Ore Geology Reviews: Xiangping Zhu, Bin Zhang, Guotao Ma, Zewei Pan, Zhaoguo Hu, Baotao Zhang
Ore Geology Reviews: Xiangping Zhu, Bin Zhang, Guotao Ma, Zewei Pan, Zhaoguo Hu, Baotao Zhang
Ore Geology Reviews: Xiangping Zhu, Bin Zhang, Guotao Ma, Zewei Pan, Zhaoguo Hu, Baotao Zhang
Keywords: With the widespread application of heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) in high-tech fields, ion-adsorption type
Rare earth elements rare earth element (iREE) deposits have attracted much attention as the main output deposit type of HREE
iREE deposits metals. In recent years in western Yunnan, southwest China, iREE deposits have made some large discoveries and
received a high degree of attention. In this article, we summarize the metallogenic background, distribution, and
Granite Regolith
The Western Yunnan China
metallogenic characteristics of iREE deposits in the Tengchong and the Lincang Granite Belt in western Yunnan,
and analyzes the roles of ore-forming parent rock, regional metamorphism and alteration, epigenesis, and granite
regolith composition in the metallogenesis of the iREE deposit in western Yunnan. It is believed that the high REE
content granite parent rocks, metamorphic or magmatic-hydrothermal alteration, hot and humid climate, gentle
topography, large and thick granite regolith are all favorable factors for iREE deposit formation. The long-term
and multi-stage magmatic evolution formed high REE content granite parent rocks. Strong magmatic-
hydrothermal activity and strong metamorphism associated with regional slip movement have contributed to
the enrichment of REE elements and the formation of easily dissociated REE-bearing minerals, laying the ma
terial foundation for iREE deposits. The humid, hot and rainy climate and the vegetation-rich surface environ
ment are conducive to weathering, which contributes to the formation of granite regolith and clay minerals, and
the dissociation of REE-bearing minerals. Favorable topographical areas help to retain large-scale and thicker
granite regolith, in which the clay minerals continue to adsorb the REE ions which have been infiltrated and
migrated by the aqueous solution downward, leading to the gradual enrichment of REE elements and the for
mation of iREE deposits.
1. Introduction accounted for 62.9% of the world’s total output (US Geological Survey,
2020). REEs are divided into light rare earth elements (LREEs) and
Rare earth elements (REEs) are critical raw materials in modern heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). The abundance of HREEs in the
manufacturing, which are widely used in modern economic fields. REE crust is much lower than that of LREEs (Rudnick and Gao, 2003). HREE
metals have excellent ductility, plasticity, and optical, electrical, mag resources are more widely used in high-tech fields, and the consumption
netic, thermal, and other characteristics, making them play an increas of HREEs has been increasing greatly in the past decades, and more
ingly important role in the high-tech technology industry (e.g. Wall attention has been paid. China is also the major producer of HREEs in the
et al., 2017). With the gradual expansion of REEs applications, REEs world, while, HREEs are mainly produced in southern China and are
resources have attracted more attention. Although the abundance of occurred in ion adsorption type (iREE) deposits (Kynicky et al., 2012;
REEs is relatively high in the crust, they are scattered and difficult to Wall et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2016).
enrich into ore deposits. Therefore, the amount of resources discovered The iREE deposit is also known as the regolith-hosted REE deposit,
is small and their global distribution is extremely uneven. China is a which is formed by the accumulation of REEs in the regolith. The
major producer of REE metals. In 2019, China’s REE output still favorable parent rocks include alkaline mafic and ultramafic rocks, REE-
* Corresponding author at: NO.2, Section 3, 1st Ring Road North, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province 610081, China.
E-mail address: zhuxiangping3@hotmail.com (X. Zhu).
Received 23 December 2021; Received in revised form 20 March 2022; Accepted 8 June 2022
Available online 15 June 2022
0169-1368/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 1. The tectonic framework and the distribution of iREE deposits in West Yunnan, China. a- the tectonic framework in West Yunnan, China; b-the sketch
geological map showing the distribution of iREE deposits in West Yunnan, China; c- Distribution of iREE deposits in the Lincang granite belt; d- Distribution of iREE
deposits in the Tengchong granite belt.
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 2. Chondrite-normalized REE and primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of REE deposit parent granite (C1 chondrite data are from Sun and
Mcdonough, 1989).
rich granite, syenite, rhyolite, and other metamorphic rocks, which are the Tengchong tectonic block, the Nujiang – Gaoligongshan – Ruili fault
subjected to long-term physical and chemical weathering (Sanematsu zone, the Baoshan tectonic block, and the Changning - Menglian tectonic
and Watanabe, 2016; Zhou et al., 2020). Currently, iREE deposits are the zone (Fig. 1). The Nujiang – Gaoligongshan – Ruili fault zone is an
dominant source of global HREE production (Simandl, 2014). In China, important ductile shear and active fault zone in the region (Deng et al.,
iREE deposits are mainly distributed in five provinces including Jiangxi, 2014; Wang and Burchfiel, 1997; Zhang et al., 2017), which divides the
Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Hunan (Xie et al., 2016). Before 2015, Tengchong and Baoshan blocks. IREE deposits in this area are mainly
only one iREE deposit, the long’an deposit was found in the Yunnan occurring in the Tengchong and the Lincang granite belt, which is
province (Li et al., 2010); since 2017, through the geological survey and located in the Tengchong tectonic block and the Changning - Menglian
REE deposit exploration, many new prospecting discoveries have been tectonic zone.
made in Western Yunnan (Zhang et al., 2018; Zeng et al., 2019; Zhang
et al., 2019; Lu et al., 2019, 2020), highlighting a large REE resource 2.1. The Tengchong tectonic block and granite belt
potential. The sharply REE metal increase production in recent years
makes Myanmar an important supplier of HREEs after China, while the The Tengchong block is located in the southeastern margin of the
main REE metal producing area of Myanmar is located in the south Qinghai-Tibet Plateau between the Nujiang and Myitkyina sutures,
extension of the granite belt in West Yunnan, making the REE resources formed by the successive subduction and extinction of the Central
in West Yunnan more concerned. In this paper, essential metallogenic Tethys Nujiang Ocean and the Neo-Tethys Myitkyina Ocean (Yin and
factors and the metallogenic mechanism of iREE deposits in western Harrison, 2000), extending south to the Mogok belt of Myanmar
Yunnan are summarized, aiming to guide the prospecting of rare earth (Mitchell, 1993). The Tengchong block contains high-grade meta
deposits. morphic rocks, Cambrian–Triassic sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic-
Cenozoic granites, early Pliocene to Holocene volcanic rocks, and
2. Geological setting small Neogene basins (Li et al., 2000; Kornfeld et al., 2014; Xu et al.,
2015). Due to northward subduction of the Indian plate and the clock
The iREE deposits currently discovered are mainly concentrated in wise rotation around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, a series of NNE-
the southern part of the Sanjiang metallogenic belt in the western trending strike-slip shear zones were activated in Cenozoic (Tappon
Yunnan area. The southern part of the Sanjiang metallogenic belt was nier et al., 1986; Xu et al., 2015), forming several shear zones bounded
formed via Paleotethyan ocean closure and the subsequent amalgam by the Gaoligongshan shear zone in the east.
