Does God Exist? by Mansoor Saqi, UK .........................................................
Does God Exist? by Mansoor Saqi, UK .........................................................
Does God Exist? by Mansoor Saqi, UK .........................................................
Notes & Comment Religious Freedom: Even basic religious rights are being denied
not just by religious extremists but by governments – by Mahmood Hanif, UK ................ 3
Message from Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Message from the Head of the
worldwide Ahmadiyya Community to the 23rd World Religious conference in Canada .. 6
The Essence of Islam, Vol.1 part II What is religion and what are the signs of its
truth? Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) – the Promised Messiah and Mahdi................... 14
Al-Hayy – The Living God The prime attribute of God that makes God worshipable.
God lives today as He did before – by Naeem Ahmad ........................................................ 33
Death on the Cross? Ten undeniable proofs that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross
– by Abiel Atta Jallaudhri. ................................................................................................... 46
The Prophet Promised Through Moses (as), Jesus(as) or Muhammad (sa)? – part II
Continuing the look at the biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa) – by Dr. A.R.
Bhutta, Nigeria. .................................................................................................................... 57
Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1
The question ‘Does God exist?’ has Religions there is an article entitled
been debated by philosophers and ‘In search of the Existence of God’.
theologians for centuries. Large This is the based on a presentation
sections of society have always given at the World Religions
believed in God. There are those Conference held in Canada last
who do not subscribe to any year. Several arguments based on
particular faith but affirm that they the Holy Qur’an, are put forward as
do believe in some kind of deity. proof of the existence of God. The
Religious belief gives a framework article argues that God has revealed
by which to live one’s life. All faiths Himself through the prophets and
address the individual and the messengers of God. It demonstrates
community at large and this the importance of considering
includes how to understand one’s historical evidence and also of
responsibilities to one’s fellow personal experience. The author
beings. As such, religion is very also states the importance of
relevant to the world today. considering the testimonies of those
who lived at the time of the
Recent developments in science, prophets, ‘All those prophets …
especially in molecular biology and were indeed credible people and
biomedical engineering have moved their lives were pure and no one
the capabilities of mankind into as could ever challenge their integrity.’
yet unknown areas and has
highlighted the need for an ethical Belief in the existence of God is not
dimension by which to consider a mystical requirement of faith. It
how these new technologies can be can be approached using reason and
of benefit rather than detriment to logic. In addition, a genuine desire
society. It is religion that provides to find God on the part of the seeker
these guidelines. also has a significant role to play.
Mansoor Saqi – UK
But how does one approach the
question of the existence of God? In
this issue of The Review of
First, I will present a central theme, that the idea of God has evolved
and then I will give seven during the last 10 to 12 thousand
arguments based on the Holy years. Contrary to this belief, the
Qur’an, the holy scripture of the Holy Qur’an says that as God is the
Islamic religion in proof of the Creator of this universe and the
existence of God. Creator of life on our planet, so it is
He Who initially revealed about
I quote from the Holy Qur’an: Himself. He did not create
humankind and leave them alone
Eyes cannot reach Him but He wondering whether there was a
reaches the eyes. And He is the creator or not. He created them and
Incomprehensible, the All- then guided them to Himself.
(Ch6:V.104) Many scholars suggest that idea of
God has evolved over time from
Most scholars and philosophers, different gods to one God. Muslims
who have written about the history believe that God has revealed
of humankind of the basis on Himself through the prophets and
anthropology or archeology, believe messengers of God. God has shown
His countenance and put His love in above the people.(Ch.6: V.87)
the hearts of people. So God did not
need to be discovered but revealed On the basis of the fore mentioned
Himself. verses, Muslims believe in all the
previousprophets. Some 28 are
Now, I will present some verses mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. But
from the Holy Qur’an to prove the really, there were some 124,000
existence of God: prophets sent to humankind in the
past, according to a saying of the
And that is Our argument which Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad
We gave to Abraham against his (on whom be peace and blessings of
people. We exalt in degrees of Allah). The Holy Qur’an says that
rank whomso We please. Thy God sent prophets to every nation
Lord is indeed Wise, All- and land. There were prophets not
Knowing. only in the Middle East, but
(Ch.6: V.84) everywhere else – amongst the
natives of North and South
And We gave him Isaac and America, the aboriginals of
Jacob; each did We guide Australia, in China and so on.
aright, and Noah did We guide
aright aforetime, and of his As such Muslims believe in all
progeny, David and Solomon those prophets. Muslims believe in
and Job and Joseph and Moses all the religions which are based on
and Aaron. Thus do We reward the revelation of God.
those who do good.
