November 2005, Vol.100, No.11: Chief Editor and Manager
November 2005, Vol.100, No.11: Chief Editor and Manager
November 2005, Vol.100, No.11: Chief Editor and Manager
COVER PIC: Arabian Sunset – BACK COVER: Sultan Mosque, Singapore – (Shutterstock Photo Library)
Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1
Bockarie Tommy Kallon– UK
themselves the right to determine the The shedding of blood by man in the
worth of a person’s life. Through name of his Creator is the theme of
provocative publications and inflam- this month’s feature article, an
matory speeches, they indoctrinate excerpt from Murder in the Name of
their followers with the twisted belief Allah by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir
that destroying the life and property Ahmad(ru). In Religion Drips with
of a supposed heretic is not only Blood – the introductory chapter – the
justified for a Muslim, it is his duty. author demonstrates, from a review of
the history of religion, that religion
Pakistan purports to be a Muslim has always been abused by fanatics
State but upholds laws which and made an excuse for the spread of
palpably represent a blight on Islam. terror. He maintains, however, that
It professes to be an Islamic Republic true religion founded on Divine
but allows the persecution of the very revelation does not preach violence
Community which promotes loyalty and brutality. Those who perpetrate
to one’s nation and seeks sacrifice of barbarity in religion’s name are either
life, wealth, time and honour on a anti-religious people or people whose
global scale for the promotion and religion has become corrupted. In
glory of Islam. confirming the true spirit of Islam, he
The current regime denounced the
killings in Mong but should not ‘If the history of the world from
ignore repeated calls for it to repeal Adam(as), to the present day were
the draconian laws which explicitly ever lost – and with it the record
undercut the activities of religious of every persecution and of every
minorities. It makes ‘A Plea for charter of human rights – a
Enlightened Moderation’ 1 but should glance at the life of the
prevent Islam from being exploited Prophet(sa) would more than prove
by Mullahs and presented to the that true religion does not cause
world as a medieval theocracy; it hatred, persecution, repression or
talks about Enlightened Moderation the suppression of thought.’
and should, therefore, take basic steps
that would ensure freedom of
conscience and stop the wanton 1. President Pervez Musharraf in The
slaughter of its citizens in the name of Washington Post, 1st June 2004.
the Gracious God.
The message to the West was clear Adolf Hitler’s treatment of the
and emphatic: ‘If you want a war Jews.
on Islam, bring it on.’ Had the call
been made by Osama bin Laden or Since this is the rhetoric of
his fellow fanatics from a Kabul prominent Muslim ‘moderates’,
cave, few would have raised their supposedly on behalf of the
eyebrows. But it came from a mainstream in Britain, it is of little
female British journalist… in wonder they are becoming less
Manchester. and less popular, not just in the
eyes of non-Muslims but among
‘I thank Allah that I was captured Muslims themselves.
by the Taliban and not by the
Americans’, continued Yvonne Many Muslims lack the ability to
Ridley, the former Express choose the right word at the right
reporter, convert to Islam and now time. A lack of understanding of
presenter on the ‘Islam Channel’, Islam has made them ‘shoot from
speaking at the recent Muslim the hips’ with the result that they
Unity convention. say the most unkind things in front
of the media.
In another affair, the outspoken
chairman of the Birmingham The recent controversial BBC
Central Mosque in the UK Panorama documentary criticising
Midlands also caused a stir when the Muslim Council of Britain for
he doubted the existence of al- its duplicity also exposed the
Qaeda, before likening Tony disturbing reality about the
Blair’s policies against terrorists to country’s most powerful Islamic
The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra) stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu and
is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with
him or her (when followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally,
‘ru’ or (ru) for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the
Exalted be upon him.
and on the other, he should also would be bone of his bone and
be closely attached to mankind as flesh of his flesh, they would
if he were part of their limbs. In partake of the spirit which was
short, for intercession to take breathed into Adam and thus
place, both these elements are Adam would naturally be their
necessary. intercessor. It is necessary that a
person who has descended from
That is why Divine Wisdom him should partake in the
created Adam in such manner righteousness which has been
that from the very beginning he bestowed upon Adam by the
established these two relation- breathing into him of the spirit,
ships in his nature. One as is obvious that the young of an
relationship was established with animal partake of the qualities
God as is said in the Holy and actions of their father. This is
Qur’an: also the essence of intercession
that a natural heir should partake
When I have perfected him of the qualities of his ancestor.
