A Cerastus Knight-Atropos is a single model Titanic vehicle. As it takes damage, its profiles change with reduced movement, ballistic skill, and weapon ranges. It has powerful melee and ranged weapons, and abilities that allow healing, exploding when destroyed, and improved movement and shooting.
A Cerastus Knight-Atropos is a single model Titanic vehicle. As it takes damage, its profiles change with reduced movement, ballistic skill, and weapon ranges. It has powerful melee and ranged weapons, and abilities that allow healing, exploding when destroyed, and improved movement and shooting.
A Cerastus Knight-Atropos is a single model Titanic vehicle. As it takes damage, its profiles change with reduced movement, ballistic skill, and weapon ranges. It has powerful melee and ranged weapons, and abilities that allow healing, exploding when destroyed, and improved movement and shooting.
A Cerastus Knight-Atropos is a single model Titanic vehicle. As it takes damage, its profiles change with reduced movement, ballistic skill, and weapon ranges. It has powerful melee and ranged weapons, and abilities that allow healing, exploding when destroyed, and improved movement and shooting.
KNIGHT-ATROPOS characteristics change as it suffers damage in battle, as shown below: NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv REMAINING W M WS BS Cerastus Knight-Atropos * * * 8 8 27 4 9 3+ 15-27+ 14" 3+ 3+ A Cerastus Knight-Atropos is a single model. It is equipped with an Atropos lascutter and a 7-14 10" 4+ 4+ graviton singularity cannon. It may also crush its foes beneath its titanic feet. 1-6 6" 5+ 5+ WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Atropos lascutter 9" Heavy 1 12 -4 6 If an attack with this weapon slays an enemy VEHICLE (shooting) or MONSTER unit in the Shooting phase, you may immediately make another attack against a separate target within range. This bonus attack does not generate further attacks. Atropos lascutter Melee Melee 14 -4 6 You may re-roll failed hit rolls and wound rolls for (melee) this weapon against targets with the MONSTER, BUILDING or VEHICLE keyword. Roll a D6 each time before this weapon is fired. On a 1, the bearer suffers a mortal wound and the weapon fires Graviton singularity normally (if the bearer survives this). On 2-5, the attack 36" Heavy 4 8 -3 3 cannon is carried out normally using its listed profile. On a 6, the weapon’s attacks are instead carried out at Strength 16, AP -4, Damage 6 instead of its normal profile. Make 3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon Titanic feet Melee Melee User -2 D3 instead of 1. WARGEAR OPTIONS None. ABILITIES Blessed Autosimulacra: At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a D6; on the result of a 5+ the model heals one wound. Explodes (Unstable Reactor): If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6+ it explodes and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds. Flank Speed: When making advance rolls for this model, roll 2D6 to determine the maximum distance it may move. Ionic Flare Shield: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks, and a 5+ invulnerable save against melee attacks. Knight Titan: A Cerastus Knight-Atropos can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn, When a Cerastus Knight-Atropos Falls Back, it can even move over enemy INFANTRY models, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" from all enemy units. A Cerastus Knight-Atropos can shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, as long as all of the enemy models have the INFANTRY keyword. In this case, it can shoot the enemy unit that is within 1" of it or any other visible enemy unit that is within range and more than 1" away from any friendly models. In addition, the Cerastus Knight-Atropos can move and fire Heavy weapons without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, the Cerastus Knight-Atropos only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the bearer. Macro-extinction Protocols: You may add 1 to your hit rolls with this model when making Shooting attacks against targets with the TITANIC keyword. FACTION KEYWORDS IMPERIUM, QUESTOR IMPERIALIS, <HOUSEHOLD> KEYWORDS VEHICLE, TITANIC, CERASTUS KNIGHT ATROPOS