CM Freshie E-Booklet PDF
CM Freshie E-Booklet PDF
CM Freshie E-Booklet PDF
• Service
• Excellence
• Integrity
• Nationalism
The Student Council should protect and defend the rights of
each student to ensure that students are given what is due to them,
which address their universal needs and shall engage the student
Sherwin I. Bautista
Treasurer MEMORY
First time ko mag
modelling. Woooh! Kag
overall champion ang
I have dimples and cleft block A with 4 major
chin but hindi masyadong contests na first place.
visible because of my MOST EPIC SUBJECT
facial fats. HAHAHA. Nat Sci 2
J-El G. Gerafil
BSBA Marketing
Mayonnaise is a NO NO.
Magnates Governor
Enough sleep and having the time for everything and
anything so make the most out of your Freshie life!
Math 100 Midyear!!!
How to guide HOW TO
1. Shiftee: Secures and fills out application 1. Student: Secures and fills out form from the
form at the CSO CSO
2. Program Adviser: Signs the shifting form 2. Adviser: Evaluates and recommends
3. OSA: Schedules counseling and appropriate action
evaluates student’s aptitude/interest and 3. Department/Division Chair: Recommends
makes recommendation. appropriate action
4. CSO: Prepares the copy of grades and 4. Dean: Acts on the request
forwards to respective department for 5. CSO: Receives/Files the substitution of
recommendation subject form
5. Department: Recommends
6. Dean: Acts on the application REQUEST FOR OVERLOAD
7. CSO: Informs the student 1. Student: Fills out Request for Overload form
from the CSO
CHANGE OF MATRICULATION 2. Adviser: Evaluates and recommends
1. Student: Secures a change of request
matriculation form from the CSO 3. CSO: Evaluates and gives remarks,
2. Adviser: Signs the filled-up change of processes and passes the request to the Dean
matriculation form and releases an action on the request
3. CSO: Receives change of matriculation
form, checks the availability of slots, WAIVER OF PRE-REQUISITE
confirms the subject and assesses the 1. Student: Fills out Request for Overload form
change of matriculation fee from the CSO
4. Cash Office: Receives change of 2. Adviser: Evaluates and recommends
matriculation fee payment request
5. CSO: Receives the dully accomplished 3. Instructor of the previous subject: Signs the
change of matriculation form together with waiver of Pre-requisite
the receipt and officially enrolls/cancels the 4. CSO: Evaluates and gives remarks,
subjects processes and passes the request to the Dean
6. Student: Secures a copy of approved and releases an action on the request
change of matriculation
DROP A SUBJECT 1. Student: Checks the availability of the room
1. Student: Fills up a dropping form from the at the CSO and fills out the Overtime Room
CSO Use Form
2. Adviser: Signs the dropping form 2. Adviser: Signs the form
3. Instructor: Signs the dropping form 3. Security Guard: Signs the form
4. CSO: Assesses the dropping fee 4. Student: Passes the form to the Dean’s
5. Cash Office: Receives payment fees Office
6. CSO: Receives duly accomplished form
with the receipt for appropriate action
to be more
We all struggle with being productive sometimes, whether its our procrastination,
our sleepless nights, or our lack of organization.
But to get the most out of each day and to get our goals achieved and to cross each
task off of our to-do list maybe hard but its rewarding. So here are 10 tips to help
you become a more productive person.
1.Use your downtime wisely. 4. Get the hard things done first.
If you are a big TV watcher, use some of If you accomplish the hard things first,
that time to do other small tasks while they won’t be hanging over your head
you watch. For example, lift weights or for the rest of the day and you won’t
do sit-ups, or get yourself organized. have to procrastinate to do them,
leaving yourself with more time for
2. Get a good night’s sleep. relaxing. For example, work out first
If you want to ensure productivity, thing in the morning because by the
getting a solid sleep is important so that end of the day you might be too
you have energy for the day ahead. That drained to have a productive work out.
means going to bed a reasonable hour
and waking up semi-early. 5. Stay organized.
This will keep you from being flustered.
3. Make a to-do list. If you are in a rush and can’t find your
This will help you prioritize and car keys, you’ll be late to something
accomplish everything you are trying to and it might set a precedent for a bad
get done. If you don’t write it down, you day. If you have a designated place for
may forget to do it, or get distracted and everything, like your school books and
do other things before what really needs your student ID, you’ll easily be able to
to get done. It is also really satisfying to find them and be on time. And stress-
be able to cross something off your list. free. It also creates a more pleasant
And it’s a proven fact that you are more environment to be in and a place you
likely to accomplish goals if you write want to hang out if your room is clean.
them down.
to be more
6. Get things done ahead of time. 9. Don’t over plan your day.
If you have a long term project, or If you try to do too many things in one
several at once, don’t put it off until the day, you begin doing a (excuse the
last minute. I’m sure you’ve heard that a language) half-ass job on them. Don’t
million times before, but you’ll feel so leave a million things for one day, see if
relieve and you will really get to enjoy a you can get things done ahead of time
night out if you get it done before its due. or the day after so that one day isn’t so
horrible you did everything on your list
7. Reward yourself. but didn’t actually get anything out of it
Speaking of a night out, if you get (settling for a C on a project because
everything done on your to-do list, or you didn’t have enough time to finish it).
hand in a long term project, or have a
really productive day, you should reward 10. Manage your energy, not your time.
yourself for it. Whether it’s a movie night, This is key– speaking from experience, I
ordering in, dinner with friends or a big would always plan my days by time
night out, you deserve a break from all intervals. I’ll study for this test from 2-4
your productivity. and then work on this project from 4-6.
But that never works. I would always
8. Create a routine. become really unproductive after a
Giving yourself some sort of routine or while, or take a really long break, or
daily pattern will help you get more even postpone it until the next day.
things done because you will be great Think about a goal, set it, and set aside
with managing your time–knowing when time for breaks.
you have free time, getting everything
done in two hours at the library, etc will Source:
help you budget your time and energy to
be more productive each day. 1/10-ways-to-be-more-productive-this-
UP naming mahal, pamantasang hirang
Ang tinig namin, sana’y inyong dinggin
Malayong lupain, amin mang marating
Di rin magbabago ang damdamin
Di rin magbabago ang damdamin.