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International Journal of Communication

and Media Studies (IJCMS)

ISSN (P): 2250-0014; ISSN (E): Applied
Vol. 8, Issue 3, Aug 2018, 7-24
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



Research Scholar, College of Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India
Associate Professor, U. V. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Ganpat University, Mehsana, Gujarat, India


Temperature and sun radiation varies nonlinearly. Photovoltaic generation varies with reference to radiation
and temperature. To gain maximum energy is very essential. MPPT are used to harvest maximum energy throughout
the whole day [4-6]. A various technique of MPPT is used to gain large solar energy. In this paper, a various technique
of MPPT has been discussed with considering different evaluating parameter like complexity, cost, a speed of
conversion, adaptability, tracking ability, sensed parameter, an initial parameter required etc. Thus this paper gives the
idea and further scope in MPPT technique for efficiency enhancement of solar photovoltaic.

KEYWORDS: Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Systems, MPPT, Algorithms, Renewable, Modeling, I & C, P & O, Adaptive,
Fuzzy Logic, Fractional, Instantaneous, PSO & GA

Original Article
Received: Jun 12, 2018; Accepted: Jul 03, 2018; Published: Jul 30, 2018; Paper Id.: IJCMSAUG20182


Non-Renewable sources are now depleting day by day so utilization of renewable sources is very
essential. [1]. To achieve maximum solar energy in photovoltaic, Various MPPT technique are used nowadays.
Each method has different convergence speed, cost, and complexity, sensors, adaptability & tracking ability. So it
is difficult to define particular method for specific application.[11] various methods with their features,
advantages, and disadvantages are mentioned. It concludes with primary attributes of various strategies regarding
many-sided quality, the required sensors, and their exactness, the speed of conversion, cost etc. Different methods
are categorized as P & O, I & C, FLC, FOCV and SCC Instantaneous resistance, Genetic algorithm, Particle
swarm optimization, novel technique, adaptive step size I & C, adaptive P & O, current based approach[1, 3, 4, 5,
7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,15, 24]

Numerous systems have been created to conquer these fluctuations and keep up the generation at most
extreme power point. Analysts have created numerous procedures MPPT is the most ideal approach to achieve the
greatest generation from photovoltaic. In MPPT, different calculations are utilized to extract the yield voltage and
current estimations of the solar photovoltaic. This paper clarifies the different MPPT systems, records their points
of interest and disservices It will fill in as a kind of perspective paper for additionally works in solar photovoltaic.
Paper is composed of the different segment: segment 1explain introduction segment 2 clarifies the scientific
displaying of PV cell and its characteristic Segment 3 clarifies MPPT and the need of MPPT. In segment 4
different MPPT systems like as P & O,I & C, FLC, FOCV, SCC, Instantaneous resistance, novel voltage
technique, adaptive step size I &C, adaptive P & O, Genetic technique, particle swarm optimization etc. are
explained and their merits and demerits are enumerated. In segment 5 detailed comparison of the various

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8 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel

techniques studied is presented in tabular form.


Cell Modeling

Sunlight based cell electrical model can be spoken to utilizing diode, opposition (arrangement and shunt )[4,6] as
delineated in Figure 1

Figure 1: Solar Cell Model

Load current can be described as,


Due to photovoltaic effect current generated is Iph, diode current Id and current in shunt resistance is Ir.
photovoltaic current is dependent on solar irradiance and T.


the photovoltaic current produced at standard test condition is Iph, stc temperature coefficient is Ki, at 25∘C
temperature is Tstc, at 1000 / radiation is Gstc. Id is dependent on k, q, a1, n as per


Saturation current dependent on Ki, Iscstc, Vocstc and Kv


Two imperative parameters are has to ascertain which matches computed greatest power point to the exploratory
most extreme power point ( × ).

Output Characteristic of PV Array

PV cell have low power and voltage rating so for practical application cells are always connected in series or
parallel to get required voltage and power. The output characteristic of PV array
array under uniform solar irradiation [2] can be
expressed by the following equation:


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Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 9


The subscript M show PV modules, the subscript C demonstrate PV cell Np show parallel cell
cel and Ns show
arrangement/series cell. An a rray of solar cell has the same characteristic as the solar cell.

