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25 PDF
The Continuous Wave of Condensation
Obturation Technique
THE PREDECESSORS ner flame, the Touch N’ Heat required one-half second
to reach full temperature. More importantly, while a
During the 1980’s, the Vertical Condensation flame-heated carrier cools every second after its remo-
Technique 4 (Fig. 25.1) was significantly improved val from the flame, the electric heat carrier could ge-
through the introduction of two electronic devices: nerate heat for an indefinite period of time, giving the
the Touch-and-Heat electric heat carrier by Analytic doctor more control over the procedure. In addition
Technology and the Obtura gutta-percha gun by to speed and control, the Touch’n Heat provided grea-
Obtura Corp. These devices helped to make 3D warm tly enhanced safety and consistency of result to warm
gutta-percha obturation more accessible to clinicians gutta percha obturation.
at all skill and experience levels. Dentists could then be passed a cold electric heat
carrier, touch its button while taking the instrument in-
to a root canal, and have full heat at the tip of the heat
carrier before it touched the apical mass of gutta-per-
cha. Other safety features included the elimination of
an open flame in the operatory and the fact that, four
seconds after releasing the switch, the heat carrier was
safe to touch with gloved fingers.
For the first time, dentists had complete control of
the duration of heat applied, allowing more adequa-
te thermo-softening of gutta-percha, less likelihood
of pulling the cone out of the canal attached to the
heat carrier, and far less chance of burning the doctor,
assistant or patient. Rather than being an incremen-
tal improvement over flame-heated heat carriers, the
electric heat carrier was an evolutionary step forward
Fig. 25.1. Mandibular molar with severe multi-planar curvatures in the mesial in the heating and compaction of gutta-percha into
canals as well as an abrupt apical curvature in the distal canal. When this case root canal systems.
was done in 1979 there was only one technique that could have successful-
ly shaped these root canals without ledging, ripping, or transportation—the
Serial Step-Back Schilder Technique.
The Obtura II Gutta-Percha Gun
The Touch N’ Heat Electric Heat Carrier The introduction by Unitek, in 1982, of the Obtura
warm gutta-percha gun (now manufactured and sold
Introduced in 1981 by Johan Masreillez of Analytic by The Obtura Corporation) simplified the most dif-
Technology, the Touch’n Heat electric heat carrier was ficult aspect of Schilder’s Vertical Condensation
faster, better, and safer than flame-heated heat car- Technique, the back-fill. With two or three “squirts”
riers. While flame-heated heat carriers required five to of warm gutta-percha from an Obtura Gun and verti-
10 seconds to be adequately heated in a Bunsen bur- cal condensation of each aliquot, the backfill took less
25 - The Continuous Wave of Condensation Obturation Technique 689
than a minute per canal with remarkably infrequent The first-time result was ideal apically and a large la-
voids. With this new technology, a technique that pre- teral canal was filled as well (Fig. 25.2). Initially, I was
viously took 45 minutes to an hour could be accom- suspicious—I had a hard time believing that a two-se-
plished more effectively in 15 to 30 minutes; the sa- cond downpack could ever fill anatomic complexities
me time required to do a thorough job of lateral con- as well as the Vertical Condensation Technique (with
densation. its 5-7 hydraulic waves moving sealer and warm gut-
ta-percha through a root canal system over a time fra-
me of 2-3 minutes). I finally understood how well it
The One-Shot Birth of the Continuous Wave of worked after I saw slow-motion video footage, shot
Condensation Technique through a microscope, of a Continuous Wave Electric
Heat Plugger moving through gutta-percha and sealer
Developed in 1987, the Continuous Wave of in a plastic block.
Condensation Obturation Technique was born out of
my desire to simplify warm gutta-percha downpacking.
After using the a Touch’n Heat electric heat carrier The Conceptual Basis for the Continuous Wave
for two years, I enlisted Johan Masreillez of Analytic of Condensation Technique
Technology (now owned by SybronEndo) to proto-
type electric heat pluggers which had the same taper What I saw was the streaming effect that develops
as the non-standardized gutta-percha cones I was between the electric heat plugger and the canal wall
using at the time. My hope was that we could make as the plugger penetrates the canal, simultaneously
a series of variably-tapered electric heat pluggers that warming and displacing gutta-percha along its length.
could replace three to five vertical condensation plug- The plasticized gutta-percha is primarily moved in la-
gers and a heat carrier with a single instrument. teral and coronal directions during its displacement as
Johan sent the first .08-tapered prototype to me a the electric heat plugger drives through the center of
month later. I prefit the electric heat plugger to its bin- the gutta-percha mass in the canal. That is why it is
ding point in the canal, adjusted a stop I had placed considered to be a Centered Condensation obturation
on it to the reference point, put it into my Touch’n technique, as are the carrier-based obturation methods
Heat handpiece, pushed the plugger against the ce- that use Thermafil and GT Obturators. Surprisingly,
mented master cone, and hit the button. The plugger the sealer acts as a lubricant, helping the softened gut-
immediately moved into the canal and within two se- ta-percha slip through the canal space.
conds I let off the switch, gliding to a halt just short of This technique is called the Continuous Wave
the binding point. I fired a one-second burst of heat to Technique because it allows a single tapered electric
separate the plugger from the apical mass of conden- heat plugger to capture a wave of condensation at the
sed gutta-percha and pulled the plugger out. orifice of a canal and ride it, without release, to the
apical extent of downpacking in a single, continuous
movement. This is in contrast to heating and packing
the gutta-percha through three, four or five interrupted
waves of condensation in the Vertical Condensation
Technique. Because these tapered pluggers move
through a viscosity-controlled material into a similar-
ly-tapered canal form, the velocity of the thermo-sof-
tened gutta-percha and sealer moving into the root ca-
nal system actually accelerates as the downpack pro-
gresses (Figs. 25.3 A, B).
Interrupted waves of condensation build a pressu-
re wave that is lost each time the gutta-percha cools,
starting and stopping its movement into canal irregu-
larities. Techniques using multiple waves of conden-
sation may provide only a single chance at filling a
Fig. 25.2. Maxillary molar with a significant lateral canal filled off the MB2 canal.
This was the first case filled with an electric heat plugger and the Continuous cervically-positioned lateral canal since it is limited to
Wave of Condensation obturation technique. deforming the gutta-percha 4 mm’s apical to the plug-