June 2005, Vol.100, No.06
June 2005, Vol.100, No.06
June 2005, Vol.100, No.06
The Holy Prophet If a Muslim plants a tree and men and animals eat from it, all of
Muhammad(sa) said: this will be regarded as an everlasting act of charity.
Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1
Notes &
Tobacco - its continued globalisation and effects
The righteous ones of God are simple and
straightforward and in the presence of God
Almighty they are like children in the lap of their
mother. The world opposes them because they are
not of the world. All sorts of plans and devices
are resorted to in order to destroy them.
OBJECTION: It is disrespectful
to affirm that God speaks to man.
one-sided. Such a notion is utter
nonsense. Can a seeker of One
What relationship can subsist Who bestowed upon man the
between a mortal and the Eternal capacity to win nearness to Him
and Ever-Existing? What resem- and made him restless with His
blance can there be between a own love be deprived of the
handful of dust and Light itself? grace of converse with Him? Can
it be true that to be lost entirely in
ANSWER: This is a baseless the love of God is both possible
objection. To meet it, it is enough and detracts nothing from God’s
to understand that the Noble and dignity, but that the descent of
Gracious God has inspired the revelation upon the heart of His
hearts of perfect human beings true lover is impossible and
with untold eagerness for His improper and detracts from
own understanding, and has God’s dignity? Man’s plunging
drawn them so powerfully to His into the limitless ocean of God’s
love, affection and devotion that love and stopping nowhere in
they have been lost to their own that pursuit, is conclusive
selves. To propose in such a case evidence that man’s wonderful
that God would not desire to soul has been fashioned for the
converse with them would be understanding of God. If it is not
tantamount to saying that all their bestowed the means of perfect
love and devotion are vain and understanding, which is reve-
that all their eagerness is only lation, it would have to be said
that God did not fashion him for the Brahmo Samajists which
His own understanding. Even the proposes that the All-Wise Who
Brahmo Samajists do not deny has made it the good fortune of
that the soul of a man who man that he should be able to
possesses a true nature is hungry witness to the full the rays of
and thirsty for the understanding Godhead in this very life, so
of God. that he should be drawn towards
God by this powerful attraction,
When it is agreed that a true man that that Gracious and
naturally seeks understanding of Compassionate One does not
God, and it is established that the desire man to arrive at his
perfect manner of the under- needed good fortune and at his
standing of the Divine is Divine natural goal.
revelation and nothing else, then (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani
if that means is impossible of Khaza’in, Vol. I pp. 230-232,
attainment and to seek it is footnote 11)
disrespectful, God’s wisdom
would be open to the criticism Whatever God has desired for
that He bestowed upon man man, He has in advance invested
eagerness for His Own under- him with all the faculties that
standing but did not bestow upon were needed for its achievement.
him the means of acquiring such For instance, the human soul
understanding. In other words, possesses a capacity for love. A
He afflicted man with hunger but person through error might love
would not bestow upon him bread another person and might choose
enough to satisfy his hunger, or someone as the object of his
that He afflicted man with thirst, love, but sane reason can easily
but would not bestow upon him understand that this capacity for
water enough to quench his t h i r s t . love has been vested in his soul
Wise people will understand so that he should love his true
that such a notion amounts to Beloved Who is his God, with
failure to appreciate God’s great his whole heart and his whole
mercies. It is a strange logic of power and his whole eagerness.
In this journal, for the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘(sa)’ or ‘sa’ after the
words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used. They stand for
‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘Peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him’. Likewise, the letters ‘(as)’ or ‘as’ after the name of all other prophets is
an abbreviation meaning ‘Peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu
wassalam’ for the respect a Muslim reader utters.
The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra) stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu and is used for
Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with him or her (when
followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘ru’ or (ru) for
Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon him.
angels report, ‘We have come which they asked.’ Upon this,
from Thy servants who were the angels say, ‘O Lord!
proclaiming Thy Holiness and There was amongst them so
Thy Greatness. They were and so misled person who
engaged in Thy worship and happened to be passing by and
were repeatedly praising and seeing the gathering engaged
glorifying Thee and were in the remembrance of God,
supplicating Thee.’ Upon this sat down in it as a spectator.’