Figure 2: IV-Characteristic
Characteristic of PV Array PV-Characteristic
Characteristic of PV Array



MPPT figuring is imperative in PV applications in light of the way that the MPP of a daylight based module shifts
with thee enlightenment and temperature.
temperature The best power following framework makes use of estimation and electronic
equipment. The instrument relies upon the government of impedance
impedance coordinating among load and PV module, which is
vital for most prominent power transfer [23]. By changing the duty cycle of converter impedance of the solar module and
load can match. (d) The switch. Figure
ure 3 exhibits a clear DC to DC converter used forr MPPT. The automated controller
that drives the converter errand with MPPT limit. The power from the sunlight based module is registered by evaluating
the voltage and current. This power is the contribution to a controller which alters the obligation cycle
cycl of the switch,
realizing the adjustment of the reflected load impedance as indicated by the power yield of PV module and impedance of
the load ( ) reflected at the input side ( ) of a buck type DC to DC converter can be given as

Figure 3:
3 MPPT Controller Block Schematic

= (7)


Where d is the obligation cycle. By altering the obligation cycle, can be changed which ought to be
b the same as
the impedance of sun based PV module in a given working condition for most extreme power exchange.

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10 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel


Perturb & Observe Algorithm:[4, 23]

P & O method compares the latest power and previous power. An optimum point can be located by measuring
difference power is zero. The duty cycle of PWM gives P & O methodology. Duty cycle will be increased when recent
power is larger than previous power and same way for duty cycle decrement steady state oscillation is more and voltage
variation is more. P & O take long following time and slow response to the weather variation.

Figure 4: P & O

I & C Technique

The burden of P & O strategy is overwhelmed by Incremental &Conductance technique. In the Incremental and
Conductance calculation
ion differentiation of the power w. r. t. voltage so we can track the greatest power point. The
calculation makes utilization of the condition


At maximum power point,



Above equations we get,

( (12)

( ) (13)

Impact Factor (JCC): 2.8058 NAAS Rating: 2.52

Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 11

( (14)

I & C stop their working when MPPT locates its MPP points. When MPP point is not located then algorithm find
the relation between and is negative when MPP is to the right and vice versa compared to P &
O method, I & C method has very less oscillation because of MPP location

( ) at the MPP (15)

( at the MPP (16)

( at the MPP (17)

Incremental and conductance can track quickly expanding and diminishing

diminishing irradiance conditions with higher
exactness than perturb and observe. One burden of this calculation is the increased complexity when contrasted with
Perturb and Observe.

Figure 5: I & C Technique


FLC executed in solar panel to separates the maximum power. It is simple and more beneficial than another
method [1, 8, 16, and 23]

Figure 6: Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm

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12 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel

FLC has executed remembering the true objective of union the MPPT computation with consistent temperature
and sun based radiation.
tion. Power/current and voltage/current are the inputs for the FLC which modify the output power
according to solar irradiance. Enrollment
nrollment work for the fluffy rationale controller figured by the measure of voltage and
power took after from the FLC has executed
executed remembering the true objective to incorporate the MPPT estimation with
steady temperature and sun oriented illumination. The voltage and current are sensed form Photovoltaic panel from which
FLC function are derived. In perspective of these voltage and
and power regards following function can be


Figure 7: Mapping of V & I for Photovoltaic


Where, Ppv– immediate generation of the power, D(t) – the value of error and CD(t) – change in error value for
photovoltaic. Mapping of V & I for change in T & Radiation is in Figure 7 for different value of k MPPT direction is
decided either left or right depending upon value is negative or positive. The greatest P & V can be followed in view of the
error and variable k estimation of photovoltaic at the specific moment of day and age. Based on the duty cycle acquired
from the FLC the converter either on or off occurs, this voltage is given to load via inverter.


A FOCV procedure is extraordinarily outstanding MPP method

method for following. The crucial positive conditions of
this methodology are low multifaceted nature and basic use (V sensor only). The action of FOCV system relies upon the
way that the maximum voltage has straight association with the Voc for various light and temperature levels. The FOCV
measures the maximum voltage by measuring [9] the open circuit yield voltage and increasing it by voltage factor. The
estimation performed intermittently by quickly separating the load and estimating the voltage. These brief separations give
loss of intensity.
nsity. Time duration and f are specifically impact the accuracy of the evaluated maximum voltage. A slight
alteration of this strategy can beat issue by utilizing extra cell which is like different solar cells in PV cluster and
a is
completely committed for measurement.

