Tohar2020 Characterization REE Johor
Tohar2020 Characterization REE Johor
Tohar2020 Characterization REE Johor
Since year 2010, advance research in resource investigation, mineralogy and geochemistry, environmental impact as well as processing technique of ion-adsorption
type rare earth elements (REE) deposit particularly in mining industry has been conducted worldwide. Ion-adsorption type REEs are formed by weathering process of
igneous rocks (typically granites) that contain certain REE-bearing minerals. Effect of the rapidly weathering, REE minerals are decomposed, and ionized REEs are
absorbed on clay minerals such as kaolinite and halloysite. A research study has been made in discovery the ion-adsorption type REE prospecting in Johor, Southern
Peninsular Malaysia with three vertical weathering profiles (up to 11 m) sampled on Besar island, Tengah island and Hujung island. Parent granite is A-type consist of
quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and 0.6–1.4 wt% accessory minerals (zircon, apatite, monazite-(Ce) and chlorite). The main REE-bearing minerals are
monazite-(Ce), apatite, zircon, titanite, allanite-(Ce) and bastnaesite-(Ce). Total REE concentrations in raw saprolite (potential REE horizon in weathering profiles) is
ranging between 1167 and 2339 ppm. The laboratory leach ability of the REE in different parts of the A-type granite weathering profiles was determined by carrying
out a three step BCR sequential extraction procedures. The evidence from the three-step BCR-701 (certified freshwater sediment standard) sequential extraction
procedure for ion-adsorption was consistent with a near instant process (≤1 h) with 70–80% recovery rate. This is due to the re-precipitation of REE3+ ions in solution
and due to hydrolysis of ions on the clay surface. The ion-adsorption (leached) fraction was enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) compared with the raw
sample compositions of the saprolites and saprocks (Ce/Ce* ratio range largely from 0.17 to 0.82). The LREE accounted for 80–90% of the total REE content in the
investigated saprolite and saprock; allowed in agreement with the trend that was observed in Thailand and South China ores.
1. Introduction geochemical bonding, and they have been mined predominantly from
ion adsorption-type REE deposits in southern China (U.S. Geological
Rare earth elements (REE) are a collection of seventeen chemical Survey, 2015; Yaraghi et al., 2020). These deposits were formed by in
elements in the periodic table, namely the fifteen lanthanides, plus situ lateritic weathering of REE rich felsic rocks (mainly granites), which
scandium and yttrium as defined by International Union of Pure and led to the formation of weathered profiles containing residual REE-clays
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The REEs have been entirely classed as (Ishihara et al., 2008). The ion-adsorption type deposits are composed of
“critical metals” in the United States (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015) and reddish soil-like weathering crust developed on parent granite with the
also Europe (Sanematsu and Watanabe, 2016) corresponding to China upper part of the weathered granite is lower in REE (89–398 ppm) than
dominancy for supplying ~99% of Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE) the middle to lower parts (201–1131 ppm); although the REE grades also
and 87% of Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) respectively (Judith and depend on those of the parent granite (Bao and Zhao, 2008). Additional
Shaw, 2011). The main industrial applications of REEs consists of strong REE weathered crust elution-deposited or ion adsorption deposits oc
permanent magnets, lasers, superconductors and in catalytic converters currences have been discovered outside of China especially in Brazil
(Moldoveanu and Papangelakis, 2012). The present-day quantity of (Rocha et al., 2013), Malawi, Madagascar (Le Couteur, 2011), and
consumed resources is totally different from the earlier 20 year times Southeast Asia (Sanematsu et al., 2013). The ion-adsorption type pros
(Sanematsu et al., 2013). Therefore, it is very difficult to secure and to pects in Southeast Asia have been identified recently in Thailand,
maintain the REE resources with the same capacity. These factors in northern Vietnam, Laos and southern Myanmar (Sanematsu and Wata
crease the urgency to identify alternative REE resources (Sanematsu and nabe, 2016) owing to the tropical climate in Southeast Asia promotes
Watanabe, 2016). Most of the world’s supply of REE especially in HREE weathering process in a similar way as in southern China. The
comes from weathered crust elution-deposited or so-called ion adsorp ion-adsorption deposit is different between other conventional REE
tion deposits because the HREE generally occur with Y in their deposit especially in their main bearing minerals (Sanematsu and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.Y.M. Yunus).
