A Document On Principle of Virtual Work
A Document On Principle of Virtual Work
A Document On Principle of Virtual Work
The principle of virtual work is the starting point for the formulation of the
finite element method for solids and structures and we dedicate this chapter
to its study.
We start by introducing the principle of virtual work for a 1-D model
and by exploring the fundamental facts. Then, the principle is given for the
3-D elasticity model and for the remaining mathematical models discussed
in Chapter 4.
In the last section, we introduce some energy concepts in 3-D analy-
sis which provide alternative ways to formulate the mathematical models of
Chapters 3 and 4. These energy based formulations will be useful in Chapters
6 and 8.
As usual, we consider a differential element. The equilibrium requirement
gives (see Figure 5.1b)
and so
A + f = 0. (5.2)
Also, at the right end of the bar we have the equilibrium condition
368 5. The principle of virtual work
Fig. 5.1. a)Bar problem; b) Differential equilibrium for bar problem (plane sections
remain plane)
τ (L)A = R.
The relevant strain for this model is ε = εxx . The strain compatibility
condition is
ε= (5.3)
where u is the displacement field1 with the condition u(0) = 0.
Constitutive equation
We are considering a linear elastic material. Therefore
τ = Eε (5.4)
Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions at the ends of the bar are listed as
u(0) = 0 (5.5)
In this chapter we suppose that the functions such as u(x) are sufficiently smooth
to allow the evaluation of all required integrations and differentiations. In Section
6.2 we will address this issue more rigorously
5.1 The principle of virtual work for the bar problem 369
τ (L)A = R. (5.6)
d2 u
EA +f =0 within the bar (5.7)
u(0) = 0 (5.8)
EA (L) = R (5.9)
Calling δε = dδu
dx the virtual strain field, since it is the strain field associated
with the virtual displacement field, and using the force boundary condition
τ (L)A = R we can re-write (5.13) as
δε τ A dx = f δu dx + R δu|x=L (5.14)
0 0
Of course,
internal virtual work for any virtual displacement field that is zero at x = 0
(where the displacement boundary condition is imposed).
Hence, we have shown that equilibrium implies the virtual work equation,
but not yet the vice-versa. In order to prove the equivalence, we also need to
show that the virtual work statement, equation (5.14), implies equilibrium,
i.e., equations (5.2) and (5.6).
Using integration by parts we have the following identity
dδu L dτ
δετ Adx = τ Adx = δuτ A|0 − δu Adx. (5.16)
0 0 dx 0 dx
A +f δu dx + [(R − τ A) δu]|x=L = 0. (5.17)
0 dx
Equation (5.17) has to be valid for any δu (x) with δu (0) = 0. Let us take
x dτ
δu (x) = x 1 − A +f . (5.18)
L dx
Although we do not explicitly know the functional form of (A dx + f ),
the above choice for δu (x) is certainly allowed, since this function satisfies
δu (0) = 0. Since for this choice δu (L) = 0, equation (5.17) becomes
dτ x
A +f x 1− dx = 0.
0 dx L
dτ 2
Considering that for (0, L), x > 0, 1 − L x
> 0 and A dx + f ≥ 0, the
only possibility for the above integral to vanish is to have
A +f =0 within the bar (5.19)
i.e., to satisfy the equilibrium equation (5.2).
Using (5.19), we can now return to equation (5.17) which then reads
[(R − τ A) δu]|x=L = 0.
R = τ A|x=L .
372 5. The principle of virtual work
In other words, the equilibrium at the boundary, i.e., the force boundary
condition is also implicitly contained in the virtual work statement.
Hence, we proved the equivalence of the equilibrium equations (5.2), (5.6)
and the principle of virtual work equation (5.14). This is a fundamental result
that we emphasize in Figure 5.2. Although we proved this equivalence for the
1-D bar problem, this is a general result which is valid for every mathematical
model in solid and structural mechanics.
Fig. 5.2. Equivalence between equilibrium and the principle of virtual work
The above discussion shows that we may interpret the principle of virtual
work to be an integral form of the equilibrium equations, and it is also re-
ferred to as a variational formulation because the virtual displacements can
be thought of as a variation of the real displacements.
We summarize what we have discussed so far in Table 5.1. The repeti-
tion shown in this table is intentional, because we want to emphasize which
equations are the same and which are not the same for the two formulations.
In equations (5.7), (5.8) and (5.9) we wrote the differential formulation
in terms of the displacement field only. We write below the variational for-
mulation in terms of displacements only.
