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Importance of On-Site Emergency Plan in

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Research Paper Engineering Volume : 4 | Issue : 10 | October 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X



Keywords Emergency, On-site emergency plan, emergency preparedness, hazardous process,

C S Vighnesh M. Neelesh Chandran

3rd Year, B.Tech Chemical Engineering, 2 3rd Year, M.Tech Chemical Engineering, (5 year
Sastra University, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu Integrated Course), Sastra University, Tanjore, Tamil
– Safety is an embedded process in the contemporary business scenario. It is an integral part of the busi-
ness and not an isolated indicator. Unlike prior to 1980, Safety assumes more importance in the light of statutory re-
quirements aiming to secure the life of the employees and to protect the community and the environment where the
business is operated. Post Bhopal gas tragedy, more thrust and seriousness put in to manage the emergency situations
arise in the Chemical Manufacturing Industries and thus the concept of On-site Emergency Plan came into vogue by
amending the Factories Act, 1948. The trigger for the amendment was based on the Supreme Court direction in the
matter of M/S. Sriram Foods and Fertilizers Vs the Govt. of India. The apex court urged the government to make some
important amendments to the Factories Act 1948 in the year 1987 with incorporation of special provisions relating to
hazardous process. Accordingly, the Factories Act has been amended with a new provision of Sec 41B (4) emphasizing
that every occupier shall, with the approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories, draw up an On-site Emergency Plan
and detailed disaster control measures for his factory and make known to the workers employed therein and to the
general public living in the vicinity of the factory the safety measures required to be taken in the event of an accident
taking place. Similar thrust was given under provision of Rule 13 of the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
Chemicals Rules 1989 also. The key deliverables of the On-site Emergency Plan is to prevent the emergency turning
into a disaster, to ensure synchronized action from all the coordinating agencies with least possible delay in order to
minimize damages to the property, people and environment and also to carryout effective rescue operation and treat-
ment of the causalities. In this context, this paper discusses how Onsite Emergency Plan, being a critical process, plays
a major role during emergency situation arise out in the course of operations, projects and maintenance in Chemical

AIM On-Site Emergency Plan

To accentuate the importance of On-Site Emergency Plan It is a systematic plan or procedure which is designed to
during emergency situations arise out in the course of op- control emergency situations so as to provide safety and
erations, projects and maintenance in Chemical Industries. security to the stakeholders until the business continuity or
normal business plan resumes.
The study conducted - It consists of two sections:\
i. Based on the field visit in Tanfac Industries Limited, • Emergency Plans.
Cuddalore, a chemical industry to understand the • Emergency Procedures.
method of implementation over there;
ii. By reviewing literatures pertaining to the subject. Development of Emergency Plan and Emergency Proce-
An emergency is defined as an accident/incident that has
potential to cause serious injuries or loss of life, extensive
damage to property and serious disruption both in produc-
tion and working of Industry and probably has an adverse
impact on the environment/surroundings.

Inducing Factors for Emergency

The following factors may cause major emergency,
• Plant failure.
• Human error.
• Vehicle cras
• Sabotage.
• Natural calamities.
• Fire hazards.

On-Site Emergency
If an accident/incident occurs in an Industry, its impact is
confined or restricted to the Industry premises, involving
only its employees and the property within is termed as
On-On-Site Emergency.


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 10 | October 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

On-Site Emergency Plan should contain • Proper warning alarms.

