Unit Summary:
Animal Ambassadors gives a basic overview of the environment found on five major continents
by introducing students to an animal found on each of these continents. Kindergarten through
fifth grade students will explore the Antarctica, South America, Africa, Asia, and North America
with their Animal Ambassadors through research and integration of the visual arts. Animal
Ambassadors gives modifications to each lesson that can be used to differentiate for individual
students or to modify lessons for different grade levels.
K-5th Grade
● 5th Amanda
○ North America- Bald Eagle
● 4 Ben
○ Asia- Panda
● 3 Lauren
○ Africa- giraffe
● 2 Kyla
○ South America-Sloth
● K and 1st Jessica
○ Antarctica- Penguin
Scribe: Lauren
Liaison: Jessica
· Antarctica
o penguin
· North America
o Bald eagle
· Asia
o Panda
· Africa
o Giraffe/zebra
· South America
o sloth
Things we all want to incorporate in our lesson plan:
● Where they’re found
● Why they live in the environment they do
● What they eat
● Fun fact
● Talk about family/reproduction
● Adaptation that the animals have that make them suitable for their environment
Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction — Calvin College Education Program
Date N/A Subject/ Topic/ Theme The Bald Eagle and North
I. Objectives
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) I ndicate connections to applicable national
or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to
whom it applies.
1) SWBAT design a habitat that is appropriate for a Bald Eagle based on what environment it is typically found
2) SWBAT describe the dietary needs of a Bald Eagle.
3) SWBAT describe the lifestyle/habits of a Bald Eagle.
4) SWBAT explain the adaptations of a Bald Eagle that make it suitable to live in the environment that it lives
in by giving rationale for their habitat choices.
Materials-what materials ·
(books, handouts, etc) do you
need for this lesson and do y-catch/
you have them? · Research Outline
· Design plan
· Summative Assessment
· Books about Bald Eagles
· Shoeboxes
· Construction paper
· Scissors
· Glue
· Other craft supplies and recycled materials
Do you need to set up your Students may move around the room during research and project
classroom in any special way construction. Students should sit by and work with their assigned partner.
for this lesson? If so, describe
III. The Plan
The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
Tim Parts
Motivation · Begin the lesson by showing the Discovery Go video of Bald Eagles.
Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time: N/A