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Civil Engineering

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A thesis submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of


Submitted by:
(ROLL NO. 801122019)


Senior Professor
Civil Engineering
Thapar University, Patiala


JULY 2013

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This is to ceniry dlat thc thesis entirlcd 'lProp€rties of Sclf-Conpu.ting cdncrete

lncorporaiingwasieloundarysand" beingsubmitted by Ms. tlrrinder Knur s.rdhu,
RollNo 80u22019in panialfulfillmed for lheawanlofdecree ofMdste^ orEngineering
in Structuml Enginering at Thnpa. Universily, ?aliala is a hnafrde work caded oul by
herundermy guidance ed supenision andthotnoponofthis rhesishas beensubmined tbr
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Self-compacting concrete (SCC), a recent innovation in concrete technology, has numerous
advantages over conventional concrete. Self-compacting concrete, as the name indicates, is a
type of concrete that does not require external or internal compaction, because it becomes
levelled and consolidated under its self-weight. SCC can spread and fill all corners of the
formwork, purely by means of its self-weight, thus eliminating the need of vibration or any
type of consolidating effort .

Foundry sand is a high quality silica sand used as a moulding material by ferrous and non-
ferrous metal casting industries. It can be reused several times in foundries but, after a certain
period, cannot be used further and becomes waste material, referred to as used or spent
foundry sand (UFS or SFS). The majority of spent moulding sands are classified as
nonhazardous waste (i.e. not corrosive, ignitable, reactive or toxic).

This report demonstrates the possibilities of using waste foundry sand as partial replacement
of sand in concrete. This experimental investigation was performed to evaluate the strength
and durability properties of concrete, in which natural sand was partial replaced with waste
foundry sand (WFS). Natural sand was replaced with four percentage (0%, 10%, 15%, 20%)
of WFS by weight. Fresh properties of self-compacting concrete were studied. Compression
test and splitting tensile strength test were carried out to evaluate the strength properties of
concrete at the age of 7, 28, and 56 days. In case of durability properties, sulphate resistance
was evaluated at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days and Rapid Chloride Permeability test was
conducted at age of 28 days.

Test results showed that there is increase in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength of
self-compacting concrete by incorporating waste foundry sand (WFS) as partial replacement
by sand up to 15%. Resistance of concrete against sulphate attack and rapid chloride
permeability were also improved for concrete mixes. Test results indicated that there was
better enhancement in strength and durability properties of concrete up to 15% replacement
of fine aggregate with WFS.









1.1 General 1

1.2 Development of self- compacting concrete 1

1.3 Mechanism of self-compacting concrete 2

1.4 Properties and tests of self-compacting concrete 5

1.4.1 Properties 5

1.4.2 Test 6

1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of self-compacting concrete 11

1.5.1 Advantages 11

1.5.2 Disadvantages 12

1.6 Applications of self-compacting concrete 13

1.7 Limitations of self-compacting concrete 15

1.7.1 SCC Production 15

1.7.2 Transportation 15

1.7.3 Form system 16

1.7.4 Casting on site 16

1.7.5 Surface finishing and curing 17

1.7.6 Cold joint 17

1.8 World- wide current situation of self-compacting concrete 17

1.9 Need for this research 19

1.10 Foundry sand 20

1.11 Production of foundry industry in India and world 20

1.12 Types of foundry sand 21

1.12.1 Green sands 22

1.12.2 Chemically bonded sands 22

1.13 Properties of waste foundry sand 22

1.13.1 Physical properties 22

1.13.2 Chemical properties 23

1.13.3 Mechanical properties 24

1.14 Applications of waste foundry sand 25

1.15 Orientation of thesis report 27



2.1 General 28

2.2 Fresh concrete properties 29

2.3 Hardened concrete properties 31

2.3.1 Compressive strength 31

2.3.2 Splitting tensile strength 37

2.4 Durability properties 39

2.4.1 Resistance to sulphate attack 39

2.4.2 Rapid chloride permeability test 41



3.1 General 43

3.2 Materials used 43

3.2.1 Cement 43

3.2.2 Fine aggregates 44

3.2.3 Coarse aggregates 45

3.2.4 Water 46

3.2.5 Used foundry sand 46

3.2.6 Admixture 48

3.2.7 Magnesium sulphate 48

3.3 Casting and curing 49

3.4 Mix proportion of self-compacting concrete 49

3.5 Testing procedure 53

3.5.1 Strength properties 53

3.5.2 Durability properties 53

3.6 Test conducted 53

3.6.1 Fresh properties 53 U-Box test method 54 L-Box test method 55 V-Funnel test method 57 Slump flow method 59

3.6.2 Hardened concrete tests 61 Compressive strength test 61 Splitting tensile strength 62

3.6.3 Durability test 65 Sulphate resistance test 65 Rapid chloride permeability test 65



4.1 General 68

4.2 Effect of waste foundry sand on SCC 68

4.2.1 Fresh concrete properties 68

4.2.2 Compressive strength 71 Effect of WFS on compressive strength 71 Effect of age on compressive strength 73

4.2.3 Splitting tensile strength 74 Effect of WFS on splitting tensile strength 74 Effect of age on splitting tensile strength 76

4.2.4 Resistance to sulphate attack of concrete 77

4.2.5 Rapid chloride permeability 79 Effect of WFS on rapid chloride permeability 79



5.1 General 81

5.2 Strength properties 81

5.2.1 Compressive strength 81

5.2.2 Split tensile strength 81

5.3 Durability properties 82

5.3.1 Sulphate resistance 82

5.3.2 Rapid chloride permeability test 82

5.4 Scope for further work 82


Table no. Description Page no.

1.1 Test methods to evaluate the workability properties of SCC 6

1.2 Acceptance criteria for Self-compacting Concrete 11
1.3 Typical Physical Properties of Waste Foundry Sand 23
1.4 Chemical Composition of Foundry Sand 24
1.5 Typical Mechanical Properties of Waste Foundry Sand 25
1.6 Uses of WFS in Various Applications 26
2.1 Fresh concrete properties 29
3.1 Physical Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement 43
3.2 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate 44
3.3 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates 45
3.4 Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates (10mm) 45
3.5 Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates 46
3.6 Physical Properties of Foundry Sand 47
3.7 Sieve Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand 47
3.8 Specifications of Superplasticizer 48
3.9 Test data for materials 49
3.10 All in Grading 50
3.11 Mix Proportion without water correction 51
3.12 Correction 51

3.13 Ingredients in SSD condition 52

3.14 Mix proportions 52

3.15 Chloride Ion Penetrability Based on Charge Passed (ASTM C1202) 67

4.1 Fresh concrete properties 68

4.2 Compressive strength of SCC Mixes of specimen size 150x150x150 72
with Waste Foundry Sand
4.3 Splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes with Waste Foundry Sand 75
4.4 Compressive strength of concrete mixes after immersion in 78
50gm/litre of MgSo4 solution
4.5 Charge passed and rating for SCC mixes. 80

Figure no. Description Page no.
1.1 Necessity of Self- Compacting Concrete 3
1.2 The schematic composition of SCC. 4
1.3 Mechanism for achieving self-compactability 4
1.4 Methods to achieve self-compactability of fresh concrete 5
1.5 Basic workability requirements for successful casting of SCC 6
1.6 U-type test 7
1.7 Slump flow test 8
1.8 Schematic of L-box 9
1.9 Orimet test 9
1.10 V-funnel 10
1.11 Slump Flow/J-Ring combination test 11
3.1 Used Foundry Sand 47
3.2 Grading limits for SCC 51

3.3 U box 54

3.4 L box 56

3.5 V- Funnel equipment 58

3.6 Slump flow test equipment 59

3.7 Compressive Strength Test 62

3.8 Splitting Tensile Strength 64

3.9 Rapid chloride permeability test set up 66

3.10 Schematic of rapid chloride permeability test setup 66

4.1 Slump flow test conducted for self-compacting concrete 69

4.2 Slump flow test 69

4.3 U-Box test 70

4.4 L-Box test 70

4.5 L-Box test in progress 70

4.6 Compressive strength of waste foundry sand concrete 71

4.7 Percentage (%) increase in compressive strength of waste foundry 73

sand concrete
4.8 Compressive strength of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete verses age 74

4.9 Splitting tensile strength of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete 76

4.10 Percentage (%) increase in split tensile strength of waste foundry 76

and concrete
4.11 Split tensile strength verses age 77

4.12 Compressive strength after immersion in MgSo4 solution (50g/l) 78

4.13 Percentage(%) increased (+) or decreased (-) in compressive 79

strength after immersion in MgSo4 solution (50g/l) as compared
with compressive strength of specimens cured in normal water at
same ages.
4.14 Chloride penetration for SCC mixes at various Waste Foundry Sand 80





Concrete is the man-made material which has the vastest utilization worldwide. This
fact leads to important problems regarding its design and preparation to finally obtain an
economic cost of the product on short and long time periods. The material has to be also
“friendly with the environment” during its fabrication process and also its aesthetical
appearance when it is used in the structures. Its success is when its raw materials that have a
large spreading into the world, the prices of raw materials that are low and the properties
and the performances of the concrete that confers it a large scale of application. Concrete’s
performances have continuously rise in order to accomplish the society needs. Many studies
have been made concerning the use of additives and super–plasticizers in the concrete by
using minimum water content for a good workability of a concrete. As a result of this, high
performance concretes developed having a superior durability.
Self-compacting concrete, as the name indicates, is a type of concrete that does not
require external or internal vibration for placing and compaction but it gets compacted under
its self-weight. It is able to flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and
achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested reinforcement. At the same time
it is cohesive enough to fill spaces of almost any size and shape without segregation or
bleeding. This makes SCC particularly useful wherever placing is difficult, such as in heavily
reinforced concrete members or in complicated formwork.


For several years beginning in 1983, the problem of the durability of concrete
structures was a major topic of interest in Japan. To make durable concrete structures,
sufficient compaction by skilled workers is required. However, the gradual reduction in the
number of skilled workers in Japan's construction industry has led to a similar reduction in
the quality of construction work. One solution for the achievement of durable concrete
structures independent of the quality of construction work is the employment of self-
compacting concrete, which can be compacted into every corner of a formwork, purely by
means of its own weight and without the need for vibrating compaction. The necessity of this

Thapar University, Patiala 1


type of concrete was proposed by Professor Hajime Okamura in 1986. Studies to develop
self-compacting concrete, including a fundamental study on the workability of concrete, were
carried out by Ozawa and Maekawa at the University of Tokyo. SCC technology in Japan
was based on using conventional superplasticizers to create highly fluid concrete, while also
using viscosity-modifying agents (VMA) which increase plastic viscosity thus preventing
segregation up to a level of fluidity that would normally cause segregation. The prototype of
self-compacting concrete was first completed in 1988 using materials already on the market.
The prototype performed satisfactorily with regard to drying and hardening shrinkage, heat of
hydration, denseness after hardening, and other properties(Okamura and Ouchi , 2003). This
concrete was named “High Performance Concrete.” and was defined as follows at the three
stages of concrete:
(1) fresh: self-compactable
(2) early age: avoidance of initial defects
(3) hardened: protection against external factors
At almost the same time, “High Performance Concrete” was defined as a concrete
with high durability due to low water-cement ratio by Professor Aitcin. Since then, the term
high performance concrete has been used around the world to refer to high durability
concrete. Therefore, Okamura has changed the term for the proposed concrete to “Self-
Compacting High Performance Concrete.”


Self-compactability can be largely affected by the characteristics of materials and the

mixproportion. A rational mix-design method for self-compacting concrete is necessary.
Okamura and Ozawa have proposed a simple mix-proportioning system assuming general
supply from ready-mixed concrete plants . The coarse and fine aggregate contents are fixed
so that self-compactability can be achieved easily by adjusting the water powder ratio and
superplasticizer dosage only. SCC requires a higher level of quality control than conventional
slump concrete. Okamura, Ozawa (2003) have employed the following methods to achieve
• Limited aggregate content
• Low water-powder ratio
• Use of super plasticizer

Thapar University, Patiala 2


Fig. 1.1: Necessity of Self- Compacting Concrete (Ouchi and Hibino, 2000)

The method for achieving self-compactability involves not only high deformability of
paste or mortar, but also resistance to segregation between coarse aggregate and mortar when
the concrete flows through the confined zone reinforcing bars.
The frequency of collision and contact between aggregate particles can increase as the
relative distance between the particles decreases and then internal stress can increase when
concrete is deformed, particularly near obstacles. Research has found that the energy required
for flowing is consumed by the increased internal stress, resulting in blockage of aggregate
particles. Limiting the coarse aggregate content, whose energy consumption is particularly
intense, to a level lower than normal is effective in avoiding this kind of blockage. Highly
viscous paste is also required to avoid the blockage of coarse aggregate when the concrete
flows through obstacles. When the concrete is deformed, paste with a high viscosity also
prevents localized increases in internal stress due the approach of coarse aggregate particles.
High deformability can be achieved only by the employment of a super-plasticizer, keeping
the water-powder ratio to a very low value.

Additionally, the paste or mortar has to deform well too. Contact and collision between
aggregates as well as the interparticle friction increase with the decreases in relative distance
between aggregates particles in the concrete mix, resulting in the blockage of aggregate
particles. Limiting coarse aggregate volume increases inter-particle separation and reduces
the inter-particle friction and collisions resulting in minimization of the blockage leading to
improvement in passing ability.

Thapar University, Patiala 3


Fig. 1.2: The schematic composition of SCC (Brouwers and Radix, 2005)

The increase of paste volume with emphasis to low water powder ratio (w/p) in
presence of compatible chemical admixtures further strengthens the fluidity and helps in
attaining homogeneity. Adequate homogeneity improves viscosity of the mix, which in turn
enhances the segregation resistance. An optimum balance between fluidity and viscosity is
the key to achieve efficient self-compacting characteristics of the concrete mix at fresh state.
In SCC, the powder contains binder component consisting of ordinary Portland cement
(OPC), mineral admixtures like fly ash along with/ without filler material like limestone
powder, dolomite etc. To achieve moderate plastic viscosity and low yield value, multiple
chemical admixtures are required. Special chemical admixture like viscosity modifier
admixture (VMA) is used for controlling the viscosity of the mix and super plasticizer for
lowering the yield stress. In addition, the characteristics of fine and coarse aggregates play
very important role on the yield stress of the mix.

Fig. 1.3: Mechanism for achieving self-compactability. (Okamura and Ouchi, 2003)

Thapar University, Patiala 4


Fig. 1.4: Methods to achieve self-compactability of fresh concrete

(Okamura and Ouchi, 2003)



Fresh SCC must possess at required levels the following key properties related to
Filling ability: This is the ability of the SCC to flow, spread and fill into all spaces within
the formwork under its own weight.

Passing ability: This is the ability of the SCC to flow through tight openings such as spaces
between steel reinforcing bars, under its own weight without blocking them.

Resistance to segregation: The SCC must meet the required levels of properties and its
composition remains uniform throughout the process of transport and placing that is keeps
the sand and aggregate in suspension.

Thapar University, Patiala 5


Fig.1.5: Basic workability requirements for successful casting of SCC (Khayat, 1999)

1.4.2 TESTS

Some of the important tests conducted on fresh SCC to evaluate its workability are briefly
explained and summarized below in a table:

Table 1.1: Test methods to evaluate the workability properties of SCC

(EFNARC, 2002).
Property Test Methods

Laboratory Field
(Mix Design) (Quality Control)
Filling Ability Slump Flow Test Slump Flow Test
T50 Flow Test T50 Flow Test
V-Funnel Test V-Funnel Test
Orimet Test Orimet Test

Passing Ability L-Box Test

U-Box Test J-Ring Test
Fill Box Test
Segregation Resistance GTM Test GTM Test
V-Funnel At T5min V-Funnel At T5mins

U-type test: Of the many testing methods used for evaluating self-compact ability, the U-

Thapar University, Patiala 6


type test (Fig. 1.6) proposed by the Taisei group is the most appropriate, due to the small
amount of concrete used, compared to others (Ferraris, 1999). This test is used to measure the
filling ability of SCC. The apparatus consists of a vessel that is divided by a middle wall into
two compartments. It provides a good direct assessment of passing ability.
For conducting the U-box test, one of the compartments of the apparatus is filled with
the concrete sample and filled concrete is left to stand for 1 minute. Then the sliding gate is
lifted to allow the concrete to flow out into the other compartment. After the concrete comes
to rest, the height of the concrete in the compartment that has been filled is measured in two
places and the mean height (H1) is calculated. Also the height in the other compartment (H2)
is measured. The filling height is then calculated as H1- H2. The whole test has to be
performed within 5 minutes. If the concrete flows as freely as water, at rest it will be
horizontal, so H1- H2 = 0. Therefore, the nearer this test value, that is, the filling height', is
zero, the better the flow and passing ability of SCC (EFNARC, 2002).

