Observation Task 5
Observation Task 5
Observation Task 5
Observe an English language lesson. If possible, try to obtain term/topic plans and a lesson plan.
Make notes about what the teacher does and photograph (with permission) and note what the
children do in each of the stages of the lesson. Create a table which clearly illustrates this.
Main 5E
She gives all the girls I think this
e.g. a paper and ask they part of lesson
consolidating to draw their is important
the target
themselves and their The student start because the
through family and write the they draw and talk student
activities. name of this about their family should talk
member ‘if it brother and they draw an and write
or sister’. great things and about their
they use their real life and
imagination to do use their
their best. imagination
that will help
them to be
End of The student is very
lesson/plen exciting to talk and
ary 5E This part is
share with their
important for
Review / On end of the friend with their
the teacher
Assessment assessment the draw and tell them
to know that
e.g. teacher collect the about their
all the
Reviewing the papers from the families.
session and student
girls and ask on girl
‘finishing off’ know about
the lesson. from each group to the lesson
tell the rest of the and they get
class about her the idea
family and show
them her draw.