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Lesson Plan 1 3

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Lesson Plan Template: Math 323 Version

Names: Kyla & Hae In Date: October 17, 2018

Grade Level: 2-3 Subject/ Topic: Sorting Shapes
Approx. time spent planning this lesson:
*The template will expand as text is added.*


Main Focus/Essential Questions: Shape Sorts
Brief Context: Students will be learning about shapes and their different attributes. Students have
already been learning how to recognize shapes and where they see shapes in their daily life. Students
are able to define certain vocabulary--sides, faces, angles. However, students have yet to learn the
different categories of shapes and how to sort shapes based on attributes.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: What is a shape, what does it look like, what is a side angle, face.
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools

Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.

The learner will: I will assess learning by:

1. Explore and identify different shapes that 1. Asking students to place shapes into
can be found in the classroom, based off the categories (shapes with 5 sides, shapes with
book. same number of angles…)
2. Divide shapes into categories based on a 2. Asking students to tell me why that certain
given attribute. shape fits in that category.
3. Find shapes that fit the definition of a certain 3. Asking students how the shapes in the
category. specific category are similar or different.
4. Create their own category and draw shapes 4. Giving students an opportunity to create a
that fit that category. category and draw as many shapes as they
5. Identify what separates triangles and can that fits that category.
quadrilaterals, etc, as well as what may be
some similar attributes.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)

Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or
a given number of equal faces.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and
Instructional Resources: p. 131 in FEG
Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students.
Developmental Expectations:
● Can recognize and name, and (start to) describe the characteristics (number of sides, points,
angles, etc.) of a circle, square, and triangle in any size or orientation (See CC standard)
● Can (or start to) compare and sort shapes into specific categories, based on similar
characteristics (See CC standard)--we are asking students to sort shapes into groups and begin
looking and what attributes shapes have.
● Is aware of causes and consequences of various emotions and behaviors (personally and to
others)--we are encouraging students to help each other if they are struggling, or if they cannot
figure out how to solve a problem.
● Is able to communicate/express needs, wants, ideas in a healthy way --we will have students
take turns verbally expressing their ideas
● Values friendships and can work cooperatively with others--we will have students working
together to solve problems

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Note specific strategies you intend to use to keep students engaged,
redirect off task students, and facilitate procedures/transitions within your lesson.
We are engaging the students through questions and group work. If one student gets off task we will
point out how we like how the other student is participating and listening. If the student constantly gets
off tasks and struggles to pay attention, we will have little breaks where student can get up and move
around--hopefully this will help the student focus when needed.

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the
Students will use the classroom they are in to search for shapes.

Pink: Kyla
Blue: Hae In
BEFORE: Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]

Read: When a Line Bends...A Shape Begins Students are listening to story

“I am going to give each of you a shape”

“I want you to try and find something in this
classroom that looks just like the shape you
will have in front of you”
“However, before I let you go, we need to set
some expectations”
“As you are walking around the classroom, Students are thinking of ways they should
looking for your shape, how should your behave
behavior be?” “Not distracting” “Quiet”
“What is something we can do to help you “We can hold a finger to our lips” “We can
remember good behavior?” puff out our cheeks like a fish” “We can walk
far away from friends”

After setting expectations, hand students Students are walking around classroom,
either a triangle, square, or circle. quietly trying to find something that looks like
their shape.

Students regather
“Student A, tell me about your shape first.” “It’s round, doesn’t have any corners.. Etc.”
“And what did you find in the classroom that “The clock!”
looks like it?”
“Have you seen anything else outside of this “The wheels on my mom’s car, or on my bike”
classroom that looks like that shape?

“Student B, tell me about your shape.” “It has four sides, four corners” Ask student
“And what did you find in the classroom that what they notice about the sides….get them
looks like it?” thinking about the properties of a square vs.
“Have you seen anything else outside of this rectangle
classroom that looks like that shape? “A window!”

