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November 2005, Vol.100, No.11: Chief Editor and Manager

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CONTENTS November 2005, Vol.100, No.


Editorial: Religious Bigotry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Tommy Kallon – UK

Notes & Comments: With Moderates Like These . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

The so-called custodians of orthodox Islam in the UK leave much to be desired.
Waqar Ahmad Ahmedi – Birmingham, UK

Advent of the Holy Prophet(sa) is Like the Coming of God . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

An explanation of why previous prophets prophesied the advent of the Holy Prophet(sa)
metaphorically as the coming of God. Also, a discourse on the Holy Prophet’s(sa) station of
intercession. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) – Promised Messiah and Mahdi

Religions Drips With Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The history of religion is one of destruction and bloodshed but does true religion teach
violence or has religion always been exploited by corrupt religious leaders with ulterior
motives? Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) – Khalifatul Masih IV

Blessings of Righteous Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

If the company we keep influences our behaviour, there are blessings to be gained from
associating with righteous company. Kalim Anwer – London, UK

A Glimpse into some of the Qualities of Khilafat-e-Rashida . . . . . . . . . . 45

A look at some of the qualities of the Successors to the Holy Prophet(sa) who could not be
corrupted despite the absolute religion and temporal powers they enjoyed.
Waleed Ahmad – Gillingham, UK

I Answer the Prayer of the Supplicant when he Prays to Me . . . . . . . . . 58

A convert recounts his experience of the efficacy of prayers.
Harris Maguire – London, UK

COVER PIC: Arabian Sunset – BACK COVER: Sultan Mosque, Singapore – (Shutterstock Photo Library)

Basit Ahmad Chief Editor and Manager: Mansoor Ahmed Shah

Bockarie Tommy Kallon.
Management Board: Special contributors: Design and layout:
Fareed Ahmad Amatul-Hadi Ahmad Tanveer Khokhar
Mr Munir-ud-din Shams (Chairman)
Fazal Ahmad Mr Mansoor Shah (Secretary) Farina Qureshi
Fauzia Bajwa Mr Naseer Ahmad Qamar Proofreaders: Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah
Mansoor Saqi Mr Mubarak Ahmad Zafar Abdul Ghany Jahangeer
Khan and Shaukia Mir Distribution:
Mahmood Hanif Mr Mirza Fakhar Ahmad
Muhammad Hanif
Mr. Abdul Baqi Arshad
Mansoora Hyder-Muneeb
Navida Shahid All correspondence should The Review of Religions © Islamic Publications, 2005
Sarah Waseem be forwarded to the editor at: The London Mosque ISSN No: 0034-6721
16 Gressenhall Road
Saleem Ahmad Malik London, SW18 5QL
Tanveer Khokhar United Kingdom

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1
Bockarie Tommy Kallon– UK

Religious Bigotry Pakistani governments for narrow

It was on Friday 7th October, the first political advantage that has
Friday of the blessed month of encouraged such sectarian extremism
Ramadhan 1426AH. Eager wor- and religious fanaticism.
shippers, young and old, bent upon
winning the pleasure of their Lord Since 1974 when the government of
had gathered for the dawn prayers in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in collusion with
the Ahmadiyya Mosque at Mong in orthodox religious clergy, declared
the District of Mandi Bahauddin, members of the Ahmadiyya
Pakistan. Incited by crazed Mullahs, Community as non-Muslim and
gunmen on motorcycles arrived on heretical to Islam, Ahmadi Muslims
the scene and opened fire with in Pakistan have endured senseless
automatic firearms on the wor- persecution and discrimination. The
shippers. Eight persons aged between anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance intro-
16 and 73 were killed, some instantly duced by General Zia-ul-Haq ten
and about 20 others were injured, 3 years later only served to further fan
critically. the embers of religious intolerance.
This infamous ordinance made some
Ramadhan is a sacred month in the most basic acts of worship by Ahmadi
Islamic Calendar yet even the sanctity Muslims illegal. It completely
of Ramadhan could not prevent such undermined the crucial and basic
a heinous transgression. This is the human right to manifest one’s belief.
level of religious bigotry which Not only did it marginalise a peace-
unfortunately we find obtaining in loving community, it provided a legal
Pakistan today. The irony – a very sad framework for their systematic
one it must be added – is that a victimisation. Ahmadiyya mosques
country whose founding was justified were demol-ished or desecrated and
in terms of allowing Muslims to Ahmadi graves defiled. The property
freely practise their faith, has today of Ahmadi Muslims was destroyed
degenerated into one of the most and their lives dispatched with
religiously intolerant countries of the impunity.
world. It is the denial of human rights
to Ahmadi Muslims by successive Self-serving Mullahs arrogated to

2 The Review of Religions – November 2005


themselves the right to determine the The shedding of blood by man in the
worth of a person’s life. Through name of his Creator is the theme of
provocative publications and inflam- this month’s feature article, an
matory speeches, they indoctrinate excerpt from Murder in the Name of
their followers with the twisted belief Allah by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir
that destroying the life and property Ahmad(ru). In Religion Drips with
of a supposed heretic is not only Blood – the introductory chapter – the
justified for a Muslim, it is his duty. author demonstrates, from a review of
the history of religion, that religion
Pakistan purports to be a Muslim has always been abused by fanatics
State but upholds laws which and made an excuse for the spread of
palpably represent a blight on Islam. terror. He maintains, however, that
It professes to be an Islamic Republic true religion founded on Divine
but allows the persecution of the very revelation does not preach violence
Community which promotes loyalty and brutality. Those who perpetrate
to one’s nation and seeks sacrifice of barbarity in religion’s name are either
life, wealth, time and honour on a anti-religious people or people whose
global scale for the promotion and religion has become corrupted. In
glory of Islam. confirming the true spirit of Islam, he
The current regime denounced the
killings in Mong but should not ‘If the history of the world from
ignore repeated calls for it to repeal Adam(as), to the present day were
the draconian laws which explicitly ever lost – and with it the record
undercut the activities of religious of every persecution and of every
minorities. It makes ‘A Plea for charter of human rights – a
Enlightened Moderation’ 1 but should glance at the life of the
prevent Islam from being exploited Prophet(sa) would more than prove
by Mullahs and presented to the that true religion does not cause
world as a medieval theocracy; it hatred, persecution, repression or
talks about Enlightened Moderation the suppression of thought.’
and should, therefore, take basic steps
that would ensure freedom of
conscience and stop the wanton 1. President Pervez Musharraf in The
slaughter of its citizens in the name of Washington Post, 1st June 2004.
the Gracious God.

The Review of Religions – November 2005 3

Notes &
With Moderates Like These...

The message to the West was clear Adolf Hitler’s treatment of the
and emphatic: ‘If you want a war Jews.
on Islam, bring it on.’ Had the call
been made by Osama bin Laden or Since this is the rhetoric of
his fellow fanatics from a Kabul prominent Muslim ‘moderates’,
cave, few would have raised their supposedly on behalf of the
eyebrows. But it came from a mainstream in Britain, it is of little
female British journalist… in wonder they are becoming less
Manchester. and less popular, not just in the
eyes of non-Muslims but among
‘I thank Allah that I was captured Muslims themselves.
by the Taliban and not by the
Americans’, continued Yvonne Many Muslims lack the ability to
Ridley, the former Express choose the right word at the right
reporter, convert to Islam and now time. A lack of understanding of
presenter on the ‘Islam Channel’, Islam has made them ‘shoot from
speaking at the recent Muslim the hips’ with the result that they
Unity convention. say the most unkind things in front
of the media.
In another affair, the outspoken
chairman of the Birmingham The recent controversial BBC
Central Mosque in the UK Panorama documentary criticising
Midlands also caused a stir when the Muslim Council of Britain for
he doubted the existence of al- its duplicity also exposed the
Qaeda, before likening Tony disturbing reality about the
Blair’s policies against terrorists to country’s most powerful Islamic

4 The Review of Religions – November 2005


body and illustrated how for, why do its leaders not

influential Muslims, despite pos- condemn the horrific persecution
ing as peaceful, can so easily lose of other Muslims, like the
credibility. Ahmadis, in Pakistan and
The Council, championed as the
voice of orthodox Islam in the UK, And when a leading figure from
still vociferously denies sup- the Muslim Association of Britain,
porting extremists, yet its one of the Council’s major
leadership admits being inspired by affiliates, implied that suicide
the notorious Maulana Maududi, attacks in Israel are justified, none
whom they extol as ‘an important of the Council leaders refuted him.
Muslim thinker.’ With moderates like these, who
needs militants?
Such praise for the founder of
Jama’at-e-Islami upset many Also in the same month, the writer
Muslims who view the late cleric Salman Rushdie wrote a piece for
as a mischievous mullah who The Times in which he blasted the
taught, among other things, that Council elite commenting: ‘If
Islam should be spread with the Sacranie is the best Mr Blair can
sword and that Muslims who leave offer in the way of a good Muslim,
the faith should be put to death. we have a problem.’
The book Murder in the Name of
Allah, by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Given the Council’s links to
Ahmad(ru), is a must-read rebuttal fanatical groups, Muslims have
of Maududi’s twisted philosophy. every right to mistrust it. And with
their defence of radicals like
The Council also offended Jews Maududi and Yasin, their label as
by boycotting the Holocaust a moderate voice of Islam
Memorial, claiming it wanted the becomes even more questionable.
event to highlight ‘the sufferings
of all people.’ But if denouncing Far from being the best Islam here
crimes against humanity every- has to offer, there is already more
where is what the Council calls reputable Muslim leadership in

The Review of Religions – November 2005 5


Britain to which the ‘silent as the sole authority in Islam

majority’ are turning for capable of bringing peace and
inspiration. unity among Muslims. With its
exponential growth globally, that
A perfect example is the might well soon become a reality.
Ahmadiyya Community, one of
the first ever Muslim organisations Waqar Ahmad Ahmedi–UK
to arrive on British soil, whose
supreme worldwide head, Hadhrat
Mirza Masroor Ahmad, lives in
London. His followers are
universally acclaimed for not just
preaching but practising their
message: ‘Love for All, Hatred for

It is a global community that

represents the very antithesis of
the terrorists’ cause and is viewed

In this journal, for the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘(sa)’ or ‘sa’

after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used.
They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘Peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters ‘(as)’ or ‘as’
after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation meaning
‘Peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu wassalam’ for the
respect a Muslim reader utters.

The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra) stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu and
is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with
him or her (when followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally,
‘ru’ or (ru) for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the
Exalted be upon him.