1. Site plan and topographic plan. • Source of energy control.
2. Plan showing the firefighting facilities. • Protective and rescue equipment.
3. Plan showing hazardous material storage area. • Communication.
4. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) for hazardous • Medical care.
chemicals. • Mutual Aid.
5. Facilities available in main control center. • Public relation.
6. List of emergency equipment. • Protection of vital records.
7. List of Safety Equipment. • Training.
8. List of important telephone numbers and addresses of • Periodical revision of plan.
i. Nearest hospitals and ambulance service center. Emergency Action Plan
ii. Key Personnel of the unit. The Action Plan should consist of the following:
iii. Nearest fire station. • Emergency Control Room
iv. Govt. Officials. • Key Personnel
v. Transport provider.
vi. Key Personnel of nearby industries. Emergency Control Room (ECR)
This is the main room from where the operations to handle
Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) the emergency are directed and coordinated accordingly
EPC is a cooperative and consultative group who should to all the key personnel.
represent the full range of stakeholders in a facility and
will comprise of senior management, staff (union and non- Facilities to be made available in the Emergency Control
union), Process Engineers, Maintenance Engineers of Civil, Room are:
Electrical and Mechanical departments, HR Manager, Safe-
ty Officer and the Factory Medical Officer. • Rapid Internal and External Communication.
• Computer data regarding the emergency plan and
Objectives of Emergency Plan Other Essential Records.
The main objectives of Emergency Plan are, • Daily Attendance of Workmen employed in the Indus-
• To control and contain the incident and if possible, try • Records which contains Manufacturing and Storage of
to eliminate it. Hazardous Material of that respective Industry.
• To minimize the impact of the incident on persons, • Pollution Records.
property and environment. • Walky-talky for faster internal communication.
• Plan of the plant showing-
Statutory Provision 1. Hazardous chemicals and Materials storage area.
Post Bhopal gas tragedy (1984) followed by Supreme 2. Availability of different Safety Equipment at respective
Court direction in the matter of M/S. Sriram Foods and areas.
Fertilizers versus Govt. of India, some important amend- 3. Fire Fighting System and Additional Source of water.
ments have been made in the Factories Act 1948 in the 4. Site Entrance, Roadway and Emergency Exit.
year 1987 incorporating special provisions relating to haz- 5. Assembly Points.
ardous process. 6. Truck Parking Area.
7. Surrounding Locations.
Under Section 41(B) (4) every Occupier is to prepare On- • Stationery materials.
site Emergency Plan and detailed disaster control meas- • List of Key Personnel with Addresses, Telephone Num-
ures for his factory. Again under provision of Rule 13 of the ber etc…, both On-Site and Off-Site.
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals
Rules 1989, it was urged that the occupier shall prepare Key Personnel for On-Site Emergency
and keep up to date On-Site Emergency plan containing 1. Works Main Controller.
details how major accidents will be dealt with on the site 2. Works Incident Controller.
on which the industrial activity is carried on and that plan 3. Other Key Officers,
shall include the name of the persons who is responsible a. Communication Officer.
for safety on the site and names of those who are author- b. Security and Fire Officer.
ized to take action in accordance with the plan in case of c. Medical Officer.
emergency. d. Personnel/Administrative Officer.
e. Essential Work Team Members.
Preparation of On-Site Emergency Plan by the occupier is
mandatory. The occupier shall ensure a mock drill of the Works Main Controller
On-Site emergency plan is conducted at least one in every The General Manager of the Plant or the Safety Officer
six months. A detailed report of the mock drill conducted should act as Main Controller. His duties are to -
under rule shall be made immediately available to the In-
spector and Chief Inspector of the Factories. 1. Assess the magnitude of the situation and decide
whether the evacuation of staff from the plant is need-
Main Elements for designing On-Site Emergency Plan ed.
The main elements for designing On-Site Emergency Plan 2. Declare emergency and will instruct gate office to op-
are, erate the emergency siren after assessing the nature of
the situation.
• Leadership and administration. 3. Exercise and direct operational control over areas oth-
• Role and responsibilities of Key Personnel. er than those affected.
• Emergency action. 4. Maintain a continuous review of possible development


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 10 | October 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

and assess in consultation with Work Incident Control- dent controller.