(Ch.6: V.85) The argument as a proof of the
existence of God in these verses is
And We guided Zachariah and that all those people, whether they
John and Jesus and Elias; each are living in North America or
one of them was of the virtuous. Australia or in the Middle East or in
(Ch.6: V.86) Africa, or any other part of the
world have a concept of God. All
And We also guided Ishmael those prophets, who presented to
and Elisha and Jonah and Lot; them the concept of God were
and each one did We exalt indeed credible people and their
coincidence that all the prophets The argument here is the acceptance
(without exception) were, in the of prayer. There are so many people
final analysis, victorious? And all in this very hall today that can give
their enemies were defeated? this testimony that they have prayed
Indeed it is a convincing argument to God and that their prayers were
in favor of the existence of God accepted. Whether they are
Almighty. God was certainly Christians or Jews or Sikhs or
behind them all the way. It was Hindus or Muslims or belong to any
really the force of God, Almighty other religion. I can give you my
working for the final victories of own testimony and the testimony of
His chosen prophets. my community, the Ahmadiyya
Muslim community. We are strong
The Pharaoh is reported in the Holy believers in the power of prayers. On
Qur’an as: a daily basis we pray. We often pray
for the most difficult things in our
Saying, ‘I am your Lord, the lives and we have seen, how God
most high.’ So Allah seized him has resolved those difficult
for the punishment of the problems. If there were no God,
Hereafter and the present Who was listening to those prayers
world.’ and Who was solving those difficult
(Ch.79: VS.25-26) problems?
His attributes. It is a great mistake cause of truth who restored the lost
to attribute human weaknesses to verities to the world. No prophet
God; for instance, that He cannot shares with him the pride that he
create something from nothing. found the whole world in darkness
Man's being is limited and God's and by his advent that darkness
Being is unlimited. By the power gave place to light [Lecture Sialkot
of His Being, He can create entitled ‘Islam’, (Sialkot, Mufid
another being. This is of the Aam Press, 1904); Now published
essence of Godhead. He is not in Ruhani Khazain (London,
dependent upon matter for the 1984), Vol. 20, pp. 1-5].
exercise of any of His attributes,
for had that been so, He would not First of all it is necessary to set out
be God. Nothing can obstruct what is the reality of Islam, what
Him. If He were to desire to create are the means of arriving at that
a heaven and earth instantly, He reality and what are the fruits of
would be able to do so. Of the following that reality; for this
Hindus those who, in addition to knowledge is essential for the
knowledge, partook of spirituality purpose of understanding many
also and were not committed to mysteries. It would be of great
bare logic, never believed that benefit for our opponents that they
concerning God which the Aryas should study these matters with
set forth today. This is the result of attention, for many of the doubts
the lack of spirituality altogether. which assail their minds are the
result of their failure to reflect
All this corruption, some of which upon the complete and perfect
is unmentionable and is opposed reality of Islam, its sources and its
to human purity, was an indication fruits. . . . The opponents of
of the need of Islam. Every religion also would benefit greatly
reasonable person is bound to by this study. They would
confess that a short while before understand what religion is and
Islam, all other faiths had become what are the signs of its truth.
corrupt and had lost all spirituality.
