Structured OJT Process
Structured OJT Process
Structured OJT Process
Structured OJT is the process of providing the knowledge and skills to perform a specific task or
job. It contains the following components: it occurs in the workplace, makes use of training
objectives and plans, requires the active involvement of a trainer, uses printed materials and job
guides, and utilizes a systems approach.
Training in technical skills with clearly defined procedures lends itself well to learning in the
workplace. An advantage of structured OJT compared to off-the-job training is that the learning
and working environments are the same and the time lag between learning and applying
knowledge and skills is reduced. "Job knowledge and skills can be demonstrated, then used and
practiced immediately in the work setting".
Structured OJT is similar to other forms of training that use training objectives to identify the
expectations for the learner and the learner outcomes as a result of the training. The training
objectives are statements that describe the conditions, behaviors, and standards that constitute
the trainee’s performance of a specific task. Each objective should contain three components: a
condition such as the circumstances, environment, situation, constraints, and setting that the
trainee must demonstrate his or her ability performing the task; a behavior such as analyze,
calibrate, torque, adjust, weld, measure and grind; and a standard such as quality, tolerance, time
and accuracy.
The training plan should describe the necessary OJT training tasks required for a job and should
identify a recommended training sequence.
The continued effectiveness of structured OJT largely depends on the effectiveness of the trainer
to help individuals achieve these behavioral and performance outcomes. Therefore, it is critical
that the OJT Instructor/Trainer has the ability, knowledge, and skills to effectively conduct the
training. It is also important to develop a system that provides for evaluation of OJT
Instructors/Trainers and provides feedback on the effectiveness of training they conduct.
Printed materials for use by the Instructors/Trainers and trainees, such as outlines, procedures,
checklists, decision guides, lesson plans, and diagrams are essential components of structured
OJT. The use of printed material requires that the content be broken into discrete steps for ease
of learning. Safety requirements, quality standards, and problems associated with the tasks
should be integrated into the printed material. The material serves as job performance guides, as
references after training, and provides consistency in the presentation and in the way the trainee
is expected to perform the task.
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Structured OJT Requires a Systems Approach
A systems approach ensures that training is developed in a systematic process. The approach
consists of a six step process that is used by companies for development and implementation of
structured OJT.
A structured OJT program requires a high level of commitment from individuals in line and staff
positions. The organization must be willing to provide financial and human resources to assist in
development, delivery and evaluation. The structured OJT program requires one manager and
one overall process to maintain accountability. Responsibility for the program should involve
individuals at all levels and those individuals responsible for conducting individual OJT.
Must support, understand and manage the process not only with resources but with
presence in order to ensure the program remains effective and the organization’s values
expectations and standards are being applied.
Ensure that maintenance training is in full compliance with all company safety and
environmental regulations.
Must be involved in the development of the OJT program and during the analysis of a job
or task and assist in determining outcomes for OJT
Help coordinate the OJT by ensuring that staff, time equipment, tools, and materials are
allocated for OJT and must notify the training staff and trainees when there are changes in
work requirements and/or processes.
Participate in meetings and progress reviews.
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Participating as a subject matter expert on teams developing training plans and OJT
Providing guidance to Maintenance staff on how to oversee on-site and workshop
Evaluating trainees with respect to their performance against established training
Recommending and/or implementing remedial training or disciplinary action due to
trainee performance.
Liaise with the Maintenance Department for required information and oversee OJT
Participate on teams developing training plans and OJT programs.
Oversee OJT materials development projects by contractors/consultants to ensure the
completeness and accuracy of the deliverables; and track cost and schedule milestones.
Update and maintain weekly training and overall program schedules (hard copy and
Assist the Maintenance organization in developing process unit training task lists,
instructions, checklists, tests, job aids, and visual aids.
Ensure the link between controlled maintenance documents and the training
documentation system is accurate and correct.
Observe OJD Supervisors and mentors conducting OJT in the field, critique the process,
and provide feedback.
Maintain and update all maintenance OJT materials.
Compile all written exam, observation, and performance test scores and forward them to
the Training Database Administrator.
Prepare weekly reports and ad hoc reports for line and training management including
data input for established metrics.
Utilize the OJT Instructor Guides to instruct the Development Technicians (DTs) in the
skills and knowledge required to perform successfully on the job.
Provide examples and demonstrate job tasks for the DTs to follow. Direct DTs to the
appropriate source documents (procedures, manuals, specification, codes and standards,
etc.) required for the job.
Help navigate DTs through the inner workings of the Maintenances Department and
understand both the written and “unwritten rules" of the organization.
Reinforce DT job performance through frequent, positive and constructive feedback.
Routinely assess DT progress using oral questioning techniques, walkthroughs, written
and oral knowledge tests, performance tests, etc.
Maintain a respectful workplace by ensuring all company work rules are strictly enforced.
Complete all required OJT administrative tasks especially the timely sign off of
attendance sheets, job sheets, performance tests, etc.
The DTs (employee trainees) must realize that their responsibility for learning is at least equal to
the OJD Supervisors’ and Mentors’ responsibility to train. At a minimum, trainees should:
understand the structured OJT process, confirm his/her scheduled OJT and evaluation times,
complete any prerequisite studying or preparation prior to the training, actively practice all
assigned tasks to achieve competency, work in a responsible manner as to promote safety,
quality, and productivity, and request assistance from the OJT Instructor/Trainer as needed.
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Training & Development’s Role and Responsibilities
Since line personnel normally do not possess skills necessary to develop or implement a
structured OJT program, the training staff assists the line by providing the following services:
Providing guidance to the line for establishing and developing the goals, objectives, and
programmatic elements of a structured OJT program.
Conducting job, task, workplace and training needs analysis to determine the
knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job/tasks and any health and safety
hazards associated with the work.
Facilitating the line organization in selecting training topics from the needs analysis that
are suited for structured on-the-job training.
Assisting the line in the development of training objectives, training aids, and
performance measures to ensure consistent delivery and provide structured guidance for the
trainer and trainee during on-the-job training.
Integrating adult learning techniques into on-the-job training and related material.
Assisting the line in developing a sequence and schedule for conducting structured OJT,
including how it is integrated with other training requirements.
Providing training for Maintenance personnel selected to conduct structured OJT.
Developing processes for use by the line organization in evaluating the effectiveness of
the OJT program.
Assisting the line organization in analyzing job, tasks, equipment, and process changes
and integrating new training needs into the structured OJT training program.
Providing a process to control changes to the structured OJT training program and
training material.
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