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Diabetes Care Volume 41, April 2018 645

William J. Jeffcoate,1 Loretta Vileikyte,2

Current Challenges and Edward J. Boyko,3 David G. Armstrong,4
and Andrew J.M. Boulton2
Opportunities in the Prevention
and Management of Diabetic Foot

Diabetes Care 2018;41:645–652 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc17-1836

Diabetic foot ulcers remain a major health care problem. They are common, result
in considerable suffering, frequently recur, and are associated with high mortality,
as well as considerable health care costs. While national and international
guidance exists, the evidence base for much of routine clinical care is thin. It
follows that many aspects of the structure and delivery of care are susceptible to
the beliefs and opinion of individuals. It is probable that this contributes to the
geographic variation in outcome that has been documented in a number of
countries. This article considers these issues in depth and emphasizes the urgent
need to improve the design and conduct of clinical trials in this field, as well as
to undertake systematic comparison of the results of routine care in different
health economies. There is strong suggestive evidence to indicate that appropriate
changes in the relevant care pathways can result in a prompt improvement in clinical

Despite considerable advances made over the last 25 years, diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs)
continue to present a very considerable health care burdendone that is widely un- 1
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology,
appreciated. DFUs are common, the median time to healing without surgery is of the Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, Notting-
order of 12 weeks, and they are associated with a high risk of limb loss through ampu- ham, U.K.
tation (1–4). The 5-year survival following presentation with a new DFU is of the order Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Gastro-
enterology, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and
of only 50–60% and hence worse than that of many common cancers (4,5). While there Health, The University of Manchester, Manches-
is evidence that mortality is improving with more widespread use of cardiovascular risk ter, U.K., and Diabetes Research Institute, Miller
reduction (6), the most recent datadderived from a Veterans Health Adminstration School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami,
populationdreported that 1-, 2-, and 5-year survival was only 81, 69, and 29%, re- FL
spectively, and the association between mortality and DFU was stronger than that of VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle,
any macrovascular disease (7). Iversen et al. (8) have also shown that the occurrence 4
Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance
of a DFU was an independent predictor of mortality even at 10 years. (SALSA), Department of Surgery, Keck School of
The cost to health care services is also enormous. The estimated global cost of dia- Medicine of University of Southern California,
betes in 2015 was $1.3 trillion (9), and it has been reported that up to one-third of Los Angeles, CA
diabetes expenditure is on lower-limb–related problems in the U.S. (10). The latest data Corresponding author: William J. Jeffcoate, william
from the U.K. estimate that the total annual cost of management of DFUs exceeds £1 .jeffcoate@gmail.com.
billion ($1.32 billion) and represents almost 1% of the total National Health Service Received 1 September 2017 and accepted 4
budget (11). The equivalent figure from the U.S. has been estimated to be $9–13 January 2018.
billion (12). © 2018 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work
GEOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES IN CLINICAL OUTCOME is properly cited, the use is educational and not
for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
There is also wide variation in clinical outcome within the same country (13–15), mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
suggesting that some people are being managed considerably less well than others. .org/content/license.