Received 28 December 2019; Received in revised form 12 October 2020; Accepted 15 October 2020
Available online 17 October 2020
1474-7065/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: S.Z. Tohar, M.Y. Mohd Yunus, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus Physics and Chemistry of the Earth xxx (xxxx) xxx
Watanabe, 2016). The conventional REE deposit mainly from mon enclave-free, and leucocratic rock (Ghani et al., 2014).
azite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y) (Wall, 2014; Bao and Zhao 2008) whereas This type of high SiO2 granite pluton can be found at the Besar
ion-adsorption mainly from bearing minerals such as clay minerals and granite group. The granite is exposed in three islands; Besar, Tengah,
bastnaesite (Sanematsu et al., 2013). This study describes and discusses and Hujung. Regionally, the Besar granite group islands expose the
the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the ion adsorption easternmost plutonic and volcanic rocks of peninsular Malaysia as well
type REE mineralization in weathered granite at Besar Granite Group, as many other islands such as Aur, Tioman, Pemanggil, Tinggi and Sibu
Peninsular Malaysia and general modelling on sequential extraction island (Ghani et al., 2014). The archipelago is gazette as a National Park
leaching. (Khoo 1974; Cobbing et al., 1992). A selection of igneous rocks are
exposed on these Islands, variation from basic to felsic plutonic rock and
2. Granite in Besar Group pyroclastic to felsic and intermediate volcanic lava (Ghani and Azmi
2008). The age of the plutonic and volcanic rocks in the islands is poorly
In Southeast Asia, granites are distributed into: (i) Western (south known (Ghani et al., 2014) but from previous studies on biotite feldspar
west Thailand–east Myanmar) provinces, (ii) Eastern provinces (east granites from nearby island (Tioman), the granite is a zircon age of 80 ±
Malaysia), (iii) Main Range provinces (south Thailand – west of Penin 1 mega annum (Ma) (Searle et al., 2012). This study was conducted in
sular Malaysia) and (iv) Northern provinces (Thailand) (Hutchison, Besar group islands (Fig. 2), situated approximately 13 km off the
1977; Cobbing et al., 1992). Two of the provinces were exposed in peninsular Malaysia mainland with total area of granitic rocks is about 4
Peninsular Malaysia; the Eastern and Main Range provinces. Both km2 with ultrafelsic granite average of SiO2 content ~76.15% and high
provinces also known as Eastern and Western Belt granites (Fig. 1). High K-feldspar + quartz content ~>70% (Ghani et al., 2014). The exhibit
SiO2 granites for both provinces are usually found in veins and petrographic, geochemical and tectonic signatures of this granite allow
high-level dykes (Ghani A.A 2009). However, in unusual cases, the high them to be classified as A-type granites. They are also alkali-rich and
SiO2 granite can occur as small plutons characterized by homogeneous, have high Rb, Nb, Ba, and REE + Y and +Ce contents (Ghani et al.,
Fig. 1. Granite plutons of the Peninsula Malaysia, compiled from Cobbing et al. (1986) and Searle et al. (2012).
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus Physics and Chemistry of the Earth xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 2. Geological map showing the distribution of granites on Besar islands Group. Modified after Ghani et al. (2014).
2013). is enriched in organic matters, clay minerals, and quartz and containing
small amounts of rock-forming minerals. The saprolite layers consists of
3. Weathering profiles clay-rich with average 2.0–4.5 m thick with lesser amounts of organic
matters, showing yellowish and reddish brown color. Three samples
There were nine weathered granite samples and three parent granite were collected from this horizon. The granitic texture is hardly recog
samples collected which covering Besar, Tengah and Hujung Island. The nized by the naked eye in this layer. The weathered rock (saprock) is a
weathering profile is divided into soil, saprolite, weathered rock (sap weathering crust on the parent granite, showing yellowish or dark grey
rock) and parent granite horizons from the surface to the bottom (Fig. 3). color. One sample was collected from this layer for each location of 2–3
The upper profile consists of dark brown soil with a thickness from 0.2 to m thickness. The fragments of granitic texture and rock-forming min
1 m, and from each location one sample was collected from this layer. It erals such as feldspars and biotite are recognized by the naked eye. Clay
Fig. 3. Schematic columnar section of the studied weathering profile on (a) Besar island, (b) Tengah island, and (c) Hujung island. (PBSOIL, PTSOIL,PHSOIL – soil
layer; PBS, PTS, PHS – saprolite layer; PBW, PTW, PHW – saprock layer; PBF, PTF, PHF – parent granite).
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus Physics and Chemistry of the Earth xxx (xxxx) xxx
minerals consist mainly of kaolinite with small amounts of halloysite, the centrifugal tube. The shaking, centrifuging and extraction proced
illite and mineral assemblage not very different from the saprolite layer. ures were repeated in the same way as in step 1. The concentrations of
The saprock gradually changes to the saprolite without clear boundary. REE were determined using the ICP-MS.