The Holy Prophet, peace be on In the idiom of Arabic, Islam
him, was a great reformer in the means money paid as earnest to
mother’s love for her children is Muslims are reminded that the
the result of a natural impulse. real purpose in life is to do good
Her sacrifices and the hardships to humanity. They are expected
she willingly suffers for her to be torchbearers and contribute
children are prompted by no to the betterment of their
hope of return or appreciation. respective communities and
They spring from the natural other peoples. If they do this,
fountain of love which God has they will remain the best of
implanted in her nature. mankind for therein lies their
greatness; greatness propor-
In addition to the three tionate to the magnitude of their
commandments, the verse also service to humanity.
contains three prohibitions of
vices and evils to which man can The moral values inculcated by
fall victim. These relate not only these, and similar, verses of the
to that which causes harm and Holy Qur’an were illustrated in
injury to the self but also that their perfection by the Holy
which would constitute an Prophet(sa) so that mankind could
infringement of the rights of benefit alike from his precept and
others in society and which can from his example. He had been
also do them positive harm. raised as a manifestation of
God’s mercy to mankind:
This subject matter is presented
beautifully by another verse of And We have sent thee not
the Holy Qur’an which assigns a but as a mercy for all
great status to Muslims: peoples.
(Ch.21: V.108)
You are the best people raised
for the good of mankind; you God had called him a mercy for
enjoin good and forbid evil mankind and so indeed did he
and believe in Allah… prove himself in every respect.
(Ch.3: V.111) His mercy and humanity were
all-embracing, without limit and
This comforting advice of: And let him, who worships Allah;
‘Grieve not: verily, God is with know that Inna Allahu Hayyun la
us’ was to have far reaching yamoot. That Allah is ever living
consequences. When by the and shall never die. This had an
decree of Allah the Holy electrifying effect upon all
Prophet(sa) passed away from this present. Hadhrat Umar(ra) started
world, his companions went into a sobbing with grief and relief!
state of shock! His advent was so
momentous; the change in their The Promised Messiah as) wrote:
lives had been so profound that
they could not face the trauma of ‘Our God is One, Who is
his death. No less a personage living today as He was living
than Hadhrat Umar Farooq (ra), before. And He speaks today
thought that the Holy Prophet(sa) as He spoke before and He
had just fainted. He stood outside hears today as heard before.
the Prophet’s(sa) Mosque with a He both hears and speaks. All
drawn sword threatening to His attributes are eternal and
punish those who persisted in everlasting. None of His
believing otherwise. Hadhrat attributes has fallen into
Abu Bakr (ra) hastened to the disuse or will fall into
Mosque, comforted Hadhrat disuse…. He manifests
U m a r (ra) and said: ‘And Himself through His powers
Muhammad is only a Messenger. and His signs and we can find
Verily, all Messengers have Him only through Him. He
passed away before him. If then manifests Himself always to
he die or be slain, will you turn the righteous and shows them
back on your heels? And he who His powers. That is how He is
turns back on his heels shall not recognised and that is how the
harm Allah at all. And Allah will path is recognised which has
certainly reward the grateful’ His approval’.
(Ch.3:V.145). He added, ‘Let him, (Al-Wasiyyat)
who worshipped Muhammad(sa),
know that Muhammad(sa) is dead.
I also give life and cause death. the dead back to life?’ God
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I has said, ‘Dost thou not believe?’
explained that the king claimed to Abraham said, ‘Yes, but I ask
have caused townships to grow this that my heart be at ease.’
and decline by moving of location God answered, ‘Take four birds
of state functions. Hadhrat and make them attached to
Abraham(as) retorted that Allah thee. Then put each of them on
brings the sun from the East, a hill then call them: they will
bring it thou from the West. As the come to thee in haste. And
king was a sun worshipper, he know that Allah is Mighty,
could not claim any control over Wise.’
the sun and consequently realised (Ch.2:V.261)
that he had no control over life or
death, in any form, either. Allah has bestowed this attribute
Thereupon the infidel was of revivification of lost souls upon
dumbfounded. In the next verse His chosen servants throughout
Allah relates the story of a the ages. Hadhrat Jesus(as) was
prophet of Banu Israel, possibly given this power
Ezekiel who witnessed the ruins
of the freshly devastated town, he And I will quicken the dead by
was overcome with pathos and the command of Allah.
wondered when would Allah (Ch.3:V.50)
bring that town back to life. Then
God showed him a vision of a This, of course pertains to the
hundred years hence when the marvelous moral transformation
town has been reborn, and thus that a prophet of God brings about
demonstrated a manifestation of in the lives of his followers.
