Hei Li
Hei Li
Hei Li
The role of clay minerals in formation of the regolith-hosted heavy rare earth element
Rare earth elements (REEs) have become increasingly important to our modern society due to
their strategical significance and numerous high technological applications. Regolith-hosted heavy
rare earth element (HREE) deposits in South China are currently the main source of the HREEs, but
the ore-forming processes are poorly understood. In these deposits, the REEs are postulated to ac-
cumulate in regolith through adsorption on clay minerals. In the Zudong deposit, the world’s largest
regolith-hosted HREE deposit, clay minerals are dominated by short, stubby, nanometer-scale hal-
loysite tubes (either 10 or 7 Å) and microcrystalline kaolinite in the saprolite and lower pedolith and
micrometer-sized vermicular kaolinite in the humic layer and upper pedolith. A critical transformation
of the clay minerals in the upper pedolith is coalescence and unrolling of halloysite to form vermicular
kaolinite. Microcrystalline kaolinite also transformed to large, well-crystalline vermicular kaolinite.
This transformation could result in significant changes in different physicochemical properties of the
clay assemblages. Halloysite-abundant clay assemblages in the deep regolith have specific surface
area and porosity significantly higher than the kaolinite-dominant clay assemblages in the shallow
soils. The crystallinity of clay minerals also increased, exemplified by decrease in Fe contents of the
kaolinite group minerals (from ~1.2 wt% in the lower saprolite to ~0.35 wt% in the upper pedolith),
thereby indicative of less availability of various types of adsorption sites. Hence, halloysite-abundant
clay minerals of high adsorption capacity in deep regolith could efficiently retain the REEs released
from weathering of the parent granite. Reduction in adsorption capacity during the clay transforma-
tion in shallow depth partially leads to REE desorption, and the released REEs would be subsequently
transported to and adsorbed at deeper part of the soil profile. Hence, the clay-adsorbed REE concentra-
tion in the lower pedolith and saprolite (~2500 ppm on average) is much higher than the uppermost
soils (~400 ppm on average). Therefore, weathering environments that favor the release of the REEs
in the shallow soils but preservation of halloysite in the deep regolith can continuously adsorb REEs
in the clay minerals to form economically valuable deposits.
Keywords: Rare earth elements (REEs), REE adsorption, halloysite, kaolinite, regolith-hosted
REE deposits, weathering
saprolite could be considered as a significant weathering front. from a few meters to 30 m from field observation. A clear soil
Here, consumption of the saprolitic materials to form the pedolith zonation can be observed, and includes from top to bottom a sur-
usually leaves behind only residual phases, including refractory ficial humic layer (A horizon, 0–1 m thick), a pedolith (B horizon,
REE-bearing minerals, causing an apparent REE accumulation. 1–10 m thick), and a saprolite zone (C horizon, 3–20 m thick)
More importantly, a large amount of the REEs accumulate very (Fig. 2a). The humic layer is generally dark brownish in appear-
likely due to adsorption on the clay minerals. In these deposits, ance with a high total organic carbon (TOC) content. Whereas
kaolinite and halloysite are frequently observed, whereas the oc- the pedolith is orangish brown in appearance, attributed to the
currence of smectite and illite is usually rare and confined only accumulation of Fe oxyhydroxides (Figs. 2b–2c). The soil order
to the lower part of soil profiles (Wu et al. 1990; Li et al. 2019). could be classified as Ultisol. This zone also contains abundant
However, the role of clay minerals is still poorly understood and rounded residual grains of quartz, but primary feldspar and
little is known about the relationship between species, modes of muscovite are rare. In the saprolite, relict granitic texture is
occurrence, and abundance of clay minerals and REE adsorp- still largely preserved and exhibits a whitish to pinkish white
tion. Here, we choose the world’s largest Zudong regolith-hosted appearance due to the formation of various clay minerals (Figs.
HREE deposit and focus on the variation and transformation of 2d–2f). The HREE orebodies, varying from a few meters to 10 m
clay minerals in progressive weathering and associated changes thick, exclusively occur in the lower pedolith to upper saprolite
in various physicochemical properties. Thereby, we explore the (Fig. 2a) (Li et al. 2019). Previous studies have recognized the
role of clay minerals in mobilizing and accumulating REEs in dominant clay species of kaolinite and halloysite in the soil
regolith to constrain the origin of regolith-hosted HREE deposits. profiles, with a subordinate amount of illite and smectite in the
lower saprolite (Wu et al. 1990; Li et al. 2019). Quantitatively,
Site description there are about 10–15% kaolinite group minerals in the saprolite
The Zudong deposit in southern Jiangxi province (Fig. 1) is and pedolith, but their contents abruptly reach more than 25% in
HREE-dominant with a current total resource of 17 622 t (pre- the humic layer (Fig. 3) (Li et al. 2019). Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides
mining estimate of 131 000 t at 0.048 wt% REO) of REO and and gibbsite are comparatively scarce, even in the uppermost part
an average grade of ~0.1 wt% REO (Xie et al. 2016; Li et al. of the soil profiles (Wu et al. 1990; Li et al. 2019). Supergene
2019). Regionally, the Zudong deposit is located on a moderately REE minerals, including chernovite-(Y) and cerianite-(Ce),
undulating landform, with elevation varying from ~250 to 500 m and residual REE minerals, such as zircon, xenotime-(Y), and
above sea level and slope gradients from 10° to 15° (Liu et al. euxenite-(Y), also commonly appear in the soils. It is estimated
2016), and subjected to a subtropical monsoon climate with an- that these supergene and residual minerals host up to 30% of
nual rainfall of 1200–1900 mm (Huang et al. 2013). the total REE contents of the ores, while the remaining ~70% is
Thicknesses of soil profiles in the deposit range generally largely adsorbed on the clay minerals (Li et al. 2019). This de-
Zudong pluton
24°50’ N 24°50’ N
Guanxi pluton
Bankeng pluton
Zudong pluton Country rocks Structures
Lower Jurassic
0 2,000 m Medium-grained felsic volcanic rocks Pegmatite vein
24°45’ N alkaline granite
Lower Triassic
Fine-grained clastic rocks Fault
°55’ E
114°50’ E alkaline114
granite Upper Permian
(marginal phase) coal-bearing shale Other
Medium-grained Sinian - Cambrian Sampling
biotite granite metamorphic rocks location
Guanxi granite
biotite granite Bankeng granite
Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Zudong deposit (after Li et al. 2019). (Color online.)