ation of Gondwana-derived micro-continental blocks and Paleozoic arc Accompanied by the tectonic amalgamation (Xu et al., 2012) and
terranes (Metcalfe, 2013; Yin and Harrison, 2000). After the amalgam deformation, four major magmatic episodes are distinguished, i.e. early
ation, it was influenced by the subduction of the Meso-and Neotethyan Cretaceous (126–108 Ma) in the eastern Tengchong Block (Xu et al.,
oceanic plates from Jurassic to Paleocene (e.g. Deng et al., 2014), and 2012; Zhu et al, 2015), late Cretaceous (76–66 Ma) in the central and
the large scale of intraplate magmatism was triggered during multistage northwestern Tengchong Block (Xu et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2018),
tectonic movements. In the western Yunnan area of the Sanjiang met Paleocene to early Eocene (66–45 Ma) in the western and southeastern
allogenic belt, from west to east, four tectonic units are recognized, i.e. Tengchong Block (Wang et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2015),
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 3. Layered structure of granite regolith hosting iREE deposits in West Yunnan, China (modified from Zhang et al., 2016).
and Cenozoic volcanism (Li et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2006). Including 2013; Deng et al., 2018; Cong et al., 2020). The composition of the
granites, gabbro–granite complex, and leucogranite, intrusive rocks Lincang Batholith records three magmatic episodes related to the Paleo-
intruded into the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata and metamorphic rocks, Tethys evolution, corresponding to subduction (prior to ~ 252 Ma), syn-
with locally and partly overlain by Cenozoic sediments and volcano- collisional (250–237 Ma), and post-collisional (235–203 Ma) stages
sedimentary sequences. Confine to the regional tectonic framework (Deng et al., 2018).
and late deformation (Xu et al., 2015), most of those intrusive magmatic
rocks outcrop in irregular long shapes, parallel or sub-parallel to the
regional NNE-trending strike-slip shear zones. 2.3. Regional distribution of iREE deposits in western Yunnan
The Tengchong granite belt is an important Sn(-W) metallogenic belt
in southwest China, which extends to Southeast Asia and is connected to In the past five years, with the iREE deposits exploration pushing
the Southeast Asian tin belt, with a high Sn metallogenic potential (Mao continuously, many discoveries have been gained, especially in the
et al., 2020). To date, 28 Sn(-W) deposits have been discovered in this western Yunnan area (Lu et al., 2020). The newly discovered iREE de
region, including two large Sn deposits (Fig. 1c). Some W and Be de posits in western Yunnan are mainly concentrated in the Tengchong
posits are also discovered in that area (Fig. 1c). granite belt and Lincang granite belt, and all of them are produced in
granite regolith.
As the firstly discovered iREE deposit, the Long’an deposit is located
2.2. The Lincang granite belt in the southwest section of Banggunjianshan granite batholith in the
Tengchong granite belt (Li et al., 2010). In the north of the Banggun
The Lincang batholith and associated volcanic rocks are located to jianshan granite batholith, four large iREE deposits (i.e. the Yingpan
the east of the Changning-Menglian Paleo-Tethys suture, which repre shan, the Lulian-Longba, the Damanbie, and the Yiwanshui iREE
sents a remnant of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean (Sone and Metcalfe, 2008). deposits, Fig. 1, Fig. 2) were discovered by geological survey and still in
Triggered by Changning-Menglian Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust Triassic exploration, showing the iREE metallogenic potential of the Banggun
eastward post-subduction, felsic magmas upwelled and intruded into the jianshan granite batholith. Both the Longan deposit and the four newly
intrudes Proterozoic metamorphic rocks (the Lancang Group) to the discovered iREE deposits have geographical environment features and
west and was defined by a major compressive fault zone to the east mineralization characteristics, especially, they are located at the edge of
forming the Lincang batholith, which was unconformably overlain by the Lianghe ductile shear zones (Xu et al., 2015). The Tuguanzhai de
the terrestrial red-beds of the Middle Jurassic Huakaizuo Formation (e.g. posit was also a newly discovered large iREE deposit, which is located in
Cong et al., 2020). The N-S striking Lincang granite occurs as a “Z” shape the east of the Tengchong granite belt and on the west side of the
and covers an area of 7400 km2, with a length of 370 km and a width of Gaoligong ductile shear zone (Zhang et al., 2019). Meanwhile, the
10–50 km, from Fengqing county in the north and to Jinghong city near Jianshanjiao and the Jueyeba, together with some minor iREE deposits
the China-Burma border in the West Yunnan area. The Lincang batholith were also discovered in that area. In the Yingjiang county area, located
is mainly made up of biotite monzogranite, with minor granodiorite and in the central and west of the Tengchong granite, several large iREE
tonalite (e.g. Cong et al., 2020). Concerning its lithological attributes, deposits were discovered (Yan et al., 2010), and all of them are closely
the granite mainly consists of an assemblage of fine- to medium-grained adjacent to the Yingjiang ductile shear zone (Xu et al., 2015). In addi
potash-feldspar biotite monzogranites, belonging to high-K calc-alkaline tion, these granite intrusions host tin deposits in the north-central
S-type granites with an intrusive age of ca. 200–250 Ma (Dong et al., Tengchong granite belt with high REEs content. In the granite regolith
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
at the periphery and shallow surface of the tin deposit (Fig. 1c), REE intrusive ages ranging from 52 to 56 Ma (Xu et al., 2012; Li et al., 2014).
mineralization was also confirmed. Thus, the granite regolith around Sn The parent granite rock forming these newly discovered iREE deposits
deposits also has a large metallogenic potential (Li et al., 2017). All of are also monzogranites, their main mineral components are feldspar,
these discoveries of iREE deposits and REE mineralization in recent plagioclase, quartz, biotite, hornblende and the accessory minerals
years confirm that the Tengchong granite belt is an iREE metallogenic include allanite, zircon, apatite, titanite, and their intrusive ages are
belt. concentrated within 41–53 Ma (Yan Lijun et al., 2020). The above ore-
Several iREE deposits were also discovered since 2017 in the Lincang forming parent rocks of iREE deposits indicate that monzogranite is the
granite belt (Fig. 1, Fig. 3), which is supposed as a barren area. The main ore-forming parent rock in the Tengchong area, and the intrusive
Menghai iREE metallogenic district is the most prospective area, which ages are concentrated in the Eocene. In the Tengchong granite belt, these
is located in the south of the Lincang granite belt (Fig. 1, Fig. 3), con Eocene granites were mainly formed by magma mixing of mafic and
taining five medium to large iREE deposits (Zeng et al., 2019; Zhang felsic magmas during the subduction rollback of the Neo-Tethyan slab
et al., 2020), i.e. the Huilongka, the Pagong-Suhu, the Manao- (Wang et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2018), and the process of mantle-derived
nannuoshan, the Manguangwa, and the Huopanshan iREE deposits. melt injection into the source region may play an important role to the
And all of these newly discovered deposits are still in exploration now. REEs enrichment of Eocene granites, which is similar to the metallogenic
Some iREE deposits were also discovered in Lincang City and Lancang background of some iREE deposits in southern China (Sanematsu and
County (Fig. 3) (Lu et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2019), while typical repre Watanabe, 2016).