(Adam) and have breathed As we have explained, the root
into him My spirit, do ye all word for intercessor in Arabic
angels fall down in derives from pair, which also
prostration at once. means consort. Thus, a person
(Ch.15:V.30) who is by nature the consort of
another will partake of the
This shows that with the creation qualities of the latter.
of Adam, God established a
relationship with him by This is the basis of the
breathing into him of His spirit. inheritance of qualities. A man’s
This was done so that man child partakes of human qualities
should have a natural rela- and the foal of a horse partakes
tionship with God. In the same of the qualities of a horse. In
way, it was necessary that Adam other words, this inheritance is
should have a natural rela- deriving benefit from inter-
tionship with mankind; as they cession. As the essence of
Adam should have had, with God That is to say, the best of you are
and with mankind. those who behave best towards
their wives; that is to say, that one
It is thus obvious that the perfect of you is most sympathetic and
man, who is capable of being an beneficient towards mankind
intercessor, must be one who who behaves well towards his
partakes perfectly of both these wife. he who treats his wife
relationships, and without this harshly cannot possibly behave
man cannot be perfect. After beneficiently towards others,
Adam also, the way of God was inasmuch as God having created
that both these relationships were Adam, made his wife the first
considered necessary for a person object of his love. Therefore, he
who was to be an intercessor, that who does not love his wife or has
is to say, one relationship was that no wife to love, cannot attain to
the heavenly spirit was breathed the status of a perfect man and
into him and God established lacks one of the conditions of
such a relationship with him as if intercession. Even if he is sinless,
He descended upon him, and the he is not capable of intercession.
second relationship was that of He who marries a woman lays the
the consortship of mankind foundation for himself of
which was strengthened between sympathy with mankind, for a
Adam and Eve and mutual love wife becomes the means of
and sympathy which shone forth establishing a wide circle of
between them more brightly than relationships and, when children
between others. It was because of are born, this circle is widened
this that these people were even more. The children in turn
attracted to their wives. And this find wives and thus their children
is the most apparent sign that they too come to have grand-mothers
possess the spirit of sympathy for and uncles of their own. In this
mankind. This is indicated by the way, such a person becomes
Hadith: habituated towards love and
sympathy and the circle of this
habit being extended, his
everyone. But those who are
reared in celibacy, find no intercessor that he
opportunity of extending this should have a deep
habit and their hearts are left dry relationship with God, as if
and hard. God has descended into
his heart and his human-
Sinlessness has nothing to do ness having died he has
with intercession, because ‘Ismat become the subject of
– sinlessness – only means heavenly manifestations,
negation or avoidance of sin. The and his soul has melted
definition of sin is that a person and flowed like water
should earn punishment by towards God and has
deliberately breaking the arrived at the extreme
commandments of God. It is thus point of nearness to
clear that sinlessness and Him.
intercession are not interrelated
for minor children and congenital has descended into his heart and
idiots are also sinless for they are his humanness having died he has
not capable of wilful dis- become the subject of heavenly
obedience. Nor do they earn manifestations, and his soul has
punishment in the estimation of melted and flowed like water
God on account of any action of towards God and has arrived at
theirs. They are entitled to be the extreme point of nearness to
considered sinless, but are they Him. It is also necessary for an
entitled to be intercessors for intercessor that his heart should
mankind and to be called be overpowered with sympathy
saviours?... for the one for whom he desires
to intercede, and the intensity of
As I have just explained, it is his agony should make him feel
necessary for an intercessor that as if his limbs are separating
he should have a deep themselves from his body and his
relationship with God, as if God senses are all scattered. His
followers were victims of So the Qur’an totally
violence; victims who, nonethe- rejects the use of
less, accepted brutality with force to suppress reli-
patience. It is beyond one’s belief gious freedom. It declares
that people who change faiths that though such sup-
can be tortured in the name of pression takes place, true
religion, and prophets of God, believers never use force
to preach the name of
who are sent to convert us,
cannot accept it either. It makes Allah.
nonsense of their own mission.