646 Challenges in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management Diabetes Care Volume 41, April 2018

Among the many possible reasons (16) is consensus on which dominate, and there The Incidence of Major Amputation
the lack of emphasis placed on DFUs in are currently no reports of any studies The incidence of major amputation is
basic training and continuing education of that might justify the adoption of any spe- used as a surrogate measure of the failure
doctors and nurses (15). cific strategy for population selection in of DFUs to heal. Its main value lies in the
There is thus a clear need for accep- primary prevention. Nevertheless, recent relative ease of data capture, but its value
tance of standard components of care work has compared the performance of is limited because it is essentially a treat-
(Table 1), as well as standard pathways different scoring systems (24). Despite ment and not a true measure of disease
for referral between general practice the probability and the belief that foot outcome. In no other major disease (in-
and specialty care and between different care education will reduce the occurrence cluding malignancies, cardiovascular dis-
specialist groups. Such principles have of new ulcers, the evidence to justify the ease, or cerebrovascular disease) is the
been published by the International use of any educational intervention for number of treatments used as a measure
Working Group on the Diabetic Foot primary prevention is weak: only a small of outcome. But despite this and other
(17) and the National Institute for Health number of randomized controlled trials limitations of major amputation as an
and Care Excellence (18); however, ad- (RCTs) have been published, and none outcome measure (36), there is evidence
herence by professionals is not generally that reported benefit were of high quality that the overall incidence of major ampu-
monitored, and the lack of a firm evi- (25,26). As the overall incidence of new tation is falling in some countries with
dence base to underpin many aspects of foot ulceration in unselected populations nationwide databases (37,38). Perhaps
management means that treatment with diabetes is relatively low, the con- the most convincing data come from the
choice is still very much influenced by duct of trials on primary prevention poses U.K., where the unadjusted incidence has
opinion, as was illustrated in one small an enormous challenge because the num- fallen dramatically from about 3.0–3.5
but important study (19). bers needed for study would be extremely per 1,000 people with diabetes per year
high. Trials on ulcer recurrence are tech- in the mid-1990s to 1.0 or less per 1,000
CURRENT EVIDENCE BASE nically easier because the incidence in the per year in both England and Scotland
Primary Prevention: Reducing the 12 months following healing is of the or- (14,39). This apparent improvement in
Incidence of New DFUs der of 40% and the available evidence is the U.K. has been documented using rou-
Data on community-wide ulcer incidence rather better (10). tinely collected data and seems to have
are very limited. Overall incidences of 5.8 been achieved without any major change
and 6.0% have been reported in selected Failure of DFUs to Heal Promptly in the use of particular treatments, al-
populations of people with diabetes in The Condition of the DFU at First Expert though the change followed the publica-
the U.S. (2,12,20) while incidences of 2.1 Assessment tion of National Institute for Health and
and 2.2% have been reported from less Ulcers that are graded as being more se- Care Excellence guidelines on the man-
selected populations in Europedeither in vere have a worse prognosis, and this is agement of DFUs in 2004, updated in
all people with diabetes (21) or in those the basis of current grading schemes 2010 and 2016 (18). In addition, two re-
with type 2 disease alone (22). It is not (1,27,28). Recent data have also shown a gional centers in England have docu-
known whether the incidence is changing, statistically significant association be- mented abrupt and major falls in the
but it can be predicted that when ex- tween ulcer severity and the time to first incidence of major amputation simply
pressed per total local population with expert assessment, in both Norway and as a result of implementing change in
diabetes, it is likely that there will be a the U.K. (29,30). The longer the elapsed the local structure of care, including
short-term fall resulting from the impact time to expert assessment, the more se- the establishment of a single multidisci-
of increased ascertainment of early dia- vere the ulcers and the worse the clinical plinary service and encouraging early
betes through screening. But without ma- outcomes. referral of all new DFUs for expert assess-
jor improvements in ulcer prevention, it Effectiveness of Existing Treatments ment (40,41). A similarly abrupt fall in the
can be predicted that this fall will be fol- A number of systematic reviews of dress- incidence of both major amputation and
lowed by a rise in the number of DFUs ings (31) and other treatments designed in-hospital mortality has been reported
that will increase in step with the global to accelerate healing (32) have been con- from Germany (42). The corollary of
epidemic of type 2 diabetes. ducted in recent years. The overall conclu- such improvements is the abrupt worsen-
Although a number of risk factors asso- sion has been that with very few exceptions, ing that coincided with resources being
ciated with the development of ulcera- the evidence available from published stud- withdrawn (40,43).