Fig. 1.6: U-type test (EFNARC, 2002)

Slump Flow test: The slump flow test is used to assess the horizontal free flow of SCC in the
absence of obstructions. The basic equipment used is the same as for the conventional Slump
test. The test method differs from the conventional one by the fact that the concrete sample
placed into the mould is not rodded and when the slump cone is removed the sample

Thapar University, Patiala 7


collapses (Ferraris, 1999). The diameter of the spread of the sample is measured, that is a
horizontal distance is determined as opposed to the vertical distance in the conventional
Slump test. The Slump Flow test can give an indication as to the consistency, filling ability
and workability of SCC. The SCC is assumed of having a good filling ability and consistency
if the diameter of the spread reaches values between 650mm to 800mm (EFNARC, 2002).

Fig. 1.7: Slump flow test (Zhimin et al., 2008)

Orimet test: The test is based on the principle of an orifice rheometer applied to fresh
concrete (Bartos, 2000). The test involves recording of time that it takes for a concrete
sample to flow out from a vertical casting pipe through an interchangeable orifice attached at
its lower end. The shorter the Flow-Time, the higher is the filling ability of the fresh mix. The
Orimet test also shows potential as a means of assessment of resistance to segregation on a

L-Box test: This method uses a test apparatus comprising of a vertical section and a
horizontal trough into which the concrete is allowed to flow on the release of a trap door from
the vertical section passing through reinforcing bars placed at the intersection of the two areas
of the apparatus (Dietz et al., 2000). The time that it takes the concrete to flow a distance of
200mm and 400mm into the horizontal section is measured, as is the height of the concrete at
both ends of the apparatus (H1 & H2). The L-Box test can give an indication as to the filling
ability and passing ability.

Thapar University, Patiala 8


Fig. 1.8: Schematic of L-box (Grdic et al., 2010).

Orimet/J-Ring combination test: This recently developed test involves the J-Ring being
placed centrally below the orifice of the Orimet apparatus, allowing the discharged mix to fall
into it and flow outwards (Bartos, 2000). The Orimet time is recorded as in the conventional
Orimet test, along with the diameter of the concrete spread and the height of the concrete
within the J-Ring. The more dynamic flow of concrete in this test simulates better the
behaviour of a SCC mix when placed in practice compared with the Slump-Flow variation.
The Orimet/J-Ring combination test will be used in the future as a method of assessing filling
ability, passing ability and resistance to segregation (Bartos, 2000).

Fig: 1.9 Orimet test (EFNARC, 2002)

Thapar University, Patiala 9


V-funnel test: Viscosity of the self-compacting concrete is obtained by using a V-funnel

apparatus, which has certain dimensions (Fig. 1.10), in order for a given amount of concrete
to pass through an orifice (Dietz et al., 2000).
The amount of concrete needed is 12 litres and the maximum aggregate diameter is 20 mm.
The time for the amount of concrete to flow through the orifice is being measured. If the
concrete starts moving through the orifice, it means that the stress is higher than the yield
stress; therefore, this test measures a value that is related to the viscosity. If the concrete does
not move, it shows that the yield stress is greater than the weight of the volume used.

Fig 1.10: V-funnel (Dietz et al., 2000)

GTM Segregation test: This is a very recent test measuring the separation of aggregate in a
sample after a period of time and wet sieving. The test has a potential for detection of
tendency to segregate (Dehn et al., 2000). It completes the tests (Slump-Flow, L-Box, etc.)
carried out to estimate the filling ability in free or shut-in environment (that is with some
"wall-effect") by specifying the segregation resistance. This test can be used in laboratory
when developing a concrete mix, as well as on site, when carrying out suitability tests on the
delivered concrete.

Slump Flow/J-Ring combination test: This test (Fig. 1.11) involves the slump cone being
placed inside a 300mm diameter steel ring attached to vertical reinforcing bars at appropriate
spacing (the J-Ring itself) (Kosmatka et al., 2002). The number of bars has to be adjusted
depending on the maximum size aggregate in the SCC mix. Like in the Slump Flow test, the

Thapar University, Patiala 10


diameter of the spread and the T-50 time are recorded for the evaluation of SCC viscosity.
The Slump Flow/J-Ring combination test is an improvement upon the Slump Flow test on its
own as it aims to assess also the passing ability of the fresh mix. In this respect, the SCC has
to pass through the reinforcing bars without separation of paste and coarse aggregate.

Fig. 1.11 : Slump Flow/J-Ring combination test (Kosmatka et al., 2002)

Typical acceptance criteria for SCC with a maximum aggregate size of up to 20 mm are
presented in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 : Acceptance criteria for Self-compacting Concrete (EFNARC, 2002)

Minimum Maximum
Method Unit Value Value
Slump flow mm 650 800
J –Ring mm 0 10
V- Funnel sec 6 12
L-Box (H2/H1) 0,8 1,0
U- Box (H2-H1)mm 0 30
Orimet sec 0 5
Fill Box % 90 100


• No vibration of fresh concrete is necessary during placement into forms.

Thapar University, Patiala 11


• Placement of concrete is easier.

• Faster and more efficient placement of fresh concrete is achieved. Total concreting
time is reduced.
• Energy consumption is reduced.
• Required number of workers on construction site is reduced.
• Safer and healthier working environment is obtained.
• High quality of placed concrete is achieved, regardless the skill of the workers.
• Good bond between concrete and reinforcement is obtained, even in congested
• High quality of concrete surface finish is obtained with no need for subsequent repair.
• Improved form surface finish and reduced need to repair defects such as bug holes
and honeycombing.
• Improved ability of concrete to flow into intricate spaces and between congested
• Reduced construction costs due to reduced labour costs and reduced equipment
purchase and maintenance costs.
• Increased construction speed due to fewer construction tasks.
• Faster unloading of ready mixed concrete trucks.
• Improved working conditions with fewer accidents due to elimination of vibrators.
• Improved durability and strength of the hardened concrete in some cases.
• Reduced noise generated by vibrators.

• Increased material costs, especially for admixtures and cementitious materials.
• Increased formwork costs due to possibly higher formwork pressures and to prevent
• Increased technical expertise required to develop and control mixtures.
• Increased variability in properties, especially workability.
• Increased quality control requirements.
• Reduced quality of hardened properties in some cases possibly including modulus of
• Elasticity and dimensional stability—due to factors such as high paste volumes or
finer combined aggregate grading.
• Delayed setting time in some cases due to the use of admixtures.

Thapar University, Patiala 12


• Requires more trial batches at laboratory as well as at plants.

• Increased risk and uncertainty associated with the use of a new product.


SCC technology originated in Japan in the early 1980s, arising out of durability
concerns due to poor compaction on the job site. Use of SCC quickly became widespread in
Japan, especially since the government implemented a plan to use SCC for 50% of all
concrete jobs by 2003( FrancesYang,2004 ). It then spread to Europe in the 1990’s after
invention of polycarboxylate super plasticizers. In the UK, The Concrete Society has issued
official measures to expand the use of SCC as a means of replacing vibratory compaction. In
the US and Canada, SCC technology is available mostly in the form of proprietary concrete
mixes from ready-mix producer subsidiaries of cement manufacturers such as Lafarge and
Lehigh. It is also available as specialized admixtures combining super plasticizer and
viscosity modifiers. Given how important maintaining mix quality of SCC is for its
successful performance, using SCC demands increased attention and skill. In particular,
superplasticizer dramatically increases the sensitivity of the mix to water. This allows little
room for error in mix proportioning, which can become problematic in-field when weather
and timing cannot always be controlled by the contractor. In light of this, most applications of
SCC in the US have been limited to precast construction due to tighter quality control
ensured in-plant compared to in-field. However, the industry has shown eagerness to expand
its use. Whereas in 2000, only about 10% of the precast industry had tried SCC, by 2003, the
number jumped to almost 90%, of which 40% used it on a regular basis.
Some notable projects have utilized SCC in Canada. One is the Toronto International
Airport, where concrete had to be pumped upwards from the ground to form 101-foot tall
columns. Another project in Vancouver, B.C used SCC so little patching would be required
for highly visible, outrigger columns. In Asia, SCC was used for a monolithic foundation mat
in Singapore where the concrete needed to reach massive dimensions in a short amount of
time. In the US, a high-strength SCC was imperative for constructing tightly reinforced
elements poured in below-freezing weather for the 68-story Trump Tower in New York
City.SCC has also shown successful application for residential projects, such as homes for
Habitat for Humanity in the Houston area. Some of the structures built with self compacting
concrete are Burj Dubai , Arlanda airport control tower Stockholm, Sweden, National
Museum of 21st Century in Rome , Italy.
Thapar University, Patiala 13

( Ouchi et al., 2003 ) A typical application example of Self-compacting concrete is the two
anchorages of Akashi-Kaikyo (Straits) Bridge opened in April 1998, a suspension bridge with
the longest span in the world (1,991 meters) . The volume of the cast concrete in the two
ahchorages amounted to 290,000 m3. A new construction system, which makes full use of the
performance of self -compacting concrete, was introduced for this. The concrete was mixed
at the batcher plant beside the site, and was the pumped out of the plant. It was transported
200 meters through pipes to the casting site, where the pipes were arranged in rows 3 to 5
meters apart. The concrete was cast from gate valves located at 5 meter intervals along the
pipes. These valves were automatically controlled so that a surface level of the cast concrete
could be maintained. In the final analysis, the use of self compacting concrete shortened the
anchorage construction period by 20%, from 2.5 to 2 years. Self-compacting concrete was
used for the wall of a large LNG tank belonging to the Osaka Gas Company, whose concrete
casting was completed in June 1998 . The volume of the self-compacting concrete used in the
tank amounted to 12,000 m3.
The Ritto Bridge is a PC extra-dosed bridge with corrugated steel webs on the New
Meishin Expressway in Japan . The highest pier is 65-meter high. High strength concrete and
reinforcements, of which specified compressive strength and yield strength are 50 MPa and
685 MPa respectively, were applied to the construction of the pier to meet the earthquake
resistance. Arrangement of reinforcement was very dense; therefore SCC was chosen to
obtain good workability for the pier construction.
The Sodra Lanken Project (SL) is the largest infrastructure project in Sweden. The
overall cost of the SL is estimated to around 800 million USD. The SL will provide a six
kilometre four lane west - east link in the southern parts of Stockholm. The SL project
includes seven major junctions, with bridges, earth retention walls, tunnel entrances and
concrete box tunnels. The overall length of the rock tunnels are16.6 kilometres. They are
partly lined with concrete. The concrete volume used in the project amounts 225,000 cubic
meters. The duration of the SL project is estimated to last 6 years (1998 - 2004). The
experiences with SCC are generally good. SCC has primarily been used in connection with
constructions difficult to compact by normal vibration and high demands on aesthetics, for
examples, in concrete rock lining, underground installation structures and rock tunnel
entrances, retention walls with negative inclination and relief structures.
In India Delhi Metro Project have used SCC in large scale for dome construction,
tunnel lining , column casting. Hindustan Construction Company have also carried out
considerable studies on the use of High Volume Fly Ash self compacting concrete for domes

Thapar University, Patiala 14


walls in turbine building in Rajasthan Power Project ,and Concrete for piers in Bandra Worli
Sea Link Projects.At Tarapur Atomic Power Project SCC was used for the construction of
three walls of a pump house .The height of the wall was 14.4 m and it was done in 5 pours.At
Kaiga Nuclear Power Project (Karnataka) SCC of characteristic strength 30 MPa was used in
the two Mock up structures one being heavily reinforced column with two beams passing
through it and the other being a thin wall (140mm thick).



• Production of SCC requires more experience and care than the conventional vibrated
concrete. The plant personnel would need training and experience to successfully
produce and handle SCC. In the beginning, it may be necessary to carry out more tests
than usual to learn how to handle SCC and gain the experience.
• Before any SCC is produced at the plant and used at the job site, the mix must be
properly designed and tested to assure compliance with the project specifications. The
ingredients and the equipment used in developing the mix and testing should be the
same ingredients and equipment to be used in the final mix for the project.
• Most common concrete mixers can be used for producing SCC. However, the mixing
time may be longer than that for the conventional vibrated concrete. SCC is more
sensitive to the total water content in the mix. It is necessary to take into account the
moisture/water content in the aggregates and the admixtures before adding the
remaining water in the mix. The mixer must be clean and moist, and contains no free
• Admixtures for the SCC may be added at the plant or at the site. There is cost benefit
in adding the admixtures at the site. Conventional ready-mix concrete can be bought
at a lower cost than the cost of SCC bought from a ready-mix supplier.

• The truck drivers should be given oral and written instructions for handling SCC. The
truck drivers must check the concrete drum before filling with SCC to make sure that
the drum is clean and moist, but with no free water. Extra care must be taken for long

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deliveries. In addition to the usual information, the delivery note should show the
following information:
 Slump flow - target value and acceptable range.
 Production time - time when it was produced.
 Instruction for adding admixtures at the site, if allowed.
• The truck drivers should not be allowed to add water and/or admixtures during transit.


• All commonly used form materials are suitable for SCC. For surface quality of SCC,
wood is better than plywood, and plywood is better than steel. More pores seem to
form on the surface when the form skin is colder than the SCC. During cold weather
placement of SCC, it may be necessary to insulate the formwork to maintain
temperature and normal setting time. SCC is more sensitive to temperature during the
hardening process than the conventional vibrated concrete.
• Due to the cohesiveness of SCC, the formwork does not need to be tighter than that
for conventional vibrated concrete.
• Higher form pressures than normal were not observed even at high rate of concrete
placement. However, it is recommended that the formwork be designed for
hydrostatic pressure, unless testing has shown otherwise.


• A pre-SCC placement meeting with all personnel involved in the SCC placement
would be beneficial. The SCC placement plan, including QC/QA, and the roles and
responsibilities of the field personnel should be explained and understood.
• In addition to the normal testing, the slump flow, T50 and L-box tests are useful to
check SCC at the job site before placement.
• SCC can flow horizontally a distance of 15 to 20m without segregation. A well-
designed SCC may have a free fall of as much as 8m without segregation. However, it
is recommended that the distance of horizontal flow be limited to 10m and the vertical
free fall distance be limited to 5m.
• For deck slab of a bridge, it would be difficult for the SCC to flow too far. This could
be handled by designing an SCC with a lower slump flow. With a lower slump flow, a
bridge deck with a slope of 2% could also be accomplished.

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• If an SCC placement is interrupted and the concrete has started to harden, it would be
necessary to .wake up. the placed concrete by striking a stick or board into the
concrete several times before starting the placement again.
• SCC takes some time before the hardening starts, especially during cold weather
conditions. When it starts to harden, the process is very rapid, which can cause
problems in levelling and treating large surface areas.


• Finishing and curing of SCC can follow the good practices of super plasticized high
performance concrete. Surface of SCC should be roughly levelled to the specified
dimensions, and the final finishing applied as necessary before the concrete hardens.
• SCC tends to dry faster than conventional vibrated concrete, because there is little or
no bleeding water at the surface. SCC should be cured as soon as practicable after
placement to prevent surface shrinkage cracking.


• When placing a new layer of SCC on old SCC, the bond between the old and new
SCC is equal to or better than in the case of conventional vibrated concrete. Normal
vibration will not destroy the concrete, such as in the case of placing conventional
vibrated concrete on fresh SCC. This may be necessary when the surface slope is
greater than practicable for SCC (Ouchi et al., 2003).