sentatives include the Shangyun REE deposit in the Lincang County and The REEs content of the parent rocks of iREE deposit in the Teng
the Linpaipo REE deposit Lancang County (He Xianchuan et al., 2016). chong granite belt is relatively high, with 260–809 ppm in the Bang
The discovered iREE deposits produced in the regolith of the Lincang gunjianshan monzogranite, mostly higher than 300 ppm (Wu, 2014; Wu
granite belt so far are mainly concentrated in the south of Lincang city et al, 2015; Zhao, 2017; Zhao et al., 2017); 312–558 ppm in the Xin
(Fig. 3) and north of the Menghai county, showing that the Lincang - huaxiang monzogranite (Lin Musen et al., 2014); and relatively low in
Menghai granite belt is also an REE metallogenic belt. the Jianshanjiao alkali granite (146–304 ppm, Li et al., 2014). The
granite host rocks of the mineralization are all enriched in light REEs
3. Metallogenic features of iREE deposits and depleted in HREEs, with obvious Eu negative anomalies (Fig. 3). The
(La/Yb)N values of the Banggunjianshan monzogranite range from 2.4 to
The iREE deposits distributed in western Yunnan are all produced in 43.6, the (La/Yb)N values of Xinhuaxiang monzogranite range from 8.6
the granite regolith, which is similar to these regolith-host REE deposits to 12.5, and the (La/Yb)N values of Jianshanjiao alkali granite range
in South China (e.g. Bao and Zhao, 2008; Zhou et al., 2020). Meanwhile, from 1.6 to 22.9 (Table S1). In the Tengchong area, the parent rocks are
the special output environment in the southeast of the Tibet plateau characteristic of high REEs content, its (La/Yb)N values are also gener
makes them own some unique features. The REEs content of parent ally high, although some heavy HREEs deposits are still formed in its
granite rock, the metamorphism and alteration of parent granite rock, regolith.
the distribution of granite regolith in plateau landforms, the material The rare earth ore-forming parent rocks discovered in the Lincang
composition of granite regolith, and the characteristics of ore bodies all Granite Belt are all biotite monzogranites (Zeng et al., 2019; Lu et al.,
have regional characteristics. 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2018), with plagioclase, ortho
clase, quartz, black mica, as the main mineral components, and ilmenite,
3.1. Characteristics of ore-forming parent granite rock magnetite, limonite, monazite, apatite, zircon, thorite, as the para
genetic minerals (Lu et al., 2020). The intrusive zircon U-Pb ages of
Both the Tengchong and the Lincang granite belt were formed by these granites in the Lincang belt are mainly concentrated within
long-lived magmatic evolution and contain multi-stages of granite in 219–230 Ma (Catlos et al., 2017; Dong et al., 2013) and formed in a post-
trusions. As for the strong inhomogeneity of REEs concentrations, the collisional environment (Cong et al., 2020; Deng et al., 2018; Dong et al.,
resistant granite rock near the REE deposits owns more representative 2013). The biotite monzogranite parent rock forming the iREEs deposits
features of parent rocks. The Longan, the Yingpanshan the Lulian- in the Menghai area are enriched in LREEs and depleted in HREEs, with
Longba, the Damanbie, and the Yiwanshui iREE deposits are produced relatively weak negative Eu anomalies (Fig. 3), (La/Yb)N values of 6.7 to
in the Banggunjianshan granite batholith, which contains fine-grained 44.8, and total REEs content of 172 to 357 ppm (Catlos et al., 2017; Dong
granite, granodiorite, and biotite monzogranite in lithology (Wu, et al., 2013). The biotite monzogranites nearby the Lincang also have
2014; Zhao et al., 2017). The outcrop scale of fine-grained granite is similar rare earth distribution characteristics, with total REEs content
relatively small and intruded earlier (ca.73~74 Ma) (Wu, 2014); the varying from 159 to 328 ppm (average 204 ppm) and (La/Yb)N values of
subsequent emplaced diorite and biotite monzogranite have the 7.4 to 34.6 (Deng et al., 2018). The REE element content of REE ore-
concentrated ages of ca.50 Ma (Wu, 2014; Zhao et al., 2017). Biotite forming parent rocks within the Lincang granite belt is relatively low
monzogranite within the Banggunjianshan granite batholith is close to and pegmatite veins are usually developed in mostly REE deposits.
or outcrop in those REE deposits, indicating that biotite monzogranite Although the (La/Yb)N values of parent granite are high, some HREEs
acted as the parent granite rock of the Long’an and other iREE deposits. deposits can also be formed in the granite regolith.
Furthermore, the intrusive ages and geochemical features of biotite
monzogranite are the features of parent rocks of those iREE deposits. 3.2. Characteristics of granite regolith
Biotite granite mainly contains the major mineral composition of
plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, and biotite, and the accessory mineral As the iREE deposits in western Yunnan are mainly hosted in granite
composition of zircon, apatite, and titanite (Zhao et al., 2017). The regolith, the distribution and composition of granite regolith have a
parent rock that formed the Tuguanzhai iREE deposit is the Xinhuaxiang strong controlling effect on regional REE mineralization. The regolith is
mylonitized biotite monzogranite, its mineral components are ortho a thin discontinuous crust composed of weathering products formed by
clase, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, muscovite. And the accessory minerals weathering and distributed on the surface of the continent, which is the
include magnetite, zircon, apatite, ilmenite. The intrusive age of the surface layer of the earth crust destroyed by weathering and formed a
Xinhuaxiang mylonitized biotite monzogranite is ca. 46 to 48 Ma (Lin loose pile in situ. Due to the differences in weathering factors, mode,
et al., 2014). The parent granite rock that formed the Jianshanjiao iREE intensity, and nature of the original parent rock under different climatic
deposit belongs to monzogranite, its mineral components include conditions, the regolith often forms multi-layered residual layers with
orthoclase, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, muscovite, and accessory min different compositions and structures along the vertical direction. The
erals include apatite, ilmenite, tourmaline, garnet, zircon, with the material composition, thickness, and distribution of granite regolith in
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of drilling cores from the Tuguanzhai iREE deposit in the Tengchong granite belt, and the Huilongka and the Pagongsuhu
REE deposit in the Lincang granite belt (Light green icons represent samples from the pedolith horizon, black icons represent samples from the full-weathered granite
horizon, blue icons represent samples from the semi-weathered granite horizon, and red filled icons represent samples from the ore bodies; C1 chondrite data are
from Sun and Mcdonough, 1989). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
western Yunnan are mainly controlled by the nature of the parent rock original rock structure, and easily weathered minerals (such as plagio
and the weathering factors, weathering mode, and weathering intensity. clase, mica, orthoclase) are partial to completely weathered. The top
Similar to the regolith in the iREE deposits in South China (Bao and part of the semi-weathered granite horizon near the fully weathered
Zhao, 2008), for the well-developed weathering profiles, the granite layer has relatively high REE content, locally can form the industrial ore
regolith shows a layered structure from the surface to the bedrock, body. The bedrock layer is hard, except for the feldspar which is slightly
depending on the degree of weathering, which can be divided into a weathered, retaining the structure of the original granite structure, and
surficial humic horizon (0–0.5 m thick), a pedolith horizon (0.5–3 m the REE content represents that of the granite parent rock.
thick), a full-weathered granite horizon (more than 15 m thick), a semi- IREE deposits are commonly found in the tropical and subtropical
weathered granite horizon (2–6 m thick), and granite bedrock from the regions, the epigenetic environment in these regions is mainly a rainy,
surface downwards (Fig. 4), with transitional gradations between the hot, and humid climate, which facilitate forming a gently undulating
layers. The weathering degree gradually becomes weaker from top to hilly landscape. Moreover, the hot rainy climate and gentle terrain are
bottom. The surficial humic horizon is mostly sloping deposition, gray- conducive to chemical weathering and the formation and preservation
black, and black-brown, mainly composed of black clay and plant roots, of regolith (Li et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2020). The granites of western
and a small number of quartz particles are seen. The pedolith horizon is Yunnan, located in the subtropical climate zone, were influenced by
mostly brick red, partly gray-yellow, mainly composed of clay minerals. multi-phase tectonic movements and formed a north-northeast striking
Although the pedolith horizon is continuous on the plane, its thickness “gully-valley-basin” system, where low and gentle hills, slopes, and
varies greatly, and some of the REE deposits in this horizon contain REE ridges are distributed on both sides and the perimeter of the “gully-
ores. The full-weathered granite horizon is the most dominant compo valley-basin” chain (Zhang et al., 2018). Favorable climatic environ
nent of the granite regolith and the main REE ore hosting horizon. In this ments and topographic conditions laid the foundation for the formation
horizon, the original rock structure is partially destroyed with mineral of thick granite regolith. Controlled by regional tectonic movements,
artifacts preserved, and weathering-resistant minerals (e.g. quartz) are granite belts are spreading in a northeast to north–south direction, and
partially retained. The semi-weathered granite horizon is relatively granite regolith and REE deposits are also controlled by the spreading of
loose, sporadically containing hard granite inclusions and granite granite belts; in the lateral basin-mountain system, granite regolith is
spherical weathering residue. Rocks in this horizon can retain the more developed in the gently sloping parts of low and high mountain
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 5. A descriptive model of iREE deposits in West Yunnan, China (modified from Zhou et al., 2020).
