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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office – Quezon City
P. Urduja St. Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City
School Year 2024-2025
English 10
QUARTER 2, WEEK 8- November 18-22, 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mode of

A. Content The learners demonstrate communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper
Standards appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing short persuasive texts using a variety of techniques, devices and
Standards words and expressions that emphasize a point, particularly modals and reflective and intensive pronouns.
C. Learning MELCs 05: MELCs 06:
Competencies/Write an exposition or discussion on a familiar Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue employing the techniques in public
Objectives issue to include key structure and language speaking.
features. Learning Objectives: Face-to-
Learning Objectives: 1. Define what public speaking is. Face
1. Define what an exposition essay/writing is. 2. List techniques one may use in delivering a public speaking. Classes
2. Identify the key structures and language 3. Employ these techniques through a TED Talk conducted in class.
features used in the exposition paper.
3. Write an exposition paper using the topic
given in class.
II. CONTENT Lesson 5 Lesson 06
Key Structural Elements and Language Techniques in Public Speaking
Features of an Expository Text
A. References Division Made Modules 5 and 6 of Quarter 2

Other Video Clip, Copy of Articles, and Power Point Presentations
A. Review/
The class will begin with a short recall of previous discussion.
Presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a 1. The class will read and analyze a 1. The class will begin the discussion by accomplishing the checklist below.
Purpose for sample of an expository text as their Checklist:
the Lesson preliminary activity. Use a check () to mark the ones which should be followed when asked to speak before
2. The class will then process the said a specific group of people/audience.
preliminary activity by answering a. Consider the main purpose of your speech.
some b. If possible, gather enough information about the topic or theme of your speech.
Essential Questions: c. Avoid questions from the audience.
2.1. What is the main idea d. Never look at your audience. Look somewhere without distractions.
expressed by the text? e. Practice as many times as you need to.
2.2. Did the author provide f. While practicing is important, remember to act and sound naturally.
details to support the main g. If you have a copy of the speech, just read and finish it as fast as you can.
idea? h. Use gestures to complement the meaning of what you say.
2.3. How would you describe the i. Leave the stage or podium as soon as you finish to avoid questions or
way the author presented the clarifications from your audience.
ideas in the text? j. Make an outline to make sure you do not miss out any important detail in your
2.4. How does this type of text speech.
differ from an argumentative 2. The class will process the said activity highlighting their understanding of public
text? speaking.
3. The learning objectives are also
shown before the class.
C. Presenting An Expository or Not!? Describe It to ME!
examples/insta 1. The class will be challenged to 1. The class will be asked of their thoughts of public speaking.
nces of the analyze some statements that 2. Each is encouraged to share his/her experience when he/she faced a crowd and asked
new lesson pertain to the characteristics of an to speak before such crowd.
expository text.
2. The class will then be asked to

classify whether the given statement
is a characteristic of an expository
text or not.
D. Discussing 1. The class will then proceed with the proper 1. The class will then proceed with the discussion proper of their topic- public speaking.
New Concepts discussion. 2. The discussion will focus on the following:
or Practicing 2. The discussion will highlight the meaning of 2.1. Meaning of Public Speaking
Concept 1 an expository text and its key structural 2.2. Its Examples
elements and language features. 2.3. Its Objectives
2.4. Its Characteristics
2.5. Its Importance
2.6. The Different Modes of Delivery used in Public Speaking
2.7. The Techniques one may Employ in Public Speaking
E. Discussing
New Concepts
or Practicing
Concept 2
F. Developing 1. The class will be working in dyads. Bag Raid!
Mastery 2. Each dyad will be reading an 1. The class will be challenged of an activity called, Bag Raid
expository text and will utilize 2. The class will be worked in dyad.
graphic organizers to present its
3. Each dyad will require to assign one person to get something inside
details in class.
the bag of his/her partner, of course this must be permitted first by
his/her partner.
4. The one who is assigned to get an object from the bag of the other
should describe the object he/she picked.
5. The twist will happen when the picker of the object will deliver
through a public speaking style.
6. With the descriptions he/she received from the item taken from
his/her bag, the owner of the object picked must correctly guest the
G. Finding Expose Me Through Writing! An Impromptu Speech in Class
Practical 1. Think of a familiar topic or issue 1. The class will be grouped into 6 groups.
Application of you may use as subject in writing an 2. The class will be given a box which they are required to pass to one another while they
Concepts and expository essay. are singing an APT song.
Skills in Daily 2. You may also choose from the 3. Every now and then the music will stop depending on the timing which their teacher

Living given suggested topics below. will set.
3. Then, use an appropriate graphic 4. As the song stops, the last person holding the box must pick a question which their
organizer to present the information group will require to talk about in a minute.
you intend to use in writing. 5. The questions will be about anything in the world.
4. Do this task on a separate sheet
of paper.
Suggested Topics:
a. Vlogging
b. Typhoons Visited the Philippines
c. Maintaining a Stress-Free Life
d. Being a ‘Plantito/Plantita’
e. Best Comfort Foods During the
Rainy Season
f. Topic of your choice
H. Making 3, 2, 1 and We are Good to Go!
Generalization 3- Interesting Words You Learned from
and our Discussion Today
Abstractions 2- Essential Information You’ll Share to
about the a Friend/Sibling
Lesson 1- Question You Have in Mind about the Discussion
I. Evaluating Note that the evaluation of the learner’s learning of the lesson will be done in the practical
Learning application part of the lesson plan.
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or



Teacher I Head Teacher VI Principal IV

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