tion are well recognized (23), there is no ies is of insufficient quality to recommend The Link Between DFUs and Established
any particular treatment or dressing product Renal Failure
in preference to any other. The main excep- A close temporal relationship has also
Table 1—Aspects of management in
tion relates to the use of off-loading been demonstrated between foot ulcera-
the overall care of the foot in diabetes for plantar ulcers (33). The effectiveness tion and the onset of dialysis for end-
Primary prevention of other treatmentsdsuch as the use of stage renal disease (44–46). While it may
Improving the healing of DFUs antibiotics for infection and the use of be assumed that the ulceration in such
Secondary prevention: reducing new revascularization for peripheral artery dis- cases is the result of worsening renal func-
ulceration after healing ease (PAD)dis accepted even though the tion, it is equallydand possibly mored
Improved well-being: the patient agenda evidence to guide many of the precise likely that it is the inflammation associated
Improving long-term survival circumstances of their use is not good with the ulceration that triggers the final
(34,35). decline in renal function (47). It has also
care.diabetesjournals.org Jeffcoate and Associates 647

been shown that mortality after undergo- and depressive symptoms are reversed by evidence for an independent link between
ing major amputation was 290% higher in healingdeither with or without amputa- ulceration and increased vascular mortal-
those on dialysis (48). Nephrologists tion (53–55). Wukich et al. (56) have re- ity. Apart from urging greater use of treat-
should be more generally aware of these cently reported that people with diabetic ments to reduce cardiovascular risk (6),
observations. foot disease fear major amputation more there are few data to suggest how aware-
than they fear death. Interestingly, the ness of such mechanisms might lead to
New Ulceration After Healing
New ulceration after healing is high, with same group has reported that 75% people strategies for clinical improvement.
;40% of people having a new ulcer who undergo major amputation experi-
ence a significant improvement in quality WHY IS THE EVIDENCE BASE SO
(whether at the same site or another) within POOR?
12 months (10). This is a critical aspect of of life (57).
Diabetic Foot Care Has Been
diabetic foot diseasedemphasizing that Depression, Foot Self-Care, and Incident
DFUs Traditionally Neglected
when an ulcer heals, foot disease must be
There is also evidence to suggest that de- Despite the high morbidity and mortality
regarded not as cured, but in remission
pression is an important risk factor for associated with diseases of the foot in di-
(10). In this respect, diabetic foot disease
first (but not subsequent) DFUs (58–60) abetes and despite its cost to both health
is directly analogous to malignancy. It fol-
even though this relationship is not me- care providers and the patient and their
lows that the person whose foot disease is
diated by reduced foot self-care (58,59). families (68), it is a topic that has gener-
in remission should receive the same struc-
In contrast, patient cognitive and emo- ally failed to attract the same level of in-
tured follow-up as a person who is in re-
tional appraisals of DFU risk are important terest by health care professionals as
mission following treatment for cancer.
predictors of foot self-care (61,62). Ad- other diabetes complications. Not sur-
Of all areas concerned with the man-
dressing neuropathy and DFU-specific prisingly, the field continues to attract rel-
agement of DFUs, this long-term need for
cognitions and emotions may therefore atively few clinicians who are interested
specialist surveillance is arguably the one
be more meaningful and effective than in research.
that should command the greatest atten-
tion. As the study population with a recent initiating treatments specifically directed The Complexity of the Pathogenesis
history of DFU is that with the very highest at clinical depression, especially as there DFUs are caused by multiple factors, in-
short-term incidence of recurrent ulcera- is evidence to suggest that depression in cluding those that predispose to ulcera-
tion, the necessary RCTs can be relatively those at high DFU risk is largely a function tion, those that trigger it, and those that
small and yet the long-term benefitsdto of the neuropathy/DFU-specific physical prevent healing once ulceration occurs.
both the individual and to health care and emotional burden (63,64). Neuropathy and PAD are among the
servicesdare potentially very high. Ulcer Healing, Adherence, and the Patient many factors that predispose to ulcera-
Specific Strategies to Reduce DFU Agenda tion, and trauma is the principal trigger.
Recurrence Early work on off-loading provided insight But the failure of an established ulcer to
Apart from the provision of appropriate into the contribution of patient adher- heal can be the result of a number of
footwear for people with (in particular) ence to the effectiveness of off-loading further factors, and different ones among
plantar ulceration, targeted education is in the treatment of plantar ulcers (65), all of these may dominate at different
believed to be an essential part of second- and this has been extended by recent im- times of the prolonged healing process.
ary prevention. Despite this, there is cur- portant publications in both ulcer preven- These are listed in Table 2, but our un-
rently no good evidence to demonstrate tion and treatment (33,66). As off-loading derstanding of many of these processes
its effectiveness (49). In contrast, three is the best validated of all current inter- is currently very limited.
