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Ade3trgs455lw01 Users Guide

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User's Guide

for Dryers


Original Instructions
Keep These Instructions for Future Reference.
CAUTION: Read the instructions before using the machine.
(If this machine changes ownership, this manual must accompany machine.)

Part No. D517266EN

www.speedqueen.com April 2018
Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this ma-
chine according to the manufacturer's instructions
may result in conditions which can produce bodily in-
jury and/or property damage.

For your safety and to reduce the risk of fire or an ex-
plosion, do not store or use gasoline or other flamma-
ble vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any oth-
er appliance.

NOTE: The WARNING and IMPORTANT instructions ap-

pearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possi-
ble conditions and situations that may occur. It must be
understood that common sense, caution, and careful-
ness are factors which cannot be built into these wash-
ers. These factors MUST BE supplied by the person(s)
installing, maintaining, or operating the unit.
Always contact the distributor, service agent, or the manufacturer
about any problems or conditions you do not understand.

Read all instructions before using unit.

This product uses FreeRTOS V7.2.0 (www.freertos.org).

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 3 Part No. D517266EN

Table of Contents
...................................................................................................... 3

Safety Information............................................................................. 5
Explanation of Safety Messages................................................................. 5
Important Safety Instructions....................................................................5

Before Drying.................................................................................... 7
Energy Saving Tips....................................................................................7
Helps and Hints....................................................................................... 7

Drying Special Items........................................................................... 9

Operating Your Dryer........................................................................ 15

Available Drying Cycles............................................................................ 15
Automatic Regular/Delicate Cycle...........................................................15
Time Dry Cycle.................................................................................... 15
Automatic Permanent Press/Knits Cycle..................................................15
To Dry Clothes....................................................................................... 15
End of Cycle Signal................................................................................. 16
Optional Drying Rack...............................................................................16

Clothing Care Labels..........................................................................17

Maintenance................................................................................... 18
Lubrication........................................................................................... 18
Care of Your Dryer.................................................................................. 18
Control Panel......................................................................................18
Exhaust System.................................................................................18
Motor Overload Protector........................................................................18
Lint Filter............................................................................................. 19

Troubleshooting............................................................................... 20
Contact Information............................................................................... 21

© Copyright 2018, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed written
consent of the publisher.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 4 Part No. D517266EN

Safety Information

Safety Information
Explanation of Safety Messages • Install this dryer according to the INSTALLATION INSTRUC-
Precautionary statements (“DANGER,” “WARNING,” and “CAU- STALLATION manual for the proper earth/ground connection of
TION”), followed by specific instructions, are found in this manual the dryer. All connections for electrical power, earth/ground and
and on machine decals. These precautions are intended for the per- gas supply must comply with local codes and be made by li-
sonal safety of the operator, user, servicer, and those maintaining censed personnel when required. Do not do it yourself.
the machine. • Do not install or store the dryer where it will be exposed to wa-
ter and/or weather.
DANGER • Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed
in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline or machine oils, vegetable
or cooking oils, cleaning waxes or chemicals, dry-cleaning sol-
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if vents, thinner, anything containing chemicals such as in mops
not avoided, will cause severe personal injury or and cleaning cloths, or other flammable or explosive substances
death. as they give off vapors that could ignite, explode or cause fabric
to catch on fire by itself.
• Items that have been soiled with substances such as cooking
WARNING oil, acetone, alcohol, petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine,
waxes and wax removers, should be washed in hot water with an
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, extra amount of detergent before being dried in the tumble dry-
could cause severe personal injury or death. er.
• To reduce the risk of fire, DO NOT DRY plastics or articles con-
taining foam or latex rubber or similarly textured rubberlike ma-
CAUTION terials, such as shower caps, water proof textiles, rubber-
backed articles, and clothes or pillows filled with foam rubber
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, pads.
may cause minor or moderate personal injury or prop- • Do not tumble fiberglass curtains and draperies unless the label
erty damage. says it can be done. If they are dried, wipe out the cylinder with
a damp cloth to remove particles of fiberglass.
Additional precautionary statements (“IMPORTANT” and “NOTE”) • Do not allow children to play on or in the dryer. Close supervision
are followed by specific instructions. of children is necessary when the dryer is used near children.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including chil-
IMPORTANT: The word “IMPORTANT” is used to inform dren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
the reader of specific procedures where minor machine lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given
damage will occur if the procedure is not followed. supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance
NOTE: The word “NOTE” is used to communicate in- by a person responsible for their safety. This is a safety rule for
stallation, operation, maintenance or servicing informa- all appliances.
tion that is important but not hazard related. • Do not reach into the dryer if the cylinder is revolving.
• Use the dryer only for its intended purpose, drying clothes. AL-
Important Safety Instructions WAYS follow the fabric care instructions supplied by the gar-
ment manufacturer and only use the dryer drum to dry textiles
Save These Instructions that have been washed in water.
• Always read and follow manufacturer’s instructions on pack-
WARNING ages of laundry and cleaning aids. Heed all warnings or precau-
tions. To reduce the risk of poisoning or chemical burns, keep
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to them out of reach of children at all times (preferably in a locked
persons when using your dryer, follow these basic pre- cabinet).
cautions: • Remove laundry immediately after the dryer stops.
• DO NOT operate the dryer if it is smoking, grinding or has miss-
ing or broken parts or removed guards and/or panels. DO NOT
• Read all instructions before using the dryer. tamper with the controls or bypass any safety devices.
• Dryer will not operate with the loading door open. DO NOT by-
pass the door safety switch by permitting the dryer to operate