~1 m thick
REE content
A horizon
(d) (e)
Saprolite (C horizon)
~10 m thick
Saprock &
Figure 2. (a) A schematic soil profile and the corresponding profile of REE content of the Zudong deposit (after Li et al. 2019). (b–g) Field
photos of the Zudong deposit. (b) Pedolith of orangish brown appearance with abundant residual grains of quartz. (c) Interface between the pedolith
and saprolite at which the relict granitic texture progressively demolished. (d) Upper saprolite of mottled pinkish white appearance due to the
abundant kaolinized feldspar, where relict granitic texture is still preserved. (e) Lower saprolite of mottled purplish white appearance. (f) Saprock
in which outline of feldspar grains can still be seen. (g) Fresh bedrock with major minerals of quartz, orthoclase, and albite. (Color online.)
Particle size Bulk mineral Proportion of Bulk REE SSA Pore volume CEC Clay-adsorbed REE
proportion (%) proportion (%)1 clay mineral (%) distribution (%)1 (m2/g) (cm2/g) (c mol/kg-1) concentration (ppm)
50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 14 22 0.08 0.16 15 20 100 10,000
Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide-
Kfs Vrm sorbed
Upper pedolith
2 20 <2 µm Crystalline
<2 µm - - >50 Qtz Kln Extractable phase-
20 50 µm adsorbed hosted <2 µm
µm µm 2 - 20 µm
2 - 20 µm 2 - 20 µm
Ms Gbs Hal Ms-Ill/Vrm Organic substance-
bound Residual
<2 µm
50 100
Proportion (%)
Figure 3. Variations of average particle size proportion, bulk mineral proportion and REE distribution, and proportion of clay minerals, SSA,
pore volume, CEC, and clay-adsorbed REE concentration of the clay fractions in different soil horizons. Abbreviations: Ab = albite; Gbs = goethite;
Hal = halloysite; Ill = illite; Kfs = K-feldspar; Kln = kaolinite; Ms = muscovite; Qtz = quartz; Sme = smectite; Vrm = vermiculite. Ms-Ill/Sme
Figure 2
and Ms-Ill/Vrm refer to interstratified muscovite-illite with smectite and vermiculite, respectively. Note that the proportion of kaolinite in the bulk
mineral proportion refers to the family of kaolinite-group minerals. “1” indicates data from Li et al. (2019). (Color online.)
Table 1. Summary of bulk mineralogical and geochemical properties of the Zudong deposit
Proportion of particle size (%) Proportion of the Total REEs (%)1
Proportion of Soil <2 2–20 20–50 >50 Bulk REE Extractable Fe-Mn Fe-Mn Organic
kaolinit e group pH1 µm µm µm µm concentrartion adsorbed oxyhdroxide- oxyhdroxide- substance-
Soil horizon mineral (%)1 (ppm)1 REEs adsorbed REEs bound REEs bound REEs
Humic layer, 25 4.74 22.9 57.5 14.8 4.8 394 46 2.5 1.5 0.5
Upper pedolith
Lower pedolith 12 5.55 11.6 47.6 26.3 14.6 1055 66 2.3 0.8 0.4
Upper saprolite 13 5.40 9.3 37.7 25.1 27.9 906 60 2.1 0.5 0.2
Lower saprolite 10 5.94 8.3 31.1 18.9 41.7 477 61 1.9 0.8 0.5
Note: Data from Li et al. (2019); analytical methods provided in the Appendix1.
posit formed from weathering of the late Jurassic A-type Zudong observation. The SEM used is equipped with an Oxford energy-dispersive spec-
granite (zircon U-Pb age of 168 Ma; Zhao et al. 2014). The major trometer (EDS) for quick semi-quantitative elemental analysis of the clay minerals.
rock-forming minerals include quartz, albite, orthoclase, and High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
muscovite (Fig. 2g). REE concentrations of the parent granite (HRTEM)
vary from ~200 to 400 ppm with various REE-bearing accessory High-resolution transmission electron microscopic (HRTEM) images were
phases, including synchysite-(Y), gadolinite-(Y), hingganite- obtained with a Tecnai G2 20 S-TWIN scanning transmission electron microscope
(Y), yttrialite-(Y), Y-rich fluorite, xenotime-(Y), euxenite-(Y), at the EMU, HKU, operated at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Specimens were
fergusonite-(Y), zircon, and thorite. Preferential weathering of first dispersed in ethanol, and a drop of the suspension was transferred onto a porous
carbon film supported by a copper grid. Observations were undertaken after the
some of these minerals, notably synchysite-(Y), gadolinite-(Y),
ethanol had evaporated. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) processing was applied to
hingganite-(Y), and yttrialite-(Y), supplies most of the REEs to obtain the d-spacings of clay minerals.
be accumulated in the regolith through continuous circulation.
In term of geochemistry, Li et al. (2019) have demonstrated that X‑ray diffraction (XRD)
the soil pH gradually increases from 4.74 in the uppermost humic XRD patterns were collected from 3° to 30° (2θ) for oriented and ethylene
layer and upper pedolith to ~5.5 in the lower pedolith and upper glycol-solvated samples, and 3° to 15° (2θ) for 550 °C heated, and K-acetate-
and ethylene glycol-solvated samples at a scanning rate of 1 ° (2θ) min–1 on a
saprolite, and further to ~6 in the lower saprolite (Table 1). The Rigaku D/max diffractometer with Ni-filtered CuKα radiation (λ = 0.154 nm,
REE concentration increases from ~400 ppm in the uppermost 40 kV, and 100 mA). Oriented samples were prepared by carefully pipetting the
humic layer and upper pedolith to more than 1000 ppm in the clay suspension onto a glass slide and allowing it to dry at ambient temperature.