Table 5.1. Summary of differential and variational formulations for bar problem
Find τ (x), ε(x) and continuous u(x) such that the Find τ (x), ε(x) and continuous u(x) such that the
following holds: following holds:
u(0) = 0 u(0) = 0
%L %L
A dτ
+f =0 0
δετ A dx = 0
f δu dx + Rδu|x=L
τ A = R for x = L and δε = dx
Compatibility Compatibility
du du
ε= dx
ε= dx
τ = Eε τ = Eε
374 5. The principle of virtual work
Example 5.1
Considering the bar problem of Figure 5.1, show that the principle of virtual
work contains the condition of global equilibrium of the bar.
F = −τ (0) A.
Consider the problem described in Figure 5.3 with no support and let us
apply the principle of virtual work taking as a virtual displacement field a
rigid body translation in the x direction of magnitude Δ. Since it is a rigid
body motion, the virtual strain field associated with it is identically zero (in
fact, ε = dδu d
dx = dx Δ = 0). Therefore, the right-hand side of the virtual work
statement is also zero. Then, the principle of virtual work yields
δε τ A dx = 0 = f Δdx + F Δ + RΔ
0 0
0=Δ f dx + F + R
Since Δ is arbitrary
f dx + F + R = 0
and therefore
5.1 The principle of virtual work for the bar problem 375
F =− f dx + R
The condition that the equilibrium of every part of a solid implies global
equilibrium was also exemplified for a truss structure (see Section 2.2). Hence,
the above result that the principle of virtual work contains the global equi-
librium condition must be expected, since this principle is equivalent to dif-
ferential equilibrium, that is, equilibrium of every part of the bar.
Example 5.2
Fig. 5.4. Steel bar subjected to gravity. The density ρ[kg/m3 ], the area A[m2 ] and
the mass M [kg]
376 5. The principle of virtual work
This problem is clearly a particular case of the bar problem studied above
and its differential formulation can be written as
d2 u
EA + ρgA = 0 (5.21)
u(0) = 0 (5.22)
EA = Mg (5.23)
dx x=L
! "
g ρx2 M
u(x) = − + + ρL x .
E 2 A
δε(x) = 2ax
Example 5.3
Consider the bar problem with varying cross-section described in Figure 5.5.
(i) Establish the differential formulation and the principle of virtual work
for this problem.
(iii) Show that the principle of virtual work is satisfied for the exact stress
field and a virtual displacement field δu(x) = ax.
(i) Since the cross-sectional area is not constant along the bar, we need to
generalize equation (5.1) as,
−τ A + (τ + dτ )(A + dA) + f dx = 0
dτ A + τ dA + dτ dA + f dx = 0
378 5. The principle of virtual work
(τ A) + f = 0. (5.24)
Substituting the strain and constitutive equations into (5.24) we obtain
the differential formulation for this problem.
Find u(x) such that
d du
EA +f = 0 within the bar (5.25)
dx dx
u(0) = 0 (5.26)
EA |x=L = R. (5.27)
(ii) For this example, f = 0, and so (5.25) becomes
! "
E d 2 du
(1 + x) = 0
104 dx dx
2 d2 u du
(1 + x) 2
+ 2 (1 + x) = 0
dx dx
d2 u 2 du
+ =0
dx (1 + x) dx
leading to
R · 104 x
u(x) = .
E 1+x
(iii) To verify that the principle of virtual work holds for δu(x) = ax we use
δε(x) = a.
The stress field is given by
du 1
τ (x) = E = R · 104
dx (1 + x)2
and the principle obviously holds
R · 104
a (1 + x)2 · 10−4 dx = RaL.
0 (1 + x)2
5.1 The principle of virtual work for the bar problem 379
Example 5.4
Consider the problem described in Figure 5.6. The Young’s modulus is con-
stant and equal to E1 for 0 < x < L/2 and constant and equal to E2 for
L/2 < x < L with E1 = E2 .
(ii) Establish the principle of virtual work formulation for this problem.
u1 (0) = 0
380 5. The principle of virtual work
u2 (L) = 0
u1 |( L ) = u2 |( L ) .
2 2
(I) If a stress field τ for which the virtual work of the stresses is equal to the
virtual work of the externally applied forces for any virtual displacement
field δu, zero at the fixed boundary, then this stress field also satisfies
the differential equilibrium (equation (5.2)) and the stress equilibrium at
the free boundary, i.e., the force boundary condition (equation (5.6)).
(II) If a stress field τ satisfies differential equilibrium (equation (5.2)) and the
force boundary condition (equation (5.6)) then for any virtual displace-
ments δu, zero at the fixed boundary, the internal virtual work of this
stress field is equal to the virtual work of the externally applied forces
(the reverse of (I)).
⎡ ⎤
ū(x, y, z)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
ū = ⎢ v̄(x, y, z) ⎥
⎣ ⎦
w̄(x, y, z)
is the column matrix which represents the virtual displacement field. Note
that by the definition of the virtual displacement field ū = 0 on Su .