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 5 Part No. D517266EN

Safety Information

with the door open. The dryer will stop tumbling when the door is
opened. Do not use the dryer if it does not stop tumbling when
the door is opened or starts tumbling without pressing the
START mechanism. Remove the dryer from use and call the
service person.
• ALWAYS clean the lint filter after every load. A layer of lint in
the filter reduces drying efficiency and prolongs drying time.
Keep area around the exhaust opening and adjacent surround-
ing area free from the accumulation of lint, dust and dirt. The
interior of the dryer and the exhaust duct should be cleaned pe-
riodically by qualified service personnel.
• Do not repair or replace any part of the dryer, or attempt any
servicing unless specifically recommended in the user-mainte-
nance instructions or in published user-repair instructions that
you understand and have the skills to carry out. ALWAYS dis-
connect the electrical power to the dryer before attempting
service. Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug, not
the cord.
• If supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord
or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service
• Before the dryer is removed from service or discarded, remove
the door to the drying compartment.
• Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this machine accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions may result in conditions
which can produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
STRUCTIONS appearing in this manual are not meant to
cover all possible conditions and situations that may oc-
cur. Observe and be aware of other labels and precau-
tions that are located on the machine. They are intended
to provide instruction for safe use of the machine. Com-
mon sense, caution and care must be exercised when in-
stalling, maintaining, or operating the dryer.
Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent or the manu-
facturer about any problems or conditions you do not understand.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 6 Part No. D517266EN

Before Drying

Before Drying
Energy Saving Tips 2. Separate lint shedding fabrics and lint receiving fabrics. Towels,
flannels, chenille, cottons, rugs, etc., shed lint. Corduroys, knits
• Make sure the lint filter is always clean. (including socks), permanent press, and synthetics attract lint.
• Do not overload the dryer. 3. Separate no heat, low heat and high heat items.
• Do not overdry items. In any kind of drying, lightweight fabrics will dry faster than heavy-
• Remove items to be ironed while still damp. weight fabrics. If mixed loads are dried together (such as sheets
• Large loads of similar fabrics dry the most efficiently. However, and towels), remove the lighter weight fabrics when they are dry to
dry permanent press in smaller loads to prevent wrinkling. prevent overdrying and wrinkling. The best method is to dry clothes
• Use the correct cycle for the type of fabric being dried. which require the same time, temperature or dryness level in the
• Locate your dryer so the exhaust duct is as short and straight same load.
as possible.
• Do not open the door during the drying cycle.
• Plan to do your laundry on low humidity days; your clothes will
dry faster.
• Dry multiple loads of clothes one right after another so dryer
interior does not have to be reheated for each load.