The Qur’an also tells how a been starved for several days.
prophet’s followers are punished The starving creatures bellowed
for conversion not only during and snorted and, with hissing
his life, but for hundreds of years screeches, attacked. The
after his death. Such oppression Christians were gored or tram-
has no sanction from God. pled to death. And after this
festival of blood, the laughing
Then there is the Qur’anic story Romans returned joyfully home.
of the people of the cave. These The ‘apostates’ had been fittingly
Christians were persecuted for punished. But while the
300 years, and I have seen the Christians’ legs trembled, their
places where these poor people hearts beat strongly with faith in
were tortured – the amphitheatres God.
intended for gladiatorial combat
with bulls and lions. It was in Their persecution went on inter-
these places that naked mittently for three centuries. And
Christians were thrown to hungry when they found no place to hide,
wild animals. The animals they fled underground to the
howled and made short shrift of catacombs. These long labyrinths
the defenceless Christians. exist today and they remind us
Sometimes these ‘apostates’ that the Christians could live with
were thrown to bulls which had insects, scorpions and snakes but
ignorant of the essence of
religion. Religion is a meta- is in the depths of the
heart. It is beyond the
morphosis of hearts. Religion is
sway of the sword.
not politics and its adherents do
Mountains are not moved
not make up political parties.
by the sword, nor are
Neither is it a nationality with hearts changed by force.
limited loyalties, nor a country While persecution in the
with geographical borders. It is name of religion is the
the transformation of hearts – repetitive theme in the
transformation for the good of history of human
the soul. The home of religion is aggression, freedom of
in the depths of the heart. It is conscience is the
beyond the sway of the sword.
Q u r’ a n ’s repetitive
Mountains are not moved by the theme.
sword, nor are hearts changed by
force. While persecution in the the Qur’an’s assertion that once
name of religion is the repetitive truth is known it is our choice to
theme in the history of human accept or reject it. Yet,
aggression, freedom of con- elsewhere, the Qur’an says:
science is the Qur’an’s repetitive Verily, this is a Reminder: so
theme. whosoever wishes may take to
the way that leads to his Lord.
The Prophet(sa) was asked again (Ch.76:V.30) No charter of
and again to proclaim: This is the human rights can surpass the
truth from your Lord; let him clarity of the Qur’anic phrase
who will, believe, and let him ‘faman Shaa’ (whosoever
who will, disbelieve. wishes). The word ‘whosoever’
(Ch.18:V.30) Truth is obviously is all inclusive. It is surprising
a matter of the heart; it has that after such a clear declaration
nothing to do with force. Once it anyone could possibly think that
has been, seen it cannot be Islam supports the use of force.
blotted out by any power. Hence
Again, in the 39th chapter of the a man must use his reason and
Qur’an, the Prophet (sa), is ordered understanding. After all, faith is a
to tell unbelievers: It is Allah I gift given by God to those He
worship in sincerest obedience. thinks deserve it.
Now, as far as you are concerned,
Worship what you like besides One hundred and twenty-four
Him. (Ch.39:Vs.15-16) thousand prophets were sent by
God and showed, by their
Since freedom of conscience – teaching and example, that the
freedom to believe and to preach bearers of the Divine message are
– is the cornerstone of religion, the oppressed, not the oppressors.
and repression of religious heresy The prophets won over hearts by
is the aim of anti-religious forces, moral and spiritual strength, not
the Qur’an lays great emphasis by physical force. It is a great
on the freedom of conversion. tragedy that the ordained priests
The last line of Chapter 109 of and the turbaned Mullahs with
the Qur’an sums up the basic their flowing robes of ‘piety’
principle of a true religion. For became the tormentors of the
you, your religion and for me, my innocent in the name of
religion (Ch.109:V.7) In an oppressed prophets. They mono-
earlier passage, God refers to the polised religion, yet they knew
same principle by asking a nothing of it. They claimed to
rhetorical question. Addressing protect the honour of their
the Holy Prophet(sa), He says: If prophets by maligning others, by
thy Lord had enforced His will, spreading malicious lies and,
surely all those on earth would above all, by perpetrating crimes
have believed, without exception? of violence which shamed
Will thou, then, take it upon humanity. They did it before the
thyself to force people to become birth of the Holy Prophet(sa). They
believers? (Ch.10:V.100). In the do it still.
