuous beams or slabs, parabolic profiles at the spans and at the supports are
connected to get the continuous profile of a tendon. The following sketch shows the
profile of the CGS in a continuous beam. The eccentricities of the CGS at the end span,
first interior support and first interior span are represented as e1, e2 and e3 respectively.
Points of contraflexure
(inflection points)
CGC e2
e1 e3
Points of maximum
× × × × × × × ×
Parabola 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The convex segment over a support is required to avoid a kink in the tendon. The length
of a convex segment is determined based on the minimum radius of curvature for the
type of tendon.
⎛ x ⎞ (4-6.2)
y = ym ⎜ ⎟
⎝ l ⎠
Figure 4-6.4 Plot of a parabolic segment
In the previous equation,
l = length of the parabolic segment
x = distance from the point of maximum eccentricity
y = vertical displacement of the profile at distance x
ym = displacement of the point of contraflexure from the point of maximum
The origin is selected at the point of maximum eccentricity at a critical section. The
equation satisfies the first boundary condition of zero slope at the point of maximum
eccentricity. The length (l) is determined from the requirement of minimum radius of
curvature at the support. The displacement ym is determined from the boundary
condition that at the point of contraflexure, the slopes of the segments on both sides
should match.
The following photo shows the profiles of the tendons in a continuous bridge girder.
The profile is implemented by the use of hangers or cross bars or chairs of varying
depth at regular intervals. In beams, the duct is supported by hangers from the top bars
or by cross bars attached to the stirrups. The depth of the hanger or cross bar at a
location can be calculated from the equation of the profile. In slabs, the duct is
supported on chairs resting on the form work.
The CGS of the tendon shifts from the centre line of the duct after stretching. The
following sketches show the shifts at the low and high points of the tendon. The shift in
the CGS is available from the type of tendon used and can be accounted for in precise
Centre line
of duct
Figure 4-6.6 Shift in the CGS of a tendon from the centreline of duct
As Ap
The minimum reinforcement can be reduced to 0.15% A, if high yield strength deformed
bars are used.
Since the non-prestressed reinforcement is bonded to the concrete, there are several
cracks with small crack width.
Figure 4-6.8 Crack pattern with and without non-prestressed reinforcement for beams
with unbonded tendon
As per the code of the American Concrete Institute (ACI 318), the minimum amount of
such reinforcement (As) is 0.4% At , where At is the area under tension between the
centroid of the section (CGC) and the tension edge. The above reinforcement is not
intended to provide flexural strength.
At Unbonded tendon
Figure 4-6.9 Cross-section of a beam showing longitudinal reinforcement and area
under tension
According to Section, the minimum amount of side face reinforcement (As,sf )
is given as follows.
Minimum As,sf = 0.05% Aw (4-6.4)
Aw = vertical area of the web.
As,sf As,sf
Clear cover
For pre-tensioned members, minimum cover for tendons is 20 mm. For post-tensioned
members, minimum cover for sheathing (duct) is 30 mm or size of the tendon.
Clear spacing
For grouped tendons (maximum four tendons per group), the requirement is for the
spacing between the groups of tendons.
Vertical spacing
Horizontal spacing
Figure 4-6.13 Cross-section of a beam showing spacing between groups of tendons
According to Section 11.1.8, for grouped tendons the spacing requirements are as
Horizontal spacing ≥ 40 mm
≥ maximum aggregate size + 5 mm
Vertical spacing ≥ 50 mm.
Anchorage of Reinforcement
In a partially prestressed section, where the non-prestressed reinforcement contributes
to flexural strength, the development length of the bars needs to be checked at the
critical section. The bars should be anchored at the supports by hooks to avoid
anchorage failure.
The following photo shows the fabrication of the reinforcement for a post-tensioned box-
girder of a bridge.