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N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

Abbreviations for Industrial Designs


This Standard replaces and cancels its previous revision.

The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the
interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The
Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting
and applying the sections, subsections and enumerates thereof.

Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and

which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is
CONTEC taken not to follow the requirement (“non-conformity” to this Standard) it shall be
Comissão de Normalização based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved
Técnica and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is
characterized by imperative nature.
Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions
of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of
there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the
particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered
by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized
by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression:
[Recommended Practice].
Copies of the registered “non-conformities” to this Standard that may contribute
to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring
SC - 12 Subcommittee.

General Design Standards Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC -
Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision
of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the
proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals
are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard.

“The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRÓLEO

BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company, and any
reproduction for external use or disclosure, without previous and express
authorization from the owner, will imply an unlawful act pursuant to the
relevant legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be
imputed. External circulation shall be regulated by a specific clause of
Secrecy and Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and
industrial property law.”

PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG
(consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are
commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees -
SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and
its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company
Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its
Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled.
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical
Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS
Technical Standards Catalog.
PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 12 pages and Index of Revisions

N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


This Standard is the English version (issued in 02/2013) of PETROBRAS N-75 REV. E 03/2012. In
case of doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for all intents and purposes, shall
be used.

1 Scope

1.1 This Standard sets out the abbreviations to be used in industrial designs.

1.2 For consultation of this Standard, two entries are provided: by abbreviations (see 3.1) and by
terms (see 3.2).

1.3 This Standard does not apply for identification symbology of equipment and piping components
(see PETROBRAS N-1521), of pipes (see PETROBRAS N-1522), as well as for instruments (see
ISA 5.1).

1.4 This Standard applies to procedures prepared as of their editing date.

1.5 This Standard contains only Technical Requirements.

2 Normative References

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document applies.

PETROBRAS N-1521 - Identificação de Equipamentos Industriais;

PETROBRAS N-1522 - Identificação de Tubulações Industriais;

ANSI/ISA 5.1 - Instrumentation Symbols and Identification.

NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is
available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any
information required for the specific application.

3 Abbreviations

3.1 In Alphabetical Order of Abbreviations


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


A - Anchor (Piping Support);

AC - Carbon Steel;
ACA - Setting in Field;
ADM - Allowable;
AE - Electrical Heating;
AEC - Both Chamfered Ends;
AEP - Both Flat Ends;
AER - Both Threaded Ends;
AFO - Wrought Steel;
AFU - Cast Steel;
AI - Stainless Steel;
Al - Alloy Steel;
ALT - Altitude, Height;
APROX. - Approximate.


B - Stop (Piping Support);

BE - Cradle (Piping Support);
BL - Block;
BOP - Bottom of Pipe (External Lower Generating Line of Pipe);
BR - Bracket (Piping Support);
BRE - Reduction Bushing;
BUJ - Retainer;
BWG - Birminghan Wire Gauge.


CA - Screwed Castle or Alternating Current;

CALC - Calculate/Calculated;
CAP - Plug;
CC - With Joining Splice or Direct Current;
CE - Blind;
CG - Gravity Center;
CGM - Mitre Segmented Curve;
CH - Plate;
CHUMB - Anchor Bolt;
CHX - Checkered Plate;
CL - Class;
COD - Continues in Drawing, Code;
COI - Continues in Isometric;
COL - String;
COMP - Length;
CON - Connection;
CONC - Concentric;
CONT - Continuous;
COST - Joining Splice
CR - Threaded Castle;
CRC - Short Radius Curve;
CRL - Long Radius Curve;
CTU - Union-type Castle;
CX - Box.


DE - Outer Diameter or Drawing;

DES - Drawing;
DET - Detail;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

DI - Inner Diameter;
DIM - Size;
DIR - Right;
DN - Nominal Diameter;
DPDT - Double Pole Double Throw;
DPST - Double Pole Single Throw.


E - This;
ECC - Eccentric;
EL - Elevation;
EMAC - Chamfered Larger End;
EMAP - Flat Larger End;
EMAR - Threaded Larger End;
EMEC - Chamfered Smaller End;
EMEP - Flat Smaller End;
EMER - Threaded Smaller End;
ENCH - Grout;
ES - Fitting for Weld;
ESP - Thickness;
ESPAÇ - Spacing;
ESPEC - Specification;
ESQ - Left;
EX - End;
EXC - Chamfered End;
EXP - Flat End;
EXR - Threaded End;
EXT - External.


FABR - Manufacturer/Manufacture;
FCE - Blind Flange;
FD - Data Sheet;
FF - Flat Face;
FFU - Cast Iron;
FIG - Figure;
FIT - Inner Face of Pipe;
FLG - Flange/Flanged;
FM - Black Iron;
FORJ - Wrought;
FPE - Neck Flange
FREQ - Frequency;
FRO - Threaded Flange;
FSO - Overlapped Flange.