Self-compacting concrete has already been used in several countries. In Japan, major
construction projects included the use of SCC in the late ’90s. Today, in Japan, efforts are
being made to free SCC of the “special concrete” label and integrate it into day-to-day
concrete industry production. Currently, the percentage of self-compacting concrete in annual
product of ready-mixed concrete (RMC), as well as precast concrete (PC), in Japan is around
1.2% and 0.5% of concrete products. In the United States, the precast industry is also leading
SCC technology implementation through the Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
which has done some research on the use of SCC in precast/pre-stressed concretes starting
with 1999. It is estimated that the daily production of SCC in the precast/pre-stressed industry

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in the United States will be 8000 m3 in the first quarter of 2003 (around 1% of the annual
ready-mix concrete). Furthermore, several state departments of transportation in the United
States (23 according to a recent survey).
Bartos, (2000) are already involved in the study of SCC. With such a high level of
interest from the construction industry, as well as manufacturers of this new concrete, the use
of SCC should grow at a tremendous rate in the next few years in the United States.
However, even if it is made from the same constituents the industry has used for years, the
whole process, from mix design to placing practices, including quality control procedures,
needs to be reviewed and adapted in order for this new technology to be applied properly.
Research regarding the self-compacting concrete was also carried out in Canada, few years
after the concept was introduced in Japan. Institute for Research in Construction, Canadian
Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete Institute, CONMET-ICON, and ISIS are some of the bodies
which studied various aspects of the new technology. The introduction of the SCC in Europe
is largely connected with the activities of the international association RILEM, France,
particularly of its Technical Committee TC145-WSM on “Workability of Fresh Special
Concrete Mixes” (Dhir and Dyer, 1999). The TC145-WSM was founded in 1992 and
immediately attracted expert memberships from all over the world. The aim was to look at
the production stage of a number of “special” concretes and identify workability parameters
and other characteristics of the mixes in their fresh state that governed the reliable and
economical achievement of the “special” or “high-performance” parameters the concretes
offered. As the importance of the SCC became widely recognized, other European countries,
Germany, Sweden, UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, etc., have decided to keep
up with the developments in this area. For example, in Sweden, the SCC market share was at
five percent in RMC and PC in 2002, and was expected to double in 2003. Housing and
tunnelling, as well as bridge construction for the Swedish National Road Administration were
the main areas of use for SCC. In the Netherlands and Germany, the precast industry is
mainly driving the development of SCC, with an expected eight percent of market share in
2003 in Netherlands. Today, self-compacting concrete is being studied worldwide, with as
per presented at almost every concrete-related conference, but until now - year 2003 - there is
no universally adopted standardized test method for evaluation of self-compatibility of this
In India ,during the last few years ,attempts were made in the laboratories and in the
field to develop and use SCC. Some pioneering efforts have been made in Delhi Metro
projects in association with L&T and MBT .Nuclear Power Corporation , Gammon India,

Thapar University, Patiala 18


Hindustan Construction Company have made large scale laboratory trials .Laboratory studies
conducted at SERC(Structural engineering research centre) Chennai, Indian Institute of
Technology at Madras, Roorkee and other places have given enough inputs and confidence
to adopt SCC in India. Of all the places Delhi Metro project have used SCC in large scale for
dome construction, tunnel lining, column casting.( Sood et al. 2009 )In India, the
development of concrete possessing self compacting properties is still very much in its
infancy.During the last couple of years, few attempts were made using European Guidelines
for testing SCC in the laboratories and in the field. SCC was used by Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Ltd. at Tarapur, Kaiga and Rajasthan Atomic Power Project (RAPP).
Some pioneering efforts have been made in Delhi Metro Project. In all the above
investigations European standards were followed for determining rheological properties of
Self compacting concrete.
Today, self-compacting concrete is being studied worldwide, with papers presented at
almost every concrete-related conference, but until now there is no universally adopted
standardized test method for evaluation of self-compact ability of this concrete. Currently, the
use of self-compacting concrete is being rapidly adopted in many countries. The use of self-
compacting concrete should overcome concrete placement problems associated with the
concrete construction industry. However, there still is a need for conducting more research
and development work for the measurement and standardization of the methods for the
evaluation of the self-compacting characteristics of SCC.


There are many situations in today’s construction market that make SCC an
interesting alternative to conventional slump concrete. In general, cost savings and/or
performance enhancement tend to be the driving forces behind the added value of SCC.
Contractors, producers and owners are under great pressure to produce better quality
construction at lower costs of labour, materials and equipment. They are also faced with
tougher environmental and safety regulations, and increased insurance costs. The economic
benefits of a less intensive construction environment results in labour savings, time savings
from higher productivity, and greater flexibility of design. SCC offers some help in all of the
following areas. The main barrier to the increased use of SCC seems to be the lack of
experience of the process, and the lack of published guidance, codes and specifications. This
situation will improve, however, as experience and knowledge increases and each country

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begins to produce its own guidance and specifications for the production of SCC with local
marginal aggregates and the harsh environmental conditions prevailing in the region.
Therefore, there is a need to conduct studies on SCC.


A foundry produces metal castings by pouring molten metal into a preformed mould
to yield the resulting hardened cast. The metal casts include iron and steel from the ferrous
family and aluminium, copper, brass and bronze from non-ferrous family (Siddique, 2008).
Foundry sand is high quality silica sand used as a moulding material by ferrous and non-
ferrous metal casting industries. It can be reused several times in foundries but, after a certain
period, cannot be used further and becomes waste material, referred to as used or spent
foundry sand (UFS or SFS). The majority of spent moulding sands are classified as
nonhazardous waste (that is not corrosive, ignitable, reactive or toxic) (Siddique and
Noumowe, 2008).Foundries use high quality size-specific silica sands for use in their
moulding and casting operations. The raw sand is normally of a higher quality than the
typical bank run or natural sands used in fill construction sites. In the casting process,
moulding sands are recycled and reused multiple times. Eventually, however, the recycled
sand degrades to the point that it can no longer be reused in the casting process. When it is
not possible to further reuse sand in the foundry, it is removed from the foundry and is termed
as spent foundry sand. The physical and chemical characteristics of foundry sand will depend
in great part on the type of casting process and the industry sector from which it originates. In
a recent study, (Siddique et al. 2009) reported that in the United States alone, up to 10 million
tons of foundry sand are discarded annually and are available for recycling. Foundries
purchase new, virgin sand to make casting moulds and the sand is reused numerous times
within the foundry. However, heat and mechanical abrasion eventually render the sand
unsuitable for use in casting moulds, and a portion of the sand is continuously removed and
replaced with virgin sand. The spent foundry sand, that is, the sand that is removed, is either
recycled in a non-foundry application or land filled.


There are about 35,000 foundries in the world with annual production of 90 million
tonnes. In terms of number of foundries China has the highest score (9374), followed by

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India (6000). The share of Iron foundries is the maximum that is almost 56%, followed by
steel with 14% and then the non-ferrous ones with 30%. The growing environmental
concerns and globalization of economies have led to a closure of some 8000 foundries in
Europe. These countries have been contemplating to shift their business to the low labour
cost centres that is, the developing countries.
The impetus for foundry sector in India was given by the Jute industry in Bengal and
the cotton industry in Mumbai in late 19th century. The establishment of TISCO, Bengal Iron
Company and the IISCO led to some remarkable new uses of castings, in domestic as well as
industrial areas. India ranks second in the world based on the number of foundry units present
(4550 units) - after China – and fourth in terms of total production (7.8 million tonnes) (42nd
Census of World Casting Production – 2007). Apart from the registered 4550 units there are
several unregistered units, which according to various sources range approximately from
1500 to 5000 units. As per the IREDA- CII Report 2004, there are around 10,000 foundry
units present in India including registered and unregistered units. Considering that 4550 units
are registered, the total number of units unregistered is around 5450 units. As per estimation
of experts of the foundry sector, there are around 1500 unregistered foundry units that are
scattered across the country. This discrepancy in unregistered units is mainly due to the fact
that the 5450 units included all kinds of micro and small units engaged in castings. Whereas
the 1500 units data incorporates only those foundry units that are engaged in grey iron casting
and use conventional cupola and excludes those units that are too micro in nature and use
crucible for melting of metals. Also several foundry units had closed due to non compliance
with the pollution standard set by the government for example Howrah, Agra and nearby
areas. The foundry produces a wide variety of castings such as manhole covers, pipe and pipe
fittings, sanitary items, tube well body, metric weights, automobile components, railway
parts, electric motor, fan body etc. 90% of the castings produced are from the SSI sector.
Most of these units are situated in clusters, with cluster size ranging from 30- 500 units.
(Bhimani et al. 2013)


Classification of foundry sands depends upon the type of binder systems used in metal
casting. Generally two types of binder systems are used and based on that foundry sands are
classified as: clay-bonded systems (green sand) and chemically bonded systems. Both types

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of sands are suitable for beneficial use but they have different physical and environmental
characteristics.(Siddique and Singh , 2011)


Clay-bonded (Green) sand is composed of naturally occurring materials which are
blended together; high quality silica sand (85–95%), bentonite clay (4–10%) as a binder, a
carbonaceous additive (2–10%) to improve the casting surface finish and water (2–5%). It is
black in colour due to carbon content. Green sand is the most commonly used moulding
media by foundries. The silica sand is the bulk medium that resists high temperatures while
the coating of clay binds the sand together. The water adds plasticity. The carbonaceous
additives prevent the “burn-on” or fusing of sand onto the casting surface. Green sands also
contain trace chemicals such as MgO, K2O, and TiO2. The green sand used in the process
constitutes upwards of 90% of the moulding materials used.


Chemically bonded sands are used both in core making where high strengths are
necessary to withstand the heat of molten metal, and in mould making. Chemically bonded
sand consists of 93–99% silica and 1–3% chemical binder. Silica sand is thoroughly mixed
with the chemicals; a catalyst initiates the reaction that cures and hardens the mass. There are
various types of chemical binder systems used in the foundry industry. The most common
chemical binder systems used are phenolic-urethanes, epoxy-resins, furfyl alcohol, and
sodium silicates. Chemically bonded sands are generally light in colour and in texture than
clay bonded sands. Waste foundry sand (WFS) is also referred as spent foundry sand (SFS) or
used foundry sand (UFS).



Generally, waste foundry sand (WFS) is sub-angular to round in shape. Green sands are
black or grey, whereas chemically bonded sands are of medium tan or off-white color. Grain size
distribution of waste foundry sand is uniform with 85-95% of the material in between 0.6 mm to
0.15 mm and approximately 5 to 20% of foundry sand can be smaller than 0.075 mm. Dayton et
al. (2010) mentioned that sand (0.05 to 2 mm) was the dominant size fraction in the 39 spent
foundry sands ranging from 76.6% to 100% with a median of 90.3%.The specific gravity of

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foundry sand varies between 2.39 and 2.79. Waste foundry sand has low absorption capacity and
is non-plastic. Physical properties of waste foundry as reported by Javed and Lovell (1994), Naik
et al. (2001), Guney et al. (2010) and Siddique et al. (2011), are given in Table 1.3

Table 1.3: Typical Physical Properties of Waste Foundry Sand

(Siddique and Singh , 2011)

Property Javed and Lovell Naik et al. Guney et al. Siddique et al.

(1994) (2001) (2010) (2011)

Specific gravity 2.39-2.55 2.79 2.45 2.61
Fineness modulus - 2.32 - 1.78
Unit Weight
(kg/m ) - 1784 - 1638
Absorption (%) 0.45 5 - 1.3
Moisture content
(%) 0.1-10.1 - 3.25 -
Clay lumps and 1-44 0.4 - 0.9
friable particles
Materials finer
than - 1.08 24 18
75µm (%)


Chemical composition of the waste foundry sand depends on the type of metal, type
of binder and combustible used. The chemical composition of the foundry sand may
influence its performance. Waste foundry sand is rich in silica content. It is coated with a thin
film of burnt carbon, residual binder (bentonite, sea coal, resins/chemicals) and dust. Silica
sand is hydrophilic and consequently attracts water to its surface. Chemical composition of

WFS as reported by American Foundryman s Society ( 1991), Guney et al. (2010), Etxeberria

et al. (2010) and Siddique et al. (2011) is given in Table 1.4

It has been reported that some waste foundry sands can be corrosive to metals (MNR,
1992). Due to the presence of phenols in foundry sand, it raises concerns that precipitation
percolating through stockpiles could mobilize leachable fractions, resulting in phenol

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discharges into surface or ground water supplies.

Table 1.4: Chemical Composition of Foundry Sand (Siddique and Singh, 2011)

Constituent Value (%)

American Guney et al. Etxeberria et al. Siddique et al.

Foundryman's (2010) (2010) (2011)
Society ( 1991)

SiO2 87.91 98 95.1 78.81

Al2O3 4.7 0.8 1.47 6.32

Fe2O3 0.94 0.25 0.49 4.83

CaO 0.14 0.035 0.19 1.88

MgO 0.3 0.023 0.19 1.95

SO3 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.05

Na2O 0.19 0.04 0.26 0.1

K2O 0.25 0.04 0.68 -

TiO2 0.15 - 0.04 -

Mn2O3 0.02 - -

SrO 0.03 - -
LOI 5.15 - 1.32 2.15


Waste foundry sand has good durability properties as measured by low Micro-Deval
abrasion (Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Canada 1996). Javed and Lovell (1994) have
revealed relatively high soundness loss, which may be due to the samples of bound sand loss
and not a breakdown of individual sand particles. The angle of shearing resistance (also
known as friction angle) of waste foundry sand varies between 33 and 40 degrees, which is
comparable to that of conventional sands. Typical mechanical properties of waste foundry

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sand are given in Table 1.5

Table 1.5: Typical Mechanical Properties of Spent Foundry Sand
(Siddique and Singh ,2011)

Property Results

Micro-deval abrasion loss (%)


Magnesium sulfate soundness loss 5 – 15

(%)(MNR–1992) 6 – 47

Friction angle (deg) 33 – 40

California bearing ratio (%)

4 – 20
and Lovell 1994)


Indian foundries produce approximately 1.71 million tons of waste foundry sand each year
(Metal World, 2006). In United States of America, metal casting foundries dispose of
approximately 9 million metric tons of waste foundry sand (WFS) in landfills in 2000
(Winkler and Bol’shakov, 2000). United States’s average land-filling tipping fee of foundry
by products is US $15-75 per ton inclusive of storage, transportation and labour costs
(Winkler et al. 1999). The annual cost of WFS disposal was around US $ 135- 675 million.
The considerable disposal expense has made the current practice of WFS disposal in landfills
less favourable. Besides the financial burden to the foundries, land-filling WFS also makes
them liable for future environmental costs, remediation problems and regulation restrict ions.
This issue is increasingly addressed by alternate options of reusing WFS beneficially. Waste
foundry sand is made up of mostly natural sand material. Its properties are similar to the
properties of natural or manufactured sand. Thus it can normally be used as a replacement of
Beneficial reuses of WFS span a variety of applications related to infrastructure

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engineering rehabilitation works. Some of the researchers have reported the possible use of
waste foundry sand in different civil engineering applications, which are given in Table1.6.
These alternate applications offer cost savings for both foundries and user industries and an
environmental benefits at the local and national level.
Table 1.6: Uses of WFS in Various Applications
Author’s Name Application

Javed and Lovell(1994), Traeger(1987), Kleven et al.(2000),

MOEE(1993), Abichou et al.(1998), Mast and
Fox(1998), Kirk(1998) and Gunney et al.(2006)

Nail et al. (2003; 2004), Tikalsky et al. (1998) and Siddique et

Controlled low strength

Dungan et al. (2006), Deng and Tikalsky (2008)

Geotechnical Field

Braham A. (2002)
Hot Mix Asphalt

Ham RK and Boyle (1981), Fero et al. (1986), Engroff et al.

Leachate Characteristic
(1989), Siddique et al. (2010) and Dungan et al. (2009)

Seung-Whee and Woo-Keun(2006), Naga and El-

Maghraby(2003), Pereiraa et al. (2006) and Quaranta et al. (2004) Ceramic material

El Haggar and El Hatow(2009)

Manhole cover

Periraa et al. (2004)

Refractory Mortars

Interization and Reuse of

Colombo et al. (2003), Ferraris et al. (2001),
Waste Materials by
Geo and Drummond (1999)
Santurde et al. (2011)
Clay Brick

Thapar University, Patiala 26


Environment Protection Agency (2007) EPA has found that spent foundry sands produced by
iron, steel, and aluminium foundries are rarely hazardous. EPA supports the use of spent
foundry sands from these foundry types in the following applications:
• As partial replacement for fine aggregate in asphalt mixtures.
• As partial replacement for fine aggregate in Portland cement concrete.
• As source material for the manufacture of Portland cement and
• As a sand used in masonry mortar mixes
In addition, use of foundry sand from iron, steel and aluminum foundries in flowable fill,
road embankments, road base, manufactured soil, agricultural amendments, and similar uses
may be appropriate depending on the site and the sand composition.


This thesis is presented in five chapters as detailed below:

Chapter-1 Gives the introduction about Self-Compacting Concrete and Foundry Sand
Chapter-2 Literature review presents the work done by various researchers in the field of
Self-Compacting Concrete.
Chapter-3 Details the scheme of experimentation, materials used with their properties,
and variables involved, Concrete mixes, mix design, casting of specimens for
studying various properties and methodology adopted for testing of different
Chapter-4 Gives results and their analysis for the fresh properties, strength properties
such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and durability
properties like sulphate resistance and rapid chloride penetration resistance of
the mixes with waste foundry sand and are compared with control concrete.
Chapter-5 Gives the major conclusions made in the study.