6 The Review of Religions – November 2005

Advent of the Holy Prophet(sa) is Like
the Coming of God Almighty – Part 2
This series sets out, in the words of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, a summary of his exposition of four outstanding topics: ISLAM; ALLAH,
compilation, in Urdu, from which these extracts have been translated into English, was
collated with great care and diligence by Syed Daud Ahmad Sahib, Allah have mercy
on him and reward him graciously for his great labour of love. Amin. The English
rendering is by the late Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, may Allah be pleased with
him, and is quoted from The Essence of Islam, Volume 1. All references throughout,
unless otherwise specifically mentioned, are from the Holy Qur’an.

f it is asked that if the Messiah types. The lowest degree, and

I and I have attained to this rank
then what rank is left for our lord
even that is very high, is that the
fire of Divine love should warm
and master, the best of the the heart possibly to such a degree
Messengers, Khatam-ul-Anbiya, that the warmed heart might
Muhammad(sa), the chosen one, acquire the qualities of fire, but
the answer is that it is a high and that it should lack the brightness
exalted rank which is special to of the fire. When the flame of
him, the appreciation of which is God’s love falls upon this degree
not possible for anyone else, let of love the warmth generated by
alone that any one else should be that flame in the soul is described
able to achieve it.... as contentment and satisfaction
and is sometimes named an angel.
The degrees of nearness to God
and love of God from the point of The second degree of love is
view of spiritual rank are of three where the fire of Divine love,

The Review of Religions – November 2005 7


which is generated by the union imagined. It is also called the

of two loves, warms the heart to high horizon, inasmuch as it is
such a degree that it produces a the manifestation of the highest
brightness which is not form of revelation. It is also
inflammatory. It is described as described as: He saw what he
Ruh-ul-Qudus – the Holy Spirit. saw; for an appreciation of this
condition is beyond the imag-
The third degree of love is where ination or thinking of the whole
a burning flame of Divine love of creation. This condition has
falls on the eager ribbon of been bestowed upon only one
human love and sets it afire and, human being who is the perfect
assuming control of all its man with whom the whole
particles, makes it a complete human system has come to an
and perfect manifestation of end and the circle of human
itself. In this condition the fire of capacities has been perfected. In
Divine love not only bestows a truth, he is the highest point of
brightness upon the human heart, the extended line of God’s
but simultaneously the whole creation which is the ultimate of
being is set on fire and its flames all grades of exaltation.
illumine the surroundings like
the bright day, and no darkness is Divine Wisdom having started
left and the whole of the being is the creation from the lowest
converted into fire with all its full point carried it to this highest
qualities. This condition which is point, the name of which is
created by the union of the two Muhammad(sa) and the meaning
loves like a flaming fire is known of which is greatly praised, that is
as Ruh-ul-Amin, the Spirit of to say, the manifestation of
Security, for it bestows security perfect excellences. As by his
against every darkness and is free nature the station of this
from every opaqueness. It is also Prophet(sa) was at the highest, so
called the strong faculty, for it is externally also he was bestowed
the most powerful revelation, revelation and love at the highest
stronger than which cannot be level. This is the high station

8 The Review of Religions – November 2005


which neither Jesus nor I can

reach; its name is the station of
getting together and the station of
perfect Unity. The previous
prophets who have prophesied
the advent of the Holy Prophet(sa)
have mentioned this station. As
the station of Jesus and myself is
such that metaphorically it can be
described as sonship, in the same
way, the station of the Holy
Prophet(sa) is so grand that past
Prophets have metaphorically The founder of the Ahmadiyya
described the appearance of the Muslim community was Hadhrat
Holy Prophet (sa) as the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).

appearance of God Almighty and The founder of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim community was Hadhrat
his coming has been described as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). In 1891,
the coming of God Almighty. he claimed, on the basis of Divine
(Taudih-e-Maram, Ruhani revelation, that he was the Promised
Khaza’in, Vol. 3, pp. 62-64) Messiah and Mahdi whose advent
had been foretold by Muhammad,
the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace
It is not only Jesus who has and blessings of Allah be upon him)
described the advent of the Holy and by the scriptures of other faiths.
Prophet(sa) as the appearance of His claim constitutes the basis of the
God Almighty, but other beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
prophets in their own prophecies
have used similar terms and have
metaphorically described his
advent as the appearance of God ‘Thou art fairer than the
Almighty, and because of his children of men; Grace is
being the perfect manifestation poured into thy lips;
of God, have called him God. In Therefore God hath blessed
Psalms of David it is said: thee forever’ (i.e., You have

The Review of Religions – November 2005 9


been granted the station of being to display the spiritual glory

Khatam-ul-Anbiya) of the Holy Prophet(sa).

‘Gird thy sword upon Thy A similar statement appears in

thigh, O most mighty; with Isaiah, where it is written:
thy glory and with thy
majesty.’ ‘Behold My servant whom I
uphold; Mine elect in whom
‘And in thy majesty ride My soul delighteth: I have put
prosperously, because of truth My Spirit upon him; he shall
and meekness and right- bring forth Judgement in the
eousness; and thy right hand Gentiles.’
shall teach thee terrible
things.’ ‘He shall not cry, nor lift up,
nor cause his voice to be heard
‘Thine arrows are sharp in the in the street.’
heart of the King’s enemies;
whereby the people fall under ‘A bruised reed shall he not
thee. Thy throne, O God, is break and the smoking flax
forever and ever: the sceptre of shall he not quench: he shall
thy kingdom is a right sceptre.’ bring forth Judgement unto
‘Thou lovest righteousness
and hatest wickedness: ‘He shall not fail nor be
therefore, God, thy God, hath discouraged till he have set
anointed thee with the oil of Judgement in the earth: and
gladness above thy fellows.’ the isles shall wait for his
(Psalms 45) law....’

The words: ‘Thy throne, O God, ‘The Lord shall go forth as a

is forever and ever: the sceptre of mighty man, He shall stir up
Thy Kingdom is a right sceptre,’ jealousy like a man of war.’
are metaphorical; the purpose (Isaiah 42:1-4, 13)

10 The Review of Religions – November 2005


The words: ‘The Lord shall go religion which has correctly

forth as a mighty man,’ are a displayed the true reality of
metaphorical description of the salvation and has put forth such
awe-striking advent of the Holy men in its present stage, into
Prophet(sa). (See Isaiah, Chapter whom the spirit of salvation has
42). Many other prophets have been fully breathed, has set a seal
used this metaphor in their on its being true and from God.
prophecies concerning the Holy
Prophet(sa). It is obvious that every human
(Taudih-e-Maram, Ril~An-i being naturally feels in his heart
KhazYin, Vol. 3, pp. 65-67 that because of hundreds of
footnote) neglects and veils, and eruptions
of the ego, and stumblings and
Holy Prophet’s(sa) Station of weaknesses, and ignorances and
Intercession darknessees at every step, and
The question of salvation and continous fears and doubts, and
intercession is a grand religious on account of diverse types of
subject and the whole purpose of calamities and trials, he needs a
following a religion culminates strong hand which should
in it. For testing the truth of a safeguard him against all these
religion, it is a clear and open ills, inasmuch as man’s nature is
criterion through which it can be weak and he cannot for one
known with full satisfaction that moment trust his ego that he can,
such and such religion is true and of himself, emerge from the
from God. It is absolutely correct darkness of the ego. This is the
that a religion which has not set evidence of human conscience.
forth this question properly or Besides, reflections shows that
which is unable to show among sane reason also feels that it
its followers with clear dis- needs an intercessor for sal-
tinction present samples of those vation, for God almighty is in the
who have attained salvation, highest station of Holiness and
needs no other argument to Purity, and man is in the extreme
establish its falsehood; but the pit of darkness and sinfulness,

The Review of Religions – November 2005 11


and on account of lack of greatness, and the faithfulness

relationship and resem-blance, with which their hearts are filled,
the average human person is not and the upsurge of sympathy for
fit that he should attain salvation human beings that they are
by receiving Divine grace direct. bestowed, is such an extra-
Therefore, Divine Wisdom and ordinary matter that it is difficult
Mercy demanded that some for others to imagine. It needs to
perfect individuals, who possess be remembered, however, that all
a special purity in their nature, these persons are not equal in
should serve as a means of rank and that some are at a high
approach between mankind and level of the natural superiorities,
God Almighty. They should be and others are at a lower level
people whose natures should and still others at a level which is
have taken on a portion of even lower.
heavenly qualities and a portion
of earthly qualities, so that on The pure conscience of a person
account of the appropriateness of who possesses sane reason
their heavenly qualities they believes that the question of
should receive Divine grace, and intercession is not an artificial
on account of their earthly one, but that there are
qualities, they should convey this illustrations of it in Divine
grace which they have received dispensation The root word for
from above to mankind. intercession in Arabic (shuf’a)
means a pair. So intercession
It is quite correct to say that men (shafa’at) indicates that a
of this type, on account of the necessary quality of an
perfection of their heavenly and intercessor is that he should be
earthly qualities, possess a related to both sides. On one
special distinction among men. side, his soul should have a
They are in a way a different kind strong relationship with God
of creation. The eagerness which Almighty as if through perfect
they possess for the mani- union he formed a pair and a
festation of God’s glory and connecting link with the Divine,

12 The Review of Religions – November 2005


and on the other, he should also would be bone of his bone and
be closely attached to mankind as flesh of his flesh, they would
if he were part of their limbs. In partake of the spirit which was
short, for intercession to take breathed into Adam and thus
place, both these elements are Adam would naturally be their
necessary. intercessor. It is necessary that a
person who has descended from
That is why Divine Wisdom him should partake in the
created Adam in such manner righteousness which has been
that from the very beginning he bestowed upon Adam by the
established these two relation- breathing into him of the spirit,
ships in his nature. One as is obvious that the young of an
relationship was established with animal partake of the qualities
God as is said in the Holy and actions of their father. This is
Qur’an: also the essence of intercession
that a natural heir should partake
When I have perfected him of the qualities of his ancestor.
(Adam) and have breathed As we have explained, the root
into him My spirit, do ye all word for intercessor in Arabic
angels fall down in derives from pair, which also
prostration at once. means consort. Thus, a person
(Ch.15:V.30) who is by nature the consort of
another will partake of the
This shows that with the creation qualities of the latter.
of Adam, God established a
relationship with him by This is the basis of the
breathing into him of His spirit. inheritance of qualities. A man’s
This was done so that man child partakes of human qualities
should have a natural rela- and the foal of a horse partakes
tionship with God. In the same of the qualities of a horse. In
way, it was necessary that Adam other words, this inheritance is
should have a natural rela- deriving benefit from inter-
tionship with mankind; as they cession. As the essence of

The Review of Religions – November 2005 13


intercession is the relationship of without a natural relationship the

consorts, a person who desires to perfection of love, which is a
benefit from the intercession of condition of intercession, is not
another must have a natural possible. In order to invest
relationship with that person so human nature with this rela-
that he should be given whatever tionship, God Almighty did not
has been bestowed upon the create Eve separately from
nature of the other. This rela- Adam, but created her from
tionship subsists in human nature Adam’s rib as is said in the Holy
as a gift that one person is part of Qur’an:
another, and it can also be
promoted by acquisition. When a and created therefrom its
person desires that there should mate…
be an increase in the natural love (Ch.4:V.2)
and sympathy that he has for
mankind such increase can be Which means that from Adam
achieved in proportion to the We created His mate Eve.
circle of his nature. In the same
way, love surges up in the heart of God created Eve as Adam’s mate
one person for another and from Adam so that Adam’s
increases to such a degree that the relationship to her and her
lover can find no comfort without progeny should be natural and
the company of the beloved, and not artificial. This was done so
in the end the intensity of his love that the relationship and sym-
affects the heart of the other pathy between the children of
person also. He who loves Adam should be lasting,
another to the extreme is the one inasmuch as natural relationship
who wishes him well sincerely is lasting and non-natural
and in a perfect manner. relationship is not lasting for it
lacks the attraction which
Thus, love is at the root of inter- characterises natural relationship.
cession when it is accompanied Thus, God created naturally both
by a natural relationship, for kinds of relationship which

14 The Review of Religions – November 2005


Adam should have had, with God That is to say, the best of you are
and with mankind. those who behave best towards
their wives; that is to say, that one
It is thus obvious that the perfect of you is most sympathetic and
man, who is capable of being an beneficient towards mankind
intercessor, must be one who who behaves well towards his
partakes perfectly of both these wife. he who treats his wife
relationships, and without this harshly cannot possibly behave
man cannot be perfect. After beneficiently towards others,
Adam also, the way of God was inasmuch as God having created
that both these relationships were Adam, made his wife the first
considered necessary for a person object of his love. Therefore, he
who was to be an intercessor, that who does not love his wife or has
is to say, one relationship was that no wife to love, cannot attain to
the heavenly spirit was breathed the status of a perfect man and
into him and God established lacks one of the conditions of
such a relationship with him as if intercession. Even if he is sinless,
He descended upon him, and the he is not capable of intercession.
second relationship was that of He who marries a woman lays the
the consortship of mankind foundation for himself of
which was strengthened between sympathy with mankind, for a
Adam and Eve and mutual love wife becomes the means of
and sympathy which shone forth establishing a wide circle of
between them more brightly than relationships and, when children
between others. It was because of are born, this circle is widened
this that these people were even more. The children in turn
attracted to their wives. And this find wives and thus their children
is the most apparent sign that they too come to have grand-mothers
possess the spirit of sympathy for and uncles of their own. In this
mankind. This is indicated by the way, such a person becomes
Hadith: habituated towards love and
sympathy and the circle of this
habit being extended, his