Allah asks, ‘What were they Upon this Allah says, ‘I
seeking from Me?’ The angels forgive him also because
respond, ‘They ask of Thee those who take part in it are
Thy paradise.’ Allah asks, such people that even the one
‘Have they seen My who sits amongst them can
paradise?’ The angels answer, never remain unfortunate and
‘No, Lord, they have not seen deprived of blessings.’
Thy paradise.’ Allah asks, (Muslim: Kitab Al-Dhikr,
‘What if they saw it?’ Then Chapter: Fadhal Majalis Al-
the angels say, ‘They seek Dhikr)
Thy protection.’ Upon this
Allah asks, ‘From what do See how much grace and blessing
they seek My protection?’ is there for such gatherings where
They answer, ‘They seek Allah is remembered, where
protection from Thy Fire.’ plans are made for attaining the
Allah asks, ‘Have they seen nearness to Allah and where
My Fire?’ The angels plans are devised for kindness to
respond, ‘No, they have not humanity. So if you have come
seen it.’ Allah inquires, ‘What together with this thought, then
if they saw it?’ Then the you too are the fortunate ones
angels say, ‘They seek Thy upon whom the angels spread
forgiveness.’ Allah says, ‘I their wings of protection. The
forgive them and grant them angels are praying for you.
whatever they asked of Me
and I protect them from that Similarly, Allah is also pleased
some goods and thus feed the their supplications and are
families and look after your mindful that being Ahmadis they
children. Looking after the have to reform themselves and
children and their upbringing is have not become Ahmadis
indeed their responsibility but merely because their husbands
they have also a status in society. became Ahmadis, then definitely
Therefore, it is the responsibility their future generations will be
of men to take care of the ladies such that it would be beneficial
and to keep them with you in for the world as well as for the
religious matters. So do not country and the nation. The ladies
forget your ladies. will be pressed in the effort that
we are believers in the One God
Likewise, I tell the ladies that the before Whom alone we bow
status of an Ahmadi lady is very down. It will not have its sight
high. Pay special attention towards the world. It cannot be
towards the upbringing and that our people continue to beg
training of your children. Create always from other people and
such an environment for your other nations. The thought should
children that they get religious be in the heart that the command
education and also pay attention of the Lord Whom we worship is
to their worldly education. Every to adopt all good values.
Ahmadi child, be it a boy or a
girl, should march forward in Therefore, I urge again that in
education. Education should not order to save yourselves and your
be abandoned because of poverty. nation, you will have to restore
The Jama’at should arrange it and yourselves to the status that you
take care of this and the Jama’at enjoyed in the past when the
will do so Insha Allah (Allah economy of this country was very
Willing). strong. In order to regain the
standing of your nation and earn
If the ladies themselves scale new respect in the eyes of the world,
heights in their worship and pay you will have to adopt all those
attention to doing good and to excellent values towards which
God Almighty has directed you Finally, I wish to thank all the
and which are mentioned very honourable guests who have
clearly in the Holy Qur’an. You taken their precious time to
will have to abandon all those attend this Convention and have
evils that Allah has forbidden and provided testimony of their
which are mentioned in the Holy brotherly love and affection.
Qur’an. And most of all, in order Allah reward them with His
to gather all the blessings of grace.
Allah, you will have to pay
attention towards His worship
which is His right. And every
person of the house and every REFERENCES
member of the Jama’at, man, 1. One who has performed the
woman and child, when you bow Hajj or pilgrimage to Makkah.
in the presence of Allah, then 2.Community.
most certainly, you will be the
ones to bring about a revolution (Reproduced at the exclusive
in your lives and in your country responsibility of The Review of
and the world will witness that Religions)
those whom we thought were of
no value are not valueless but are
our equals. The Hon. Vice President of Kenya
Mr Moody Awori, declared open
the Annual Convention and paid
Allah enable you to recognise tribute to the Ahmadiyya Muslim
your status. May you all be the community n Kenya which has
beneficiaries of the supplications erected 63 permanent mosques, 5
of the Promised Messiah(as) for medical clinics and has
those who participate in the translated the Holy Qur’an into 5
Jalsa. Allah make the Jalsa a local languages.
success in every way and bless it
and that when you return home
you return with a new spirit.