Helps and Hints

To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, serious injury or
death, clothes which have traces of any flammable
substances such as cooking oil, machine oil, flamma-
ble chemicals, thinner, etc. must not be put into the
Do not wash or dry items soiled with vegetable or
W131 cooking oils. Some oils may remain after washing and
may cause the fabric to catch on fire by itself.
• The directions for installation and proper exhausting are given in
the Installation Instructions which are included with the dryer. W527

• Static electricity may cause garments of synthetic fibers (as • Do not overload your dryer. Bulk, not weight, determines the
in lingerie) to cling together, especially if they are overdried. The load size. If the dryer is overloaded, it could cause discoloration
use of a liquid fabric softener in the rinse water of the washer, or permanent heat damage to the load.
or a fabric softener sheet in the dryer, will soften clothes and
• There should be space in the dryer for the clothes to tumble
reduce static electricity.
freely and help to reduce wrinkles.
• Do not wash or dry clothes that shed lint in the same load with
• Large and small pieces together make up loads which will tumble
permanent press or knit garments.
well. Permanent press loads should be smaller to provide room
• Remove permanent press loads immediately after dryer stops. for tumbling. Proper tumbling allows for fewer wrinkles.
• Follow the care labels on FLAME RETARDANT, SCOTCH- • A load can be too small. Just a few small pieces will not tumble
GUARD™, etc., garments for proper washing and drying. properly. They will take longer to dry and they may be wrinkled.
• If loads should be damp for ironing, turn timer knob to the EN- For small loads, add a couple of large towels or non lint shedding
ERGY SAVER setting, marked with a dot, in AUTOMATIC or items to aid in tumbling.
TIME DRY cycles. • The following illustrations show the ideal load sizes for fabrics.
The average load will fill the cylinder one third to half full when
Sort wet.
If you have correctly sorted the items for washing, they should be
properly sorted for drying too.
1. Sort by color.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 7 Part No. D517266EN

Before Drying

Cylinder with wet linens and cottons


Cylinder with wet permanent press items


© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 8 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Bedspreads • Choose heat for fabric.

• Dry one double or two single spreads.
• Chenille and tufted spreads will shed lint
and should be dried by themselves.
• New spreads will contain loose lint. Tum-
ble on NO HEAT Fabric Selector setting
before washing to remove loose lint.
• Dry completely.

Electric • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric
Selector setting.
• If drying items in dryer is recommended
by the manufacturer, dry as for wool.
• Do not stretch the blanket because of
the wiring.
• Some electric blankets may have an in-
sulation on the thermostats or on the
wiring which will not withstand dryer
heat. Do not dry unless the blanket
manufacturer says it can be done.

Synthetic Fibers • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector setting.
• Some blankets are fluffy and will shed
lint. Tumble on NO HEAT Fabric Selector
setting before washing to remove loose
• Dry in dryer until just dry.
• Clean lint filter half way through drying

Thermal Cotton • Choose AUTOMATIC REGULAR/DELI-

CATE cycle.

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 9 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Wool • Agitation and tumbling contribute to

the shrinkage and felting of wool. Follow
blanket manufacturer's instructions for
proper care.
• Use approximately five dry bath towels
and place them between folds in blanket
to lessen the tumbling.
• Set dryer for 20 minutes on the TIME
DRY cycle. Use REGULAR Fabric Selec-
tor setting. Check blanket when timer
reaches 10. Wool blankets must be re-
moved from the dryer when damp.
• Stretch item gently to shape and finish
drying in a flat position.

CATE or TIME DRY cycle.
• Remove damp items for ironing or dry
completely and then steam iron.

Fiberglass • DO NOT dry in the dryer unless recom-

mended by the manufacturer.
• Fiberglass may shred. Particles may re-
main in the dryer and rub off on the next
• "Beta" fiberglass may be dried if recom-
mended by the manufacturer.

Synthetic Fibers • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector settings.
• Allow room for tumbling to prevent wrin-
• Delicate or sheer curtains must be dried
by themselves so they will not be snag-
ged by hooks or crushed by other
clothes in the load.
• Some sheer curtains are heat sensitive.
Dry 10 minutes only, plus the cool down
period. Remove from dryer immediately
and hang.
• If the dryer has been heated from a pre-
vious load, the NO HEAT Fabric setting
may be sufficient.

Denim, Corduroy • Choose AUTOMATIC REGULAR/DELI-

CATES cycle.
• Dry completely and remove from dryer
when seams are slightly wet to minimize

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 10 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Draperies • Remove hooks and weights before wash-

• Choose heat for fabric and allow space
int he dryer for tumbling.
• Some draperies may be removed when
slightly damp and hung immediately.
• Lined draperies should be dry-cleaned
because they have a tendency to pucker.