The Review of Religions – November 2005 15


sympathy is extended towards

...it is necessary for an

everyone. But those who are
reared in celibacy, find no intercessor that he
opportunity of extending this should have a deep
habit and their hearts are left dry relationship with God, as if
and hard. God has descended into
his heart and his human-
Sinlessness has nothing to do ness having died he has
with intercession, because ‘Ismat become the subject of
– sinlessness – only means heavenly manifestations,
negation or avoidance of sin. The and his soul has melted
definition of sin is that a person and flowed like water
should earn punishment by towards God and has
deliberately breaking the arrived at the extreme

commandments of God. It is thus point of nearness to
clear that sinlessness and Him.
intercession are not interrelated
for minor children and congenital has descended into his heart and
idiots are also sinless for they are his humanness having died he has
not capable of wilful dis- become the subject of heavenly
obedience. Nor do they earn manifestations, and his soul has
punishment in the estimation of melted and flowed like water
God on account of any action of towards God and has arrived at
theirs. They are entitled to be the extreme point of nearness to
considered sinless, but are they Him. It is also necessary for an
entitled to be intercessors for intercessor that his heart should
mankind and to be called be overpowered with sympathy
saviours?... for the one for whom he desires
to intercede, and the intensity of
As I have just explained, it is his agony should make him feel
necessary for an intercessor that as if his limbs are separating
he should have a deep themselves from his body and his
relationship with God, as if God senses are all scattered. His

16 The Review of Religions – November 2005


sympathy should carry him to a mankind. So that he became,

stage which exceeds that of father as it were, one chord to two
and mother and every sharer in bows or closer still.
sorrow. When these two con- (Ch.53:Vs.9-10)
ditions are created in a person, he
is united on the one side with the This means that the Holy
heavenly station and on the other Prophet(sa) ascended towards God
with the earthly station. Then and approached as near to Him as
both sides of the scale are in was possible and acquired all the
balance, that is to say, there is a perfections of nearness and
perfect manifestation of the partook fully of the heavenly
heavenly and also a perfect station, and then leaned perfectly
manifestation of the earthly and towards the earthly station and
he is thus suspended midway arrived at the extreme point of
between the two. service and worship and partook
fully of the pure essentials of
Heavenly Station humanness, namely love and
sympathy for mankind, denoting
earthly perfection. Thus, he
Point of Intercession arrived at the point of perfection
on the one side in the love of God
and, on the other, in the love of
Earthly Station mankind. As he approached God
fully and then approached
mankind fully it became the case
Referring to the Holy Prophet’s(sa) of one chord between two bows
station of intercession, the Holy and thus fulfilled the condition
Qur’an affirms his status as the for intercession. In His word,
perfect man by saying: God bore witness for him that he
occupied a place between God
Then he drew nearer to God; and mankind like a common
then he came down to chord between two bows.

The Review of Religions – November 2005 17


At another place, describing his Almighty made manifest such of

nearness to God, the Holy the actions of the Holy Prophet(sa)
Qur’an says: as show that he had adopted God
in preference to everything else,
Say ‘My Prayer and my and that every particle of his was
sacrifice and my life and my so saturated with the love and
death are all for Allah, the greatness of God that his being
Lord of the worlds.’ was like a mirror for the full
(Ch.6:V.163) observation of Divine mani-
festations. The effects of the
That is to say the Holy Prophet(sa) perfect love of God, which can
was commanded to inform possibly be imagined, were all
people that he had become displayed in the Holy Prophet(sa).
completely freed from himself (Review of Religions – Urdu,
and that all his worship was Vol.1, pp. 175-1841)
wholly for God....

This verse indicates that the Holy

Prophet(sa) had become so
devoted to and lost in God that
every breath of his life and even
his death had become wholly
God’s, and that his ego and the
creation and means had no part in
his being, and that his soul was
prostrated so sincerely at the
threshold of God that nothing
else had the slightest share in it...

As the love of God, and arriving

at a high station in nearness to
Him, is a matter of which other
people cannot be aware, God

18 The Review of Religions – November 2005

Drips with BLOOD
Part One of the book Murder in the Name of Allah by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru),
Khalifatul Masih IV. Reproduced in view of relevance of the current debates on
Maulana Maudud’s philosophy that force can be employed for the purpose of religion.

id our history begin with the today as he was thousands of

D curse of Cain? It is a gory
tale of murder, assassination and
years ago. The story of his
ruthlessness, his tyranny and his
torture in any event. So much aggression is long and painful.
blood has been spilled through- The fire of human aggression has
out history that the whole world not been quenched even after
could be painted red with it – thousands of years of savagery.
with plenty to spare. When will
man stop killing his fellow men? Assassination of individuals and
When will his thirst for blood the annihilation of whole groups
ever be quenched? of peoples are a repetitive theme
of history. States have attacked
Abel was the first man to be states; countries have fought
killed, by his brother, for no against their neighbours and
reason. The story of that murder against nations far from their
has been preserved by the Qur’an borders. Hordes of people living
and the Bible as a lesson to us all in the steppes and deserts
– it will remain as an example till conquered nations with ancient
the end of time. Study history, civilisations; blood was shed by
and one thing becomes clear: that Caesar and by Alexander,
man is an aggressive creature. Baghdad was destroyed by
His aggressiveness has been Hulagu and Gengiz; the soil of
untamed by the growth of Kurukshetra ran red with the
civilisation. Man is as cruel blood of Kauravas and Pandavas.

The Review of Religions – November 2005 19


Sometimes blood was spilled in holiness.’ He answered, ‘I

the name of honour, sometimes know what you know not.’
in the name of revenge for (Ch.2:V.31)
supposed wrongs. Sometimes
angry hordes overran peaceful This dialogue between the angels
lands in search of food, and God is baffling because any
sometimes in search of world book on religious history would
domination. But more often the seem to prove that the angels
blood of man – created in God’s were right. If so, why did God
image – was shed in the name of refuse to accept their ‘advice’ or
his Creator. Religion was used as uphold their objection to His
an excuse for mass murder. plan? It was, in fact, an objection
Seeing this aspect of human to prophecy itself and ultimately
nature makes one wonder if to the prophethood of the Seal of
mankind is not the basest and Prophets, Muhammad (sa).
most ruthless species on earth.
One expects religion to teach The history of religion in any
man to be civilised, yet religion part of the world at any time is
itself drips with blood. This fact the history of torture, repression,
recalls the incident which took execution and crucifixion. It is
place at the time of the creation disappointing indeed to find that
of Adam(as) described by both the religion, which is supposed to be
Qur’an and the Bible. The the last refuge of peace in a
Qur’an says. world of war and conflict, is a
cause of destruction and
And when your Lord said to bloodshed. Religion itself is not
the angels, ‘I am about to the real cause of mass murder,
appoint a vicegerent in the however, and it is a mistake to
earth,’ they said, ‘Wilt Thou think it is. Religion was not
place therein such as will given to man to encourage
cause disorder in it and shed killing.
blood? – and we glorify Thee
with Thy praise and extol Thy

20 The Review of Religions – November 2005


When one discovers, with mixed Fountainhead of Mercy – does

feelings of satisfaction and not allow the followers of any
surprise, that God did not make religion to oppress His people.
religion for this purpose, one
receives a ray of hope. The The Qur’an quotes many
vicegerent of God, whose historical examples to prove this
creation the angels questioned, point. The early part of the
was really a great reformer. The prophets’ lives is given by the
religion he preached was named Qur’an as a standard for religious
Islam – the religion of peace. The reform or for preaching. If
question remains: why, at first physical force had been allowed
glance, does history create the by God, then surely it would
impression that religion have been permitted by the
sanctions bloodshed and murder founders of religions. It is quite
in the name of peace? The clear that force is forbidden.
Qur’an points out very clearly Those followers who came long
why a cursory glance at history after the prophets and preached
can lead one to such a by force either inherited a
conclusion. It cites the past to religion corrupted by time or
show that those who perpetuate were themselves corrupt. They
brutality in religion’s name are used force in the name of
either anti-religious or people religion, yet their religion
whose religion has been opposed the use of force.
corrupted. There are also
religious leaders who have no The Qur’an’s religious history is
warmth, compassion, mercy or full of examples of force and
piety. To be honest, they are violence used in the name of
hypocrites with a lust for power – religion by people who had no
cruelty is their ruling passion. It religion. People were tortured in
would be a great mistake to the name of Allah by those who
associate religion with the had not the faintest clue about
misdeeds of such men. The real God. Noah(as) who called people
truth is that God – the to righteousness and piety, was

The Review of Religions – November 2005 21


not an oppressor – those who Abraham(as) tried to burn him

wished to suppress his voice alive.
were in the wrong. On hearing
Noah’s(as) message they said: ‘If Those who opposed Lot(as) knew
you don’t desist; O Noah, you nothing whatsoever about
shall surely be one of those who religion. Yet they were his
are stoned.’(Ch.26:V.117) enemies and opposed him and
his followers in religion’s name.
The history of religious They threatened him with
persecution, as told by the violence; they warned him that
Qur’an, clearly shows that he and his followers would be
followers of true religion are the banished. They did their best to
victims of violence. The Qur’an stop him teaching his religion.
gives the example of Abraham(as),
who called the people to God by The persecutors of Shuaib(as) did
using love, sympathy and the same and told him:
humility. He had no sword ... not ‘Assuredly we will drive you out,
a single weapon. But the elders O Shuaib,and the believers with
of his people did exactly what you from our town or you shall
the anti-religious opponents of have to return to our religion.’
Noah(as) had done. Abraham’s(as) (Ch.7:V.89)
father, Azar, said: ‘If you do not
desist from your belief I shall By citing these examples, the
stone you.’ The words used by Qur’an proves there is a pattern
Azar were virtually identical to of conversion to true religion
those used by Noah’s (as) enemies. and also to the force used by the
Both Noah (as) and Abraham (as) enemies of truth against such
were insulted and humiliated, conversion. Shuaib’s(as) reply to
both were beaten and tortured, the threats typifies the attitude of
yet both accepted it all with all God’s prophets. He said:
patience and fortitude. Having lit ‘Even though we be unwilling?’
the fire of oppression and Is it possible to change hearts by
mischief, the tormentors of force, can a man be reconverted

22 The Review of Religions – November 2005


to a religion he has discarded Moses(as) and his followers met

after discovering it to be false? the same fate at the hands of the
And can he be reconverted after so-called religious heads of the
he has discovered the truth of a time – Pharaoh, Haman and
new religion? Korah – who said: ‘Slay the sons
of those who have believed with
No dictator has ever been able to him and let their women live.’
escape this logic. The historical (Ch.40:V.26) Conversion from
fact is that the sword has never one religion to another was not
ruled and will never rule men’s punished by the prophets, yet they
hearts. If the human body can be and their followers were punished
subdued by force, then the soul for the so-called apostasy. After
cannot. Belief is a thing of the Moses(as), Jesus (as) endured similar
heart. It is human nature which torture and violence which
never changes. Innocent people culminated in an attempt to kill
who are sentenced to death in the him on the Cross. Bloodshed and
name of religion by those who violence have always been carried
do not understand it will out in religion’s name: their
continue to raise their voice victims have throughout time
against this injustice. They will been those found guilty of
forever pose the question: ‘Do apostasy. Yet not a single revealed
you want us to stick to the book sanctions the punishment of
beliefs our intel-ligence has those who changed from one
rejected?’ Whenever this religion to another. If the texts of
question has been asked, revealed Books have been altered
enemies of religion across the by dishonest people, one can
world have accused the prophets hardly blame the Books
of apostasy and sentenced them themselves. By their very nature,
to death. Inhuman torture and Books revealed to God’s prophets
punishments were invented... the cannot teach violence.
story of violence is one which
never ends. Making reference to the history
of religions, the Qur’an proves

The Review of Religions – November 2005 23


that the prophets and their

followers were victims of So the Qur’an totally
violence; victims who, nonethe- rejects the use of
less, accepted brutality with force to suppress reli-
patience. It is beyond one’s belief gious freedom. It declares
that people who change faiths that though such sup-
can be tortured in the name of pression takes place, true
religion, and prophets of God, believers never use force
to preach the name of

who are sent to convert us,
cannot accept it either. It makes Allah.
nonsense of their own mission.
The Qur’an also tells how a been starved for several days.
prophet’s followers are punished The starving creatures bellowed
for conversion not only during and snorted and, with hissing
his life, but for hundreds of years screeches, attacked. The
after his death. Such oppression Christians were gored or tram-
has no sanction from God. pled to death. And after this
festival of blood, the laughing
Then there is the Qur’anic story Romans returned joyfully home.
of the people of the cave. These The ‘apostates’ had been fittingly
Christians were persecuted for punished. But while the
300 years, and I have seen the Christians’ legs trembled, their
places where these poor people hearts beat strongly with faith in
were tortured – the amphitheatres God.
intended for gladiatorial combat
with bulls and lions. It was in Their persecution went on inter-
these places that naked mittently for three centuries. And
Christians were thrown to hungry when they found no place to hide,
wild animals. The animals they fled underground to the
howled and made short shrift of catacombs. These long labyrinths
the defenceless Christians. exist today and they remind us
Sometimes these ‘apostates’ that the Christians could live with
were thrown to bulls which had insects, scorpions and snakes but

