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Silabus Bahasa Indonesia Basuki Edi Priyo

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Lecturer : Basuki Edi Priyo, M.Pd

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No Main Competencies Indicator
Competencies Reading Writing Simulation
1 Improve the ability to Students are able Can correctly X x
understand the function to understand answer the test
of Bahasa in oral and function of Bahasa about various
written and its emphasis kinds function
of Bahasa in text
2 Improve the ability to Students are able 1. Can correctly X x
understand the variety to differentiate answer the
and type of Bahasa in variety and type of test about
oral and written Bahasa in daily variety and
activity and how type of
to use it Bahasa in
2. Able to write
variety and
type of
3 Improve the ability of Students are able Can write text of X x x
writting skills with to write using Bahasa using
correct spelling and correct spelling correct spelling
punctuation and punctuation and punctuation
4 Improve the ability to Students are able Can make X x x
delivery their mind to to delivery their effective
sentences form feelings and mind senteces
in effective
5 Improve the ability to Students are able Can make X x x
delivery their mind to to delivery their correctly writing
paragraph form feelings and mind in paragraph
in paragraph form form
6 Improve the ability to Students are able Can make many X x x
understand the type of to differentiate the type of writing
writing in Bahasa dan type of writing
applying that.
7 Improve the ability to Students are able Can make X x x
identify characteristic to differentiate and correctly
and difference of writing summary, summary,
summary, abstract, abstract and abstract aand
synthesis and how to synthesis synthesis
apply it in various
8 Improve the ability Students are able Can make X x x
about quote and to make quotes papers in which
reference concept and and references to there is correctly
how to apply it in the papers quotes and
various purpose references
9 Improve the ability to Students are able 1. Can make X x x
arrange writing steps of to make correctly correctly
science papers topics, aim and example
thesis and arrange topic, aim
systematic outline and thesis
2. Make

Lecturer : Basuki Edi Priyo, M.Pd

Week Topic and Scope of Subtopic Methods Teaching Media Structure Reading Evaluation Instructur
Subtopic Point Exercise Exercise
1 Function of Bahasa 1. Function of expression Review learning LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
2. Function of methods and internet, group task classroom
communication information literacy worksheet
3. Function of integration at pleno (30
and personal adaption minutes)
4. Function of social

2 Variety and type of Variety: 1. Practice in class LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
Bahasa 1. Written to marks the internet, group task classroom
2. Oral scientific type worksheet
Type: terminology
1. Scientific type and make
2. Populer scientific type summary about
3. Advertising type scietific type
4. Law type 2. Practice in
5. Literary type group to marks
6. Biographical type characteristic of
7. Jurnalistic type scientific type
in text
3 Spelling and 1. Type of punctuation 1. Practice in class LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
punctuation 2. Function of punctuation 2. discuss internet, group task classroom
4 Effective sentences 1. The meaning of effective 1. Practice in class LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
sentences 2. discuss internet, group task classroom
2. Term of effective worksheet
3. Type of sentences
5 Paragraph 1. The meaning of 1. Practice to LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
paragraph mark topic in internet, group task classroom
2. Term of paragraph paragraph worksheet
3. Paragraph development 2. Practice to
Mid Test
6 Type of writing 1. Exposition 1. Explain about LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
2. Description type of writing internet, group task classroom
3. Narration 2. Discuss worksheet
4. Argumentation examples
5. Persuasion 3. Group task
7 Summary and Summary 1. Explaination LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
abstract 1. The meaning of summary 2. Discuss internet, group task classroom
2. How to summarize examples worksheet
Abstract 3. Give explain
1. The meaning of abstract about
2. How to make an abstract indepedent task
8 Quote and Quote 1. Students LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
reference 1. The meaning of quote reading text internet, group task classroom
2. Function of quote book worksheet
3. Type of quote 2. Reading a text
4. How to make quote containing
Reference various form of
1. The meaning of reference quotations
2. Function of reference 3. In same text,
3. Type of reference students marks
4. Term of making reference and classify
various form of
9 Topic, aim, thesis Topic 1. Students LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecturer in
and outline 1. The meaning of topic reading text internet, group task classroom
2. Function of topic book worksheet
3. How to define topic 2. Student reading
4. Verification topic text book and
Aim look for topic,
1. The meaning of aim aim and thesis.
2. How to plan aim 3. In group, do
3. Verification aim exercise to
Thesis looking for
1. The meaning of thesis topic, aim and
2. How to plan thesis thesis in text
Outline 4. Students
1. How to make outline reading
prepared text
and count how
paragraph and
type outline
5. In group,
looking for
outline in
prepared text
10 Synthesis 1. The meaning of 1. Explaination LCD, Independent task, Text book Lecture in
synthesis 2. Discuss internet, group task classroom
2. Function of sunthesis examples worksheet
3. How to make 3. Lecturer give
synthesis explaination
Final test

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