English 09 / 2008: Procedure
English 09 / 2008: Procedure
English 09 / 2008: Procedure
Digitization of Industrial
Radiographic Films
Non-Destructive Testing Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC -
Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision
of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the
proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals
are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard.
“The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRÓLEO
BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company,
and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without
previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an
unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the
applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation
shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and
Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial
property law.”
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG
(consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are
commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees -
SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and
its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company
Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by
its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or
cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS
Technical Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see
PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog.
This Standard is the English version (issued in 04/2009) of PETROBRAS N-2896 09/2008. In case of
doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for all intents and purposes, shall be used.
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard specifies the conditions required for the digitization process of industrial
radiographic films by means of radiographic scanners for obtaining digital images that may or may not
be used for interpretation and reports.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this Standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is
available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any
information required for the specific application.
For the purposes of this Standard the terms and definitions of PETROBRAS N-2821 complemented by
3.1 to 3.10 are applied.
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radiographic film digitization system
a radiographic film digitization system is comprised of: a radiographic scanner and a unit for displaying
digitized images on a screen (monitor).
radiographic scanner
equipment dedicated to digitization of industrial radiographic films through optical scanning detectors.
scanner focal spot size
diameter of the aperture of the optical reader of the scanner.
density range or working range
defined as the optical density range of industrial radiographic film that can be digitized by the
radiographic scanner. This information is provided by the equipment manufacturer.
dynamic range of digitization system
defined by means of the last visible density step, at both ends, of the stepped optical density targets
found on the standard reference film.
standard reference film
radiographic image of an industrial radiographic film containing quality indicators. The standard film is
divided into 3 areas of different dimensions so as to allow scanners of different scanning areas to be
analyzed. This film is described in ASTM E 1936 and ISO 14096-1 and is found in Annex A.
stepped optical density targets
indicators used to determine the dynamic range of the digitization system. They are comprised of a
series of 13 aligned steps with optical densities ranging from 0,5 HD to 4,5 HD. These steps are
grouped into 8 areas of the standard reference film according to 2 orientations.
contrast sensitivity targets
these consist of 2 series of 2 centered blocks, presenting a small difference in relative optical density.
In a series the smaller block has a density of 2,00 HD within a background density of 1,95 HD. In the
second series the smaller block has a density of 3,50 HD within a background of 3,40 HD. These
2 series of blocks are located in 6 areas on the standard reference film.
converging line pair targets
these consist of 3 identical groups of at least 6 converging line pairs. The targets have a maximum
resolution of at least 20 lp/mm, a minimum resolution of 1 lp/mm, and are oriented in the 0°, 45° and
90° positions. The maximum resolution is oriented towards the ends of the standard reference film.
Reference marks are provided to indicate the spatial resolution at levels of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
15, and 20 lp/mm.
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spatial linearity targets
spatial linearity targets, or measurement scales, divide the standard reference film into 3 distinct sizes.
These targets are scaled in inches (1 inch = 25,4 mm). They are located in the horizontal and vertical
directions of the standard reference film.
4 General Conditions
4.1.1 Objective.
4.1.3 Type of radiation source used for obtaining the radiograph to be digitized: radioactive isotope or
X-ray apparatus.
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4.2 The procedure shall include the name of the issuer (PETROBRAS department or responsible
firm), be numbered and indicate the revision.
5 Radiographic Scanner
5.1 Films shall be digitized with a scanner pixel size suitable to the radiation source used for obtaining
the radiograph (see Section 7, Table 1).
5.3 The minimum density range shall be between 0,5 HD and 3,5 HD.
5.4 The contrast sensitivity achieved shall be capable of distinguishing variations of, at least, 0,02 HD
of optical density.
6 Monitor
6.1 The monitor used shall have a minimum luminance of 100 cd/m2 and a resolution equal to or
higher than 1 280 pixels x 1 024 pixels, with a maximum pixel size of 300 µm. The displayable
luminance ratio (maximum luminance/minimum luminance) shall be 100:1 or above.
7.1 Table 1 shows the minimum resolution required and the pixel size of the scanner according to the
radiation energy used for obtaining the radiograph. The resolution shall be measured through
converging line pair targets.
7.2 The contrast sensitivity obtained in the digitized image will meet the requirements set forth in this
Standard if the concentric blocks of contrast sensitivity targets can be clearly distinguished, as well as
each step of the stepped optical density targets.
7.3 The maximum allowable linearity deviation for a digitized radiographic image is 3 % measured in
relation to the sizes of the spatial linearity targets.
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7.4 The minimum dynamic range of the digitization system shall be equal to 3,5 HD of the optical
density, i.e. the system shall be capable of acknowledging all steps of the stepped optical density
targets from 0,5 HD to 3,5 HD.
7.5 The analyses described in 7.2 to 7.4 shall be made using the standard reference film.
7.6 After the digitization process all Image Quality Indicators (IQIs) shall be visible on the digital
image in the same manner as they are visible on the original radiographic film.