24 The Review of Religions – November 2005


not with religious leaders in their anguish from being prevented

fine clothes. from worshipping than they do
from torture itself. The Qur’an
As well as those people who fled says:
underground – Ashabi Kahf – the
Qur’an also mentions other And who is more unjust than
Christians who believed in the he who prohibits the name of
Unity of God and were burned Allah being glorified in
alive for their pains. God says: Allah’s mosques and seeks to
destroy them?
By the heaven having (Ch.2:V.115)
mansions of stars and by the
Promised Day, and the testifier So the Qur’an totally rejects the
and the one who testifies, use of force to suppress religious
cursed be the people of the freedom. It declares that though
trenches – the fire fed with fuel such suppression takes place,
– as they sat by it and they true believers never use force to
witnessed what they did to the preach the name of Allah.
believers. And they hated them
not but because they believed So far we have told the story of
in Allah, the Almighty, the the persecution of prophets who
Praiseworthy, to Whom came before the time when God’s
belongs the Kingdom of the light was to illuminate the world.
heavens and the earth, and But eventually the sun of eternal
Allah is Witness over all truth rose on the skies of the
things. Arab peninsula and the world
(Ch.85:Vs.2-10) was soon to bask in the light of
Muhammad’s(sa) message.
The enormity of these atrocities
is made worse because of the so- For thousands of years the world
called religious protectors who had awaited the greatest prophet.
actually prevent worship of One hundred and twenty-four
Allah; their victims feel a greater thousand prophets had lived and
The Review of Religions – November 2005 25

If the history of the world from Adam(as), to the present

‘ day were ever lost – and with it the record of every

persecution and of every charter of human rights – a
glance at the life of the Prophet(sa) would more than prove
that true religion does not cause hatred, persecution,
repression or the suppression of thought.

died in the hope of welcoming

this Seal of the Prophets. The
man for whom the whole world
families were broken up.

belongings were seized and their

Pregnant women were thrown off

was created finally appeared, camels, their inevitable deaths
reflecting the full glory of his the cause of merriment. Their
Creator. He was greater than all dead bodies were cut asunder –
the prophets, his religion was the liver of the Prophet’s(sa) uncle
complete. But he, too, was was even eaten. They were cut
persecuted and his persecution down with swords and pierced by
was without precedence. Our arrows. The Prophet (sa) was
Master and Lord, Prophet stoned by ruffians and vagabonds
Muhammad(sa), endured every and was chased and pelted by
conceivable form of punishment, urchins till the cobblestones of
torture and torment suffered by Taif ran red with his blood. And
the earlier prophets and their at the battle-ground of Uhud the
followers. Prophet(sa) was seriously
Early Muslims were laid out in
the blazing sun. Burning stones This bloodshed took place in the
were put on their chests; they name of religion, because
were dragged through the streets Muslims said Rabbunallaha, our
of Makkah like dead animals. Lord, is Allah. This persecution
They were shunned, and kept and torture was perpetrated in the
hungry and thirsty. They were name of religion because,
thrown into dungeons, their according to the polytheists of

26 The Review of Religions – November 2005


Makkah, the Prophet(sa) and the Let no reproach be on you

Muslims were apostates. The this day. May Allah forgive
polytheist called the Prophet(sa) you. He is the most merciful
and his followers ‘Sabi’ – people of the merciful.
who discard their ancestral (Ch.12: V.93)
religion and adopt a new one. In
order to put down this ‘evil’, the That day the most cruel of the
Makkans adopted methods of cruel were pardoned. Those who
torture and suppression which had tormented helpless slaves on
had been used by their pre- the burning sand were forgiven.
decessors. Muhammad (sa) and his Those who had dragged Muslims
followers suffered patiently and through the streets like dead
with fortitude for a long tune to animals were absolved. Those
prove that evil is caused by anti- who had breached the peace were
religious people and not by pardoned, as were those who had
followers of the truth. stoned defenceless Muslims –
even the woman who had eaten
The Prophet(sa), exalted by Allah the liver of the Prophet’s(sa) uncle.
to a position with no equal,
showed his persecutors only If the history of the world from
unsurpassable love, mercy and Adam(as), to the present day were
forgiveness in return for their ever lost – and with it the record
evil. When victory finally came of every persecution and of every
and the polytheists of Makkah charter of human rights – a
were subdued by the Prophet(sa), glance at the life of the Prophet(sa)
he ordered a general amnesty. would more than prove that true
There was no massacre and no religion does not cause hatred,
punishment for his persecutors. persecution, repression or the
No arrests were made. No suppression of thought.
executions took place. Instead of
retribution there was the But the Prophet(sa) did not confine
Qur’anic proclamation: his teachings to calling for
religious tolerance. Since the

The Review of Religions – November 2005 27


Religion is a metamorphosis of hearts. Religion is not

‘ politics and its adherents do not make up political

parties. Neither is it a nationality with limited loyalties,
nor a country with geographical borders. It is the
transformation of hearts – transformation for the
good of the soul.

Prophet of Islam(sa) is ‘A mercy

for the universe’ (Ch.21: V.108),
a general proclamation is made

distinguished, so whosoever
refuses to be led by those who
transgress and believes in
by the Qur’an: There shall be no Allah, has surely grasped a
compulsion in religion. strong handle – one which
Compulsion is unnecessary knows no breaking.
because, Guidance and error (Ch.2.V.257)
have been clearly distinguished
(Ch.2: V.257) and there is no But it must be noted that this
possibility of confusing the two. proclamation is made in the
On the face of it, this pro- second chapter of the Qur’an, Al-
clamation seems unusual and Baqarah, which was revealed in
anomalous. On one hand there the first two or three years after
was an arbitrary authority, hell- the Prophet’s (sa) arrival in
bent on wiping out a small group Madinah, a place where Muslims
of people because of their were not only free from Makkan
‘apostasy’ with every means at persecution but also held power.
its disposal. And when this group What could be a more human and
of ‘apostasy’ gained power, it generous proclamation of peace
was told by the Qur’an to from a prophet who, only a year
proclaim that: or two earlier, had been
persecuted for ‘changing his
There shall be no compulsion religion’?
in religion, for guidance and
error have been clearly People who persecute in the

28 The Review of Religions – November 2005


name of religion are totally

The home of religion

ignorant of the essence of
religion. Religion is a meta- is in the depths of the
heart. It is beyond the
morphosis of hearts. Religion is
sway of the sword.
not politics and its adherents do
Mountains are not moved
not make up political parties.
by the sword, nor are
Neither is it a nationality with hearts changed by force.
limited loyalties, nor a country While persecution in the
with geographical borders. It is name of religion is the
the transformation of hearts – repetitive theme in the
transformation for the good of history of human
the soul. The home of religion is aggression, freedom of
in the depths of the heart. It is conscience is the
beyond the sway of the sword.

Q u r’ a n ’s repetitive
Mountains are not moved by the theme.
sword, nor are hearts changed by
force. While persecution in the the Qur’an’s assertion that once
name of religion is the repetitive truth is known it is our choice to
theme in the history of human accept or reject it. Yet,
aggression, freedom of con- elsewhere, the Qur’an says:
science is the Qur’an’s repetitive Verily, this is a Reminder: so
theme. whosoever wishes may take to
the way that leads to his Lord.
The Prophet(sa) was asked again (Ch.76:V.30) No charter of
and again to proclaim: This is the human rights can surpass the
truth from your Lord; let him clarity of the Qur’anic phrase
who will, believe, and let him ‘faman Shaa’ (whosoever
who will, disbelieve. wishes). The word ‘whosoever’
(Ch.18:V.30) Truth is obviously is all inclusive. It is surprising
a matter of the heart; it has that after such a clear declaration
nothing to do with force. Once it anyone could possibly think that
has been, seen it cannot be Islam supports the use of force.
blotted out by any power. Hence

The Review of Religions – November 2005 29


Again, in the 39th chapter of the a man must use his reason and
Qur’an, the Prophet (sa), is ordered understanding. After all, faith is a
to tell unbelievers: It is Allah I gift given by God to those He
worship in sincerest obedience. thinks deserve it.
Now, as far as you are concerned,
Worship what you like besides One hundred and twenty-four
Him. (Ch.39:Vs.15-16) thousand prophets were sent by
God and showed, by their
Since freedom of conscience – teaching and example, that the
freedom to believe and to preach bearers of the Divine message are
– is the cornerstone of religion, the oppressed, not the oppressors.
and repression of religious heresy The prophets won over hearts by
is the aim of anti-religious forces, moral and spiritual strength, not
the Qur’an lays great emphasis by physical force. It is a great
on the freedom of conversion. tragedy that the ordained priests
The last line of Chapter 109 of and the turbaned Mullahs with
the Qur’an sums up the basic their flowing robes of ‘piety’
principle of a true religion. For became the tormentors of the
you, your religion and for me, my innocent in the name of
religion (Ch.109:V.7) In an oppressed prophets. They mono-
earlier passage, God refers to the polised religion, yet they knew
same principle by asking a nothing of it. They claimed to
rhetorical question. Addressing protect the honour of their
the Holy Prophet(sa), He says: If prophets by maligning others, by
thy Lord had enforced His will, spreading malicious lies and,
surely all those on earth would above all, by perpetrating crimes
have believed, without exception? of violence which shamed
Will thou, then, take it upon humanity. They did it before the
thyself to force people to become birth of the Holy Prophet(sa). They
believers? (Ch.10:V.100). In the do it still.
scheme of creation, man must
have complete free will to believe In medieval Europe, the so-
or reject; there is no compulsion; called followers of Christ(as), –

30 The Review of Religions – November 2005


the popes and the prelates, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette,
cardinals and canons, and the which were personally cast by
elders of the Church – wrote a Madame Tussaud. There is an
chapter of terror into the history authentic gallows with other
books. St Augustine called it instruments of torture: pillory,
‘righteous persecution which the stocks, whipping-post, ducking-
Church of Christ inflicts upon the stool, iron maiden rack, galleys,
impious.’1 Today’s Christian bed of Procrustes, cross, gibbet,
historians admit that this
It is a great tragedy

‘righteous persecution’, inflicted
in Christ’s (as) name, was a that the ordained
disgrace to the Church. priests and the turbaned
Mullahs with their
Madame Tussaud’s waxworks flowing robes of ‘piety’
museum in London has a strange, became the tormentors
moving and terrifying exhibition of the innocent in the
of this persecution. The museum name of oppressed
was originally founded in Paris prophets......They did it
before the birth of the
in 1770 and moved to England in
Holy Prophet (sa).

