Mca Syllabus
Mca Syllabus
Mca Syllabus
III Semester
Code Name of the subject Periods/week Max. Marks Total Credits
Theory Lab Ext. Int.
V Semester
Code Name of the subject Periods/week Max. Marks Total Credits
Theory Lab Ext. Int.
VI Semester
Code Name of the subject Periods/week Max. Marks Total Credits
Theory Lab Ext. Int.
Text Books:
1. Ashok N. Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. R. G. Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer, Prentice Hall Of India Ltd, New Delhi.
1. E. Balaguruswami, Programming in ANSI C, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
2. R. B. Patel, Fundamental of Computers and Programming in C, Khanna Book Publishing Company PVT.
LTD. Delhi, India, 1st edition, 2008, ISBN: 13: 978‐81‐906988‐7‐0, pp. 1‐962.
3. Yashwant Kanetker, Let us C, BPB Publications.
4. Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India.
6. P.K.Sinha, Priti Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, 3rd Ed., BPB Publications.
7. Kriti Basandra, Gagan Basandra, Computers Today, Galgotia Publications.
8. S.S. Bhatia and Vikram Gupta, Computer Fundamentals, Kalayani Publication.
Secondary Storage
Disks – organization, tracks, sectors, blocks, capacity, non-data overhead, cost of a disk access,Magnetic Tape –
types, performance, organization estimation of tape length and data transmission times
File manager, I/O buffer, I/O processing, buffer strategies and bottlenecks
A stream file, field structures, reading a stream of fields, record structures and that uses a length indicator, Mixing
numbers and characters – use of a hex dump, reading the variable length records from the files
Retrieving records by keys, sequential search, direct access, choosing a record structure and record length, header
records, file access and file organization
Data compression, reclaiming space – record deletion and storage compaction, deleting fixed-length records for
reclaiming space dynamically, deleting variable-length records, space fragmentation, replacement strategies.
Index, A simple index with an entry sequenced file, basic operations on an indexed, entry sequenced file, indexes
that are too large to hold in memory, indexing to provide access by multiple keys, retrieval using combination of
secondary keys, improving the secondary index structure – inverted lists
Indexed sequential access, maintaining a sequence set, adding a simple index to the sequence set, the content of the
index: separators instead of keys, the simple prefix B+ tree, simple prefix B+ tree maintenance, index set block size,
internal set block size, internal structure of index set blocks: a variable order B-tree, loading a simple prefix B+ tree
Collisions in hashing, a simple hashing algorithms, hashing functions and record distributions, memory
requirements, collision resolution by progressive overflow, buckets, deletions
1. Data Structures Using C and C++ Yddish Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M. Tanenbaum,
Prentice Hall Of India (2nd Edition) (Chapters 1 to 8)
2. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications with C++, Sahani Mc-Graw Hill.
Text Book: File Structures – An Object Oriented Approach with C++ by Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick and Greg
Riccardi,, Pearson
1. Sets, relations and functions: Operations on sets, relations and functions, binary relations, partial ordering
relations, equivalence relations, principles of mathematical induction.
3. Algebraic structures and morphisms: Algebraic structures with one binary operation - semigroups,
monoids and groups, congruence relation and quotient structures. Free and cyclic monoids and groups,
permutation groups, substructures, normal subgroups.
4. Algebraic structures with two binary operations, Lattices, Principle of Duality, Distributive and
Complemented Lattices, Boolean Lattices and Boolean Algebras, Uniqueness of Finite Boolean Algebras,
Boolean Functions and Boolean Expressions, Propositional Calculus.
5. Mathematical logic: Syntax, semantics of Propositional and predicate calculus, valid, satisfiable and
unsatisfiable formulas, encoding and examining the validity of some logical arguments.
6. Proof techniques: forward proof, proof by contradiction, contrapositive proofs, proof of necessity and
7. Graph Theory: Graphs and digraphs, trees, Eulerian cycle and Hamiltonian cycle, adjacency and
incidence matrices, vertex colouring, planarity.
Text Book
J. P. Tremblay and R. P. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Computer Organization, CPU Organization, Memory subsystem Organization, and Interfacing,
I/O Subsystem Organization and Interfacing, a relative Simple Computer, An8085 Based Computer
2. Computer arithmetic & Digital Logic Fundamentals: Unsigned, Notation, Signed Notation, Binary Code
Decimal, Specialized Arithmetic Hardware, Floating Point Numbers, The IEEE 754 Floating Point
Standard; Boolean Algebra, Basic functions, Mapping Boolean Functions, Combinatorial Logic,
Combinational Circuits, Sequential circuits.
3. Register Transfer Languages: Micro Operations and Register Transfer Language, RTL Specification, Digital
systems, More Complex Digital Systems, VHDL-VHSIC Hardware Description Language
4. Instruction Set architecture: Levels of Programming Languages,< Assembly Language Instructions,
Instruction Set Architecture Design, A Relatively Sample Instruction Set Architecture, 8085 Microprocessor
Instruction Set Architecture.
5. CPU Design: Specifying a CPU, Design & Implementation of a Very Simple CPU, Short comings of the
simple CPUs, Internal Architecture of the 8085 microprocessor.
6. Microprocessor Control Unit Design: Basic Micro-sequencer Design, Design and Implementation of very
simple Micro-sequencer, Reducing the number of Micro Instructions, Micro-prgrammed controls Hardware
Control, A(Mostly) Micro-coded CPU, The Pentium Microprocessor.
7. Memory & I/O Organization: Hierarchical Memory systems, Cache Memory Systems, Virtual Memory.,
Memory Management in a Pentium/Windows Personal computer, Input/output Organization, Organization
of Asynchronous Data Transfers, Programmed I/O, Interrupts, Directory Memory Acess,I/OProcessors,
Serial Communications, Serial Communication Standards.
Text Book:
1. Computer Systems Organization & Architecture, John D. Carpinelli, Addison Wesley
Longman, Inc ./ Pearson Education , 1993
Reference Book:
1. Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2007
2. Computer Architecture and organization: Design Principles and Applications, B. Govindarajalu,
TMH Publishing Company Ltd., 2004
3. Fundamentals of Computer organization and Design, Sivarama P. Dandamudi Springer
International Edition, 2004
1. Principles Of Accounting : Nature And Scope Of Accounting, Double Entry System Of Accounting,
Introduction To Basic Books Of Accounts Of Sole Proprietary Concern, Closing Of Books Of
Accounts And Preparation Of Trial Balance.
2. Final Accounts : Trading, Profit And Loss Accounts And Balance Sheet Of Sole Proprietary
Concern With Normal Closing Entries. (With numerical problems)
3. Ratio Analysis: Meaning, Advantages, Limitations, Types of Ratio and Their Usefulness.
(Theory only) Fund Flow Statement: Meaning Of The Term Fund, Flow Of Fund, Working Capital Cycle,
Preparation and Inter-preparation Of Statement.
4. Costing: Nature, Importance And Basic Principles. Budget and Budgetary Control: Nature And Scope,
Importance Method Of Finalization And Master Budget, Functional Budgets.
5. Marginal Costing : Nature, Scope, Importance, Construction Of Break Even Chart, Limitations And
Uses Of Break Even Chart, Practical Applications Of Marginal Costing.(with numerical problems)
6. Introduction To Computerized Accounting System: Coding Logic And Codes Required, Master
Files, Transaction Files, Introduction To Documents Used For Data Collection, Processing Of Different
Files And Outputs Obtained.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Accountancy. T.S.Grewal.
2. Management Accountancy, S .P.Jain.
Reference Book:
1. Introduction To Accounting, G.Agarwal.
Objective: The Objective of this lab is to make student to learn techniques for attacking and writing C programs for
various types of problems. This emphasis should be on writing correct and efficient programs in C.The programs
should include all the ones suggested below but should not be limited to them only. The examiner need not stick to
these programs only in the examination.
1 BASIC TECHNIQUES: Swapping of the contents of two variables- Finding the sum of digits of a
given number- Reversing a given number.
2 DECISION MAKING: Finding the largest and the smallest of a given array- solving a quadratic
equation- selecting an operation based on a menu.
3 LOOPING TECHNIQUES & ARRAYS: Finding the sum to n terms of a sine series - Matrix
Multiplication- Transpose-Polynomial addition- Polynomial Multiplication- Sorting algorithms-
Searching algorithms.