studies have been reported by a single ventions, it is important that further work Impact of the Complex Pathogenesis on
group to demonstrate the benefit of daily is undertaken to increase understanding Trial Design
monitoring of foot skin temperature (50), of how the patient’s agenda can be best This complexity of the mechanisms in-
although the approach has not yet been incorporated into the process of consid- volved also undermines the attempt to
confirmed by any other groups. ering, adopting, and assessing both off- establish the benefit of any intervention
loading devices and other interventions because interventions will generally be
Improving Well-being: The Patient
in routine clinical practice. While this directed at a specific defect in the foot
may be partly the result of the constraints care process (whether prevention or
Relationship Between DFUs, Depression, and
imposed by off-loading devices, as well as treatment). And as this defect may be
Quality of Life
their appearance, there is also evidence dominant only in certain people or inter-
The occurrence of a DFU has a marked
that poor adherence may reflect unrecog- mittently in the same person at different
impact on activity, and when combined
nized unsteadiness caused by neuropathy times, it greatly increases the chance that
with slow resolution, the condition is un-
(67). the result of any trial to document benefit
derstandably linked with a reduction in
quality of life (51). The data on the inci- Improving Long-term Survival will be neutral (i.e., providing no evidence
dence of depression are, however, mixed. The reduced life expectancy associated of either benefit or harm).
One group has reported that first ulcers with DFUs is well established, as is the The Complexity of the Care Process
are associated with depression and that parallel impact of major amputation on Not only are the mechanisms of ulcer on-
this is independently associated with survival (4,5,7). It is possible that inflam- set and ulcer persistence potentially very
mortality at 5 years (52). Others, however, mation complicating ulceration is one complex, but the care and treatments are
have reported that both quality of life reason for the strong observational conducted by many different people,
648 Challenges in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management Diabetes Care Volume 41, April 2018

Table 2—Factors and pathways that may contribute to delayed healing to clinical studies and take no account of
Continuing trauma those (that are also much needed in
Infection this field) to investigate the basic phys-
Surface microorganisms not causing clinical infection iology and pathology of wound onset
PAD and healing.
Neuropathies (potentially through multiple pathways) Key Aspects of Study Design and Conduct
Altered function of white blood cells, stem cells, and regenerating tissue, with abnormal cellular Some of the items listed in Table 3 merit
signaling particular emphasis because they are fre-
Abnormal wound biology, whether related to diabetes or its complications, to bacterial presence quent areas of weakness in the published
(with or without infection), or to effects resulting simply from the chronicity of the process
literature. Such weaknesses increase the
Patient-related factors, including impact of comorbidities and nonadherence to recommended risk that any observed differences (or ab-
sence of differences) between inter-
vention and control groups could have
been biased by confounding factors and
including professionals in secondary applications and dressings) than into the thereby weaken the conclusions that can
care (physicians, surgeons, podiatrists, use of medicines because the required be derived.
other health care professionals) and in evidence for the marketing of devices is The focus of this section of the review
primary and community care as well as largely limited to that of safety and it is is on trials of treatments for the manage-
by nonprofessionalsdthe patient, family, not currently necessary for the manuf- ment of existing DFUs. Similar principles
and others. Time to first expert assess- acturer to demonstrate effectiveness apply to trials for primary and secondary
ment is likely to be an important factor through the conduct of a properly de- prevention of ulcers, as well as reduction
(29,30), with the severity at presenta- signed RCT. of mortality, but the details will differ in
tion being linked to outcome (1,27,29). particular subgroups. Nevertheless, the
It follows that while it may be relatively IMPROVING THE EVIDENCE BASE following selected items relate to issues
simple to document apparent benefit FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE that are common to the majority.
