Calagari AGG 2015 0001
Calagari AGG 2015 0001
Calagari AGG 2015 0001
Article history: The Zan lateritic deposit is located in ~25 km southeast of Damavand, Tehran province, Iran.
Received 25 October 2014 This deposit was developed as stratiform at the base of Shemshak (sandstone and shale)
Accepted 13 December 2014 Formation of Jurassic age. Mineralogical data shows that rock-forming minerals in this deposit
Available online 4 February 2015 include kaolinite, diaspore, hematite, goethite, anatase, boehmite, siderite, rutile, quartz, titano-
magnetite, zircon and pyrite. The values of absolute weathering index calculated on the
Keywords: assumption of Th as an immobile element indicate that lateritization processes at the Zan were
Geochemistry accompanied by enrichment of elements like Al, Fe, Zr, Nb, Ni, Cr, Co, Y, V, and REEs and by
Laterite leaching-fixation of elements such as U, Mn, Sr, Ba, and Ca. Combination of the data obtained
Absolute weathering index from mineralogical and geochemical investigations reveals that pH variation of weathering
Parent rock solutions, oxidation potential, adsorption, presence of organic matters, preferential sorption by
Zan metallic oxides, presence in resistant minerals and fixation in neomorph phases played prominent
Iran role in distribution of elements in the Zan lateritic deposit. With considering of correlation
coefficients among elements, the minerals such as zircon and rutile can be regarded as potential
hosts for REE in the ores. Palaeogeography evidence as well as geochemical indices like
TiO2/Al2O3 and Eu/Eu* anomaly suggests that this deposit is a weathering product of basalt.
Fig. 1 The position of the studied area on the map of structural zones of Iran (Nabavi, 1976). (b) Geologic map
of the studied area (modified after Amini and Khalatbari, 1972) on which the position of the Zan lateritic
horizon is shown.
Field work was carried out in spring 2012. About
30 samples from various units across lateritic horizon
and the enclosing rocks were taken. After mesoscopic
examination, six samples of lateritic horizon were
selected to be analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
(SIEMENS Diffractometer, model D-5000, CuK
radiation, fixed graphite chromators, voltage 40 kV,
current 40 mA, scanning speed 2 per minute, scan Fig. 2 Stratigraphic column across a selected
range 2-70) for identification of unknown mineral profile in the Zan lateritic horizon.
phases at Geological Survey of Iran. For identification
of clay minerals, the samples were treated with KCl
(at 550 C), MgCl2, and ethylene glycol. Comple- tetraborate and then is dissolved in HNO3 acid. The
mentary investigations on mineralogy of the ores were results of the chemical analyses are presented in
carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Table 1.
a XLC Philips at Amirkabir University in Tehran).
For determination of chemical composition, ten
representative samples taken from the ores across the 4.1. MINERALOGY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
studied profile were selected and chemically analyzed X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses show that the
at ACME laboratories in Canada (analytic code Zan laterites consist of kaolinite, diaspore, hematite,
4A4B) by using ICP-ES (for major and minor oxides) goethite, boehmite, anatase, siderite, rutile, and quartz.
and ICP-MS (for trace and rare earth elements) However, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
methods. Loss on ignition (LOI) values were examinations of ore samples from the bluish gray
measured by weighing the samples (3 to 4 grams (BGL) and the layered gray (LGL) units revealed that
each) before and after five minutes of heating at 1040- in addition to the mentioned mineral phases (Fig. 3a),
1060 C. Detection limit for major and minor oxides there also exist crystalline particles of titano-
is 0.01 wt% (except for Fe2O3, Cr2O3, and LOI which magnetite (Figs. 3b, c, d), pyrite (within goethite)
are 0.04, 0.002, and 0.1 wt %, respectively). Detection (Fig. 3e), and zircon (Fig. 3f) in this deposit.
limit for trace elements is 0.1 ppm and for rare earth
elements 0.05 ppm (except for Ba, Ga, Sr, Pr, Nd, Eu, 4.2. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS
Ho, Er, and Tm which are 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.02, 0.3, 0.02, The Al2O3/SiO2 ratio of lateritic-bauxitic ores (so
0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.01, respectively). For called module) plays a crucial role in determining
determination of REE values, about 0.2 gram of each their industrial applications (Yalcin and Ilhan, 2013).
sample is treated with metaborate and lithium The module values of Zan laterites have a range of
70 A. A. Calagari et al.
Table 1 Results of chemical analyses (ICP-ES and ICP-MS) for major, minor, trace and rare earth elements
along with Eu anomaly in the ores of the Zan lateritic deposit. The order of each number on samples is
from the bottom to the top of the horizon.