Knit Articles Knit fabrics are usually manufactured under

tension (stretching). Cotton knits especially
may relax or draw together if every bit of
moisture is removed from them. It is best to
take them out of the dryer with a trace of
moisture remaining, then stretch to shape.
If items shrink from overdrying, rewet them
and dry properly.
CATE or TIME DRY cycle.
• Remove slightly damp to minimize iron-
• Reshape, smooth seams and pockets,

Synthetic Fibers • Choose AUTOMATIC REGULAR/DELI-

• Turn inside out to prevent pilling.
• Dry sweaters only with similar fabrics
because they are lint receivers.
• Make sure the load is large enough for
• Dry completely and remove from dryer
immediately to minimize wrinkling.

Wool • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector setting.
• For wool labeled "machine washable," fol-
low manufacturer's directions. For other
wool, use wool blanket method.
• Do not dryer loosely knit wool or hand
• Dry flat and stretch to shape from a
pattern drawn before washing.

CATE cycle.

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 11 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Elastic • Elastic may be dried as for fabric.

• Do not overdry.

Foam Rubber (Bras, bathing suits, sun suits, etc.) • DO NOT dry foam rubber items int he
dryer with heat. Fire may result. Use NO
HEAT Fabric Selector setting only.

Spandex • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector setting.
• Do not overdry.

Stretch Fabrics • Choose heat for the most delicate fiber.

• Dry completely as stretch fabrics will
stretch into shape.
• Avoid drying with lint shedding fabrics.

Synthetic Fibers • Choose TIME DRY cycle. Use DELICATE

Fabric Selector setting.
• Some sheer fabrics, especially sheer
knits, can be heat sensitive. Dry until
just dry (about 10 minutes) and remove
from dryer immediately.
• Sheer fabrics should not be washed and
dried with garments containing hooks or
• Manufactured fabrics will create static
electricity if overdried.
• Use fabric softener and avoid overdry-

Mattress Pads • Read and carefully follow the fabric care

instructions supplied by the mattress
pad manufacturer.
• Some mattress pads made of synthetic
fibers are very heat sensitive. These
pads can be flammable if over-heated or
over-dried. To avoid a fire hazard do not
over-dry mattress pads.
• Remove mattress pads from the dryer
while they are still damp.

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 12 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Feather and Down-Filled • Ticking must be strong and seams se-

• After washing, shake pillow to fluff
• Dry one large or two smaller pillows. Use
PRESS Fabric Selector setting.
• Shake and reposition pillows several
times during drying.
• Pillows must be dry in the center to pre-
vent mildew.
• Drying may take two hours or longer. Re-
set dryer timer if necessary.

Fiber-Filled (polyester) • Follow manufacturer's directions.

Foam Rubber • Do not dry in the dryer.

Quilts • Choose heat and cycle for fabric.

• Old quilts may be too fragile to machine
wash or dry.
• Quilts filled with cotton may become
• Remove from dryer slightly damp and
stretch gently to shape. Quilted articles
may shrink if overdried.

Cotton with Cotton Backing • Choose AUTOMATIC REGULAR/DELI-
CATE or TIME DRY cycle.
• Dry one large or several small rugs. For
one small rug, add towels.

Rubber-Backed • Heat tends to deteriorate many tyeps

of rubber.
• Some types of rubber-like materials are
flammable under certain conditions. DO
NOT dry foam rubber and rubber-like ma-
terials with heat. Use NO HEAT Fabric
Selector setting only.

Synthetic Fibers • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector setting.
• Follow manufacturer's suggestions.
• Some rugs are heat sensitive and should
be removed from the dryer when damp,
or dried with no heat.

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 13 Part No. D517266EN

Drying Special Items

Type of Load Special Instructions

Slip Covers • Choose heat for fabric.

• Close zippers.
• Dry one couch cover, two chair covers or
five or six pillow covers at one time.
• Remove from dryer when slightly damp.
• Press pleats, if necessary, and replace
on furniture immediately.
• Stretch fabrics and knits should be
dried completely so they will fit snug
when replaced on furniture.