ore bodies. A similar trend was observed for the extractable REE Ethylene glycol-solvated samples were then prepared by treating the oriented
samples in a glass desiccator and solvated with ethylene glycol vapor at 30 °C for
concentrations. The extractable REE concentration increases
24 h, and subsequently heated at 550 °C for more than 2.5 h to prepare the heated
from ~200 ppm on average in the humic layer and upper pedolith, samples. To further decipher kaolinite and halloysite, K-acetate treatment (Wada
being ~45% of the bulk content, to 600–700 ppm on average in 1961) with additional solvation of ethylene glycol (Miller and Keller 1963) was
the orebody at the lower pedolith and upper saprolite, sharing adopted. Samples were first soaked in K-acetate and then washed with ethylene
60–65% of the bulk content (Table 1; Fig. 3). The proportions glycol. Halloysite has basal spacings in the range of 10–11 Å, whereas kaolinite
retains its original basal spacing of ~7 Å after the treatment. The corresponding
of the REEs sorbed to Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides are minimal at the relative proportions were determined by computing the I10/(I7 + I10) ratios from
Zudong deposit, sharing only ~2% of the total REE contents the XRD spectra, in which I7 and I10 denote the intensity peaks near 7 and 10 Å,
(Table 1; Fig. 3). The proportions bound to organic substances respectively. The crystallinity of the kaolinite group minerals is evaluated by the
are negligible (Table 1; Fig. 3). Hinckley Index after Hinckley (1962). The indices are calculated by dividing the
sum of the heights of the 110 and the 111 peaks above a line drawn from the trough
between the 020-110 peaks to the background immediately beyond the 111 peak, by
Samples and analytical methods the height of 110 peak from the general background. XRD patterns were analyzed
Sampling and sample preparation using the JADE 6.5 software.
Representative samples from different soil horizons of the Zudong deposit were
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
collected at a depth of at least 50 cm deep below the exposed surfaces to avoid
anthropogenic effects. A detailed description of the ore deposit and investigation of The FTIR spectra were obtained on a Nicolet iS10 FTIR spectrometer by
bulk geochemistry are available in Li et al. (2019). As clay minerals in the studied using the KBr pressed disk technique. The pressed disks were prepared by mixing
site could be much larger than 2 μm in size (see results below), particles with size samples and KBr at a ratio of approximate 1:100, and ground in an agate mortar for
<20 μm were targeted and extracted and further divided into <2 and 2–20 μm frac- homogenization. The mixture was then heated under a lamp for 3 min to minimize
tions. To extract the different clay fractions, samples were first suspended in DI water adsorption. The spectra were collected over the range of 4000–400 cm–1 with
water by vigorous shaking and ultrasonic bathed for ~15 min. Both <2 and <20 μm 64 scans and a resolution of 4 cm–1.
fractions were collected through sedimentation after required times according to
the Stoke’s law have lapsed. Specific surface area (SSA), porosity, and pore size
distribution analysis
Particle size distribution Specific surface area (SSA) of representative samples were obtained via the
Particle size distribution was analyzed with a LS I3 320 laser diffraction nitrogen adsorption (the BET method) using a Beckman Coulter SA3100 analyzer.
particle size analyzer (PSA) at the Department of Earth Sciences, the University All samples were outgassed for 6–12 h and heated to a maximum temperature of
of Hong Kong (HKU). The detection range is 0.2–2000 μm, and the error for 50 °C to remove surface moisture before the analysis. Porosity and pore size distri-
repeated measurement is <1%. bution of these samples were further evaluated through the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda
(BJH) method (Barrett et al. 1951).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Micro- to nano-scale observations were carried out with a Hitachi S-4800 Cation exchange capability (CEC) characterization
FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the electron microscope unit (EMU), Cation exchange capability (CEC) characterization for the <2 μm and 2–20 μm
HKU. The operating voltage is 15 kV, and samples were coated with carbon before fractions was carried out following Deng et al. (2014). Samples were first treated
with dilute acetic acid to remove any possible carbonates and then washed by 0.5 M of halloysite is long and tubular. These halloysite tubes range
and 0.005 M CaCl2 for 3 times each to completely saturate the cation exchangeable from 1 to 5 μm in length and occur as aggregates on the surface
sites and determine the volume of interstitial solution. Ca-saturated samples were
then washed with 0.5 M MgCl2 for 4 times. Supernatant solutions were collected
of weathered feldspar grains (Fig. 4d) through the coalescence
after centrifugation, and the Ca contents were analyzed with a PE Optima 8300 of short halloysite tubes (Fig. 4e). Occasionally, the long hal-
inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) at HKU. loysite tubes occur on the surface of weathered muscovite
grains (Fig. 4f). Under HRTEM, lattice fringes with d-spacings
Electron-probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of both 10 Å (Fig. 4g) and 7 Å (Fig. 4h) could be observed
The major element contents of the kaolinite group minerals in soils and primary for the halloysite tubes with open-ended cylindrical lumen
muscovite and feldspars were analyzed using a JEOL JXA-8230 electron micro- pores of 10–20 nm across (Fig. 5). However, the possibility
probe at the Department of Earth Sciences, HKU. The analyses were performed
using a 15 kV accelerating voltage and a 20 nA beam current. The beam spot
of rapid dehydration of halloysite-10 Å to the 7 Å-species
diameter was varied from 1 to 5 μm to eliminate sample damage. The Kα line was during analysis cannot be ruled out. It is notable that the short
chosen for all analyzed elements. Analytical conditions and applied standards are halloysite tubes are closely associated with muscovite (Fig. 5).
listed in Supplementary1 Table S1. All data were corrected using the standard ZAF Both close tubes with clear lumen pores (Figs. 5a, 5b, and 5e)
correction procedures.
and semi-open tubes (Figs. 5c–5e) are abundant on the edges
Clay-adsorbed REE concentration of the muscovite sheets. The semi-open tubes may represent
an interim stage of formation through rolling-up of the mus-
An extraction experiment was conducted to quantify the variations in adsorbed
REE concentrations of the clay fractions from different soil horizons. The adsorbed covite sheet. In addition, the edges of the muscovite sheets are
REE portion here is operationally defined as an easily extractable fraction by dilute apparently thicker than the interior under TEM imaging (Fig.
electrolyte solutions. All centrifuge tubes and containers used were soaked in 1 M 5f), probably indicating thickening of sheets at margins due
HNO3 for over 24 h and rinsed repeatedly with Milli-Q double de-ionized water to rolling-up along edges. Apart from halloysite, subordinate
(Ω = 18.2M) before use. Ten milliliters of 0.5 M ammonium sulfate was added to
50 mg of clay separates and mechanically shaken for 16 h at room temperature to
amounts of kaolinite and illite also occur in the saprolite.
extract the REEs. The extracted solutions were collected by centrifuging at 10 000 Kaolinite appears as irregular microcrystalline flakes, a few
rpm for 30 min and filtration using a cellulose acetate-type membrane filter (φ = micrometers across, growing topotaxially on the surface, and
0.22 μm). Residues after extraction were dried overnight at 40 °C and completely occasionally along the edges of weathered muscovite grains
digested in a concentrated mixture of HF-HCl-HNO3 at a temperature of ~180 °C.