1802. Its halls are lined with
They do it still.
waxworks of famous and
infamous people. Its Chamber of
Horrors is a kind of underground halter and many others. Some
dungeon. The figures there have exhibits are so gruesome that
been modelled into such uncanny they are covered with screens to
likenesses that you can almost keep them away from children
see them breathing. Many and squeamish adults.
visitors there have stopped to ask
directions from a friendly It is a strange world where a man
looking curator, only to find they can rise to the heights of
have been talking to a dummy! prophethood and talk with his
On display are the death-masks Creator, then sink to the depths
from the guillotined heads of of becoming a priest and

The Review of Religions – November 2005 31


questioning Joan of Arc about forefathers. But the crucifixion

her visions of angels. He can sink of Christ(as) pales into insignif-
even lower and become an icance when compared with the
inquisitor. The instruments of Inquisition of medieval
torture shown at Madame Christians. It is with a sense of
Tussaud’s tell the tragic story of relief and, indeed, pride that
the Spanish and French Islam, with its declaration of ‘no
Inquisitions. Innocent people compulsion in the matter of
were tortured for their so-called belief’, has finally closed the
apostasy; they were forced to door on such atrocities in
confess that they had recanted religion’s name. But this sense of
from the true religion. When they relief and pride is only short-
refused, they were whipped and lived. Any Muslim will lower his
flogged, put on the rack, lynched, head with shame when he sees
impaled, pilloried, branded and today’s ulema (clergy) vying
burned. The victims either con- with what the Christian priests of
fessed or died a miserable death. medieval Europe did to devise
These dignitaries of the Church new ways of suppressing
in all their finery, who tortured freedom of thought and con-
innocent Christians, remind one science. And yet these are the
of Christ(as) with his crown of very ulema who claim to protect
thorns, bleeding on the Cross and the honour of the Holy Prophet(sa)
crying with a loud voice: ‘Eli, whom the Qur’an describes as a
Eli, lama sabachthani?’ ‘mercy for the universe.’
(Matthew 27:46). These were the
people who symbolically These ulema claim to be the very
consumed the flesh and blood of personification of mercy, but
Christ(as) at Communion services, their hearts are without
yet could not recall that the compassion. Instead, they are
Pharisees had asked Pontius filled with anger. The use of
Pilate to crucify Christ(as) because force in the name of religion has
he had ‘apostatised’ and now become part of their faith.
abandoned the religion of his In the name of God’s holy water

32 The Review of Religions – November 2005


– sent to cool our tempers – they are now being perpetrated in his
kindle the fires of hatred and very name. What would the
anger in the hearts of the Holy Prophet(sa) think if he could
innocent. The followers of the see the ulema of his umma
Prince of Peace (sa), whose blood (Community) falsely accusing
cleansed barbaric Arabia, are the elders of other Muslim
now being persuaded to murder groups of all sorts of misdeeds
helpless people. In the name of and shouting abuse about
the protector of poor people’s women and housewives? How
unguarded homes his followers will an agnostic react to this
are encouraged to rob the homes demonstration of ‘religious
of people who are powerless to zeal’? What Muslim could
defend themselves. In the name think, even for a moment, that
of the Prophet (sa) who protected our Prophet (sa) , would have
the honour of even ruffians’ advised the ulema of his umma
wives, the happy and loving to deliver provocative, disrup-
marriages of Muslim women are tive speeches; or that he would
annulled and transformed into have ordered them to deliver
adulterous relationships. In the such fiery sermons that entire
name of the builder of the first villages of poor and helpless
mosque in Madinah, who people were set ablaze? Not
offered it to the Christians of satisfied with all this, could the
Najran for Sunday services, and Prince of Peace (sa) have told
in the name of the Prophet (sa) religious leaders to treat as
who taught his followers to apostates all those Muslims
respect the temples of other whose understanding of Islam
faiths, today’s ulema incite the did not conform to their own?
masses to destroy the mosques Would he have sanctioned the
of a small group of people killing of them and their women
whose lives are devoted to the and the destruction of their
spreading of s h a h a d a2. The mosques – said to be the only
unjust acts the Prophet (sa) Divine way to blot out apostasy?
condemned and banned forever

The Review of Religions – November 2005 33


the name of honour. Muslims

Muslims hang their hang their heads in shame and
heads in shame and their souls cry out over today’s
their souls cry out over religious leaders who preach
today’s religious leaders violence in the name of the
who preach violence in Prophet(sa).
the name of the

These are the questions we

should all think seriously about.
Muslims should consider the
’ References
1. See P. Schaff, Select Library of
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers,
attitude of these u l e m a. For 1st series, vol. IV (Buffalo,
suppression, torture, execution, 1887).
arson and the razing of mosques
are not the Prophet’s(sa) tradition. 2. The proclamation of the Unity of
God and the propagation of
Every stone in the streets of
Islam and the Holy Prophet
Makkah over which the so-
called apostates were dragged
bears witness to this. Every
grain of burning Arabian sand
where helpless people were
tortured for accepting Islam
does the same. The cobbles of
Taif, where the blood of the
Holy Prophet (sa) was spilled,
bear witness to the fact that our
great Master – mercifully – did
not teach that religious belief
was compulsory, that he did not
order the burning of houses of
worship in the name of worship
or the dishonouring of women in

34 The Review of Religions – November 2005

Blessings of Righteous Company
By Kalim Anwer – London, UK

here is an old West African she will also laugh. This

T proverb which states: ‘Life is
when you are together, alone you
phenomenon is known as
behavioural contagion 2 in the
are an animal.’ 1 This proverb discipline of psychology. The
indicates that man should be with question is why do people
company and should not seclude conform in such a way?
himself as a hermit. However, the
type of company one should A conformity study was
spend one’s days with should be conducted by a well-known
chosen with wisdom and not social psychologist named Asch
taken lightly. Failing to do this in 1952. Asch wanted to prove
may have disastrous conse- how the decisions made by a
quences on our lives and on our single person were influenced by
children’s lives. those decisions made from the
company he or she associates
The way we behave in our daily with. The way Asch tested his
lives is shaped by factors of hypothesis was by gathering
social influence or so a social several individuals who,
psychologist might suggest. This unknown to the single participant
can be illustrated in the context taking part in the study, were
of hearing a joke. Consider, for actually accomplices of the
example, a joke which is told experimenter. The single par-
among a group. If those who are ticipant was told the study was
present all laugh at the joke, about something totally different
whether one of the members in and not aware that it was about
that group understands the conformity. The next step was to
humour of the joke or not, he or show everyone two cards. On

The Review of Religions – November 2005 35


one card a straight line was answer. The results showed that
drawn (see fig 1) and on the other after all of the tests were
card three straight lines were conducted, one third of all
drawn, of which one of the lines participants who took part in the
was in equal length to the study gave the wrong answer and
previous line drawn on the other followed the answer of their
card (see fig 2). counterparts3! Asch concluded
from the conformity evidenced in
the study that it may be due to the
desire to fit in to the social group
or norm.

What Asch’s study tells us is that

Fig 1 an individual’s decision-making
can be influenced by the
company he keeps. The question
now arises, what if it is a group
whose members possess not one
iota of righteousness in their
hearts? Then if one makes a
decision purely to fit into his or
Fig 2 her company and that company is
inclined to immoral activities,
The experimenter then asked surely the consequences would
everybody in turn, making sure be disastrous. What is interesting
the single participant was asked to note is that this phenomenon
last, which of the three lines is of discovered in the mid-20th
equal length to the other line. The century by psychologists, was
accomplices gave the wrong actually stated in the limitless
answer on purpose so that the treasures inherent in the Holy
experimenter would see whether Qur’an approximately 1400
the single participant would years ago. The Holy Qur’an has
follow suit in giving the same stated the benefits of keeping

36 The Review of Religions – November 2005


righteous company and the spiritual transformation is taking

dangers of being in the company place in our hearts. By being in
of those who have gone astray. the company of the righteous, the
For example, it is stated: blessings of Allah are showered
upon us and His angels too
And keep thyself attached to descend to be within our
those who call on their Lord company. Hadhrat Abu
morning and evening, seeking Hurairah relates that the Holy

His pleasure; and let not thy Prophet(sa) said:

eyes pass beyond them,
seeking the adornment of the ‘When a company foregathers
life of the world; and obey not for the remembrance of Allah
him whose heart We have its members are surrounded
made heedless of Our by angels and are covered by
remembrance and who mercy and comfort descends
follows his evil inclinations, upon them and Allah makes
and his case exceeds all mention of them to those
bounds. around Him.’
(Ch.18:V.29) (Sahih Muslim)

The verse tells us exactly who The latter part of the verse
the righteous are and it also previously quoted tells us of the
instructs us to keep company company of people who seek to
with people of this calibre who attain greatness in this world
pray continually and remember without any heed to the eternal
their Lord day and night. If we and ever-fulfilling Afterlife.
keep company with people of They pay homage to materialistic
this nature, psychological evi- designs and are heedless of the
dence suggests that we will also Sovereign Who created them and
conform to this type of behaviour all that which is in the universe.
though something much more is
taking place that cannot be based The Holy Qur’an speaks more
upon psychology alone. A great specifically on the issue of being

The Review of Religions – November 2005 37


in righteous company, as we are influenced by him – and very

again reminded to be watchful quickly too. That is why the
and remain with the truthful: company of a perfect and
righteous person grants man
O ye who believe! Fear Allah the Light which makes him
and be with the truthful. see God and he is thus saved
(Ch.9:V.119) from sin.’
(Malfoozat Vol 3, p.6 cited in
The verse indicates that belief is So Said The Promised
further enhanced by two Messiah p.117)
components – by inculcating the
fear of Allah to a degree whereby If we, as followers of our beloved
you are always conscious that He Holy Prophet(sa), do not take heed
is right beside you and watching of such a simple instruction, we
over your every action and also will not only lose out on
keeping company with the partaking of the blessings that
truthful. The Promised Allah, the Most Merciful, rains
Messiah(as) has further elucidated upon us but something extremely
this principle, that is, keeping dangerous will happen. As Allah,
company with the truthful. He the Most Wise, tells us:
O ye who believe! Take not
‘The word Insan (human My enemy and your enemy
being) is actually derived for friends. Would you, offer
from Unsan i.e. the collection them love, while they have
of two affections. One disbelieved in the Truth which
affection of man is for God has come to you and drive out
and the other is for human the Messenger and yourselves
beings. Since a human being from your homes, merely
is closer to him and he finds because you believe in Allah,
him very near to himself and your Lord.
moreover he is his own (Ch.60:V.2)
species, he is very much This verse has the intensity of

38 The Review of Religions – November 2005


It is worthy of note here that the pull of the Holy

‘ Prophet(sa) was so great, that he managed to reform a

nation with only his sublime character and heartfelt
prayers. He not only revived the spiritually dead but raised
them to such a lofty spiritual station that even they
experienced revelation directly from Allah Almighty.

striking right at the heart. The

intensity comes from the fact that
Allah, the Most Gracious, speaks
Allah is All-Knowing, All-

in the first person warning us not
to be friends with those who have Thus we have two options. We
turned their backs on Allah’s law. could choose to associate with
those who Allah dislikes and in
The verse tells us that an enemy turn ruin our own physical and
of Islam is an enemy of Allah spiritual beings or we can make
Almighty and thus an enemy of friends with the righteous and as
the righteous. Even associating a result increase our own
with company of this nature will knowledge and love for Allah to
surely lead to our destruction, as the extent that we may be the
we will be led astray and no recipient of His Divine favours.
guidance or mercy will be sent to It is interesting to note that the
us. We will be like those who are two types of people can never
blind in this world and blind in the mix as the vast wisdom of the
Hereafter. In complete contrast, Holy Qur’an states:
those on whom Allah, the Most
Merciful, bestows His favours are And the blind and the seeing
upon those who are righteous: are not alike, nor the
darkness and light, nor the
Verily, the most honourable shade and heat, nor alike are
among you, in the sight of the living and the dead...
Allah, is he who is the most (Ch.35:Vs.20-23)
righteous among you. Surely,

The Review of Religions – November 2005 39


The Holy Qur’an expresses so a certain companion or company,

beautifully the notion that those your faith, moral and spiritual
who have gone astray can never qualities, resolution to perform
merge with those who are truly good works and obedience to the
righteous. Had all the great poets injunctions and teachings of the
over the ages combined all their Holy Qur’an are enhanced, then
efforts, they could not even that companion or company is of
compete with the above verses benefit to you. If, other than
from the everlasting treasure- inspire you to good and goodly
trove of the Holy Qur’an. The things, a particular companion or
verses above show a juxta- company engenders in you an
position of various attributes. It inclination towards evil and a
cannot be said to be dark and yet propensity towards vice, then
be light. Thus when the Holy commonsense dictates that such
Qur’an tells us that the living are companionship is bound to
different to the dead, the living hinder your spiritual progress.
are being referred to as the
righteous believers as Allah, the It is worthy of note here that the
Most Merciful, has bestowed attraction of the Holy Prophet(sa)
upon them a new life. Those who was so great, that he managed to
are dead are those who fail to reform a nation with only his
recognise the truth which is the sublime character and heartfelt
essence of life and thus bring prayers. He not only revived the
about their own spiritual death; spiritually dead but raised them
they are no different to those who to such a lofty spiritual station
are already in their graves. that even they experienced
revelation directly from Allah
A logical question which arises is Almighty. The Promised
how to decide what company one Messiah ( a s ) comments on this
should associate with. In other great spiritual phenomenon in the
words, what is and what is not following words:
righteous company. If you find
that by associating yourself with ‘Our Holy Prophet(sa) was a