of an intervention in well-defined experi- RCTs
mental circumstances, this may have Study Population
While some observational studies are of One of the most common weaknesses of
limited relevancedor apply only to partic- value (see below), the predominant need
ular patient/ulcer groupsdin routine published trials relates to the study pop-
is for firm evidence of benefit, and that ulation. Many studies either do not de-
practice. can only be provided by RCTs. Linked to scribe the population in sufficient detail
The Impact of the Complexity of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses, or have included participants with rela-
Problem on Industrial Investment RCTs are at the top of the hierarchy of study tively uncomplicated ulcers. Uncompli-
Industrial investment is a key player in the designs because they limit the likelihood cated ulcers might be selected for study
advancement of health care knowledge, that any result observeddwhether posi- because they are more likely to heal in a
in postgraduate education, and in the tive or negativedmay be affected by ei- shorter time and hence a primary outcome
promotion of better care processes, but ther chance or bias. In this respect, bias will be available in a greater proportiond
all of these are hampered in the field of may be defined as an influence on an ap- and the total required for study will be
the diabetic foot. The need to link finan- parent difference (or lack of difference) lower. But this is not the group in which
cial investment to product sales means resulting from factors other than the new treatments need to be tested. Un-
that industry is relatively reluctant to in- treatment being studied. complicated neuropathic ulcers respond
vest in the conduct of the highly expen- The difficulties posed vary to some ex- extremely well to the provision of effec-
sive clinical trials that are needed to tent in each of the main areas of foot tive off-loading (33,70,71), and what is
improve the evidence base. Such invest- ulcer care (see Table 1), but an attempt currently needed is evidence of benefit
ment is only likely to be made if a patent- has been made to address them in a de- in people with ulcers that fail to respond
able intervention can be linked to a tailed summary written on behalf of the well to good standard care, i.e., in people
breakthrough approach that is beneficial International Working Group on the Dia- with ulcers that have been shown to be
to the broad spectrum of DFUs, and this is betic Foot and the European Wound “hard to heal.” In this respect, it should be
relatively unlikely until a mechanism can Management Association (69). Twenty- usual in trials to specify that the study
be found that is central to the delayed one of the difficulties inherent in most ulcer has not decreased its cross-sectional
healing (in particular) of the majority of trial circumstances have been proposed area by more than a prespecified per-
ulcers. as criteria on which to score the quality centage (25–50%) during a run-in period
The very understandable need to max- of published studies (see Table 3). This of 2–4 weeks despite being managed ac-
imize sales while limiting cost has also approach goes a step further than existing cording to accepted standards of good
often led industry to base promotion on criteria used to assess the quality of RCTs standard care.
clinical studies of reduced scientific value: because it includes more details of trial
uncontrolled case series, and small trials conduct and trial reporting in addition Control/Comparator Group; the
of weak design. It is also more rewarding to the accepted principles of good trial Components of “Good Standard Care”
for industry to invest in research into the design. It should, however, be noted A number of new treatments have pre-
use of devices (including many topical that these recommendations apply only viously been approved for use on the
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Table 3—Factors and pathways that may contribute to delayed healing

21-point scoring system for reports of clinical studies of the prevention and management of disease of the foot in diabetes
Study design
1. Are adequate definitions included for the terms “ulcer,” “healing,” and all other required aspects of the population and the outcomes?
2. Was the choice of study population appropriate for the chosen intervention and the stated outcomes?
3. Was the control population managed at the same time as those in the intervention group?
4. Is the intervention sufficiently well described to enable another researcher to replicate the study?
5. Are the components of other aspects of care described for the intervention and comparator groups?
6. Were the participants randomized into intervention and comparator groups?
7. Were the participants randomized by an independent person or agency?
8. Was the number of participants studied in the trial based on an appropriate sample size calculation?
9. Was the chosen primary outcome of direct clinical relevance?
10. Was the person who assessed the primary outcome or outcomes blinded to group allocation?
11. Was either the clinical researcher who cared for the wound at research visits or the participant blinded to group allocation?
Study conduct
12. Did the study complete recruitment?
13. Was it possible to document the primary outcome in 75% or more of those recruited?
14. Were the results analyzed primarily by intention to treat?
15. Were the appropriate statistical methods used throughout?
16. Was the performance of the control group of the order that would be expected in routine clinical practice?
17. Are the results from all participating centers comparable? Answer “Yes” if the study was done in only one center.
Study reporting
18. Is the report free from errors of reporting, e.g., discrepancies between data reported in different parts of the same report?