scheme of creation, man must
have complete free will to believe In medieval Europe, the so-
or reject; there is no compulsion; called followers of Christ(as), –
the popes and the prelates, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette,
cardinals and canons, and the which were personally cast by
elders of the Church – wrote a Madame Tussaud. There is an
chapter of terror into the history authentic gallows with other
books. St Augustine called it instruments of torture: pillory,
‘righteous persecution which the stocks, whipping-post, ducking-
Church of Christ inflicts upon the stool, iron maiden rack, galleys,
impious.’1 Today’s Christian bed of Procrustes, cross, gibbet,
historians admit that this
It is a great tragedy
‘righteous persecution’, inflicted
in Christ’s (as) name, was a that the ordained
disgrace to the Church. priests and the turbaned
Mullahs with their
Madame Tussaud’s waxworks flowing robes of ‘piety’
museum in London has a strange, became the tormentors
moving and terrifying exhibition of the innocent in the
of this persecution. The museum name of oppressed
was originally founded in Paris prophets......They did it
before the birth of the
in 1770 and moved to England in
Holy Prophet (sa).
1802. Its halls are lined with
They do it still.
waxworks of famous and
infamous people. Its Chamber of
Horrors is a kind of underground halter and many others. Some
dungeon. The figures there have exhibits are so gruesome that
been modelled into such uncanny they are covered with screens to
likenesses that you can almost keep them away from children
see them breathing. Many and squeamish adults.
visitors there have stopped to ask
directions from a friendly It is a strange world where a man
looking curator, only to find they can rise to the heights of
have been talking to a dummy! prophethood and talk with his
On display are the death-masks Creator, then sink to the depths
from the guillotined heads of of becoming a priest and
– sent to cool our tempers – they are now being perpetrated in his
kindle the fires of hatred and very name. What would the
anger in the hearts of the Holy Prophet(sa) think if he could
innocent. The followers of the see the ulema of his umma
Prince of Peace (sa), whose blood (Community) falsely accusing
cleansed barbaric Arabia, are the elders of other Muslim
now being persuaded to murder groups of all sorts of misdeeds
helpless people. In the name of and shouting abuse about
the protector of poor people’s women and housewives? How
unguarded homes his followers will an agnostic react to this
are encouraged to rob the homes demonstration of ‘religious
of people who are powerless to zeal’? What Muslim could
defend themselves. In the name think, even for a moment, that
of the Prophet (sa) who protected our Prophet (sa) , would have
the honour of even ruffians’ advised the ulema of his umma
wives, the happy and loving to deliver provocative, disrup-
marriages of Muslim women are tive speeches; or that he would
annulled and transformed into have ordered them to deliver
adulterous relationships. In the such fiery sermons that entire
name of the builder of the first villages of poor and helpless
mosque in Madinah, who people were set ablaze? Not
offered it to the Christians of satisfied with all this, could the
Najran for Sunday services, and Prince of Peace (sa) have told
in the name of the Prophet (sa) religious leaders to treat as
who taught his followers to apostates all those Muslims
respect the temples of other whose understanding of Islam
faiths, today’s ulema incite the did not conform to their own?
masses to destroy the mosques Would he have sanctioned the
of a small group of people killing of them and their women
whose lives are devoted to the and the destruction of their
spreading of s h a h a d a2. The mosques – said to be the only
unjust acts the Prophet (sa) Divine way to blot out apostasy?
condemned and banned forever
Muslims hang their hang their heads in shame and
heads in shame and their souls cry out over today’s
their souls cry out over religious leaders who preach
today’s religious leaders violence in the name of the
who preach violence in Prophet(sa).
the name of the
one card a straight line was answer. The results showed that
drawn (see fig 1) and on the other after all of the tests were
card three straight lines were conducted, one third of all
drawn, of which one of the lines participants who took part in the
was in equal length to the study gave the wrong answer and
previous line drawn on the other followed the answer of their
card (see fig 2). counterparts3! Asch concluded
from the conformity evidenced in
the study that it may be due to the
desire to fit in to the social group
or norm.