His attribute of Al Hayy, in Consider the present day
respects of cities and population evangelical movements that claim
centers. The next verse relates to to make their adherents as ‘born
the revival of nations and peoples. again’ Christians.
And when Abraham said, ‘My For the Holy Prophet(sa), Allah has
Lord show me how you bring made the special dispensation in
44 The Review of Religions – March 2004
Al-Hayy – The Living God
the cross as the accursed of God. himself to be the King of the Jews.
The governor, Pilate was not
The Christians also believe that convinced of his guilt but being
Jesus(as) was hanged on the Cross influenced by the tumult of the
and died an accursed death. Says multitude he delivered Jesus(as) to be
Paul: crucified. They put him on the
Cross where he remained, at the
‘Christ hath redeemed us from utmost, for three or four hours only
the curse of the law, being made and then was taken down in a
a curse for us: for it is written, swoon and placed in a sepulchre in
cursed is every one that hangeth a garden nearby.
on a tree’.
(Galatians 3: 13). Now in those days it took several
days for criminals to die on the
But the Holy Qur’an declares that Cross. They suffered the pangs of
Christ did not die on the Cross. God hunger and thirst and in most cases
saved him from death by cru- their legs were broken. They died a
cifixion in the same way as He lingering death extending over
saved His dear ones from several days. But it was not so in
tribulations. Did not Jonah the the case of Jesus Christ (as).
Prophet come out alive from the Incidentally, he was put on the
belly of the whale? The fact of the Cross on a Friday afternoon. The
matter is that Jesus Christ(as) only following being the Sabbath day -a
fell into a swoon on the Cross, but day of religious observance by the
when he was taken down from it, he Jews – no criminal could remain on
recovered and then died a natural the Cross on that Holy day, so he
death at the good old age of 120. was taken down from it after about
three or four hours. The loss of
On the strength of their belief that blood from the wounds caused him
Jesus(as) was a false prophet, the to fall into a swoon. He was taken
Jews, particularly the Pharisees of for a dead man. His body was
his time, brought serious political placed in a spacious sepulchre in a
charges against him alleging that he garden by Joseph of Arimathaea,
was disloyal to the Roman his own disciple. Jesus being still
Emperor, and that he claimed alive in the sepulchre, left it on the
Jesus Christ (as) is said here to give a belly of the fish and the heart of the
sign to the people of his own time earth and coming out alive. Both
as Jonas, the prophet, had given to Jonah and Jesus(as) cried by reason
the Ninevites? Now what was the of their respective afflictions and
sign given by Jonas to the prayed to their Lord for
Ninevites? The Bible says: deliverance. The prayers of both
were heard. If Jesus(as) did not enter
‘Now the Lord had prepared a the heart of the earth (sepulchre)
great fish to swallow up Jonah. alive, and come out alive, where is
And Jonah was in the belly of the resemblance of the two signs?
the fish three days and three Jesus promised to show only one
nights. Then Jonah prayed unto sign to the generation of his time,
the Lord his God out of the fish’s but even if that sign be not proved
belly. And said, 1 cried by to be true, is there anything also to
reason of mine affliction unto prove the truth of his claim to be a
the Lord, and he heard me; out prophet? Jesus’(as) reference to the
of the belly of hell cried I, and sign of Jonah simply means that he
thou heardest, my voice’. would not die on the Cross.
(Jonah 1: 17 and 2: 1, 2). Therefore, there is every reason to
believe that the swoon theory is not
According to this verse in the Bible, based on a wrong hypothesis.