19. Are the important strengths and weaknesses of the study discussed in a balanced way?
20. Are the conclusions supported by the findings?
21. Is the report free from any suggestion that the analyses or the conclusions could have been substantially influenced by people with commercial or
other personal interests in the findings?
Reproduced with permission from Jeffcoate et al. (69).

basis of the demonstration of a statisti- of the uniformity of apparent effect in if one of their foot ulcers has healed while
cally significant difference between the all centers. others persist). If such a person-centered
treatment and control groups when expe- outcome measure is adopted, it might be
rienced clinicians will feel that the per- Choice of Outcome Measure expressed in terms of “time to being ulcer
formance in the control group was The primary outcome in the types of free,” “being ulcer free after a fixed inter-
considerably worse than it should have study being described should be clinically val” (e.g., 12 weeks), or “ulcer-free days”
been. In such circumstances, the better relevant. In studies of people with active from the date of randomization to a fixed
outcome in the treatment group may be ulcers, the ulcer-centered outcome of point (e.g., 20 or 24 weeks). The use of
entirely the result of a “study effect,” and choice is healing by a fixed time or time “ulcer-free days” as a primary outcome
the observed difference is misleading. to healing. An alternative measure is to is also valuable in studies of attempts to
Each RCT should therefore specify the document change in cross-sectional area reduce ulcer recurrence, just as “antibiotic-
components of good standard care that (provided sufficiently precise and accu- free days” may be used in studies de-
was provided to all participants in their rate methods are used to document it), signed to prevent or treat infection and
study. These include appropriate and sim- and this may not always be easily accom- “amputation-free survival” in people with
ilar attention being paid to surveillance plished because of the curved surfaces of limb-threatening PAD.
(expert assessment of each ulcer at the the foot (and for this reason are best de-
same intervals in the two groups), off- termined from an image of a wound trac- Blinding of Outcome Assessment
loading, debridement, dressing choice, ing rather than of the wound itself). As It is essential that the primary outcome
antibiotics for active infection, glycemic change in early-phase cross-sectional should be documented (or confirmed)
control, and nutrition. The majority of area has been shown to correlate with by a clinical observer who is unaware of
RCTs are necessarily large in order to later healing (72–74), the chosen primary the group (intervention or control) to
assure sufficient statistical power to outcome may be a relative short-term re- which the participant has been allocated.
detect a clinically important effect, and duction in ulcer area. It is less precise as a If the judgment is made by a researcher
this means that participants may be re- measure but can potentially allow explor- who is not blinded in this way, then it will
cruited from many different centers. But atory studies to be conducted more quickly. be at risk for observer bias. Some trials
the greater the number (and hence the But when expressed in person-centered claim that it is not possible to blind the
likely heterogeneity) of the participating termsdwhich is generally preferabledthe observer, but this is rarely the casedwith
centers, the less likely it is that all will outcome should ideally refer not just to the only usual exception being in those
provide the required elements of good the healing of the index ulcer but to the in which the treatment involves some
standard care. It is for this reason that patient being ulcer free (because a per- obvious change to the appearance of the
the 21-point checklist requires scrutiny son’s quality of life is not much improved foot.
650 Challenges in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management Diabetes Care Volume 41, April 2018

Many trials are labeled as being populations that are adjusted at least comply with such evidence-based guid-
“double-blind,” but this term is technically for age, sex, and race (as well as other ance as is available.
imprecise. The main requirement is for factors that depend on the field of study).
Evidence Base for Wound Care
a trial to be “observer-blind” whenever
Audit Treatments
it is possible, but both the clinical re-
Audit involves repeated scrutiny of data There is currently little evidence to justify
searcher and the participant can also
either from one or multiple populations. the adoption of very many of the prod-
be blinded in some cases (e.g., in a placebo-
Data on incidence (of major amputation, ucts and procedures currently promoted
controlled trial) and the study could be
for example) require careful interpreta- for use in clinical practice. Guidelines are
either double-blind or triple-blind. The
tion because of the possibility of conflict- required to encourage clinicians to adopt
term double-blind needs therefore to
ing influences, as described above. When only those treatments that have been
be defined (i.e., whether observer, re-
expressed in terms of the population with shown to be effective in robust studies
searcher, or participant blind) whenever
diabetes, changes in the incidence of and principally in RCTs. The design and
it is used.