Kaolinite and halloysite are common clay minerals in these layers. The
parent granite was found in the bottom layer of each weathering 5. REE-bearing minerals in granite and weathered profiles
The REE bearing minerals observed in the parent granite of Besar
4. Analytical method group in this three islands are made up mainly by monazite-(Ce),
allanite-(Ce), apatite and zircon. Monazite-(Ce) occur as colourless
4.1. Chemical and mineralogical analyses grains, anhedral to subhedral, frequently associated with biotite and
zircon (Fig. 4). According to Udayakumar et al. (2020) and Hoshino
The parent granite sample were prepared as thin section for Meiji et al. (2016), monazite-(Ce) is a stable bearing REE mineral in unaltered
MT9900 Transmitted and Reflected Light Microscopy Microscopy granites, hydrothermal deposits and the weathering environment. In
analysis. Dried soil, saprolite and jaw-crushed weathered and parent granites from Besar Group, it forms grains of about 15–100 μm in
granite were ground in an agate laboratory disc mill (Sanematsu et al., diameter, is pale yellow and has high birefringence and high relief and
2013). The major elements of the powered samples were analyzed by in weathered granite profiles (saprock and saprolite), some mon
using the X-ray fluorescence (Bruker S4 Pioneer) and trace elements azite-(Ce) appears to have been unstable as it shows ragged outlines
were analyzed by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and/or looks disaggregated cause from hydrothermal alteration
(ICP-MS) brand Agilent 7500a at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The pol (Fig. 4a). This is due to weathering processes (Hoshino et al., 2016).
ished samples were observed by using the JEOL JSM-5400LV scanning Apatite can be euhedral and stubby, acicular or lozenge-shaped (Fig. 4c).
electron microscope (SEM) and major rock-forming minerals and Fig. 4d show a subhedral tabular biotite mineral containing apatite in
alteration minerals were identified using the X-ray diffraction (Siemens clusions. In the same granite samples, single crystals and aggregates of
D5000) with Material Data Inc. (Data Scan®, version 5) software at apatite were commonly found in association with zircon and mon
Camborne School of Mines, United Kingdom. The analysis was carried azite-(Ce) (Fig. 5b). The estimated relative weathering rates of accessary
out using CuKα radiation, an accelerating voltage of 40 kV and a beam minerals on granite and weathering samples, are: zircon > allanite-(Ce)
current of 150 mA. The scan range (2θ) was from 3◦ to 60◦ with scan step > apatite > titanite (Harlavan and Erel, 2002). These indicate, in
of 0.02◦ and scan speed of 2◦ /min. Qualitative and quantitative analyses weathering granite profiles of Besar Group, apatite is less resistant to
were performed by using analytical Functions: Oxford ISIS EDS system. weathering than zircon. When apatite is altered due to weathering, it
can be replaced by secondary phosphates such as mineral rhabdophane
4.2. Sequential leaching procedure (chemical formula) and florencite (chemical formula) or can be dis
solved. In saprolite samples of Besar Groups, the main REE bearing
The leaching procedure was performed to determine REE concen minerals was from fluorocarbonate group such as basnaesite-(Ce) and
trations in each fraction. The BCR Sequential Leaching Method with synchysite-(Ce) and apatite and their associated with clay minerals such
three-step sequential leaching procedure is use in this study. The reacted as kaolinite (Fig. 5d, e, f). Repreciptated apatite can often be found on
materials at each step are assumed to be ion-adsorption (including ion- the surfaces of clay mineral such as kaolinite (Fig. 5d). The pitted apatite
exchangeable) materials in step 1, Mn and Fe oxides in step 2 and surfaces morphology with kaolinite minerals is generally associated
organic matter and sulfides in step 3. The extraction procedure was with a proximity to the hydrothermal alteration (Sanematsu et al.,
basically performed in conformity to the BCR procedure proposed by 2013). The alteration of minerals in granites may be an important means
Ure et al. (1993), Thomas et al. (1994) and Rauret et al. (1999). Before of opening up grain boundaries to fluids (Jamtveit et al., 2008) and may
beginning the procedure, all the centrifugal tubes, containers and flasks be primarily responsible for the dissolution of apatite (Oelkers et al.,
were cleaned by soaking in 1 M HNO3 over 24 h and rinsed repeatedly 2008). In weathering profiles, euhedral to anhedral fine-grained REE
with distilled water before they were used. The step 1 extraction intends mineral bastnaesite (<10 μm) occur in cavities and along grain bound
to extract elements adsorbed on inorganic and organic materials and aries of kaolinite (Fig. 5e). The occurrence of bastnaesite suggests that it
exchangeable elements in clays and carbonates (Sanematsu et al., 2013). crystallized in the process of deuteric alteration of the granite. Deuteric
A 40-ml volume of 0.5 M ammonium sulfate solution (adjusted at pH = 4 alteration is a textural and mineralogical changes occur during the final
with H2SO4) was added to 1 g of powdered sample in a 50-ml centrifuge crystallization stages of the molten igneous rock.