Stuffed Animals and Toys • Make sure the filling and covering can be
dryer dried.
• Cotton filling may become lumpy.
• Protect glass eyes by covering with a
stocking or tie toy into a pillowcase.
• Choose heat for most sensitive fiber.
• Dry enough clothes int he load for good
tumbling. DO NOT dry toys stuffed with
foam rubber or kapok in the dryer with
• Use NO HEAT Fabric Selector setting

Tennis Shoes • Choose DELICATE or NO HEAT Fabric

Selector setting.
• Use a drying rack or tumble with at least
four old bath towels.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 14 Part No. D517266EN

Operating Your Dryer

Operating Your Dryer

Automatic Permanent Press/Knits Cycle
Use for permanent press items and synthetics. The type of heat is
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury determined by selecting the proper Fabric Selector option. There
or death to persons, read the Safety Information sec- are two settings in the AUTOMATIC PERMANENT PRESS/KNITS
tion before operating the dryer. cycle - MAX DRY or MORE DRY (settings vary by model) and LESS
To Dry Clothes
Available Drying Cycles
NOTE: Use the automatic cycles for drying items that TIONS before using dryer.
can be dried wih heat. These cycles automatically dry
IMPORTANT: Before using dryer for the first time, use an
loads to the dryness level selected.
all-purpose cleaner or a detergent and water solution
MAX DRY and MORE DRY will dry very small loads and some heavy and a damp cloth to remove shipping dust from inside of
items, such as blue jeans, but will overdry lightweight items, such as dryer drum.
sheets and shirts. Overdrying can cause wrinkling, shrinking, exces- 1. Sort items into separate loads.
sive lint conditions, and will use more energy than necessary.
NOTE: Remove all objects from pockets such as
LESS DRY, which uses the least energy, will dry large loads and lighters and matches.
lightweight items, such as sheets and shirts, but might leave other
NOTE: Remove all sharp objects from laundry to
items, such as denim and heavy bath towels, more damp.
avoid tears and rips to items during normal machine
To increase energy savings and to make sure loads are dried with- operation.
out overdrying, set your loads on LESS DRY. If items are damp at 2. Clean lint filter.
the end of a cycle, the timer knob needs to be set closer to the
MORE DRY setting the next time these loads are dried. If items are
overdry at the end of a cycle, the timer knob should be set closer to
COOL DOWN when these loads are dried again. Remember the set-
tings that work best to get ideal drying results.
The COOL DOWN period at the end of each cycle provides items a
chance to tumble with no heat and cool down to room temperature.
This prevents wrinkles from setting if items cannot be cared for im-
1. Lint Filter
NOTE: The timer knob will not advance as quickly in the
AUTOMATIC cycles as it does in the TIME DRY cycle.
Figure 1
The time it takes for the timer to advance depends on
the type and size of the load being dried.
The ENERGY SAVER settings, marked with a dot, show which set- WARNING
tings will use the least energy and will leave items damp for easier
ironing. To reduce the risk of fire and risk of lint collecting
in exhaust duct, do not operate dryer without lint
Automatic Regular/Delicate Cycle filter in place.
Use for sturdy items like play or work clothes and also for delicate W771
items. The type of heat is determined by choosing hte proper Fabric
Selector option. There are two settings in the AUTOMATIC REGU- 3. Load dryer half full with laundry (10.5 kg [23 pounds] maximum
LAR/DELICATE cycle - MORE DRY and LESS DRY. dry clothes load). Add fabric softener sheet, if desired.
NOTE: To avoid damage to dryer, do not use more
Time Dry Cycle than one fabric softener sheet per load.
This cycle will operate dryer for up to 75 minutes. Cottons and
heavyweight items dry best between 50 and 75 minutes, and light-
weight items dry best between 20 and 40 minutes.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 15 Part No. D517266EN

Operating Your Dryer

The drying rack can be used in manual cycles only for no-tumble dry-
ing of articles such as tennis shoes, sweaters, stuffed toys or oth-
er delicate items.