(Figs. 6a and 6b). Illite grains are mostly of 1–5 μm across with
Acidified and diluted solutions were analyzed with an Agilent 7900 inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) at HKU. Both the accuracy and irregular shapes and undulating surfaces. Illite mainly occurs
precision are at <10% for all analyzed elements. as aggregates on the surface of the weathered feldspar grains
(Fig. 6c). Residual muscovite grains are common and occur
Results as stacks with sheets of different sizes and shapes (Fig. 6d).
In the humic layer and upper pedolith, platy kaolinite crys-
Particle size distribution
tals become progressively more abundant and larger in size,
Results of the particle size distribution for 26 samples are of up to 10 μm across. Apparently, these kaolinite “booklets”
divided into ranges of <2, 2–20, 20–50, and >50 μm fractions. were formed through the coalescence of halloysite, either on the
The average results of each range are summarized in Table 1 basal surfaces of the kaolinite booklet (Figs. 7a–7e) or along the
and Figure 3. Generally, proportion of fine particles becomes edge (Fig. 7f). Continuous growth of kaolinite ultimately forms
progressively more abundant from the lower part to upper part large, euhedral, vermicular kaolinite booklets (Fig. 7g) with a
of the soil profile. In the lower saprolite, about half of the soil d-spacing of ~7.2 Å and unit cells of ~5.0 Å along the a axis
particles (~40%) are larger than 50 μm, and there are about 8 and (Fig. 8a). These kaolinite booklets are commonly observed in
30% for the <2 and 2–20 μm fractions, respectively. In the upper the shallow soils, whereas euhedral halloysite tubes of >1 μm
saprolite, the <2 and 2–20 μm fractions are 9 and 38%, respec- long are occasionally associated with kaolinite (Figs. 7h and
tively. These two fractions comprise 12 and 48%, respectively, of 8b–8d). In addition, halloysite, with a d-spacing of ~8.0 Å, has
the lower pedolith and the highest as 23 and 58%, respectively, been observed under HRTEM (Fig. 8c), suggesting a progres-
of the humic layer and upper pedolith. In contrast, the proportion sive dehydration of halloysite-10 Å to the 7 Å type (Fig. 8d).
of particles with sizes of >50 μm dramatically drops to 28% in
the upper saprolite, then further to 15 and 5% in the lower and Modal proportion of clay minerals from XRD patterns
upper pedolith, respectively. From the XRD patterns, different clay minerals have been
identified and their relative proportions were calculated based
SEM and HRTEM observation on the corresponding peak intensities and heights (Table 2). The
From SEM and HRTEM images, morphology and associa- entire results are provided in Supplementary1 Table S2.
tion of clay minerals are directly observed. Halloysite is the In the saprolite and lower pedolith, the <2 μm clay fraction
major clay species in the saprolite, and is grouped into two has a higher abundance of kaolinite of 55–70% and of ~25–35%
types on the basis of appearance. The first type is very short, halloysite. Muscovite/illite contents are comparatively low, rang-
stubby, narrow, and tubular halloysite. The length varies from ing from 2 to 9% in the lower pedolith and upper saprolite (Table
<100 to 500 nm. The short halloysite tubes occur as aggregates 2; Figs. 3 and 9). There are trace amounts of other clay miner-
on surface and in etch pits of weathered feldspar grains (Fig. als, including smectite, interstratified muscovite-illite/smectite,
4a). These halloysite tubes are also commonly found along vermiculite, and interstratified muscovite-illite/vermiculite. The
edges and cleavages of muscovite flakes (Figs. 4b and 4c), 2–20 μm fraction generally has higher abundance in muscovite/
either as aggregates or as individual tubes. The second type illite (up to 19%), but similar abundances in kaolinite (47–73%)
Figure 4. Ab
(a) (b)
Occurrence of
halloysite in the
saprolite and lower
pedolith. (a–f) SEM
images; (g and h)
TEM images. Short,
stubby halloysite tubes
occur as (a) aggregates
on weathered albite
and (b) muscovite Ms
or (c) as individual
tubes on weathered 2 um 1 um
muscovite. (d) Long
halloysite tubes occur (c) (d)
as aggregates on
weathered albite, (e) Ms
through coalescence of
short halloysite tubes,
and (f) on surface of
weathered muscovite.
Short, stubby halloysite
tubes with d-spacings
of (g) 10.1 Å or (h)
7.5 Å. Noted that the
locations of d-spacing
500 nm 5 um
measurements are
indicated by red (e) (f)
squares. Abbreviations:
Ab = albite; Ms = Ms
muscovite. (Color
2 um 2 um
(g) (h)
400 nm 50 nm
Figure 4
and halloysite (21–44%) to the <2 μm fraction. In the uppermost (Table 2). Contents of muscovite/illite and vermiculite are also
humic layer and upper pedolith, the proportion of kaolinite fur- slightly higher and range from ~6 to 10% (Table 2). It is noticed
ther increases to 60–70% but that of halloysite significantly drops that the 2–20 μm fraction has a slightly higher abundance in
to <10% (Table 2; Figs. 3 and 9). Interstratified muscovite-illite/ muscovite/illite and interstratified muscovite-illite/vermiculite,
vermiculite becomes much more abundant, sharing ~15–20% but slightly lower abundance in vermiculite than the <2 μm frac-
(a) (b)
Ms Ms
500 nm 200 nm
(c) (d)
200 nm 200 nm
(e) (f)
50 nm 100 nm
Figure 5. Association of short halloysite tubes and muscovite in the saprolite and lower pedolith. (a–d) SEM images; (e and f) TEM images.
