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08 Soal Latihan

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Module Name : Bahasa Indonesia

Module Level : Bachelor

Abbreviation, if applicable : BDU 1105

Sub-heading, if applicable :

Courses includeCredd in the module, :

if applicable

Semester/Term : First year

Module coordinator (s) : Drs. Rudi Ekasiswanto, M. Hum

Lecturer (s) : Drs. Rudi Ekasiswanto, M. Hum

Language : Bahasa Indonesia

Classification within the Curriculum : Compulsory Course

Teaching format/class hours per week : Face to face 100 minutes

during the semester

Workload : 11 times face to face/lecture class @ 50 minutes,

10 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of discussion
Credit points : 2 (2/0)

Requirements :

Learning goals/competencies : Knowledge

1. Knowing the process of establishing an effective
sentences and can compile them into a good
2. Knowing how the outline works.
3. Knowing the work process of reasoning in oral
and written expression.
4. Knowing the forms of scientific work and their
5. Knowing the forms of reproduction works.
1. Applying scientific writing techniques in a good
and proper ways.
2. Make paper even reports on research/scientific
papers according to their field of science in
accordance with the rules, format, and needs.
1. Able to create a comprehensive outline
corresponding to the topic that has been selected.
2. Able to prepare scientific papers in various forms
in accordance with their interests and the rules
along with the format.
Contents : The Bahasa Indonesia course learns about the
diversity of languages and a variety of language
knowledge, diction, elective sentences,
paragraphs, paragraphs and Indonesian improved
spelling (EYD), writing style, essay designing,
scientific essay writing techniques, essay
development, compiling scientific articles,
essays development, scientific articles,
reproduction works.
Study/exam achievements : assignments = 10%
Presentation = 10%
Scientific writing = 10%
Discussions = 10%
Mid term exam = 10%
Final exam = 20%
Numerical value to a letter grade conversion
A => 80%,
B = 70 to 80%,
C = 60 to 70%,
D = 40 to 60%,
E = less than 40
Forms of media : PPT Slides and LCD projector, whiteboard, Lab

Literature : Arifin, E. Zaenal dan S. Amran Tasai. 2000.

Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia untuk
perguruan Tinggi. Cet. 4. Jakarta:
Akademika Pressindo.
Caraka, Cipta Loka. 1971. Teknik Mengarang.
Cet. 22. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
Keraf, Gorys. 1984. Komposisi. Cet. 7. Ende:
Nusa Indah.
Marahimin, Ismail. 1994. Menulis Secara
Populer. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya
Shah, Vimal P. 1999. Menyusun Laporan
Penelitian. Cet. 5. Yogyakarta: Gadjah
Mada University Press.
Sudjiman, Panuti, dan Dendy Sugono. 1998.
Petunjuk Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Cet. 8.
Jakarta: Kelompok 24, Pengajar Bahasa
Sugihastuti. 2000. Bahasa Laporan Penelitian.
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

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