4 CHARACTERS AND STRING HANDLING: Finding the length of string-reversal of string-
concatenation of two strings -checking whether it is a palindrome or not- converting upper case
alphabets to lowercase and vice versa in a string.
5 POINTERS, STRUCTURES AND UNIONS: Finding the sum of all elements of an array using
pointers- Swapping the contents of two variables using pointers- Finding the first and second rank
holders and printing their names and roll numbers, in a class of 60 students using structures-
Defining a complex number as structure and wring a program to illustrate the operations on complex
numbers-Some examples of Unions.
6 FILES & OTHER TOPICS: Copying and concatenation of files- Bit wise operations - Command line
parameters- C preprocessor directives- Macros.
7 Implementation of ADT Linked list.
8 Implementation of Stack using arrays.
9 Implementation of Queue using arrays.
10 Conversion of prefix expression into post-fix form using stacks.
11 Implementation of Binary tree and its Traversals
a)Preorder b)Inorder c)Postorder.
12 Write a C Programming to implement the following Sorting techniques
a)Bubblesort b)Quick sort c)Merge sort d)Heap Sort
3. Flip-Flops
4. Counters
5. Shift Registers
7. A L U
Code Name of the subject Periods/week Max. Marks Total Credits
Theory Lab Ext. Int.
1. First question contains small questions like bits (carries 2 or 3marks) to cover all topics of the syllabus
2. Questions 2-8 contain essay type from all topics of the syllabus. Kindly do not set one single essay question; please do
compound a question.
1. Probability: Definitions of probability, Addition theorem, Conditional probability, Multiplication theorem, Bayes‘
Theorem of Probability and Geometric Probability.
2. Random variables and their properties: Discrete Random Variable, Continuous Random Variable, Probability
Distribution, Joint Probability Distributions their Properties, Transformation Variables, Mathematical Expectations,
Probability Generating Functions.
3. Probability Distributions: Discrete Distributions : Binomial, Poisson Negative Binominal Distributions And Their
Properties; Continuous Distributions : Uniform, Normal, Exponential Distributions And Their Properties.
4. Multivariate Analysis : Correlation, Correlation Coefficient, Rank Correlation, Regression Analysis, Multiple
Regression, Attributes, Coefficient Of Association, 2 – Test For Goodness Of Fit, Test For Independence.
5. Estimation: Sample, Populations, Statistic, Parameter, Sampling Distribution, Standard Error, Un-biasedness,
Efficiency, Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Notion & Interval Estimation.
6. Testing of Hypothesis: Formulation of Null hypothesis, critic al region, level of significance, power of the test;
7. Sample Tests: Small Sample Tests : Testing equality of .means, testing equality of variances, test of correlation
coefficient, test for Regression Coefficient; Large Sample tests : Tests based on normal distribution
8. Queuing Theory : Queue description, characteristics of a queuing model, study state solutions of M/M/1: Model,
M/M/1 ; N Model, M/M/C: Model, M/M/C: N Model , Case studies
Text Books :
1. Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,Walpole, Myers, Myers, Ye. Pearson Education.
2. Probability, Statistics and Random Processes T.Veerarajan Tata McGraw – Hill
Reference Book:
1. Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Applications, Kishor S. Triv edi, Prentice Hall of
India ,1999
MCA 2.2 Data Base Management Systems
1. Database Systems: Introduction to the Database Systems, Concepts of Relational Models and Relational
Algebra. SQL: Introduction to SQL Queries, Integrity Constraints, Joins, Views, Intermediate and Advanced
SQL features and Triggers.
2. Database Design: Overview of the Design process, E-R Models, Functional dependencies and other kinds of
dependencies, Normal forms, Normalization and Schema Refinement.
3. Database Application Design and Development: User Interfaces and Tools, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL,
Cursors and Stored procedures, JDBC, Security and Authorization in SQL, Internet Applications.
5. Database System Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server Architecture, Server system Architecture,
Parallel and Distributed database, Object based databases and XML. Advanced data types in databases. Cloud
based data storage systems.
7. Case Studies: Postgre SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2 Universal Database, Microsoft SQL Server.
Text Books:
1. Database System Concepts, Avi Silberschatz , Henry F. Korth , S. Sudarshan McGraw-Hill, Sixth Edition, ISBN
1. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke,McGraw-Hill.
MCA 2.3 Object Oriented Programming With C++ & JAVA
1. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Basic Concepts of Finite State Systems, Deterministic and
Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata with є -moves, Regular Expressions, Mealy and Moore Machines,
Two-Way Finite Automate, Applications of FSM.
2. Regular sets & Regular Grammars: Basic Definitions of Formal Languages and Grammars, Regular Sets and Regular
Grammars, Closure Properties of Regular Sets, Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets, Decision Algorithm for Regular Sets,
Myhill-Nerode Theorem, Minimization of Finite Automata.
3. Context Free Grammars and Languages: Context Free Grammars and Languages, Derivation Trees, Simplification
of Context Free Grammars, Normal Forms, Pumping Lemma for CFL, Closure properties of CFL‘s, Decision Algorithm
for CFL.
4. Push down Automata: Informal Description, Definitions, Push-Down Automata and Context free
Languages, Parsing and Push-Down Automata.
5. Turing Machines: The Definition of Turing Machine, Design and Techniques for Construction of Turing Machines,
Combining Turing Machines.
6. Universal Turing Machines and Undecidability : Universal Turing Machines. The Halting Problem, Variants of Turing
Machines, Restricted Turing Machines , Decidable & Undecidable Problems - Post Correspondence Problem.
7. Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages: Regular Grammars, Unrestricted Grammars, Context Sensitive languages,
Relationship between Classes of Languages.
Text books:
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations – J.E. Hopcroft, & J.D. Ullman , Pearson Education Asia.
Reference books:
3. Leadership: Meaning and definition, Importance of Leadership, Leadership styles, Communication: Process of
Communication, Importance, Forms of Communication and Barriers in Communication.
4. Group Dynamics : Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Behavior and Group Performance Factors.
5. Organizational Conflicts: Reasons for Conflicts, Consequences of Conflicts in Organizations, Types of Conflict,
Strategies for Managing Conflicts, Organizational Climate and Culture.
6. Management Information System : Nature and Scope, Characteristics and Functions. Classification of MIS - Transaction
Processing System, Management Information System, Decision Support System, Executive Support System, Office
Automation System and Business Expert System.
7. Functional Information Systems: Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources Information Systems;
Objectives and Functions of Information Resource Management.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Organizational Behaviour – L.M.Prasad, Sultan Chand and sons
2. Management Information Systems - L.M.Prasad, Usha Prasad , Sultan Chand and sons
3. Management Information Systems – Kanter Jerma , PHI
1. First question contains small questions like bits (carries 2 or 3marks) to cover all topics of the syllabus
2. Questions 2-8 contain essay type from all topics of the syllabus. Kindly do not set one single essay question;
please do compound a question.
1. Introduction to Operating Systems: Over view of Operating Systems, Types Of Operating Systems,
Operating System Structures, Operating-System Services, System Calls, Virtual Machines, Operating
System Design and Implementation.
2. Process Management: Process Concepts, Operations On Processes, Cooperating Processes, Threads,
Inter Process Communication, Process Scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple -Processor
Scheduling. Thread Scheduling.
3. Process Synchronization: The Critical Section Problem, Semaphores, And Classical Problems Of
Synchronization, Critical Regions, Monitors, Synchronization examples
4. Deadlocks: principles of Deadlocks,-System Model, Deadlocks Characterization, Methods For
Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock- Prevention, Avoidance, Detection,& Recovery from Deadlocks
5. Memory Management: Logical Versus Physical Address, Swapping, contiguous memory allocation,
paging, structure of the page table , segmentation, , Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Page
Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing
6. File System Implementation: Concept of a file, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File
System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free Space Management, Directory Management, Device
7. Mass-storage structure: overview of Mass-storage structure, Disk structure, disk attachment, disk
scheduling, swap-space management.
8. Case study
Overview groups of UNIX,LINUX, Windows NT Operating systems
Text Books:
1. Operating Systems, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, Wiley John
Publ., Seventh Edition.
3. Data Link Control, Error Detection & Correction, Sliding Window Protocols, LANs &
MANs: IEEE Standards for LANs & MANs-IEEE Standards 802.2, 802.3, 802.4, 802.5,
802.6, High Speed LANs.
