Laser in Operative
Laser in Operative
Laser in Operative
The word LASER is an acronym for light amplification
by stimulated emission of radiation.
Spontaneous Emission
• gamma rays
• X-rays
• UV
• visible radiation
• infrared radiation
• Microwaves
• radiofrequency waves
The ES can be more broadly divided into two divisions
1. The optical cavity (or resonator) that includes the active medium
2. The active medium which characterizes different wavelengths of
specific lasers
3. The pumping source (or energy source) to supply the energy
necessary for the stimulation
4. A controller that is a software that controls the modality and
parameter of laser emission and a cooler
5. The delivery system that transports the laser energy to a terminal
handpiece and tips
All available dental laser devices have emission wavelengths
of approximately 450 nanometers to 10,600 nanometers.
The active medium is at the center or core of the laser, termed the
optical cavity.
Gas Lasers
Any of these can then be doped with ions of neodymium, erbium, and
Semiconductor Dental Lasers
A semiconductor laser utilizes the basic positive-negative
(p-n) junction —the diode:
In most lasers, there are 2 mirrors one at each end of the optical cavity,
placed parallel to each other in the case of a semiconductor
In all cases, these mirrored surfaces then produce constructive
interference of the waves:
the incident wave and the reflected wave can superimpose on each
other producing an increase in their amplitude.
cooling system
Focusing lenses - employed for each beam, and in the case of diode
lasers, for collimation.
This energy in the form of photons is absorbed into the active medium,
raising its atomic electrons to higher orbital levels.
An optical fiber
A hollow waveguide
An articulated arm
Optical Fiber
This glass core conducts the laser beam along its length.
continuous wave
free-running pulse
Continuous Wave
The power produced has a high peak and low average level
When the Q switch is turned off (opened), the result is a very short
pulse of light, on the order of tens of nanoseconds.
Alternatively, an acousto optic modulator can be placed
in the laser cavity to ensure that the phases of emission can
interfere with each other.
Hard dental tissues (enamel, dentin, and carious tissues) are composed
of different percentages of HA, water, and collagen matrix.
diffused (or scattered),
The Wavelength
The first the hard tissue laser -
ruby laser (visible red at 694.3
Rx of dentinal hypersensitivity
In the visible light spectrum (from 532 to 675 nm)--
lasers with high affinity for hemoglobin and melanin.
KTP laser (532 nm) – surgery --to cut and for coagulation
pain therapy,
anti-inflammatory therapy (lowlevel laser therapy, LLLT);
photodynamic therapy (PDT)
photoactivated disinfection (PAD)
CO 2 laser at 9,300 nm --- revived this wavelength for the ablation
of enamel and dentin
Medium-Infrared Lasers
(Er, Cr:YSGG at 2,780 nm) (Er:YAG at 2,940 nm)
-- erbium family laser
Er:YAG laser wavelength operates into
the peak of absorption of water, at 2,940 nm
and have selective affinity for the wavelengths 2,780 nm and 2,940
Water and Hydroxyapatite Content of Dental Tissues
85 % HA
12 % water
3 % organic
tissue by volume
The water content of carious tissue is higher
than in healthy tissues (from 27 to 54 %)
depending on the stage of the caries lesion
The rapid temp. increase up to the bp of water (100 °C), trapped within
the dental interstitial str. -- increase pressure, when it exceeds the
structural tension of the surrounding tissue, --
target chromophore
that could involve the interaction with the HA rather than with the
Mechanism of Interaction of Different Lasers on Soft
9–11 J/cm 2 -- Er:YAG laser
10–14 J/cm 2 -- Er, Cr:YSGG laser Apel et al. (2002)
2.97–3.56 J/cm 2 Er:YAG
2.69–3.66 J/cm 2 Er, Cr:YSGG Lin et al. (2010)
Laser Effects on Hard Tissues
(overlapped) craters-- rough, white opaque aspect
the distance from the target affects the density of energy and
non-ablative laser device that emits a visible, red light at 655 nm.
When the light is directed towards the occlusal fissures of post.
teeth, it is transmitted through the enamel and is absorbed by a
specific target.
in vitro the effect of a 810 nm diode laser radiation with fluoride gel
application ---
almost abandoned.
Medium Infrared Laser Irradiation
then run slowly across the facial surface of the ant. teeth /
occlusal surface of the post. teeth at 1.5 W, 20 Hz, for 30 s.
Olivi-Genovese Technique
laser tip is positioned defocused 10 mm
farther from the gum-tooth and run slowly
around the neck of the tooth at the gingival
margin for 40–60 s at very-low energy and
low pulse repetition rate and low air-water
Laser-Assisted In-Office Bleaching