ler and Other Key Personnel. • The security will control the visitors and the vehicle en-
5. Liaison with Police, Fire Service, Medical Service, Fac- try.
tory Inspectorate and other Govt. Agencies.
6. Direct and control rehabilitation of affected areas after 3. Medical Officer
emergency. • Medical Officer with his team will report to the Works
7. Intimate Off-Site Emergency controller if the emergen- Incident Controller on hearing the fire/emergency siren
cy spreads beyond the Industry premises and likely to immediately.
affect the surrounding area. • The ambulance will be parked nearest to the site of
8. Ensure that evidence is preserved for enquiries to be incident. Name of injured and other casualties carried
conducted by statutory authorities. to the Hospital will be recorded and handed over to
Works Incident Controller.
Works Incident Controller • The ambulance will carry the injured to the nearest
He is the next responsible officer after the Works Main hospital for treatment.
Controller. Generally the Plant Manager is designated as
Works Incident Controller. In case of emergency he will- 4. Personnel/Administrative Officer
• He should work as a liaison officer liaising with Works
1. Rush to the place of occurrence and take total charge Main Controller and other essential departments such
and report to the Works Main Controller by personnel as Police, Press and Statutory authorities.
communication system like cell phones/walky-talky and • To ensure that casualties receive adequate attention to
inform about the magnitude of emergency. arrange additional help if required and inform relatives.
2. Assess the situation and considering the magnitude • To control traffic movement into the factory and ensure
of emergency he will take decision whether to inform that alternative transport is available when needed.
Communication Officer to communicate the news of • When emergency is prolonged, arrange for the relief
emergency to different agencies. of personnel and organize refreshment and catering fa-
3. Take initiations to stop all operations within the affect- cilities.
ed area. • Arrange for finance for the expenditure to handle the
4. Take the charge of Main Controller till the Main Con- emergency.
troller arrives.
5. Order for shutdown and evacuation of workers and 5. Essential Work Team Members
staffs from affected area. During emergency the plants immediately affected or likely
6. Inform all Key Personnel and all outside agency for to be affected, as determined by the Works Main Control-
help, as applicable. ler, need to be shut down for safety. In the area immedi-
7. Inform security and fire officers and State Fire Services. ately affected, it may be possible to isolate equipment
8. Ensure that all non-essential workers/staff are evacuat- from which flammable or toxic material is leaking. This
ed to assembly point and areas searched for casualties. work must be immediately carried out by plant supervisors
9. Report all the significant information and development and essential operators. Workers/staff need to be nominat-
to Communication Officer. Moreover he will advise to ed to carry out the following essential works at the time of
preserve the evidence of emergency into the cause of emergency:-
• Extra first aid personnel to deal with casualties.
• Emergency engineering works, provision of extra or re-
Other Key Personnel and their duties placement of light, isolation of equipment, temporary
1. Communication Officer bypass electrical lines etc.
• On hearing the emergency siren/ alarm he will pro- • Moving tankers or other vehicles from area of risk.
ceed to the control room and communicate to Works • To carry out tests on ambient air quality.
Incident Controller. • To act as runner in case of communication system fails.
• He will collect information of the affected area. He will • The Works Main Controller will require a task force of
maintain a log book of incident. suitable trained people for the following works:-
• He will contact all essential departments and especially o Manning of assembly points to record the arrival of
takes stock of the meteorological condition from local evacuated people.
meteorological Department. o Assistance of casualty arrival areas to record details of
• He will communicate all information as directed by casualties.
Works Main Controller /Works Incident Controller. o Manning the factory entrance in liaison with security to
direct emergency vehicle containing the gate e.g. am-
2. Security and Fire Officer bulance, fire tenders etc.
• The Security or Fire officer will be responsible for the
The essential work teams are-
• On hearing the emergency alarm/siren, he will reach 1. Task Force and repair team.
the incident area with fire and security staff. 2. Fire fighting team.
• Immediately after arrival to the emergency area, he will 3. Communication team.
inform through telephone or walky-talky to the com- 4. Security Team.
munication officer. 5. Transport Team.
• He will inform to the Works Incident Controller about 6. First aid and medical team.
the situation and requirement of outside help like State
Fire Service and other mutual aid members.
• At the site, the entire fire squad member will respond Critical Systems / facilities required under the On - Site
to the advice and information given by the Works Inci- Emergency Plan