hills in the basin-mountain transition zone, and iREE deposits are hosted Tengchong granite belt, Fe, Mg, Ti, MnO, and REE are enriched to
in them (Zhang et al., 2018). The extensive vegetation cover, abundant different degrees from the semi-weathered layer to the fully weathered
precipitation, dry and wet climatic environment, and favorable topo layer, while Ca, Na, K, and P are migrated out to different degrees
graphic and geomorphological features result with the regolith in the (Zhang et al., 2019). In most ore-bearing granite regolith of the Lincang
Tengchong granite belt relatively developed, and the thickness of the granite belt, Na, K, Mg, Fe, Ca are migrated out with increasing
granite regolith is mostly 20–30 m (Zhang et al., 2018), and the thickest weathering degree, and Al and Si are mostly retained in situ (Lu et al.,
can exceed 40 m. The Lincang granite belt experienced Triassic orogenic 2019).
uplift, and the influence of climatic factors may be more obvious, Corresponding to the elemental changes, minerals in the granite host
resulting in granite regolith and REE deposits mostly concentrated in rock are decomposed during weathering, and secondary minerals are
low-latitude areas. The granite regolith is also the product of the balance also formed. The clay minerals in the granite regolith of REE deposits in
between weathering and denudation, and its spreading characteristics the Lincang granite belt are also mainly kaolinite, followed by a small
are controlled by the influence of surface precipitation and river dis amount of illite, montmorillonite, vermiculite, and chlorite. Vermiculite
tribution, resulting in a variety of forms of regolith spreading. The in is mainly found in the upper part of the full-weathered granite horizon,
fluence of surface water and rivers on the spreading of granite regolith in and chlorite is mainly distributed in the full-weathered granite horizon
the Lincang-Menghai area is particularly obvious. The thickness of and below; the content of kaolinite gradually decreases from the surfi
weathering crusts in the Lincang granite belt varies significantly from cial humic horizon to the fully weathered layer, while the content of
north to south, with the thickness of granite weathering crusts mostly illite and montmorillonite gradually increases (Lu et al., 2020).
ranging from 1 to 3 m near Fengqing County in the northern section;
near Lincang City, the thickness of REE ore hosting granite regolith
mostly ranges from 5 to 20 m, and the local thickness can exceed 30 m 3.4. Metamorphism and alteration characteristics
(Lu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2018); the thickness of mineralized granite
regolith in Menghai area mostly exceeds 10 m (Zhang et al., 2020), and The iREE ores are hosted by granite regolith, it is difficult to identify
the thickest can exceed 40 m. The thickness of the weathering crust is a their structure and mineral composition directly because the original
sign of the intensity of weathering (Zhang, 1990), and the thickness of rocks are weathered, and their metamorphic and alteration information
the granite regolith gradually increases from north to south, indicating a can only be judged by the adjacent parent rock outcrops. The Tengchong
gradual increase of weathering. block is controlled by intra-land slip shear (Xu et al., 2015), and the
The thickness of the granite regolith has a positive relationship to adjacent granites have been mylonitized to different degrees, and some
REE mineralization. In the Tengchong granite belt, the larger granite rocks have developed silicification, and zircon radiogenic lead in the
regolith usually has greater thickness and hosts the larger REE deposits, granites have been lost to some extent, indicating that the mylonitized
and REE ore body grade is relatively higher (Zhang et al., 2018); the granites have been affected by late magmatic-hydrothermal and meta
higher grade and larger scale REE deposits in the Lincang granite belt are morphic thermal events (Lin et al., 2014). REE deposits produced close
distributed in the southern end of the Lincang granite belt (Zhang et al., to the ductile shear zone, such as the Tuguanzhai, the Longan, and the
2020), which are also hosted in those thicker granite regoliths. series of rare earth ores produced within the Banggunjianshan granite
batholith, perhaps have been significantly affected by ductile shear
metamorphism in their ore-forming host rocks. The development of
3.3. REEs migration and mineral composition changes during weathering pegmatite and other hydrothermal veins is also a typical feature of
newly discovered REE deposits in western Yunnan, and pegmatite veins
The material composition of the granite regolith is controlled by the can be seen in the parent granite rocks or regolith of REE deposits in
parent granite rock components and the chemical weathering experi western Yunnan. Multiple hydrothermal veins containing beryl-
enced. Meanwhile, elements in the granite regolith were enriched or lost tourmaline-fluorite pegmatite or fluorite veins are developed in the
in the weathering process due to the difference in their geochemical depth of some REE deposits (e.g., Jianshan foot rare earth ore) (Li et al.,
properties. For example, in the Tuguanzhai REE deposit of the 2014). Some of the REE deposits (e.g., the Jianshanjiao REE deposit) are
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Table 1
XRD analysis results of mineral composition of granite regolith in drilling hole HCZ008 of the Tuganzhai iREE deposit, Lianghe County, Yunnan Province.
Sample Mineral content (%)
quartz K-feldspar plagioclase calcite dolomite siderite magnesite hematite anhydrite anatase diaspore gibbsite TCCM
HCZ008-H1 41.6 18.2 \ 1.4 2.5 \ \ 1.2 2.7 \ 5.0 3.3 24.1
HCZ008-H2 29.0 26.2 1.0 1.0 4.4 0.7 2.1 \ 2.0 \ 10.1 4.1 19.4
HCZ008-H3 36.8 25.7 \ 1.7 3.8 \ 3.9 1.7 \ 5.4 3.6 17.4
HCZ008-H5 25.5 26.4 \ 2.2 4.5 \ 1.2 3.2 \ 8.1 \ 28.9
HCZ008-H7 33.3 30.7 \ 2.5 5.5 \ 1.3 4.3 \ 7.4 1.0 14.0
HCZ008-H9 26.1 34.5 \ 2.1 4.5 1.9 \ 3.0 \ 6.1 \ 21.8
HCZ008-H11 32.3 27.2 \ 1.7 5.8 \ 2.6 3.5 \ 4.6 \ 22.3
HCZ008-H13 27.1 39.2 5.0 2.1 5.1 \ 1.0 2.9 \ 5.2 \ 12.4
HCZ008-H14 32.3 11.5 9.8 \ 2.5 2.6 \ \ 11.3 \ \ 30.0
HCZ008-H16 28.6 6.8 20.6 \ 4.3 1.4 \ 2.0 4.9 2.0 \ 29.4
Note: TCCM-Total content of clay minerals; The mineralogical phases were determined by optical microscopic observation and powder X-ray diffraction spectrometry
(XRD). The XRD measurements were carried out at Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources using a D8 advance diffractometer equipped with a Cu-target
tube and a curved graphite monochromator, operating at 40 kV and 40 mA. Samples were step-scanned from 3◦ to 45◦ with a step size of 0.02◦ (2θ). The analytical
procedures follow the method described by Chinese National Standard SY/T5163-2010 (Zeng et al., 2010).