G - Longitudinal Guide (Piping Restriction);

GALV - Galvanized;
GR - Degree;
GT: - Transversal Guide (Piping Restriction).


HARE - Upward Rod with Outer Thread;

HNA - Non-upward Rod;
HORZ - Horizontal.


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


IF - Cold Isolation;
IQ - Hot Isolation;
INC - Inclined;
INT - Internal;
ISOL - Isolation;
ISOM - Isometric.


J - Joint;
JA - O-Ring Joint;
JE - Expansion Joint;
JM - Metallic Joint;
JO - Elbow;
JSE - Spiraled or Lined Semi-metallic Joint.


L - East;
LARG - Width;
LB - Battery Limit;
LC - Center Line;
Li - List;
LJ - Lap Joint;
LM - List of Material;
LRE - Reduction Glove;
LT - Contact Line:
LU - Glove.


MAX - Maximum;
MCM - Thousand Circular Mils;
MIG - Inert-Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process;
MIN - Minimum.


N - North;
NC - National Coarse;
NEC - National Electrical Code; ;
NH - American National Fire Hose Connection Screw Threads;
NIP - Nipple;
NPS - Nominal Pipe Size;
NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head;
NPTF - National Pipe Thread;
NRE - Reduction Nipple.


O - West;
OSY - Outside Screw and Yoke.


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


P - Skate (Piping Support);

PAE - Stud Bolt;
PAG - Page;
PAM - Machine Screw;
PAR - Screw, Wall Thickness;
PCM - Material Purchase Order;
PE - Neck (Neck Flange);
PLAT - Platform;
PP - Personal Protection;
PN - Panel;
PSV - Pressure Safety Valve;
PT - Piping Pass, Expert Opinion;
PTO - Point.


R - Radius;
RED - Reduction;
REF - Reference;
REV - Review;
RF - Raised Face;
RM - Request for Material;
RO - Threaded;
RTJ - Ring Type Joint.


S - South;
SA - Heating System;
SAO - Oil and Water Separator;
SCH - Schedule;
SD - Direct Support (for Piping);
SE - Special Support.
SI - Indirect Support (for Piping);
SM - Spring Support;
SO - Overlapped (“Overlapped Flange”);
SPDT - Single Pole Double Throw;
SPST - Single Pole Single Throw;
ST - Butt Weld;
STD - Standard.


TAG - Identification;
TC - Current Transformer;
TEMP - Temperature;
TF - Transformer;
TIG - Inert-Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding Process;
TIP - Typical;
TOL - Tolerance;
T`P - Power Transformer;
TQ - Tank;
TRAFO - Transformer;
TRE - Reducing Tee.


U - Industrial Unit;
UEC - One of Chamfered Ends;
UEP - One of Flat Ends;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

UER - One of Threaded Ends;

UN - Union;
UNIT - Unit (Standard).


VA - Heating Steam
VAG - Needle Valve;
VALV - Valve;
VAN - Angle Valve;
VAR - Variable;
VBO - Butterfly Valve;
VERT - Vertical;
VES - Ball Valve;
VGA or VG - Gate Valve;
VGL - Globe Valve;
VMA - Taper Valve;
VPE - Foot Valve;
VRE - Check Valve.


OG - Water, Oil and Gas.


XS - Extra Strong;
XXS - Double Extra Strong.


@ - Each, up to, to
 - Diameter;
# - Pounds per Square Inches (psi); Number or Gauge.

3.2 In Alphabetical Order of Terms


A - @;
Wrought Steel - AFO;
Cast Steel - AFU;
Stainless Steel - AI;
Alloy Steel - AL;
Carbon Steel - AC;
Allowable - ADM;
Setting in Field - ACA;
Altitude - ALT;
Height - ALT;
Both Chamfered Ends - AEC;
Both Flat Ends - AEP;
Both Threaded Ends - AER;
Conditioning Engineers - ASHRAE;
American Wire Gauge - AWG;
Anchor (Piping Support) - A;
Approximate - APROX;
Electrical Heating - AE;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

Up to - @;


Stop (Piping Support) - B;

Cradle (Piping Support) - BE;
Birminghan Wire Gauge - BWG;
Gauge - #;
Block - BL;
Bottom of Pipe (External Lower Generating Line of Pipe) - BOP:
Bracket (Piping Support) - BR;
Brown and Sharpe - BS;
Reduction Bushing - BRE;
Stopper - BUJ.


Each - @;
Box - CX;
Calculate/Calculated - CALC;
Screwed Castle - CA;
Threaded Castle - CR;
Union-type Castle; - CTU;
Blind - CE;
Gravity Center - CG;
Checkered Plate - CHX;
Plate - CH;
Anchor Bolt - CHUMB;
Class - CL;
Code - COD;
String - COL;
With Joining Splice - CC;
Length - COMP;
Concentric - CONC;
Connection - CON;
Continuous - CONT;
Continues in Drawing - COD;
Continues in Isometric - COI;
Alternating Current - CA;
Direct Current - CC;
Joining Splice - COST;
Short Radius Curve - CRC;
Long Radius Curve - CRL;
Mitre Segmented Curve - CGM.


