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Ept330 Goals

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EPT330 Teaching Goals

1. Professional Knowledge:
- Standard 1: Know the students and how they learn
- Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Goal: Indicators/Evidence: Actions:

Standard 1.4: - Final Placement Report Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of
- Lesson Feedback the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic
Strategies for teaching
sheets from supervising background on the education of students from
Aboriginal and Torres
teacher. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.
Strait Islander students - Lesson Plans including
resources and models - Observe supervising teacher during classes and
of learning that are take notes on how different resources and
appropriate for teaching methods are used to support all
Indigenous/non students.
Indigenous learners - Collect a variety of resources that could be
- Self-evaluation notes useful in lessons.
and annotations of - Create lesson plans that differentiate for
lesson plan.
individual students needs.
- Research more information from the school
about practices to improve and support student
Standard 2.5: - Excerpt of lesson plans Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand
showing the curriculum learning opportunities for students.
Information and
implementation of ICT
Communication - consult with my associate teacher on curriculum
- ICT programs and
Technologies focus and how ICT can be implemented to
teaching tools that were
extend the focus.
implemented into
- consult with my associate teacher on the
academic level of students in the class prior to
- Student work samples
lesson planning and ways ICT can be integrated
of ICT use
to aid student’s individual needs.
- Final report from
- assess work samples of students
supervising teacher.
- design learning sequences and lesson plans
that incorporate ICT elements
- observe students during lessons conducted by
the associate teacher and how ICT is developed
in the class to develop student understanding.
- consult with the associate teacher to ensure that
the lesson was appropriate for the students and
the ICT elements were effective in extending
opportunities for learning.
- gather work samples and make assessments on
whether the students were able to achieve the
syllabus outcomes.
2. Professional Practice:
- Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4: Create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments
- Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Goal: Indicators/Evidence: Actions:

Standard 4.3: - Excerpt of lesson plans Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to

showing a variety of manage challenging behaviour.
Manage Challenging classroom
behavior management strategies - Consult with the supervising teacher
- Consultation notes with - Observe the interactions between the
supervising teacher on supervising teacher and students exhibiting
appropriate strategies challenging behaviour.
designed for specific - Create clear and consistent expectations for all
student’s needs. lessons.
- Final placement report - Trail a variety of teaching strategies that are
with supervising suitable to individual students needs.
teacher evaluation. - Possible strategies:
o I-Messages
o Seating plans
o Positive and open communication
o Authentic lessons to engage students
with challenging behaviour
Standard 5.4: - Final placement report Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student
- Lesson feedback assessment data and evaluate student learning and
Interpret Student Data
sheets modify teaching practice.
- Data samples
- Consult and discuss with supervising teacher on
- Lesson plans/sequence
student data in literacy and numeracy and how
showing modifications
lesson plans can be adapted to suit individual
to teaching practice.
needs of students.
- Using existing student data, create and execute
lesson plans that are appropriate to the students
in the classroom.
- Assess student understanding through marking
work samples and effectively use this data in
helping create more appropriate lesson plans.
3. Professional Engagement:
- Standard 6: Engage in Professional learning
- Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Goal: Indicators/Evidence: Actions:

Standard 6.2: - Final placement report Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of
from supervising professional learning for teachers.
Engage in professional
learning - Participate in staff meetings and curriculum
development meetings.
- Notes from professional - Consult with a variety of teachers and school
meetings with school staff.
staff. - Engage in school programs and training where

Standard 7.3: - Feedback sheet/ Understand strategies for working effectively,

Reflection on bottom of sensitively, and confidentially with parents/carers.
Engage with Parents
feedback sheet
and Carers
- Provide notes from - Consult with associate teacher regularly
meetings between throughout the placement.
student teacher, - Observe meetings between parents/carers and
supervising teacher.
supervising teacher
- Develop a thorough understanding of student’s
and parents in individualized needs in helping communicate
meetings. with parent/carers effectively in understanding
- Provide day log notes concerns.
of parent meetings
- Final placement report
with supervising
teacher evaluation.

Other aims for this practicum include improving my organisational skills, lesson planning, engaging with a variety of
staff members professionally and participate in activities outside the classroom environments.

Student Teacher Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________

Supervising Teacher Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

Subject Coordinator Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

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