40 The Review of Religions – November 2005


great Reformer for the thousands of people had

proclamation of truth, and abandoned paganism and
restored to the world the truth idol worship and had
that had been lost. No adopted the Unity of God
Prophet shares with him the and the straight path. Such
pride that he had found the perfect reform was par-
whole world in darkness and ticular to him that he taught
by his appearance that a people who were at the
darkness was converted into level of animals in the ways
light. He did not die till the of humanity; in other words,
people among whom he had he converted wild beasts into
appeared had cast aside the men, and then turned them
garment of paganism and into educated men, and then
had put on the robe of the made them men of God, and
Unity of God. Not only this, b reathed spirituality into
but they achieved high them and created a
grades of faith and relationship between them
performed such works of and the True God. They were
righteousness and fidelity slaughtered like sheep in the
and certainty which are not cause of God and were
matched in any part of the trodden under foot like ants,
world. Such success was not but they did not abandon
achieved by any Pro p h e t their faith, and marc h e d
other than the Holy forward in the face of every
P ro p h e t . It is a stro n g
( s a ) calamity.’
argument in support of the (pp.4-7, Lecture Sialkot cited
truth of the Holy Prophet(sa) on pp.211-212, Essence of
that he was raised in an age Islam Vol 1, Alden Press)
when the world had fallen
into deep darkness and Thus history bears witness to this
called for a grand Reformer. testimony that the people around
He departed the world at a the Holy Prophet (sa) were
time when hundreds of transformed from drunkards into

The Review of Religions – November 2005 41


saints purely through the They are a garment for you

blessings of the righteous and you are a garment for
companionship of the Holy them.
Prophet(sa). Would that we could (Ch.2:V.188)
spend just one moment beside
our beloved Master. May Allah We should be mindful of what
shower His special blessings sort of partner we choose to
upon the Holy Prophet(sa) and his spend our lives with. Hadhrat
followers! Abu Hurairah(ra) narrates that the
Holy Prophet(sa) said:
Another aspect of attaining
blessings from righteous ‘Usually one marries a
company is the institution of woman for four reasons. For
marriage as our partners are her wealth, for her family, for
companionship for us. It is a her beauty or for her
physical and spiritual law that righteousness. Give prefer-
Allah, the Most Beneficent, ence to the one who is
made everything in pairs so that righteous. May you remain
we may prosper and increase in humble.’
our love for the Creator. As it is (Sahih Bukhari)
Our beloved Holy Prophet(sa) to
Holy is He Who created all whom we pledge allegiance and
things in pairs... for whom we are ever ready to
(Ch.36:V.37) offer sacrifices, gave us such
excellent advice with regard to
Everything that exists in the finding a suitable companion. If
universe, be it animate or one sticks to such advice and
inanimate, organic or inorganic, chooses a partner for his or her
has a partner. Thus we too are piety, he or she will surely attain
blessed with companionship in blessings from Allah and the
the form of our spouses. As righteous union will shine
Allah, the All-Wise, says: through all trials and tribulations.

42 The Review of Religions – November 2005


The Holy Qur’an gives us such a writings of the Promised Messiah

beautiful metaphor of marriage and Mahdi (as) tell us.
in terms of a garment. Just as a Commenting on the verse: Shun
physical garment protects us therefore the abomination of
from the elements of nature, idols and shun false speech
similarly our spiritual garment, (Ch.22:V.31), the Promised
that is, our partners protect us Messiah(as) writes:
from satanic insinuation. If one
does not take heed of such ‘Shun the abomination of
advice, one will not prosper. idols and stay away from the
What once was harmony in the telling of lies which is no less
beginning of the marriage will sinful than idolatry. Anything
turn to discord. This Divine which turns you away from
spiritual law is stated in the Holy your true goal, that is an idol
Qur’an: in your path.’
(Roohani Khazain Vol.3:
And marry not idolatrous Izala-e-Auham, Pt. 2, p.550
women until they believe; cited in Selected Writings
even a believing bondwoman from the Promised Messiah,
is better than an idolatress, p.36, Islam International
although she may highly Publications Ltd)
please you. And give not
believing women in marriage Thus idolatry can even take the
to idolaters until they believe; form of materialism, as one’s
even a believing slave is quest for materialistic desires
better than an idolater, takes one away from him quest
although he may highly for the truth. We should be ever
please you. wary in this day and age where
(Ch.2:V.222) materialism runs rampant that we
choose a partner who we think
The Holy Qur’an emphatically possesses fear of Allah and not
states not to marry idolaters. one in whose heart there is a
What is idolatry? The inspiring yearning for the world.

The Review of Religions – November 2005 43


The members of the Ahmadiyya you might buy some from him,
Muslim Community should be or at the very least you might
ever ready to join with the smell his fragrance. As for the
righteous and forsake those who other, he might set your
seek to blow out the light lit by clothes alight and at the very
its founder Hadhrat Mirza least you will breathe the foul
Ghulam Ahmad(as). For it is by air issuing from the furnace.’
these blessings of righteous (Sahih Bukhari, cited on p.82
company that Allah, the All- Gardens of the Righteous by
Powerful, will enable Islam to be Imam Nawawi, translated by
restored to its full grandeur and Muhammad Zafrullah Khan,
glory. As Allah, the All- Curzon Press)
Knowing, has Himself decreed:
May Allah have mercy on our
How many a small party has souls and may He bestow upon
triumphed over a large party us blessings of righteous
by Allah’s command! And company. Ameen.
Allah is with the steadfast.
Thus keep righteous company 1 Barra, G. (1960) Kikuyu Proverbs,
and pay heed to the wisdom London & Nairobi.
imparted by the Holy Prophet(sa) 2 Cardwell, M. (1996) Psychology for
who gave his followers the A-Level, p.45, Collins Educational.
following advice: 3 Gahagan, J. (1975) Interpersonal &
Group Behaviour, p.84, Methuen &
Co Ltd.
‘The case of a righteous
companion and that of an evil
companion is like that of one
who carries perfume and of
one who blows into a furnace.
The carrier of perfume might
give you some as a gift, or

44 The Review of Religions – November 2005

A glimpse of some of the
qualities of
By Waleed Ahmad – Gillingham, UK

he Holy Prophet (sa) pro- (Masnad-i-Ahmad as quoted

T phesied about the institution
of Khilafat that was to follow him
by Mishqat in Babul Inzar-
in the following terms:
From this we can draw the
‘Prophethood shall remain conclusion that the Khilafat that
among you as long as God was to follow the Holy Prophet(sa)
shall will. He will bring about was to be in two parts. The first
its end and follow it with was to arise immediately after his
Khilafat on the precepts of demise. The second was to arise
prophethood for as long as He after a period of kingship and
shall will and then bring cruel rule. Both periods of
about its end. An unimag- Khilafat are in essence Khilafat-
inative kingship shall then e-Rashida or rightly-guided
follow to remain as long as Khilafat. The subject of this
God shall will and then come article is the first period of
to an end. There shall then be Khilafat-e-Rashida which lasted
a cruel rule which shall approximately three decades as
remain as long as God shall prophesied by the Holy Prophet(sa)
will and come to an end upon when he said, ‘Khilafat shall
His decree. There will then reign for 30 years and then there
emerge Khilafat on the shall be monarchy.’ (Mishkat,
precept of prophethood… The Kitabul Fitn)
Holy Prophet said no more.’

The Review of Religions – November 2005 45


The fact that this was a rightly- ‘Ansi, Tulaihah bin Khuwailid
guided Khilafat is not only and Sajah bint Al-Harith. This
substantiated by the above was a critical time. Madinah, the
statement of the Holy Prophet(sa) then capital of the Muslim State,
but through the conduct of each could face attack from a number
and every incumbent of the office of quarters. The Holy Prophet(sa)
of Khilafat during this period. If had already ordered for an army
we cast an eye on the behaviour under Hadhrat Usama bin Zaid(ra)
of the Khulafa-e-Rashida we can to depart for the Syrian border but
easily conclude how they are the army was still in the outskirts
fully deserving of this accolade of of Madinah when the news of the
truly being the rightly-guided Prophet’s(sa) demise reached them
successors of the Holy Prophet(sa). and they stopped to receive
further orders.
One of the most striking
characteristics of the Khulafa-e- It was at this juncture that senior
Rashida was their firm trust in Muslims advised Hadhrat Abu
Allah and absolute obedience to Bakr(ra) to recall the army and
the Holy Prophet(sa). This aspect since the position of the Muslims
was displayed time and again by still remained weak, not to
the Khulafa-e-Rashida not least inflame the rebellious tribes by
by Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) who was insisting that they pay the Zakat
the first successor to the Holy for the time being. Hadhrat Abu
Prophet. Here it is related that Bakr(ra) was to have none of this.
when he first took office, there Having firm faith in Allah he said,
developed widespread disorder in ‘The marching of the army cannot
the Arabian Peninsula. Certain be postponed even if Madinah
tribes, on hearing of the demise of becomes as lonely as beasts can
the Holy Prophet(sa), began to enter into it and kill me. I cannot
rebel. Some refused to pay the put the sword into the sheath
Zakat while others began to drawn by the Prophet himself.’ He
pledge allegiance to false steadfastly ensured that one of the
prophets like Musailma, Aswad last instructions given by his

46 The Review of Religions – November 2005


spiritual master were carried out were soon brought under control
and according to one tradition, eventually after military
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (ra) himself intervention.
accompanied the army to the outer
limits of Madinah. On this issue Khilafat is an office that is
of Zakat again his steadfastness accorded to the incumbent by
on a matter of principle shone Allah and no man or woman has
through when he announced: the right to take it away. This is a
truth that was patently understood
‘Under the circumstances, if by all the Khulafa-e-Rashida. In
with reference to Zakat you the case of Hadhrat Uthman(ra),
withhold as much as a string when the insurgents were bent on
to tie a camel, as the Khalifa of deposing him and demanded his
the Holy Prophet, it will be my abdication, he rightly refused. In
duty to fight for it, whatever doing so he was not only
the consequences. I will be following a basic principle asso-
prepared to face all the risks ciated with Khilafat but also a
but I cannot be a party to the specific advice rendered to him by
compromising of any the Holy Prophet(sa) who had once
fundamental issue.’ said to him:

Such conviction in Allah and ‘Allah will bestow upon thee a

determination of preserving the garment which people will try
principles of the Islamic faith no to remove from thy person but
matter what were a key take care that you do not
characteristic of Khilafat-e- allow them to do so.’
Rashida. In the case of Hadhrat (Intrigues Against Khilafat-e-
Abu Bakr (ra) his conduct bore Rashida and their Impact,
ample fruit. The army sent to p.39, by Maulana Sheikh
Syria returned intact. The Mubarak Ahmad)
rebellious tribes, uncertain of the
true strength of the Muslims, Sadly Hadhrat Uthman’s(ra) brave
dared not attack Madinah and they efforts of defending this Divine

The Review of Religions – November 2005 47


institution were of no avail. heart is hard and soft for the sake
Rebellion and disrespect to the of Allah only.’ It is, in fact, true of
office of Khilafat had run deep the entire conduct of the Khulafa-
among some groups who chose to e-Rashida that each of their
first abuse the Khalifa in public actions could be traced back to
and then succeeded in killing their fear of God.
him. This event drove a death
knell into the first period of Being God-fearing, the rightly-
Khilafat-e-Rashida and broke the guided Khulafa were averse to the
unity of the Muslims. The words pleasures of this world. In this
uttered by Hadhrat Uthman (ra) regard Hadhrat Ali(ra) in warning
moments before his murder ring others of the evil of pursuing the
true to this day: ‘If you succeed in world used to say, ‘The world is a
killing me, you shall never be carcass, he who wants to acquire
able to remain united, nor able to it, should be ready to live with the
offer your prayers or face the dogs.’
enemy in unity.’ The unity of the
Muslims broken and the very It is this aversion of the world and
institution of Khilafat was lost the constant seeking of the
within five years of this event. pleasure of Allah that lay at the
heart of the simplicity shown by
This demonstrated that Khilafat is the Khulafa-e-Rashida. It is
a Divine bounty. If one shows stated of Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) that
ingratitude towards it, Allah will he tried not to allow his own
remove it. As it is a reward to accession to the office of Khilafat
those who believe and do good to change his simple ways. For
works, it brings to the fore for the six months after becoming
office such personalities that are Khalifa he continued to live at al-
truly benevolent to the masses; Sunh, a suburb of Madinah, in a
whose conduct and sense of duty dwelling of palm trunks. He used
is derived from their fear of God to walk or ride to the Holy
and who act solely for His sake. Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah
Hadhrat Umar(ra) used to say, ‘My daily to fulfil his duties. It was