developed at the surface and outskirt of tin and rare metal deposits (e.g., thickness of the weathered crust is positively correlated with the
the Xinqi tin and rare metal deposit), and multiple hydrothermal veins enrichment of REEs (Zhang et al., 2018; Zhang, 1990). In the relatively
such as beryl-tourmaline-fluorite pegmatite veins or fluorite veins are high mountainous area, the enrichment of REEs is weaker due to the
developed. The granite batholith in the Lincang-Menghai area, which lower degree of weathering; in the gully area, the surface water and
has a high potential for rare earth ore search, is widely developed with groundwater are abundant, the denudation rate is high, and the REEs are
pegmatite veins, and hydrothermal alteration is inevitable in all granites depleted by migration.
adjacent to hydrothermal veins. In western Yunnan, REEs are gradually enriched from the surface
down to the top of the fully weathered layer, generally reaching the
3.5. Mineralization characteristics highest grade in the upper part of the fully weathered granite horizon;
the REE grade gradually decreases from the fully weathered granite
It is generally believed that iREEs ores are adsorbed by clay minerals horizon to the semi-weathered granite horizon and granite bedrock.
and can be extracted by ion exchange. The process of REEs being Usually, in West Yunnan, the percentage of LREEs is 70–80% of the total
enriched in granite regolith gradually is the process of REEs minerali REE content, and low to 40–50% in some deposits. The REE composition
zation, the fugacity state of REEs in clay minerals is not yet clear (Zhou in REE deposits inherits the REE composition characteristics of the
et al., 2020), and the quantitative evaluation of REEs enrichment is more parent granite rock (e.g., the Tuganzhai REE deposit of the Tengchong
difficult to identify by visual observation. REE ore bodies are produced granite belt, Zhang et al., 2019; the Pagong-Suhu REE deposit of the
in the middle of the granite regolith in a stratified form, mainly in the Lincang granite belt, Fig. 5), but the REE ore grades are all higher than
full-weathered granite horizon, and REE ore bodies can be extended into the REE content of the granite parent rock, indicating that the epigenetic
the lower part of the pedolith horizon and the upper part of the semi- process has an obvious enrichment effect on REEs. In the epigenetic
weathered granite horizon in some deposits. The REE ore bodies are process, the geochemical behavior of different REEs is different, and the
stably produced in parallel to the topography at a similar altitude; in the enrichment degree is also obviously different. The LREEs are enriched in
transition zone of the basin and mountains, the REE ore bodies are the shallow part and vary greatly in the superficial pedolith horizon,
controlled by the topographic undulations. Within the same deposit, the which can be higher or lower than the bedrock layer (Lu et al., 2019;
Table 2
XRD analysis results of clay minerals (TCCM) composition of granite regolith in drilling hole HCZ008 of the Tuganzhai iREE deposit, Lianghe County, Yunnan Province.
Samples The relative content of clay minerals(%) Mixed-layer ratio(%S)
kaolinite chlorite illite smectite illite–smectite mixed-layer chlorite -smectite mixed- illite–smectite mixed-layer chlorite -smectite mixed-
mineral layer mineral mineral layer mineral
HCZ008- 47 34 9 / 10 / 6 /
HCZ008- 46 32 5 / 6 11 5 10
HCZ008- 92 / 6 / 2 / 5 /
HCZ008- 43 33 6 / 18 / 5 /
HCZ008- 70 / 9 / 21 / 5 /
HCZ008- 44 / 20 / 36 / 5 /
HCZ008- 46 / 25 / 29 / 5 /
HCZ008- 54 / 18 / 28 / 5 /
HCZ008- 12 27 14 2 45 / 54 /
HCZ008- 9 12 15 14 50 / 46 /
Note: Analytical technique and method are the same as those listed in Table 1.
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Zhang et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2019), but much higher than the China. IREE deposits in South China are mainly produced at altitudes
bedrock in both the fully weathered and semi-weathered granite hori below 500 m (Li et al., 2017), and iREE deposits in western Yunnan can
zons. The HREEs are mostly enriched gradually in the fully weathered produce an altitude of 1000–2500 m (Lu et al., 2020), concentrated in
granite horizon, but the enrichment ratio is weaker than that of LREEs 1100–1800 m. Consequently, iREE deposits in South China are located
(Lu et al, 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). in the hilltops and hillsides in hilly landscapes, and iREE deposits in
western Yunnan are mainly produced in the hillsides in the basin-
4. Sampling and analytical methods mountain transition zone. The parent rocks of iREE deposits in west
ern Yunnan are all biotite monzogranites. Differently, there are many
As iREE deposits are produced in granite regolith, it is e difficult to types of metallogenic parent rocks of iREE deposits in south China.
collect fresh granite samples in iREE deposits. Adjacent granites with Muscovite and/or two-mica alkaline granites and syenites are common
outcrops are widely studied, and the published data are summarized and parent rocks of HREE-enriched iREE deposits, intermediate granodio
used as a basis for discussion. In response to the shortcomings of pre rite, and quartz monzonite are usually parent rocks of Eu-enriched iREE
vious studies and metallogenic features of iREE deposits, drilling core deposit, and monzogranites are parent rocks of LREE-enriched iREE
samples taken from complete granite regolith and thicker ore body were deposit (Wang et al., 2017). There are some differences in weathering
analyzed by X-ray powder crystal diffraction. Sample HCZ008-H1 was profile structure, near the same latitude, the granite weathering regolith
collected from the surficial humic horizon, sample HCZ008-H2 was is relatively thin in western Yunnan. Humic horizon within regolith
collected from the pedolith horizon, samples from HCZ008-H3 to hosting iREE deposits in western Yunnan is thin or missing, the full-
HCZ008-H13 were collected from the full-weathered granite horizon, weathered granite horizon is thicker and accounts for the main part of
and sample HCZ008-H14 and HCZ008-H14 were collected from the the weathering crust, the pedolith horizon, and the semi-weathered
semi-weathered granite horizon. granite horizon is thinner. In southern China, the humic horizon is
The mineralogical phases were determined by optical microscopic mostly present, the semi-weathered horizon is thicker and can be locally
observation and powder X-ray diffraction spectrometry (XRD). The XRD comparable to the thickness of the full-weathered horizon (Zhao et al,
measurements were carried out at Chongqing Institute of Geology and 2017). The REE ore bodies in the iREE deposits in the Tengchong granite
Mineral Resources using a D8 ADVANCE diffractometer equipped with a belt are mainly produced in the full-weathered horizon, although REE
Cu-target tube and a curved graphite monochromator, operating at 40 ore bodies can extend into the pedolith or the semi-weathered granite
kV and 40 mA. Samples were step-scanned from 3◦ to 45◦ with a step size horizons partly; the REE ore bodies in the iREE in the Lincang granite
of 0.02◦ (2θ). The analytical procedures follow the method described by belt are mainly produced in the full-weathered horizon, suggesting that
Chinese National Standard SY/T5163-2010 (Zeng et al., 2010). the occurrence of REE ore bodies within iREE deposits in the Western
Yunnan are generally stable. REE ore bodies vary greatly in the regolith
5. Results in southern China, and more than 5 models were proposed (Wang et al,
2017; Zhao et al, 2017). The REE ore body can usually span the pedolith,
The mineral composition taken from drilling hole HCZ008 of the full-weathered, and the semi-weathered granite horizons levels
Tuganzhai iREE deposit analyzed by X-ray is listed in Table 1 and longitudinally, and its grade varied greatly. The REE metallogenic metal
Table 2. species in western Yunnan are dominated by LREE, and the content of
The data of mineral content (Table 1) shows that plagioclase was HREE is mostly around 30%, and some of them can reach 40~50%.