By Maha Dabbous – UK
and its permanent abode. All Man was that unique being who
this is recorded in a clear was chosen by Allah to be
Book. appointed as His representative
(Ch.11:V.7) on earth, to maintain order and to
enforce the Divine law and to
In this verse Allah is announcing spread justice in the world. For
that He provides not only for the this purpose, Allah created man,
physical nourishment of His the apex and crown of all
creation, but He provides also for creations. He endowed him with
the spiritual sustenance of all great natural powers and
creation; as understood from the qualities and the capacity to
phrase (‘And He knows its place become the mirror in which the
of temporary sojourn or Divine attributes are reflected. In
settlement and its permanent this way, man became fit to
abode or dwelling’) which discharge the great responsibility
clearly points to the temporary for which he was created. To
life on this earth and the further help him attain this
permanent spiritual dwelling in purpose, Allah exalted man
the hereafter. above all the other beings and He
made the whole universe
Before man, Allah created other subservient to man. The heavens
creations in the universe and with all its celestial bodies and
many forms of life that continued the earth with all its treasures, the
to develop and expand through deep seas and the high mountains
time. The creation of man came were all put at man’s service.
at a relatively later stage. When
Allah willed to place a vicegerent Have you not seen that Allah
in earth, He chose man for this has pressed for you into
purpose. service whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is in
..I am about to place a the earth, and has completed
vicegerent in the earth.. His favours on you, both
(Ch.2:V.31) externally and internally?
Beside this the Holy Qur’an also As an illustration for this, let us
explains the reasons and wisdom now consider the teachings of
behind doing so and it guides its Islam related to the consumption
followers to the methods of of meat. In the physical
keeping their physical, moral and environment, Allah has created
spiritual states in a healthy many kinds of animals for the
condition all the time. service of man in different ways.
One of the benefits which man
But we have to remember here can draw from these animals is to
that the Holy Qur’an expresses use their flesh as food because
its teachings in physical terms animal protein is beneficial as a
and this is simply because part of man’s diet. Therefore, a
physical objects can be perceived Muslim is allowed to use the
by the physical senses of man flesh of some of these animals as
and therefore they become easy a source of food. But at the same
for him to comprehend. Yet the time, the flesh of these animals is
meanings of these Divine only lawful for him after
instructions must also be fulfilling certain conditions.
considered more deeply and it First, the animal must be chosen
must be understood that these from the group of animals whose
physical environment,
he should also care
about the purity of his
ISLAM ALSO TEACHES ITS spiritual environment.
To fully understand
this, man must reflect
symbolise spiritual
aspects as well. The
physical world
materialises the
spiritual one so as to
make it easy for man
to comprehend. The
Holy Qur’an is full of
illustrations to help us
highest spiritual levels. As a in this regard. It will suffice to
person should be aware of his cite a few examples here.
body’s physical health, he should
also be conscious of his soul’s If we study what the Holy
spiritual well-being. If Allah has Qur’an has mentioned con-
provided man with a suitable cerning the plants in the physical
environment to maintain the best world, we will learn some
health of his physical body, He amazing spiritual lessons. As a
must have provided man also matter of fact, the Holy Qur’an
with the perfect spiritual has likened human beings
environment to ensure the somewhat to plants when Allah
highest spiritual station of his said:
soul. Hence, it is the duty of man
that as he should protect his And Allah has caused you to
grow out of the earth like the soundness of the seed that is
raising of vegetation. sown in it, will never produce
(Ch.71:V.18) anything without the help of
water. Similarly the latent and
Allah also said about Mary – the inherent powers and faculties of
mother of Jesus (as): man fail to find their real
spiritual development and
So her Lord accepted her with growth without the help of the
a gracious acceptance and spiritual water. Life on earth
caused her to grow an depends on water which
excellent growth and made descends from heaven in the
Zachariah her guardian... form of rain. In the same way, the
(Ch.3: V.38) spiritual life cannot exist without
the spiritual water which
According to the physical laws of descends from heaven in the
nature, a plant can grow in a land form of Divine revelation.
if a healthy seed is sown in its
soil which happens to be rich and And He it is Who sends the
fertile. In the same manner a winds as glad tidings before
human soul can develop His mercy, and We send down
spiritually if it is provided with pure water from the clouds,
the healthy spiritual seed of faith That We may thereby give life
and the healthy spiritual soil in to a dead land, and give it for
the form of a sincere heart that drink to Our creation - cattle
accepts the truth. and men in large numbers.