Nano-sized halloysites with well grown tubular shapes and clear lumen pores (an example indicated by the black arrow in e) are observed with
their c axes generally parallel to the muscovite sheet (examples indicated by the blue arrows) and rolled up along edges of muscovite sheets form
semi-open tubes (examples indicated by the red arrows). Abbreviation: Ms = muscovite. (Color online.)
ing band for the Si-O bond developed at ~1040 cm–1 with a at ~8 and ~10 m2/g, respectively (Fig. 3). From the adsorption
poorly developed shoulder at ~1100 cm–1 further implies their and desorption isotherms shown in Figure 11a, only very little
low crystallinity. The proportion of kaolinite progressively in- hysteresis is shown for all samples, and moreover, generally
creases in the upper saprolite and lower pedolith, as evident by low values exist for the differences between the cumulative SSA
the appearance of weak Al2OH-stretching bands at ~3670 and from either the adsorption (Sads) or desorption (Sdes) isotherms
3650 cm–1 and a narrow shoulder at ~940 cm–1. Moreover, the and the SBET (Table 3). This suggests that the dominant pore
kaolinite-group minerals become more crystalline as indicated shape in all samples is cylindrical (Churchman et al. 1995;
by sharper Si-O-stretching bands at ~1010 and 1035 cm–1 and Pasbakhsh et al. 2013).
a more developed Si-O-stretching band at 1100 cm–1. In the For the pore size, both the average BJH adsorption and
humic layer and upper pedolith, the appearance of four sharp desorption cumulative pore volumes of the <2 and 2–20 μm
Al2OH-stretching bands and a broad shoulder of the Al2OH- fractions are consistently of 0.10–0.12 and 0.06–0.07 cm3/g,
bending band shows the dominance of crystalline kaolinite. respectively, in the saprolite and lower pedolith, but decrease
High crystallinity of the clay minerals can also be interpreted by half to 0.06 cm3/g for the <2 μm fraction in the humic layer
by the well-developed Si-O-stretching bands at ~1010 and and upper pedolith (Table 3; Fig. 3). A bimodal distribution
1035 cm–1 in the spectra. of the pore size is observed for the clay minerals in all soil
horizons (Fig. 11b). The clay minerals from the saprolite and
Specific surface area, pore volume, and pore size lower pedolith are dominated by fine micropores with a nar-
distribution row distribution of sizes of ~2–3 nm, which may be attributed
The specific surface area of 11 samples from different soil to the internal and/or surface pores (Pasbakhsh et al. 2013).
horizons were measured using the BET method (SBET), and Mesopores with sizes of ~10 nm are subordinately abundant
the BJH method for their pore volume and pore size distribu- (Fig. 10b) and contributed primarily from the central lumen
tion. The average results for each fraction are listed in Table pores of the halloysite tubes (Pasbakhsh et al. 2013). In the
3. The entire results are listed in Supplementary1 Table S3. In humic layer and upper pedolith, the abundance of the micro-
the saprolite and lower pedolith, SBET of the <2 and 2–20 μm pore dramatically decreases, whereas the ~10 nm mesopores
fractions vary from ~15 to 20 m2/g and ~12 to 17 m2/g, re- rarely exist (Fig. 11b). Alternatively, mesopores with a broad
spectively. In the humic layer to upper pedolith, SBET of both distribution of around 12 nm occur likely due to the abundance
the <2 and 2–20 μm fractions are comparatively much lower of kaolinite (Pasbakhsh et al. 2013).
(a) (b)
3 um 2 um
(c) (d)
3 um 2 um
Figure 6. SEM images of other clay minerals in the saprolite and lower pedolith. (a) Microcrystalline kaolinite on weathered muscovite. (b)
Aggregates of microcrystalline kaolinite occasionally with long halloysite tubes. (c) Aggregates of illite on surface of weathered orthoclase. (d)
Weathered grain of muscovite occasionally with halloysite tubes. Abbreviations: Hal = halloysite; Ill = illite; Kln = kaolinite; Ms = muscovite.
(Color online.)
(a) (b)
500 nm 1 um
(c) (d)
(e) (d)
10 um 2 um
(e) (f)
1 um 1 um
(g) (h)
2 um 1 um
Figure 7. SEM images of clay minerals in the upper pedolith. (a–f) Progressive transformation of halloysite to kaolinite. (a and b) The initial
stage showing coalescence of halloysite tubes along the edges to form submicrometer-sized and loosely stacked kaolinite. (c–f) The interim stage
Figure 7
as vermicular kaolinite continues growing through coalescence of the halloysite tubes along (d and e) edges and (f) basal surface. (g) Crystalline
vermicular kaolinite. (h) Aggregates of kaolinite and halloysite. (Color online.)
Cation exchange capacity yet that of the 2–20 μm fraction decreases to ~11 c mol/kg–1 on
Eleven samples from different soil horizons have been average (Fig. 3).
measured for the CEC, and the average results are tabulated in
Table 3. In general, CEC in different soil horizons varies slightly Chemical composition of minerals
(Fig. 3). The CEC from both the <2 and 2–20 μm clay fractions Unweathered grains of muscovite and feldspars from the
increases slightly from the lower saprolite to the upper saprolite parent rock and the kaolinite group minerals from different
and lower pedolith, from 13 to ~15 and from 11 to ~14 c mol/kg–1 soil horizons have been analyzed. Results are summarized in
on average, respectively. The CEC of the <2 μm fraction in the Supplementary1 Tables S4 and S5 and the full data set is avail-
humic layer and upper pedolith essentially remains the same able in Supplementary1 Tables S6–S8. Fresh muscovite has SiO2,
Figure 8. TEM images of clay minerals in the upper pedolith. (a) Crystalline kaolinite with unit cells of 5.0 Å along the a axis. (b) Long,
tubular halloysite associated with kaolinite with d-spacings of (c) 8.0 Å and (d) 7.4 Å. (Color online.)
Al2O3, and K2O contents of 45.3, 32.3, and 10.7 wt% on average, Al2O3, and 16.7 wt% K2O on average, whereas albite has 67.0
respectively. Notably, muscovite is Fe-rich and contains up to wt% SiO2, 18.9 wt% Al2O3, and 11.7 wt% Na2O on average.
~8.5 wt% of FeO. Feldspar of the primary granite is mainly of In the lower saprolite, the kaolinite group minerals have
orthoclase and albite. Orthoclase has 63.1 wt% SiO2, 17.5 wt% 44.9 wt% SiO2, 37.5 wt% Al2O3, and 2.12 wt% FeO on average.