Drawing - DE;
Detail - DET;
Diameter - ;
Outer Diameter - DE;
Inner Diameter - DI;
Nominal Diameter - DN;
Size - DIM;
Right - DIR;
Double Extra Strong - XXS;
Double Pole Double Throw - DPDT;
Double Pole Single Throw - DPST.


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


Elevation - EL;
Fitting for Weld - ES;
Grout - ENCH;
Spacing - ESPAC;
Specification - ESPEC;
Thickness - ESP;
Wall Thickness - PAR;
Left - ESQ;
This - E;
Eccentric - ECC;
External - EXT;
Extra Strong - XS;
End - EX;
Chamfered End - EXC;
Chamfered Larger End - EMAC;
Flat Larger End - EMAP;
Threaded Larger End - EMAR;
Chamfered Smaller End - EMEC;
Flat Smaller End - EMEP;
Threaded Smaller End - EMER;
Flat End - EXP;
Threaded End - EXR.


Manufacturer/Manufacture - FABR;
Inner Face of Pipe - FIT;
Cast Iron - FFU;
Black Iron - FM;
Figure - FIG;
Blind Flange - FCE;
Flange/Flanged - FLG;
Neck Flange - FPE
Threaded Flange - FRO
Overlapped Flange - FSO
Flat Face - FF;
Data Sheet - FD;
Wrought - FORJ;
Frequency - FREQ.


Galvanized - GALV;
Degree - GR;
Longitudinal Guide (Piping Restriction) - G;
Transversal Guide (Piping Restriction) - GT.


Upward Rod with Outer Thread - HARE;

Non-upward Rod - HNA;
Horizontal - HORZ.


Identification - TAG;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

Inclined - INC;
Internal - INT;
Isolation - ISOL;
Cold Isolation - IF;
Hot Isolation - IQ;
Isometric - ISOM.


Elbow - JO;
Joint - J;
O-Ring Joint - JA;
Expansion Joint - JE;
Metallic Joint - JM;
Spiraled or Lined Semi-metallic Joint - JSE


Lap Joint - LJ;

Width - LARG;
East - L;
Battery Limit - LB;
Center Line - LC;
Contact Line - LT;
List - LI;
List of Material - LM;
Glove - LU;
Reduction Glove - LRE.


Maximum - MAX;
Thousand Circular Mils - MCM;
Minimum - MIN.


National Coarse - NC;

National Pipe Thread - NPT;
Net Positive Suction Head - NPSH;
Nipple - NIP;
Reduction Nipple - NRE;
Nominal Pipe Size - NPS;
North - N;
Number - #.


West - O
Outside Screw and Yoke - OSY.


Page - PAG;
Panel - PN;
Screw - PAR;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

Machine Screw - PAM;

Stud Bolt - PAE;
Expert Opinion - PT;
Piping Pass - PT;
Skate (Piping Support) - P;
Neck (Neck Flange) - PE;
Platform - PLAT;
Point - PTO;
Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI) - #;
Pressure Safety Valve - PSV;
Inert-Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding Process - TIG;
Inert-Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process - MIG;
Personal Protection - PP;


Radius - R;
Raised Face - RF;
Reduction - RED;
Reference - REF;
Request for Material - RM;
Review - REV;
Ring Type Joint - RTJ;
Threaded - RO.


Schedule - SCH;
Oil and Water Separator - SAO;
Single Pole Double Throw - SPDT;
Single Pole Single Throw - SPST;
Heating System - SA;
Overlapped (Overlapped Flange) - SO;
Butt Weld - ST;
Standard - STD;
South - S;
Spring Support - SM;
Direct Support (for Piping) - SD;
Special Support - SE;
Indirect Support (for Piping) - SI.


Plug - CAP;
Tank - TQ;
Temperature - TEMP
Typical - TIP;
Tolerance - TOL;
Transformer - TF;
Transformer - TRAFO;
Current Transformer - TC;
Power Transformer - TP.


One of Chamfered Ends - UEC;

One of Flat Ends - UEP;
One of Threaded Ends - UER;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012

Unit (Standard) - UNID;

Industrial Unit - U;
Union - UN.


Heating Steam - VA
Valve - VALV;
Needle Valve - VAG;
Angle Valve - VAN;
Butterfly Valve - VBO;
Foot Valve - VPE;
Check Valve - VRE;
Ball Valve - VES;
Gate Valve - VGA or VG;
Globe Valve - VGL;
Taper Valve - VMA;
Variable - VAR;
Vertical - VERT.


Water, Oil and Gas - WOG;


N-75 REV. E ENGLISH 03 / 2012


REV. A, B and C
There is no index of revisions.

Affected Parts Description of Alteration


Affected Parts Description of Alteration

3.1 Revised

3.2 Revised

IR 1/1

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