4. Close loading door. Dryer will not operate with the door open.



5. If not already on (control lights will be lit), turn on the dryer by

pressing the Power/Cancel button.
NOTE: You will not be able to press the Start/Pause
button to Pause the cycle until the motor is running. If
the Start/Pause button is pressed while attempting to
run the motor (during the warm-up period), an invalid
keypress tone will sound.
6. Select the Cycle and, if desired, change the Selections and Op-
tions settings. Follow garment manufacturer’s care labels for
recommended temperature settings.
7. Press the Start/Pause button to begin the cycle.
IMPORTANT: The final part of dryer cycle occurs
without heat (cool down cycle) to ensure that items in
dryer are left at a temperature that ensures that the
items will not be damaged.
NOTE: To stop dryer at any time, open the door or
press the Start/Pause button. To restart dryer, close
door and press the Start/Pause button again.

End of Cycle Signal

Available on Select Models Only
The volume of the signal tone may be set on Off, High or between
the two selections. If a volume level is selected, the signal will let
you know when the cycle is done. The signal will stop when the door
is opened, or when the timer is advanced to an OFF position.

Optional Drying Rack

A drying rack, Part No. D512082, is available at extra cost
through your Factory Authorized Service Center.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 16 Part No. D517266EN

Clothing Care Labels

Clothing Care Labels

The symbols below appear on many clothing care labels. Following
the instructions on each label will help ensure the best laundry re- Dry
Tumble Dry Cycle Warning

Machine Wash Cycle Warning


Dry Normal Permanent Gentle/ Do not

Press/ Delicate tumble dry
Wrinkle Re-
Normal Permanent Gentle/ Hand wash Do not
Press/ Delicate wash Heat Setting
Wrinkle Re-
Do not dry
(used with
Do not
Hot Warm Cold Do not High Medium Low No
wring Heat/Air


Bleach Symbols Warning Signs Line dry/ Drip dry Dry flat In the
Hang to shade

Any bleach (when Only non-chlorine Do not bleach Dryclean

needed) bleach (when nee-
ded) Dryclean Warning Signs


Iron - Dry or Steam Warning Dryclean Do not dryclean


Iron High Medium Low Do not iron

No steam

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 17 Part No. D517266EN


Lubrication Exhaust System

All moving parts are sealed in a permanent supply of lubricant or

are equipped with oilless bearings. Additional lubrication will not be WARNING
To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect the
Care of Your Dryer electrical service to the dryer before cleaning.

WARNING The exhaust duct should be inspected after one year of use and
cleaned if necessary by a qualified service person to remove any lint
To reduce the risk of an electric shock, serious injury build-up. Inspect and clean exhaust duct every one to two years as
or death, disconnect the electrical service to the dryer required thereafter.
before cleaning the interior.
The weather hood should be checked frequently to make sure the
W132 dampers move freely, dampers are not pushed in and that nothing
has been set against them.
Dryer Interior
Keep dryer area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline
Wipe the surfaces using a soft cloth and household cleaner or a and other flammable vapors and liquids.
non-abrasive paste of powdered laundry detergent and hot water,
followed by a short heat cycle with a load of rags. Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.

To remove crayon or ball point ink off the dryer drum, put the heat NOTE: Verify proper operation after servicing.
on high and use old rags in the dryer to absorb the crayon or ink. If
unsuccessful, contact the appliance dealer. DO NOT use any chemi- WARNING
cals in the dryer.
IMPORTANT: The use of chlorine bleach for removing Any disassembly requiring the use of tools must be
any discolorations should be avoided because bleach performed by a suitably qualified service person.
could damage the finish. W299

Motor Overload Protector
Wipe the dryer cabinet as needed. If detergent, bleach or other
washing products have been spilled on the dryer, wipe immediately. The dryer’s motor overload protector stops the motor automati-
Some products will cause permanent damage if spilled on the cabi- cally in the event of an overload. After cooling, the overload protec-
net. tor will reset itself. Dryer can be restarted by pushing the timer
knob in. If overload protector cycles again, remove the dryer from
Control Panel use and call the service person to correct the problem.
Use only a damp or sudsy cloth for cleaning the control panel. Some
spray pretreat products may harm the finish on the control panel.
DO NOT use products that contain alcohol on the control panel.
NOTE: The wiring diagram is located inside the control

Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing
controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dan-
gerous operation.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 18 Part No. D517266EN


Lint Filter
The lint filter is located at the front of the dryer in the lower part of
the door opening.
Annually remove lint filter and screw to vacuum the duct under it.


1. Lint Filter

Figure 2

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 19 Part No. D517266EN


Try these troubleshooting tips before making a service call. They
may save you time and money.