Table 2. Summary of average relative proportions of clay minerals in <2 µm and 2–20 µm fractions from different soil horizons
Soil horizon Size Hinckley Kaolinite Halloysite Smectite Interstratified Muscovite/ Vermiculite Interstratified Ms-Ill/
(µm) indexa Ms-Ill/Smectite Illite Vermiculite
Humic layer, <2 0.98 69 2 – – 6 8 15
Upper pedolith (n = 4)
2–20 1.83 60 7 – – 9 6 18
Lower pedolith (n = 2) <2 0.76 69 23 – 1 1 3 2
2–20 0.33 73 21 – 2 4 – –
Upper saprolite (n = 3) <2 0.50 61 33 1 – 4 1 –
2–20 0.89 47 44 1 – 9 – –
Lower saprolite (n = 3) <2 0.14 55 36 – – 3 2 4
2–20 0.29 51 24 – 3 19 1 2
Notes: – = Not detected. Abbreviations: Ill = illite; Ms = muscovite.
Hinckley indices are calculated for the kaolinite-group minerals.
Ms/Ill Ms/Ill
Intesnity (a.u.)
Lower saprolite
1035 3695
Lower saprolite
Hal-10Å <2 µm fraction 2 - 20 µm fraction
Hal-7Å Kln &
K 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000
N Wavenumber (cm-1)
With progressive weathering, the SiO2 and Al2O3 contents of Clay-adsorbed REE concentrations
the kaolinite group minerals subsequently increase to ~45 and As the separation of the clay fractions was performed mechan-
38 wt%, respectively, in the upper saprolite and pedolith. Average ically, it is inevitable that submicrometer-sized supergene REE
FeO contents gradually decrease to 0.55–1.57 wt% in the lower minerals, such as chernovite-(Y) (Li et al. 2019), and residual
pedolith and upper saprolite, and to 0.46 wt% in the humic layer REE minerals were also extracted as well. In this regard, the
and upper pedolith (Supplementary1 Table S5). EPMA showed extracted clay fractions were treated with ammonium sulfate ex-
that Fe+Si is inversely proportional to Al in the kaolinite group traction instead of bulk analysis to estimate the concentrations of
minerals (Fig. 12a). Further supported by the scarce observation REEs that are weakly bound to the clay minerals, likely through
of Fe-rich particles associated with the kaolinite group miner- adsorption. Nonetheless, the residues after extraction were ana-
als, coupled substitution between Fe+Si and Al should have lyzed for comparison. The results are summarized in Table 4
Table 3. Summary of average mineralogical, physical and chemical properties of <2 µm and 2–20 µm fractions from different soil horizons
Soil horizon Size (µm) BET surface, BJH cumulative BJH cumulative Sads–SBET Sdes–SBET Adsorption Desorption Cation
area adsorption desorption pore pore exchange
SBET (m2/g) surface area, surface area, volume volume capacity
Sads (m2/g) Sdes (m2/g) (cm3/g) (cm3/g) (c mol/kg–1)
Humic layer, <2 8.06 8.77 9.59 0.7 1.5 0.06 0.06 15.2
Upper pedolith (n = 4)
2–20 11.0 12.6 14.3 1.6 3.3 0.05 0.05 11.5
Lower pedolith (n = 3) <2 15.6 19.0 21.0 3.3 5.3 0.10 0.10 16.6
2–20 12.2 14.6 17.3 2.3 5.1 0.07 0.07 13.2
Upper saprolite (n = 2) <2 16.7 19.8 23.1 3.1 6.4 0.11 0.11 15.3
2–20 12.5 15.2 18.5 2.7 6.0 0.06 0.06 14.0
Lower saprolite (n = 2) <2 18.3 20.3 22.2 2.0 3.9 0.12 0.12 13.0
2–20 17.7 21.1 26.5 3.3 8.7 0.07 0.07 11.1
and fully tabulated in Supplementary1 Table S9. The variation of fractions in the humic layer and upper pedolith and only of ~70
clay-adsorbed REE concentrations generally follows that of the ppm, in contrast to >200 to ~1200 ppm in the <2 μm fractions
bulk soils (Fig. 13). Clay fractions from the lower pedolith and (Table 4; Fig. 3). In general, the (La/Yb)N values of the clay
upper saprolite have the highest adsorbed REE concentrations, fractions from all soil horizons are similar (Table 4), with those
of ~3500 and 2500 ppm, respectively (Table 4). The concentra- from the humic layer and pedolith are slightly higher, indicat-
tions are comparatively lower in the lower saprolite (~1000 ing a slight enrichment of the LREEs. In contrast, Ce anomaly
ppm on average for both fractions). Notably, the clay-adsorbed varies significantly. Clay fractions from the lower pedolith and
concentrations of the <2 and 2–20 μm fractions are largely com- saprolite exhibit significantly negative Ce anomalies of 0.02 to
parable in the lower pedolith and saprolite (Fig. 3). On the other 0.08, yet, Ce anomalies in the humic layer and upper pedolith
hand, the adsorbed REE concentrations of the 2–20 μm fractions have become less negative of 0.8 on average for the <2 μm
are significantly lower than those of the corresponding <2 μm fractions, and even become positive of 1.7 on average for the
(a) (b)
a 100 Humic layer &
b Internal
pores Lumen pores
Upper pedolith
Lower pedolith
Lower saprolite
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 10 100
Relative Pressure (P/P0) Pore diameter (nm)
Figure 11. (a) Adsorption (represented by the solid line) and desorption (represented by the dashed line) isotherms and (b) pore size distribution
of the clay fractions in different soil horizons. (Color online.)
(a) (b)
Humic layer &
Upper pedolith
Lower pedolith
Upper saprolite
Lower saprolite
(Si - 4) + Fe (apfu)
Fe (apfu)
-0.1 0
3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2
Figure 12. Correlation plot between (a) (Si – 4) + Fe and Al, and (b) Fe and Al (VI) in kaolinite-group minerals from different soil horizons.
(Color online.)