The verse tells us exactly who The latter part of the verse
the righteous are and it also previously quoted tells us of the
instructs us to keep company company of people who seek to
with people of this calibre who attain greatness in this world
pray continually and remember without any heed to the eternal
their Lord day and night. If we and ever-fulfilling Afterlife.
keep company with people of They pay homage to materialistic
this nature, psychological evi- designs and are heedless of the
dence suggests that we will also Sovereign Who created them and
conform to this type of behaviour all that which is in the universe.
though something much more is
taking place that cannot be based The Holy Qur’an speaks more
upon psychology alone. A great specifically on the issue of being
The members of the Ahmadiyya you might buy some from him,
Muslim Community should be or at the very least you might
ever ready to join with the smell his fragrance. As for the
righteous and forsake those who other, he might set your
seek to blow out the light lit by clothes alight and at the very
its founder Hadhrat Mirza least you will breathe the foul
Ghulam Ahmad(as). For it is by air issuing from the furnace.’
these blessings of righteous (Sahih Bukhari, cited on p.82
company that Allah, the All- Gardens of the Righteous by
Powerful, will enable Islam to be Imam Nawawi, translated by
restored to its full grandeur and Muhammad Zafrullah Khan,
glory. As Allah, the All- Curzon Press)
Knowing, has Himself decreed:
May Allah have mercy on our
How many a small party has souls and may He bestow upon
triumphed over a large party us blessings of righteous
by Allah’s command! And company. Ameen.
Allah is with the steadfast.
Thus keep righteous company 1 Barra, G. (1960) Kikuyu Proverbs,
and pay heed to the wisdom London & Nairobi.
imparted by the Holy Prophet(sa) 2 Cardwell, M. (1996) Psychology for
who gave his followers the A-Level, p.45, Collins Educational.
following advice: 3 Gahagan, J. (1975) Interpersonal &
Group Behaviour, p.84, Methuen &
Co Ltd.
‘The case of a righteous
companion and that of an evil
companion is like that of one
who carries perfume and of
one who blows into a furnace.
The carrier of perfume might
give you some as a gift, or
The fact that this was a rightly- ‘Ansi, Tulaihah bin Khuwailid
guided Khilafat is not only and Sajah bint Al-Harith. This
substantiated by the above was a critical time. Madinah, the
statement of the Holy Prophet(sa) then capital of the Muslim State,
but through the conduct of each could face attack from a number
and every incumbent of the office of quarters. The Holy Prophet(sa)
of Khilafat during this period. If had already ordered for an army
we cast an eye on the behaviour under Hadhrat Usama bin Zaid(ra)
of the Khulafa-e-Rashida we can to depart for the Syrian border but
easily conclude how they are the army was still in the outskirts
fully deserving of this accolade of of Madinah when the news of the
truly being the rightly-guided Prophet’s(sa) demise reached them
successors of the Holy Prophet(sa). and they stopped to receive
further orders.
One of the most striking
characteristics of the Khulafa-e- It was at this juncture that senior
Rashida was their firm trust in Muslims advised Hadhrat Abu
Allah and absolute obedience to Bakr(ra) to recall the army and
the Holy Prophet(sa). This aspect since the position of the Muslims
was displayed time and again by still remained weak, not to
the Khulafa-e-Rashida not least inflame the rebellious tribes by
by Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) who was insisting that they pay the Zakat
the first successor to the Holy for the time being. Hadhrat Abu
Prophet. Here it is related that Bakr(ra) was to have none of this.
when he first took office, there Having firm faith in Allah he said,
developed widespread disorder in ‘The marching of the army cannot
the Arabian Peninsula. Certain be postponed even if Madinah
tribes, on hearing of the demise of becomes as lonely as beasts can
the Holy Prophet(sa), began to enter into it and kill me. I cannot
rebel. Some refused to pay the put the sword into the sheath
Zakat while others began to drawn by the Prophet himself.’ He
pledge allegiance to false steadfastly ensured that one of the
prophets like Musailma, Aswad last instructions given by his
spiritual master were carried out were soon brought under control
and according to one tradition, eventually after military
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (ra) himself intervention.
accompanied the army to the outer
limits of Madinah. On this issue Khilafat is an office that is
of Zakat again his steadfastness accorded to the incumbent by
on a matter of principle shone Allah and no man or woman has
through when he announced: the right to take it away. This is a
truth that was patently understood
‘Under the circumstances, if by all the Khulafa-e-Rashida. In
with reference to Zakat you the case of Hadhrat Uthman(ra),
withhold as much as a string when the insurgents were bent on
to tie a camel, as the Khalifa of deposing him and demanded his
the Holy Prophet, it will be my abdication, he rightly refused. In
duty to fight for it, whatever doing so he was not only
the consequences. I will be following a basic principle asso-
prepared to face all the risks ciated with Khilafat but also a
but I cannot be a party to the specific advice rendered to him by
compromising of any the Holy Prophet(sa) who had once
fundamental issue.’ said to him:
institution were of no avail. heart is hard and soft for the sake
Rebellion and disrespect to the of Allah only.’ It is, in fact, true of
office of Khilafat had run deep the entire conduct of the Khulafa-
among some groups who chose to e-Rashida that each of their
first abuse the Khalifa in public actions could be traced back to
and then succeeded in killing their fear of God.