Dryer Symptom Possible Cause/Solution

Dryer won’t start • For dryers equipped with a power cord, make sure the power
cord is plugged all the way into the electrical outlet.
• Make sure loading door is closed.
• Push timer knob in to start dryer.
• Make sure the laundry room fuse(s) isn’t blown or loose, or cir-
cuit breakers aren’t open.
• The dryer itself does not have an electrical fuse. An electric
dryer has an electrical circuit with two fuses.
• Check if motor overload protector has cycled. Wait 10 minutes
and try again.

Dryer won’t heat • Make sure timer is not in COOL DOWN or COOL TUMBLE set-
tings or that Fabric Selector is not set at NO HEAT.
• Electric dryers only – Some homes may have two fuses or cir-
cuit breakers for an electric dryer; both fuses or circuit break-
ers should be checked. Make sure the laundry room fuse(s) isn’t
blown or loose, or that the circuit breakers aren’t open.
• The dryer itself does not have an electrical fuse. An electric
dryer has an electrical circuit with two fuses.
• Gas dryer only – Make sure equipment and main gas line valve is
turned on.
• Check exhaust duct to outside to see if it is kinked, blocked or
needs cleaning.
• Check weather hood to make sure flapper moves freely, has not
been pushed in or has not been blocked.

Dryer doesn’t dry clothes satisfactorily • Check exhaust duct to outside to see if it is kinked, blocked or
needs cleaning.
• Check weather hood to make sure flapper moves freely, has not
been pushed in or has not been blocked.
• Automatic cycle – Adjust to MORE or LESS DRY setting.
• Timed cycle - Allow more or less time.
• Clean the lint filter.
• Make sure the load isn’t too small. Small loads may not tumble
properly or dry evenly.
• Check load being dried. Heavy items dried with lightweight
items will not dry as quickly as the rest of the load.
• Refer to Sort section for proper sorting information.

Table continues...

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 20 Part No. D517266EN


Dryer Symptom Possible Cause/Solution

Dryer is noisy • Check dryer for foreign objects (nails, coins, bobby pins, metal,
plastic toys, etc.). Remove items from dryer.
• Make sure dryer is level. Uneven leveling can cause vibration.
• Normal operating sounds include the tick of timer advancing,
heat source going on and off, and humming of air moving
through the dryer and exhaust system.

Clothes are too wrinkled • Check heat setting. Overdrying can cause wrinkling.
• Check load size. Large loads may not tumble properly and may
cause wrinkling.

Clothes have odor • Check room for odors before drying clothes. Any odor (fried
foods, paint, varnish, cleaners, burning wood, etc.) will transfer
to clothing as the dryer draws air from the room.
• Ventilate room before drying clothes.

Cycle advances too slowly • Automatic cycles advance slower than the Time Dry cycle.
When in an Automatic cycle, the time it takes for the timer to
advance depends on the type and size of the load being dried.
When clothing has more moisture, the timer advances slower
than when the clothes are more dry.

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 21 Part No. D517266EN


Contact Information Model Number ______________________________

Serial Number _______________________________
If service is required, contact the nearest Factory Authorized
Service Center. Please include a copy of your bill of sale and any service receipts you
If you are unable to locate an authorized service center or are unsa-
tisfied with the service performed on your dryer, contact:
Alliance Laundry Systems WARNING
Shepard Street
To reduce the risk of serious injury or death, DO NOT
P.O. Box 990
repair or replace any part of the unit or attempt any
Ripon, WI 54971-0990
servicing unless specifically recommended in the
U.S.A. user-maintenance instructions or in published user-re-
www.alliancelaundry.com pair instructions that you understand and have the
Phone: +1 (920) 748-3121 Ripon, Wisconsin skills to carry out.
+32 56 41 20 54 Wevelgem, Belgium
When calling or writing about your unit, PLEASE GIVE THE MODEL
AND SERIAL NUMBERS. The model and serial numbers are located If replacement parts are required, contact the source from where
on the nameplate. The nameplate will be in the location shown in Fig- you purchased your unit or call +1 (920) 748-3950 or +32 56
ure 3 . 41 20 54 for the name and address of the nearest authorized
parts distributor.
Date Purchased ______________________________


1. Nameplate

Figure 3

© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - 22 Part No. D517266EN


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