6. Over View of DNS, SNMP, Electronic Mail, FTP, TFTP, BOOTP, HTTP Protocols,
World Wide Web, Firewalls.
1. Introduction to HTML , Core Elements , Links and Addressing, Images , Text , Colors and Background,
Lists, Tables and Layouts , Frames, Forms , Cascading Style Sheets.
2. Introduction to Java Scripts, Elements of Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script
3. Document type definition, XML Syntax, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML, Using
XML Processors
4. JDBC OBJECTS- JDBC Driver Types, JDBC Packages, Database Connection, Statement Objects, Result
5. JDBC and Embedded SQL - Tables, Inserting Data into Tables , Selecting Data from a Table, Meta Data
,Updating Table , Deleting data from Table , Joining Table , Calculating Data, Grouping and Ordering Data ,
Sub quires ,View.
6. Introduction to Servlet, Servlet Life Cycles, Servlet Basics, Tomcat Web Server, Configuring Apache
Tomcat, Handling Client Request and Response, Handling Cookies, Session Tracking
7. Introduction to JSP, Benefits of JSP, Basic Syntax, Invoking Java code with JSP Scripting Elements, JSP
Page Directive, Including Files in JSP Pages,
8. Introduction to Java Beans, Using JAVA Bean Components in JSP Documents, MVC Architecture.
Text Books:
1. Web Programming, building internet applications, 2nd Ed., Chris Bates, Wiley Dreamtech
2. The complete Reference HTML and DHTML, Thomas A. Powey
3. The complete Reference J2ME, James Keogh
4. Core Servlets and Java Server Pages, Marty Hall Larry Brown, Second Edition
Reference Books:
2. Standard Form of LPP, Basic Feasible Solutions , Unrestricted Variables, Simplex Algorithm ,
Artificial Variables, Big M M e t h o d , Two Phase Simplex Method, Degeneracy, Alternative Optimal,
Unbounded Solutions, Infeasible Solutions, Primal And Dual Problems And Their Relations, Dual
Simplex Method
3. Transportation Problem as LPP, Initial Solutions, North West Corner Rule, Lowest Cost Method, Vogels
Approximation Method, Optimum Solutions of TPP, Degeneracy in Transportation, Transportation
Algorithms ,
4. Assignment Problem , Assignment Problem as LPP, Hungarian Method, Travelling Salesman Problem,
Solutions Of TSP, Sequencing Problems, N-Jobs Two Machine Problems, N-Jobs K Machines Problems,
Two-Jobs M- Machine Problems, Crew Scheduling Problems
5. Network Representation of A Project, CPM and PERT , Critical Path Calculations, Time – Cost
Optimizations, PERT Analysis and Probability Considerations, Resource Analysis in Network
6. Replacement Problems-Individual And Group Replacement Policy, Reliability & System Failure Problems,
Inventory-Factors Effecting Inventory-EOQ, Inventory Problems With and Without Shortages, Inventory
Problems With Price Breakups, Multi Item Deterministic Problems. Probabilistic Inventory Problems
2. Search: Issues in The Design of Search Programs, Un-Informed Search, BFS, DFS; Heuristic Search
Techniques: Generate-And- Test, Hill Climbing, Best-First Search, A* Algorithm, Problem Reduction,
AO*Algorithm, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis.
4. Symbolic Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Predicate Logic: Representing Instance and is-a
Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates, Syntax & Semantics of FOPL, Normal Forms,
Unification &Resolution, Representation Using Rules, Natural Deduction.
5. Structured Representations of Knowledge: Semantic Nets, Partitioned Semantic Nets, Frames, Conceptual
Dependency, Conceptual Graphs, Scripts, CYC; Matching Techniques, Partial Matching, Fuzzy Matching
Algorithms and RETE Matching Algorithms.
7. Experts Systems: Overview of an Expert System, Structure of an Expert Systems, Different Types of
Expert Systems- Rule Based, Model Based, Case Based and Hybrid Expert Systems, Knowledge
Acquisition and Validation Techniques, Black Board Architecture, Knowledge Building System Tools,
Expert System Shells,
Text Book:
1. First question contains small questions like bits (carries 2 or 3marks) to cover all topics of the syllabus
2. Questions 2-8 contain essay type from all topics of the syllabus. Kindly do not set one single essay question;
please do compound a question.
MCA 4.1 Design & Analysis of Algorithms
2. The General Method of Divide and Conquer, Merge sort , Quick Sort , Analysis of Quick Sort
Binary Search, Large Integer Multiplication, Strassen‘s Matrix multiplication, Closest Pair and
Convex Hull Problems
3. Basic Traversal & Search, BFS, DFS, Heaps, Maintaining The Heap Property, Building A Heap,
The Heap Sort Algorithm, Quick Sort, Performance, , Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort,
Topological Sorting. Minimum and Maximum Expected and Worst Case.
4. The General Method of Greedy Technique, Knapsack Problem, Job Sequencing With Deadlines,
Strongly Connected Components, Growing A Minimum Spanning Tree, Prims And Kruskals
Algorithms, Single Source Shortest Paths, Dijkstras Algorithm, An Activity Selection Problem-
Elements of Greedy Strategy, Huffman Codes, Huffman Trees
5. The General Method of Dynamic Programming, The Bellman-Ford Algorithm- Multi Stage graphs,
All pairs Shortest Paths, Assembly-line Scheduling, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest
Common Subsequence, Optimal Binary Search Trees
6. General Method of Back Tracking, Eight Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets, Graph Colouring,
Hamilton Cycles, Knapsack problem; Branch & Bound Technique, FIFO, 0/1 Knap Sack Problem ,
Travelling Salesman Problem
7. NP Problems, Polynomial Time and its Verification, NP-Completeness, Reducibility Proofs and
NP-Complete Problems, The Vertex Cover Problem, The Travelling Salesman‘s Problem, The Set
Cover Problem, Randomization and Linear Programming;
8. The Subset-sum problem, Lower bounds for sorting- The Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson‘s
Algorithm for Sparse Matrices, Flow Networks, The Ford-Fulkerson Method, Maximum Bipartite
Text Book:
1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Horowitz and Sahni, Galgothia publications.
2. Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald R.
Rivest & Clifford Stein, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
3. The Design and Analysis of computer Algorithms, by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman, Pearson
4. Algorithm Design by Michel T. Goodrich & Roberto Tamassia, , John Weily and sons
5. Fundamentals of sequential and parallel algorithms, by Kenneth A. Berman & JeromeL.
Paul, Vikas Publishing House
6. Introduction to the design and analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin, Pearson Education, 2003.
7. Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest : Prentice Hall of India.
MCA 4.2 Object Oriented Software Engineering
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Software Engineering
Nature Of The Software, Types Of Software , Software Engineering Projects, Software Engineering
Activities, Software Quality, Introduction To Object Orientation, Concepts Of Data Abstraction,
Inheritance & Polymorphism, Software Process Models-Waterfall Model, The Opportunistic Model , The
Phased Released Model, The Spiral Model, Evolutionary Model, The Concurrent Engineering Model
2. Requirements Engineering: Domain Analysis, Problem Definition And Scope, Requirements Definition,
Types Of Requirements, Techniques For Gathering And Analyzing Requirements, Requirement
Documents, Reviewing, Managing Change In Requirements.
3. Unified Modeling Language & Use Case Modeling: Introduction To UML, Modeling Concepts, Types Of
UML Diagrams With Examples; User-Centred Design, Characteristics Of Users, Developing Use Case
Models Of Systems, Use Case Diagram, Use Case Descriptions, The Basics Of User Interface Design,
Usability Principles, User Interfaces.
4. Class Design and Class Diagrams: Essentials Of UML Class Diagrams, Associations And Multiplicity, Other
Relationships, Generalization, Instance Diagrams, Advanced Features Of Class Diagrams, Interaction And
Behavioural Diagrams: Interaction Diagrams, State Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Component And
Deployment Diagrams.
6. Software Testing
Overview Of Testing, Testing Concepts, Testing Activities, Testing Strategies, Unit Testing, Integration
Testing, Function Testing, Structural Testing, Class Based Testing Strategies, Use Case/Scenario Based
Testing, Regression Testing, Performance Testing, System Testing, Acceptance Testing, Installation
Testing, OO Test Design Issues, Test Case Design, Quality Assurance, Root Cause Analysis, Post-Mortem
1. Simple Chat Instant Messaging System
2. GPS Based Automobile Navigation System
3. Waste Management Inspection Tracking System (WMITS)
4. Geographical Information System
Text Book:
6. Introduction to Macros, various types of Macros, Design of Macro Processor – Single Pass & Double
7. Introduction to Loaders, functions of a loader, types of Loaders, databases used in Loaders, Design
of Loaders - Absolute & DLL; Introduction to Software Tools, Text editors, Interpreters, Program
Generators, Debug Monitors.