him. This event drove a death
knell into the first period of Being God-fearing, the rightly-
Khilafat-e-Rashida and broke the guided Khulafa were averse to the
unity of the Muslims. The words pleasures of this world. In this
uttered by Hadhrat Uthman (ra) regard Hadhrat Ali(ra) in warning
moments before his murder ring others of the evil of pursuing the
true to this day: ‘If you succeed in world used to say, ‘The world is a
killing me, you shall never be carcass, he who wants to acquire
able to remain united, nor able to it, should be ready to live with the
offer your prayers or face the dogs.’
enemy in unity.’ The unity of the
Muslims broken and the very It is this aversion of the world and
institution of Khilafat was lost the constant seeking of the
within five years of this event. pleasure of Allah that lay at the
heart of the simplicity shown by
This demonstrated that Khilafat is the Khulafa-e-Rashida. It is
a Divine bounty. If one shows stated of Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) that
ingratitude towards it, Allah will he tried not to allow his own
remove it. As it is a reward to accession to the office of Khilafat
those who believe and do good to change his simple ways. For
works, it brings to the fore for the six months after becoming
office such personalities that are Khalifa he continued to live at al-
truly benevolent to the masses; Sunh, a suburb of Madinah, in a
whose conduct and sense of duty dwelling of palm trunks. He used
is derived from their fear of God to walk or ride to the Holy
and who act solely for His sake. Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah
Hadhrat Umar(ra) used to say, ‘My daily to fulfil his duties. It was
prayers in the mosque and asked someone had anticipated his visit
them if he could do so. Only then and supplied all her needs. One
did he take it. (Kanz-ul-Ummal day he went early to the house
Vol VI, p354) and found the person who visited
her was none other than the
How refreshing it is to learn of Khalifa of the time Hadhrat Abu
such honesty. Khulafa of Bakr(ra).
Khalifat-e-Rashida were, for all
intents and purposes, absolute This sense of compassion for
rulers. They reigned over both the others was in keeping with the
religious and temporal spheres of character of Hadhrat Abu Bakr (ra).
their people’s existence. If they He was, it is said, by nature meek
wanted to they could use and and tender-hearted and his eyes
abuse any power at their disposal. would frequently well up with
Yet they chose not to. Inspired by tears at the news of anyone who
the fear of God in their hearts, was in need or suffering. He
they were able to suppress all evil would go to the helpless and
temptations and were driven to needy without hesitation. He
rule with responsibility, honesty would make people’s cattle graze
and compassion. The genuine in the field and even milk their
concern and compassion for goats for them.
others they displayed is heart
rendering. Each one of the When he became Khalifa, a
Khulafa-e-Rashida displayed woman whose goats were milked
countless examples of this by him, came and said, ‘You have
compassion for the less fortunate. now become Khalifa who will
milk my goats?’ Hadhrat Abu
For example, it is related that Bakr(ra) comforted the lady and
during the Khilafat of Hadhrat replied, ‘You need not bother, the
Abu Bakr(ra) there lived an old responsibility of the Khilafat
blind woman in Madinah. cannot keep me away from
Hadhrat Umar(ra) would visit her serving the people.’ Thus Hadhrat
daily but always found that Abu Bakr(ra) continued to serve
this lady and others in this way It is known that so vigilant was he
personally. to ensure that everyone under his
stewardship was looked after, that
This sense of duty of serving the he frequently went round at night
people was vividly displayed by to tend to people’s woes. Aslam,
Hadhrat Umar(ra). Tabari writes Hadhrat Umar’s(ra) slave, relates
on the authority of Hudhaifah: that once they came to a place
called Sarar about 3 miles from
‘It was Umar’s daily routine Madinah. There Hadhrat Umar(ra)
to visit the home of soldiers saw a woman cooking something
who were on the battlefield and her children crying around
and ask their womenfolk if her. The woman said that she did
they had to make any not have any food and to help
purchase from the bazaar he calm the children she was
would do it for them. They pretending to cook. There was
would send their maids and nothing in the pot apart from
Hadhrat Umar would make water. The Khalifa was deeply
the purchases and hand over moved. He immediately returned
to them. When a message to Madinah, took a pack of flour,
came from the battlefield, meat, butter and dates from the
bringing letters from soldiers, Bait-ul-Maal and told Aslam to
the Khalifa would himself load them on his back. Aslam
deliver them at their homes offered to carry them for him.