amputation that have occurred in the conduct of such RCTs needs improved
SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS AND last 15–20 years will not just result from governance because many are of low
META-ANALYSES changes in the quality of care but will be standard and do not always provide the
The purpose of this article is not to de- influenced by changing diagnostic criteria evidence that is claimed. There should be
scribe the conduct of systematic reviews for diabetes, screening programs (result- new guidance on the conduct of RCTs in
and meta-analyses. It should, however, ing in a greater proportion of identified this field, and it should embrace items
be noted from the comments made cases being so far free from chronic com- such as those covered in the 21-item
above on the assessment of the signifi- plications of hyperglycemia), and the in- checklist of study quality reproduced
cance of the difference between a treat- crease in prevalence of diabetes resulting as Table 3. Clinicians need to be able
ment and a control group that any from lifestyle change. to assess the relative validity of pub-
systematic reviewer needs either specialist But audit can provide very powerful in- lished work, including its strengths and
clinical experience or a very detailed formation on the changes that may occur limitations in trial design, conduct, and
knowledge of the literature in order to in circumscribed populations in response, reporting.
judge whether the performance in the in particular, to the structures of care. In Assessment of trial conduct requires
control group is that which is expected. It this way, some within-center studies have appreciation of the relevance of reported
follows that systematic reviews and meta- shown massive reductions in the inci- findings to clinical practice, and this can
analyses in this field cannot be properly dence of major amputation resulting sim- often only be assessed by experts who
undertaken without such knowledge or ply from the organization of care (40–42). work in the field. Such assessment re-
experience. Nationwide, the incidence of major am- quires careful scrutiny of the outcomes
putation for diabetes has now fallen to chosen and the quality of care in the com-
THE VALUE OF OBSERVATIONAL 0.8 per 1,000 across England (75). Never- parator group: the report of a statistically
STUDIES AND SYSTEMATIC AUDIT theless, the persistence of considerable significant difference between interven-
Observational Studies geographic variation, at least across Eng- tion and control arms is insufficient on
The emphasis of this review has been de- land, suggests that the total should fall its own. The current culture of trial plan-
liberately placed on RCTs because these still more if all populations are managed ning by generic contract research organ-
will be the linchpin of the improved evi- to the same standard (76). izations employed by industry that
dence base that is so very much needed appoint chief and principal investigators
to guide the management of DFUs. Other FUTURE DIRECTIONS; NEW in the expectation that they play no more
types of study may, however, have an GUIDELINES than a token role is one that needs urgent
important place, and these include well- review. Current evidence suggests it is
Much has been achieved in the last two
designed observational studies. Observa- one that does not provide the answers
decades with the incidence of major am-
tional studies have, for instance, been the that are needed.
putation being very much reduced, at
basis of much of the work done to docu- least in some countries, but there is evi- The Structure of Care
ment the incidences of ulceration and of dence that even more can be achieved. However, in addition to improving the ev-
amputation, as well as other clinical out- There is wide variation in the outcome of idence base to justify the use of particular
comes and costs referred to above. Ob- management, even in industrialized interventions, attention must also be paid
servational studies have also drawn countries and those with nationalized to the structure of the care pathway.
attention to the very considerable varia- health care systemsdsuggesting that Available evidence suggests that very
tion in outcome that is present, even in many people do not receive optimal considerable improvements can accom-
industrialized countries. care. Two broad strategies are key to pany structural changes in the way pro-
The Need for Case-Mix–Adjusted Data improving overall outcome. The first is a fessionals work and in the way that care is
When observational comparisons are major investment in the conduct of the delivered. Available evidence suggests
made between different communities or high-quality clinical trials that are neces- that such structural changes should focus
services, it is necessary that the results sary to improve the evidence base for on 1) the creation of clear pathways to
are case-mix adjusted. Whether the pri- routine clinical care. The second is to en- enable early assessment of DFUs by a spe-
mary measure is one of incidence or of sure that those responsible for the design cialist multidisciplinary service and 2) the
outcome, it is necessary to compare and delivery of care for people with DFUs provision of structured surveillance and
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