However, the power of making a
seed grow into a plant might be
hidden in the soil, but it does not Continued next month
come into play unless the soil
receives water from heaven. The
latent powers of the soil to grow
vegetation together with the
By the Late Maulana Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad, former Imam of the London Mosque
The Holy Prophet(sa) spent his Zakat is not only the most
own life like that of the have-nots effective means of ending
and always supplicated, ‘O my poverty and want in the society,
It is often pointed out that in And again the Holy Qur ’an
modern times revenue from mentions:
Zakat alone cannot fulfil the
needs of the poor and the needy. Those who spend their wealth
This is not untrue, because of the in the cause of Allah, then
heavy expenditure of govern- follow not up what they have
ments. Some of this is legitimate. spent with taunt and injury,
It is for this very reason that for them is their reward with
Muslims are enjoined to give their Lord and they shall have
additional alms in the name of no fear nor shall they grieve.
Allah, both collectively and (Ch.2; V.263)
individually. In this respect the
Holy Qur’an says: O ye who believe, render not
vain your alms by taunt or
And spend for the cause of injury, like one who spends
Allah, and cast not yourselves his wealth to be seen of men,
into ruin with your own and believes not in Allah and
hands, and do good; surely, the Last Day. His case is like
Allah loves those who do the case of a smooth rock
good. covered with earth, on which
(Ch.2: V.196) heavy rain falls and washes it
clean, leaving it bare, smooth
And again it says: and hard. They shall not
secure aught of what they
Those who spend their wealth earn. And Allah guides not
in the cause of Allah, by night the disbelieving people.
and by day, secretly and (Ch.2: V.265)
openly, have their reward
with their Lord; on them shall The evils of Capitalism and
come no fear, nor shall they Communism
grieve. The biggest evil of Capitalism is
(Ch.2: V.275) that the wealth of the nation is
amassed in the hands of a limited
few and the rest of the nation the state determining such needs.
becomes a prey to want and
poverty. It was on account of this The history of Capitalism tells us
iniquity that Communism gained that the capitalist countries tend
its roots. It is based on the to rob the others so that they may
principle that no one really is the get more and more rich. They
rightful owner of what he earns openly trample over the rights of
and the real master of the the others and usurp the rights of
national wealth is the State which others as if it was their right to do
must distribute it according to the so. They not only rapaciously
needs of the members of the grabbed the rights of individuals
community. but also seized the wealth of
other peoples and nations. As
When we devote our mind to opposed to this, the Communist
both these systems we are bound nations not only ravished and
to come to the conclusion that pounced upon the wealth and
both these systems belong to the properties of individuals but also
opposite extremes. If Capitalism put them to torture and took
is responsible for the wretched- away their lives mercilessly. But
ness and distress of a great Islam does not at all favour
number of the people living tyranny and injustice. Islam
under it and due return is given to neither allows the poor to be
the real producer of wealth, suppressed nor lets the rights of
Communism also completely the rich to be swept away. Both
ignores the labour and effort put the poor and the rich are God’s
in by the real producer of wealth. creation. He, therefore, provides
Under this system the person protection to them both and
who has put in the labour to guides them to progress and
produce is totally deprived of its prosperity.
possession. The result is that the
true zeal to work with earnest- Islam, unlike Communism and
ness dies out. Communism also Capitalism, gives due regard to
fails to define human needs with labour and upholds its dignity
and approves the right of owner- things which have the quality of
ship so that zeal and enthusiasm, increasing. Islam has laid the
for hard work and best results, is condition to pay the Zakat each
not lost. For this very reason, it year so that one could take the
has provided such a wise code of best advantage of his posses-
law as the Zakat so that wealth is sions. The Companions of the
not accumulated into the hands Holy Prophet (sa), were fully
of a few men. It must keep in aware of this point and engaged
circulation and should never be themselves in trade and business.
allowed to stagnate. Under the During his Caliphate, Hadhrat
Zakat rules, one-fortieth of one’s Umar(ra) had given special
savings and stock-in-trade must instructions to those who held in
be paid after every twelve trust the property and wealth of
months. This is a great incentive the orphans, always to make
for the man in business to see investments so that their inher-
that he is earning and increasing ited wealth may not be eaten up
his wealth otherwise the annual by Zakat by the time they
payments will ultimately eat up became of age and took over
all his capital. their properties.
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