Thapar University, Patiala 27

Literature Review



Self-compacting concrete (SCC), a recent innovation in concrete technology, has

numerous advantages over conventional concrete. Self-compacting concrete, as the name
indicates, is a type of concrete that does not require external or internal compaction, because
it becomes levelled and consolidated under its self-weight. SCC can spread and fill all
corners of the formwork, purely by means of its self-weight, thus eliminating the need of
vibration or any type of consolidating effort. The notion behind developing SCC were the
concerns regarding the homogeneity and consolidation of conventional cast-in-place concrete
within intricate (that is, heavily-reinforced) structures and to improve the overall strength,
durability, and quality of concrete. The SCC concrete is highly flowable and cohesive enough
to be handled without segregation. It is also referred to as self-compacting concrete, super-
workable concrete, highly flowable concrete, non-vibrating concrete, and other similar
Due to ever increasing quantities of waste materials and industrial by-products, solid
waste management is the prime concern in the world. Scarcity of land-filling space, because
of its ever increasing cost, recycling and utilization of industrial by-products and waste
materials has become an attractive proposition to disposal. There are several types of
industrial by-products and waste materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not
only makes it economical but also helps in reducing disposal concerns. Natural sand is
getting depleted due to large scale construction. So it is important to find out an alternative of
natural sand, which can be used as partial replacement of natural sand (fine aggregate). There
are several types of waste material by products, which have been explored for possible use in
concrete as a partial replacement of fine aggregate. Such types of materials are coal bottom
ash, recycled fine aggregate, sewage sludge ash, stone dust and glass cullet, and waste
foundry sand, etc.
In this chapter we discuss the literature related to the use of waste foundry sand in
self-compacting concrete and other industrial by products as partial replacement of fine
aggregates in self-compacting concrete.

Thapar University, Patiala 28

Literature Review


Pathak and Siddique (2012) investigated the influence of fly ash as partial
replacement of cement, and spent foundry sand as partial replacement of sand on the
properties of SCC. In this mixes were prepared with three percentages of fly ash ranging from
30% to 50% and one controlled mixture without fly ash was also prepared for comparison.
Fine aggregate was replaced with 10% of spent foundry sand. Slump flow test and U-box
tests were performed for determining the self-compatibility properties. The slump flow test
judges the capability of concrete to deform under its own weight against the friction of the
surface with no restraint present. The results of various fresh properties tested are given in
Table 2.1

Table 2.1 Fresh concrete properties( Pathak and Siddique ,2012)

Mix Slump(mm) U-Box(mm)
SCC1 627(mm) 13
SCC2 640(mm) 12
SCC3 659(mm) 10
SCC4 678(mm) 08

Siddique et al., (2012) conducted test for determining the self-compactibility

properties (slump flow, T50cm time, V-funnel flow times, L-box blocking ratio, U-box
difference in height). SCC was made with coal bottom ash as replacement of fine aggregates
in varying percentages of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% and fly ash as replacement of cement in
varying percentages of 15–35%. A slump flow value ranging from 500 to 700 mm for a
concrete to be self-compacting was suggested. At slump flow >700 mm, the concrete might
segregate, and at <500 mm, the concrete might have insufficient flow to pass through highly
congested reinforcement. All the mixes in the study conform to the above range, the slump
flow of SCC mixes is in the range of 590–675 mm. The slump flow time of the concrete, to
reach diameter (500 mm) for all mixes was less than 6 s. As per EFNARC (2002) time
ranging from 6 to 12 s is considered adequate for a SCC. The V-funnel flow times were in the
range of 4– 10 s. Test results indicate that all SCC mixes meet the requirements of allowable
flow time. The L-box ratio (H2/H1) for the mixes was above 0.6. U-box difference in height

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of concrete in two compartments was in the range of 10–65 mm. All the mixes satisfied the
workability criteria for SCC mix.

Sahmaran et al., (2011) studied the fresh properties such as flow ability, passing
ability, segregation resistance of self-compacting concrete using spent foundry sand and fly
ash. Sixteen SCC mixtures were prepared with the proportions. The Portland cement in the
mixtures was replaced with Fly ash at 0, 30, 50 and 70% by mass. For each FA replacement
level, about 0, 25, 50 and 100% of sand by volume was replaced with SFS. For all mixtures,
the total amount of binder (PC + FA) and the water to binder ratio (w/b) were kept constant at
450 kg/m3 and 0.40, respectively. Super plasticizer was added by an amount to secure the
concrete be SCC considering the specifications of The European Guidelines for Self
Compacting Concrete. The results for slump flow diameter, slump flow time, V-funnel flow
time, and rheological parameters (yield stress and relative viscosity) of the SCC mixtures
satisfy the The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete. Moreover, no visible
segregation or bleeding was observed in the fresh mixtures. Spread of 50FA-50SFS mixture
which was a typical example of the uniform spread of SCC mixtures. Generally, for a given
FA content, the super plasticizer requirement increases with SFS content for fresh properties
like slump flow diameter .The conclusion, therefore, is that SCC with proper fresh properties
can successfully be produced with SFS and FA.

Naik et al., (2009) performed the various tests on the use of foundry silica dust in self
compacting concrete. A control mixture was made in which ASTM C 618 Class C fly ash
constituted 40% mass of the total cementitious materials. Three more SCC mixtures was
made using silica dust obtained from an iron industry. Silica dust was used to replace
10%,20% and 30% of fly ash at a 1:2 (fly ash and foundry dust) ratio by mass. The extra
amount of foundry dust was treated as very fine sand. Use of foundry dust in SCC resulted in
very high air content values. At 30% replacement of fly ash with foundry silica dust, the
super plasticizer demand for SCC increased considerably. The VMA demand decreased as
more fly ash was replaced with silica dust. This could be due to the increase in the amount of
fines in SCC at higher replacements level. The slump flow of SCC containing the foundry
silica dust was in range of 710-725mm,and H2/H1 in the U-flow test was 99%.SCC
containing foundry silica dust did not show noticeably higher bleeding than the reference

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Safi et al., (2013) studied the possibility of recycling waste plastic (polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) used for the bags manufacture) as a fine aggregate instead of sand in the
manufacturing of the self-compacting mortars. For this, an experimental study was carried
out to evaluate physical and mechanical properties of the self-compacting mortars (SCMs)
with plastic wastes. The sand is substituted with the plastic waste at dosages (0%, 10%, 20%,
30% and 50% by weight of the sand). The compressive strength of self-compacting mortars
decreased with increase in plastic waste content at all curing times. At 30% and 50% of
substitution of waste, the percentage reduction of compressive strength was 15% and 33%
respectively. The reduction in the compressive strength of SCMs might be due to either a
poor bond between the cement paste and the plastic wastes or to the low strength of this
plastic wastes.

Suaiam and Makul (2013) examined use of recycled alumina as fine aggregate
replacement in self-compacting concrete. The fine aggregate was replaced with up to 100%
alumina waste AW by weight. The cement content was held constant at 450 or 550 kg/m3.
The water content was adjusted to achieve a w/c ratio of 0.38 or 0.45. Mass measurements
were preferred to volume measurements due to the significant difference in specific gravity
between AW and sand.AW was used to replace natural sand in amounts of 0%, 25%, 50%,
75, or 100% by weight. The compressive strength continued to increase over the 91-day
curing period. The 28-day compressive strength ranged from 22.9 to 59.9 MPa , while the
91-day compressive strength ranged from 28.6 to 66.6 MPa. The greatest compressive
strength at 28 and 91 days was achieved in the high-cement, low w/c ratio mixture
containing 75% AW. Conversely, the lowest compressive strength at all ages occurred in
samples containing 0% AW. The increase in strength was ascribed to the filling ability and
pozzolanic activity of AW . The added alumina may be amorphous or glassy and reacts with
calcium hydroxide produced from the hydration of calcium aluminates. The rate of the
pozzolanic reaction is proportional to the amount of surface area available for reaction . The
mechanical interlocking capacity between the fine aggregate particles and the matrix phase,
which improves the mechanical performance of the transition zone, is related to the
compressive strength. Both of these properties improve the microstructure in the bulk paste
matrix and transition zone . The compressive strength of concrete increases with curing time.

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Moreover, the binding mechanisms of radionuclides to cement eventually enter calcium–

silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) . On the other hand, mixtures containing 100% AW possessed
lower compressive strengths due to the lack of interlocking between the AW particles
indicated by longer V-funnel flow times.

Ali and Al-Tersawy (2013) studied the compressive strength of self-compacting

concrete using recycled glass as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. A total of 18
concrete mixes were produced with different cement contents (350, 400 and 450 kg/m3) at
W/C ratio of 0.4. Recycled glass was used to replace fine aggregate in proportions of 0%,
10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%.The reduction in 28 days compressive strength of recycled
glass SCC mixes were [6%, 10.4%, 12.7%, 17.5%, 23.2%], [4.5%, 14.4%, 17.2%, 22.2%,
23.6%] and [3.7%, 10.5%, 13.5%, 17.5%, 21%] at cement contents of 350, 400, and 450
kg/m3, respectively. Where the high smoothness of recycled glass waste leading to cracks
was determined to lead to incomplete adhesion between the recycled glass waste and cement
paste inter-phase. Due to the poor geometry of waste glass a homogeneous distribution of
aggregates could not be achieved, accordingly an increase in the amount of glass waste used
in 4% in compressive strength, compared with its control mixtures. As the cement content
increase from 350 to 450 kg/m3, the rate of loss in compressive strength is lowered compared
with the control mixes.

Yung et al., (2013) examined properties of waste tire rubber applied to self-
compacting concrete. This study used waste tire rubber as a recycled material and replaced
part of the fine aggregate by waste tire rubber powder filtered through #30 and #50 sieves to
produce self-compacting rubber concrete (SCRC). Part of the fine aggregate was replaced
with waste tire rubber powder that had been passed through sieves at volume ratios of 5%,
10%, 15% and 20%, respectively. The results showed that when 5% waste tire rubber powder
that had been passed through a #50 sieve was added, the 91 day compressive strength was
higher than the control group by 10%. However, when 5% of the #50 sieved waste tire
rubbers were added, the compressive strength was 96% of the control group. The
compressive strength of other addition levels was low than that of the control group (32.07
MPa), and the compressive strength declined when the addition level was increased. This
result proved that the compressive strength declined as the rubber addition increased. The
addition level was only 5% of the total granular material. The strength of the concrete with
waste tire rubber powder is generated after hydrate formation. When these hydrates are

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formed, the compressive strength of the concrete is increased. The compressive strength was
higher than the control group by 10% after 91 days. The compressive strength of SCRC was
the best when 5% of the waste tire rubber powder that had been passed through a #50 sieve
was added (increased by 1–10%), which meant that adding waste tire rubber powder can
meet the safety performance requirements of SCRC. This may attributed to the effect of
pozzolanic reactions which evolve as the cement content increases with the addition of silica
fume and the high percentage of fines produced as the percentage of recycled glass waste
increases.The compressive strength of recycled glass SCC mixes decrease with the increase
of recycled glass content compared with the control mixtures.

Pathak and Siddique (2012) studied compressive strength of self-compacting concrete

containing fly ash and spent foundry sand at elevated temperatures. The influence of fly ash
as partial replacement of cement, and spent foundry sand as partial replacement of sand on
the properties of SCC is investigated. In this research, mixes were prepared with three
percentages of fly ash ranging from 30% to 50% and one controlled mixture without fly ash
was also prepared for comparison. Fine aggregate was replaced with 10% of spent foundry
sand. The specimens of each concrete mixture were heated up to different temperatures (27
C, 100 0C, 200 0C, and 300 0C). In order to ensure a uniform temperature throughout the
specimens, the temperature was held constant at the maximum value for 1 h before cooling.
Using Ordinary Portland cement, an increase of about 24–25% in compressive strength, was
observed at 28 days when fly ash content was decreased from 50% to 30%. Four concrete
mixes were made, which had total powder content of 500 kg/m3. Coarse aggregate content
was maintained at 51% by volume of concrete and fine aggregate content at 49% by volume
of mortar in concrete, the w/p ratio was varied from 0.38 to 0.42 by weight with air content
being assumed to be 2%. The compressive strength of concretes elevated temperature was
much less than that reported by previous researchers, and this is because of incorporation of
fly ash and spent foundry sand. The results of this research clearly showed that the evolution
of residual compressive strength between 200 0C and 300 0C was due to the hydration of
anhydrous cement which leads to the formation of hydrates having better bonding properties.
The increase in strength was also due to an increase in the bonding properties of hydrates (a
larger compressive strength was obtained for a larger porosity of the material).

Siddique et al.,(2012) investigated the effect of coal fly ash and bottom ash in self-
compacting concrete. SCC was made with coal bottom ash as replacement of fine aggregates

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in varying percentages of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% and fly ash as replacement of cement in
varying percentages of 15–35%. Strength properties tests were carried out at the ages of 28,
90 and 365 days for the various mixes. The results show that difference of compressive
strength of various mixes depend on the bottom ash content in the mix. The SCCs without
bottom ash developed compressive strengths ranging from 30 to 35, 40 to 60, 43 to 65 MPa at
28, 90 and 365 days, respectively which is the compressive strength commonly used for
normal construction applications. It was observed that the strength gain at 90 days and 365
days was within the limits corresponding to the amount of cement content used in the SCC
mixes. At 10% replacement of fine aggregates with bottom ash, strengths were observed to be
in the range of 25–35 MPa, 33– 47 MPa, and 40–49 MPa at 28, 90, and 365 days,
respectively. A gain of strength of about 37% at 28 days and 21% at 365 days (as compared
to 18% and 40% for 0% bottom ash) was observed with the decrease in fly ash contents from
35% (M105) to 15% (M101). The gain of strength for 15% and 20% fly ash contents was
higher as compared to other mixes in regards to 0% bottom ash mixes. The strength was
found to increase with age for all mixes and also with percentages of fly ash varying from
35% to 15% at a particular age. At 20% replacement with bottom ash, strengths were
observed to be in the range of 23–29 MPa, 32–40 MPa, and 38–45 MPa at 28, 90, and 365
days respectively. A gain of strength of about 23% at 28 days and 18% at 365 days was
observed with the decrease in fly ash contents from 35% (M205) to 15% (M201). For 30%
replacement with bottom ash the strength of M301 was observed to be 25.77 MPa at the age
of 28 days. In normal concrete also, reduction in strength was observed up to 30%
replacement of fine aggregate with bottom ash. 28-day compressive strength for percentages
of fly ash (15–35%) and mixes at 10% bottom ash showed 0.3–14% strength decrease, 18–
20% strength decrease with 20% bottom ash and 26– 38% decrease with 30% bottom ash in
comparison to corresponding mixes with 0% bottom ash. Similarly, 90-day compressive
strength for mixes with 10% bottom ash showed 15–21% strength decrease, 18–33% strength
decrease with 20% bottom ash and 22–38% decrease with 30% bottom ash in comparison to
corresponding mixes with 0% bottom ash. Also, 365-day compressive strength for mixes with
10% bottom ash showed the 7–20% strength decrease, 11–26% strength decrease with 20%
bottom ash and 16–32% decrease with 30% bottom ash, in comparison to corresponding
mixes with 0% bottom ash. All mixes showed strength gain beyond 28 days and the mixes
with 15% and 35% fly ash mixes gained strength of the order of 60 MPa and 40 MPa,
respectively at 90 days. However, it was possible to produce SCC with a compressive
strength of 40–50 MPa with 15–35% fly ash replacement. The bottom ash could be used up

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to 20% keeping in view the decrease of strength of about 15–20% (if fly ash percentages with
15% and 20% are not taken into consideration), as they show higher decrease of strength.
Thus, the optimum fly ash percentage was 25–35% and bottom ash percentage was up to 20%
in the present study. Thus it was concluded that the compressive strength increased with a
decrease in the percentage of the fly ash and the water-to-cementitious materials ratio.
Increase in bottom ash content resulted in decrease in compressive strength with reference to
mix with 0% bottom ash for a specific age for particular fly ash content. Compressive
strength of SCC mixes was found to increase with age for all mixes with varying percentages
of fly ash and bottom ash.