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 10 | October 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

cessation of emergency. The main controller can declare

Assembly Points all clear by instructing the time office to sound “All Clear
A Safe Place which is far away from the plant mostly within Sirens”.
the Industry premises should be pre-determined as Assem-
bly Point where, in case of emergency, personnel evacuat- Mutual Aid System
ed from the affected areas are to be assembled. The plant Mutual aid scheme should be introduced among industries
workers, contract workers and visitors should assemble in so that in case of emergency, necessary help from mutual
assembly point in case of emergency and the time office aid partner may be extended. Essential elements of this
clerk should take their attendance so as to assess the miss- scheme are-
ing persons during emergency.
• Mutual aid must be a written document signed by the
Alarm System Chief Executive of the industries concerned.
Alarm system varies and will depend on the size of the • Specify key personnel who are authorized to give req-
works area -simple fire bell, hand operated siren -break uisition of materials from other industries.
open type, fire alarm etc. Automatic alarm may be needed • Specify the available quantity of material/equipment
for highly hazardous nature of plant. that can be spared.
• Mode of requisition during emergency.
Communication System • Mode of payment/replacement of material given dur-
Communication is a key component to control an emer- ing an emergency.
gency. The following communication system may be pro- • May be updated from time to time based on experi-
vided in the plant. ence gained.

• Walky-Talky. Emergency facilities

• Telephone (internal & external). The following facilities should be provided in any Industry
• Cell phone. to tackle any emergency at any time,
• Intercom/paging.
• Runners (verbal or written messages). • Fire protection and firefighting facilities.
• Emergency lighting and standby power.
Siren for Emergency • Emergency equipment and rescue equipment
Siren for emergency should be different from the normal a. Breathing apparatus with compressed air cylinder.
siren. The emergency siren should be audible to a distance b. Fire proximity suit.
of 5 KM radius. The emergency siren should be used only c. Resuscitator.
in case of emergency. d. Water gel Blanket.
e. Low temperature suit.
Escape Route f. First aid kit.
The escape route from each and every plant should be g. Stretchers.
clearly marked. The escape route is the shortest route to h. Torches.
reach out of the plant area to open area, which leads to i. Ladders.
assembly point. This route should be indicated on the lay- • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
out plan attached to the On-site Emergency Plan. • Explosive meter.
• Oxygen and Toxic gas measuring instruments.
Evacuation • Wind direction indicator.
All non-essential staff should be evacuated from the emer-
gency site. As soon as the emergency siren rings the work- CONCLUSIONS
ers have to shut down the plant and move to the Assem- In this context, we conclude that during the times of On-
bly Site Emergency, the effect of hazards could be controlled
and minimized using systematic approach of this On-Site
Point. The plant shut down procedure in case of emer- Emergency plan so that the hazard does not spread Off-
gency should be prepared and kept ready and responsible Site and controlled properly with minimal loss to life, prop-
persons should be nominated for the purpose. erty and environment.

Counting of Personnel To have better results and effective implementation, the

All personnel working in the plant should be counted. On-Site emergency plan so prepared shall be documented
Time office persons should collect the details of personnel in a printed form in sufficient copies and to be provided to
arriving at the assembly point. These should be checked all employees and concerned stakeholders for knowledge,
with the attendances of regular workers and contract work- study and easy follow up. Besides the above, it is perti-
ers present in the site on the day of emergency. The ac- nent that the emergency plan shall be rehearsed and prac-
cident control should be informed and arrangement should ticed at regular intervals to test efficiency of personnel to
be made for searching missing persons in the emergency improve on the co-ordination between the essential work
affected area. The employee’s address, contact number teams, equipment and to increase confidence and experi-
of next to kin should be maintained in the time office so ence to operate such plan. Based on such rehearsal, the
that during emergency relatives of those affected due to plan so prepared should be strengthened by bridging the
emergency may be informed accordingly. Information in gaps, if any, and updated annually and uploaded in the
respect of emergency should be given to the media and factory website for easy reference.
other agency.
By effectively adhering to the above, all types of accidents
All Clear Signal could be minimized in the Chemical Industries and thus
After control of emergency the Works Incident Controller preventing the damages to life of the individual employ-
will communicate to the Works Main Controller about the ees, machineries, properties, environment and the commu-


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 10 | October 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

nity where the industry is operated.

REFERENCE 1. bhopal.nic.in/dcg/15HMpro.pdγ. | 2. http://www.emergency.nsw.gov.au/media/196.pdf | 3. http://hpsdma.nic.in/On%20&%20Offsite%20

emergency%20plans%20of%20factories.pdf | 4. On Site Emergency Plan (2008) of M/S Tanfac Industries Limited, (A Unit of Aditya Birla Group),
Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. |


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