1.Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 Ramesh S. Gaonkar, 4th
Edition, Penram International, 1999
2. Systems Programming, Donovan, Tata Mc Graw Hill
References :
1. The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications, Water
A. Triebel and Avtar Singh, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2003
2. IBM PC Assembler Language and Programming, Peter Abel, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2001
3. Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware, 2nd Edition, Douglass V. Hall, TMH Edition, 1999
4. System Programming, Dhamdhere (IInd Revised Edition), Tata Mc Graw Hill
5. System Software, Leland. L. Beck, Pearson Education.
MCA 4.6
Practical: 3 Periods /week Univ-Exam : 3 Hours Credits:2
1. The purpose of the Software Engineering Lab course is to familiarize the students with modern software
engineering methods and tools, Rational Products. The course is realized as a project-like assignment
that can, in principle, by a team of three/four students working full time. Typically the assignments have
been completed during the semester requiring approximately 60-80 hours from each project team.
2. The goal of the Software Engineering Project is to have a walk through from the requirements, design to
implementing and testing. An emphasis is put on proper documentation. Extensive hardware expertise is
not necessary, so proportionate attention can be given to the design methodology.
3. Despite its apparent simplicity, the problem allows plenty of alternative solutions and should be a
motivating and educating exercise. Demonstration of a properly functioning system and sufficient
documentation is proof of a completed assignment
4. Term projects are projects that a group student or might take through from initial specification to
implementation. The project deliverables include
Documentation including
o A problem statement
o A requirements document
A Requirements Analysis Document.
A System Requirements Specification.
A Software Requirements Specification.
A design document
o A Software Design Description and a System Design Document.
A test specification.
Manuals/guides for
o Users and associated help frames
o Programmers
o Administrators (installation instructions)
A project plan and schedule setting out milestones, resource usage and estimated costs.
A quality plan setting out quality assurance procedures
An implementation.
1. Project-based software engineering: An Object-oriented approach, Evelyn Stiller, Cathie
LeBlanc, Pearson Education
2. Visual Modelling with Rational Rose 2002 and UML, Terry Quatrini, Pearson Edusction
3. UML2 Toolkit, Hans -Erik Eriksson, etc; Wiley
MCA 4. 7
Practical: 3 Periods /week Univ-Exam : 3 Hours Credits:2
1. An overview of the .NET framework: Common Language Runtime (CLR), .NET Framework class
library (FCL), ASP.NET to support Internet development , ADO.NET to support database applications,
Languages supported by .NET .
2. An introduction to Visual Studio .NET.
3. An introduction to C#. :
1. Program structure.
2. Basic IO, including output to the console and messages boxes.
3. Data types.
4. Arithmetic operations and expressions.
5. Relational and logical operations.
6. Control structures. These include "if", "while", "do-while", "for", and "switch".
7. Namespaces and methods supplied by the FCL. This section will only identify math methods.
8. Writing methods. Recursion and overloading will be considered.
9. Scoping rules.
10. Arrays and data representation.
11. Class definitions.
12. Properties, indexers, and access control..
13. Inheritance and polymorphism.
14. Delegates.
15. Exception handling.
4. GUI Programming: The use of forms to build GUI applications, Event handling , Creation of various
dialog boxes and menus
5. Files: The same tools that allow us to access file data also allow use to read data from internet sites and
6. The Framework Class Library (FCL) :
1. Containers. Containers are an alternative to the STL of C++.
2. Regular expressions. tool for parsing strings and splitting up a string according to some criteria.
3. The mail classes. classes to read and write mail.
4. Internet classes. classes to perform such tasks as reading data from web pages.
5. Processes. tools available to control other processes.
7. Multithreading. building multithreaded applications including synchronization issues.
8. Graphic programming.
9. New features in .NET 2005.
10. Language interoperability. Procedures for getting different languages to communicate with one and
other, the problem of interacting with unmanaged code.
Text Book:
1. Deitel et al. Visual C# 2010 How to program. Prentice-Hall Inc, 2011, Fourth
Reference Book:
2. Programming in C# by E.Balagurusamy.
3. The Complete Reference ASP.NET by Matthew Macdonald.
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction: Computer Graphics and their applications, Graphics- Computer Aided Design-
Computer Art- Entertainment- Education and Training- Visualization- Image Processing-
Graphical User Interfaces; Over view of Graphics systems: Video Display Devices, Raster Scan
systems, random scan systems, Graphics monitors and workstations, Input devices, hard copy
devices, Graphics software
2. Output primitives: Points and Lines, , Line and Curve Attributes-Color and Gray scale levels
Line Drawing Algorithms, Loading the Frame buffer, Line function, Circle Generating
Algorithms, Ellipse Generating Algorithms-, Other Curves, Parallel Curve Algorithms, Curve
Functions , Pixel Addressing, - Area Fill Attributes-, Filled Area Primitives, Filled Area Functions,
Cell Array, Character Generation, Character Attributes, Bundled Attributes, Inquiry Functions ,
4. Two Dimensional Viewing: The viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinate Reference Frame,
Window-to-Viewport Coordinate Transformation, Two Dimensional Viewing Functions ,
Clipping Operations, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping-Curve Clipping, Text and
Exterior Clipping
5. Structure And Hierarchical Modeling: Concepts of Structures and Basic models, Editing ,
Hierarchical Modeling with Structures, GUI and Interactive Input Methods- Windows and Icons ,
Virtual Reality Environments
6. Three Dimensional Concepts and Object representations: 3D display methods-3D Graphics,
Polygon Surfaces, Curved Lines and Surfaces, Quadratic Surfaces, Super Quadrics, Blobby
Objects, Spline Representations , Cubic Spline methods, Bézier Curves and Surfaces, B Spline
Curves and Surfaces
7. Three Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations: Translation-, Rotation,
scaling, Other Transformations, Composite Transformations , 3D Transformation Functions ,
Modeling and Coordinate Transformations, Three Dimensional Viewing: Viewing Pipeline-
Viewing Coordinates, Projections , View Volumes, General Projection
Transformations , Clipping-,Hardware Implementations, Three Dimensional Viewing
Text Book:
1) Computer Graphics C Version, Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker , Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2004 (Chapters 1 to 12 except 10-9 to 10-22)
Reference Books:
1) Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, David F. Rogers, Tata McGraw Hill Book Company,
New Delhi, 2003
2) Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice in C, J. D. Foley, S. K Feiner, A VanDam F. H John
Pearson Education, 2004
3) Computer Graphics us ing Open GL, Franscis S Hill Jr, Pearson Education, 2004.
MCA 4.4 Elective I
Compiler Design
The Theory of Automata: Definition and description, Transition systems, properties, Acceptability of
string, NDFA, Equivalence in between DFA & NDFA. Grammars, Types of Grammars, Grammars and
Automata, Regular expressions, Finite Automata and Regular expressions, Regular sets and Regular
Design of Parsers: Shift Reduce parser, Operator Precedence Parser, Predictive Parser, LR parser, SLR
parser. LALR parser.
Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed translation and implementation, Intermediate code, Postfix
notation, parsing tree, Three address Code, Quadruples, Triples.
Intermediate Code Optimization: The principle sources of optimization, Loop Optimization, DAG,
Global data flow analysis.
Code Generation: Problems, Machine model, A simple code generator, Register allocation and
assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peep hole optimization.
Text Book
Principles of Compiler Design by Aho, D. Ullman
Reference Books:
Compiler Construction by Kenneth. C. Louden, Vikas Pub. House.
MCA 4.4 Elective I
Mathematical Modeling & Simulation
5. Monte Carlo Methods: Basics of the Monte Carlo method - Algorithms for Monte Carlo
simulation - Applications to systems of classical particles - modified Monte Carlo
techniques - percolation system - variation Monte Carlo method - diffusion Monte
Carlo method - Quantum Monte Carlo method.