0.79 to 0.94. Based on the classification of Voros applications (Edwards and Atkinson, 1986; Manning,
(1979), the ores at the Zan in light of aluminum 1995) shows that the Fe-poor and Fe-rich parts of the
extraction are considered as low quality. However, horizon at Zan have great potential for uses (as raw
comparison of the mean values of major constituent materials) in refractory and cement industries,
oxides of the studied ores with the ideal chemical respectively.
composition of the lateritic-bauxitic ores for industrial
Fig. 3 Scanning electron microscopic microphotographs of The Zan lateritic ores. (a) Tabular fragment of
diaspore along with Fe-oxide and – hydroxide in the ore of GL unit. (b) The presence of titanomagnetite
crystal in LGL unit. (c) Concentration of iron in titanomagnetite. (d) Concentration of titanium in
titanomagnetite. (e) Very fine-grained pyrites within goethite in BGL unit. (f) A solitary crystal of zircon
in unit BGL. Abbreviations: Zr = zircon, Dsp = Diaspore, Ti-Mag = titanomagnetite, Gt = goethite, and
Py = pyrite
Fig. 4 Patterns of mass changes for major and minor oxides (a, b) and large ion lithophile elements (c) in
various units of the Zan studied profile.
and Ti-bearing minerals. Non-rhythmic distribution of xenotime (YPO4) (Gonzales–Lopez et al., 2005) that
Fe in the profile and its increase toward bedrocks may was not identified by XRD analysis as the result of its
be explicative of fluctuation of underground water low concentration. The positive correlation between
table level. It seems that decomposition of organic pairs of Sr-P2O5 (r = 0.82) and Sr-Ca (r = 0.73) may
matters in the upper parts of the profile provided be suggestive of likely hosting of crandallite mineral
locally acidic and reducing conditions which resulted group for Sr. These minerals are commonly formed by
in movement of iron downwardly and its subsequent alteration of apatite in karst bauxites (Bardossy,
fixation in the lower parts of the profile. The mass 1982). The moderate to strong positive correlation
change calculations reveal that lateritization processes between Ba and P2O5 (r = 0.83) and between Ba and
at Zan were accompanied by moderate to strong REEs (r > 0.7) may provide reason for the presence of
leaching of Ca, Na, K, and Mg and to a lesser extent the Al-bearing secondary phosphates like gorceixite
by Mn (Fig. 4b). It seems that Na, Ca, and K were [BaAl3(LREE,PO4)2(OH)5.H2O] (Costa and Araujo,
released into weathering solutions. On the other hand, 1996) that was not detected by XRD analysis.
depletion of Mg and Mn from the system is related to Transition trace elements (Ni, Co, Cr, and V): The
decomposition of ferromagnesian minerals. Erichment variation of AWI values for Co, Cr, Ni, and V at
of Mn, however, in the GL-unit exhibits that Mn2+ Zan was irregular but incremental (Fig. 5a). Iron
was oxidized to Mn4+ and was fixed as insoluble colloids have effective role in transportation and
oxides and hydroxides (Koppi et al., 1996). concentration of a group of trace elements, especially
Enrichment of CaO in the DGL-unit is due to transitional trace elements, during weathering
deposition of CaCO3 by supergene solutions in this processes (Pokrovsky et al., 2006). Considering the
part of the profile. moderate and positive correlation between pairs
Large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, Sr, and U): of Fe-Co (r = 0.75), Fe-V (r = 0.69), and Fe-Cr
Depletion or enrichment of trace elements in the (r = 0.72), the role of Fe-oxides and -hydroxides in
lateritic profiles depends on their host minerals in the fixation and concentration of these elements (as the
parent rocks. Mobile trace elements, if their host result of scavenging and adsorption) can be
minerals are insoluble, can become enriched in established. Among the transition trace elements, Ni
laterites (Meshram and Randive, 2011). Rb was has very weak correlation with Fe but moderate and
released during feldspar weathering (break-down) positive correlation with SiO2 (r = 0.68). This may be
causing its depletion in all of the lateritic units indicative of being clay minerals as potential fixing
(Fig. 4c). The mass changes of Ba, Sr and U show agent for Ni in the studied profile.
