Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
-Fran can put Judy to a higher position. She can also lessen her workload.
-Increasing Judy’s salary because her salary was just the main reason why she
complained about her heavy workload and deciding to transfer to another department.
And also it was stated clearly at the case that she loved what she’s doing.
-Fran should propose to the heads or the owner that Judy will have an increase in her
salary so that Fran could keep Judy in her department.
1. What are the reasons given by Judy Martin for wanting to post for a position in another
department? What points are accurate and which are debatable?
Ans: Judy’s reason for wanting to transfer to another department was having a heavy
workload but having a lesser salary. The accurate things was she’s having a lesser salary
remained. The debatable point was she shouldn’t requested to be transferred instead
she should have requested a salary increase.
2. How should Fran respond to Judy’s request to transfer?
Ans: Fran should not let Judy’s request but instead offer her a salary increase if she
would stay.
3. How should Fran respond to Judy’s salary complaints?
Ans: Fran should request to the owner that Judy should have a salary increase because
she is very good and hardworking employee.