tube and reacted with the sample by mechanical shaking for 1 h at room
temperature. The extract is separated from the solid residue by centri 6. Geochemistry of REE in weathered granite
fugation for 20 min. The supernatant solution was filtered by using a
cellulose acetate-type membrane filter (ϕ = 0.22 μm), and the mem The degree of chemical weathering of granitic rocks is represented by
brane filter was repeatedly rinsed with 50 ml of distilled water. The the chemical index of alteration (CIA) proposed by Nesbitt and Young
filtered solution was acidified using HNO3 and was kept in a poly (1982). The CIA values are mostly over 94% in the upper part of the
propylene container. The mass of the solid residue on the filter was profile (soil layer) and less than 92% in the lower part (saprolite)
measured for the next step 2 extraction because a small amount of res (Table 1). Because illite and kaolin group minerals (kaolinite and hal
idue was lost during filtration. The step 2 proposes to extract elements loysite) have CIA values of 75–85% and 100%, respectively, the upper
bound to the structures of Mn and Fe oxides by the change of redox part and lower part of the profile are interpreted as kaolin alteration and
conditions. 40 ml of 0.5 M hydroxylammonium chloride (adjusted to pH kaolin-illite alteration, respectively. The CIA values are consistent with
= 2 with HNO3) was added to the solid residue from the step 1. The occurrences of alteration minerals identified. Generally, the weathered
shaking, centrifuging and extraction procedures were repeated in the profiles show a higher concentration of total REE compared to their
same way as in step 1 (Sanematsu et al., 2013). The mass of the solid parent rocks as reported by Maulana et al. (2016). This result indicates
residue on the filter was measured for step 3. The step 3 extraction was that weathered crusts were enriched in REE, consistent with enrichment
performed to extract elements bound to organic matter, sulfur and sul of REE in weathered granitic crusts reported from many areas (Ishihara
fides. To extract the elements, a 20 ml of 8.8 M hydrogen peroxide was et al., 2008; Imai et al., 2013). Total REE ( REE) contents of weathered
added slowly to the residue from step 2. The residue was decomposed by granite (saprock and saprolite) range widely from 365 to 2339 ppm. The
heating at 85 ◦ C on an oven or water bath and dried for 24 h. Forty saprock is depleted in REE (365–624 ppm) whereas the saprolite mostly
milliliters of 1 M ammonium acetate was added to the moist residue in enriched in REE (1167–2339 ppm) relative to the parent granite
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Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of the granitic rocks from the Besar, Tengah and Hujung islands. (a) disaggregated monazite-(Ce); (b) quartz dissolution associated with
biotite and zircon; (c) Inclusion of allanite-(ce), apatite and zircon in biotite; (d) Acicular or lozenge-shape apatite in biotite minerals.
Fig. 5. SEM-backscattered electron images showing; (a) monazite-(ce) minerals in Besar island granite; (b) REE bearing minerals zircon and apatite associated with
biotite in Tengah island granite sample; (c) euhedral of allanite-(Ce) and zircon in Hujung island granite sample; (d) sheeted-like shapes of kaolinite minerals
associated with apatite in Besar island saprolite sample; (e) basnaesite-(ce) attached with altered kaolinite minerals in Tengah island saprolite sample; (f) REE-
flourocarbonate minerals, synchysite-(ce) with kaolinite and fluorite minerals in Hujung island saprolite.
(378–605 ppm) in Table 1. The soil layer represents a positive Ce 1. The concentrations of extracted LREE and HREE from each fraction
anomaly with calculation Ce/Ce* = CeN/(LaN × PrN)1/2, Eu/Eu* are listed in Table 2, and chondrite-normalized REE patterns are illus
EuN/(SmN × GdN)1/2 (N is normalized by chondrite (Sun and McDo trated in Fig. 6. The ion adsorption fraction is characterized by a nega
nough, 1989)). The Ce anomaly of soil layer is (Ce/Ce* = 1.58–3.37) tive Ce anomaly for all saprolite samples. La/Yb ratios of saprolite in
whereas the saprolite shows a negative anomaly (Ce/Ce* = 0.17–0.22). step 1 sequential extraction range from 23.9 to 35.2 unit? and suggest
REE are mostly present in the ion-adsorption fraction of extraction step that the saprolite tends to be enriched in LREE compared with the parent
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Table 1
Major elements of whole rock analysis with total CIA chemical index of alteration determined by molecular proportion of [Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO + Na2O + K2O)] ×
100, where CaO is not from carbonate (Nesbitt and Young 1982).