Jonah was swallowed up by a big
fish where he remained three days II - Pilate’s wife sees a dream
and three nights and then came out ‘When he was set down on the
alive from the belly of the fish. It Judgement seat, his wife sent
was a sign given to the Ninevites. unto him, saying, Have you
Jonah prayed to God for nothing to do with that just man
deliverance while in the belly of the (Jesus): for I have suffered
fish. The Lord heard his prayer and many things this day in a dream
Jonah came out alive. Jesus(as) says because of him’.
that no sign shall be given to the (Matthew 27: 19)
evil and adulterous generation of
his time except that of Jonas. Now The lady’s dream was really true
what is the resemblance between and quite opportune. It purports to
the two signs of Jonas and Jesus(as). mean that Christ be saved from the
It is nothing but going alive into the accursed death on the Cross. God
The Review of Religions – March 2004 49
Death on the Cross
saves his dear ones by means of unto you the King of the Jews?
dreams of others as was the case Then cried they all again,
with Joseph who was released from saying, Not this man, but
jail having interpreted the two Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a
dreams of Pharaoh. God wanted to robber’.
protect Jesus against his enemies, (John 18: 38, 40).
hence the dream of the Roman
governor’s wife which influenced And from thenceforth Pilate
his judgement. sought to release him: but the
Jews cried out, saying, If thou
III - The Roman Governor’s let this man go, thou art not
sympathetic attitude Caesar’s friend: whosoever
The Jews presented the case of maketh himself a king speaketh
Jesus Christ (as) to Pilate, the Roman against Caesar’.
Governor of Palestine. He held a (John 19: 12).
judicial inquiry into the case and
declared that he was not guilty of From the references given above, it
the charges brought against him. He is evident that the Governor regards
said unto them: Jesus(as) innocent of all the charges
brought against him by the Jews, he
‘Ye have brought this man unto tries his utmost to release him but
me as one that perverteth the when the Jews threatened to report
people: and behold, I, having him to the Caesar in Rome he
examined him before you, have yielded to them and handed Jesus (as)
found no fault in this man over to them. But secretly he took
touching those things where of measures to see that Jesus should be
ye accuse him.’ saved. He had his wife’s dream
(Luke 23: 14). before him and he knew full well
that the chief priests had delivered
He went out again unto the Jews him in envy.
and said unto them, 1 find in
him no fault at all. But ye have IV-Pilate’s scheme to save Christ
a custom, that I should release Pilate, the Governor, was
unto you one at the passover: thoroughly convinced of the
will ye, therefore, that I release innocence of Jesus Christ. He
dead man while actually he was in a fled from the scene of the
state of swoon, or just to silence the crucifixion.
angry Jews he was declared to be a
‘dead’ man. But one of the soldiers ‘But he began to curse and to
incidentally ‘pierced his side and swear saying, I know not this
forthwith there came out blood and man (Jesus) of whom you
water’, which is a surer sign of life speak’.
for blood and water do not gush out (Mark 14:71)
of a dead man’s body. There is
much food for thought for those ‘And they forsook him (Jesus)
who care to ponder over it. and fled’.
(Mark 14: 50)
VII-No eye-witness of crucifixion
Three writers of the Gospels state To be brief, there was no one
that there was darkness over all the present on the scene who could
land from the sixth to the ninth hour definitely and certainly say that he
and that there was an earthquake saw Jesus(as) ‘giving up the ghost’.
and the rocks were rent and the veil This is all mere conjecture and
of the temple was rent in twain. It is imagination.
a matter of common experience at
the time of a severe dust-storm VIII-Jesus’ mission to the lost
accompanied by an earthquake, sheep of Israel
people generally hasten to go home 1. ‘For the Son of man is come
and they do not enjoy the luxury of to seek and to save that which
a bloody sight-seeing. Now imagine was lost’.
for a moment, who could stand an (Luke 19: 10).
eye-witness to tell the story that
Jesus actually died on the cross. 2. ‘And other sheep I have,
The Jews, if at all, there were any which are not of this fold: them
on the spot, must have run away at also I must bring, and they shall
the sight of the rising storm and the hear my voice; and there shall
shaking of the earth must have be one fold and one shepherd’.