Figure 11
American Mineralogist, vol. 105, 2020
Table 4. Extraction results of the clay fractions from different soil horizons
Soil horizon Size fraction (µm) Extractable pool REE (ppm) LREE (ppm) HREE (ppm) (La/ Yb)N Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
Humic layer <2 Clay-adsorbed 277 108 169 0.69 1.46 0.05
Residual 200 76 123 0.61 2.02 0.05
2–20 Clay-adsorbed 73 26 47 0.58 1.44 0.06
Residual 255 53 202 0.30 1.57 0.04
Upper pedolith <2 Clay-adsorbed 1229 239 990 0.63 0.18 0.04
Residual 363 127 237 0.64 1.84 0.04
2–20 Clay-adsorbed 65 22 43 0.58 1.96 0.05
Residual 539 97 442 0.36 1.57 0.07
Lower pedolith <2 Clay-adsorbed 3698 649 3049 0.71 0.03 0.04
Residual 579 150 429 0.41 2.07 0.04
2–20 Clay-adsorbed 3272 616 2656 0.85 0.02 0.03
Residual 588 63 525 0.13 2.12 0.02
Upper saprolite <2 Clay-adsorbed 2613 326 2287 0.46 0.05 0.02
Residual 634 131 503 0.12 11.8 0.01
2–20 Clay-adsorbed 2355 315 2040 0.50 0.03 0.02
Residual 601 64 537 0.04 9.07 0.01
Lower saprolite <2 Clay-adsorbed 1045 177 868 0.66 0.05 0.03
Residual 350 94 256 0.30 4.12 0.02
2–20 Clay-adsorbed 1062 182 880 0.70 0.04 0.04
Residual 451 54 397 0.09 3.34 0.01
2–20 μm fractions (Table 4; Fig. 13). In the lower pedolith and that most of the REEs in the clay fractions occur in weakly
saprolite, REE concentrations of the residues (including Fe-Mn adsorbed state. However, in humic layer and upper pedolith,
oxyhydroxide-sorbed, organic substance-bound, and crystalline the REE concentrations in the clay fractions could be higher for
phase-hosted REEs) after extraction are generally of one-third of the residual portion than the clay-adsorbed portion, especially
the clay-adsorbed concentrations (Table 4; Fig. 3). This proves in the 2–20 μm fraction (Table 4; Fig. 3). This illustrates a less
important role in adsorption on clay minerals in the shallow soils.
1,000 The comparatively high As concentrations in the residues of the
(a) Clay fraction clay fractions from the lower pedolith and saprolite implies that
a significant amount of the residual REEs are likely hosted in
supergene chernovite-(Y), consistent with previous observation
(Li et al. 2019).
Transformation of clay minerals in progressive weathering
From the results described above, the following major miner-
alogical transformation pathways are proposed to have occurred
0.1 at the Zudong deposit with progressive weathering, causing the
variations in the REE abundance (Fig. 1a):
Sample / UCC
100 (1) Muscovite → Short, tubular halloysite-10 Å →
(b) Bulk sample
Halloysite-7 Å (either short or long and tubular) →
Vermicular kaolinite
10 (2) Muscovite → Microcrystalline kaolinite →
Vermicular kaolinite
(3) Muscovite → Illite, Illite/Smectite &
1 Illite/Vermiculite → Vermiculite
Humic layer &
Upper pedolith (Subordinate importance and more restricted to the
Lower pedolith shallow soils)
0.1 Upper saprolite (4) Feldspar → Halloysite (either short or long and tubular)
Lower saprolite → Vermicular kaolinite
Parent rock (5) Feldspar → Illite → Kaolinite
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Y Er Tm Yb Lu In the lower saprolite, representing an incipient stage of
weathering, weathering of muscovite formed short halloysite
Figure 13. Upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized REE patterns
tubes and subordinately, microcrystalline kaolinite. From SEM
of (a) the clay fractions and (b) the bulk compositions from different soil
horizons. Solid and dash lines in a represent <2 and 2–20 μm fractions,
and HRTEM observation, it is evident that muscovite gradually
respectively. Solid and dot lines in b represent bulk extractable and transformed to halloysite through rolling-up of the edges (Fig. 5).
whole-rock compositions, respectively. Data in b are from Li et al. (2019). As primary muscovite was formed through metasomatism of bio-
REE concentrations of the upper continental crust are from Rudnick and tite (Huang et al. 1989), the comparatively high concentration of
Gao (2003). (Color online.) Fe inherited in the muscovite (Supplementary1 Table S5) would
probably induce higher lattice strain and drive the decomposi- solid-state alteration after prolonged dehydration (Churchman
tion of muscovite. During weathering, it is postulated that the and Gilkes 1989). Unrolling of the halloysite tubes can be pos-
interlayer K cation and a tetrahedral sheet of muscovite would sible after prolonged dehydration (Wouatong et al. 1996), as
be preferentially removed while a T-O sheet remained. Under removal of the interlayer water molecules could make tetrahedral
a water-saturated environment, a misfit between the octahedral rotation feasible to accommodate the misfit between the octahe-
and tetrahedral sheets was compensated for by rolling and incor- dral and tetrahedral sheets in platy kaolinite (Radoslovich 1963;
poration of interlayer water molecules to form halloysite-10 Å Bailey 1990; Singh 1996). Alternatively, long-tubed halloysite
(Bailey 1990; Singh 1996). On the other hand, aggregates of (Figs. 7h and 8b) and crystalline kaolinite could have also grown
short halloysite tubes along edges of muscovite sheets (Fig. 4b) epitaxially to form aggregates, precipitated from the soil solutions
suggest an alternative dissolution-precipitation mechanism for (Banfield and Eggleton 1990; Singh and Gilkes 1991). The re-
the growth of halloysite, during which dissolution of muscovite stricted occurrence of interstratified muscovite-illite/vermiculite
led to local supersaturation of Si and Al in the soil solutions that and vermiculite in this part (Table 2; Fig. 9) suggests an alterna-
motivated the rapid precipitation of halloysite nano-tubes (Lu et tive transformation pathway in more oxidizing shallow soils.
al. 2016). By contrast, microcrystalline kaolinite mostly appears
to form topotaxially on muscovite, especially along cleavages Physicochemical variation of clay minerals in progressive
(Robertson and Eggleton 1991; Singh and Gilkes 1991; Aoudjit weathering
et al. 1996). Transformation of clay minerals in progressive weathering
Feldspar can be decomposed to form halloysite and illite could cause significant changes in physicochemical properties of
during the incipient weathering (Eswaran and Bin 1978; Jeong the clay assemblages, such as the SSA and CEC (e.g., Bobos et al.