Therefore the virtual work statement reads2
ε̄ τ dV = ū f dV + ūT f S dS. (5.29)
V V Sf
Example 5.5
In the context of a 3-D body, show that if a stress field satisfies differ-
ential equilibrium and the force boundary conditions then the virtual work
statement is satisfied by this stress field.
The differential equilibrium equations for a 3-D body are given by equa-
tions (3.114) and the force boundary conditions by equations (3.117) which
are assumed to be satisfied by the stress field τxx , τyy , τzz , τxy , τxz , τyz
Let ū(x, y, z), v̄(x, y, z) and w̄(x, y, z) be an arbitrarily chosen displace-
ment field such that
ū = 0, v̄ = 0, w̄ = 0 on Su . (5.30)
∂ ∂
(τxx ū + τyx v̄ + τzx w̄) + (τxy ū + τyy v̄ + τzy w̄) +
V ∂x ∂y
+ (τxz ū + τyz v̄ + τzz w̄) +
∂ ū ∂v̄ ∂ w̄ ∂v̄ ∂ ū
− τxx + τyy + τzz + τyx + τxy +
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y
∂ w̄ ∂ ū ∂ w̄ ∂v̄
τzx + τxz + τzy + τyz
∂x ∂z ∂y ∂z
+fxB ū + fyB v̄ + fzB w̄ dV = 0. (5.34)
The following mathematical identity follows from the use of the divergence
∂ ∂
(τxx ū + τyx v̄ + τzx w̄) + (τxy ū + τyy v̄ + τzy w̄) +
V ∂x ∂y
+ (τxz ū + τyz v̄ + τzz w̄) dV
= [(τxx ū + τyx v̄ + τzx w̄) nx + (τxy ū + τyy v̄ + τzy w̄) ny +
[(τxx nx + τxy ny + τxz nz ) ū + (τyx nx + τyy ny + τyz nz ) v̄+
We note that the strains with the overbar are obtained from the virtual dis-
placement field using the strain-displacement relations (3.115) and therefore
are virtual strains. Re-writing (5.37) using matrix quantities gives
ε̄ τ dV = ū f dV + ūT f S dS (5.38)
V V Sf
( ∂ ū) T C ∂ ū dV = ūT f B dV + ūT f S dS (5.39)
V V Sf
Note that we have used equations (4.330) and (4.331) to enforce the strain-
displacement and constitutive requirements.
Since all field and boundary conditions of the differential formulation
are represented in the above variational formulation and vice-versa, these
formulations are equivalent.
Of course, we can similarly derive the principle of virtual work for all
differential formulations considered in Chapter 4 and all the results above
are valid for these models. We detail below the derivation of the principle of
virtual work for some of these models.
5.2.2 The principle of virtual work for the plane stress model
Figure 4.5 describes a plane stress situation. The non-zero stress components
are τxx , τyy and τxy , and the non-zero strain components are εxx , εyy , γxy , εzz .
Starting from the general expression of the internal virtual work of the 3-D
elasticity problem and introducing the plane stress assumptions we have
ε̄T τ dV = (ε̄xx τxx + ε̄yy τyy + ε̄zz · 0 + γ̄xy τxy ) dz dA
V A −h/2
=h (ε̄xx τxx + ε̄yy τyy + γ̄xy τxy ) dA
where we used h to be constant.
Since both the body forces and surface tractions are assumed to have non-
zero components only on the xy plane and do not depend on z, the external
virtual work reads
u f dV + uT f S dS =
V Sf
Throughout the discussion, we assume that u and ū are continuous
386 5. The principle of virtual work
+h/2 +h/2
= ū fxB + v̄ fyB dz dA + ū fxS + v̄ fyS dz dL
A −h/2 Lf −h/2
=h ū fxB + v̄ fyB dA + h ū fxS + v̄ fyS dL.
A Lf
with V = h × A and Sf = h × Lf .
Using the column matrix quantities defined in Chapter 4 for the plane
stress and plane strain models, we are led to the principle of virtual work for
plane stress
h ε̄ τ dA = h ū f dA + h ūT f S dL (5.40)
A A Lf
Example 5.6
which leads to
XA = 0, YA + YB + t fyB dA + t fyS dx = 0
A 0
5.2 The principle of virtual work in 2-D and 3-D analyses 387
Fig. 5.7. a) Definition of the plane stress problem, fxB = 0, fyB = −2400 N/m3 ,
t = 0.1 m (thickness); b) Equilibrium of the plate including reactions
YB L + t fyB xdA + t fyS xdx = 0
A 0
Fi δdi
0 = XA
which is the equilibrium equation in the x direction.