Nanthagopalan and Santhanam (2011) studied the use of manufactured sand (Msand)
in self- compacting concrete. In recent years, manufactured sand (Msand) produced by
crushing rock deposits is being identified as a suitable alternative source for river sand in
concrete. In this process, an attempt was made to understand the influence of paste volume
and w/p ratio (water to powder ratio) on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
using Msand. The powder and aggregate combinations were optimised by using the particle
packing approach, which involves the selection of combinations having maximum packing
density. The chemical admixtures (super plasticisers, viscosity modifying agent) were
optimised based on simple empirical tests. Msand, as compared to river sand low and
medium strength (25–60 MPa) SCCs were achieved by using Msand based on the approach
adopted in the study. Results showed that it is possible to successfully utilise manufactured
sand in producing SCC. For SCC, achieving high strengths is not difficult, due to the
presence of high powder content. However, achieving low and medium strength SCC is a
difficult task. Therefore, in this investigation, the emphasis was given to achieve low and
medium strength SCC. Studies were conducted to investigate the influence of w/p ratio on the
compressive strength of SCC. Concrete cubes of dimension 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm
was cast and moist cured for 28 days. The compression test of concrete cube was performed
as per IS 516 . The compressive strengths for the different mixtures varied from 25 MPa to 60

Sahmaran et al., (2011) determined the effect of used foundry sand and fly ash as
partial replacement of aggregate and cement in self- compacting concrete. Sixteen SCC
mixtures were prepared with the proportions . The Portland Cement in the mixtures was
replaced with Fly ash at 0, 30, 50 and 70% by mass. For each FA replacement level, about 0,

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25, 50 and 100% of sand by volume was replaced with SFS. For all mixtures, the total
amount of binder (PC + FA) and the water to binder ratio (w/b) were kept constant at 450
kg/m3 and 0.40, respectively. In all curing ages, the compressive strength of the control
mixtures with 0% SFS was higher than the one containing SFS. However, when the strengths
at7 and 90 days were compared, it was observed that for a given FA content (except 70%),
the SFS-related decrease in strength was lower at 90 days than at 7 days. In 30% FA
concretes, the strengths of 0 and 100% SFS at 7 days were 32.0 and 24.1 MPa, respectively, a
decrease of 25%. At 90 days, the strength had decreased by only 11%, from 49.4 to 44.0
MPa. Therefore, the beneficial effects of FA observed at later ages partially compensated for
the negative impact of SFS on strength. (For 70% FA content, strength loss due to SFS
replacement were comparable at 7 and 90 days.) For a given SFS content, the use of FA
reduced strengths, especially at 7 days. However, the difference between the concretes with
FA and without FA was smaller at 90 days. In fact, 0% FA and 30% FA concretes showed
almost the same strengths at all SFS contents , which can be explained by the slow, ongoing
pozzolanic reactions of FA during specimen curing. 70% replacement of PC with FA,
however, reduced strengths significantly at both ages. Although both SFS and FA were found
to reduce strengths, producing SCC with compressive strengths around 40 MPa at 28 days
and 50 MPa at 90 days was still possible by using a combination of SFS and FA. With the
exception of 70% FA concretes, almost all specimens had strengths higher than 40 MPa. This
holds true even at 100% SFS replacement level. Although SFS and FA reduce the strengths,
it is still possible to produce SCC with compressive strengths around 40 MPa at 28 days and
50 MPa at 90 days by using both SFS and FA. Strengths over 40 MPa can be reached even at
100% SFS replacement.

Gesoglu and Guneyisi (2011) carried out research to investigate the permeability
characteristics of self-compacting rubberized concretes with and without fly ash. At a water–
cementitious material (w/cm) ratio of 0.35, the self-compacting concretes (SCCs) were
produced by replacing the fine aggregate with four designated crump rubber contents of 0%,
5%, 15%, and 25% by fine aggregate volume. Moreover, the SCCs with fly ash were
produced by partial substitution of cement with fly ash at varying amounts of 20% to 60%..
The tests were conducted at 28 and 90 days after casting. The overall compressive strength
ranged from 16.2 to 71.3 MPa and from 20.8 to 86.7 MPa at 28 and 90 days, respectively. It
was evident that there was a marked reduction in the compressive strength of concretes with
increasing rubber content, irrespective of the testing age.

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Wang and Huang (2010) investigated the properties of self-compacting glass

concrete (SCGC), where liquid crystal glass sand (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%) is used in place
of aggregates. The unit cementing material can be obtained by W/B and the mixing water
content. The amount of cementing material in this study was 661 kg/m3, with the cement
partially replaced by fly ash and slag. The mixing water content was adjusted to 185 kg/m3,
according to the test results. Because the waste LCD glass is hydrophobic with a smooth
surface, a large amount of adhesive paste is required to promote the waste LCD glass sand.
The SCGC compressive strengths of each group increased with time. Compressive strength
increased similarly at 7 days and 28 days. At 90 days, with a glass replacement of 30%, the
compressive strength reached 98.4% of the control group’s compressive strength; the smooth
surface of the glass sand allowed more cement paste to participate in adhering the glass to the
cement mortar, thereby enhancing the concrete strength. The compressive strength of the
concretes containing waste LCD glass aggregates decreased with an increase in LCD glass
content. The concrete containing 20% waste glass aggregates resulted in the highest strength

Naik et al., (2009) examined the effect of foundry silica dust in self compacting
concrete.A control mixture was made in which ASTM C 618 Class C fly ash constituted 40%
mass of the total cementitious materials. Three more SCC mixtures was made using silica
dust obtained from an iron industry. Silica dust was used to replace 10%,20% and 30% of fly
ash at a 1:2 (fly ash and foundry dust) ratio by mass. The extra amount of foundry dust was
treated as very fine sand. Compared with reference mixture, some reduction in the 3-day
strength and considerable reductions in the 7-day and 28-day strengths were observed when
10–30% of fly ash was replaced with foundry silica-dust. This was attributed to the higher air
content and lower density and increased water to- cementitious material ratio, of the SCC
mixtures containing foundry silica-dust and the reduction in fly ash content. Further, perhaps
organic contaminants in the foundry dust might have also contributed to strength reductions
due to interference with cement hydration reactions.


Pathak and Siddique (2012) studied the splitting tensile strength of self- compacting
concrete incorporating fly ash as partial replacement of cement and spent foundry sand as
partial replacement of sand at elevated temperature. In this research, mixes were prepared

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with three percentages of fly ash ranging from 30% to 50% and one controlled mixture
without fly ash was also prepared for comparison. Fine aggregate was replaced with 10% of
spent foundry sand. The specimens of each concrete mixture were heated up to different
temperatures (27 0C, 100 0C, 200 0C, and 300 0C). In order to ensure a uniform temperature
throughout the specimens, the temperature was held constant at the maximum value for 1 h
before cooling. Using Ordinary Portland cement, an increase of 18–22% in splitting tensile
strength was observed at 28 days when fly ash content was decreased from 50% to 30%.
Splitting tensile strength increased with the decrease in percentage of fly ash content and the
water-to-cementitious materials ratio and decreased with increase in temperature, at all ages
and also there is more reduction in splitting tensile strength with increase in temperature from
200 0C to 300 0C as compared strength loss of SCC mixes in the temperature range of 27 0C
to 100 0C.

Siddique et al., (2012) investigated the strength properties of self-compacting concrete

containing coal fly ash and bottom ash.SCC was made with coal bottom ash as replacement
of fine aggregates in varying percentages of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% and fly ash as
replacement of cement in varying percentages of 15–35%. Strength properties tests were
carried out at the ages of 28, 90 and 365 days for the various mixes. The split tensile strength
increased with a decrease in the percentage of the fly ash and the water-to-cementitious
materials ratio. Increase in bottom ash content resulted in decrease in split tensile strength
with reference to mix with 0% bottom ash for a specific age for particular fly ash content.
Split tensile strength of SCC mixes was found to increase with age for all mixes with varying
percentages of fly ash and bottom ash. Increase in bottom ash decreased the split tensile
strength with reference to mix with 0% bottom ash for a specific age for particular fly ash

Parra et al.,(2011) conducted experimental work on the splitting tensile strength

for self-compacting concretes of different ages. Eight different concretes were used, four
self- compacting and four normally-vibrated, with different water/cement ratios and different
types of cement. The results obtained show that in self-compacting concretes made with
limestone filler the splitting tensile strength is on average 15% less than that of normally-
vibrated concretes. This is due to factors that affect aggregate–paste bond, which thus have a
greater influence on tensile than compressive strength and can be caused, for example, by
using different super plasticizers or higher fines content in the SCCs. If the tensile strength is

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analysed at different ages, it can be seen that the strength does not evolve in the same way in
the two types of concrete. At 7 days the differences between SCC and NVC are small, on
average 3.5% . During the early days of hydration the limestone fines rise the rate of
hydration of some clinker compounds, especially C3S, since the fines act as nucleation sites
of the hydrates formed in the hydration reactions . In SCCs made with limestone filler, the
splitting tensile strength is lower than that of NVCs. At 7 days, the difference between the
two concretes is small, and even has a tendency to disappear when the fines content used in
the SCCs is high. At higher ages, 28 and 90 days, the differences increase, the average being



Solution of sulphate can attack the hardened cement paste in the concrete causing
deterioration. The precise chemical reaction will depend on the nature of the sulphate
present and the type of cement. In some clay soils the ground water is solution of
magnesium and calcium sulphates. These salts reacts with the Ca(OH)2 and the calcium
aluminate hydrate in the concrete to produce gypsum and calcium sulphoaluminate. These
products have considerably have greater volume than the compounds they replace, leading
to expansion and disruption of the concrete. Sea water and de-icing salt also contain
appreciable concentrations of sulphates. The rate and extent of sulphate attack depend upon
the ease with which sulphate ions are able to penetrate the concrete and upon the chemical
resistance of cement paste.
There have been numerous field studies on the distress caused to concrete structures
generated by sulphate attack . In particular, volume of cementitious paste (34–40%) and the
larger powder content (400–600 kg/m3) of SCC can make it particularly vulnerable to
chemical attack, for example by sulphate solutions. Since the last decade, SCC has been
widely used in areas vulnerable to sulphate attack such as substructures, infrastructure and
industrial floors. Sulphate attack has often been discussed in terms of the reaction between
the hydrates in cement pastes and dissolved compounds, such as sodium sulphate or
magnesium sulphate, in the attacking solution (Taylor 1997).
The classical form of sulphate attack involves alkali sulphates such as sodium
sulphate which reacts with calcium hydroxide and calcium aluminate hydrate to form gypsum

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and ettringite. The gypsum and ettringite formed as a result of sulphate attack is significantly
more voluminous (1.2–2.2 times) than the initial reactants, which can cause expansion,
cracking, and deterioration of concrete by the reaction of SO2_4 ions (Bonen, 1993). A
magnesium sulphate solution may cause the deterioration of concrete due to the formation of
Mg-containing hydrates (e.g. M–S–H gel), as well as gypsum and thaumasite. Some
researchers have reported on the sulphate resistance imparted by mineral admixtures, which
is generally incorporated in concrete to improve its engineering properties and durability.

Uysal and Sumer (2011) reported the effect of different mineral admixtures on self-
compacting concrete. Portland cement (PC) was replaced with fly ash (FA), granulated blast
furnace slag (GBFS), limestone powder (LP), basalt powder (BP) and marble powder (MP) in
various proportioning rates. Sulphate resistance tests involved immersion in 10% magnesium
sulphateand 10% sodium sulphate solutions for a period of 400 days. The degree of sulphate
attack was evaluated using visual examination and reduction in compressive strength. A
thorough visual inspection was carried out after 400 days to evaluate the visible signs of
softening, cracking and spalling in the SCC specimens exposed to sulphate attack. Although
it was observed that a small amount of spalling at edges and corners of the GBFS40 specimen
which showed the best performance exposed to 10% magnesium sulphate solution for 400
days. Different results of visual examination were observed on the control specimen. In
addition white substance was deposited on the face of the control specimen it was affected
the worst in this solution exhibited relatively severe spalling at edges and corners. The visual
examination of SCC specimens stored in the magnesium and sodium sulphate solutions for
400 days, indicated that the intensity of the damage by magnesium sulphate attack was
greater than sodium sulphate attack. Compressive strength loss discussed in terms of strength
loss in order to highlight the damage caused to SCC mixtures by exposure to sulphate attack.
After 400 days exposure in the MgSO4 solution, the amounts of strength loss have been
measured in the range of 4.55–13.09% for SCC mixtures. The strength loss decreased as the
replacement of mineral admixtures increased; For example, the strength loss of FA35, was
about 6.91%, compared to strength loss of 10.34% for the FA15 specimen. It is clear that the
mixtures containing GBFS exhibited a much better resistance to magnesium sulphate attack
than the mixtures containing other mineral admixtures. Moreover, these results indicate that
the incorporation of mineral admixtures leads to reduced strength loss compared with those
having only PC (control). The best resistance to sodium sulphate attack was obtained with

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GBFS series. However, FA series performed very well resistance to sodium sulphate attack
and showed lower strength loss than other series.


Pathak and Siddique (2012) studied chloride penetration resistance of self-
compacting concrete containing fly ash as partial replacement of cement and spent foundry
sand as partial replacement of fine aggregates at elevated temperatures. In this research,
mixes were prepared with three percentages of fly ash ranging from 30% to 50% and one
controlled mixture without fly ash was also prepared for comparison. Fine aggregate was
replaced with 10% of spent foundry sand. The specimens of each concrete mixture were
heated up to different temperatures (27 0C, 100 0C, 200 0C, and 300 0C). In order to ensure a
uniform temperature throughout the specimens, the temperature was held constant at the
maximum value for 1 h before cooling. It is evident from the results that SCC mixes (SCC2,
SCC3, SCC4) made with fly ash and foundry sand reduced the rapid chloride ion
penetrability to low range (1000–2000 Coulomb) at the age of 28 days, between low range to
very low range (<1000 Coulomb) at the age of 91 and 365 days, as compared with the control
mix (SCC1). The incorporation of fly ash and foundry sand resulted in a reduction in
coulomb charges. Lower rapid chloride permeability of fly ash concretes can be attributed to
the more compact structure of the paste, which is a result of finer fly ash particles than
Portland cement. One of the most important factor affecting the permeability of concrete was
the internal pore structure, which in turn was dependent on the extent of hydration of the
cementitious materials. From the test results it is observed that most concretes become
significantly less permeable with increase in curing time. The curing conditions and the age
of concrete thus largely determine the ease with which chloride ions can move into the
concrete. The high volume fly ash SCC mixes showed significantly lower chloride ion
permeability than SCC mixes without fly ash and spent foundry sand. Most of the SCC mixes
were assessed as ‘‘very low’’ chloride permeability concretes as per ASTM C 1202-94
assessment criteria, with less than 1000 coulombs of total charge passing. From the test
results of this research, it was concluded that most concretes become significantly less
permeable with increase in time.

Sahmaran et al., (2011) investigated the permeability of self compacting concrete

with fly ash and spent foundry sand. Sixteen SCC mixtures were prepared with the
proportions. The Portland Cement in the mixtures was replaced with Fly ash at 0, 30, 50 and

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70% by mass. For each FA replacement level, about 0, 25, 50 and 100% of sand by volume
was replaced with SFS. For all mixtures, the total amount of binder (PC + FA) and the water
to binder ratio (w/b) were kept constant at 450 kg/m3 and 0.40, respectively. The results of
RCP tests performed at 28 and 90 days. the use of FA significantly reduced the chloride
permeability of the hardened SCC mixtures when compared to the control concretes with 0%
FA. For any given SFS content, the reduction was generally greater than 80% for FA
replacement levels of 50 and 70% at both 28 and 90 days. The lower RCP of FA concretes
can be attributed to the more compact structure of the paste, which is a result of finer FA
particles than PC (filler effect) and pozzolanic reactions of FA. Permeability was lower at 90
days than at 28 days, as expected due to the hydration of PC and pozzolanic reactions of FA.
The reduction ranged between 15% (for 70% FA and 0% SFS concrete) and 63% (for 30%
FA and 100% SFS concrete).The results also showed that the rapid chloride permeability of
most concretes containing FA and SFS was below 750 coulomb at 90 days, which indicate
relatively high-quality SCC mixtures from rapid chloride permeability standpoint (ASTM C
1202 classifies the chloride ion penetrability of a concrete as ‘‘very low’’ as long as the
charge passed is between 100 and 1,000 coulomb). When FA with low lime and low alkali
contents, is used to partially replace PC, the concentration of alkali ions and associated
hydroxyl ions in the pore solution generally decreases significantly, and the extent of this
reduction depends also on FA replacement level . Because of the expected differences in
electrical resistance between SCC mixtures, however, the electrical conductivity values may
also be different. As a result, the RCPT values may reflect this difference and therefore
should be interpreted with care. Although SFS has a detrimental effect on chloride
permeability, this effect is very minor (especially when the SFS amount is 50% or less)
provided that the mixtures contain FA. In such mixtures, total charge passed below 900
coulombs at 90 days.