type Parent Parent Parent Saprock Saprock Saprock Saprolite Saprolite Saprolite Soil Soil Soil
SiO2 (wt.%) 77.73 76.89 76.15 74.05 74.11 72.49 70.16 70.05 70.01 66.54 68.91 69.28
Al2O3 12.77 12.18 13.36 16.22 17.33 16.22 20.17 22.05 24.17 27.84 18.15 24.36
Fe2O3 1.66 1.56 1.11 1.81 2.82 2.09 2.66 2.67 1.33 4.90 5.76 3.06
CaO 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.45 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.12
MgO 0.07 0.12 0.10 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.55
Na2O 3.02 2.14 3.22 0.21 0.15 0.55 0.04 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.01 0.88
K2O 3.91 4.70 4.86 3.64 3.11 2.86 2.36 2.80 2.60 0.33 0.17 0.85
TiO2 0.26 0.15 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.24 0.28 0.26 0.16 0.50 0.80 0.44
P2O5 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.05
MnO 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04
Cr2O3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00
BaO 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.04
LOI 1.20 2.14 0.56 2.89 1.75 5.71 3.45 1.83 1.95 0.12 5.16 1.09
Total (%) 100.69 99.99 99.70 99.13 99.69 100.46 99.31 100.21 100.60 100.33 99.11 100.76
CIA (%) 64.74 63.91 62.06 80.68 83.52 82.44 89.18 87.15 89.68 98.76 98.86 92.94
Co (ppm) 0.24 0.19 0.24 1.68 0.09 1.83 9.43 13.29 10.33 2.18 32.67 25.87
Ni 0.20 0.32 0.18 0.75 0.14 0.17 4.03 0.81 6.88 13.57 5.47 3.97
Cu 0.92 5.22 0.92 2.56 5.53 3.68 4.13 1.09 4.08 21.16 10.17 9.30
Zn 33.65 58.13 36.16 37.90 11.60 41.53 36.01 10.86 35.69 27.02 19.15 31.30
Ga 29.17 28.52 29.17 27.85 20.98 76.37 17.16 28.41 27.79 30.06 21.54 26.84
Rb 224.56 212.37 287.90 206.45 200.99 119.64 97.48 39.49 65.81 3.11 14.93 398.42
Sr 30.81 28.67 29.98 14.11 17.23 20.71 8.57 2.16 36.78 5.54 3.93 28.13
Sc 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.17 1.38 2.12 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.09
Y 100.01 83.10 91.61 60.93 49.90 116.09 228.11 255.00 388.03 3.21 4.87 28.06
Zr 86.15 116.94 186.72 218.18 121.50 191.03 132.08 178.11 216.57 138.30 60.79 90.60
Nb 31.77 21.05 45.61 28.51 18.18 27.26 31.11 73.92 24.77 35.61 24.01 23.73
Mo 2.68 2.02 2.09 2.12 1.28 2.64 3.06 1.83 2.90 3.29 1.91 1.56
In 0.26 0.39 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.29 0.19 0.11 0.32 0.00 0.06 0.30
Sn 3.78 24.00 9.11 8.72 4.76 6.84 8.26 17.56 10.19 5.66 4.25 29.50
Sb 0.21 0.69 0.36 0.43 0.49 0.82 0.62 0.53 0.31 0.61 0.33 0.84
Cs 5.11 4.35 4.95 2.60 2.30 3.32 3.40 3.65 1.43 0.22 0.96 30.38
Ba 695.32 744.37 667.89 487.71 559.46 572.55 147.95 106.77 116.71 9.63 12.40 366.81
La 47.73 73.91 91.60 89.90 89.10 127.97 298.77 606.88 655.20 18.35 13.02 30.11
Ce 92.42 120.91 231.15 134.96 101.90 112.12 119.90 197.78 284.90 51.37 68.15 73.76
Pr 12.21 18.92 22.26 17.83 17.41 25.97 89.79 131.61 141.64 3.45 1.88 3.17
Nd 47.80 59.04 85.81 65.57 60.27 96.78 243.34 487.95 517.17 4.75 4.42 11.20