Text Books:
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Text Books:
1. An Embedded Software Primer, David A. Simon, Pearson Education, Inc., 1999
2. Embedded Real Time Systems programming, Sriram V Iyer and Pankaj Gupta, TMH,
Reference Books:
1. Embedded Systems Design – A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, Frank
Vahid/ Tony Givargis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002
2. Embedded Systems, Architecture, Programming and Design, Raj Kamal, TMH, 2003
MCA 4.5 Elective II
Distributed Databases
Text Books:
3. Distributed Database Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M.Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez - Pearson Education.
4. Distributed Database Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, McGraw-Hill
Rference Books:
c.. Edge enhancement filters – Directorial filters, Sobel, Laplacian, Robert, KIRSCH Homogeneity
& DIFF Filters, prewitt filter, Contrast Based edge enhancement techniques. – Comparative study
d. Low Pass filters, High Pass filters, sharpening filters. – Comparative Study
e. Comparative study of all filters
Text Book:
SHAPE REPRESENTATION AND DESCRIPTIONS (Part - 1): Region Identification, Algorithms for
Region Identification, Shape Representation and Description - Chain Codes, Geometric Border
Representation - Boundary Length, Curvature, Bending Energy, Signature, Chord Distribution, Fourier
Transforms of Boundaries, Boundary Description using Segment Sequences, B -Spline Representation, Shape
SHAPE REPRESENTATION AND DESCRIPTION (Part - 2): Region - Based Methods - Area -
Algorithms for Calculation of Area. Euler’s Number, Projections, Eccentricity, Elongatedness,
Rectangularity, Direction, Compactness. Detailed Discussion on - Moments. Convex hull,
Algorithms related to Convex hull. Graph Representation - Algorithm for Skeleton, Algorithm for
Graph Construction. Definitions of Region Decomposition, Region Neighborhood Graphs, Shape Classes.
(1) Pattern R ecognition and Image Analysis, Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Steve Jost , PHI
(2) Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac
Reference Books
Introduction to Antification Neural Networks, S.N. Sivanandam, M. Paul Raj , VIKAS
MCA 4.5 Elective II
Mobile Computing
1. Introduction to mobile computing, novel applications, limitations, and architecture, Internet, The
Ubiquitous Network, Architecture for Mobile Computing, Three-Tier Architecture, Design
Considerations for Mobile Computing, Mobile Computing Through Internet, Mobile-Enabled
5. Data Management Issues, Data Replication For Mobile Computers, Adaptive Clustering
For Mobile Wireless Networks, File System, Disconnected Operations.
10. Mobile Computing Architecture: Internet-The Ubiquitous Network - Architecture for Mobile
Computing - Three-Tier Architecture - Design Considerations for Mobile Computing -
Mobile Computing through Internet - Making Existing Applications Mobile-Enabled.
13. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM): GSM Architecture - Entities - Call
Routing in GSM -PLMN Interfaces - GSM Addresses and Identifiers - Network Aspects in
GSM - GSM Frequency Allocation -Authentication and Security.
14. Short Message Service (SMS): Mobile Computing over SMS - SMS - Value Added
Services through SMS -Accessing the SMS Bearer.
15. GPRS: Packet Data Network - Network Architecture - Network Operations - Data Services
in GPRS -Applications for GPRS - Limitations - Billing and Charging.
16. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): Introduction - WAP - MMS - GPRS Applications.
17. CDMA and 3G: Introduction - Spread-Spectrum Technology - Is-95 - CDMA Vs GSM -
Wireless Data - 3GNetworks and Applications
18. Wireless LAN: Introduction - Advantages - IEEE 802.11 Standards - Architecture -Mobility
- Deploying -Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Net-works - Wireless LAN Security -
WiFi Vs 3G.
21. Peek under the Hood: Hardware Overview - Mobile Phones - PDA - Design Constraints in
Applications for Handheld Devices.
22. Programming for the PALM OS: Introduction - History of Palm OS - Palm OS Architecture -
Application Development - Communication in Palm OS - Multimedia.
23. Wireless Devices with SYMBIAN OS: Introduction - Symbian OS Architecture -Applications
for Symbian - Control and Compound Controls - Active Objects -Localization - Security on
the Symbian OS.
24. J2ME: JAVA in the Handset - Three-Prong Approach to Java Every-where, Java 2 Micro
Edition (J2ME) -Programming for CLDC - GUI in
26. Wireless Devices with Windows CE: Introduction - Different Flavors of Windows CE
- Windows CE Architecture - Windows CE Development Environment.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Database Issues: Data management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive
clustering for mobile wireless networks, file system, disconnected operations.
3. Modern Encryption Techniques: Simplified DES -- DES -- Triple DES -- Block Cipher ,
Design Principles -- Block Cipher Modes of Operation. IDEA -- Security Issues Involved with
these methods.
6. Public Key Cryptography : Principles -- RSA Algorithm. Message Authentication and Hash
Functions -- Hash an MAC Algorithms. Digi Signatures and Authentication Protocols --
Authentication Applications
Motivation and importance, What is Data Mining, Relational Databases, Data Warehouses,
Transactional Databases, Advanced Database Systems and Advanced Database
Applications, Data Mining Functionalities, Interestingness of a pattern Classification of
Data Mining Systems, Major issues in Data Mining.
2. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining
6 Mining Association rule in large Databases, Association Rule Mining, Mining Single-
Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases, Mining Multilevel
Association Rules from Transaction Databases, Mining Multidimensional Association Rules
from Relational Databases and Data Warehouses, From Association Mining to Correlation
Analysis, Constraint-Based Association Mining
Text Book:
Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Morgan
Kaufman Publications
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Data Mining, Adriaan, Addison Wesley Publication
2. Data Mining Techniques, A.K.Pujari, University Press
Introduction to Mobile Communications and Computing: Introduction to cellular concept,
Frequency Reuse, Handoff, GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio interface,
Protocols, Localization and calling, Handover, Security, and New data services, Introduction to
mobile computing, novel applications, limitations, and architecture.
Database Issues: Data management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive
clustering for mobile wireless networks, file system, disconnected operations.
the device, Hand Held Computers, Cellular phones, Smart Phones, Smart cards and Smart
consumer services
Text Books:
1. Pervasive Computing: The Mobile World by Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk
2. Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet
Applications by Jochen Burkhardt , Horst Henn , Stefan Hepper , Klaus
Rindtorff , Thomas Schaeck
1. Advanced Concepts in Networks: Over View of Cellular Networks, Adhoc
Networks, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Sensor Networks, Virtual Private Networks
.Delay Tolerant Networks DTN, Ipvs,.
UNIT II : Filled area primitives: Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-
fill algorithms. Inside and outside tests.
UNIT III : 2-D geometrical transforms: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and
shear transformations, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates, composite
transforms, transformations between coordinate systems. (p.nos 204-227 of text book-1).
UNIT IV : 2-D viewing : The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame,
window to view-port coordinate transformation, viewing functions, Cohen-Sutherland and
Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms, Sutherland –Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
1. Computer Graphics C version, Donald Hearn, M.Pauline Baker, Pearson
2. Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality Systems, Rajesh K Maurya, Wiley
3. Introduction to Computer Graphics, Using Java 2D and 3D, Frank Klawonn, Springer
4. Computer Graphics, Steven Harrington, TMH
5. Computer Graphics, Amarendra N Sinha, Arun Udai, TMH
1. Computer Graphics Principles & practice, 2/e, Foley, VanDam, Feiner, Hughes,
2. Computer Graphics, Peter, Shirley, CENGAGE
3. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Neuman , Sproul, TMH.
4. The Computer Graphics manual, Vol 2, David, Soloman, Springer
5. Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, David F Rogers, 2/e, TMH
V Semester
Code Name of the subject Periods/week Max. Marks Total Credits
Theory Lab Ext. Int.
1. First question contains small questions like bits (carries 2 or 3marks) to cover all topics of the syllabus
2. Questions 2-8 contain essay type from all topics of the syllabus. Kindly do not set one single essay
question; please do compound a question.
MCA 5.1 Wireless and Ad-hoc Networks
6. Other Wireless Technologies: Introduction, IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee, General Architecture,
Physical Layer, MAC layer, Zigbee, WiMAX and IEEE 802.16, Layers and Architecture, Physical
Layer, OFDM Physical layer.
Text Books:
2. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology: Basic Concepts of Data warehouse, Data Modeling
using Cubes and OLAP, DWH Design and usage, Implementation using Data Cubes and OLAPs,
Data Generalization with AOI.