Thapar University, Patiala 42

Experimental Programme


The chapter describes the details of experimental programs for the measurements of fresh
properties, strength properties (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength) and durability
properties such as sulphate attack and rapid chloride permeability of self-compacting concrete
mixes made with varying percentages of waste foundry sand as partial replacement of fine
aggregates. The basic tests carried out on concrete samples are discussed in this chapter,
followed by a brief description about mix deign and curing procedure adopted. At the end, the
various tests conducted on the specimens are discussed.


3.2.1 CEMENT
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Grade 43 JK cement was used for casting cubes and
cylinders for all concrete mixes.
Table 3.1: Physical Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement
Physical Properties BIS- 8112:1989 Test Results
Standard Consistency (%) 29.5

Setting time (min)

Initial 30 Min. 92
Final 600 Max 248
Compressive Strength (MPa)
3 day 23 24.5
7 day 37.5 39.1
28 day 43 47.8
Specific gravity _ 3.12

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Experimental Programme

The cement was of uniform colour i.e. grey with a light greenish shade and was free from any
hard lumps. It was tested as per Indian standard specification (BIS-8112:1989). Test results are
given in Table 3.1 as above.


The sand used for the experimental programme was locally procured and conformed to
Indian Standard Specifications BIS: 383-1970. The sand was first sieved through 4.75 mm sieve
to remove any particles greater than 4.75 mm.The aggregates were sieved through a set of sieves
to obtain sieve analysis.Aggregates used were in dry state and correction for water absorption
was made. The fine aggregated belonged to grading zone II. Its physical properties and sieve
analysis are given in Tables 3.2 and Table 3.3 respectively.

Table 3.2: Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate

Characteristics Value

Specific gravity 2.57

Bulk density 1.3

Fineness modulus 2.65

Water absorption 1.2

Grading Zone (Based on percentage

Zone II
passing 0.60 mm)

Thapar University, Patiala 44

Experimental Programme

Table 3.3: Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates

Weight of the sample taken = 1.0 kg
I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative Percentage BIS: 383-1970
Sieve retained in weight retained percentage of Passing Requirement
Size Grams in grams Weight for Zone II
10.0mm 00 00 00 100 100
4.75mm 17 1.7 1.7 98.3 90-100
2.36mm 73 7.3 9 91 75-100
1.18mm 241.5 24.15 33.15 66.85 55-90
600µm 166.5 16.65 49.5 50.20 35-59
300µm 256.5 25.65 75.45 24.55 8-30
150µm 216 21.6 97.05 2.95 0-10
Pan 29.5 2.95 100 0 --
Fineness modulus of fine aggregate = 2.65
The sand conforms to grading zone II as per BIS: 383-1970


The material which is retained on IS sieve no. 4.75 is termed as a coarse aggregate. The crushed
stone is generally used as a coarse aggregate.. Locally available coarse aggregate having the
maximum size of 10 mm was used.The aggregates used were dry condition and correction of
absorption was taken. The aggregates were tested as per IS: 383-1970.Physical properties and
sieve analysis results are given in Tables 3.4 and Table 3.5 respectively.

Table 3.4: Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates (10mm)

Properties Observed values

Colour Grey
Maximum size (mm) 10
Specific Gravity 2.65
Total Water Absorption (%) 0.70
Moisture content (%) Nil

Thapar University, Patiala 45

Experimental Programme

Table 3.5: Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates

Weight of the sample taken = 3.0 kg.
I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative Percentage BIS: 383-1970
Sieve Retained Weight percentage of Passing Requirement
Size in grams Retained weight
in grams retained
80mm 00 00 00 100 ----
40mm 00 00 00 100 ----
20mm 00 00 00 100 ----
10mm 1815 60.5 60.5 39.5 40-85
4.75mm 1103.5 36.78 97.28 2.72 0-10
2.36mm 78.5 2.62 99.90 0.1 0-2
Pan 3 0.1 100 0 ----
Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = 7.57
Coarse aggregates conformed to BIS: 383- 1970.
3.2.4 WATER
Generally, water that is suitable for drinking is satisfactory for use in concrete. Water
from lakes and streams that contain marine life also usually is suitable. When water is obtained
from sources mentioned above, no sampling is necessary. When it is suspected that water may
contain sewage, mine water, or wastes from industrial plants or canneries, it should not be used
in concrete unless tests indicate that it is satisfactory. Water from such sources should be avoided
since the quality of the water could change due to low water or by intermittent tap water is used
for casting.


Foundry sand obtained from Insaf foundry, Model Town, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab was
used. The physical properties and sieve analysis of foundry sand are given in the Tables 3.6 and
3.7 respectively.

Thapar University, Patiala 46

Experimental Programme

Fig: 3.1 Used Foundry Sand

Table.3.6: Physical Properties of Foundry Sand

Properties Observed values
Colour Grey(Blackish)
Fineness Modulus 1.23
Specific Gravity 2.43
Water Absorption (%) 1.21

Table.3.7: Sieve Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand

Weight of the sample taken = 1.0 kg

I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative
Sieve retained in weight retained percentage of weight
Size Grams in grams Retained
4.75mm 00 00 00 100
2.36mm 11 1.1 1.1 98.9
1.18mm 7.0 0.7 1.8 98.2
600µm 11 1.1 2.9 97.1
300µm 222.5 22.25 25.15 74.85
150µm 674.5 67.45 92.6 7.4
Pan 74 7.4 100 00
Fineness modulus of waste foundry sand 1.23

Thapar University, Patiala 47

Experimental Programme

Auramix 400 of FOSROC brand is a high performance superplasticizer intended for
applications where high water reduction and long workability retention are required, and it has
been developed for use in Self Compacting concrete , Pumped concrete , Concrete requiring
long workability retention ,High performance concrete. It is based on a polycarboxylic ether
polymer with long lateral chains. This greatly improves cement dispersion. At the start of the
mixing process an electrostatic dispersion occurs but the cement particle’s capacity to separate
and disperse. Its specific gravity is 1.11. This mechanism considerably reduces the water demand
in flowable concrete. It combines the properties of water reduction and workability retention. It
allows the production of high performance concrete and/or concrete with high workability.
Specifications of super plasticizer are given in Table 3.8
Table 3.8: Specifications of Superplasticizer

Basis Aqueous solution of modified polycarboxylate

Appearance Light yellow coloured liquid
Volumetric mass 1.105 ± 0.02 kg/litre @ 200C
pH Minimum 6
Chloride content Nil to IS:456
Alkali content Typically less than 1.5 g Na2O equivalent / litre of


Powder form of magnesium sulphate was obtained from Scientific Junction, Patiala. It
was white in colour. Its solution of strength 5% by adding it to water was made and used for
sulphate resistance test.

Thapar University, Patiala 48

Experimental Programme


Before casting, the entire test specimen were cleaned and oiled properly. These were securely
tightened to correct dimensions before casting. Care was taken that there is no gaps left from
where there is any possibility of leakage of slurry. Careful procedure was adopted in the
batching, mixing and casting operations. The coarse aggregates and fine aggregates were
weighed first with an accuracy of 0.5 grams. The concrete mixture was prepared in pan
mixer . Initially, the coarse and fine aggregates were mixed thoroughly by dry mixing in pan
mixer. To this mixture, the cement was added. These were mixed to uniform colour. Then
water was added carefully so that no water was lost during mixing and admixture was added
along with it.After proper mixing concrete is checked for fresh properties, if concrete mix
fulfil the workability requirements then only it can be classified as Self-compacting Concrete
and the specimens are casted. For each mix 30 samples were prepared, which consists of 9
cubes (150x150x150) for 7 , 28 and 56 days compressive strength , 9 (300x150) cylinders for
split tensile strength at 7 , 28 and 56 days and 3 cylinders (200x100) for RCPT and 9
cubes(150x150x150) for 7 ,28 and 56 days for sulphate resistance test.


Table 3.9: Test data for materials

Type of Cement OPC

Specific gravity of cement 3.12
Specific gravity of Coarse Aggregate 2.65
Specific gravity of Fine Aggregate 2.75
Specific gravity of Admixture 1.11
Material Water Absorption Free Moisture Total Correction
Coarse aggregate
10mm 0.70% 0.00% 0.00%
Fine Aggregate
River Sand 1.20% 0.00% 1.20%

Thapar University, Patiala 49

Experimental Programme

Table 3.10 : All in Grading

IS Cumlative Combined Aggregate Specified Specified Limits

SIEVE perctange Limits NC SCC
10mm Sand 10mm Sand Cumulative Lower Upper Lower Upper
40% 60%
40 100 100 40 60 100 100 100 100 100
20 100 100 40 60 100 95 100 95 100
10 39.50 100 15.80 60 75.80 40 70 72 94
4.75 2.71 98.30 1.08 58.98 60.06 30 50 46 77
2.36 0.10 91 0.04 54.60 54.64 22 40 29 63
1.18 0.00 66.85 0.00 40.11 40.11 15 36 18 45
0.6 0.00 50.20 0.00 30.12 30.12 10 35 13 37
0.3 0.00 24.55 0.00 14.73 14.73 3 12 9 23
0.15 0.00 2.95 0.00 1.77 1.77 0 6 4 10
0.075 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0

Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate

40.00% 60.00%
20 mm 10 mm C.Sand R.Sand
0.00% 100% 0.00% 100%

Target Mean Strength of concrete 33.25

Water/Cementetious ratio 0.43
Water/Cement ratio 0.43

Thapar University, Patiala 50

Experimental Programme

Grading Limits for SCC

Lower Upper Cumulative

Percentage Passing 80
0.075 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 4.75 10 20 40
IS sieve size in mm

Fig.3.2 Grading limits for SCC

Table 3.11:Mix Proportion without water correction

Cement 450.00
Total Cementetious 450.00
Free Water content 193.50
Fine Aggregate 60%
R. Sand 100% 1021.22

Coarse Aggregate 40%

10mm 702.01

auromix400 0.80% 3.60
TOTAL 0.80% 2370.33

Table 3.12: Correction

Material Total Correction

Coarse aggregate
10mm 4.914037692
Fine Aggregate
River Sand 12.25462985
Total 17.16866754

Thapar University, Patiala 51

Experimental Programme

Table 3.13: Ingredients in SSD condition Qty./m3

Cement 450.00
Total Cementetious 450.00
Total Water content 210.67
Fine Aggregate 1008.96
Coarse Aggregate(10mm) 697.09
Admixture 3.6
Total 2370.32

w/c 0.47

The mix proportions of SCC are given below in Table 3.14.

Table 3.14 : Mix proportions
Mixture Cement WFS Sand C.A Water SP SP
ID kg/m3 Kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 (kg/m3) w/p (kg/m3) (%)

CM 450 0 1008 697 210.67 0.47 3.6 0.8

10%WFS 450 100.8 907.2 697 210.76 0.47 3.6 0.8

15%WFS 450 151.2 856.8 697 210.67 0.47 3.6 0.8

20%WFS 450 201.6 806.4 697 210.67 0.47 3.6 0.8

WFS: Waste Foundry Sand,
CA : Coarse Aggregates,
CM : Control Mix,
SP : Auramix 400

Thapar University, Patiala 52

Experimental Programme


After required period of curing, the specimens were taken out of the curing tank and
their surfaces were wiped off. Besides measuring the fresh properties(U- Box,L-Box,V-
Funnel,Slump flow test), following tests were performed on hardened concrete.


• Compressive strength (BIS: 516 – 1959)
• Splitting tensile strength (BIS: 5816 – 1999)

These properties were determined at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days.


• Sulphate resistance (ASTM C 1012)

• Rapid chloride permeability test (ASTM C 1202)

The specimen properties were determined at the age of 7,28 and 56 days for compressive
strength,splitting tensile strength and sulphate resistance test.For Rapid chloride permeability
test specimens were tested at age of 28 days.



A concrete mix can only be classified as Self-compacting Concrete if the requirements for
all three characteristics are fulfilled :
• Filling Ability: Ability of to fill a formwork completely under its own weight.
• Passing Ability: Ability to overcome obstacles under its own weight without
hindrance. Obstacles are e.g. reinforcement and small openings etc.
• Segregation Resistance: Homogeneous composition of concrete during and after the
process of transport and placing.
It is important to appreciate that none of the test methods for SCC has yet been standardised,
and the tests described are not yet perfected or definitive.

Thapar University, Patiala 53

Experimental Programme U- BOX TEST METHOD

The test was developed by the Technology Research Centre of the Taisei Corporation
in Japan. Sometimes the apparatus is called a “box-shaped” test. The test is used to measure
the filling ability of self-compacting concrete. The apparatus consists of a vessel that is
divided by a middle wall into two compartments, shown by R1 and R2 in Figure 3.3.
An opening with a sliding gate is fitted between the two sections. Reinforcing bars with
nominal diameters of 13 mm are installed at the gate with centre-to-centre spacing of 50 mm.
This creates a clear spacing of 35 mm between the bars. The left hand section is filled with
about 20 litre of concrete then the gate lifted and concrete flows upwards into the other
section. The height of the concrete in both sections is measured.

Assessment of test
This is a simple test to conduct, but the equipment may be difficult to construct. It
provides a good direct assessment of filling ability – this is literally what the concrete has to
do – modified by an unmeasured requirement for passing ability. The 35mm gap between the
sections of reinforcement may be considered too close. The question remains open of what
filling height less than 30 cm. is still acceptable.

Figure 3.3: U box. (EFNARC, 2002).

• U box of a stiff non absorbing material see figure 3.3.
• trowel
• scoop
• stopwatch

Thapar University, Patiala 54

Experimental Programme

About 20 litre of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally. Set the
apparatus level on firm ground, ensure that the sliding gate can open freely and then close it.
Moisten the inside surfaces of the apparatus, remove any surplus water. Fill the one
compartment of the apparatus with the concrete sample. Leave it to stand for 1 minute. Lift
the sliding gate and allow the concrete to flow out into the other compartment.
After the concrete has come to rest, measure the height of the concrete in the compartment
that has been filled, in two places and calculate the mean (H1). Measure also the height in the
other compartment (H2)
Calculate H1 - H2, the filling height.
The whole test has to be performed within 5 minutes.

Interpretation of result
If the concrete flows as freely as water, at rest it will be horizontal, so H1 - H2 = 0.
Therefore the nearer this test value, the ‘filling height’, is to zero, the better the flow and
passing ability of the concrete. L- BOX TEST METHOD

This test is based on a Japanese design for underwater concrete. The test assesses the
flow of the concrete, and also the extent to which it is subject to blocking by reinforcement.
The apparatus is shown in Figure 3.4.
The apparatus consists of a rectangular-section box in the shape of an ‘L’, with a vertical and
horizontal section, separated by a moveable gate, in front of which vertical lengths of
reinforcement bar are fitted. The vertical section is filled with concrete, and then the gate
lifted to let the concrete flow into the horizontal section. When the flow has stopped, the
height of the concrete at the end of the horizontal section is expressed as a proportion of that
remaining in the vertical section (H2/H1in the diagram). It indicates the slope of the concrete
when at rest. This is an indication passing ability, or the degree to which the passage of
concrete through the bars is restricted. The horizontal section of the box can be marked at
200mm and 400mm from the gate and the times taken to reach these points measured. These
are known as the T20 and T40 times and are an indication for the filling ability.The sections
of bar can be of different diameters and spaced at different intervals: in accordance with
normal reinforcement considerations, 3x the maximum aggregate size might be appropriate.

Thapar University, Patiala 55

Experimental Programme

The bars can principally be set at any spacing to impose a more or less severe test of the
passing ability of the concrete.

Figure 3.4: L box. (EFNARC, 2002).

Assessment of test
This is a widely used test, suitable for laboratory, and perhaps site use. It assesses
filling and passing ability of SCC, and serious lack of stability (segregation) can be detected
visually. Segregation may also be detected by subsequently sawing and inspecting sections of
the concrete in the horizontal section. Unfortunately there is no agreement on materials,
dimensions, or reinforcing bar arrangement, so it is difficult to compare test results. There is
no evidence of what effect the wall of the apparatus and the consequent ‘wall effect’ might
have on the concrete flow, but this arrangement does, to some extent, replicate what happens
to concrete on site when it is confined within formwork.Two operators are required if times
are measured, and a degree of operator error is inevitable.