“Student C, tell me about your shape first.” “It’s a triangle” In this case, ask student how
“And what did you find in the classroom that they know it is a triangle, “What makes that a
looks like it?” triangle?” “If I didn’t know anything about
“Have you seen anything else outside of this triangles, how would you define it?”
classroom that looks like that shape?

“Student A tell me about Student B’s shape, “It has four sides, and it looks like that
and tell me where they saw this shape in the window!”

“Student B tell me about Student C’s shape, “They called it a triangle because it has three
and tell me where they saw this shape in the sides.” “She saw it in the chair but I don’t see
classroom” it.” Ask student C to point out how they saw
the shape in the chair.
“Student C tell me about Student A’s shape, “It’s completely round and looks like the
and tell me where they saw this shape in the clock!”

“Great work. We are going to work more on Students hand shapes back to teacher.
observing shapes and what makes them
similar and different to each other.”

DURING:Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
● Teacher: “We are going to do an activity where you will separate shapes into two different
categories. You will be working together to do this.”
● The teacher will hand out a few shapes, and have the students sort the shapes into two
categories. The teacher will say, “Separate the shapes into two piles. In one pile, put all the
shapes that have one particular thing in common. In another pile, put the rest of the shapes that
don’t have that characteristic/that has another particular thing in common.”
● Students are working as a group to try and figure it out, we as teachers can provide scaffolding.
If students are struggling, the teacher will ask guiding questions, such as, “What do some shapes
have in common? What are different about some shapes? How are the outside parts
similar/different? How are the inside parts similar/different?
● Students talk through their thinking and tell us what their two groups are and how they decided
to separate them. The teacher will ask:
○ “Why did you separate the shapes in the way you did?”
■ Student answer: “These shapes all had similar characteristics (straight lines,
convex/concave angles, round parts, etc.
○ “What is it about the shapes that are similar?”
■ Student answer: “They all have straight lines/concave angles/convex
angles/round parts, etc.
○ After giving them another shape, ask students “Which group would this shape fit into?”
○ “Can you draw another shape to fit one of your categories?” The teacher will provide
paper and pencil/pens.


“We are going to complete this activity again,

however we need to find a different way to
separate the shapes”

“Again, we are working together, so make sure to Students communicate with each other different
talk with each other and figure out another way ways they think they can group the shapes
you can group the shapes” “By number of sides” “By straight lines” “By
number of corners”
If students are having trouble, point out a few
different attributes the shapes have.
After students have completed activity, ask a
series of questions to gain an understanding of
their thinking:
“Why did you separate the shapes in the way you “Because we needed to come up with a different
did?” way, and we noticed that some shapes had curvy
“What is similar about the shapes in this group?” “None of them have curvy lines”
Give students another shape
“What group would this shape fit into?” “The non-curvy group”
“Can you draw another shape to fit your

“Great job working together to make groups of

shapes. I want to see now if each of you on your
own can make groups of shapes. I will hand each
of you a pile, you will separate it into two groups,
and then after, we will try to guess your rule.”
Use assessment rubric to check understanding of

AFTER: Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an
assignment or independent practice.)
● After each student has finished sorting, the teacher will say, “let’s try and guess how ________
sorted his/her shape.” They will take turns to try and guess how the other students sorted.
● As the students are guessing, we ask them a series of questions to try and understand their
thinking and why they separated shapes into those groups. The teacher will ask (for each
○ “Why did you separate the shapes in the way you did?”
■ Student answer: “These shapes all had similar characteristics (straight lines,
convex/concave angles, round parts, etc.
○ “What is it about the shapes that are similar?”
■ Student answer: “They all have straight lines/concave angles/convex
angles/round parts, etc.
○ After giving them another shape, ask students “Which group would this shape fit into?”
○ “Can you draw another shape to fit one of your categories?” (provide paper/pens)
○ Refer to another student’s sorting and ask, “How is yours different than the way he/she
sorted? How is it similar?



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