their enrichment in some units (Fig. 4c). The High field strength elements (Y, Nb, Zr, and Hf):
positive correlation between pairs of U-Y (r = 0.85) These elements were enriched in all of the lateritic
and U - P2O5 (r = 0.71) could be due to the presence units (Fig. 5b). It seems that the enrichment of these
of U in the crystal structure of Y-rich minerals like almost immobile elements took place in an authigenic
Fig. 5 Patterns of mass changes for (a) transition trace elements and (b) high field strength elements in various
units of the Zan studied profile.
Fig. 6 Patterns of mass changes for (a) light rare earth elements (LREEs) and (b) heavy rare earth elements
(HREEs) in various units of the Zan studied profile.
state. The moderate and positive correlation between Rare earth elements: The pattern of mass changes of
Y and Al (r = 0.69) is probably owing to the presence LREEs and HREEs in the Zan lateritic deposit
of this element within the crystal structure of the shows an incremental trend (Figs. 6a, b). The
Al-bearing mineral phases. The positive correlation remarkable mass increase of REEs in the DGL unit
between pairs of Ti-Hf (r = 0.76), Ti-Nb (r = 0.77), is likely in connection with pH increase and formation
Zr-Hf (r = 0.83), and Zr-Nb (r = 0.81) may reflect that of REE-bearing carbonate minerals. The good and
Nb and Hf are hosted chiefly by Ti-oxides and to positive correlation between lanthanides and Zr
a lesser extent by zircon in the profile. (r > 0.74) and between lanthanides and Ti (r > 0.72)
74 A. A. Calagari et al.
Fig. 7 A bivariate plot of Eu anomaly versus TiO2/Al2O3 (MacLean et al., 1997) for mean composition of upper
continental Crust (UCC), granite, basalt, and the Zan lateritic samples. (b) A bivariate plot of TiO2
versus Zr (Hallberg, 1984) on which the Zan data (filled asterisk) lie in basaltic parent rock domain. (c)
A bivariate plot of Nb/Y versus Zr/TiO2 (Floyd and Winchester, 1978) on which the alkali basalt is
shown to be the potential precursor for the Zan lateritic ores.
reveals that titanium oxides and zircon are the major 1997; Mameli et al., 2007) and have a great potential
hosts for REEs. LREEs have weak but positive to get into sediments. Therefore, TiO2/Al2O3 and Eu
correlation with Mn (r > 0.35), Al (0.25 < r < 0.4), anomaly are sensitive index for determination of
and Si (0.1 < r < 0.4) indicating the weak role of parent rocks. The mean composition values of upper
Mn-oxides and clay minerals in hosting LREEs. continental crust (UCC), basalt, granite (Taylor and
McLennan, 1985), and various units of the Zan
4.4. PARENT ROCK COMPOSITION lateritic ores are illustrated on Eu anomaly versus
Commonly lateritic-bauxitic deposits have TiO2/Al2O3 plot (Fig. 7a). According to Figure 7a, the
compositions and textures that are related to Zan data plots in the basalt (as precursor) domain.
underlying host rocks (Bardossy and Aleva, 1990). Further investigations revealed that the Zr/TiO2 in
However, this can hardly be observed for bauxites lateritic deposits is commonly similar to that of parent
developed on limestone. A wide range of parent rocks rocks and can provide favorable geochemical
for karst bauxites have been proposed including information for determination of parent rocks
argillaceous materials (MacLean et al., 1997), mafic (Hallberg, 1984). On the basis of this premise, the
igneous rocks (Calagari and Abedini, 2007; Esmaeily position of the Zan data on a TiO2 versus Zr bivariate
et al., 2010); volcanic ashes (MacLean et al., 1997), plot also suggests a basaltic composition for the parent
and wind-drifted materials (Brimhall et al., 1988; Pyk, rocks (Fig. 7b). Floyd and Winchester (1978) used the
1988). bivariate plot of Nb/Y versus Zr/TiO2 for
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weathering processes (Mongelli, 1993; Mameli et al., method, especially when the parent rocks are
2007; Abedini and Calagari, 2013a). Al and Ti also extrusive igneous rocks, is very applicable). The Zr/Ti
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