• L box of a stiff non absorbing material see Figure 3.4.
• Trowel
• scoop
• stopwatch
About 14 litre of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally.
Set the apparatus level on firm ground, ensure that the sliding gate can open freely and then
close it. Moisten the inside surfaces of the apparatus, remove any surplus water. Fill the
vertical section of the apparatus with the concrete sample. Leave it to stand for 1 minute. Lift

Thapar University, Patiala 56

Experimental Programme

the sliding gate and allow the concrete to flow out into the horizontal section.
Simultaneously, start the stopwatch and record the times taken for the concrete to reach the
200 and 400 mm marks. When the concrete stops flowing, the distances “H1” and “H2” are
measured. Calculate H2/H1, the blocking ratio. The whole test has to be performed within 5

Interpretation of result
If the concrete flows as freely as water, at rest it will be horizontal, so H2/H1 = 1.
Therefore the nearer this test value, the ‘blocking ratio’, is to unity, the better the flow of the
concrete. The EU research team suggested a minimum acceptable value of 0.8. T20 and T40
times can give some indication of ease of flow, but no suitable values have been generally
agreed. Obvious blocking of coarse aggregate behind the reinforcing bars can be detected

The test was developed in Japan and used by Ozawa. The equipment consists of a V-
shaped funnel, shown in Figure 3.5. An alternative type of V-funnel, the O funnel, with a
circular section is also used in Japan. The described V-funnel test is used to determine the
filling ability (flow ability) of the concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 20mm. The
funnel is filled with about 12 litres of concrete and the time taken for it to flow through the
apparatus measured. After this the funnel can be refilled concrete and left for 5 minutes to
settle. If the concrete shows segregation then the flow time will increase significantly.

Assessment of test
Though the test is designed to measure flow ability, the result is affected by concrete
properties other than flow. The inverted cone shape will cause any liability of the concrete to
block to be reflected in the result – if, for example there is too much coarse aggregate. High
flow time can also be associated with low deformability due to a high paste viscosity, and
with high inter-particle friction. While the apparatus is simple, the effect of the angle of the
funnel and the wall effect on the flow of concrete are not clear.

Thapar University, Patiala 57

Experimental Programme

Figure 3.5: V- Funnel equipment. (EFNARC, 2002).

• V-funnel
• bucket ( ±12 litre )
• trowel
• scoop
• stopwatch

Procedure flow time

About 12 litre of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally. Set the V-
funnel on firm ground. Moisten the inside surfaces of the funnel. Keep the trap door open to
allow any surplus water to drain. Close the trap door and place a bucket underneath. Fill the
apparatus completely with concrete without compacting or tamping, simply strike off the
concrete level with the top with the trowel. Open within 10 sec after filling the trap door and
allow the concrete to flow out under gravity. Start the stopwatch when the trap door is
opened, and record the time for the discharge to complete (the flow time). This is taken to be
when light is seen from above through the funnel. The whole test has to be performed within
5 minutes.

Interpretation of result

This test measures the ease of flow of the concrete; shorter flow times indicate greater
flow ability. For SCC a flow time of 10 seconds is considered appropriate. The inverted cone
shape restricts flow, and prolonged flow times may give some indication of the susceptibility

Thapar University, Patiala 58

Experimental Programme

of the mix to blocking. After 5 minutes of settling, segregation of concrete will show a less
continuous flow with an increase in flow time. SLUMP FLOW TEST

The slump flow is used to assess the horizontal free flow of SCC in the absence of
obstructions. It was first developed in Japan for use in assessment of underwater concrete.
The test method is based on the test method for determining the slump. The diameter of the
concrete circle is a measure for the filling ability of the concrete.

Assessment of test
This is a simple, rapid test procedure, though two people are needed if the T50 time is
to be measured. It can be used on site, though the size of the base plate is somewhat unwieldy
and level ground is essential. It is the most commonly used test, and gives a good assessment
of filling ability. It gives no indication of the ability of the concrete to pass between
reinforcement without blocking, but may give some indication of resistance to segregation. It
can be argued that the completely free flow, unrestrained by any boundaries, is not
representative of what happens in practice in concrete construction, but the test can be
profitably be used to assess the consistency of supply of ready-mixed concrete to a site from
load to load.

Figure 3.6: Slump flow test equipment. (EFNARC, 2002).


The apparatus is shown in Figure 3.6

Thapar University, Patiala 59

Experimental Programme

• Mould in the shape of a truncated cone with the internal dimensions 200 mm diameter
at the base, 100 mm diameter at the top and a height of 300 mm, conforming to EN
• Base plate of a stiff non absorbing material, at least 700mm square, marked with a
circle marking the central location for the slump cone, and a further concentric circle
of 500mm diameter
• trowel
• scoop
• ruler
• stopwatch (optional)

About 6 litre of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally. Moisten the
base plate and inside of slump cone, Place base plate on level stable ground and the slump
cone centrally on the base plate and hold down firmly. Fill the cone with the scoop. Do not
tamp, simply strike off the concrete level with the top of the cone with the trowel. Remove
any surplus concrete from around the base of the cone. Raise the cone vertically and allow
the concrete to flow out freely. Simultaneously, start the stopwatch and record the time taken
for the concrete to reach the 500mm spread circle. (This is the T50 time). Measure the final
diameter of the concrete in two perpendicular directions. Calculate the average of the two
measured diameters. (This is the slump flow in mm). Note any border of mortar or cement
paste without coarse aggregate at the edge of the pool of concrete.

Interpretation of result
The higher the slump flow (SF) value, the greater its ability to fill formwork under its
own weight. A value of at least 650mm is required for SCC. There is no generally accepted
advice on what are reasonable tolerances about a specified value, though ± 50mm, as with the
related flow table test, might be appropriate. The T50 time is a secondary indication of flow.
A lower time indicates greater flow-ability. The Brite EuRam research suggested that a time
of 3-7 seconds is acceptable for civil engineering applications, and 2-5 seconds for housing
applications. In case of severe segregation most coarse aggregate will remain in the centre of
the pool of concrete and mortar and cement paste at the concrete periphery. In case of minor
segregation a border of mortar without coarse aggregate can occur at the edge of the pool of

Thapar University, Patiala 60

Experimental Programme

concrete. If none of these phenomena appear it is no assurance that segregation will not occur
since this is a time related aspect that can occur after a longer period.


Testing Machine - The testing machine may be of any reliable type, of sufficient
capacity for the tests and capable of applying the load at the rate specified. The permissible
error shall be not greater than ± 2 percent of the maximum load. The testing machine shall be
equipped with two steel bearing platens with hardened faces. One of the platens (preferably
the one that normally will bear on the upper surface of the specimen) shall be fitted with a
ball seating in the form of a portion of a sphere, the centre of which coincides with the
central point of the face of the platen. The other compression platen shall be plain rigid
bearing block. The bearing faces of both platens shall be at least as large as, and preferably
larger than the nominal size of the specimen to which the load is applied. The bearing surface
of the platens, when new, shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.01 mm at any point,
and they shall be maintained with a permissible variation limit of 0.02 mm. The movable
portion of the spherically seated compression platen shall be held on the spherical seat, but
the design shall be such that the bearing face can be rotated freely and tilted through small
angles in any direction.

Age at Test
Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test specimens, the most usual being 7
and 28 days. The ages shall be calculated from the time of the addition of water to the dry

Number of Specimens

At least three specimens, preferably from different batches, shall be made for testing at each
selected age.

Thapar University, Patiala 61

Experimental Programme

Cube specimens of size 150mm were cast for compressive strength as per Indian
standard specifications BIS: 516-1959. After casting, all tests specimens were finished with
steel trowel. Immediately after finishing, the specimens were covered with sheets to minimize
the moisture loss from them. Specimens were demoulded after 24-hours and then cured in
water at approximately room temperature till testing. Compressive strength tests for cubes
were carried out at 7, 28 and 56 days. All the specimens were tested in an automated CTM
shown in Fig.3.7

The compressive strength was then calculated according to the formula:

σ =P/A
Where σ = Compressive Strength (N/mm )

P = Maximum load (N)

A = Cross section area of cube (mm )

Fig. 3.7 Compressive Strength Test SPLITTING TENSILE STRENGTH TEST ( BIS 5816 : 1999)

Compression Testing Machine
Any compression machine of reliable type, of sufficient capacity for the tests and
capable of applying the load. The load shall be applied without shock and increased

Thapar University, Patiala 62

Experimental Programme

continuously at a nominal rate within the range 1.2 N/(mm2/min) to 2.4 N/ (mm2 /min). shall
be used. It shall comply with the requirements given in BIS 516 as far as applicable except
that the bearing faces of both platens shall provide a minimum loading area of 12 mm x the
length of the cylinder or cube, as the case may be so that the load is applied over the entire
length of the specimen. If necessary, a supplementary bearing bar or plate of machined steel
may be used.

6” x 12” Moist cured concrete cylinders

Number of specimens
At least three specimens shall be tested for each age of tests.

Age at test
Tests shall be made at the recognized ages of the test specimens, the most usual being
7 and 28 days. The splitting tensile strength is well known indirect test used for determining
the tensile strength of concrete. Tensile strength is one of the most important fundamental
properties of concrete. An accurate prediction of tensile strength of concrete will help in
mitigating cracking problems, improve shear strength prediction and minimize the failure of
concrete in tension due to inadequate methods of tensile strength prediction. The splitting
tensile strength was determined at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days on cylinders 150 mm x 300
mm as per Indian standard specifications BIS: 516-1959. The test consists of applying
compressive line loads along the opposite generators of a concrete cylinder placed with its
axis horizontal between the plates. Due to the applied line loading a fairly uniform tensile
stress is introduced over nearly two third of the loaded diameter as obtained from an elastic

Central lines shall be drawn on the two opposite faces of the cube using any suitable
procedure and device that will ensure that they are in the same axial plane. The mass and
dimensions of the specimen shall be noted before testing. The sides of the specimen, lying in
the plane of the pre-marked lines, shall be measured near the ends and the middle of the
specimen and the average taken to the nearest 0.2 mm. The length of the specimen shall be

Thapar University, Patiala 63

Experimental Programme

taken to the nearest 0.2 mm by averaging the two lengths measured in the plane containing
the pre-marked lines. Before placing of the Specimen in the testing machine the bearing
surfaces of the testing machine and of the loading strips shall be wiped clean.The test
specimen shall be placed in the centring jig with packing strip and/or loading pieces carefully
positioning along the top and bottom of the plane of loading of the specimen. The jig shall
then be placed in the machine so that the specimen is located centrally. In the case ofcubic
specimens, the load shall be applied on the moulded faces in such a way that the fracture
plane will cross the trowelled surface. For cylindrical specimen it shall be ensured that the
upper platen is parallel with the lower platen. The load shall be applied without shock and
increased continuously at a nominal rate within the range 1.2 N/(mm2 /min) to 2.4 N/ (mm2
min).The load ‘P’ is applied (as line load) on the cylinder specimen in compression testing
machine.At failure load P the specimen fails by splitting along the loaded diameter as shown
in Fig. 3.8.
The magnitude of this tensile stress (acting in a direction perpendicular to the line of
action of applied compression) is given by

Σ = 2P/πDl
Where Σ = Tensile Stress (N/mm )

P = Applied load at failure (N)

D = Diameter of cylinder (mm)
L = Length of cylinder (mm)

Fig. 3.8 Splitting Tensile Strength

Thapar University, Patiala 64

Experimental Programme


Tests performed for sulphate resistance in this work are compressive strength test after
immersing the cube specimen in 5% magnesium sulphate solution for 7, 28 and 56 days.
Before immersing them in sulphate solution, specimens are cured for 28 days in water under
normal temperature. Compressive strength test is then conducted on the specimens. RAPID CHLORIDE PERMEABILITY TEST (ASTM C 1202)

The rapid chloride permeability test was originally developed for the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) by the Portland Cement Association (Whiting,1981) to
provide a rapid test method that correlated well with ponding tests, such as AASHTO T 259.
Ponding tests are considered to be the best method of determining the chloride permeability
of concrete, but they take 90 days or more to complete, making them impractical for project
quality assurance testing.Two very similar standards (AASHTO T 277 and ASTM C 1202)
describe the rapid chloride permeability test. The tests are performed using 2 in. (51 mm)
long, 3.75 in. (95 mm) diameter cylindrical specimens cut from cores obtained with a
diamond-dressed coring bit (alternatively, tests are performed using 4 in. (100 mm) diameter
cast cylinders, and the test values are normalized using the ratio of the standard to the actual
cross-sectional areas).After the curved surface of a test specimen is coated with epoxy, the
specimen is vacuum saturated with water Rapid Chloride Permeability Tests and then soaked
for 18 hours. As shown in Fig. 3.9. and Fig. 3.10. The specimen is then placed in the testing
apparatus where one end of the specimen is exposed to a solution containing sodium chloride
(NaCl) and the other end is exposed to a solution containing sodium hydroxide (NaOH). To
increase the rate of chloride penetration into the specimen, thus speeding up the test, a
constant 60 V potential is applied across the specimen. The current across the specimen is
measured at least every 30 minutes during the 6-hour test. In theory, as the chlorides
penetrate deeper into the concrete, the pore solution becomes more conductive and the
current readings
increase. In concretes with high conductivity values, however, these effects are small relative
to changes in conductivity due to temperature rise. To reduce the effects of heating and
resultant changes in conductivity over the 6-hour period of the test, it’s been suggested that
earlier values be adjusted to obtain an equivalent 6-hour coulomb value. For example, data
taken at 30 minutes would be multiplied by 12 to obtain an equivalent 6-hour value. Because

Thapar University, Patiala 65

Experimental Programme

the test results are highly variable (as with most, if not all, penetration resistance tests), two
or three specimens are usually tested for each concrete sample. The total charge passing
through the specimen (in coulombs) is found by calculating the total area under the plot of
time versus current. Therefore, higher coulomb values at the completion of the test indicate
higher permeability. The original researchers found good correlation between the coulomb
values and the results of ponding tests performed on specimens from the same mixture for a
wide variety of concretes.

Fig.3.9: Rapid chloride permeability test set up (ASTM C 1202).

Fig.3.10: Schematic of rapid chloride permeability test setup(www.google.com)

Thapar University, Patiala 66

Experimental Programme

The rapid chloride permeability test does not, however, directly measure the depth or rate of
chloride penetration. This makes it difficult to directly correlate results from the test with a
desired service life and has led to a significant amount of debate about the proper use and
applicability of the test. It should also be noted that, in quality control and acceptance testing
applications, ASTM C 1202 recommends the use of the qualitative terms shown in the right-
hand column of Table 3.15, rather than the numerical results of the test.

Table 3.15: Chloride Ion Penetrability Based on Charge Passed (ASTM C1202)

Charge passed (Coulomb) Chloride Ion Penetrability

> 4000 High

2000 – 4000 Moderate

1000- 2000 Low

100 – 1000 Very Low

< 100 Negligible

Thapar University, Patiala 67

Results and Discussion



In this chapter, the findings of experimental investigations are presented. In which,
various tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of waste foundry sand on compressive
strength, splitting tensile strength, rapid chloride penetration resistance and sulphate
resistance of concrete.Waste foundry sand was used as a partial replacement of fine aggregate
at the percentage of 0, 10, 15 and 20%. Design of different concrete mix and procedure of
various tests are described in chapter 3.