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Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 13

Figure 8: PV Module with Pilot Cell

In this method, it is supposed that single cell is at the same weather variation as other cells are. Continuous open
circuit voltage measurement is done without removing the module from the measurement. Single cell is isolated from the
whole PV module to measure continuous Voc. So that single cell cannot generate power in output.

VMPP=Kpv *Voc

Maximum voltage is the assessed greatest voltage, Voc is the deliberate open circuit voltage of the module and
Kpv is a factor of voltage. Voltage factor can be decided from PV module characteristic depend upon weather variation.
Voltage factor based upon different PV module technology and cells utilization.

Current Based Approach for MPPT

Complete approach consists module,controller and converter with battery. V & I are sensed into current based
technique. This technique provides a reference as a current for tracking power point in current base approach. Controller
give signal to converter
rter switch for pulse setting.

Figure 9: The Proposed System

Instantaneous Resistance MPPT

In this method ratio of Vinst/Iinst is to be calculated which is Rinst. For maximum power in all weather condition,
Rinst has single/unique value. For achieving this
t condition power w. r. t instantaneous resistance slope is made to zero. All
types of checks are made simple and more effective method to adopt. Complete drift problem is avoided in this method and
characteristic will improve in this method. For different
different radiation derivative power curve is shown w. r. t instantaneous
resistance. Aderivative of power w. r. t instantaneous resistance is greater than zero on left side of curve and is less than
zero on right side of the curve.

=0 at maximum point

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14 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel

Figure 10: Power with Instantaneous Resistance

with Varying Irradiance

Figure 11: Power with dP/dRinst


This algorithm uses vast spaces for optimization. Natural biological method of selection is used for survival of the
fittest. Different number of samples individually represents solution. Cross breeding process has been done for generation.
Those who are not capable they die out and remaining will exist. From new generation, best member is selected to carry
forward the heredity of good characteristic. So that good features are passed down from one generation to other which is
the best solution.

Particle Swarm based Optimization (PSO)

• N samples are introduced haphazardly in a hunt space.

• From N samples, the ith molecule is picked and its wellness esteem is assessed in light of the goal work.

• If singular wellness estimation of this arrangement beats its previous one, at that point its Pbest, i esteem is
refreshed [14, 21].

• Every molecule is assessed on basis of current and future value.

• Best value from individual samples is selected and global best value is selected using equation(24)

• Each samples position and velocity is updated using equation(22) & (23)

• Iterations of this methodology are continued until the point when the moment that a particular blending

Impact Factor (JCC): 2.8058 NAAS Rating: 2.52

Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 15

establishment is gone to The standard PSO conditions are given in (20) and (21):






w=inertia weight, L1= mental expanding speed coefficient, L2 = social stimulating coefficient, rand1, r and
2 = sporadic numbers between (0, 1) appropriated reliably

Pbest,i = particular best health estimation of ith particle

Gbest = overall best health estimation everything considered

K = present accentuation number

Vi(K) = ith atom speed in existing revolving around cycle

Vi(K + 1) = ith atom speed in next revolving around cycle

Xi(K) = ith atom position in existing circumnavigating cycle

Xi(K + 1) = ith atom position in next revolving around cycle

Figure 12: Particle Swam based Optimization

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16 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel

Novel Technique for MPPT

The most extraordinary power point following figuring relies upon the best power trade theory. Solar variation is
identified by sensor. Panel voltage is sensed and current is defined by the following equation.

= (25)

Vout – converter voltage

Vin: converter input, D- Converter duty cycle

= (26)

Input side resistance is

= (1 − )∗ (27)

Impedance should be matched for maximum power transferring. So junction resistance should be equal to load
resistance. In system continuous temperature and radiation is observed and duty cycle will change according to that.

Figure 13: Novel Technique for MPPT

Reference based MPPT Algorithm

This method is useful in stand-alone system for maintaining energy generation and transfer from source to load.
This method also used in grid connected system when low voltage generation from a system is required [10].

