CSM 2000
CSM 2000
CSM 2000
Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [77 PL, 3CP, 1,510pts]
Rules: Armour of Contempt
Configuration [6CP]
Game Type
Selections: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim
Selections: Black Legion
Abilities: Black Crusaders
Psychic Warp
Range Details Ref
Power Charge
Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly <LEGION>
CHARACTER unit within 18" of this PSYKER.
Pact of
5 18" - One model in that unit regains up to D3 lost wounds.
- If you selected a CORE or DAEMONKIN unit and that unit
is not at its Starting Strength, one destroyed model is added
back to that unit with its full wounds remaining.
Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the
closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3
Smite 5 18"
mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was
more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
Psychic Warp
Range Details Ref
Power Charge
Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly <LEGION>
INFANTRY or <LEGION> CHAOS SPAWN model within 12"
6 12" of this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase,
add 2 to the Strength and Attacks characteristic of that
Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly <LEGION>
Putrid NURGLE unit within 18" of this PSYKER. Until the start of
6 18"
Miasma your next Psychic phase, each time an attack is made
against that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the
Smite 5 18" closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3
mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was
more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
Psyker Cast Deny Other Ref
Each time this unit attempts to Deny the Witch,
manifest a psychic power or perform a psychic action,
and 1
measure distances and draw line of sight from the
Balefire model in this unit equipped with a balefire tome. If
1 1 from the
tome enemy units have abilities that require measuring
distance or drawing line of sight to PSYKER units, do
so to the model in this unit equipped with a balefire
- Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, if that model's unit
made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this
Mark of turn, add 1 to that attack's Strength characteristic.
Khorne - If this unit has the ICON keyword, each time a model in that unit makes a
melee attack, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack
by 1.
Chaos Allegiance
Selections: Nurgle
Reinforcement Points
Force Rules
Armour of Contempt: Each time an attack is allocated to an ASTRA MILITARUM VEHICLE, ADEPTUS
Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
This rule does not apply to any of the following:
• Models equipped with a storm shield, a relic shield or a combat shield (or a Relic that replaces one of these
• Models with either the Sacresant Shield or Force Shielding ability (Celestian Sacresant and Nemesis
Dreadknight units).
• Models that are under the effects of any other rule that worsens or reduces the Armour Penetration
characteristic of an attack. (The Balance Dataslate p1)
Selection Rules
Combi Weapon: When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles. If you choose both,
subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. ()
Daemonic Invulnerablity: Instead of a normal Save characteristic, each LEGIONES DAEMONICA
datasheet has a Daemonic Save characteristic. This characteristic has 2 values. The first characteristic is
used when a melee attack is allocated to that model, while the second characteristic is used when a ranged
attack is allocated to that model. In either case, the saving throw cannot be modified in any way. ()
Daemonic Terror (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 6" of this unit, subtract 1 from that enemy unit's
Leadership characteristic and subtract 1 from any Combat Attrition tests taken for that enemy unit. ()
Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 145 of Codex: Chaos Space Marines ()
Malefic Weapons: Many Chaos Daemons weapons are malefic weapons. Such a weapon will have an
ability that reads "Malefic" and then a value. Each time the bearer fights, it makes a number of additional
attacks with that weapon equal to that value, and no more than that number of attacks can be made with
that weapon while resolving that fight. If a model is equipped with more than one malefic weapon, it can
make additional attacks with each one it is equipped with.
Unless otherwise specified, malefic weapons are never affected by effects or abilities that allow models to
make additional attacks, or abilities that would add to, subtract from or improve their characteristics in any
way. ()
Malicious Volleys: Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit firing
Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:
• The firing model’s target is within half the weapon’s maximum range.
• The firing model is INFANTRY and every model in its unit Remained Stationary in your previous Movement
• The firing model is a TERMINATOR, BIKER or HELBRUTE.
For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt weapon is any bolt weapon with the Rapid Fire type. A bolt
weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘bolt’ (e.g. boltgun, bolt pistol, combibolter, Inferno
boltgun). Rules that apply to bolt weapons also apply when firing the boltgun profile of combi-weapons and
when firing Artefacts of Chaos that replaced a bolt weapon, (e.g. Spitespitter). The Talon of Horus is also a
Rapid Fire bolt weapon. ()
Manifestation: During deployment, you can set up this model in the warp instead of setting it up on the
battlefield. If you do so, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set this
unit up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models, or more than 6" away
from any enemy models and wholly within 6" of a friendly WARP LOCUS model that was on the battlefield at
the start of the turn. If the WARP LOCUS has an Allegiance keyword, the unit being set up can only use this
ability if it has the same Allegiance keyword.
If every unit from your army has the LEGIONES DAEMONICA keyword, then in the Reinforcements step of
one of your Movement phases, you can instead set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield with one of the
following restrictions:
- Wholly within your deployment zone and more than 3" away from any enemy models.
- Neither wholly within your deployment zone nor within your opponent's deployment zone, and more than a
number of inches away from away from each enemy unit, equal to the current Leadership characteristic of
that enemy unit (to a minimum of 3" and a maximum of 9"). ()
Warp Storm: This ability can be used to apply Warp Storm effects to eligible units from your army. ()
Warp Strike: During deployment, you can set up this unit in blasphemous reserves instead of setting it up
on the battlefield. If you do so, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set
up this unit anywhere that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. ()