In order to study the effect on fresh concrete properties when waste foundry sand is
used as a partial replacement of fine aggregate into the concrete ,SCC containing different
proportion of waste foundry sand were tested for Slump flow, V-funnel, U-Box, L-box. The
results of fresh properties of all Self-compacting concretes with waste foundry sand are
included in Table 4.1. The table shows the properties such as slump flow, V-funnel flow
times, L-box, U- box. In terms of slump flow, all SCCs exhibited satisfactory slump flows in
the range of 550–800 mm, which is an indication of a good deformability.
Table: 4.1: Fresh concrete properties
Mixture ID V-funnel L-Box U-box(H1-
Slump (mm)
(seconds) (H2/H1) H2)
SCC1(0% WFS) 605 7 1 5

SCC2(10% WFS) 625 6.60 0.9 11

SCC3(15% WFS) 625 6.28 1 17

SCC4(20% WFS) 590 9.37 0.8 23

As per EFNARC, time ranging from 6 to 12 seconds is considered adequate for a SCC. The
V-funnel flow times were in the range of 6–10 seconds. Test results of this investigation

Thapar University, Patiala 68

Results and Discussion

indicated that all SCC mixes meet the requirements of allowable flow time. The L-box ratio
H2/H1 for the mixes was above 0.8 which is as per EFNARC standards. U-box difference in
height of concrete in two compartments was in the range of 5–40 mm. All the fresh properties
of concrete values were in good agreement to that of the values given by European

Fig. 4.1 Slump flow test conducted for self-compacting concrete

Fig.4.2 Slump flow test

Thapar University, Patiala 69

Results and Discussion

Fig.4.3 U-Box test

Fig.4.4: L-Box test

Fig.4.5: L-Box test in progress

Thapar University, Patiala 70

Results and Discussion


Effect of WFS on compressive strength of M30 Grade concrete mixes SCC-1(0%
WFS), SCC-2 (10% WFS), SCC-3(15% WFS) and SCC-4 (20% WFS) at the age of 7, 28 and
56days are shown in Fig. 4.6.
Mix proportion of control concrete mix SCC-1 (0% WFS) was 450 kg cement, 1021
kg fine aggregate and 702 kg coarse aggregate per cubic meter of concrete with water-cement
ratio 0.43. Compressive strength of control concrete mix was 35.06 MPa at the age of 28
days. It was found that, at the age of 7 days, compressive strength of mix SCC-1 (0% WFS)
was 27.69 MPa and mixes SCC-2 (10% WFS), SCC-3 (15%WFS) and SCC-4 (20% WFS)
were 29.13, 37.42 and 31.10 MPa, respectively. Maximum compressive strength (37.42 MPa)
was observed for SCC-3 (15% WFS) concrete mix; it was 35.14 % more than the control mix
SCC-1(0% WFS). At the age of 28 days, percentage increase in compressive strength was
14.80, 22.73 and 14.26% for mixes SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4 than control mix SCC-
1(35.06 MPa). At 56 days, concrete mixes SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4 exhibited increase in
compressive strength12.60, 24.94 and 12.88 % respectively than SCC-1 (39.53 MPa). In
investigation, it was observed that compressive strength of concrete increased with the
increase in WFS content up to 15% as partial replacement of sand.

Compressive strength(MPa)



30 7days

20 28days

0 10 15 20
Waste Foundry Sand(%)

Fig. 4.6: Compressive strength of waste foundry sand concrete

Thapar University, Patiala 71

Results and Discussion

Table 4.2 : Compressive strength of SCC Mixes of specimen size 150x150x150 with
Waste Foundry Sand

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Average Compressive Strength

Mix (N/mm2)

7 days 28 days 56 days 7 days 28 days 56 days

27.36 34.70 39.87

28.01 35.30 39.93
27.69 35.06 39.53
27.7 35.17 38.78

31.16 38.74 44.71

10% 27.12 41.76 42.71 29.13 40.25 44.51

29.11 40.25 46.13

38.53 39.94 46.40

15% 36.32 45.82 48.67 37.42 43.03 49.39

37.41 43.34 53.11

20% 31.44 41.09 45.82

29 40.01 44.76 31.10 40.06 44.62

32.87 39.08 43.33

Figure 4.7 shows the variation of percentage increase in compressive strength with
replacement percentage of waste foundry sand. The results also indicate that early age
strength gain i.e. at 7 and 28 days, is higher when compared to the control mix if 15% of fine
aggregate is replaced by waste foundry sand.

Thapar University, Patiala 72

Results and Discussion


Percentage(%) increase in compressive

10% Waste Foundry Sand
15%Waste Foundry Sand
30 20%Waste Foundry Sand
strength 25




7 28 56

Fig. 4.7: Percentage (%) increase in compressive strength of waste foundry sand

Effect of age on compressive strength of M30 Grade (35.06 MPa) concrete mixes are
shown in Fig. 4.8. Compressive strength of all concrete mixes increased with age. Concrete
mix SCC-1 (0% WFS) achieved an increase of 26.62 and 42.76 % at the age of 28 and 56
days respectively, when compared with 7 days compressive strength (27.69 MPa). For mix
SCC-2 (29.13 MPa), compressive strength was increased by 38.17 and 52.80% at the age of
28 and 56 days respectively, whereas an increase of 15% was observed at 28 days and
31.99% at 56 days for SCC-3 (15% WFS). When SCC-4 (20% WFS) was compared with 7
days compressive strength (31.10 MPa), it was found that it increased by 28.81 and 43.47%.
Comparative study of compressive strength between 7 to 28 days indicate that %
increase in compressive strength was observed as 26.62,38,17.15 and 28.81% for mix SCC-1,
SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4 respectively. Concrete mix SCC-1, SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4
exhibited increase in compressive strength by 12.75, 10.58, 14.78 and 11.38% when
comparative study was done between 28 and 56 day.

Thapar University, Patiala 73

Results and Discussion


Compressive strength(MPa)


10 20%WFS

7 28 56

Fig 4.8: Compressive strength of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete verses age


Split tensile strength studies were carried out at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days. Test results are
given below in Table 4.3.
The variations in splitting tensile strength with waste foundry sand content were similar to
that observed in case of compressive strength. Splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes
increased with the increase in WFS content. Splitting tensile strength of control mix SCC-
1(0% WFS) was 2.28 MPa at 7 days. It increased by 6.14%, 11.84% and 11.40% for SCC-2
(10% WFS), SCC-3 (15% WFS) and SCC-4 (20% WFS) respectively. Higher value of
splitting tensile strength was observed at 15% WFS. At the age of 28 days, increase was
15.14%,23.94 and 16.55% for SCC-2, SCC-3, and SCC-4 concrete mixes respectively than
mix SCC-1 (2.84MPa). At 56 days, splitting tensile strength of mix SCC-1(0% WFS) was
2.92 MPa. Concrete mix SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4 achieved an increase of 12.33, 23.29 and
21.23%.. It was observed that up to 15% replacement of natural sand with WFS, concrete
mixture SCC-3 (15% WFS) showed higher value of splitting tensile strength among all

Thapar University, Patiala 74

Results and Discussion

Table 4.3: Splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes with Waste Foundry Sand
Splitting Tensile Strength (N/mm2) Average Splitting Tensile Strength
Mix 7 days 28 days 56 days 7 days 28 days 56 days
2.44 2.68 3.12

2.13 3.00 2.73

2.28 2.84 2.92
CM 2.27 2.84 2.91

2.45 2.80 3.79

2.38 3.75 2.77

10% 2.42 3.27 3.28
2.42 3.26 3.28

2.23 3.57 3.19

2.88 3.48 4.03

15% 2.55 3.52 3.60
2.54 3.51 3.58

2.54 3.24 3.69

2.54 3.39 4.03
2.54 3.31 3.54
2.54 3.30 2.9

Figure shows the variation of split tensile strength with the percentage of waste foundry sand
replaced. Figure 4.10 shows the variation of percentage increase in split tensile strength with
replacement percentage of waste foundry sand. The strength gain at age of 7 ,28 and 56 days
is highest for 15% waste foundry sand replacement.

Thapar University, Patiala 75

Results and Discussion


Split tensile strength(MPa)

2 7days
1.5 28days
1 56days
0 10 15 20
Waste Foundry Sand(%)

Fig 4.9: Splitting tensile strength of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete

30 10%Waste Foundry Sand

Percentage(%) increase in split tensile

15%Waste Foundry Sand

20%Waste Foundry Sand




7 28
Days 56

Fig. 4.10: percentage (%) increase in split tensile strength of waste foundry sand

Effect of age on splitting tensile strength on concrete mixes are shown in Fig. 4.11.
Splitting tensile strength of all concrete mixes increased with age. Concrete mix SCC-1 (0%
WFS) achieved an increase of 24.56 and 28.04% at the age of 28 and 56 days respectively,
when compared with 7 days splitting tensile strength (2.28 MPa). For mix SCC-2 (2.42 MPa),
splitting tensile strength was increased by 35.12 and 35.54% at 28 and 56 days, respectively,
whereas an increase of 38.04% was observed at 28 days and 41.18% at 56 days for SCC-3

Thapar University, Patiala 76

Results and Discussion

(15% WFS). When SCC-4 (20% WFS) was compared with 7 days splitting tensile strength
(2.54MPa), it was found that it increased by30.31 and 39.37%.
The concrete mixes SCC-1, SCC-2, SCC-3 and SCC-4 showed an increase in splitting
tensile strength between 28 to 56 days, by 9.4, 7.6, 9.1, 8.1 and 10.8% respectively. Splitting
tensile strength of all mixes are continue to increase with increase in age .

Split tensile strength(MPa)

7 28 56

Fig 4.11 : Split tensile strength verses age


This test was conducted on 150 x 150 x 150mm cube specimens. The cubes were
casted and cured in water for 28 days. Magnesium sulphate solution of 50g/l is used to
evaluate sulphate resistance of concrete. Cubes are immersed in solution after 28 days curing,
and are tested for compressive strength after a further period of 7, 28 and 56 days. The cubes
are tested for compressive strength and any reduction or change is noted. The compressive
strength test results on immersed cube specimens are given in Table 4.4. Figure 4.12 shows
the results.
This compressive strength is compared with the compressive strength of specimen
cured in water at same ages. The Figure 4.13 shows the increased (+) or decreased (-) in
percentage of compressive strength after immersion in MgSo4 solution and compared with
the compressive strength of specimen of same size 150 × 150 × 150 mm cured in normal
water at same ages.
From the table and the concerned figure, it is observed that for the mix containing
10% waste foundary sand an increase in strength is observed at all ages as compared to the

Thapar University, Patiala 77

Results and Discussion

control mix even after immersing the cubes in magnesium sulphate solution. However, for
both 15% and 20% replacement levels, a decrease in strength is observed when compared to
the standard 28 days strength of the related concrete mix, at all ages after immersion in the
sulphate solution. This indicates that, one, the strength loss will be much larger if the concrete
is immersed in the solution for a larger period of time, the extent needs to be investigated and
secondly, 10% waste foundry sand is optimum from the consideration of resistance to
sulphate attack as observed from the experimental results.

Table 4.4: Compressive strength of concrete mixes after immersion in 50gm/litre of

MgSo4 solution


(28 days) (28 days) (28 days)
10% 40.25 46.03 40.25 47.37 40.25 49.62
15% 43.03 39.04 43.03 40.18 43.03 42.44
20% 40.06 37.76 40.06 38.39 40.06 39.69

Compressive strength after

immersion in MgSo4 solution
Compressive strength(MPa)


20 immersed(7days)

0 immersed(28days)
10 15 20 immersed(56days)

Waste Foundry Sand(%)

Fig4.12: Compressive strength after immersion in MgSo4 solution (50g/l)

Thapar University, Patiala 78

Results and Discussion

25 10% Waste Foundry


Percentage (%)increase or

decrease in compressive
20% Waste Foundry
15 Sand

30% Waste Foundry
10 Sand
-5 7 DAYS 28 DAYS 56 DAYS


Fig4.13: Percentage(%) increased (+) or decreased (-) in compressive strength after

immersion in MgSo4 solution (50g/l) as compared with compressive strength of
specimens cured in normal water at same ages.


The measurement concerns the chloride ions that come into concrete and also those
flowing through the samples. It was reported that the use of Waste Foundry Sand decreased
the rapid chloride penetration Coulomb value of concrete and the presence of Waste Foundry
Sand could improve the permeability of concrete. EFFECT OF WFS ON RAPID CHLORIDE PERMEABILITY

Influence of WFS on chloride-ion permeability of concrete mixes SCC-1(0%WFS),
SCC-2(10%WFS), SCC-3(15%WFS) and SCC-4(20%WFS) are shown in Fig. 4.14.Chloride-
ion permeability of concrete mixes decreased with the increase in WFS content. At 28 days,
for mixes SCC-1 (0% WFS), SCC-2 (10% WFS), SCC-3 (15% WFS) and SCC-4 (20%
WFS), charges passed were 1200, 910, 720, and 970 coulombs. Coulomb value decreased in
mix SCC-3 with the increase in WFS content up to 15% WFS, which indicate that concrete
became more dense. This aspect has also been reflected by the compressive strength results
of concrete mix made with WFS up to 15% WFS. However, at 20% WFS (SCC-4), there is
slight increase in coulomb value with references to 15% WFS. All concrete mixes have Low
and very Low Permeability(coulombs between 100 and 2000) as per ASTM C1202. It can be
seen that RCPT values decreased with the increase in WFS content (%). Maximum reduction
in RCPT value was observed at 15% WFS. It can be concluded that at 15% WFS, concrete
mix M-4 exhibited more resistance to chloride-ion penetrability than control mix SCC-1 (0%
WFS). According to ASTM C 1202, all concrete mixes have low penetrability to chloride-
ion.. The 15% replacement of WFS acts as filler material and yields a significant reduction in

Thapar University, Patiala 79

Results and Discussion

total charge passed.

These fine particles reduce the voids between ingredient of concrete and makes dense
matrix. It also helps to decrease the electrical conductance of concrete.At 15% replacement of
natural sand with WFS, WFS gives better effect to internal pore structure of concrete as a
filler material.Finer particles of WFS act as a good filler material to make a stronger internal
structure of concrete matrix. As per ASTM C1202, chloride ions penetrability based on
charge passed given in Table 3.11
Table.4.5: Charge passed and rating for SCC mixes.

28 days
Charge passed in Chloride ion
Coulombs (C) penetrability

SCC1 (0%WFS) 1200 Low

910 Very Low
720 Very Low
970 Very Low


Charge passed(Coulomb)





0 10 15 20

Waste Foundry Sand(%)

Fig.4.14: Chloride penetration for SCC mixes at various Waste Foundry Sand content

Thapar University, Patiala 80



The present work investigated the influence of waste foundry sand as partial
replacement of fine aggregate (sand) on the properties self-compacting concrete.On the basis
of the results from the present study, following conclusions are drawn.



i. Compressive strength of concrete mixes increased due to replacement of fine
aggregate with waste foundry sand. However, compressive strength observed was
appropriate for structural uses.
ii. M30 (35.06MPa) grade concrete mix obtained increase in 28-day compressive
strength from 35.06MPa to 43.03MPa on 15% replacement of fine aggregate with
WFS. Maximum strength was achieved with 15% replacement of fine aggregate with
WFS. Beyond 15% replacement it goes to decrease, but was still higher than control
iii. Compressive strength also increased with increase in age of concrete. The rate of
compressive development of waste foundry sand concrete mixes were higher
compared to no waste foundry sand concrete mixes.


i. Concrete mixes obtained linear increase in 28-day splitting tensile strength from 2.84
MPa to 3.31MPa for concrete mix on replacement of fine aggregate with waste
foundry sand at various percentages of 0% to 20%.
ii. Splitting tensile strength of all concrete mixes was found to increase with increase in
with varying percentage of waste foundry sand.
iii. Maximum increase in splitting tensile strength was observed at 15% replacement of
fine aggregate with waste foundry sand at all age for concrete mixes .

Thapar University, Patiala 81




i. The compressive strength of 10% waste foundry sand specimens when immersed in
50g/l MgSo4 solution gives more strength than standard mix value when immersed in
water at 7, 28 and 56 days. But when the percentage of waste foundry sand increase to
15% and 20%, the compressive strength of the mix tends to decrease when compared
with the compressive strength of specimen cured in water at same ages.
ii. The strength loss will be much larger if the concrete is immersed in the solution for a
larger period of time, the extent needs to be investigated.
iii. 10% waste foundry sand is optimum from the consideration of resistance to sulphate
attack as observed from the experimental results.


i. Chloride permeability resistance of concrete mixes increased with the increase in
waste foundry sand content.
ii. RCPT value (Coulombs) decreased with the increase in WFS content up to 15% WFS,
which indicate that concrete has become denser. This aspect has also been reflected
by the compressive strength result up to 15% WFS. However, at 20% WFS, there is
slight increase in coulomb value with references to 15% WFS but it is less than
control one.
iii. All concrete mixes with waste foundry sand come under “very low” permeability
against chloride at all age as per ASTM standards. Only concrete mix SCC-1(0%
WFS) comes under low permeability at 28 days of curing. SCC-3(15%WFS) has the
lowest RCPT value among all the mixes.


i. In the present study only up to 20 per cent replacement of sand by waste foundry sand
has been considered. The other percentages i.e. 25 and 30 per cent need investigation.
ii. Sulphate resistance of concrete containing waste foundry sand needs to be
investigated for larger exposure time.

Thapar University, Patiala 82


iii. Rapid chloride permeability of concrete containing waste foundry sand needs to be
evaluated at different ages .In present study rapid chloride permeability was evaluated
after 28 days of curing.
iv. In the present study , natural sand is replaced by waste foundry sand by weight.
Particle sizes, its water absorption ,specific gravity is not included in the design mix.
If, included design mix will change for every replacement of waste foundry sand. It
needs to be investigated.

Thapar University, Patiala 83


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