1998a; Papoulis et al. 2004; Inoue et al. 2012). Albite can 2001; Papoulis et al. 2004). In the saprolite and lower pedolith, the
decompose more rapidly than orthoclase during weathering kaolinite group minerals have comparatively high CEC and SSA
(Banfield and Eggleton 1990; Blum and Stillings 1995; White (Table 3; Fig. 3). A high abundance of short, stubby halloysite and
et al. 2001). During the dissolution of albite, Na and Ca were microcrystalline kaolinite with high CEC could have strong edge
lost to the soil solutions, whereas local oversaturation of Si and and surface effects for adsorption (Singh and Gilkes 1992; Ma and
Al provoked the simultaneous crystallization of halloysite-10 Å Eggleton 1999; Hart et al. 2002). Likewise, low crystallinity, as
under a water-saturated condition (Velde 1985; Banfield and indicated by the Hinckley Index (Table 2) and high Fe contents
Eggleton 1990). Such rapid precipitation is demonstrated by (Supplementary1 Table S5), also contributes to the high CEC (Hart
meshes of short halloysite tubes and in etch pits on the surface et al. 2003; Wilson et al. 2013). Substitution of Fe for Al in clay
of the albite grains (Fig. 4a). Subsequently, these halloysite minerals can cause permanent negative charge either through sub-
nanotubes would coalescence and transform into more stable stitution of Fe2+ for Al3+ in the octahedral sheet (Tazaki 1981; Singh
long halloysite tubes (Fig. 4e). Weathering of orthoclase formed and Gilkes 1992) or non-stoichiometric Fe3+ for Al3+ substitution
illite during incipient weathering (Fig. 6c) due to local equilibria (Soma et al. 1992). In the soil profile, Fe3+ for Al3+ substitution
at grain contacts between orthoclase and muscovite, providing dominates, yet Fe2+ for Al3+ substitution also occurs, especially in
sufficient K during mineral decomposition to precipitate illite the lower saprolite (Fig. 12). Moreover, a large contribution to the
(Meunier and Velde 1976). Rapid formation of halloysite and CEC also comes from pH-dependent defect sites, such as broken
microcrystalline kaolinite of low crystallinity prevailed during bonds at edge and on basal surfaces, due to lattice deformation
incipient weathering. With progressive weathering, the short, and dislocation, mainly attributed to the Fe for Al substitution and
stubby halloysite coalesced to form long, tubular halloysite and the poor crystalline nature. Clay minerals in these layers are also
kaolinite in the lower pedolith and upper saprolite. of high SSA and large pore volume compared to the shallow soils
In the upper pedolith, which represents a more advanced stage (Table 3; Fig. 11). Specifically, the high SSA could be due to the
of weathering, soils would be subjected to repeated wetting and abundant nano-sized tubular halloysite and fine-grained poorly
drying episodes, causing irreversible dehydration of metastable crystallized kaolinite (Wilson et al. 2013). Both the central lumen
halloysite-10 Å to halloysite-7 Å and further transformation to and the fine internal and/or surface pores of the tubular halloysite
kaolinite (Churchman and Carr 1975; Wouatong et al. 1996; contribute to the large pore volumes, especially the fine pores as
Jeong 1998a, 1998b; Papoulis et al. 2004; Singer et al. 2004; revealed by the non-hysteretic feature in the nitrogen adsorption
Inoue et al. 2012). The dehydration process is exemplified by and desorption isotherms (Fig. 11a) (Churchman et al. 1995).
the occurrence of halloysite with a d-spacing of ~8.0 Å (Fig. 8c), Small aggregates of kaolinite, which frequently occur in these soil
which indicates dehydration and shrinking of halloysite-10 Å layers (Figs. 6a and 6b), also have significantly higher porosity
(Churchman et al. 1972; Giese 1988). In addition, crystalline, than large aggregates (Jozefaciuk 2009).
vermicular kaolinite became progressively dominant toward shal- In the shallow upper pedolith, the transformation of tubular
low soils (Table 3; Fig. 7). Evidently, these kaolinite “booklets” halloysite and microcrystalline kaolinite to large, euhedral, ver-
have grown through the continuous coalescence of halloysite micular kaolinite is associated with dramatic drops in the SSA
along edges (Figs. 7a–7e) and at basal sites (Fig. 7f) of kaolinite and porosity of the clay minerals (Table 3; Fig. 3). During the
grains. During this transformation, kaolinite grains of sizes up transformation, the growth in crystalline kaolinite, as indicated
to 10 μm could have high crystallinity, as shown in the FTIR by the increase of the Hinckley Index (Table 2) and associated
spectra (Fig. 10), and comparatively low Fe contents (<0.5 wt% with a decrease in the Fe content (Supplementary1 Table S5),
on average) (Supplementary1 Table S5). Here, we postulate the significantly eliminated the amount of both permanently and
halloysite-kaolinite transformation can be achieved through a variably charged sites. Moreover, growth in size also causes a
(a) Halloysite & HREE (b) Halloysite & LREE
large SSA, and high porosity of the small, poorly crystalline
80 halloysite and kaolinite in the lower part of soil profile are criti-
60 cal to facilitating REE adsorption. In addition, it is likely that
40 halloysite contributes more greatly to the REE adsorption and
enrichment (Fig. 14). The proportions of halloysite in the clay
Proportion (%)
1,500 part of the same soil profile could be a good indicator for REE
(a) <2 µm fraction enrichment in the lower soil horizons. As the REEs are largely
adsorbed on halloysite, most likely preferentially in the internal
1,000 and lumen pores, the properties of halloysite should be taken
into consideration for exploration and metallurgical processing.
Halloysite could form intercalated complexes with certain salts,
Bulk adsorbed REE contration (ppm)
1,000 We thank the kind assistance of Xiao Fu for EPMA, Lily Chiu for PSA, Maria
Lo for ICP-OES analysis, and Frankie Chan from the EMU for TEM analysis.
Youjun Deng from the Texas A&M University is acknowledged for the kind
provision of his soil mineralogy laboratory manual. Daniel E. Harlov is thanked
for his constructive comments and language polishing on the manuscript. Editorial
handling by Editor Hongwu Xu, Associate Editor Andy Madden, and constructive
comments by Kenzo Sanematsu and an anonymous reviewer are gratified.
10 100 1,000 10,000 This study was supported financially by a major research plan program of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China on regolith-hosted REE deposits
Clay-adsorbed REE concentration (ppm) in South China (Grant No. 91962216) and by China University of Geosciences
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