almost completely decomposed during weathering, and orthoclase was Although the iREE deposits in south China are mainly LREE deposits,
partially decomposed, forming secondary minerals such as calcite, HREE deposits are also widely distributed (Li et al., 2017), which may be
gypsum, magnesite, hematite, diaspore, clay minerals. As accessory closely related to a variety of parent rocks.
minerals, only anatase is found to disappear with the degree of weath
ering (Table 1). Due to the presence of dark minerals such as biotite and 6.2. Metallogenic factors of iREE deposits
hornblende in the parent granite rock, because of the chemical insta
bility of dark minerals, combined with the characteristics of field ob 6.2.1. The controlling effects of parent granite rocks
servations, it is presumed that partial weathering and decomposition The content and partition of REEs in parent granite rocks have a very
may have also occurred. important effect on REE mineralization. Parent granite rocks with higher
The relative content of clay minerals in Table 2 shows that the newly REE mineral content are more likely to be mineralized in their regolith.
generated clay minerals are dominated by kaolinite, followed by chlo For example, the Banggunjianshan and Polunshan granite batholith,
rite, and a small amount of illite and illite/smectite mix-layered min which are located in the south of the Tengchong Granite Belt, are
erals. From the granite bedrock upward to the full-weathered granite immediately adjacent granite batholiths (Fig. 2), formed in the Eocene
horizon, the relative content of kaolinite gradually increases with (ca. 50 Ma) and Paleocene (62–67 Ma), respectively (Wu, 2014; Wu et
increasing weathering degree, and the relative content of illite and illite/ al, 2015; Zhao et al., 2017). The total REEs of the productive Eocene
smectite mix-layered minerals is higher in the early stage of weathering, Banggunjianshan granite batholith are mostly higher than 300 ppm
and the proportion gradually decreases with increasing weathering de (Wu, 2014; Wu et al, 2015; Zhao, 2017; Zhao et al., 2017), while the
gree. Chlorite is present in the bedrock to the semi-weathered granite total REEs content of the barren Paleocene Polunshan granite batholith
horizon and in the upper part of the full-weathered granite horizon to ranges from 204 to 288 ppm (Wu, 2014; Wu et al, 2015; Zhao, 2017;
the pedolith horizon. Zhao et al., 2017), which is significantly lower than that of the granites
in the Banggunjianshan granite batholith. The similar geographical
6. Discussion location determines that the two granite rocks have a similar external
natural environment with similar weathering conditions. All of these
6.1. Comparison of iREE deposits in western Yunnan and southern China newly discovered iREE deposits are produced in the regolith of the
Banggunjianshan granite batholith, while the regolith of the Polunshan
Although iREE deposits in western Yunnan and southern China are granite batholith is barren. Meanwhile, the intrusive ages of ca.50 Ma,
both produced in the regolith, and in the two regions they have some and the REEs higher than 300 ppm of the monzogranite may be in
differences in topographic terrain, ore-forming parent rocks, thickness, dicators of productive parent granite of the iREE deposits in the Teng
and structure of regolith, ore body output location, and ore-forming REE chong Granite Belt. Although the detailed geochemical granite parent
metal species. The difference in occurring altitude is the most obvious rocks of the Lincang granite batholith are still ambiguous due to the
difference between the iREE deposits in western Yunnan and southern thick surface cover, the REE contents of the granite parent rocks are also
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
higher than 300 ppm (e.g. Zeng et al., 2019). 2021), but hydrothermal activity can alter these strongly resistant to
The composition and elemental partition of REEs in iREE deposits are weathering minerals into weakly resistant to weathering minerals (Bern
inherited from the parent granite rock, and HREE deposits are mostly et al., 2017), thus, hydrothermal alteration of REE-bearing minerals in
produced in granite regolith where the parent granite rock is relatively parent rocks plays an important role in its mineralization. During
enriched in HREEs, and LREE deposits are mostly produced in granite weathering, fluorocarbonates are more easily dissolved in acidic
regolith where the parent granite rock is relatively enriched in LREEs (Li aqueous solutions relative to silicate, oxide, and phosphate minerals
et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2020). The percentage of LREEs of total REEs (Sanematsu and Watanabe, 2016).
content in Banggunjianshan granite batholith varies from 72.91% to Metamorphism has an influential role in the weathering of REE-
89.96% (Wu, 2014; Zhao, 2017; Zhao et al., 2017), mainly concentrated bearing minerals, the mylonitization process can cause mineral frag
around 80%, and the percentage of LREEs of total REEs content in the mentation, metamorphic hydrothermal fluids can also alter some REE-
granite regolith above the Banggunjianshan granite batholith is containing accessory minerals into weakly resistant to weathering
77.67–85. 71%. The percentage of LREEs of total REEs in the granite of minerals. For example, allanite and titanite, which act as the main REE
Xinhuaxiang is 74.63–79.31% (Lin et al., 2014), with 88.47% of LREEs host minerals in granites, can be was replaced by bastnaesite (Giere and
of total REEs in its granite regolith from the Tuganzhai REE deposit. The Sorensen, 2004) and anatase + calcite + bastnaesite (Middleton et al.,
percentage of LREEs of total REEs in the granite of Jianshanjiao granite 2013), bastnaesite and other REE-bearing fluorocarbonates are easily
is 42.79–86.44% (with lower LREEs partition in muscovite granites, Li dissolved in acidic surface water environments (Sanematsu et al., 2015),
et al., 2014), which produced the Jianshanjiao REE deposit in its rego but direct evidence is more difficult to obtain due to weathering. The
lith with 88.27% of LREEs of total REEs. In the Menghai area, the per distribution of iREE deposits along the shear zone in the Tengchong
centage of LREEs of total REEs in the granite is 71.63–89.37% (Catlos granite belt may indicate the controlling role of deformation meta
et al., 2017; Dong et al., 2013), and that is 65.80% to 84.70% in the morphism on iREE mineralization, away from the ductile shear zone,
series of regolith-hosted REE deposits. The above-mentioned REE even if the parent rock has high REE content and strong weathering, it is
partition data in parent granite rocks and related regolith-hosted REE more difficult to form economic deposits (e.g., basalt volcanic rocks in
deposits show that the iREE ores inherited the REE partition charac the Tengchong block, Zeng et al., 2021).
teristics of the parent granite rocks. Moreover, the REE deposits pro REEs migrate in hydrothermal fluids mainly with complex migration
duced near the ductile shear zone (e.g., the series of the of Cl-, F- and CO2–3 (Migdisov et al., 2009; Tsay et al., 2014; Xu et al.,
Bangguanjianshan granite regolith-hosted REE deposits and the 2017), and hydrothermal activity can activate and enrich REEs (Mig
Tuganzhai REE deposit) are more enriched in LREEs than the parent disov et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2017). Most of the tourmaline containing
granite rocks, and the REE deposits containing pegmatite veins (e.g., the pegmatite veins associated with some REE deposits in western Yunnan is
granite regolith-hosted REE deposits in the Menghai area) are usually widely developed, indicating that hydrothermal fluids are rich in vola
more enriched in HREEs than the parent granite rocks. tile fractions such as fluorine and have the basis for enrichment of REEs.