Figure 14: Reference based MPPT

Impact Factor (JCC): 2.8058 NAAS Rating: 2.52

Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 17

There is a linear change in power from 0V to maximum voltage and there is the exponential change in power from
maximum voltage to open circuit voltage as shown in a graph. This method perturbs the input voltage in proper direction to
track the reference power. This method can be classified on basis of the reference power. If reference power is more than
maximum power than system catch the maximum power based on irradiation. When reference power is less than maximum
power, then controller change the voltage to track the reference power from 0W to maximum power with taking
consideration of voltage boundary from 0V to maximum voltage. As shown in graph of figure 15 when reference power is
less than maximum power than whole region is divided into four regions, which is also shown in the flow chart of figure 16

Figure 15: Reference based MPPT below Pmpp

Figure 16: Reference based MPPT Flowchart


When photovoltaic system is connected to the AC system then this method is used to control the voltage using a
capacitor in DC link. d of the converter is :

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18 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel


V: photovoltaic voltage

In this method controlling is done by analog circuit. This method does not consume any power from photovoltaic
system. This method is known as DC-capacitor
capacitor droop control method. This method is used to control in voltage source

Figure 17: Block Schematic

Adaptive P & O Method

This technique is completely based on the power-voltage

power voltage curve of photovoltaic. In this curve, slope factor is
known as β.. Ratio of change in power w.r.to change in voltage is known as the adaptive concept which is considered with
sign. So slope factor can be decided with considering the sign of ratio, from which adaptive factor can be decided.


∆ !
" 0, %&&'()& & %** +,)&-%)- -, .
∆ !

Adaptive factor α as:

adaptive step size voltage as

∆Vfixed = fixed voltage step. So new voltage can be derived from an old voltage with the addition to step voltage.

Impact Factor (JCC): 2.8058 NAAS Rating: 2.52

Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 19

Figure 18: Adaptive P & O

Adaptive Step Size Incremental Conductance Algorithm

In this method ratio of change in current to the change in voltage is to be measured,which is known as
conductance. This conductance is compared with instantaneous conductance for every instant. Reference voltage is
incremented if IC is negative than instantaneous conductance and vice versa. In conventional IC(incremental conductance)
method step size is not fixed but the varying value which changes w.r.t change in conductance. This adaptive step size can
be defined as :


M : fixed value of a multiplication

when the reference voltage is far away from maximum power point than step size is larger and it is closer than
step size is smaller. So that accuracy is best and speed is also high. When conductance is –I/V then perturbing is stop and
maximum point is achieved.

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20 Hina N. Kadeval & V. K. Patel

Figure 19: Adaptive Step Size Incremental Conductance


Maximum or peak current can be defined as:

Impp = K× Isc (29)

Constant K is approximately 0.78 to 0.92

k can be decided by photovoltaic system

In this method, short circuit current should be measured periodically by sensor. Which is same as open circuit
voltage method. In this technique, one more switch is required so cost is higher than open circuit voltage method. An
approximation can be used for measuring environmental parameter variation. Isc can be as:

Isc = Isc1 × (G / G1) + a1 × (T - T1) (30)


A lot of research has been led to enhance the proficiency of sunlight based following frameworks. It is vital to
pick the most reasonable MPPT in light of elements like precision in foreseeing the genuine MPP, cost, merging pace and
affectability, intricacy, following capacity, exhibit reliant, intermittent tuning, detected parameter, starting parameter.
MPPT techniques[12], for example, Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (VOC), fuzzy rationale control, current based
advancement, quick opposition, molecule swarm enhancement, hereditary calculation, novel system, reference-based
method, DC interface capacitor hang control, versatile P and O, versatile advance size I &C are examined and near
investigation is given in Table.1 for various parameter.


Productive utilization of solar module is to separate its greatest power age with the assistance of MPPT is
principle target of this paper. Numerical model for PV cell is clarified and the requirement for MPPT to accomplish most
extreme power yield is talked about with the assistance of output characteristic. An Arrangement of different MPPT
procedure is talked about with favorable circumstances, impediments and approach. At long last, an aggregation of

Impact Factor (JCC): 2.8058 NAAS Rating: 2.52

Overview of Different MPPT Technique in Photovoltaic 21

different MPPT procedures based on control variable, cost, unpredictability level, tracking capacity, exhibit needy,
intermittent tuning, detected a parameter, starting parameter are talked about. This paper will fill in as a source of
perspective paper for the future work for proficiency improvement utilizing MPPT method.

Table 1


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