frightened them to turn on their (John 10:16).
heels and hasten to their homes. As
to the disciples, they had already 3. ‘And he said unto them, I
that he was false in calling himself tribulations and trials. Says the New
the Messiah. They had in their Testament:
support, the Biblical statement that
‘he that is hanged is an accursed of ‘The effectual fervent prayer of
God’. (Duet. 21: 23). But if we a religious man availeth much.
believe that he was taken down Elias was a man subject to like
from the cross alive, (in a state of passions as we are, and he
swoon of course) and he entered the prayed earnestly that it might
heart of the earth alive and came out rain: and it rained not on the
of it alive, then he can rightly be earth by the space of three years
said to have overcome his enemies and six months. And he prayed
and frustrated all their evil designs. again and the, heavens gave
Jesus(as) says: rain, and the earth brought
forth her fruit’.
‘For as Jonas was a sign unto (James 5: 16-18).
the Ninevites, so shall also the
Son of man be to this Again we read:
(Luke 11:30) And Jesus lifted up his eyes and
said father I thank Thee that
In other words Jesus(as) said to the Thou hast heard me. And I knew
Jews that God Almighty would that Thou hearest me always:
save him from the clutches of death but because of the people which
in the same way as He had saved stand by I said it that they may
Jonah from the belly of the whale. believe that Thou hast sent me’.
The similarity between the two (John 11: 41, 42).
incidents can be real and genuine
only when Jesus(as) enters the heart And he said, Abba, Father, all
of the earth (grave) alive and comes things are possible unto Thee;
out alive. take away this cup from me:
nevertheless not what I will but
X-His Prayer was heard what Thou wilt’.
From the study of the Bible we (Mark 14:36)
learn that God listens to the prayers
of his apostles and saves them from From the quotations given above it
is clear that Jesus (as) was terribly enough to preach his mission to the
afraid of being put to the Cross, so lost sheep of the Israelites in the
he fervently prayed that the bitter East.
cup be taken away from him.
Jesus(as) passionately and fervently These arguments prove that the idea
prayed to God that he might be of the crucifixion of Christ cannot
saved the accursed death on the be justified even from the Biblical
Cross, how could he then, say that point of view. Therefore, it is
he had overcome the world; in case evident that the present Christian
he died on the Cross, the mission faith based on that erroneous idea,
of his whole life would come to can not hold ground.
naught and wrongdoers could
challenge his claim to
prophethood. The thought of death
on the Cross was simply grating
upon his soul. Being a righteous
prophet he was not afraid of mere
death; he was certainly afraid of
dying on the Cross as such a death
could be interpreted to mean an ERRATA
accursed death which was the very
In The Review of Religions of
negation of his prophetic mission.
April 2003 (p.15) and August
2003 (p.4). Hadhrat Mirza
‘In the days of his flesh, when he
had offered up prayers and
Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul
supplications with strong crying Masih III was described as the
and tears unto him that was ‘cousin’ brother of Hadhrat
able to save him from death and Mirza Tahir Ahmad,
was heard in that he feared’. Khalidatul Masih IV instead
(Hebrews 5:7). of ‘maternal step’ brother. We
trust that the above has
Hence we must presume that his abundantly cleared any
earnest prayer was, no doubt heard confusion in the minds of
and he miraculously escaped death some readers.
by crucifixion and lived long
prophet who can be called a prophet of the prophecy that ‘that prophet’
‘like Moses’ and who has actually could in no case be raised from the
been called so in the Holy Qur’an Israelites and that he could only
(Ch.73: v.16). come out of Gentiles. Here in this
verse, our conclusion about the
Another very outstanding feature Gentiles has been confirmed and
common between Moses (as) and narrowed down to one particular
Muhammad(sa), that further makes nation. We are told that out of
them resemble each other as Gentile nations, that prophet will be
prophets, is that God manifested raised from that particular nation
His mighty signs and powerful which can be called the ‘brethren of
glory through both of them when Israel’.