3. Data Cube Technology: Preliminary Concepts of Data Cube Computation, Data Cube
Computation Methods: Multi-way Array Aggregation for Full Cube, BUC Computing for Iceberg
Cubes, Star-Cubing Using Dynamic Star-Tree Structure, Pre-computing Shell Fragments for Fast
High-Dimensional OLAPs.
4. Data Mining Primitives & Data Preprocessing: Data Mining Primitives, Data Mining Tasks, Data
Mining Query Language, Designing Graphical user Interfaces based on a Data Mining Query
language, Data Preprocessing: Pre-processing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration, Data
Reduction, Data Transformation, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.
5. Data Mining Concept Description: Architectures of Data Mining Systems; Characterization and
Comparison, Concept Description, Data Generalization and Summarization; Analytical
Characterization: Analysis of Attribute Relevance, Mining Class Comparisons, Discriminating
between Different Classes, Mining Descriptive & Statistical Measures in Large Databases.
6. Mining Frequent Patterns Based on Associations and Correlations: Basic Concepts, Frequent
Itemset Mining Methods: Apriori Algorithm, Association Rule Generation, Improvements to A
Priori, FP-Growth Approach, Mining Frequent Patterns using Vertical Data Formats, Mining Closed
and Max Patterns, Pattern Evaluation Methods
8. Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts, Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, Partitioning Methods,
Hierarchical Methods, Density Based Methods, Grid Based Methods, Evaluation of Clustering
Text Book:
1. Data Mining- Concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei –Morgan
Kaufmann publishers –--3rd edition
2. Introduction to Data Mining, Adriaan, Addison Wesley Publication
3. Data Mining Techniques, A.K.Pujari, University Press Data mining concepts by Tan,
Steinbech, and Vipin Kumar - Pearson Edu publishers
4. Data Mining –Introductory and Advanced by Margarett Dunham -- Pearson Education
5. Data Warehousing for Real –world by Sam Annahory-- Pearson Education publishers
6. Utility Software, Expert Systems, Measures of Asset Safeguarding and Data Integrity,
7. Information System Audit Management: Managing the Information System Audit Functions
Text Book:
Information Systems Control And Audit By Ron Weber, Pearson Education
Ubiquitous Computing (Pervasive Computing)
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
Text Books:
1. Pervasive Computing: The Mobile World By Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk
2. Pervasive Computing: Technology And Architecture Of Mobile Internet
Applications By Jochen Burkhardt , Horst Henn , Stefan Hepper , Klaus
Rindtorff , Thomas Schaeck
Semantic Web
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction to Semantic Web: Introduction, Semantic Web, URI, RDF, Ontologies, Inferences,
DAML, Semantic Web Languages, Semantic Annotation, Classification, Information Extraction,
Ontology Assignment, XML, Syntax of XML,XML Schema, Semantic Web Structure, Match
Making, Multi Information Retrieving, Digital Signature, Semantic Memory, Semantic Web
3. Web Ontology Languages: OWL Syntax, OWL Species, OWL2 Standards, OWL Formal
Semantics, Description Logics, Model Theoretic Semantics of OWL, SWRL, Semantic Web Rules,
Languages, Syntax of SWRL, Rules and Safety, Implementation & Applications.
5. Ontology Query Languages: Semantic Web Query Languages and Implementations, ROPS( RDF
OWL Processing Systems),SWOPS( SWRL Ontology Processing System, Bench Marking Results,
SPARQL, Query Languages for RDF, Conjunctive Queries for OWLDL.
6. Semantic Web Mining: Introduction, Concepts in Semantic Web Mining,XML, RDF & Web Data
Mining, Ontologies and Web Data Mining,Agents in Web Data Mining, Web Mining and Semantic
Web As a Data Base, semantic Interoperability and Web Mining Web Mining Vs Semantic Web
7. Semantic Web Applications: Web Data Exchange and Syndication, Semantic WIKI‘s,Semantic
Portals, Semantic Meta Data in Data formats Semantic Web in Life Sciences, Ontologies for
standardizations, RIF Applications.
Text Book:
1. Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies, Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krotzsch, Sebastian Rudolph,
CRC Press
2. Web Data Mining and Applications in Business Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, Bavani
Thuraisingham, CRC Press, June 2003
3. A Semantic Web Primer, Paul Groth, Frank van Harmelen, Rinke Hoekstra, The MIT
Press, 2012
4. Programming the Semantic Web, Toby Segaran, Colin Evans, Jamie Taylor Oreilly
Publications, July 2009
5. OWL 2 and SWRL Tutorial, Martin Kuba, Institute of Computer Science,
6. Ontology Query Languages For The Semantic Web: A Ntology Query Languages for The
Semantic Web: A Performance Evaluation, ZHIJUN ZHANG, Ph.D Thesis Presented to
University of Georgia, 2005, Electronic Version:
1. Cloud Computing Basics - Cloud Computing Overview, Applications, Intranets and the Cloud,
First Movers in the Cloud. The Business Case for Going to the Cloud - Cloud Computing
Services, Business Applications, Deleting Your Datacenter,, Thomson
2. Organization and Cloud Computing - When You Can Use Cloud Computing, Benefits,
Limitations, Security Concerns, Regulatory Issues, Cloud Computing with the Titans -
Google, EMC, NetApp, Microsoft, Amazon,, IBMPartnerships.
3. Hardware and Infrastructure - Clients, Security, Network, Services. Accessing the Cloud -
Platforms, Web Applications, Web APIs,Web Browsers. Cloud Storage - Overview, Cloud
Storage Providers, Standards - Application, Client, Infrastructure, Service.
5. Developing Applications - Google, Microsoft, Intuit QuickBase, Cast Iron Cloud, Bungee
Connect, Development, Troubleshooting, Application Management.
6. Local Clouds and Thin Clients - Virtualization in Your Organization, Server Solutions, Thin
Clients, Case Study: McNeilus Steel.
7. Migrating to the Cloud - Cloud Services for Individuals, Cloud Services Aimed at the Mid-
Market, Enterprise-Class Cloud Offerings, Migration, Best Practices and the Future of Cloud
Computing - Analyze Your Service, Best Practices, How Cloud Computing Might Evolve.
Text Books:
1. Cloud Computing-A Practical Approach, Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter.
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Soft Computing: Introduction to Fuzzy Computing, Neural Computing, Genetic Algorithms,
Associative Memory, Adaptive Resonance Theory, Different Tools and Techniques, Usefulness
and Applications.
2. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Introduction, Fuzzy Sets Versus Crisp Sets, Operations on Fuzzy
Sets, Extension Principle, Fuzzy Relations and Relation Equations, Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic
Variables, Fuzzy Logic, Linguistic Hedges, Applications,
3. Interference in fuzzy logic, fuzzy if-then rules, Fuzzy implications and Fuzzy algorithms,
Fuzzifications and Defuzzificataions, Fuzzy Controller, Fuzzy Controllers, Fuzzy Pattern
Recognition, Fuzzy Image Processing, Fuzzy Database.
4. Artificial Neural Network: Introduction, Artificial Neuron and its model, activation functions,
Neural network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks, re-current
networks. Various learning techniques, perception and convergence rule, Auto-associative and
hetro-associative memory , Hebb's Learning, Adaline, Perceptron
5. Multilayer Feed Forward Network, Back Propagation Algorithms, Different Issues Regarding
Convergence of Multilayer Perceptron, Competitive Learning, Self-Organizing, Feature Maps,
Adaptive Resonance Theory, Associative Memories, Applications.
7. Rough Set: Introduction, Imprecise Categories Approximations and Rough Sets, Reduction of
Knowledge, Decision Tables and Applications.
Text Books:
1. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications, S.
Rajsekaran and G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Rough Sets, Z.Pawlak, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1991.
3. Intelligent Hybrid Systems, D. Ruan, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1997
4. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, N.P.Padhy, Oxford University Press.
5. Neural Fuzzy Systems, Chin-Teng Lin & C. S. George Lee, Prentice Hall PTR.
6. Learning and Soft Computing, V. Kecman, MIT Press, 2001
7. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Klir & Yuan, PHI, 1997
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
5. Data Management And Grid Portals: Data Management, Categories and Origins of Structured Data,
Data Management Challenges, Architectural Approaches, Collective Data Management Services,
Federation Services, Grid Portals, First-Generation Grid Portals, Second Generation Grid Portals.