Sm 11.68 18.51 19.98 11.82 14.96 24.90 56.31 96.93 99.62 0.85 1.00 3.38
Eu 0.79 1.20 2.18 0.95 1.10 1.90 2.90 8.95 8.12 0.20 0.14 0.14
Gd 16.13 15.24 21.81 10.34 9.42 46.32 39.83 79.00 84.26 0.61 0.84 5.45
Tb 3.49 1.98 4.97 2.62 1.49 6.56 5.72 11.64 14.00 0.08 0.19 0.87
Dy 19.21 13.91 16.91 11.89 8.39 29.79 29.60 48.90 60.50 0.60 0.90 5.24
Ho 4.31 2.91 3.95 2.75 1.54 5.42 7.52 13.30 14.20 0.12 0.18 1.03
Er 9.94 8.27 7.28 5.45 4.40 11.90 19.91 23.93 35.35 0.37 0.54 3.00
Tm 3.27 0.98 0.79 0.90 0.66 2.73 3.35 3.51 7.14 0.06 0.08 0.45
Yb 7.59 6.74 4.90 3.98 4.22 13.33 19.21 18.65 24.57 0.49 0.61 2.98
Lu 1.51 0.94 0.59 0.56 0.64 2.92 3.62 3.60 5.20 0.09 0.10 0.47
Hf 4.53 5.01 5.73 8.53 4.74 3.41 9.11 12.07 2.51 4.27 2.15 3.53
Ta 4.18 7.45 3.29 3.85 2.34 6.31 7.34 13.94 3.27 6.98 4.69 5.77
W 3.10 4.72 3.11 2.73 2.47 4.87 18.18 115.04 82.61 10.26 201.16 97.45
Pb 25.37 21.69 33.82 15.49 9.05 32.12 19.51 19.29 22.76 4.50 7.65 43.84
Th 15.12 18.26 11.02 16.99 9.86 10.23 12.60 6.31 9.55 5.74 11.72 8.14
U 2.67 3.73 2.13 0.55 2.01 2.89 2.84 4.63 1.76 1.48 2.57 1.71
LREE 228.75 307.73 474.79 331.37 294.16 435.96 850.84 1609.09 1790.90 79.58 89.45 127.21
HREE 149.32 118.84 131.00 89.08 71.24 188.74 317.04 378.53 548.99 5.02 7.47 42.10
REE 378.08 426.57 605.79 420.46 365.41 624.69 1167.88 1987.62 2339.90 84.60 96.92 169.31
La/Yb 6.29 10.96 18.69 22.60 21.12 9.60 15.55 32.54 26.67 37.45 21.34 10.10
Ce/Ce* 0.938567 0.792751 1.255071 0.826483 0.63437 0.476845 0.179482 0.171582 0.229295 1.582948 3.377272 1.85106
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus
Table 2
Results of sequential extraction of REE from weathered granite and parent granite.
Sample Extraction La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Y Er Tm Yb Lu Total REE La/Yb
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
PBF Step 1 3.20 6.54 0.77 3.40 0.88 0.04 1.46 0.34 1.66 0.35 10.80 0.89 0.11 0.61 0.08 31.13 5.23
Step 2 31.68 60.25 7.60 33.42 8.20 0.36 12.24 2.26 14.15 2.71 69.13 6.96 0.83 4.37 0.54 254.73 7.25
Step 3 7.04 12.75 1.67 6.76 1.77 0.09 2.11 0.45 2.77 0.62 14.18 1.70 0.27 1.50 0.22 53.91 4.70
Step 4 4.81 11.88 1.17 1.23 0.21 0.30 0.31 0.44 0.62 0.63 5.72 0.11 0.06 0.11 0.26 27.86 45.04
PTF Step 1 6.86 3.46 0.89 3.76 0.81 0.06 0.95 0.12 0.73 0.14 4.10 0.36 0.04 0.26 0.04 22.59 26.21
Step 2 27.46 11.85 5.32 19.85 5.33 0.55 9.17 1.27 6.79 1.23 27.66 3.13 0.42 2.68 0.34 123.03 10.26
Step 3 39.14 20.16 11.61 23.54 3.28 0.32 4.72 0.57 2.92 0.54 15.59 1.20 0.14 0.91 0.15 124.80 42.81
Step 4 0.45 85.34 1.00 10.89 8.59 0.19 0.15 0.01 3.17 1.00 33.77 3.58 0.37 2.39 0.41 151.32 0.19
PHF Step 1 12.19 9.54 3.06 9.40 1.58 0.10 2.46 0.34 1.96 0.45 12.20 0.99 0.13 0.71 0.09 55.20 17.12
Step 2 50.35 40.40 11.35 49.06 11.42 0.86 11.91 1.68 8.32 1.32 31.63 2.96 0.32 1.75 0.22 223.56 28.78
