To Fiber Optics: World Headquarters
To Fiber Optics: World Headquarters
To Fiber Optics: World Headquarters
World Headquarters: 55 Cabot Court
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Tel: (631) 273-0404
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Tel: +65 293 0258
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Email: A Communications Specialties, Inc. Education Guide
Fiber Optic Cable OPTICAL
1. The ability to carry much more in- 5. Since the only carrier in the fiber is
formation and deliver it with greater light, there is no possibility of a spark
fidelity than either copper wire or co- from a broken fiber. Even in the most
axial cable. explosive of atmospheres, there is no
fire hazard, and no danger of electri-
2. Fiber optic cable can support much cal shock to personnel repairing bro-
higher data rates, and at greater dis- ken fibers.
tances, than coaxial cable, making it
ideal for transmission of serial digital 6. Fiber optic cables are virtually un-
data. affected by outdoor atmospheric con-
ditions, allowing them to be lashed di-
3. The fiber is totally immune to vir- rectly to telephone poles or existing
tually all kinds of interference, includ- electrical cables without concern for
ing lightning, and will not conduct extraneous signal pickup.
electricity. It can therefore come in
direct contact with high voltage elec- 7. A fiber optic cable, even one that
trical equipment and power lines. It contains many fibers, is usually much
will also not create ground loops of smaller and lighter in weight than a
any kind. wire or coaxial cable with similar in-
formation carrying capacity. It is easier
4. As the basic fiber is made of glass, to handle and install, and uses less duct
it will not corrode and is unaffected space. (It can frequently be installed
by most chemicals. It can be buried without ducts.)
directly in most kinds of soil or ex-
posed to most corrosive atmospheres 8. Fiber optic cable is ideal for secure
in chemical plants without significant communications systems because it is
concern. very difficult to tap but very easy to
monitor. In addition, there is absolutely
no electrical radiation from a fiber.
How are fiber optic cables able to provide all of these advantages? This guide will
provide an overview of fiber optic technology – with sections devoted to each of
the three system components – transmitters, receivers, and the fiber cable itself.
An appreciation of the underlying technology will provide a useful framework for
understanding the reasons behind its many benefits.
3A 3B
There are two types of fiber constructions in use today: step index and graded
index. As Figure 5 illustrates, light propagates through these different types of
fiber in two different ways.
Step Index
Graded Index
Other than the losses exhibited when Most general purpose optical fiber ex-
coupling LEDs or LDs into a fiber, hibits losses of 4 to 6 dB per km (a
there are losses that occur as the light 60% to 75% loss per km) at a wave-
travels through the actual fiber. length of 850nm. When the wave-
length is changed to 1300nm, the loss
The core of an optical fiber is made
drops to about 3 to 4 dB (50% to 60%)
of ultra-pure low-loss glass. Consid-
per km. At 1550nm, it is even lower.
ering that light has to pass through
Premium fibers are available with loss
thousands of feet or more of fiber
figures of 3 dB (50%) per km at
core, the purity of the glass must be
850nm and 1 dB (20%) per km at
extremely high. To appreciate the pu-
1300nm. Losses of 0.5 dB (10%) per
rity of this glass, consider the glass in
km at 1550 nm are not uncommon.
common windowpanes. We think of
These losses are primarily the result
windowpanes as “clear,” allowing light
of random scattering of light and ab-
to pass freely through, but this is be-
sorption by actual impurities within the
cause they are only 1/16 to ¼ inch
thick. In contrast to this clear appear-
ance, the edges of a broken window- Another source of loss within the fi-
pane look green and almost opaque. ber is due to excessive bending, which
In this case, the light is passing edge- causes some of the light to leave the
wise into the glass, through several core area of the fiber. The smaller the
inches. Just imagine how little light bend radius, the greater the loss. Be-
would be able to pass through a thou- cause of this, bends along a fiber op-
sand feet of window glass! tic cable should have a turning radius
of at least an inch.
Optical connectors are the means by which fiber optic cable is usually connected
to peripheral equipment and to other fibers. These connectors are similar to their
electrical counterparts in function and outward appearance but are actually high
precision devices. In operation, the connector centers the small fiber so that its
light gathering core lies directly over and in line with the light source (or other
Fiber Cable
Hex Shaped
Crimp Ring
Threaded Cap
High Precision
Alignment Sleeve Round Center Pin
Optical Fiber
Access Hole
Retaining "C" Ring
connectors will only perform properly with multimode fibers. More expensive
single-mode ST connectors will perform properly with both single-mode and mul-
timode fibers. The installation procedure for the ST connector is very similar to
that of the SMA and requires approximately the same amount of time. Figure 9
shows some of the major features of the typical ST connector.
Optical Splices
While optical connectors can be used of the fiber are held together by fric-
to connect fiber optic cables together, tion or compression, and the splice as-
there are other methods that result in sembly features a locking mechanism
much lower loss splices. Two of the so that the fibers remained aligned.
most common and popular are the me-
A fusion splice, by contrast, involves
chanical splice and the fusion splice.
actually melting (fusing) together the
Both are capable of splice losses in
ends of two pieces of fiber. The re-
the range of 0.15 dB (3%) to 0.1 dB
sult is a continuous fiber without a
break. Fusion splices require special
In a mechanical splice, the ends of expensive splicing equipment but can
two pieces of fiber are cleaned and be performed very quickly, so the cost
stripped, then carefully butted together becomes reasonable if done in quan-
and aligned using a mechanical assem- tity. As fusion splices are fragile, me-
bly. A gel is used at the point of con- chanical devices are usually employed
tact to reduce light reflection and keep to protect them.
the splice loss at a minimum. The ends
+ + Output
Current to voltage
Trigger Level
Photo- +Vcc
Optical Optical
Transmitter Receiver
F/O Cable F/O Cable
to Splice from Splice
Loss Loss
If the above calculations show that the fiber bandwidth you plan to use is inad-
equate for transmitting the required signal the necessary distance, it will be nec-
essary either to select a different transmitter/receiver (wavelength) combination,
or consider the use of a lower loss premium fiber.
Data Rate
DC or AC Coupling
Bit Error Rate
Signal Connectors
Other Details
General Requirements:
Housing Size
Mounting Method
Operating Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Range
Other Details
Additional Comments:
We hope this guide has helped you to better understand the basics of a fiber
optic technology system design. The specification check sheet on the preceding
pages can be used to help collect and organize the necessary information when
actually designing a system.
Remember, if you ever have any questions about how to proceed, please con-
tact Communications Specialties at (631) 273-0404 for additional guidance,
you may contact us via email at or visit our web site:
Singapore Office:
180B Bencoolen Street
#05-01 The Bencoolen
Singapore 189648
Phone: +65 6837 8790
Fax: +65 6333 0501