48 The Review of Religions – November 2005


only as the affairs of the State Being Head of State, he had to

took more and more of his time, meet foreign dignitaries and
that he moved his residence to his emissaries. He was advised to
apartment in the Mosque. improve his clothing. He declined
saying he could not forget and
Similarly of Hadhrat Uthman (ra) it give up the way of life the Holy
is related that there was no dearth Prophet(sa) had shown. The Holy
of slaves and servants for him but Prophet(sa) never enjoyed a
he would often do his personal comfortable and luxurious life so
work himself. At night, he would how could he? Perhaps his
manage to take water for ablution simplicity was best displayed
himself for his Tahajjud1 prayer when he was asked to sign the
rather than give trouble to anyone treaty on the fall of Jerusalem.
else. Here it is said when he embarked
on this journey he maintained a
Hadhrat Umar (ra), commonly practice of humility and simplicity
given the title of ‘the Great’, for throughout. No great caravan was
his outstanding achievements as organised; no multitude of
Khalifa, was a personification of splendidly dressed guards were
simplicity. His clothing consisted designated to accompany him.
of a simple shirt made of coarse Instead the travelling party
cloth. He would take bread, made consisted of little more than a
of non-sifted flour generally with camel and a servant. When it
olive oil. Meat or any other good came to the issue of who would sit
food would rarely be present on on the camel, Hadhrat Umar(ra), a
his dining spread. Once a stickler for absolute equality,
companion, Utba bin Farqad, said insisted on the servant taking
that should he choose to take turns to sit while he walked and
better food the exchequer will not vice versa. He was simply dressed
be unduly affected. Hearing this as an ordinary person of the day.
Hadhrat Umar(ra) replied, ‘I am When he was received at Jabia
very sorry Utba that you want to near Jerusalem by the Muslim
induce me for worldly luxuries.’ Chiefs, he was offered a Turkish

The Review of Religions – November 2005 49


horse and better clothes. Hadhrat to take anything from Bait-ul-

Umar(ra) declined saying ‘Allah Maal but even funded some
has greatly honoured us with public projects from his own
Islam and that is quite sufficient pocket. Hadhrat Ali’s (ra)
for us.’ It was in this simple reluctance to allow even a penny
austere state that he entered from Bait-ul-Maal to be spent on
Jerusalem to formally take the him and his family is
city and sign the treaty. demonstrated by another inci-
dent. Here it is related that once a
This sense of simplicity was also tribute from Isfahan of honey and
mirrored by Hadhrat Ali(ra). He fat along with other items was
too would take simple food and received. Umme-Kalthum, one of
wear simple dress. He was known the daughters of Hadhrat Ali(ra)
to mend his own shoes. He would wanted some honey and fat and
always avoid rich food saying: ‘I obtained this from the Bait-ul-
do not want to make myself Maal. When Hadhrat Ali(ra) heard
habitual of rich food.’ Once in a of this he ordered the immediate
cold winter night he covered his return of the casks. When it was
body with an ordinary sheet but noted that some honey and fat had
was shivering. People, seeing him been consumed from it, he paid
in such a condition, asked why he for the difference from his own
did not fulfil his requirement pocket.
from Bait-ul-Maal2 adding, ‘You
and your family also have some This showed Hadhrat Ali’s (ra)
rights over it.’ In reply he said, ‘I scrupulous honesty and it was a
do not want anything for myself trait that was shared by Hadhrat
from your shares. I have brought Umar(ra). Of him it is written that
this sheet from Madinah.’ once, when he became ill, he was
advised to take honey. There
This reluctance of taking happened to be some honey in
anything from Bait-ul-Maal was Bait-ul-Maal. Instead of obtain-
also shared by Hadhrat Uthman(ra) ing it directly, Hadhrat Umar(ra)
before him who not only refused waited till people gathered for

50 The Review of Religions – November 2005


prayers in the mosque and asked someone had anticipated his visit
them if he could do so. Only then and supplied all her needs. One
did he take it. (Kanz-ul-Ummal day he went early to the house
Vol VI, p354) and found the person who visited
her was none other than the
How refreshing it is to learn of Khalifa of the time Hadhrat Abu
such honesty. Khulafa of Bakr(ra).
Khalifat-e-Rashida were, for all
intents and purposes, absolute This sense of compassion for
rulers. They reigned over both the others was in keeping with the
religious and temporal spheres of character of Hadhrat Abu Bakr (ra).
their people’s existence. If they He was, it is said, by nature meek
wanted to they could use and and tender-hearted and his eyes
abuse any power at their disposal. would frequently well up with
Yet they chose not to. Inspired by tears at the news of anyone who
the fear of God in their hearts, was in need or suffering. He
they were able to suppress all evil would go to the helpless and
temptations and were driven to needy without hesitation. He
rule with responsibility, honesty would make people’s cattle graze
and compassion. The genuine in the field and even milk their
concern and compassion for goats for them.
others they displayed is heart
rendering. Each one of the When he became Khalifa, a
Khulafa-e-Rashida displayed woman whose goats were milked
countless examples of this by him, came and said, ‘You have
compassion for the less fortunate. now become Khalifa who will
milk my goats?’ Hadhrat Abu
For example, it is related that Bakr(ra) comforted the lady and
during the Khilafat of Hadhrat replied, ‘You need not bother, the
Abu Bakr(ra) there lived an old responsibility of the Khilafat
blind woman in Madinah. cannot keep me away from
Hadhrat Umar(ra) would visit her serving the people.’ Thus Hadhrat
daily but always found that Abu Bakr(ra) continued to serve

The Review of Religions – November 2005 51


this lady and others in this way It is known that so vigilant was he
personally. to ensure that everyone under his
stewardship was looked after, that
This sense of duty of serving the he frequently went round at night
people was vividly displayed by to tend to people’s woes. Aslam,
Hadhrat Umar(ra). Tabari writes Hadhrat Umar’s(ra) slave, relates
on the authority of Hudhaifah: that once they came to a place
called Sarar about 3 miles from
‘It was Umar’s daily routine Madinah. There Hadhrat Umar(ra)
to visit the home of soldiers saw a woman cooking something
who were on the battlefield and her children crying around
and ask their womenfolk if her. The woman said that she did
they had to make any not have any food and to help
purchase from the bazaar he calm the children she was
would do it for them. They pretending to cook. There was
would send their maids and nothing in the pot apart from
Hadhrat Umar would make water. The Khalifa was deeply
the purchases and hand over moved. He immediately returned
to them. When a message to Madinah, took a pack of flour,
came from the battlefield, meat, butter and dates from the
bringing letters from soldiers, Bait-ul-Maal and told Aslam to
the Khalifa would himself load them on his back. Aslam
deliver them at their homes offered to carry them for him.
and tell the inmates that the ‘Yes,’ replied the Khalifa, ‘but on
messenger would return on the Day of Judgement you will
such and such date, and they not be there to carry my burden
should keep their letters ready for me.’ So he carried the load
by that time. He would himself himself and placed the provisions
supply paper, pen and ink, and before the woman. She cooked
when there was no literate and baked bread while the
person in a family, he would Khalifa tended to the fire. When
himself sit outside the door the food was ready, the children
and write to their dictation.’ ate and started to play about.

52 The Review of Religions – November 2005


Hadhrat Umar(ra) saw their joy and and was told that it was the wife
left contented. The woman in throes of childbirth. Hadhrat
thanked him and said, ‘May God Umar(ra) came home, took his wife
bless you! In truth you are better Hadhrat Umme Kalthum(ra) with
fitted to be a Khalifa than Umar.’ him and, with the Bedouin’s
(Kanz-ul-Ummal Vol VI, p343) permission, sent her into the tent.
A little later the child was born
Once Hadhrat Umar (ra) was and Hadhrat Umme-Kalthum(ra)
feeding some people when he saw called out, ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen3
a man eating with the left hand. congratulate your friend!’ On
Hadhrat Umar(ra) asked him to use hearing the words ‘Ameer-ul-
his right hand upon which the Momineen’, the Bedouin became
man replied that he had lost its startled and sat down in a
use in the battle of Yarmuk. The respectful manner. ‘Never mind’,
Khalifa was deeply touched. He said Hadhrat Umar(ra) ‘come to me
sad down by his side, said a few tomorrow and I shall give a
kind words and then asked him if stipend for the baby.’
he needed any help on a daily
basis. Accordingly, Hadhrat This sense of duty to the people is
Umar(ra) gave him a servant to also illustrated by another
wait upon him and attend to his incident that took place in the
needs of washing and dressing. Khilafat of Hadhrat Ali (ra). Here it
(Kanz-ul-Ummal Vol VI, p354) is related that one day while
Hadhrat Ali(ra) was walking on a
On another occasion, Hadhrat road side near the market of Kufa,
Umar(ra) was once making his a man who had come from
rounds at night when he saw a outside took Hadhrat Ali(ra) for a
Bedouin sitting outside the door labourer and asked him to carry
of his tent. The Khalifa sat down his luggage. Hadhrat Ali(ra) did so.
with him and opened a As they progressed along the
conversation when suddenly a cry streets, someone recognised him
issued from inside the tent. and addressed him with the words
Hadhrat Umar(ra) asked who it was ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen.’ The out-

The Review of Religions – November 2005 53


sider, on realising his mistake, armour, he could have easily

began to apologise but Hadhrat snatched it by force but this would
Ali(ra) was to have none of it. He have been unlawful. So Hadhrat
said, ‘You need not apologise Ali(ra) chose to take the matter
because I think it is my duty to through the proper judicial process
help them who require help.’ and made his claim before a Qadi4.
The Qadi, in accordance with the
This sense of selfless duty was law, asked Hadhrat Ali(ra) for proof
deeply rooted in all the Khulafa- of ownership. Hadhrat Ali(ra) could
e-Rashida and was a key feature not produce any such proof and so
that made them such outstanding the case was dismissed even
leaders of their day. Another though it was being made by the
prominent feature was their sense Khalifa of the time. Hadhrat Ali(ra)
of justice. It should be noted that had no option but to accept the
the Holy Qur’an does not verdict which hid did. However,
advocate any specific system of the Jew was so impressed with this
Government. What it does sense of equality and standard of
advocate is that system of justice that he accepted Islam.
Government, in whatever form, to
conduct itself fairly and with a This same sense of justice was
high degree of justice. This sense also displayed during the Khilafat
of fairness and justice was not lost of Hadhrat Umar(ra). It is recorded
on the Khulafa-e-Rashida. They that Hadhrat Umar(ra) took great
recognised that if fairness and care to impress the principle of
justice was truly to be applied then absolute equality of everyone
they were no different to anyone before the law. He himself went to
else before the law. This was court on several occasions as a
beautifully illustrated by an party to suits. Once he had a
incident during the Khilafat of dispute with Ubayy bin Ka’b who
Hadhrat Ali(ra). Here it is related lodged a suit against the Khalifa in
that once a Jew stole Hadhrat the court of Zaid bin Thabit.
Ali’s(ra) armour. When the Khalifa Hadhrat Umar(ra) appeared as a
later saw the offender with his defendant. Zaid showed him