6. Semantic Grid and Autonomic Computing: Meta data and Ontology in the Semantic Web,
Semantic Web services, Layered structure of the Semantic Grid, Semantic Grid activities,
Autonomic Computing
7. Grid Security and Resource Management: Grid Security, A Brief Security Primer, PKI-X509
Certificates, Grid Security, Scheduling and Resource Management, Scheduling Paradigms,
Working principles of Scheduling , A Review of Condor, SGE, PBS and LSF-Grid Scheduling
with QoS.
Text Books:
1. Grid Computing, Joshy Joseph and Craig Fellenstein, Pearson Education 2004.
2. The Grid Core Technologies, Maozhen Li, Mark Baker, John Wiley and Sons , 2005.
Reference Books:
3. The Grid 2 - Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman,
Morgan Kaufman - 2004.
4. Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a reality, Fran Berman, Geoffrey Fox,
Anthony J.G. Hey, John Wiley and sons
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction: Overview of Cluster Computing, The Role of Clusters, Definition and Taxonomy Of
Parallel Computing, Hardware System Structure, Node Software, Resource Management, Distributed
Programming, Limitations
2. Cluster Planning, Architecture , Node Hardware and Node Software, Design Decisions
3. Network Hardware: Internet technologies, Ethernet, cLAN, QsNet, Infiniband, Packet Format, NIC
Architecture, hubs & Switches.
4. Network Software: TCP/IP, Sockets, Higher Level Protocols, Distributed File systems, Remote
Command Execution,
5. Cluster Setup: Installation & Configuration, System Access Models, Assigning Names, Installation of
Node Software, Basic System Administration
6. Clusters Management: Cluster Workload Management Activities, Queuing, scheduling and monitoring,
Resource Management and Accounting
7. Virtualization technologies; Parallel and Virtual file systems, Introduction,Programming with parallel
File systems, Benchmarks
Text Books:
1. Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux, 2nd Edition, edited by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, Thomas
Sterling, MIT Press, 2003
2. In Search of Clusters: The ongoing battle in Lowly Parallel Computing, Gregory F. P Fister, Second
Edition, Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 1998.
3. How to Build a Beowulf - A Guide to the Implementation and Application of PC Clusters, Thomas
Sterling, John Salmon, Donald J. Becker and Daniel F. Savarese, MIT Press, 1999
Big Data Analysis
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction:, Velocity, Variety, Veracity; Drivers for Big Data, Sophisticated Consumers,
Automation, Monetization, Big Data Analytics Applications: Social Media Command Center, Product
Knowledge Hub, Infrastructure and Operations Studies, Product Selection, Design and Engineering,
Location-Based Services, Online Advertising, Risk Management
5. Map-Reduce and the New Software Stack: Distributed File Systems .Physical Organization of
Compute Nodes, Large-Scale File-System Organization, Map-Reduce features: Map Tasks, Grouping by
Key, Reduce Tasks, Combiners, Map-Reduce Execution, Coping With Node Failures, Algorithms
Using Map-Reduce for Matrix multiplication, Relational Algebra operations, Workflow Systems,
Recursive Extensions to Map-Reduce,
6. Communication Cost Models, Complexity Theory for Map-Reduce, Reducer Size and Replication
Rate, Graph Model and Mapping Schemas, Lower Bounds on Replication Rate
7. Mining Data Streams: Stream Data Mode l and Management Stream Source, Stream Queries, and
issues, Sampling Data in a Stream , Filtering Streams, Counting Distinct Elements in a Stream,
Estimating Moments, Counting Ones in a Window, Decaying Windows
8. Link Analysis: PageRanking in web search engines, Efficient Computation of PageRank using Map-
Reduce and other approaches, Topic-Sensitive PageRank , Link Spam, Hubs and Authorities
Text Books:
1. Big Data Analytics:Disruptive Technologies for Changing the Game, Dr. Arvind Sathi,, First Edition
October 2012, IBM Corporation
2. Mining of Massive Datasets, Anand Rajarama, Jure Leskovec, Jeffrey D. Ullman.E-book, 2013
1. Big Data Imperatives, Soumendra Mohanty, Madhu Jagadeesh, Harsha Srivatsa, Apress, e-book of 2012
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
2. Electronic Payment Systems – Types of Electronic Payment Systems, Digital Token-Based, Smart
Cards, Credit Cards, Risks in Electronic Payment Systems, Designing Electronic Payment Systems
3. Electronic Data Inter Change, Inter Organizational Commerce - EDI, EDI Implementation, Value
Added Networks.
4. Intra Organizational Commerce, Macro Forces And Internal Commerce, Work Flow Automation and
Coordination, Customization And Internal Commerce, Supply Chain Management.
5. Business Cases for Document Library, Digital Document Types, Corporate Data Ware-Houses.
6. Advertising And Marketing: Information Based Marketing, Advertising On Internet, Online Marketing
Process, Market Research. Consumer Search and Resource Discovery, Information Search and
Retrieval, Commerce Catalogues, Information Filtering.
7. Multimedia-Key Multimedia Concepts, Digital Video and Electronic Commerce, Desktop Video
Processing, Desktop Video Conferencing.
Text Books:
2. E-Commerce fundamentals and Applications, Hendry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Ellizabeth
Chang, John Wiley.
3. E-Commerce, S.Jaiswal, Galgotia.
4. E-Commerce, Efrain Turbon, Jae Lee, David King, H.Michael Chang.
5. E-Commerce - Business, Technology and Society, Kenneth C.Taudon, Carol Guyerico Traver.
1. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: Neural and Fuzzy Machine Intelligence, Fuzziness as Multivalence, The
Dynamical- Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence, Intelligent Behavior as Adaptive Model- Free Estimation
2. Neural Dynamics I: Activations and Signals: Neurons as Functions, Signal Monotonicity, Biological Activations and
Signals, Neuron Fields, Neuronal Dynamical Systems, Common Signal Functions, Pulse-Coded Signal Functions.
3. Neuronal Dynamics II: Activation Models:Neuronal Dynamical Systems, Additive Neuronal Dynamics, Additive
Neuronal Feedback, Additive Bivalent Models, BAM Connection Matrices, Additive Dynamic and the Noise-
Saturation Dilemma, General Neuronal Activations: Cohen-Grossberg and Multiplicative Models.
4. Synaptic Dynamics I: Unsupervised Learning:Learning as Encoding, Change, and Quantization, Four Unsupervised
Learning Laws, Probability Spaces and Random Processes, Stochastic Unsupervised Learning and Stochastic
Equilibrium, Signal Hebbian Learning, Competitive Learning, Differential Hebbian Learning, Differential Competitive
5. Synaptic Dynamics II: Supervised Learning: Supervised Function Estimation, Supervised Learning as Operant
Conditioning, Supervised Learning as Stochastic Pattern Learning with known Class Memberships, Supervised
Learning as stochastic Approximation, The Back propagation Algorithm.
6. Fuzziness Versus Probability: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzziness in a Probabilistic World, Randomness vs.
Ambiguity: Whether vs. How much, The Universe as a Fuzzy Set, The Geometry of Fuzzy Set, The Geometry of
Fuzzy Sets: Sets as Points. The Fuzzy Entropy Theorem, The Subset hood theorem. The Entropy-Subset hood
7. Fuzzy Associative Memories: Fuzzy Systems as Between-Cube Mappings, Fuzzy and Neural Function Estimators,
Fuzzy Hebb FAMs, Adaptive FAMs: Product-Space Clustering in FAM Cells.
Text Book:
1. Neural Network Design, Hagan, Demuth and Beale, Vikas Publishing House
2. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks, Mohamad H Hassoum. PHI
3. Fuzzy Set Theory & its Applica tion, H.J. Zimmerman Allied Published Ltd.
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction: Definitions, Sequencing, Biological Sequence/Structure, Genome Projects, Pattern Recognition a
Prediction, Folding Problem, Sequence Analysis, Homology and Analogy.
2. Protein Information Resources: Biological Databases, Primary Sequence Databases, Protein Sequence Databases,
Secondary Databases, Protein Pattern Databases, and Structure Classification Databases.