Considering now a translation in the y direction of magnitude Δy , we
388 5. The principle of virtual work
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
0 0
0=t 0 Δy ⎣ ⎦ dA+t 0 Δy ⎣ ⎦ dL+YA Δy +YB Δy
A fyB 0 fyS
0 = YA + YB + t fyB dA + t fyS dx
A 0
⎡ ⎤
−dθ y
ū = ⎣ ⎦.
dθ x
5.2.3 The principle of virtual work for the plane strain model
The plane strain model was discussed in Section 4.1.1. Due to the kinematic
assumptions the strains εzz = γyz = γzx = 0 and the non-zero components
are, therefore, εxx , εyy and γxy . The stresses τxx , τyy , τxy and τzz are, in
general, non-zero.
Since in plane strain we have for every section the same stress and strain
fields, and loading, we can take a unit thickness to write the principle of
virtual work. Analogously to what we did for the plane stress model, we can
use the matrix quantities defined in Chapter 4. Following the derivations of
the plane stress case and considering a unit thickness, the principle of virtual
work reads
ε̄ τ dA = ū f dA + ūT f S dL. (5.42)
A A Lf
d2 w
εxx = −z
we obtain
390 5. The principle of virtual work
L L 2
d2 w̄ M d w̄
δWi = −z 2 − z dA dx = 2
M dx
0 A dx I 0 dx
Recall that κ = ddxw2 is the curvature of the axis of the beam for infinitesimally
small displacements. Considering only a transverse distributed force p as the
external load, the principle of virtual work for a beam, for example, clamped
at both ends reads
κ̄M dx = w̄p dx
0 0
for all w̄, w̄(0) = w̄(L) = 0 = ddxw̄ (0) = ddxw̄ (L) and κ = ddxw̄2 .
This result was anticipated since for this model τ = [M ] and ε = [κ] (note
that, if one end of the beam is free and subjected to an externally applied
force or moment, their virtual work contribution should be included in δWe ).
In this section we discuss the concept of strain and potential energy for 3-D
elastic solids.
Let us extend, to a 3-D linear elastic solid, the concept of strain energy
introduced in Chapter 2 for a truss bar, i.e., for a one-dimensional state of
stress and strain.
Recall that the internal work per unit of volume in a 1-D state of stress
and strain for a linear elastic material is given by
1 1
W (ε) = τ (ε) dε = τ ε = Eε2
0 2 2
which gives the total work per unit of volume at a point performed by the
stress throughout the deformation, that is, from a stress-free state to the
current state. Then, the total strain energy is defined as
U(ε) = W (ε) dV.
Also recall that the strain energy depends only on the current state of
deformation and gives the energy stored as elastic deformation.
Considering a 3-D elastic solid, we can generalize the above concepts
defining the internal work per unit of volume or the strain energy density by
5.3 Strain and potential energy in 3-D 391
W (εxx , εyy , εzz , γxy , γxz , γyz ) = (τxx εxx + τyy εyy
1 T
+τzz εzz + τxy γxy + τyz γyz + τzx γzx ) = ε τ
1 T
= ε Cε
and the total strain energy by
U(ε) = W (ε) dV = εT Cε dV.
V 2 V
Sometimes we use the notation
a(v, v) = 2 U(ε(v)) = ( ∂ε v )T C∂ε v dV (5.43)
which gives twice the strain energy associated with the displacement field v.
There are two important results regarding the total potential energy which
we discuss below.
(i) The stationarity condition δΠ = 0 is equivalent to the principle of vir-
tual work and the displacement field u which makes Π stationary is the
solution of the elasticity problem.
Let us consider a variation δu from a compatible displacement field u.
Let δε be the strain corresponding to δu. Then
1 T
δΠ = δε C ε (u) + εT (u) CT δε dV
2 V
392 5. The principle of virtual work
− δu f dV −
δuT f S dS = 0.
V Sf
(ii) The total potential energy attains its minimum value for the solution u
of the elasticity problem.
Let us evaluate the potential energy for the displacement field u+δu
where u is the solution of the elasticity problem and δu an arbitrary
variation. Also, let ε and δε be the strain corresponding to the displace-
ments u and δu, respectively.
1 T
Π(u+δu) = (ε+δε) C (ε+δε) dV
2 V
− u +δuT f B dV − u +δuT f S dS
V Sf
= εT C ε dV − uT f B dV − uT f S dS (5.45)
2 V V Sf
+ δε C ε dV −
δu f dV −
δuT f S dS
V V Sf
+ δεT C δε dV
2 V
Note that
5.3 Strain and potential energy in 3-D 393
U (δu) = δεT C δε dV
2 V
We note that the definition of the total potential energy
Π(u) = ( ∂ε u )T C∂ε u dV − uT f B dV − uT f S dS
2 V V Sf
is quite general and is valid for all mathematical models discussed in Chapters
3 and 4 provided, of course, that the variables are those defined in Tables
4.3 and 4.4. Hence the above results (i) and (ii) are also valid for all these