C-MN Steels
C-MN Steels
C-MN Steels
C-Mn Steels:
Low-carbon steels contain up to 0.30% C.
Medium-carbon steels (up to 0.6%)
High-carbon steels (contain from 0.60 to 1.00% C )
Ultrahigh-carbon steels (1.25 to 2%)
•Control-rolled steels, hot rolled according to a predetermined rolling schedule,
designed to develop a highly deformed austenite structure that will transform to a
very fine equiaxed ferrite structure on cooling.
• Microalloyed steels, with very small additions of such elements as niobium,
vanadium, and/or titanium for refinement of grain size and/or precipitation
•Dual-phase steels, processed to a micro-structure of ferrite containing small
uniformly distributed regions of high-carbon martensite, resulting in a product
with low yield strength and a high rate of work hardening, thus providing a high-
strength steel of superior formability.
Low-alloy Steels
Low-alloy steels constitute a category of ferrous materials that exhibit
mechanical properties superior to plain carbon steels as the result of additions of
alloying elements such as nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. Total alloy
content can range from 2 % up to levels just below that of stainless steels, which
contain a minimum of 10% Cr.
As with steels in general, low-alloy steels can be classified according to:
•Chemical composition, such as nickel steels, nickel-chromium steels,
molybdenum steels, chromium-molybdenum steels
Heat treatment, such as quenched and tempered, normalized and tempered,
(1) low-carbon quenched and tempered (Q&T) steels
(2) medium-carbon ultrahigh-strength steels
(3) bearing steels
(4) heat-resistant chromium-molybdenum steels (contain 0.5 to 9% Cr and 0.5
to 1.0% Mo. The carbon content is usually below 0.2%)
Stainless Steels
Cr – Ferrite stabilizer
Forms (FeCr)2O3
Corrosion protection in oxidizing environment
~ 11% required to be stainless
Higher concentration required for more aggressive
Strong carbide / nitride former (Cr23C6) / Cr2N
Solid solution strengthening
Tends to form intermetallic compound at high Cr content
High Cr content promotes brittleness
C, N must be controlled to prevent brittleness
Ni – Austenite stabilizer
Improves corrosion resistance in reducing environment (H2SO4)
Lowers SCC resistance in Cl containing environment
Does not form carbides
Solid solution strengthening
Does not to form intermetallics
Improves toughness of ferrite / austenite
Reduces DBTT
Precipitation formers
Ti, Al, Mo, Cu can cause precipitation
Intermetallics like Ni3Al, Ni3Ti or pure Cu
C and N
Other elements
Embrittlement Phenomena:
1) 475C embrittlement
2) Sigma / Chi phase precipitation
3) High temperature embrittlement
Austenitic stainless steels
Most widely used among all stainless steels.
Low yield strength.
Good corrosion resistance in different environments.
Good low temperature impact properties.
These steels are often in a metastable austenitic state at room
temperature or below. Most grades have a Ms temperature well
below 0°C. However, plastic deformation can induce martensite at
temperatures higher than MS.
The presence of Ni improves considerably the corrosion resistance
when compared to the martensitic and ferritic grades.
Strength can be increased significantly by cold working
Good formability and weldability, Good high temperature corrosion
Type 304 is the basic 18Cr 8Ni (18/8) austenitic stainless steel, so
widely used that it accounts for about 50% of all stainless steel
Other standard grades have different preferred applications; for
example, type 316 which contains up to 3 wt.% Mo, offers an
improved general and pitting corrosion resistance, making it the
material of choice marine applications and coastal environments.
Stabilized grades like 321 and 347 contain small additions of Ti
and Nb to combine with C and reduce the tendency for
intergranualar corrosion due to Cr carbide formation.
Higher SI and Al (and C) may be added to oxidation and
carburisation resistance and strength
Solidification mode
can be austenitic or
ferritic depending on
Sensitisation is one of the corrosion mechanisms which causes
widespread problems in austenitic stainless steels.
In normal conditions, austenitic stainless steels are given a high-
temperature heat-treatment, often called a solution-treatment,
which gives a fully austenitic solid solution.
However, at temperatures below about 800°C, there is a tendency
to precipitate chromium-rich carbides as the alloy enters the
carbide plus austenite phase field.
Preferential corrosion at grain boundaries
Solution to problem of sensitisation
High strength (about 1500 MPa) with good ductility and toughness
and good corrosion resistance