1. Pervasive Computing : Introduction to PC, Evolution of PC, Characteristics, Issues
3. Genome Information Resources: DNA Sequence Databases, Specialized Genomic Resources
2. Pervasive Architecture: Background, Scalability and availability, Pervasive web
4. DNA Sequence Analysis: Importance Of DNA Analysis, Gene Structure And DNA Sequences, Features Of DNA
Sequence Analysis,
application EST (Expressed
architecture, Sequence
Implementation Issues.Tag) Searches, Gene Hunting, Profile of A Cell, EST Analysis, Effects Of EST
Data on DNA Databases.
3. Pervasive Devices : Device categories, device characteristics, software components in
5. Pair Wise Alignment Techniques :Database Searching, Alphabets and Complexity, Algorithm and Programs, Comparing
Two Sequences, Sub-Sequences,
the device, Hand Held Computers, Identity
Cellularand Similarity,
phones, The Smart
Smart Phones, Dotplot,
cardsLocal and Global Similarity, Different Alignment
and Smart
Techniques, Dynamic Programming, Pair Wise Database Searching.
6. Multiple Sequence Alignment : Definition And Goal, The Consensus, Computational Complexity, Manual Methods,
4. PervasiveMethods, Progressive
Connectivity : Protocols,Methods, Databases
Security, Network of Multiple
Management, Alignments
Mobile Internet,And Searching
7. Secondary Database
WAN, Short Searching
range wireless : Importance And Need of Secondary Database Searches, Secondary Database Structure
and Building a Sequence Search Protocol .
5. Pervasive applications : Home services, Business Services, Healthcare Management,
8. Analysis Packages : Analysis Package Structure, Commercial Databases, Commercial Software, Comprehensive Packages,
Packages Specializing
consumer services in DNA Analysis, Intranet Packages, Internet Packages.
Text6. Books:
Pervasive synchronization: Definition of synchronization, models of synchronization,
1. Introduction To Bioinformatics, By T K Attwood & D J Parry-Smith
Addison Wesley
challenges Longman data, synchronization solutions
in synchronizing
2. Bioinformatics- A Beginner‘s Guide By Jean-Michel Claveriw, Cerdric Notredame, WILEY Dreamlech India Pvt. Ltd
7. Security Issues in PC : Importance of security, Cryptographic patterns and Methods -
Reference Books:
1. Introduction ToCryptography
Light weight Bioinformatics Byweight
-Light M.Lesk OXFORD
symmetric Publisherscryptographic
and asymmetric (Indian Edition)
algorithms, Cryptographic Tools - Hash, MAC, Digital Signatures
Text Books:
1. Pervasive Computing: The Mobile World by Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk
2. Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet
Applications by Jochen Burkhardt , Horst Henn , Stefan Hepper , Klaus
Rindtorff , Thomas Schaeck
MCA 5.6
Mini Project Using DBMS & OOSE Concepts
Practical: 3 Periods /week Univ-Exam : 3 Hours Credits:2
Sessional Marks: 50 Univ-Exam-Marks:50 Total: 100
1. Basic Concepts Of MATLAB Programming, A MATLAB Graph , Figure Toolbars, Types Of Plots, Basic Plotting
Commands , Creating Figure Windows , Displaying Multiple Plots Per Figure, Specifying The Target Axes.
2. Two-Dimensional Plotting Functions ,Three-Dimensional Plotting Functions , Interactive Plots With The Plot Tools ,
Using High-Level Plotting Functions , Functions For Plotting Line,
3. Programmatic Plotting Creating Line Plots Specifying Line Style , Colors, Line Styles, and Markers , Specifying the
Color and Size of Lines , Adding Plots to an Existing Graph
4. Line Plots of Matrix Data , Plotting With Two Y-Axes , Combining Linear and Logarithmic Axes, Setting Axis
Parameters Axis Scaling and Ticks , Axis Limits and Ticks, Semiautomatic Limits , Axis Tick Marks , Example —
Specifying Ticks and Tick Labels Printing and Exporting
5. Graphical User Interfaces , Command Line Interface Creating Graphical User Interfaces, Building MATLAB Guis
Creating A Simple GUI With GUIDE Laying Out The GUI With GUIDE Adding Code To The GUI , Creating A
Simple GUI Programmatically Creating A GUI Code File Laying Out A Simple GUI
6. Object-Oriented Programming: Classes in MATLAB User-Defined Classes MATLAB Classes - Key Terms Handle
Vs. Value Classes Class Folders,
7. Class Building Blocks, A Polynomial Class, Defining The + Operator, Overloading MATLAB Functions Roots and
Polyval for the Docpolynom Class
8. Interfacing With C/C++ : MEX Files, Overview of Creating A C/C++ Binary MEX-File, Configuring the
9. Using MEX-Files to Call A C Program- Create a Source MEX File, Create a Gateway Routine, Use Preprocessor
Macros, Verify Input and Output Parameters, Read Input /Output Data, Prepare Output Data, Perform Calculation,
Build the Binary MEX-File
10. Interfacing With Java :Java Basics: Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Classpath: Static Classpath, Dynamic Classpath,
Passing Arguments to And From A Java Method, Conversion of MATLAB Data Types, Conversion of Java Return
Data Types
MCA 5.8
Practical: 3 Periods /week Internal Assessment Marks: 100 Credits:3
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
To enable a student to be familiar with Communication skills
Student is Expected to Learn
c. Group Discussion
i. Share the work with a group
ii. Modularization of the work
iii. Shareware Development
d. Communication
i. Horizontal
ii. Vertical
MCA 4.5 Elective II
Data Warehousing & Data Mining
Instruction: 3 Periods/week Time: 3 Hours Credits: 3
Internal: 30 Marks External: 70 Marks Total: 100 Marks
1. Introduction to Data Mining: Evolution of I T into DBMS, Motivation and importance of Data Warehousing and
Data Mining, Kinds of Patterns, Technologies, Applications and Major Issues in Data Mining; Basic Data Analytics:
Data Objects and Attributes Types, Statistical Descriptions of Data, Data Visualization, Estimating Data Similarity and
Dissimilarity, Major Issues in Data Mining.
2. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology: Basic Concepts of Data warehouse, Data Modeling using Cubes and OLAP,
DWH usage and Design, Implementation using Data Cubes and OLAPs, Data Generalization with AOI.
3. Data Cube Technology: Preliminary Concepts of Data Cube Computation, Data Cube Computation Methods: Multi-
way Array Aggregation for Full Cube, BUC Computing for Iceberg Cubes, Star-Cubing Using Dynamic Star-Tree
Structure, Pre-computing Shell Fragments for Fast High-Dimensional OLAPs.
4. Data Mining Primitives & Data Preprocessing: Data Mining Primitives, Data Mining Tasks, Data Mining Query
Language, Designing Graphical user Interfaces based on a Data Mining Query language, Data Preprocessing: Pre-
processing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration, Data Reduction, Data Transformation, Discretization and Concept
Hierarchy Generation.
5. Data Mining Concept Description: Architectures of Data Mining Systems; Characterization and Comparison, Concept
Description, Data Generalization and Summarization; Analytical Characterization: Analysis of Attribute Relevance,
Mining Class Comparisons, Discriminating between Different Classes, Mining Descriptive & Statistical Measures in Large
6. Mining Frequent Patterns Based on Associations and Correlations: Basic Concepts, Frequent Itemset Mining Methods:
Apriori Algorithm, Association Rule Generation, Improvements to A Priori, FP-Growth Approach, Mining Frequent
Patterns using Vertical Data Formats, Mining Closed and Max Patterns, Pattern Evaluation Methods
7. Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Tree Induction, Bayes Classification, Rule-Based Classification, Model
Evaluation and Selection, Techniques to Improve Classification Accuracy Advanced Methods: Classification by Back
Propagation, SVM, Associative Classification, Lazy Learning, Fuzzy Sets, Rough Sets, Genetic Algorithms, Multiclass
Classification, Semi-Supervised Classification
8. Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts, Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods,
Density Based Methods, Grid Based Methods, Evaluation of Clustering Solutions
Text Book:
6. Data Mining- Concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei --Morgan Kaufmann publishers
–--3rd edition
7. Introduction to Data Mining, Adriaan, Addison Wesley Publication
8. Data Mining Techniques, A.K.Pujari, University Press Data mining concepts by Tan, Steinbech, and Vipin Kumar -
Pearson Edu publishers
9. Data Mining –Introductory and Advanced by Margarett Dunham -- Pearson Edu publishers
10. Data Warehousing for Real –world by Sam Annahory-- Pearson Edu publishers