The evolution and mineral composition of parent granite rocks also The REE content in the granite parent rocks of the associated pegmatite
have a significant influence on the elemental partitioning of iREE de veins is generally lower than the granite parent rocks without hydro
posits. Parent granite rocks in the Tengchong granite belt are concen thermal alteration, which may indicate that the hydrothermal activity
trated in the emplacement of ca.50 Ma, controlled by the subduction activated and carried REEs to join, and realized the pre-enrichment of
rollback of the Neotethyan slab, and formed by magma mixing between REEs. Besides the granite host rocks with high REEs content near the
upwelling mafic and felsic magmas (Ma et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2018). mylonite belt, the granite parent rocks with lower REE content in the
These parent monzogranites formed late-stage of the late regional associated pegmatite veins can also be weathered to mineralization,
magmatism, and have relatively high REE content gained by the cu showing the difference in the metallogenic ability of different geological
mulative effect of multi-stages magmatic-hydrothermal evolution. characteristics of the granite parent rocks, i.e. metamorphism may only
Muscovite granite parent rocks are significantly enriched in HREEs than change the REE-bearing mineral species in the host rocks, while
biotite granites (Sanematsu and Watanabe, 2016). For example, the (La/ magmatic-hydrothermal activity may provide more REEs sources, which
Y)N values of muscovite granites from the Zudong HREE deposit in is more conducive to mineralization.
Longnan County, Jiangxi Province is merely 0.31 to 0.95 (Huang et al.,
1989), and the biotite granite in the adjacent area has a significantly 6.2.3. The influence of epigenesis on mineralization
higher (La/Y)N value (He et al., 2017; Huang et al., 1989), the muscovite As a product of epigenesis, iREE deposits are controlled by different
granite parent rocks may be a key element in the formation of the epigenetic geological effects, including weathering, erosion, and
Zudong HREE deposit (Sanematsu and Watanabe, 2016; Zhou et al., groundwater migration (Zhou et al., 2020). The Tengchong granite belt
2020), while the muscovite granites are usually formed by high degree in western Yunnan is located in a tropical-subtropical monsoon climate
magmatic evolution. In the Jueyeba REE deposit, located in the south of zone, with an average annual temperature of 18–20 ◦ C and annual
the Tengchong granite belt, muscovite granite and pegmatite veins are rainfall between 1400 and 1700 mm. The hot, humid, wet, and dry
distinguished within the parent rocks, which probably resulted in the climatic environment is conducive to weathering (Sanematsu and
relatively low LREE partitioning in the REE ore. Watanabe, 2016), especially the chemical weathering rate, which in
creases with increasing rainfall and temperature (Gislason et al., 2009).
6.2.2. Metamorphism and alteration of parent granite rocks and the Meanwhile, weakly acidic atmospheric precipitation can carry organic
influence on REE mineralization acids from surface humus downward (Nesbitt and Markovics, 1997) and
The REE enrichment characteristics of iREE deposits are not only furtherly accelerate the chemical weathering. Stronger chemical
controlled by the geochemical properties of the parent rocks but also weathering contributes to the chemical weathering of granite-forming
controlled to a certain extent by the category of REE-bearing minerals in minerals and paragenetic minerals, which facilitates the decomposi
the parent rock (Zhou et al., 2020), which can affect not only the tion of REE-bearing minerals, and the dissociation and migration of REE
mineralization but also the elemental partition of iREE deposits. The ions (Bao and Zhao, 2008; Zhou et al., 2020).
main rock-forming minerals in the granite parent rock, such as feldspar Hosted by granite regolith, the formation and preservation of which
and mica, contain REEs, mainly LREEs; HREEs are mainly contained in are essential for iREE mineralization, and granite regolith is formed in
accessory minerals, including xenotime, monazite, zircon, and sphene, areas where weathering and denudation are in balance (Li et al., 2017).
allanite, apatite, fluorine carbonates. Some REE-bearing minerals such Crustal uplift increases the denudation energy of various epigenetic
as monazite, phosphorite, and zircon are strongly resistant to weath forces (such as water, gravity, Zhou et al., 2020), accelerates the overall
ering and are difficult to form iREE bearing minerals (Huang et al., denudation rate, and is positively correlated with surface denudation
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
(West et al., 2005). The western Yunnan region has experienced multiple easy decomposition of fluorocarbonate at low temperature can provide
stages of tectonic evolution, and the crust has been uplifted several REE ions for ore formation. Meanwhile, the presence of F- helps
times, especially during the Cenozoic, with a relatively high elevation decompose REE-bearing minerals such as titanite and allanite into easily
and strong physical weathering and denudation. At the same time, the weathered REE-bearing fluorocarbonates (Sanematsu and Watanabe,
western Yunnan region is located in a subtropical monsoon climate and 2016).
rich surface vegetation cover, with strong chemical weathering. Ce can Taking the Tuguanzhai REE deposit in the Tengchong granite belt
be converted from Ce3+ to Ce4+ in a relatively oxidized environment and ore as an example, XRD analysis shows (Table 1 and Table 2) that the K-
easily form Ce-bearing minerals or precipitate in Fe-Mn hydroxides, feldspar gradually decreases with depth from bottom to top of the
which result in Ce enrichment in the weathered surface horizon and Ce HCZ008 drilling hole, plagioclase only appears in the semi-weathered
deficit in the subsurface horizon (Bao and Zhao, 2008; Sanematsu and granite horizon and deeper, indicating that controlled by the differ
Watanabe, 2016), and Ce anomalies can be used as an indicator of ence of weathering resistance, the main source of clay minerals is
weathering and denudation rate. In western Yunnan, the REE deposits in plagioclase weathering, and a small amount comes from K-feldspar
the Tengchong and the Lincang Granite Belt are produced at high alti weathering. Calcite, dolomite, magnesite, and other carbonate minerals
tudes areas (up to 2500 m, Lu et al., 2019), negative Ce anomalies are have a trend of increasing and then decreasing from the pedolith horizon
abundant in the surface horizon(mostly 0–3 m) from the continuous REE through the fully weathered to the semi-weathered granite horizons,
composition data of drill hole samples (Lu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., calcite and magnesite are not found in the semi-weathered granite ho
2019), Positive Ce anomalies are locally found (Lu et al., 2019), indi rizon, which indicates that the aqueous solution of the granite regolith is
cating that the surface REE-rich zones are mostly denuded, and the rich in CO2–
3 , especially in the shallow of granite regolith. Anhydrite has
denudation rate is faster in western Yunnan, which is different from the a similar change pattern to carbonate minerals, which also indicates the
weathering and denudation characteristics of iREE deposits in southern presence of SO2-4 in the solution. Diaspore appears in the pedolith and the
China (Bao and Zhao, 2008). Compared with these REE deposits, surface fully weathered granite horizons, which may be the product of feldspar
samples from drilling holes of REE deposits produced in the Menghai weathering. In addition, abundant anatase (4.9–11.3%) was found in the
area have more positive Ce anomalies (Fig. 5), indicating that the semi-weathered granite horizon, which may be a product of titanite
regional denudation rate is relatively slow in the Menghai area, which is weathering (Middleton et al., 2013); anatase disappears in the shallow
perhaps closely related to the relatively gentle topography in the region. part, indicating that anatase was decomposed in weathering.