and tell the inmates that the ‘Yes,’ replied the Khalifa, ‘but on
messenger would return on the Day of Judgement you will
such and such date, and they not be there to carry my burden
should keep their letters ready for me.’ So he carried the load
by that time. He would himself himself and placed the provisions
supply paper, pen and ink, and before the woman. She cooked
when there was no literate and baked bread while the
person in a family, he would Khalifa tended to the fire. When
himself sit outside the door the food was ready, the children
and write to their dictation.’ ate and started to play about.
Hadhrat Umar(ra) saw their joy and and was told that it was the wife
left contented. The woman in throes of childbirth. Hadhrat
thanked him and said, ‘May God Umar(ra) came home, took his wife
bless you! In truth you are better Hadhrat Umme Kalthum(ra) with
fitted to be a Khalifa than Umar.’ him and, with the Bedouin’s
(Kanz-ul-Ummal Vol VI, p343) permission, sent her into the tent.
A little later the child was born
Once Hadhrat Umar (ra) was and Hadhrat Umme-Kalthum(ra)
feeding some people when he saw called out, ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen3
a man eating with the left hand. congratulate your friend!’ On
Hadhrat Umar(ra) asked him to use hearing the words ‘Ameer-ul-
his right hand upon which the Momineen’, the Bedouin became
man replied that he had lost its startled and sat down in a
use in the battle of Yarmuk. The respectful manner. ‘Never mind’,
Khalifa was deeply touched. He said Hadhrat Umar(ra) ‘come to me
sad down by his side, said a few tomorrow and I shall give a
kind words and then asked him if stipend for the baby.’
he needed any help on a daily
basis. Accordingly, Hadhrat This sense of duty to the people is
Umar(ra) gave him a servant to also illustrated by another
wait upon him and attend to his incident that took place in the
needs of washing and dressing. Khilafat of Hadhrat Ali (ra). Here it
(Kanz-ul-Ummal Vol VI, p354) is related that one day while
Hadhrat Ali(ra) was walking on a
On another occasion, Hadhrat road side near the market of Kufa,
Umar(ra) was once making his a man who had come from
rounds at night when he saw a outside took Hadhrat Ali(ra) for a
Bedouin sitting outside the door labourer and asked him to carry
of his tent. The Khalifa sat down his luggage. Hadhrat Ali(ra) did so.
with him and opened a As they progressed along the
conversation when suddenly a cry streets, someone recognised him
issued from inside the tent. and addressed him with the words
Hadhrat Umar(ra) asked who it was ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen.’ The out-
there he made great recovery from thee about Me, say, I am near.
his skin damage. It is amazing to I answer the prayer of the
think that he lost 60% of his skin supplicant when he prays to
and did not get any infection and Me. So they should hearken to
has survived this ordeal. We were Me and believe in Me, that
surprised when, within a week, they may follow the right way.
they said he could go home. All (Ch.2:V.187)
praise belongs to Allah, Lord of
all the Worlds. I chose the line, I answer the
prayer of the supplicant when he
This is proof of the amazing prays to Me, from the verse of the
blessings in following Allah’s Holy Qur’an above as the title of
ways – fasting, giving alms and this article because it is all about
especially prayer – because for my the acceptance of prayers. My
father-in-law to survive all the heart cries from immense love that
health problems he experienced Allah shows to mankind when all
day after day to me is nothing man has to do is follow His simple
short of miraculous. and beneficial teachings. May
Allah keep us all in the right path
I kept asking in my prayer based with sincere and constant prayers
on what I believe I heard Hadhrat at all times as prescribed by Allah
Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) say in a Himself and forgive us our faults.
Question and Answer Session that Ameen.
converts should ask in their prayer
for Allah to show them signs. I
kept asking for Allah to show me,
as a convert, a sign of His Power,
to show all, how much can be
done through prayer and fasting. I
am amazed how much I have
witnessed with my own eyes. As it
says in the Holy Qur’an:
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