7.7 To check the quality of a digitized radiographic film, only image enlargement and contrast
enrichment operations are applicable. It is not permitted to use filters or any other processing means.
8.1 Digitized images shall be identified through an exclusive non-duplicated code generated by the
user, allowing traceability in relation to the corresponding equipment, piping or pipeline radiographed.
8.2 At least, the radiographic images in electronic media shall be related to the radiographic report
containing the following information:
8.3 It is not permitted to write or adulterate, by other means, information on the radiograph.
8.4 The use of DICONDE (Digital Imaging and Communication in Non-Destructive Evaluation)
protocol for image storage is recommended. [Recommended Practice]
8.5 Digitized radiographic images shall be stored through electronic media easily accessible for
viewing and suitable to the dimensions of the digital files.
8.6 If the original radiographs must be destroyed after the digitization process a backup copy of the
files shall be made.
8.7 The contractor shall supply, at no charge to the PETROBRAS unit that is contracting the
digitization services, at least an original software installation media in an updated version and
compatible with the platform of the operating systems used by PETROBRAS with the respective
licenses and activation keys of the software used for treatment and display of radiographic images,
together with the software user manuals.
9.1 The region of the targets of the reference standard film shall be free from wear signals, such as
scratches, abrasion, blooming etc., otherwise the film shall be replaced.
9.2 The supplier of the reference standard film shall provide the information described in 9.2.1 to
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9.2.2 Optical density values of each of the 13 blocks of the stepped optical density targets.
NOTE The certificate of the standard reference film shall be valid for 3 years from the date on which
it is used for the first time.
9.4 The film shall be handled with clean and dry hands.
9.5 In storage, the film shall be protected from light, heat, and contamination.
10.1 The digitization procedure shall be qualified by a level 3 professional qualified by the “Sistema
Nacional de Qualificação e Certificação de Ensaios Não Destrutivos” (SNQC-END) in Radiographic
10.2.1 The digitized image of the standard reference film reaches the minimum values expressed in
7.1 to 7.4.
10.2.2 The first 5 digitized radiographs present perfectly defined image quality indicator(s) as
observed in the original radiographic film.
NOTE Compliance with 10.2.2 shall not do away with the need to satisfy 7.6 of this Standard.
10.3 The qualified procedure shall include attached thereto all documents demonstrating its
qualification (digitized radiographs, reports etc.).
10.4 All documentation shall be accompanied by the “Industrial Radiographic Film Digitization
Procedure Qualification Records” form, which records the information required from the contractor to
demonstrate qualification. The information contained in the form shall be as follows:
a) name, signature, and registration with SNQC-END of the contractor’s level 3 professional
responsible for procedure qualification;
b) number and version of procedure used;
c) range of radiation energy used for obtaining conventional radiographs that are digitized;
d) information on the standard reference film according to 9.2.1 to 9.2.3 of this Standard;
e) identification of digitized radiographic images demonstrating qualification;
f) form issue date.
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11.1 Whenever any of the variables of Section 4 is modified, a revision of the procedure shall be
11.2 Whenever any of the items in 4.1 mentioned below are modified the procedure shall be
requalified: 4.1.4 a) and b) and 4.1.5 a), b), d), e), f), g), h), and l).
12.1 The quality of digitization shall be checked by scanning the standard reference film at the
beginning of the work day and every time changes are made to any of the digitization parameters.
12.2 In case of continuous film digitization work, this check shall also be made every 24 hours of work
or every 300 radiographic films digitized, whichever is smaller.
12.3 In case any of the quality parameter values in the digitization fails to comply with the
requirements of 7.1 to 7.4 of this Standard, all radiographs digitized since the last satisfactory check
shall be once again digitized after obtaining acceptable results in a new system evaluation.
13.1 The image digitization system shall be checked every 12 months at a third-party specialized
laboratory regarding the following aspects:
13.2 Periodic evaluation of the film digitization system shall be recorded in a report signed by the
contractor’s level 3 professional responsible for preparing the procedure. The report shall contain the
following information:
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14.1 While there is no specific National Qualification System implemented for the radiographic film
digitization inspector, there shall be, among the service providers, at least, one professional qualified
by SNQC-END referring to conventional radiography.
14.2 The other professionals involved with digitization of radiographic films do not necessarily need to
be qualified by SNQC-END referring to conventional radiography. However, they shall be specifically
trained in the film digitization technique with certification issued by the digitization equipment
manufacturer. This training shall prepare professionals for operation of the digitization system to be
14.3 Only the level 2 professional qualified by SNQC-END referring to conventional radiography will
be qualified to interpret and issue a report regarding radiographic images through the analysis of
industrial radiographic films or digitized radiographic images.
14.5 For radiographic film digitization applications outside the Brazilian territory, level 1, 2, and 3
professionals shall be qualified by independent systems operating in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 17024 and ISO 9712 or BSI BS EN 473.
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Annex A - Figure
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