Affected by Cenozoic the large-scale strike-slip tectonic movement From the pedolith horizon downward to the semi-weathered granite
and subsequently strong weathering and denudation, the western horizon, clay minerals have irregular changes in content, with the
Yunnan area has formed low and gentle hills and gentle slopes and content range between 12% and 30% (Table 2). Kaolinite proportion in
ridges on both sides and around the “gully-valley-basin” and the pe total clay minerals tends to gradually decrease from shallow to deep, and
riphery, which can be roughly divided into three topography types, i.e. the relative content is mostly 40~50% in the pedolith horizon to fully
the Quaternary basins, the basin-mountain transition zones, and the weathered granite horizon and decreases to less than 10% in the semi-
high hill or mountain areas. Furthermore, the basin-mountain transition weathered granite horizon. The proportion of mixed layered illite/
zones can be subdivided into low-mountain hilly areas and steep smectite and illite gradually increases from shallow to deep. Chlorite
mountain areas. IREE deposits in West Yunnan are invariably located in only has higher relative content in the surface layer and deep, and
gently sloping terrain areas of low-mountain hilly areas and high hill or almost disappears in full-weathered granite horizon. There is a positive
mountain areas (Zhang et al., 2018). Especially sloping areas of low- correlation between kaolinite content and REE grade, which may indi
mountain hilly areas, where are productive for large and high-grade cate that kaolinite is the main clay adsorption mineral. In the relatively
IREE deposits. The gently sloping terrain areas are relatively easy to low kaolinite content part, the REE grade still reaches 700 ppm, indi
preserve the granite regolith by rain and gravity, which is a necessary cating that illite and montmorillonite also have REE ion adsorption
condition for iREE deposit formation. Meanwhile, the strong chemical ability, but are weaker than kaolinite. In addition, some of the parent
weathering in the region results in high REEs geochemical background rocks enriched in LREEs in western Yunnan can form HREE deposits
in the granite belt in the region. Therefore, within the granite belt of (>50% heavy rare earth content), such as the Yingpanshan REE deposit
western Yunnan, which has high REE content parent rocks and a high in the Tengchong granite belt and the Linpaipo REE deposit in the Lin
chemical weathering intensity environment, the areas favorable to the cang granite belt, which may indicate that the differential adsorption of
preserve granite regolith are favorable for iREE deposit formation. clay minerals on REEs can significantly affect the REE partitioning of
Consequently, iREE deposits are distributed as clusters and belts. ion-absorption type REE deposit.
The groundwater in the environment of the Tengchong granite belt is
6.2.4. The composition of granite regolith and its influence on REE rich in anions such as CO2− 2−
3 , SO4 , which contributes to the dissociation
migration and mineralization of REE-bearing minerals and the migration of REE ions. According to
The accessory minerals in granites usually contain more than 70% of weathering resistance, REE-bearing silicate minerals (such as titanite
the total REEs (Bao and Zhao, 2008). Although the main rock-forming and allanite) were gradually altered and decomposed. The decomposed
minerals such as feldspar, quartz, and mica contain less REEs, weath REE-bearing fluorocarbonate and altered silicate minerals during
ering of rock-forming minerals such as Na- and K-feldspar, and plagio weathering are the possible main sources of REE ions, while the
clase in feldspathic magmatic rocks will form a large number of clay decomposed rock-forming minerals (such as plagioclase and dark min
minerals such as halloysite and kaolinite with high surface area, high erals) are the secondary sources of REE ions. Kaolinite is the main clay
porosity, and low cleanliness, which promotes the absorption of REEs (Li mineral adsorbed by REE ions, while some other clay minerals (such as
and Zhou, 2020; Zhou et al., 2020). Therefore, the weathering of illite and montmorillonite) are also involved in the adsorption of REE
accessory minerals mainly determines the source of REEs, while the ions. The grades of REE in the fully weathered granite horizon are
weathering of main rock-forming minerals affects the process of rare significantly higher, which indicates that the infiltration of REE ele
earth element adsorption. Based on the weathering resistance of REE- ments with the soil solution is an important mechanism for the REEs
bearing minerals, they can be divided into three groups, i.e., strongly enrichment.
weathering-resistant REE minerals (such as zircon, xenotime), moder
ately weathering-resistant REE minerals (such as fergusonite, monazite, 6.3. Metallogenic mechanism of iREE minerals
allanite), and weakly weathering-resistant REE minerals (such as bast
naesite and other fluorocarbonates) (Bao and Zhao, 2008; Cheng, 1993). West Yunnan has experienced multiple stages of collision orogeny. In
The F- presence plays an important role in iREE mineralization, and the the late plate collision orogeny, a series of crust-derived granites were
X. Zhu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 148 (2022) 104984
Fig. 6. A regional metallogenic model of iREE deposits in West Yunnan, China (modified from Brady and Weil, 2017).
formed. Some of these monzogranites have high REE content, and some The main granite belts in western Yunnan have high mountain hilly
of them contain magmatic-hydrothermal veins that increase the REE terrain and suffer strong weathering. Hosted by granite regolith, the
content. The above two types of granites are the main parent rocks of iREE deposits are mostly dispersed distributed on the surface of granite
REE deposits in western Yunnan (Fig. 6a). Controlled by the collision of belts and both sides of the regional strike-slip fractures, granite parent
the Asian-European and Indian plates, the western Yunnan region was rocks and the regional strike-slip shear accompanied by metamorphism
extruded and uplifted (Xu et al., 2015), with strong weathering and have controlling effects on REE mineralization. The iREE deposits are
erosion. Affected by the metamorphic hydrothermal activity associated often produced in the granite regolith where pegmatite veins are
with the regional large-scale strike-slip movement or late-stage hydro developed and in the granite regolith on the periphery of tin and rare
thermal activity during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution, the REE- metal deposits, which may indicate that magmatic-hydrothermal ac
bearing minerals within the granite were altered into weakly resistant tivity resulting in hydrothermal alteration is a favorable process for iREE
to weathering REE-bearing minerals, which laid the main material basis deposit mineralization.
for iREE mineralization (Fig. 6b). Along with crustal uplift, the crust- Granite parent rocks with high REE content, metamorphic or
derived granite was uplifted and eroded to surface exposure. magmatic-hydrothermal activity, hot and humid climate, gentle topog
West Yunnan is located in a subtropical monsoon climate zone. The raphy, large scale, and thick granite regolith are all favorable factors for
humid, hot, alternating dry and rainy environment, and rich vegetation iREE deposits formation in western Yunnan, southwest China. Multiple
are not only conducive to weathering, but also an acidic surface water phases of magmatism occurred forming widely distributed high REE
environment, which can accelerate the weathering and decomposition content granite rocks, moreover, the climatic environment is favorable,
of granite parent rocks and REE-bearing minerals. Weathered granite and weathering is strong, highlighting the potential the large potential
forms a granite regolith in a favorable terrain area where weathering for REE mineralization and the prospective iREE exploration area in the
and denudation rates are balanced. REEs are dissociated from minerals western Yunnan, southwest China.
and accompanied by downward infiltration and migration of aqueous
solutions. During the downward migration, REE ions with high atomic Declaration of Competing Interest
weight and high atomic value are adsorbed and fixed by kaolinite-
dominated clay minerals, which were formed by weathering and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
decomposition of feldspathic minerals. The cumulative absorption of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
REE ions by clay minerals continuously promoted REE enrichment (He the work reported in this paper.
et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2013) and gradually enriched to form REE ores
(Fig. 6c). Located at the periphery of the strike-slip fault zones, granite Acknowledgment
batholiths with high rare earth element content or rich in hydrothermal
veins, combined with the tropical-subtropical humid, hot and rainy This research was supported by China Geological Survey Projects
environment, covered by abundant vegetation, is preferred to form iREE (DD20179604, DD20160346, DD20190379).
deposits on the surface. IREE deposits are usually located in the basin-
mountain transition zone, where the terrain is low and gentle (Fig. 6). Appendix A. Supplementary data
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