54 The Review of Religions – November 2005


honour. ‘This is your first ‘He was noble minded and

injustice’, said Hadhrat Umar(ra) powerful. Whatever he would say
who then sat down alongside would be decisive. His decisions
Ubayy. Ubayy had no proof and were always based upon justice.
Hadhrat Umar (ra) denied the Light of knowledge would come
complaint. According to usage, out from his every side. He hated
the plaintiff desired that Hadhrat the world and its captivity. He
Umar(ra) take an oath. In view of used to live among us as we do.
the defendant’s position as When we would ask something he
Commander of the Faithful, Zaid would reply. He would keep us to
requested Ubayy to waive the right him and would keep himself to us.
of oath. Hadhrat Umar (ra) was He took care of the poor… He
annoyed at this partiality saying to would respect the religious
Zaid, ‘If Umar and any other man people. He never allowed the
are not equal in your eyes, you are powerful persons to have lust for
not fit for the post of a judge.’ wrong and did never disappoint
the weak in getting justice. I often
It was this kind of sincere, selfless, saw him weeping alone at night
compassionate and just conduct by and uttering ‘O world thou cans’t
Khulafa-e-Rashida that exhorted cheat me, thou art posing as if
praise even from their enemies. thou lovest me, but I know. I
The tributes paid to Hadhrat divorce thee thrice.’
Umar(ra) for his excellence of
leadership by non-Muslims is well Hearing these words, Amir
documented. Of Hadhrat Ali(ra), the Muawiya began to weep and said,
following passage is relevant. ‘May Allah have mercy upon
Once Amir Muawiya, who had Abul Hasan. By Allah he was
been an implacable foe of Hadhrat exactly as you say.’
Ali(ra) during his Khilafat, asked
Zirar Sadayee about the qualities This then was the golden period
of Hadhrat Ali(ra). In his reply Zirar of the early Islam surpassed only
replied: by the life of the Holy Prophet(sa)
itself. These Khulafa, through

The Review of Religions – November 2005 55


their righteous conduct, e-Rashida, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir

demonstrated the true art of good Ahmad(ru). In his first address
leadership. They were absolute after becoming Khalifa he said,
rulers and had absolute power.
Power, it is said, corrupts, and ‘It is true that I am not
absolute power corrupts absolute- answerable to you, nor to
ly. This may be true except in the anyone else, nor to any
case of Khilafat because here that individual of the Community.
absolute power is perfectly But this is no freedom. For
balanced by another absolute now I am directly answerable
inherent in the incumbent – the to my Lord. You can be
absolute fear and love of God. unaware of my faults, for you
have no access to my heart.
Were this not so, then Hadhrat You know neither the
Umar(ra) would not have been apparent, nor the hidden. But
driven to go out at night to ensure my Lord sees through the
that his subjects were looked inmost depths of my heart. If
after, Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) would any pleas are false, He shall
not have milked the lady not accept them. Only such
Bedouin’s goats and were this not decisions will be approved by
so then Hadhrat Uthman(ra) would Him which I take sincerely,
not have gladly sacrificed his life with full faith in Him and
in defending the institution of regardful of His fear. So my
Khilafat and Hadhrat Ali(ra) would neck, freed from the hold of
not have carried the luggage of an weak mortals is now in the
ordinary citizen when asked to do grip of the Sovereign Lord of
so. this universe and is bent low
before Him.
This overarching sentiment of the
fear of Allah that dominates every This is not a light burden. My
action of the Khalifa, was vividly whole being is trembling
expressed by the fourth successor under its crushing weight. The
of the second period of Khilafat- idea that my Lord be pleased

56 The Review of Religions – November 2005


with me overwhelms me. How remained quiet after mentioning

I wish that He may let me live its advent. It is, therefore,
only to that moment until I am incumbent on us to recognise the
able to walk in the ways of His true value of this noble institution
pleasure! How I wish that He so that we and our future
may grant me power to desist generations, can remain under its
from thinking and doing canopy and become the recipients
anything even for a moment of the innumerable blessings
which is against His pleasure associated with this reward of
and that such a notion may Allah.
never cross my mind… ’
(Ahmadi Muslims p.123-124)

Khilafat is a reward from Allah to References

those believers who do good. A 1. Predawn supererogatory prayer
Divine reward for goodness 2. The Treasury
cannot be one except infused with 3. Commander of the Faithful
goodness itself. And so is the case 4. Judge
with the reward of Khilafat. It
becomes vested in such noble and
saintly individuals whose duty to
God compels them to lead with
compassion, justice, scrupulous
honesty and bring nothing but
good to the people they serve.

That Khilafat-e-Rashida is with

us once again and according to
the Hadith cited at the opening of
this article. It is to remain with us
forever. This is because the Holy
Prophet(sa) did not speak of it
coming to an end and instead

The Review of Religions – November 2005 57

I Answer the Prayer of the Supplicant
when he Prays to Me
By Harris Maguire – London UK

his article is about the gracious Hillingdon Hospital, with a severe

T acceptance of my prayers
relating to the miraculous recovery
allergic reaction to a neurofen
tablet taken the night before. As the
of my father-in-law from a major days passed the reaction got worse
illness. It is a testament to the and moved from a normal allergic
beauty and power of prayer; that reaction to Steven Johnson
blessed mercy which Allah has Syndrome, a severe allergy caused
bestowed on mankind. by an immune deficiency. Several
times during the first two weeks
It should be noted that I am by no when he was in Intensive Care on a
means suggesting that my father- ventilator (life support machine)
in-law was cured from what I did, we were warned that he was on the
as I was only one of many who balance of life and death; that only
performed such pious deeds as time would tell which side he
fasting, praying and giving alms. would fall. Everyday, a new hurdle
All the fasting, the alms and the came along which seemed to tip
prayers throughout the night that I him towards the latter. However,
did; none of these can equal the by the Power and Grace of Allah, it
prayers that Hadhrat Khalifatul has been overturned and he has
Masih V offered for my father-in- been granted an almost full
law. recovery. Alhamdulillah. (All
praise belongs to Allah.)
Recently my father-in-law, Mansur
ul haq Khan Sahib was rushed to I was at work on 6th May 2005
the Accident and Emergency, when my wife informed me that

58 The Review of Religions – November 2005


her father had been rushed to that only He could restore my

Accident & Emergency with father-in-law’s health. Looking
severe rashes all over the body, through the Bukhari compilation
swelling of the lips and a very of Traditions of the Holy
high temperature. The next day I Prophet(sa) for an appropriate du’a
began fasting by way of (supplication) to use, I found the
beseeching Allah to save my following which felt very apt.
father-in-law, as I had found in the
past great blessings from fasting Hadhrat Ayesha (ra) relates that
in the hope of winning Allah’s whenever Allah’s Messenger (sa)
favour of acceptance of my paid a visit to a patient or a patient
prayer. was brought to him, he used to
invoke Allah with these words:
During that first week, I took time
off work and from midnight till ‘O Allah, Lord of mankind,
dawn when my fast would begin I take away the illness. Cure
would offer nawafil (voluntary him as You are the One Who
prayers) one after the other. cures. There is no cure but
During my prayers I asked so many Yours, a cure that leaves no
things of Allah, everything I could disease.’
think of covering every possible (Bukhari)
situation. How I thought of all
these things I am not too sure, I also read another Tradition
how I had the energy and wherein Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (ra)
willpower to continue to pray for narrates that the Holy Prophet(sa)
three hours each night I am said, ‘There is no disease that
uncertain but of course when Allah has sent down except that
people you care deeply for are He also has sent down its
unwell your life changes and so cure.’(Bukhari)
does the way you act.
On the 8th May, I got the call
I knew that Allah is the best while at home that they had to
Healer, that to Him do we belong perform a surgical procedure on
and to Him do we return. I knew my father-in-law which involved

The Review of Religions – November 2005 59


inserting a tube down his throat But we were informed that an

into his lungs to clear them out. electrocardiogram had been done
This was quite risky because if prior to this procedure which
performed under general revealed that he had had a mild
anaesthetic there could be possible heart attack as there was some
brain damage and otherwise it damage to his heart. As he already
would be very painful if performed suffers from angina due to two
without anaesthesia. narrowing arteries, this was
another blow and yet another
I prayed for Allah to guide the complication.
doctors to make the right decision.
I also prayed for Allah to give I was looking for further
them knowledge of the human supplications to make which I
body as He created man and is All- found in the book Welcome to
Knowing. I asked that the Ahmadiyya, the true Islam by Dr.
procedure be done so easily that Karimullah Zirvi in the form of
even the doctors would be amazed the Istikharah prayer – a prayer of
and asked that father would have the Holy Prophet(sa) when in need
the strength from Allah to bear of Divine guidance. I performed
whatever burden he had to do. two raka’ats of prayer and said the
du’a in English, as my Arabic is
Later I got the phone call from my quiet poor due to my inability to
wife to say everything had gone learn languages well. I did read
well, that my father-in-law had the phonetic verse as best I could,
been extremely helpful and a very hoping that Allah would see my
good patient. They managed to put intention and the fact that I was an
the tube through the nose as the English convert who had not beent
mouth was too swollen to do it that taught Arabic as a child. I went to
way. I was totally amazed and sleep that night and did indeed get
immediately offered prayers of a response from Allah in the form
thanksgiving. Everything I had of a dream. I saw my father-in-law
spoken to Allah about and asked of come home well and he sat by me
Him seemed to have been granted. on the bed and told me that he had
It was a truly amazing feeling. become a Sufi Ahmadi Muslim.

60 The Review of Religions – November 2005


He explained to me his reason The next day he was a lot better

which was that an Iranian doctor and was in better spirits. Again it
had cured him of his disease. seemed that my prayers had been
As the days went by father seemed
to get worse and worse and it On the 20th of May my father-in-
looked out of place to even law was finally moved from
mention this dream to anyone as it Hillingdon to Mount Vernon, a
seemed so unrealistic that he could specialist hospital in burn victims.
walk home whilst seeing him in So when he was moved there we
the Intensive Care Unit wired to all had hoped that now all would be
those machines and tubes, in pain cleared up. The next day he had
and unable to talk or unable to four angina attacks, which Mount
breathe properly. Vernon was unable to treat so that
he had to be rushed back to
I found the following tradition Hillingdon via ambulance.
narrated by Hadhrat Anas bin
Malik(ra) in which Holy Prophet(sa) I prayed for him and his heart
is reported to have said: condition and for Allah to
safeguard him and kept repeating,
‘None of you should wish for as I always did in every raka’at of
death because of a calamity every prayer, the du’a asking for
befalling him but if he has to Allah to remove the ailment
wish for death, he should say: completely. Also at hospital and at
“O Allah! Keep me alive as home I would read the Holy
long as life is better for me and Qur’an from Surah Ya Sin
let me die if death is better for (Chapter 36) onwards which was
me.”’ (Bukhari) very apt to the situation and
brought hope and understanding
I said a prayer for my father-in-law to this situation.
along these lines adding that if his
time is set then let it come quickly The next day his angina attack had
otherwise give him a speedy ceased and on 24th May he was
recovery. moved back to Mount Vernon and

The Review of Religions – November 2005 61


there he made great recovery from thee about Me, say, I am near.
his skin damage. It is amazing to I answer the prayer of the
think that he lost 60% of his skin supplicant when he prays to
and did not get any infection and Me. So they should hearken to
has survived this ordeal. We were Me and believe in Me, that
surprised when, within a week, they may follow the right way.
they said he could go home. All (Ch.2:V.187)
praise belongs to Allah, Lord of
all the Worlds. I chose the line, I answer the
prayer of the supplicant when he
This is proof of the amazing prays to Me, from the verse of the
blessings in following Allah’s Holy Qur’an above as the title of
ways – fasting, giving alms and this article because it is all about
especially prayer – because for my the acceptance of prayers. My
father-in-law to survive all the heart cries from immense love that
health problems he experienced Allah shows to mankind when all
day after day to me is nothing man has to do is follow His simple
short of miraculous. and beneficial teachings. May
Allah keep us all in the right path
I kept asking in my prayer based with sincere and constant prayers
on what I believe I heard Hadhrat at all times as prescribed by Allah
Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) say in a Himself and forgive us our faults.
Question and Answer Session that Ameen.
converts should ask in their prayer
for Allah to show them signs. I
kept asking for Allah to show me,
as a convert, a sign of His Power,
to show all, how much can be
done through prayer and fasting. I
am amazed how much I have
witnessed with my own eyes. As it
says in the Holy Qur’an:

And when My servants ask

62 The Review of Religions – November 2005

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