God made them victorious over
their very strong enemies, defeating Israel is not an ordinary nation.
and destroying the enemy They are regarded as the chosen
completely in the process. No such people of God; for any nation to be
power and might of God was regarded as their ‘brethren’ that
manifested through Jesus (as). On the nation must of necessity share and
contrary, it was the enemies of inherit something particular in
Jesus(as) , according to the New common with Israel. ‘Brethren’ is a
Testament, who over-powered him very specific and significant word
and put him on the Cross. and God would not have used it for
any people if He did not really
How can Jesus (as), therefore, be mean it.
called a prophet ‘like Moses’ when
every thing about him was unlike We know that the people of Israel
Moses(as)? are the descendants of Isaac(as) and
that they had been promised great
(ii) The second feature of that blessings of God through their
prophet, mentioned in the prophecy, forefather Abraham (as) . It is a
is that he shall be raised from the historical fact that the only people
‘brethren of Israel’. (Deut. 18: 18) who can be regarded as the physical
as well as the spiritual counterparts
Now it has already been discussed of Israelites, are the descendants of
and concluded from the background Ishmael or Ismail (as), the elder
This argument has no weight at all This is a very special feature of that
because Jesus (as) at least had a prophet. It not only proves that ‘that
mother who belonged to Israel. So, prophet’ will be a Lawgiver but also
if he had no father, then he would explains that the Law given through
wholly and solely belong to his that prophet will be in the form of
mother’s family. Moreover, not pure and precise words of God, and
having a father from Israel, does not that he shall speak out these words
of God only under the control and There is no such example reported in
command of God, without any the Gospels where Jesus(as) conveyed
contribution on his part. any exact words of God in the name
of God. On the contrary he clearly
This is exactly how the Holy declared that someone else will
Qur’an was revealed to the Holy come after him who will hear from
Prophet(sa) of Islam. The ‘words of God and convey us all the truth
God’ were actually put in his mouth (John 16:13). So we see that Jesus(as)
when, under the divine control, could not be the ‘prophet’ mentioned
verses of the Holy Qur’an issued in the prophecy of Moses(as).
forth from his holy mouth without
his personal effort or desire. (iv) Finally, God is reported to have
(Ch.53: Vs.4,5) said in that prophecy ‘whoever will
not pay heed to my word, which that
As far as Jesus is concerned, he was prophet will speak in my name, I
neither given any Law nor is there will myself require it of him’; and
any record of verbal revelation that then God went on to say: ‘but the
was ‘put in his mouth’. He, prophet who presumes to speak a
therefore, cannot answer this word in my name, which I have not
description of that prophet. commanded him to speak, that same
prophet shall die’.
Another interesting and important (Deut. 18:20)
point mentioned in this connection,
is that ‘that prophet will speak the Now here in these verses, God has
word of God in the name of God’. not only sounded a very serious note
It is indeed very inspiring to note of warning for both, the prophet and
that every chapter of the Holy the people, but also has provided a
Qur’an, except one, starts with the criterion for judging the truth of that
verse, ‘In the name of Allah, the prophet. We are told that God will
Gracious and Merciful’; and all punish the enemies of that prophet.
Muslims are required to recite this On the other hand, any false
verse before reciting any portion of claimant pretending to be that
the Holy Qur’an. prophet, shall also be punished, and
punished with death.
he did; and his enemies could not by his enemies. As such, he could
have been punished and destroyed, still be a true prophet, no doubt; but
the way they were. Consequently, he could be the Christ, Elijah or any
there is no escape from the obvious other prophet, new or old, but he
conclusion that the prophecy of could never be that particular
Moses(as) was fulfilled, not in the prophet who was destined to be
person of Jesus(as), the Christ, but saved and successful and whose
with the advent of Muhammad, the enemies were doomed to be
Holy Prophet of Islam (sa). defeated and destroyed.
[Editor’s Note:
It is sometimes argued that the
prophecy in Ch.18 of Deuteronomy
refers to the tribe of Levi who had
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