Step 3 27.83 25.30 6.61 26.19 6.27 0.50 6.72 1.02 5.06 0.86 19.78 1.93 0.25 1.22 0.18 129.72 22.80
Step 4 0.73 154.90 0.24 0.65 0.03 0.52 0.11 0.93 0.26 0.83 27.50 1.36 0.10 0.22 0.01 188.37 3.35
PBW Step 1 57.47 4.22 12.07 32.33 6.31 0.29 6.54 1.03 5.13 0.92 24.70 1.95 0.18 1.02 0.15 154.31 56.17
Step 2 16.75 7.14 4.12 8.12 1.68 0.21 2.12 0.35 2.12 0.31 8.12 0.78 0.11 0.66 0.11 52.72 25.32
Step 3 2.99 5.17 0.72 3.12 0.72 0.08 0.88 0.14 0.72 0.14 4.12 0.38 0.05 0.32 0.05 19.60 9.40
Step 4 12.39 118.02 0.42 21.00 2.72 0.07 0.13 0.44 2.91 0.96 23.13 2.35 0.35 1.97 0.25 187.13 6.28
PTW Step 1 35.02 49.28 6.25 23.08 4.18 0.32 5.47 0.68 4.53 0.92 28.20 2.45 0.31 1.72 0.26 162.66 20.31
Step 2 7.88 35.84 1.57 6.10 1.07 0.09 0.89 0.10 0.64 0.11 3.16 0.27 0.03 0.21 0.03 57.99 36.82
Step 3 1.06 2.79 0.19 0.78 0.18 0.01 0.20 0.02 0.15 0.03 0.95 0.09 0.01 0.07 0.01 6.56 14.43
Step 4 45.15 13.39 9.40 30.32 9.07 0.68 2.79 0.68 3.07 0.47 17.27 1.60 0.31 2.21 0.34 136.73 20.45
PHW Step 1 106.85 2.16 16.78 71.95 14.94 0.93 17.84 2.69 15.02 3.32 81.00 6.99 1.05 5.83 0.79 348.13 18.33
Step 2 13.93 43.51 3.17 12.06 2.65 0.26 2.09 0.36 1.96 0.36 8.56 0.81 0.10 0.47 0.06 90.34 29.77
Step 3 6.44 0.29 1.41 4.34 0.97 0.08 1.03 0.17 0.89 0.15 3.50 0.31 0.03 0.15 0.02 19.79 42.62
Step 4 0.55 65.15 4.42 7.43 6.33 0.12 24.36 2.34 10.92 1.19 20.99 3.13 0.54 6.88 1.22 155.58 0.08
PBS Step 1 292.76 29.50 83.37 236.82 53.17 1.22 32.61 4.22 22.46 4.85 134.70 11.95 1.57 9.55 1.41 920.16 30.66
Step 2 1.50 25.04 0.64 2.36 0.42 0.03 0.71 0.07 0.29 0.06 1.62 0.13 0.02 0.14 0.03 33.06 10.66
Step 3 0.80 3.43 0.26 0.75 0.09 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.31 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.01 5.90 27.54
Step 4 3.71 60.93 5.52 0.40 2.63 1.64 5.92 0.92 6.78 2.60 89.50 7.50 1.75 9.49 2.18 201.48 0.39
PTS Step 1 481.41 62.72 122.65 417.25 87.78 4.18 70.00 7.26 38.70 8.30 213.00 18.93 2.51 13.65 1.60 1549.94 35.27
Step 2 13.86 120.66 4.96 20.26 4.84 0.41 4.16 0.69 3.74 0.73 14.51 2.00 0.31 1.79 0.30 193.22 7.73
Step 3 1.43 13.43 0.40 1.57 0.45 0.06 0.44 0.06 0.43 0.09 2.45 0.25 0.03 0.18 0.03 21.31 7.81
Step 4 108.18 0.97 2.60 48.37 0.86 3.31 2.40 3.25 5.83 0.18 25.37 2.75 0.65 3.02 0.67 208.41 35.78
PHS Step 1 445.04 32.62 128.88 452.27 83.39 3.00 72.26 9.00 50.50 11.20 307.00 23.35 3.14 18.57 2.20 1642.41 23.97
Step 2 15.71 53.85 4.10 18.29 8.20 0.32 8.11 1.24 6.48 1.20 23.95 2.13 0.32 1.99 0.34 146.21 7.89
Step 3 1.32 6.12 0.39 1.59 0.67 0.05 0.69 0.15 0.73 0.14 3.12 0.25 0.04 0.21 0.03 15.49 6.23
Step 4 192.13 188.31 6.26 44.02 5.36 1.75 1.21 1.61 1.79 0.66 51.84 5.61 0.65 0.80 0.63 502.65 240.94
Fig. 6. Chondrite-normalized (McDonough and Sun, 1995) REE patterns for all saprolite sample types from Besar, Tengah and Hujung islands. The REE patterns of
each extraction step and the whole rock are individually shown.
2009; Sanematsu et al., 2013; Hoshino et al., 2016). However, the transported from the saprolite (leached zone) and were immobilized in
fractionation of REE is not easily explained from whole-rock geochem the lower part of the saprock (accumulation zone) (Fig. 7b). Soil water in
ical data because it is controlled by the occurrence of REE-bearing the upper part of the profile is acidic because of abundant humic sub
minerals, which have different LREE/HREE, and their varying resis stances and atmospheric CO2 near the surface, leading to the alteration
tance to alteration. REE derived from the breakdown of phosphate and of REE-bearing minerals. REE fluorocarbonate in the parent granite is
most silicate phases are relatively enriched in LREE except zircon which easily soluble in acidic soil water. Occurrences of REE fluorocarbonate
has a higher HREE/LREE and is particularly resistant to weathering minerals were reported from parent granite of ion-adsorption type de
(Hoshino et al., 2016). It is for this reason that, in general, the saprolites, posits (Ishihara et al., 2008). Bastnaesite-(Ce) in the parent granite is
which contain relatively low zircon, are relatively LREE-rich compared easily soluble in acidic soil water as this accessory minerals are weakly
with the parent and saprocks in the granite weathering profiles from resistant to weathering (Bao and Zhao, 2008). In soil water, REE are
Besar Groups island (Fig. 7a). There is a significant result in saprolite considered to be dissolved by forming carbonate complexes of REECO3+
profiles for this three islands, where total REE percentage is considered and free ions of REE3+ (Wood, 1990). The REE complexes and REE3+ are
high and this may be a REE potential, but the patterns were variable and positively charged and are adsorbed onto negatively charged or zero
weak. In addition to REE bearing minerals characteristic, the process of charge materials such as kaolinite. The point of zero charge of kaolinite
ion adsorption tends to produce a relative enrichment in the LREE. This is less than 3.6 (Schroth and Sposito, 1997; Kosmulski, 2011), suggesting
is despite the results of experimental studies on saprolite profiles which that kaolinite is negatively charged in ion adsorption ores with low pH of
showed that LREE were easily adsorbed onto kaolinite relative to HREE 4.1–6.5 (Wei et al., 2001; Pan, 2011; Yang and Xiao, 2011) and thus is
at high ionic strength and in low-pH solutions (Coppin et al., 2002). In capable of adsorbing REEs. Weathered granite contains various
Besar island granite groups weathering profiles, however, the selective adsorptive weathering products which may adsorb positively charged
adsorption of LREE is dominant, which may imply lower ionic strength REE complexes and ions. The adsorptive materials are considered clay
fluids and/or higher pH groundwater. The soil layer is depleted in REE minerals such as kaolinite and halloysite and Al-hydroxyoxides in
except for Ce whereas the lower profile which is saprolite tends to be ion-adsorption type REE deposits of southern China (Bao and Zhao,
enriched in these elements. This result indicates that REE were 2008). In the studied weathered granite of Besar Island Group samples,
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus Physics and Chemistry of the Earth xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 7. (a) Diagram of La/Yb ratio representing the fractionation of REE between. whole-rock and ion-adsorption fraction of the granite weathering profiles. (b)
whole-rock REE content and adsorbed REE concentration.
REE minerals commonly occur mainly with kaolinite and small amount granite. The ion-adsorption fraction tends to be enriched in LREE rela
of halloysite. However, the adsorptive material was not easily identified tive to saprolite layer (weathered granite). Further detailed studies on
because of the difficulty in analyzing small amounts of REE distributed the occurrence of these critical metals (REE) in Peninsular Malaysia
on the surface of fine-grained weathering products and amorphous should therefore be conducted intensively in order to maximize the
materials. Therefore, REE adsorption in weathered granite is controlled potential of these materials for the better development.
by the variety of adsorptive materials such as clays. Fig. 6 shows the
negative Ce anomaly of the step 1 leaching in saprolite is suggesting that CRediT authorship contribution statement
the Ce anomaly of weathered granite profiles may be an indicator of
ion-adsorption type REE mineralization. S.Z. Tohar: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Writing -
original draft. M.Y. Mohd Yunus: Writing - review & editing, Super
8. Conclusion vision, Validation.
S.Z. Tohar and M.Y.M. Yunus Physics and Chemistry of the Earth xxx (xxxx) xxx
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